
Interesting names for New Year's events. What to do promotions to attract customers. Examples of the best promotions


Who is not familiar with the situation when a good, interesting, exciting scenario of an event is written, an exhibition of drawings or handicrafts is framed, but the name is not invented in any way ... But often it is the well-chosen name of the event that can arouse the audience's interest and desire to visit it.

What should be the name of the event?

First, it must be suitable.

For example, for an exhibition of decorative and applied art, such names as:

"City of masters",

"Skillful fingers ",

"Man-Made Miracles"

"Challenge of Talents".

If the exhibition is dedicated to a certain type of arts and crafts, this can also be emphasized in the title, for example:

- "Forge of Happiness"(exhibition of forged products),

- "Songs of the potter's wheel"(exhibition of clay products)

- "Poem about a tree"(artistic woodcarving),

- "White Fairy Tale"(lace weaving).

If we are preparing professional holiday, you can make sure that the profession is guessed in the title:

- for the Day of the medical worker -"Ambulance cult-help", "Recipe for a good mood"

- for Builder's Day:"Foundation of Happiness", "Home Hearths"

- for the Day of the motorist:"Wheel of Fortune", "The Roads We Choose"

- for the Day of Agricultural Workers:"Birch Festival", "Golden Wheat", "Hands smelling of bread", etc.

It is wrong to start work on an event with a name. In the beginning, you need to decide on the topic and idea, then it will be much easier to come up with a name. Let's take an example. Working on a script for a competitive game program for children's event dedicated international day protection of children, first you need to develop the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday, sketch out a scenario plan, and then, based on the idea, focus on the name. For example: the idea to dedicate an event to introduce children to the culture different countries: with games, proverbs and sayings, symbols, can be called "Around the World in One Summer", "Journey to the Land of Childhood", etc.

Secondly, it's good if the title is figurative . Usually a person perceives the image most easily, so you can try to create a “picture” in your imagination with the help of words. For example, in our country there is a festival called "Maypole", poetry feast "Chamomile Russia", competition of children's and youth creativity "Snowdrop".

Third, you can create symbolic name: here a dictionary of symbols will provide an invaluable service. For example, from it we learn that:

spark - symbolizes the soul;

labyrinth - mystery, mystery;

ray - creative energy;

crane - longevity, wisdom, honor;

dolphin - salvation, speed, power of the sea;

mountain - spiritual height, rise, aspiration;

bridge - union;

dawn - hope and youth;

a candle - a lonely human soul;

lyre - poetic inspiration.

So, using the last symbol, you can choose a name for a poetry competition, for example "Golden Lyre", "I dedicated the lyre to my people" etc.

Fourth, the name can be intriguing . In this case, it should be suitable for the event, but not "reveal all the cards." An example would be the name of a program "Movie, movie, movie», "It was about..."

"Tryam, hello!" etc.

Try to play with words, for example, replace boring adjectives with nouns. So, if we are talking about an exhibition of lacemakers, let it not be called " fabulous lace, and « Lace fairy tale»; if about an exhibition of pottery, then - not " miraculous clay" and "Miracles potter's wheel » ; about the exhibition of craftswomen-embroiderers - not " magical threads, and "Magic at the tip of the needle."

It is important, in addition to the common name, to try to rename the form of the event itself, so that it also arouses interest. Moreover, its content may not change. Remember how in Gerald Bezhanov's film "The Most Charming and Attractive" the main character bakes a cake "Tea" but comes up with a romantic name for it "Maestro". Try to do the same and instead of the boring "competitive game programs" and "quizzes" name events fabulous cruise"Flying ship" or travel game"Around the World in One Summer". Agree, it sounds more interesting.

Where can I find a name for an event?

1. Since the name consists of words - it is useful to seek help from word masters - poets, writers, journalists . Often a line from a poem can be used as a title. For example, for a holiday dedicated to March 8 - And the ice melts, and the heart melts, for Valentine's Day - "I am defeated, love, by your power." A line from a song "Where does childhood go?" would be a good name for High school prom at school. Movie name: Mark Zakharov "Ordinary Miracle" suitable for the festival of amateur art of the disabled.

2. You will find many ideas in prose: fairy tales, novels, stories. It is useful to recall literary characters or literary images, such as Scarlet Sails, Blue bird, Scarlet flower, Flower-Semitsvetik, Lukomorye. Great scope for finding a suitable name is represented by myths: ancient Greek, myths of the ancient Slavs.

3. Journalists are masters at coming up with catchy headlines. Therefore, reading articles on various cultural events, pay attention to the headlines and write out the most beautiful and interesting ones. In the future, they may be useful to you.

For example: "See the world with your heart"(an article about the festival of creativity of disabled children), "Parade of Fantasy"(about the exhibition of arts and crafts), "New Dawn of an Old Friendship"(about the holiday of national cultures),

"Heart to Heart"(about the international festival folk art) etc

4. Next source - quotes and sayings outstanding personalities: writers, politicians, teachers, philosophers, etc. Quotations are usually long, so you need to choose keywords from them for the title.

For example, from P. Beranger’s statement “A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles”, a name for a holiday can be obtained, dedicated to the Day mothers - "An inexhaustible source of miracles." And from the statement of Pliny the Elder, “Home is where your heart is” – the name of the event dedicated to the family.

5. Ordinary sensible dictionaries. We are not able to remember all the words, many of them are forgotten due to the fact that they are used infrequently.

6. If you urgently need to come up with a name, and only a telephone directory is at hand, I suggest you use helper words. The original name of them, unfortunately, will not work, but still better than nothing.

7. Another option - to one of the words below, you simply substitute a hero, an object, or some concept (from your event).

ü Visiting(we substitute the hero depending on the theme of the event - "Visiting Santa Claus", Lesovichka, Cinderella, etc.)

ü Celebration(Russian scarf, childhood, sun, friends, books).

ü Adventure (sunbeams, snowman, etc.)

ü In the realm(flora and fauna, fantasy, spring, love)

ü ABC(health, soldier, parents)

ü Travel(on an airplane carpet, to the country of childhood, etc.)

ü Gold(th, th) ("Golden Thread" - a competition of fashion designers, "Golden Pen" - poets, writers, journalists)

ü Music, melody(summer, love, soul, heart, nature)

ü Fairy tale(s)(forests, seas, winter fairy tale)

8. If you have a lot of time, try using association method .

For example, you come up with names for the holiday of March 8. What do you associate it with? Write down everything that comes to mind.

warm bouquet the beauty a heart care music

perfection feelings of tenderness

When the fantasy is exhausted, try to make a name from the recorded words.

For example:

1. Bouquet of the most tender feelings

2. If spring lives in the heart

3. Oh, women, your name is perfection!

The more associative chains you create, the greater the choice of words for the name will be. During this work, you can ask various questions: “What do women like”, “What are their main qualities”, etc. Write down the answers.

Helpful Hints

1. Avoid overused titles like

o “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”

o "Bread is the head of everything"

o “My years are my wealth”

o "Love is submissive to all ages"

o "Say no to drugs"

o "In healthy body– a healthy mind”, etc.

By themselves, these names are good, but they are used so often that they have lost their originality.

2. It is better if the name does not begin with prepositions. For example, theatrical and concert programs were held in our region: “And the song also fought”, “And for the sake of life on earth”. The title must be short. Don't make it too long.

3. The name should contain some thought, avoid names that do not say anything, for example, “At my Russia” (Day of Unity of Russia). This begs the question: “What exactly does my Russia have?”

4. Do not forget to separate the appeal in the titles with commas: “Walk , Cossack", "Hello , cute little farm."

5. Do not use the well-known truths “Sport is health”, “Drunkenness is poison!”.

6. Do not focus on the negative word in the title, for example, "Narcotic dope." In the name, good should triumph over evil - "I choose life."

Examples of successful and unsuccessful names

Lucky titles:

o Children fabulous performance"Fairy of the Ice Tale"

o Children's drawing competition "Draws frost patterns"

o Evening of a meeting with WWII veterans - Ogoniok "Through the eyes of those who were in battle"

o Literary and musical composition "No, the war of legend has not gone away"

o Children's theatrical Easter program "Rejoice, earth!"

o Children's gatherings "Children walk in winter Christmas time"

o Poetry evening "In the labyrinths of the soul"

Bad names:

· Thematic program"Touch your heart to the feat"

Sports and game program "Family duel"

· game program for children "Snowy winter"

New Year's performance "Wrong Fairy Tale"

New Year's entertainment"Sing with us"

Children's game program "Epiphany Day"

Theme evening "We are friends and sing - we live without drugs"

Competitive entertainment program "My second mother"

Children's entertainment program "Let's have fun"

Oral magazine "About beer alcoholism"

Planning is coming and with it New Year holidays. Maybe someone will find this list useful.
1. Happy New Year's Eve…
2. Tales of great Dzeda Maroz
3. Vyasely New Year
4. Let's believe tsudam
5. Long live Belarusian Dzed Maroz
6. Dzed Maroz on the street
7. Dzedy Maroza of rose lands
8. Dzivosy and jumpers in the navagodnі forest
9. Winter charms
10. Kali pass the New Year
11. Good fun
12. New Year's Eve
13. Navagodniya jumping
14. Defile
15. Navagodnaya mosaic
16. New Year for the little ones

17. New year-hour charm
18. New year! New year! All the people cheered!
19. New Year - an hour of riddles and jumps
20. Fall of the New Year - not without jumps
21. Pachyna New Year, I ask for ў Karagod!
22. Holy of the Lord and Nadze
23. Serpantsin for fun
24. At the Candle of Christmas Trees
25. Who are you, what are you, New Year!
26. Tsud charouny - New Year
27. Yak Susvet Sutrakae New Year
28. Waiting for the New Year
29. Introduction to Frost Science, or how Santa Claus appeared
30. Have fun, have fun celebrating the New Year
31. Snowflake Party
32. Around the world with Santa Claus
33. Magic land of Santa Claus
34. Magic chest of Santa Claus
35. Magical New Year
36. Magic gift New Year
37. The magic of New Year's ideas
38. Magic for the New Year
39. Bad advice from Santa Claus
40. New Year's time
41. All the colors of the New Year
42. Everything shines with a New Year's mood
43. Dreams at the Christmas tree
44. Christmas tree lights fires
45. Tree from childhood
46. ​​Yolkin's tricks
47. Christmas trees-sticks-New Year!
48. Christmas tree-needles
49. New Year is knocking on us
50. How people of all earthly latitudes celebrate the New Year
51. When the Christmas trees are lit
52. When miracles come!
53. Chest of New Year's Miracles
54. The world celebrates the New Year
55. New Year's fireworks
56. Extraordinary expedition according to New Year's traditions
57. New Year's assortment
58. New Year's feast
59. New Year's meetings
60. New Year's meetings: from the past to the future
61. New Year's adventures or the magic has just begun
62. New Year's igrograd
63. New Year's Kaleidoscope
64. New Year's book ball ...
65. New Year's cruise
66. New Year's forest - a place of miracles
67. New Year's marathon
68. New Year's Eve
69. New Year's gift
70. New Year's ring
71. New Year's ferry
72. Christmas carousel
73. New Year's fairy tale
74. New Year's mystery
75. New Year's guessing game
76. Christmas fantasy
77. New Year's miracle
78. New Year - time for a good fairy tale!
79. New Year with friends
80. New Year is coming!
81. New Year has come to visit us!
82. New Year walks the planet
83. New Year, New Year - calls to a good fairy tale
84. New Year: from salad to fireworks
85. Once Upon a Time in the Snow Kingdom
86. Where does the New Year come from?
87. Very New Year
88. Planet Ice
89. Christmas tree gatherings
90. Christmas tree holiday
91. Journey to the New Year
92. Journey to the country of New Year
93. Travel around the world in the New Year
94. The kindest Christmas tree
95. Northern fairy tale
96. Snow fairy tale
97. Snow heroes
98. Dream on New Year's Eve
99. Flying trees
100. Miracles at the Christmas tree

One of the most burning topics for owners and marketers of any business is promotions.

What would you think of to increase sales and start making legends about business? There is a way, you can not even think of it.

You can just take the finished one, add your own, and get a chic promotion. Where to take? From the list below. There are more than 15 ideas for every taste and willingness to take risks


Before we move on to a specific list of stocks, I want to warn you that everything should be in moderation. You can't live on stocks alone, just as you can't live without them at all.

Everything should be fine in your company:, and other important elements of a successful company.

After your business becomes harmonious enough, you can move on to promotions.

Although they all have their own goals, there is a common and main one - this is to attract attention and smooth out the corners to making a purchase decision. But if your salesperson “Petya” messes up and does not work with, then there will be no money in the cash register.

I also want to say that if you are planning to hold an action, you need to promote it well (this is certainly good, but not enough).

You need to use enough, otherwise you will prematurely conclude that customer acquisition promotions do not work and in general it is not yours.

For example, you can notify visitors to your site about a promotion using an online consultant.

Or if you are actively using Instagram to promote your business, then the “Direct Mailing” function from the Tooligram program can help you communicate information about promotions.

And another moment, people get tired of the same type of promotions, besides, with their constant holding, they begin to attribute you to a company that winds up prices, and then throws them off. Therefore, you take breaks, or do not include new collections in promotional goods.

Action performance (nerves of steel)

And now, when the word on the road has been issued, we can start. Let's start with those who have strong nerves and who are not afraid to take risks. These are the most interesting, eye-catching and customer-attracting unusual promotions.

In this section, I will rather describe to you the approach (strategy) with examples, since not everything is so simple. And here you will see ready-made examples below.

One of the most successful, memorable and increasing sales was the promotion of the well-known Euroset store - come naked and get a cell phone for free.

The effect was designed primarily for shocking. Since then, in one way or another, all the store owners who have the courage to promote their store at the expense of human greed have been trying to repeat this action.

A recent example is a sports store in Germany that ran a similar promotion on its opening day.

You could come and get dressed from head to toe in whatever you want in the allotted time. Absolutely free. True, it was small condition- You should have come completely naked.

Moreover, a business does not have to be big and famous in order to hold such an action in a store.

For example, in Irkutsk, at the opening of a small youth clothing store, an action was held - tear the jeans / trousers that you have now and choose new ones for free.

A married couple lived in one of the IKEA stores for almost a month. They slept there, cooked, ate and even bathed. A lot of people came to look at these outstanding people (read, eccentrics).

How do you think it affected this store? You think right, it affected 😉

We have covered the performance of the action in more detail in a separate article. Be sure to study it if you are hooked by such a reckless technique. Only when implementing, think not only short-term, but also long-term, how it will affect your business.

Almost a freebie

Quite an old example of a successful promotion. The Technoshock store started selling video cassettes at cost (half the price, almost at a loss), talking about it very aggressively. Cassettes did not have time to deliver to the store.

Crowds of people stood to buy a cheap videotape. And at the same time they were sold a new VCR, TV, antennas and much more.

This promotion is applicable to almost any business. All that is required of you is to find in your company and start attracting people to it.

It is not necessary to sell it at a loss, you can simply earn nothing on it. But you must do it.

Quite a freebie

We arranged a similar promotion in our client's store. Handed out socks for free. Good, quality socks and completely free.

And you don't even have to buy anything. Just walk in, fill out and get your own pair of socks. You may begin to swear that you will not give away anything for free. So evaluate the whole idea.

Firstly, we gave away socks for free, which cost us 20 rubles (quite a little), and this figure was much more profitable in terms of advertising, since from other sources of advertising, one visitor gave us at least 35 rubles.

Plus, you yourself understand that in addition to socks, a discount was offered at the moment for the main assortment, a coupon for a repeat purchase, in general, a lot of things. The result is an increased customer base and promotion, with more than 400 percent.

Or here is another example of a good implementation. The target audience will react exactly.

Freebie promotion example

treasure hunt

Quite an unusual and interesting action. Pawn / bury a valuable treasure somewhere. The location of the promotion can be, for example, a shopping center where your store is located, or even the whole city.

As soon as the treasure is found, news will be released about it (for example, in) and information will be given about the next one.

So, for example, did one bank. They put dozens of treasures with a real gold coin and began to actively promote it. There were also successful cases for a food delivery service.

Certificates were hidden for a year and a search was arranged with the help of radio presenters. People are very willing to get involved in such promotional games and promotions, because they love interactive.

Give a discount / gift to the client for what he rolls on the dice. You can even make a staged game. For example, if a person throws it once, he is guaranteed to receive a gift of up to 1000 rubles.

And if he throws three times and scores more than the n-th value, he will receive a super prize, or even remain empty-handed.

A variant of the super-game from the field of miracles. By the way, instead of cubes, there may be a spinning drum. The rules for conducting are already at your discretion and imagination.

An example of a Cubes promotion


Standard shares

Therefore, there is no need to wrestle with what actions can be carried out and which ones will not work. For the most part, they are designed for discounts and play on one of the main feelings of a person - the desire to save money, to buy profitably (not to be confused with greed).

Two for the price of one (three for the price of two)

A standard promotion launched in most grocery and retail clothing stores. Buying two/three items, you get the third one for free. Ideal for services.

Install a stretch ceiling in 2 rooms and receive installation in the hallway as a gift. Buy 2 apartments, get a parking space as a gift (what if!).

Example of a two-for-one promotion

This type of promotion is a good alternative to a discount. And we even implemented this approach in the wholesale business.

But as you already understood, there it was not about pieces, but about containers. But in this way we succeeded significantly, and this is one of the main indicators when holding actions.

Discount on certain products

100% You have seen products with red/yellow price tags. Such a targeted promotion is actively used by retail stores.

But their services are undeservedly ignored, although with a large assortment, this is almost a gold mine for them.

When we talk about a "colored" price tag, it does not have to be a discount. You can go the other way and make a purchase without markup / without VAT / at wholesale prices.

Or just a promotion for one of the positions, for example: “Changing the oil in a car is free! You only pay for the materials.”

And it's not just about the windows. You can highlight items in the price list or on the website with special colors.

And just an example of how we achieved an increase in sales through the study of the price list (including color), read in the article.

12.30 "Miracle New Year's toys». New Year's party for the little ones, baby tree.

sq. Victory, 1

13.00 Concert New Year's songs under the guitar. Performances by students and teachers
MBU DO "Children's School of Music No. 1 im. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov.
st. Governor Shuisky, 2

13.00 "Christmas surprises". Concert of folk song studio "Gorenka".
MBU DO "Children's School of Arts in Pskov",
st. Oleg Koshevoy, 8

14.00 "In the realm of the glorious Frost." New Year's musical fantasy on fairy-tale themes with the participation of the first classes of the choral department of the MBU DO "Children's School of Arts in Pskov".
st. Oleg Koshevoy, 8

17.00 "A glorious holiday at the main Christmas tree." City opening Christmas tree. Festive show.
Oktyabrskaya Square

18.30 Fireworks.
Oktyabrskaya Square

MBUK "House of Officers",
st. Komdiva Kirsanova, 5

13.30 "How the Minions celebrated the New Year." Interactive presentation around the Christmas tree.
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

MBUK "House of Officers",
st. Komdiva Kirsanova, 5

13.30 "Christmas tree shines with lights." New Year assortment.

st. Alyokhina, 20

Library opening hours:
"Symbol of the Year - 2020". Exhibition-competition creative works.

st. Anniversary, 87-a

10.00 "Miracles on New Year's Eve." Interactive program based on the book by Yulia Ivanova "Journey through the Christmas tree".
Children's library "LiK",
October pr., 21

12.00 "Mouse stories". interactive program.
Children's ecological library "Rainbow",
st. Novoselov, 11

16.00 “And we have a New Year! The tree is calling for a visit! New Year's Quest.
Library "Spring" them. S.A. Zolottsev,
st. Labor, 20

12.15 "On the threshold - the New Year." Game program with elements of theatricalization.
Library - Center for Children's Reading,
st. Roza Luxembourg, 23

17.00 "Angelology of Maria Vorobyova". Opening of the exhibition textile doll theater artist M. Vorobieva.

st. Horse, 6

18.00 "Young talents". New Year's celebratory event with the participation of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
MBU DO "Children's Music School No. 2 named after. M.P. Mussorgsky,
st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 21

Library opening hours:
"Christmas is a celebration of winter fairy tales." Christmas Readings.

Library opening hours:
"Books - events 2019". Citywide exhibition-view.
Libraries MAUK "TsBS" Pskov

"Winter cartoon fireworks". Viewing and discussion of winter cartoons.
Libraries of MAUK "TsBS" of Pskov, working with children

MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

17.00 "Hello, New Year's holiday." Interactive game, dedicated to the New Year, in the club "Meetings on Zavelichie".
Library - Center for Communication and Information. I.N. Grigorieva,
st. Anniversary, 87-a

17.00 "New Year's lace". Holiday get-togethers.
Library of the microdistrict Ovsische,
st. Alyokhina, 20

17.00 Reporting concert of the variety ensemble "Talantika" MBU DO "Children's Music School No. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov.
Concert Hall of MBU DO "Children's Music School No. 5",
st. Communal, 48

17.00 "The whole world is a stage." Opening of an art exhibition by Ivan Nesvetailo and Tatyana Nega (based on Christmas stories in world literature).
Central City Library,
st. Horse, 6

18.30 "Youth". New Year's disco.

October pr., 34

New Year's Fair.
Pushkin street

12.00 "Mysterious guests of Orion". Festive New Year's program for children and adults.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

13.00 "The New Year walks the planet." New Year's program for children with parents.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

14.00 "How the Minions celebrated the New Year." Interactive presentation around the Christmas tree.
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

18.00 "Come to us for a light." Festive new Year's Eve for people of elegant age in the Rio Rita dance club.
MP Pskov "GPKiO them. A.S. Pushkin,
October pr., 34

21.00 "Seeing off old year". New Year party.
MP Pskov "GPKiO them. A.S. Pushkin,
October pr., 34

MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

December 29th

10.30 "How the Minions celebrated the New Year." Interactive presentation around the Christmas tree.
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

12.00 "In search of a magic star." New Year's program for children with parents.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

12.00 " Good New Year spirit". Entertaining game program. Meeting at the weekend club "World of book ideas".
Children's library "LiK",
October pr., 21

13.00 "Adventures in Lapland". New Year's program for children with parents.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

16.00 "How Baba Yaga saved the fairy tale." Performance-fairy tale for adults and children (dir. M. Mokienko, St. Petersburg).
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

Library opening hours:
"Winter's Tale". Creativity Week.
Library "Dialogue",
st. Village, 15

16.00 "How Baba Yaga saved the fairy tale." Performance-fairy tale for adults and children (dir. M. Mokienko, St. Petersburg).
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

01.00 Magic New Year's Eve". Festive New Year's concert program.
Oktyabrskaya Square

03.00 New Year's fireworks.
Oktyabrskaya Square

10.30, 14.00 "How the Minions celebrated the New Year." Interactive presentation around the Christmas tree.
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

11.00, 14.00 "Mission" Snow Frigate ". A musical fairy tale-detective for children and parents performed by artists of the Youth Theater "Grotesque".
MBUK "House of Officers",
st. Komdiva Kirsanova, 5

12.30, 16.00 "Miracle of New Year's toys". New Year's party for the little ones, baby tree.
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

12.00 "H2New Year 20/20". Interactive entertainment program.
Branch of MBUK "City Cultural Center",
Riga pr., 64

12.00, 13.00 "Where did Santa Claus disappear, or the abduction of a cosmic scale." Premiere! New Year's program for children and adults.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

14.00 "Magic lights". Festive New Year's programs for children and adults.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

16.30 "Snow riot". New Year's disco.
MBUK "House of Officers",
st. Komdiva Kirsanova, 5

January 3 - 5

16.00 "How Baba Yaga saved the fairy tale." Performance-fairy tale for adults and children (dir. M. Mokienko, St. Petersburg).
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

12.00 "Where did Santa Claus disappear, or the abduction of a cosmic scale." Premiere! New Year's program for children and adults.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

13.00 "Magic lights". Festive New Year's program for children and adults.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

14.00 "Adventures in Lapland". Festive New Year's program for children and adults.
MBU "Planetarium",
st. Soviet, 64-a

18.00 Good evening! Good people!" Festive evening for elegant people.
MP Pskov "GPKiO them. A.S. Pushkin,
October pr., 34

21.00 "Waiting for Christmas". Festive evening.
MP Pskov "GPKiO them. A.S. Pushkin,
October pr., 34

16.00 New Year's meeting of library friends at the bookshelf.
Historical and Local Lore Library. I.I. Vasilyova,
Oktyabrsky pr., 19-a

17.00 "At Christmas, everyone is a little magician." Christmas program.
Central City Library,
st. Horse, 6

18.00 "Yolkin sticks". Concert of humor and laughter.
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1


14.00 "Adventures of Masha and Vitya". New Year's musical. creative project Dance theater "Russian Patterns" and children's vocal studio "Positive".
MBUK "House of Officers",
st. Komdiva Kirsanova, 5

18.00 "Like Christmas". Theatrical holiday program.
children's park

12.00 Christmas tree for the children of the Sunday school of the military church of Alexander Nevsky.
MBUK "House of Officers",
st. Komdiva Kirsanova, 5

12.00 Christmas concert with the participation of students and teachers of MBU DO "Children's Music School No. 5".
st. Communal, 48

18.00 Youth is eternal. Anniversary concert of the group "Old City".
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

12.00 "Christmas is knocking at the house." Performance by choir students MBU DO "Children's Music School No. 4".
Church of Joachim and Anna
st. Kalinina, 5

16.00 Christmas vocal ball with the participation of teachers, vocal ensembles, graduates and soloists of the concert choir "Harmony" MBU DO "Children's School of Arts in Pskov".
st. Oleg Koshevoy, 8

16.00 "In New Year with joy". Festive concert of the exemplary choreographic group of the ensemble "Joy".
MBUK "City Cultural Center", pl. Victory, 1

14.00 "The Scarlet Flower". Ballet-fairy tale of the exemplary group of the classical dance studio "The Nutcracker" named after. L. Izotova.
MBUK "City Cultural Center",
sq. Victory, 1

18.30 "The night before Christmas". Choreographic performance of the dance theater "Russian Patterns" based on the works of N. Gogol.
MBUK "House of Officers",
st. Komdiva Kirsanova, 5

17.00 "The night before Christmas". Choreographic performance of the dance theater "Russian Patterns" based on the works of N. Gogol.

MBUK "House of Officers",
st. Komdiva Kirsanova, 5

Marina Ivanovna Andreeva

April 22 in our kindergarten passed an unusual stock with an interesting title Give a smile to the world". In this stock children of the older groups took part. It was with great pleasure that they organized a flash mob accompanied by incendiary music.

In a good mood and eyes sparkling with happiness, the pupils distributed these air balloons with pretty smile, encouraged others to share good mood. All passers-by replied back smiles said words of gratitude. On their faces were really the most sincere emotions.

original purpose stock"Fill at least part of our city smiles and happiness"was completely fulfilled. On gray and sad days from prolonged rains and cold winds, such share needed. These little kids did it. Support us too!

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