
Beautiful couple photos. Photo shoot Love Story (40 poses). "I'm crazy about you, you are dear to my heart"


Love owns nothing and does not want anyone to own it .... And do not think that you can rule the ways of love, for if love deems you worthy, it will direct your path. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

"Love on the Boardwalk" door Vanessa Paxton

Love one another, but don't turn love into chains. Let it rather be an exciting sea between the shores of your souls. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

"City Love" door JJ Jackson

To love means to tirelessly fight against thousands of obstacles in ourselves and around us. Jean Anouille

"- Couple -" by Hendrik Gassmann

Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only it, only love keeps and moves life. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

"Poetic Walk" by Ryan Brenizer

There is true chivalry in the human heart: it is capable of loving. Chivalrous behavior grows from the depths of the heart. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"Autumn Love" by Steve Hallman

The first love of uncorrupted youth is always directed towards the sublime. Nature seems to want that one sex sensually perceives the good and beautiful in the other. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"Happy Moment" by Tomasz Wagner

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit! Johann Friedrich Schiller

"Silhouettes of Love" by Akos Kiss

It always seems that they love us because we are good. And we do not guess that they love us because those who love us are good. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

"Midnight Kiss" door Mag Hood

To love is to live the life of the one you love. Only he is free who no one and nothing can prevent from doing what he wants. There is only one such thing - to love. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

"When the World Is Quiet" by Barbara Cameron

True love you can find out by how much a person becomes better from it, and also by how much it brightens the soul from it. Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev

"Love in the Rain" van Renaissance Studios

Love humbles proud hearts, teaches arrogant leniency, but its main property is to elevate and ennoble everything. Mayne Reid

"Love and Sunset" by Jesse James Photography

The consequences of love are always the same - new person! I'm not talking about a child, but about people who love, because this feeling renews the soul, makes people different, better, more beautiful. Maksim Gorky

"Lyndsey & Ryan" door Mike Villa

Let people see the kindness shining in your face, in your eyes and in your friendly greeting. Let's all be one heart, one love. Mother Teresa

"Views" by Shaun Baker

The person you love in me is, of course, better than me: I'm not like that. But you love, and I will try to be better than myself. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

"Night Escape" by Elmo1314

Love always comes from the depths of the soul, always unites people and never divides. Patty Sand

"Way of Lovers" by romin lee johnson

Great is the secret of the merging of two loving souls: each takes the best from the other, but only in order to return this gift, adorned with love. Romain Rolland

"All the World at Your Feet" by Eric Cote

No pretense can either hide love where it is, or show it where it is not. François de La Rochefoucauld

"And Rain and Snow" by Ryan Brenizer

In warm weather, all living things grow, in cold weather, everything dies. Those who are cold in heart will not be able to know joy, even if the grace of Heaven overshadows them. Only those who have a warm heart can experience boundless happiness and eternal love. Hong Zicheng

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It is not easy for every man to express certain feelings in words, and then body language comes to the rescue.

Want to know what hugs can reveal about your relationship? We are in website already all found out - rather read.

1. Hug from the back

A strong hug from the back indicates that a person is ready to protect you from all adversity, and is not afraid to take on responsibility and obligations. He real knight You will definitely feel safe next to him.

2. Hug around the waist

Even if a man has not yet confessed his feelings to you, this hug speaks for itself: he literally lost his head from love. He is unarmed in front of you and wants to spend as much time together as possible. But be careful: such men are often too amorous and changeable.

3. Hug with a pat on the back

This hug is more associated with friendly relations than with love. If you are just friends, then a romantic continuation is unlikely to happen: he will support, listen, but do not expect mutual feelings. If this is the only hug that your young man prefers, then it’s worth considering: it seems that he is not dating you because of great love and is not going to reciprocate.

4. Hug and eye to eye

If he hugs you incredibly gently and delicately, and then looks directly into your eyes, then be sure: this is a symbol of a real, deep connection between people. He values ​​you very much, and everything that happens with relationships in this moment is truly important and valuable to him. Such relationships have a future and, perhaps, a very happy one.

5. Embrace "London Bridge"

There is a “pioneer distance” between you, and the hug itself turns out to be somehow crumpled and as if only out of politeness? You don't seem to digest each other, but you're trying to save face. Why masks? If a person is unpleasant to you, a dry nod will be enough. Although, there are exceptions: if you came to a family dinner and met a mischievous uncle, this type of hug can be very useful to you.

6. Long hug

This hug is probably familiar to everyone: we need it so much when we need the support of a loved one. Without further ado, it goes on and on, and the soul becomes a little easier: believe me, this man is ready to be with you both in sorrow and in joy, and this is very, very important.

7. One arm hug

If your young man loves to hug you by the shoulder, then in this way he takes you under his wing and seeks to protect you from any adversity. If you are only friends, then in this way a man offers his help and support. But if a girl hugs a guy like that (and especially at parting), then you know - most likely, she perceives you only as good friend and the relationship will no longer work.

Love is one of the most wonderful things in our lives. It gives people unforgettable and very strong emotions. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a couple in love.

How to draw a couple in love with a pencil

Most often, love can be seen in gentle touches and even more often in kisses. Therefore, in this example, we will draw a kissing couple in love. Get your pencils, paper and eraser ready!

Our couple will be in a horizontal position, that is, in a prone position. For convenience, you can circle them with squares, just do not press too hard on the pencil. So, we draw the head of a boy and a girl.

Now let's draw their torsos and arms. The girl's hand will lie on the guy's neck, and the guy's hand on the girl's waist.

We detail the entire drawing. We draw hair, eyes, folds on clothes and so on.

We continue to work on small details, such as the back pocket of the trousers. Also, press a little harder on the pencil and trace the lines.

Erase all extra lines and the drawing is ready.

How to draw kissing lovers

Let's take a closer look at the moment of the kiss in a little more detail and a little closer.

Our heroes will stand in profile, so first we will draw the face and head of the girl, and then the guy.

Draw the contours of the head.

We work on the head of the guy, it will turn out a little more than the female head.

We draw the neck and shoulders of one and the other character.

We draw the hair of our heroes. Please note that the hair has some volume, so the extreme contour should be a little further from the shape of the head.

Hooray, the drawing is ready!

How to draw a couple in love step by step

Not always loving friend other people kiss. Sometimes they do other things too, like hugging :)

First, let's draw the skeleton of our drawing. The girl strains on her lover, hugs and tightens her legs.

Let's draw the girl's face and her hair. The man's face will not be visible, only part of the back of the head and hairstyle will be visible, so we will draw only the hair.

We are working on the hands. It's simple, they hug each other.

We go down below and detail the bodies of our characters.

We finish the legs. They look a bit like Hippies because their trousers flare out at the bottom.


Draw the hands of lovers

Hands holding each other is also quite an intimate moment, so we will draw them :)

So, first we will depict the upper hand, and then the lower one. We make a simple sketch.

The brush needs to get a more human look, so draw another curved line. Also, let's draw four bent fingers.

Do not press too hard on the pencil when you outline the fingers, as there will be fingers of the second person's hand on top of them :)

We finish the other side.

We draw the second hand, its base, of course, should go on the other side.

We erase everything superfluous and our drawing is ready!

Video lessons

Photo shoot Love Story This is, literally, a love story. It is chosen by couples in love to give each other a gift or just have a good time in the company of a photographer.
In photographs of couples in love, the main thing is to show the connection, interaction and feelings of two people. Usually these are passionate and deep feelings that make the pictures of couples romantic, filled with tenderness and love, or positive and cheerful.

Traditionally photoshoot Love Story perceived as preparatory photography before the wedding. Such pre-wedding photography is the best opportunity to rehearse the most romantic options before the main celebration. A couple in love can fill their lives with new unusual colors and sensations, making any photo fantasies come true.

2. Ask the couple to stand very close to each other so you can capture close-ups of their closeness. Don't be afraid to zoom in or crop too much when editing!

3. A very light and soulful pose when a young man hugs a girl from behind. The couple may look directly at the camera or at each other. They may even kiss for a more emotional shot.

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4. Joyful and sensual pose, when she hugs him from behind behind his back and shoulders. Pay attention to the position of the hands: it should be simple and natural.

5. Another variation of the previous posture. Remember that the couple does not have to look at the camera. For best results, get them to interact with each other through conversation, flirtatious looks, laughter, etc.

6. Create a romantic mood. It is best to work outdoors with a view of the horizon in the background. Shoot a little behind. Try to shoot from such an angle that the eyes of the lovers can be seen.

7. Find some high ground and photograph your subjects from above. The most common pose in a picture from an unusual angle is always creative and very often rewards the photographer with surprisingly great shots.

8. Another gentle pose. It works best on the street against the backdrop of open space. It will also be beneficial to look at the silhouette on a bright background, for example, against the backdrop of a sunset.

9. Cheerful and positive posture. An important element is the position of her legs. Each leg should bend at a different angle. It is desirable to take a picture at the moment when he picks it up.

10. The couple lies on the ground/grass, gently looking into each other's eyes and possibly smiling.

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11. Good example how two people can be well and asymmetrically positioned in the frame. Although, you can try without the asymmetry of the position.

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12. An informal and fun way to pose for a couple is lying on your back.

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14. Very good way show feelings - the moment of the meeting.

15. Another option for a fun and positive pose. Try different framing, take full-length, waist-length and close-up photos.

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16. Easy to implement pose - full length photo. Creates a calm and sensual mood. Try cropping the image to the waist.

17. Photograph a couple walking hand in hand from a distance.

18. Never forget that there is always the possibility of a good shot when you simply photograph models from behind.

19. This pose is similar to the previous one. But this time the couple walks in an embrace, although you can not walk, but just stay in place, lightly embracing.

20. Ask the couple to get very close to each other. Shooting is in profile. Lovers can kiss or just touch their foreheads.

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21. Playful and flirty pose. The young man, leaning slightly towards the girl, wants to kiss her when she tries to evade at that moment.

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22. The hands of two crossed hands create a heart. Close-up!

23. Delicate shot with an asymmetrical arrangement of people.

Nikolai Shemarov

24. You can greatly diversify the number of working poses if you use all the possibilities presented at the shooting location. In this example, the young man uses a tree as a support, and the girl leans on his shoulder.

25. Simple and natural pose. The couple kiss while sitting. Try to take a picture both close-up and from a distance.

26. Pretty simple but interesting pose. The young man hugs the girl around the waist, and she crosses her hands behind his head. Shooting is carried out in profile.

27. Intimate and sensual pose. Make sure you capture both of their eyes (even if they are closed), otherwise your photo may lack feeling.

28. To take this shot, ask the couple to hug each other very tightly and kiss. He can even lift it up a little.

29. Another version of the pose when he hugs her from behind. The pose only works when there is emotion or a kiss.

Karina Bondarenko

30. To show an emotional connection in a photograph, ask the couple to stand very close to each other. Shooting is in profile. This pose looks best when the lovers have their eyes closed, and he gently kisses her on the forehead.

Anotherlook Studio

31. A full-length shot of a kissing couple. You can vary your posture various ideas, for example, as in this example.

32. Ask a couple to show you what “falling in love” looks like. It is likely that they themselves will pose for you in one way or another.