
Strengthened diet. How to lose 30 pounds How to lose 30 pounds in a month


Good day! So I finally decided to write my weight loss story. At the moment I am still losing weight, and my ideal weight is not so far away!

At the beginning of the journey, I weighed as many as 105 kilograms. Not a frail number, that's how I launched myself. At the moment I am weighing 75 kilograms! Do you want to know how I did it? Read on.

On the right you can see three photos. The first two are before. The last one is after.

First, I would like to say why I decided to lose weight. The fact is that I never wanted to lose weight, I was too lazy. And I decided to lose weight because I fell in love! I so wanted to please my loved one, who did not even know me at that time, that I began to lose weight.

So, what did I do for six months, and how did I manage to lose 30 kg?

Paragraph 1. No diets and hunger strikes!

In all these six months, I have never been on a diet or starved. The only thing I have changed in my diet is that it has become more frequent and not as large portions as before. I ate absolutely everything. I drank diet Coca-Cola, allowed myself chocolates, cakes, and other sweets. The only thing I refused completely was white bread and seeds. Everything else I ate when I wanted to.

Point 2. Little workouts!

I never went to the gym. I did all the exercises at home. It takes a little time a day - in general, only about an hour and a half or less! What sets of exercises did I do:

1) "Lose Weight in 30 Days Jillian Michaels

I started losing weight with this program and did it for a month. Every day (except Saturday and Sunday) for half an hour.

2) Squats

I do squats every day, in the evening watching TV. From 100 squats. But when you're just starting out, do 20-50.

3) Jillian Michaels "No more problem areas"

With this, I replaced Jillian's previous program and am still doing it to this day. I have it instead of physical exercises!

4) Tamilee Webb.I "Want Those Buns"

Found this charger recently. I work out in the evening, only 15 minutes and tightened legs and buttocks will not keep you waiting! Do no more than three days a week, otherwise your legs will pump up.

I think now you are. Why do I eat what I want. Because the main emphasis in my weight loss is on mobility!

Girls, remember! No rigid diet will give such an excellent result as a measured, slow weight loss associated with physical activity!

Exercise not only helps burn fat, but also tightens the skin, strengthens muscles, and makes the body beautiful! Cellulite and bumps disappear! With diets NEVER don't get that result.

Point 3. Water!

Drink plenty of water. I think everyone who wants to lose weight has heard about it. Indeed, water does not frailly accelerate metabolism, and helps not only to lose weight but also makes the skin beautiful.

Item 4 (Optional). Baths with sea salt

Sometimes make baths with sea salt and add essential oil of orange, tangerine or lemon (15-20 drops). Such baths remove excess water and have a beneficial effect on the skin, contributing to weight loss. But remember that this is not a panacea for fat, it's just a nice addition to the basics.

Item 5 (Optional). Wraps

As well as baths, body wraps are an addition to the main weight loss. Wrapping has a beneficial effect on the skin and removes toxins. Leaves skin smooth & supple. I do wraps three times a week. First I made honey and cocoa, then vinegar, and now with salt.

That's my whole weight loss program. I started doing the last two points only a month ago, because I felt that it was time to tighten the skin. Thanks to all these simple manipulations, I lost 30 kg and continue to lose weight. I eat what I want, sport has already turned into fun for me. I feel great and continue to move towards my ideal weight.

Good luck girls! Do not drive yourself with strict diets, but lose weight correctly and for your pleasure!

Doctors say that with excess weight, its loss at the beginning of the diet occurs at high speeds, but if you decide to lose 30 kg in a month, you will not succeed. The rate of burning of accumulated fat has its limits:

  • with obesity in a month a person can lose weight by 6%;
  • at normal weight - by 3%.

These figures are based on your current body weight, so if you weigh 100 kg, you will only lose 6 kg in a month. To get rid of 30 kg, you will have to wait more than 5 months, because the next 6% are already counted from 94 kg, which will be 5.6 kg. Mostly, to reduce body weight by 30 kg, you have to make efforts within six months. If some kind of diet promises minus 30 kg per month, you can be sure that this is not fat. You will lose fluid, lose muscle mass, and in terms of weight, you can lose an unwanted amount of kilograms, but everything will return as soon as the diet is over.

Principles of healthy weight loss

The only reliable scheme on how to lose 30 kg so that everything lost does not come back is a balanced diet, supplemented by regular physical activity. Only by changing your eating habits can you be sure that your attempts to lose weight will not end in failure and new weight gain. This does not mean a chicken breast diet with lettuce for the rest of your life: you can afford a slice of pizza, and a cake, and popcorn at the movies with friends, but, firstly, when you can lose weight from overweight to normal. Secondly, in moderation.

Proper nutrition

The main products that prevent you from losing weight are simple carbohydrates and carcinogens: fried, fatty, sweet, flour, fast food. Soda and alcohol should also be included in this list, because. they inhibit the process of weight loss due to the presence of sugar and a number of other substances. Try to remove this part of the food from the diet and stay in this mode for at least a week, without infringing on yourself in any other way: you will see the first result of trying to lose weight. This is your first step, followed by adjustments to your diet, portion sizes, and food quality.

If you want to lose weight qualitatively, you will have to:

  • Calculate your individual daily calorie content and BJU.
  • Count the calories of each food and dish.
  • Drink clean water.
  • Love breakfast.
  • Make lunch nutritious and dinner light.
  • There are small portions, but every 2.5-3 hours to speed up the metabolism.
  • Focus on vegetables.
  • Avoid starvation.
  • Forget about frying food - start mastering the double boiler.

Physical exercise

If you are overweight, the gym is too bold a decision: you will have to start trying to lose weight with a simple walk, otherwise, firstly, you will acquire a hatred for training. Secondly, you will quickly “kill” the joints. No running, no jumping: walk first 20-25 minutes every day, then bring this time to 1-2 hours. As long as your weight is beyond normal, this load is enough to start pushing him down.

When you manage to lose weight and improve endurance (along with the state of the cardiovascular system) until there is no shortness of breath when walking fast, start to complicate the program:

  • In the morning, do simple half-hour gymnastics at an average pace.
  • Sign up for swimming, yoga or Pilates - these options for physical activity will not let you lose weight quickly, but will train your body well.
  • When you feel more resilient, start running (you can go to the gym), or go for aerobics: only cardio will help you lose weight to optimal values ​​​​(from 40 minutes at a time, up to 3 workouts per week).

How to lose 30 kg of excess weight

Open sources offer a lot of diets that promise to help you lose 30 kg in 3 months or even a shorter period. They suggest forgetting about salt, stop eating carbohydrates (i.e. switch only to protein), sit down on vegetables. However, the reviews that people who lose weight leave for these systems make it clear: losing weight too quickly gives the same instant rollback, and there is nothing better than the classic combination of a healthy diet with physical activity, plus patience.

Per month

There are mono-diets and schemes that prohibit eating complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats, leaving only plant foods on the menu. You can lose weight with their help, if we talk about weight: you will lose 15, 20 or 30 kg, depending on the initial body weight, but, firstly, your health will be dealt a serious blow. You can recover after such an attempt to lose weight (mainly the body's ability to take more complex foods than cucumber and carrots) for months. Secondly, it has already been mentioned above - it will be possible to lose weight through the loss of water, and it will return instantly.

For half a year

If you are not sure about the rapid weight loss and want to lose weight in six months without misfires, experts advise diluting the classic healthy diet with short "hungry" diets. Every 2 weeks, sit on kefir, buckwheat, green apples or other low-calorie foods for a day. You can try to lose weight in a day on the Brush salad - it also adjusts the weight well. The rest of the time you eat vegetables, dietary meat, seafood, fish, cereals, herbs. Try to eat fruits less often, because. It's sugar, albeit natural.

Girls, I set out to lose 30 kg by the New Year and, as an incentive, I collected a couple of stories from the Internet. Maybe it will be interesting to someone and also give an incentive.

I lost 27 kg. Hello! Two years ago I weighed 82 kg (height 167) The birth of 2 babies affected my figure with an extra 30 kg. At first I didn’t cycle on this, I thought the excess would go away quietly, but I was wrong. melt, "I began to take measures. At first I reduced the amount of food. I ate 4-5 times a day, but changed the plates to saucers. When the body got used to small portions, I began to arrange fasting days. Then I taught myself not to eat at night. In general, since February I lost 27 kg by July. I went to the sea 55 kg. In the summer, when my husband and I left the entrance of the granny, we didn’t greet us (we thought he left his wife with the children, but he brought this one ... into the house) And everything, for some reason, They asked if I was sick, As if they were losing weight only from illnesses.

I lost 30 kilos in 3 months. Jeans went from size 46 to size 36.
My diet.
Well, firstly, I am a man and I lost weight like a man!
1) Eat 2 times a day.
There is only when the hunt! (A little).
2) Always a feeling of slight hunger. You can satisfy with fat-free kefir.
3) Run from 2 to 4 km. (It is desirable to dress warmly and in the fresh air).

I lost 30 kg in a year. I simply excluded from the diet EVERYTHING flour, potatoes, fatty meat, butter, mayonnaise is also undesirable. At first it was difficult, then I got used to it. Improved condition of skin, hair, nails. Changed wardrobe!
I eat: vegetables, everything except potatoes, fruits, buckwheat, rice, mushrooms, chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, dairy: kefir, cottage cheese, milk, etc. I eat dried fruits (a little with tea).
And I eat anytime I feel like it :)

Hello everyone! Finally, I decided to write ... Well, yes, 40 kg. Not immediately, however, first by 30 in 6 months, and then by another 10 in one and a half. How? Briefly - a prehistory: from the 6th grade I sat at the same desk with my future husband, and love visited us at the same time. They met for 8 years, then got married to the joy of all friends (finally), and lived in marriage for 8.5 years. There was everything, now I see that there is less good than bad, but I always thought that it was necessary (lack of school marriages - it seems that everything is fine, you don’t know anything else) ... Naive fool. Well, my daughter was 4 years old, she was very sick for half a year, and my father didn’t have enough warmth at home ... He began to do all sorts of dirty tricks, I’m generally patient, while I’m patient, but if they get it badly ... In general, I suggested that he go and to live where recently he has often become - at the other. And despite the fact that she herself suggested that she got it a lot (scandals, tantrums, disappearances), she was very worried ... she was dying morally and emotionally ... And she weighed about 110 kg - a normal aunt, so wrapped up in everyday life. Well ... I forgot how to eat ... I didn’t eat at all - I drank coffee and smoked like a steam locomotive ... Thanks to my mother and friends - they were there all the time, at least they pushed something into me. Approximately 5 dumplings a day, or two pieces of sausage. Well, after a month of such a life, she suddenly woke up a little (well, figuratively, of course, she was with me all the time, I fed her normally, etc., etc. ...), and I thought: well, nifiga yourself! I'm 29 years old, I have a child - gold, I'm like nothing, and I lost a little weight ... Will I drive myself into a coffin because of all sorts of shit? And I liked it! Have a little liked! I stopped eating bread altogether, and generally began to eat little ... AND I WANTED TO LOSE WEIGHT! (probably, she was afraid to stay alone, I don’t know ...) It was summer, I was on vacation (a teacher at school), and when I went to work, they didn’t recognize me! A few males went in circles, swept their tails ... And I'm pleased! And as a result, I could not wear an autumn coat - it hung like on a hanger ... And it was not difficult for me to hold on, because I WANTED! I had to change the whole wardrobe, even underwear! And by the New Year I already weighed 75 kg, and by the next summer - 70. That's it. She filed for divorce herself, he did not want to - he smeared drunken tears and asked to return. She didn't let me. And she lost the remaining 10 kg thanks to a spectacle or protein diet - and again from unhappy love))). Only this is a completely different story, also very interesting. I had to occupy myself with something, so I took it with a diet, and again I WANTED and lost weight. Now I weigh 65 kg if I don’t relax, and a little more if I treat myself, my beloved, with pies and pancakes. What a thrill to shock people who have not seen you for a long time with their appearance! I'm crazy about the reaction! I love myself, I love my daughter, my health is in order (tfu-tfu), I still love my second unhappy love.

I lost 30 kilos
At the age of 27, I brought malaria from Africa, I had a temperature of 40 for almost a week. After that, health problems began, I gained a lot of weight, and lost weight only this year. My friend and spiritual teacher Vitaly Voskoboynikov helped me. He has very powerful prayers. He prayed for water, which I began to drink. Scientists have proven that water holds information that is pronounced above it. A lot depends on our consciousness. Thoughts can control many processes in the body. I started drinking a lot of water. And in three months I lost 25 kilograms without diets, without any gymnastics. And it was easy for me, I worked, filmed the series. The last five kilos came off by themselves, because I just plowed.

“Four years ago I weighed eighty-two kilograms, this is with my height of 158 centimeters. The reason for this, in general, was one - I "jammed" my dissatisfaction with life. At first, I spent ten years in an unhappy marriage, where there was almost no sex at all, and the further it went on, the clearer it became that this marriage should be ended.

It turned out to be not so easy, the divorce cost me tremendous strength, nerves and ... kilograms. When I received the coveted confirmation that I was a free man, I had already lost ten kilograms. I was so happy finding a new number on the scale and buying new clothes that almost immediately I began to celebrate my return to normal life with delicious food.

I love wine, I love sweets, chocolate, fried potatoes and French buttered rolls. I love pancakes with boiled condensed milk and tubes with cream. I really, really like to eat delicious food, drink deliciously and in general do not deny myself anything. In general, without denying myself anything, a year after the divorce, I reached eighty kilograms. I was sobered up by an attack of high blood sugar and a diagnosis of prediabetes.


The endocrinologist very harshly told me that a woman of my age (I was thirty-eight then) commits a crime with a child in her arms, crippling her health with immoderate gluttony. And that if I do not stop, I will get diabetes, and I may even die. Somehow it had a profound effect on me.

How to lose weight by 30 kg at home

I completely cut out added sugar, fruit, white flour, rice, potatoes, and alcohol. I walked a lot, seriously monitored the size of portions of food, ate exclusively by the hour, no snacks. I was allowed some rye flour, buckwheat or oatmeal (three tablespoons a day) and, in limited quantities, beans (beans, lentils, etc.). I eat a lot of vegetables and some meat or fish every day. You can eat two eggs a day and some cheese. Yoghurts only without sugar, limited amount of milk.

I will not lie and say that the change in lifestyle was easy for me. No. It was very hard for me, of course. For the first month, I could hardly drag my legs, my head ached, constant weakness. The only reason I didn’t quit everything and return to my old habits was the fear of losing my health. But then, as it jumped: I suddenly noticed that I began to sleep better, it was easier to get up, I had a lot of energy! I get up at 4-5 in the morning and feel great, I keep a cheerful mood throughout the day, and in the evening I fall asleep easily and quickly.

But there is no sport or fitness in my life and never will be. Of all the sports, I am only interested in team games such as volleyball or handball, but my work schedule and lifestyle do not allow me to play regularly. The rest is boring to me. So all changes in the figure are exclusively and only a diet.

Now I weigh 51-52 kilograms and intend to maintain this weight until the end of my days. Yes, I will never try chocolate again, eat an orange (three slices a day is possible), drink a cocktail in a bar. It is extremely rare that I can afford a glass of dry white wine. I cook for myself, in restaurants I order only the simplest dishes, without sauces and anything suspicious. I do not buy ready-made food, but I eat a lot of vegetables and herbs. Now I live and work in China, it's generally easy, the vegetables here are excellent and very affordable. In Russia, this would be much more difficult.

By the way, I also do not eat added salt, that is, I never salt anything. But I can eat a couple of olives or a piece of smoked fish. Sounds creepy to most, I know. In general, even despite the restrictions, the rejection of sugar (I don’t even use sweeteners) and limiting carbohydrates is worth it. Lightness appears, the condition of the skin improves, and in general, you feel like a young woman. I am 43 years old, but I feel much better than at 38, and I look much younger. The only thing I regret is that I brought the body to a serious diagnosis, if I had known about the consequences of gluttony earlier, I could have stopped long before the critical point, and now I would look even better.

The diet of Professor Osama Hamdiy involves the observance of a rather strict, but at the same time fairly balanced diet. It is based on the passage of natural chemical reactions in the body, and its menu is thought out so that weight loss proceeds gradually, and its results are preserved for a long time.

The results of the diet of Osama Hamdy

The Osama Hamdiy diet is designed for four weeks, during which you can lose from 20 to 30 kg. At the same time, if you strictly followed the menu and did not replace any products, then the lost weight is not returned.

During the diet of Professor Osama Hamdiy, you can drink water and mineral teas without restrictions, occasionally tea, coffee or diet soda is allowed. To suppress the emerging feeling of hunger during the day, it is allowed to eat a cucumber, carrot or a leaf of lettuce. However, this can be done strictly after 2 hours after the main meal. You need to cook vegetables in water, while you can add salt, pepper, garlic, onion. Do not cook food with oil or fat. From fruits when losing weight according to this diet program, it is forbidden to eat figs, grapes, dates, bananas and mangoes, from vegetables - potatoes.

During the Osama Hamdiy diet, you do not need to consume any vitamin and mineral complexes, as its menu is balanced and contains everything the body needs.

Professor Osama Hamdiy's Diet Menu

First week

All days of the first week, as the first meal, you can eat half an orange or grapefruit with two boiled eggs.

  • On Monday for lunch, it is allowed to eat fruit in any quantity, for dinner - any lean meat, except lamb.
  • On Tuesday for lunch, eat skinless boiled chicken, and for dinner, cook 2 boiled eggs, an orange and vegetable salad without oil.
  • On Wednesday for lunch you can eat cheese, tomatoes and a small slice of bread, for dinner - lean meat or meatballs.
  • On Thursday for lunch - fruit, for dinner - lean meat and salad.
  • On Friday for lunch - 2 hard-boiled eggs and boiled vegetables, for dinner - fish or shrimp with salad and one grapefruit.
  • On Saturday lunch consists of allowed fruits, at dinner, eat lean meat and salad.
  • On Sunday you need to cook boiled chicken without skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables or grapefruit for lunch, eat any boiled vegetables for dinner.

Second week

All days for breakfast, eat the same as in the first week.

  • On Monday your lunch should consist of two boiled eggs with salad, for dinner also 2 eggs and grapefruit.
  • On Tuesday for lunch, make lean meat with salad; for dinner, you can have 2 boiled eggs plus an orange or grapefruit.
  • On Wednesday fried meat with cucumbers is allowed for lunch, and dinner should consist of 2 boiled eggs and grapefruit.
  • On Thursday for lunch - cheese, 2 eggs and boiled vegetables, dinner - 2 eggs.
  • On Friday for lunch, cook fish or shrimp, for dinner - a couple of eggs.
  • On Saturday for lunch - meat, tomatoes and grapefruit, dinner - fruit salad.
  • On Sunday for lunch - boiled chicken without skin, tomato salad and orange, for dinner, eat the same as for lunch.

Third week

  • Monday- fruity, so eat fruit in any quantity on this day.
  • Tuesday- vegetable, it is allowed to eat boiled vegetables or vegetable salads all day.
  • Wednesday- fruit and vegetable day, so you can eat vegetables and fruits in any quantity.
  • Thursday- fish, it is allowed to eat fish or shrimp in any quantity.
  • Friday- meat day, you can eat chicken, and boiled vegetables as a side dish.
  • Saturday and Sunday- choose one of the allowed fruits and eat it without restrictions these days.

Fourth week

In the fourth week, certain products are provided for every day. They can be eaten in equal portions throughout the day, the time of eating is not limited.

  • On Monday you can eat a quarter of a chicken carcass or 4 palm-sized slices of meat, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, a can of canned tuna, a slice of bread, an orange or grapefruit.
  • On Tuesday it is allowed to eat 2 pieces of fried meat with a total weight of not more than 500 grams, 2 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, a piece of bread, 1 of any fruit allowed.
  • On Wednesday it is allowed to eat one piece of cheese, 200 grams of boiled vegetables, a piece of bread, a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes, one orange or grapefruit.
  • On Thursday- half a carcass of fried or boiled chicken, a couple of tomatoes and cucumbers, a piece of bread, one orange or grapefruit.
  • On Friday- a couple of boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, an orange.
  • On Saturday you can boil 2 chicken breasts, eat 125 grams of cheese or cheese, a piece of bread, an orange or grapefruit.
  • On Sunday it is allowed to eat a tablespoon of cottage cheese, a can of tuna, a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes, 200 grams of vegetables, a piece of bread, an orange or grapefruit.

Contraindications for the Osama Hamdiy diet

Such a diet program cannot be used in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system.