
“Business etiquette”: How to properly communicate with business partners. Business communication etiquette Business etiquette includes a group of rules


In the modern world, business etiquette has long been considered an economic category. If all employees adhere to high standards of behavior, then a positive atmosphere will be created in the team, accordingly, fewer conflicts will arise and employee performance will improve. What are these rules and is it worth learning them?

Business etiquette is...

Usually this term refers to the existing order of behavior and communication in the business sphere. Anyone to whom his career is important must certainly know the rules of decency that are accepted among the powerful and successful. With their help, you will never have problems with how to present yourself, what to say so as not to offend anyone, etc. Modern business etiquette also teaches how to smooth out or prevent a conflict from arising.


Etiquette is a certain order of behavior in a specific area and with a certain category of people. It, like most other social knowledge, performs the functions assigned to it:

  • Building mutual understanding. Perhaps this is the main function. Formed rules of behavior help people understand each other’s intentions, and as a result, fewer misunderstandings arise.
  • Convenience. The rules are practical because they represent a system close to the one that a person encounters in life.

Etiquette is one of the main tools that helps shape an image. As practice shows, companies that do not comply with the rules of business etiquette lose a lot, first of all, their face and level of productivity.


The etiquette of a business person was first mentioned in the 11th-12th centuries, when the period of craft division of labor began. During this period, the basic moral requirements that relate to the profession and the nature of work are described. In general, the rules were formed based on everyday experience and the need to regulate relationships between people who perform different jobs. Also, they did not forget to take into account public opinion, which played a key role in the formation of the rules of business etiquette.

In professional activity it is understood that a person is obliged to fit harmoniously into the professional environment. He must become part of the work contingent, and for this he needs to dress tastefully, choose the right accessories and colors. Etiquette is inseparable from the image, which has the following properties:

  1. The ability to influence the emotions and activities of others.
  2. Quick response to changes in various factors.
  3. Changes with the person.

For what situations are there rules of business etiquette?

Business communication standards apply in the following situations:

  • Conducting business negotiations.
  • Business correspondence.
  • Telephone etiquette.
  • Business conversation.

Each of these situations has its own norms and rules of decency that must be adhered to in order not to fall in the face. Therefore, it is worth considering each of them separately.

Business meeting

The main purpose of conducting such negotiations is to sign an agreement or protocol of intent to cooperate. Therefore, you need to prepare for such an event with special care. To properly organize and conduct a meeting, you should refer to the rules and norms of business etiquette:

  1. Arrival. Naturally, under no circumstances should you be late for a meeting. Firstly, this is a violation of protocol, and secondly, such behavior will be perceived as disrespectful. If being late is inevitable, you will have to apologize to the receiving party. In the business world, there is such a thing as a “business niche”, that is, a latecomer will be waited for 15 minutes; if he does not show up during this time, then the receiving party has every right to cancel the meeting.
  2. Place. The main thing in business etiquette is the meeting place, since it must fully correspond to the event. In films and TV series you can often see that business negotiations take place in restaurants or saunas, but this is not exactly the place where serious issues can be resolved. Important business negotiations should be held in an office or in a room with a neutral environment. As for a restaurant, it can be chosen for a business lunch, to maintain partnerships, talk about your hobbies or celebrate a successful deal, but not for other occasions.
  3. Meeting. According to the peculiarities of business etiquette, the receiving party must be in full force in the meeting room. The meeting of guests and escorting them to the place is carried out by a business partner, who himself does not take part in the negotiations.
  4. Start of negotiations. The host CEO should be solely responsible for starting negotiations and ensuring that there are no long pauses in the conversation. If the silence lasts too long, those present may consider it a signal to end the meeting. Also, you don’t need to immediately move on to the main topic; you shouldn’t ask directly: “So, are you taking the cow or not?” According to the rules of good manners, you first need to talk about other, neutral things. Also, you should not raise topics that may cause controversy, for example, politics, religion, sports. They are always taboo in the business world.
  5. duration. In Russia, Western standards do not work at all: negotiations can last several hours, but the parties will not make any decision. The culture of business etiquette says that the event should last 40 minutes, a maximum of an hour and a half, but in this case you should definitely take a break.
  6. Completion. When the event is already coming to an end, it’s a good idea to defuse the situation. For example, the general director may offer to continue negotiations, but, as they say, without jackets. Negotiation agreements, regardless of the forms in which they are agreed upon (oral or written), must be observed.

Business correspondence

A business letter is the first contact by which the person writing, as well as the entire company as a whole, will be judged. A beautiful and correct writing style makes it possible to understand not only business qualities, but also a person’s personality, so it is extremely important to establish yourself as a professional and specialist.

First, the letter must be sent to one addressee. This will make life easier for both the writer and the reader. Secondly, you must always respond to a received letter. Leaving a letter unanswered is an unworthy act for a self-respecting company. The answer must be composed in such a way that it is perceived accurately and unambiguously, that is, there should be no ambiguous hints. And the sent message should require only one response.

Thirdly, if the letter needs to be sent to several people, then their addresses should simply be added to the “Copy” line. If a response is needed from only one person, but several people need to read the contents of the message, for the rest, a “copy” mark is simply placed in the letter. The main addressee must send a response; the others are not required to respond. Fourthly, mass mailing is allowed only if there is no need to respond to the letter. Typically, such letters clarify the work of employees.

Fifthly, you should always indicate the subject of the letter, you must be able to save other people’s time - this is another rule of good manners. In a letter, you should first greet the addressee and only then get down to business. If you address a person by his first and patronymic, he will automatically assume that he is being treated with respect. Sixthly, it is very important to write correctly. Before sending, you need to re-read the letter several times to ensure compliance with spelling and punctuation rules.

telephone etiquette

To establish long-term business relationships, much attention is paid to telephone conversations. This is completely different from a personal meeting, and business speech etiquette is completely different. In general, the reputation of a company largely depends on how well telephone conversations are conducted. Therefore, telephone etiquette is extremely important for any company, and the rules here are not so complicated:

  • You should always greet the person who is calling. You should not forget about the greeting even when the person himself makes the call.
  • Pay attention to intonation. The interlocutor must hear that he is welcome.
  • You cannot say the phrases “bothering you” or “disturbing you.”
  • After the greeting, you need to introduce yourself.
  • When talking with a specific person, you first need to find out if he has time for dialogue.
  • You must answer no later than after three calls.
  • If the caller wants to talk to one of the employees, there is no need to hang up, you need to hold the conversation and transfer the call to the person the caller wants to talk to.
  • When talking with a new interlocutor, you need to adapt to the speed of his speech.
  • During a telephone conversation, you should not smoke, drink or chew anything.
  • When finishing a conversation, you need to check with your interlocutor if he still has any questions, and only then say goodbye.

Cell phones

It is worth noting that the rules of business communication etiquette have also extended to cell phones, which have long become an integral part of our lives.

Sometimes there are situations when a mobile phone needs to be put on silent mode or turned off completely. Turning off the device is acceptable in the case when a person cannot answer the call. If a person is among people, then business etiquette prohibits raising one’s voice; on the contrary, one must speak more quietly than usual. It is considered bad manners to conduct a telephone conversation in public catering. Only if it's something urgent. And it’s better to ask the interlocutor to wait a few minutes, go to a quieter place and call back. Also, do not forget that loud calls are unacceptable. If the phone “screams”, then you should apologize, but in no case make excuses.

When the phone rings and a person is not alone, he can answer, but talk for a maximum of half a minute. A telephone conversation must not interfere with a private meeting. Only if a very important call is expected, a person should warn those present in advance and apologize to them.

Business conversation

The way people behave in society is mostly determined by legal, regulatory, administrative and statutory factors. Even the economy and the level of technical equipment of an enterprise can influence human behavior. All these factors affect the level of interaction between employees and representatives of other groups (customers, suppliers, etc.).

Typically, participants in business proceedings are influenced by two types of social norms:

  1. Formal. Regulated rules that are described in special documents.
  2. Informal. This is the manner of behavior that gradually develops in the work team. It can influence external factors and working conditions.

Accordingly, business communication in the team is formed with these attitudes: on the one hand, the employee adheres to the rules, and on the other hand, he corresponds to the mood that exists in the team.


The topic of business etiquette does not end there. Every self-respecting leader must follow the principles that will position him as a true master of his craft:

  • Punctuality. A person with good manners always does everything on time. In business etiquette, punctuality also means the correct distribution of working time.
  • Confidentiality. Good employees know how to keep their company's secrets, even if they concern personal relationships between a boss and a subordinate.
  • Attention to your surroundings. A well-mannered person should always respect the opinions of others, even if it does not correspond to his worldview. Take into account advice and criticism, as well as learn from the people around him.
  • Literacy. The ability to correctly formulate your thoughts and compose official letters without errors are important skills that a well-mannered person should have.
  • Sanity. When creating certain rules within an enterprise, you must, first of all, be guided by common sense. Typically, standard corporate business etiquette should improve productivity and streamline workflow. If they don't do this, then they should be replaced.
  • Freedom. This is one of the most important principles of business etiquette. It is important to respect other people's personal space. Negotiating to sign a contract is not recruitment into a religious sect. The receiving party shows the potential partner all the pros and cons of this cooperation (at the same time, there is no need to throw mud at competitors’ firms), and he independently decides whether to accept the offer or not.

  • Convenience. All participants in a business relationship must have the opportunity for personal convenience. Simply put, a business person should not be ashamed of the fact that he negotiates in a way that suits him.
  • Expediency. Any undertaking should pursue a specific goal, and not be an ephemeral short-term request.
  • Conservatism. This quality has always been associated with something stable and reliable. Even today, in the business world, stability and fundamentality are considered important traits.
  • Ease. The norms of business etiquette should not cause tension, and during communication no one should exert psychological pressure.
  • Relevance. A business person always does everything when needed. He takes into account time and place and knows exactly how to behave in a given situation.

Business etiquette is those rules without which it is impossible to achieve certain heights in business. Even despite the instability in the economy and politics, the rules of good manners will always be held in high esteem.

Business and professional life needs organization and orderliness.

In the field of business, business etiquette regulates. It is designed to organize interaction at work, during the performance of their official duties.

Ethics is a system of moral standards accepted in society.

Etiquette is a set of specific rules and laws of behavior accepted in society.

There are many types of etiquette: everyday, diplomatic, military, guest and others.

Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowledge of the rules of business etiquette, it is impossible to achieve success in your chosen field of activity.

Compliance with all rules and norms of communication in a professional environment guarantees respect and authority among colleagues. The correct choice, appropriateness and timeliness of a word, gesture, posture, or other ethical sign reveals a person’s business and personal qualities from the best side.

The rules of business etiquette must be followed because they:

  • contribute to the formation of positive;
  • favor successful negotiations and business meetings;
  • safety net in case of force majeure or awkward moments;
  • provide an opportunity to more successfully and quickly achieve goals.

Violation of generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship and doing business makes it unsuccessful. Unethical entrepreneurs fail to establish themselves in the market.

Etiquette includes universal universal moral and ethical standards:

  • respectful respect for elders;
  • helping a woman;
  • honor and dignity;
  • modesty;
  • tolerance;
  • benevolence and others.

Features of communication ethics in the business environment

In a business environment, it is not enough to simply be a well-mannered, cultured, polite person. Business etiquette has a number of features and differences. The rules of business etiquette require rigor and precision in execution.

The peculiarities of communication ethics in an organization are determined by the specifics of the economic sphere of people’s lives and the traditions that have developed in the cultural environment.

Fundamentals of business etiquette - general principles of culture of behavior in a corporate environment:

  • Politeness

The tone of communication with colleagues, partners, and clients is always friendly and welcoming. An impeccable smile is the calling card of a successful person in business. Politeness helps to increase the profitability of an enterprise and maintain good relationships with partners and clients. Nervousness, irritability and panic are excluded by the rules of business etiquette.

  • Correctness

In a corporate environment, it is not customary to be rude and inattentive even towards a dishonest partner. You must be able to control yourself, restrain your emotions and regulate your behavior through willpower.

  • Tact

Business people do not forget about a sense of proportion and tact in their relationships with people. They prudently avoid awkward, negative, and unacceptable topics in conversation.

  • Delicacy

Delicacy implies softness, smoothness, flexibility, and floridness of speech. It is customary to give compliments without turning into flattery and hypocrisy.

  • Modesty

The ability to behave modestly characterizes a person as well-mannered and favorably emphasizes his business and personal qualities. A modest specialist and professional in his field is perceived as a balanced, harmonious, holistic, mature person.

  • obligatory

If an employee or manager has taken on a responsibility and made a promise, he must keep it. The extent to which a manager or employee of an organization is obliging can tell about his ability to analyze, predict, and assess the situation, strengths, and opportunities.

  • Punctuality

In a business environment, it is considered indecent to be inaccurate in time and not be able to manage it correctly, because this is a sign that a person does not value his or other people’s time. For example, waiting more than five minutes for an important meeting is defined by the rules of business etiquette as a gross violation. Time is especially valuable in business.

Laws and rules of ethics

The rules of business etiquette must be observed, since their violation can lead to the severance of partnerships, loss of reputation, sales markets and other negative consequences.

All business people comply with job descriptions, act in accordance with the organization's charter and comply with oral and written rules of corporate etiquette.

The rules of business etiquette provide for the following working points:

  • Dress code

The clothing style is classic, discreet, neat. A strict suit, acceptable colors in clothes (usually black, gray, white), neat hairstyle. Each organization can prescribe its own dress code rules, but they are always within the framework of appearance features generally recognized in business.

  • Attitude towards work

A conscientious, responsible, decent attitude to work is perhaps the main sign of professionalism. At work, it is not customary to solve personal matters, visit social networks, talk a lot with colleagues on unrelated matters, or take frequent tea breaks.

  • Time management

Nobody likes unpunctual people. And in business, every minute is precious and scheduled, so the value of time cannot be exaggerated. The rules are: time is money; every professional and specialist must master the basics; you need to plan your working day.

  • Written speech

An educated and cultured person always writes correctly. There are rules and canons for preparing business letters and other documentation.

  • Oral speech
  • telephone etiquette

Business etiquette involves rules for negotiations and conversations on the phone. They prepare for a telephone conversation in advance: they determine the time when it is more convenient for the interlocutor to talk, prepare the questions that need to be asked, and note the main points that need to be discussed.

  • Chatting in Internet

A new word has been coined for Internet communication etiquette – netiquette. It is no longer possible to imagine civilized life without the Internet. The modern employee uses email, the company website, internal chat, and so on.

The rules for writing business emails partially coincide with the rules for writing paper letters. It is customary to sign an e-mail not only with the name of the author, but also to leave contact information (name of organization, zip code, telephone numbers, Skype nickname, company website address, work schedule).

  • Desktop

According to the rules of etiquette, there should be order on the desktop. Even stacks of papers, books, folders - everything is in its place. The employer's and employee's desks will tell you how they work. The unspoken rule says: the more order there is on your desktop, the more order you have in your head.

  • trade secret

Confidential information and trade secrets are not subject to disclosure.

  • Respect

In behavior and communication, a cultured person expresses respect for his interlocutor, partner, opponent, and client. Business etiquette obliges you to be an attentive listener, respect other people’s opinions, help a colleague with work, and so on.

  • Business negotiations, meetings, events

The ability to competently conduct negotiations and effectively complete them is a special art. Business etiquette says: negotiations and meetings should have a purpose, a plan, a specific time frame and a location that is convenient for both parties.

Business events, such as meeting business partners at a train station or airport, introducing members of a delegation, presenting flowers and other actions, are carried out according to protocol. For example, there are certain seating rules at the negotiating table.

  • Subordination

The “superior-subordinate” relationship requires smooth communication while maintaining a certain distance. An ethical boss makes comments to a subordinate only one-on-one. Gives oral and written assignments specifically, concisely, and clearly. An ethical subordinate certainly follows the orders of the manager, but can express his point of view, give useful advice, and make a proposal.

  • Relationships in the team

The microclimate in a team is of great importance and affects the productivity and performance of employees. Business etiquette presupposes friendly, respectful relationships, assistance and support in solving assigned tasks. Taboos: gossip, intrigue, intrigues, the Cold War, as well as office romances (personal life is expected outside of work and not in the workplace).

  • Business gestures

Gestures should be energetic, but not excessive or sweeping; gait is smooth, swift, walking speed is average (not running or walking); straight posture; confident look.

The only touch allowed in a business environment is a handshake. At the same time, there are also rules here. When shaking hands, it is not customary for the hand to be limp, wet, or cold. The interlocutor’s hand should not be squeezed or shaken for a long time. There is quite a bit of psychological literature on body language that looks at business gestures and how they can be interpreted.

To be ethical in a professional environment, you must comply with all laws and adhere to the rules of etiquette.

Ethics and business etiquette are studied in general educational institutions, by attending relevant courses, trainings, seminars, and are mastered independently by a business person.

Ethics as a personality quality

A person’s business qualities are the ability to perform tasks and achieve goals determined by the specifics of work, specialty, and qualifications.

There are two types of business qualities:

  1. personal, innate;
  2. professional, acquired.

When hiring new employees, self-respecting companies conduct psychological testing that allows them to diagnose innate and acquired business qualities.

The general and business culture of an employee is no less important than qualifications, ability to work and work experience.

Undoubtedly, when hiring, the moral and ethical qualities of a person are taken into account. But these qualities can also be acquired, nurtured, instilled in the process of professional activity.

A person’s ethics is expressed in the following manifestations of his morality:

  1. conscience, a sense of personal responsibility for everything that happens in life;
  2. will, developed self-control, clear regulation of behavior;
  3. honesty, the ability to tell the truth and act accordingly;
  4. collectivism, social orientation of activities, friendliness, desire to strive for a common goal;
  5. self-control, stress resistance, control over feelings and emotions;
  6. integrity, consistency, upholding ethical positions, matching words with actions;
  7. diligence, desire to work, interest in work;
  8. responsibility, seriousness, stability;
  9. generosity, tolerance, humanity, tolerance;
  10. optimism, faith in the best, self-confidence.

Morality and ethics are the basic personality characteristics of a cultural leader and employee. A person successful in business has a developed need to act in accordance with the requirements of ethics and morality, to be kind and honest.

Business communication etiquette- this is a set of moral rules, norms, ideas that regulate relationships, as well as the behavior of individuals in joint production activities. Business communication etiquette is a necessary part of a person’s life, as well as the most important type of relationship with other individuals.

The main regulators of relationships are ethical norms, which express ideas about evil and good, injustice and justice in people’s actions. When communicating with his boss, subordinates, and colleagues, a person spontaneously or consciously relies on the etiquette of business communication. Depending on the understanding of moral standards, the content and degree of etiquette, it can make business communication effective, solve problems, achieve goals, or, conversely, make it impossible.

Etiquette, translated from French, means a set of rules of behavior that concern people (forms of address, behavior in public places, treatment of others, greetings, clothing, manners).

Business communication etiquette manifests itself at various levels of the social system, as well as in different forms. Participants in business communication are in official status and are aimed at achieving specific tasks. Its distinctive feature is the absence of self-sufficient meaning, since the etiquette of business communication is not an end in itself, but directly serves as a means to achieve other goals. In market relations, this means obtaining maximum profit.

Speech etiquette in business communication

The peculiarity of business communication is determined by the fact that it arises in connection with or on the basis of a certain type of activity that is associated with the production, for example, of a business effect or product. The parties to business communication act in official (formal) statuses, which determine the necessary norms and standards (including ethical) of people’s behavior. The specificity of business communication is regulation, expressed in subordination to established restrictions, cultural and national traditions, and ethical professional principles.

Speech etiquette in business communication is a complex process in the development of contacts between individuals in the professional sphere. There are “unwritten” and “written” norms of behavior in various situations of official contact. The accepted certain order, as well as the official form of treatment, is called business etiquette. It creates rules that promote mutual understanding between people, and also creates convenience, practicality and expediency.

Business etiquette consists of rules: norms (horizontal) that apply between team members, as well as instructions (vertical) that are characteristic of the manager and subordinate.

A general requirement of speech etiquette in business communication is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all employees and partners, regardless of their dislikes and likes. The regulation of business interaction is noted in the attention to speech.

Speech etiquette in business communication represents norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, standard ready-made formulas that allow you to organize etiquette situations, requests, greetings, thanks, such as “be kind,” “hello,” “glad to meet you,” “permit me to apologize.” . Sustainable structures are selected taking into account psychological, social, and age characteristics.

Speech etiquette in business communication involves establishing contact between people, exchanging certain information to build joint activities, and cooperation.

The following stages in business communication are distinguished:

  • establishing contact, including getting to know as well as understanding the other person;
  • orientation in the ongoing communication situation, as well as its comprehension with pauses;
  • discussion of the problem;
  • solution to the problem;
  • leaving contact (termination).

Official business contacts are based on partnership principles, built from mutual requests, as well as from the needs and interests of the business. In direct contact, namely direct conversation, oral as well as non-verbal communication is of greater importance. Messaging over the phone or chatting is common.

Business communication etiquette is a real art, which cannot be mastered right away. Compliance with norms, culture, and rules of behavior will have a primary role in career advancement. If you are a promising specialist, as well as the face of the company, then think and imagine yourself as part of the team. The greeting “hello” in everyday life means: “I am willing to maintain a relationship,” but the absence of this etiquette sign is read as a lack of desire to maintain a relationship. Therefore, the norm is to greet clients, employees, and visitors, both at the beginning of a conversation and in the absence of intentions to enter into verbal contact.

In business communication, speech etiquette is a set of speech etiquette means, as well as certain rules for their use in various situations.

Business communication etiquette includes the following important points:

  • You cannot be late for business meetings;
  • Reception of guests requires careful preparation (development of a negotiation plan, discussion with colleagues);
  • corresponding strict appearance;
  • It is important before the meeting to collect information about those with whom you are meeting, to think through all the questions of interest.

Etiquette and protocol of business communication

The protocol includes greeting, introduction, address, and handshake. If the participants do not know each other yet, they should introduce themselves. According to the protocol of business communication, the head of the receiving party is introduced first, then the head of the guests. They then introduce the rest of the staff. If a large delegation has arrived, then name presentation is avoided by presenting lists of participants, where the participants are indicated by name and position.

At a business meeting, the junior in position is always introduced to the senior; gender does not play a role; If you have previously met with a partner, then you need to introduce yourself again. If someone hasn't introduced themselves, feel free to ask them about it, but don't ask them again. It is necessary to remember names immediately to avoid awkward situations. A handshake at a business meeting is used as a sign of an agreement, and it is also used immediately after the words of greeting. When introducing you to another person, he is the first to extend his hand to you. A handshake is done with the right hand, if it is busy, they are given with the left, but after apologizing.

The initiative for a handshake comes from the elder and from the one who has a higher position. The woman is given the right to decide whether to shake hands with her or not. According to etiquette, she is the first to offer her hand for greeting. Having approached the group and shook hands with one of the members, you must do the same with everyone. Verbal greetings are limited if the group is large. If a hand extended for a handshake is not responded to with a handshake, this is regarded as an insult.

Ethics is a philosophical science whose subject of study is morality. The practical importance of ethics is noted in the field of human communication, and communication between people is an important component in the process of joint activity. The joint activities of people in relation to morality cannot be neutral. Compliance with business communication etiquette is the most important component that will determine success in business and entrepreneurial activity, and career advancement. Psychologists note that success in financial affairs or in the technical field depends fifteen percent on professionalism and eighty-five percent on the ability to conduct business communication.

Jen Yager, PhD, notes six principles of business etiquette:

  1. Punctuality, completing work on time;
  2. Confidentiality (keeping secrets of the corporation or the personal lives of colleagues, the results of the transaction);
  3. Friendliness, courtesy, goodwill in any situation; showing attention to others (to colleagues, boss, subordinates);
  4. Respect for the opinions, criticism, and advice of colleagues, subordinates and superiors (when they express doubt about the quality of your work, show that you value the experience and considerations of other people);
  5. Compliance with the dress code - clothing code;
  6. Control of your speech, absence of swear words in speech.

Ethics and etiquette of business communication should be built on the moral qualities of the individual, as well as the categories of ethics: truthfulness, honesty, generosity, modesty, dignity, duty, conscience, honor, which give business relations a moral character.

Business meeting etiquette during lunch includes the following points:

  • scheduling a meeting in an office or restaurant near the invitee’s office;
  • the initiator of the meeting reserves a table;
  • it is important to inquire in advance about the tastes and preferences of the dinner participants;
  • if you don’t know your gastronomic preferences, then find out the restaurant menu: how rich is the selection of meat and vegetable dishes;
  • a table is reserved in a non-smoking room;
  • the initiator of the meeting arrives at the restaurant 15 minutes earlier;
  • the choice of dishes is limited to familiar dishes;
  • if the meeting is scheduled in the office, then it is held in a conference room or meeting room;
  • such a lunch is served by the ordered staff;
  • the main purpose of lunch is a business conversation, which begins with general phrases, gradually moving to the topic;
  • At this informal meeting, jokes and touching on abstract topics will be appropriate, but correctness and tact in everything are required.

Telephone etiquette in business communication

During telephone conversations, etiquette in speech plays a significant role, since the interlocutor does not see, but only hears you. It is important to monitor the volume of speech, clarity, speed, and also follow the following rules: the call should be answered no later than the 3rd ring. If you call yourself, hang up no earlier than the 5th ring.

There should be a greeting at the beginning of the conversation. Before starting a conversation, find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to communicate now. If you refuse, please specify when you can call back. The initiator ends the conversation and also calls back after the telephone call is interrupted. If your call is on behalf of a third party, for example, you are a secretary, then name on behalf of which company you are calling and briefly outline the topic of the upcoming conversation. If you are a third party and are asked to connect, clarify the purpose of the conversation.

Make all personal calls outside of business hours. They promised to call back - be sure to call back. Watch your tone of voice and do not chew while talking. Give the interlocutor the opportunity to complete his speech. Do not cross-talk with other people during telephone conversations. If the connection quality is poor, then the right thing to do is to continue the conversation after a while. In this case, either party can initiate the end of the call.

Ethics is understood as a set of norms of human behavior, and if we extend this definition to the professional field, then business etiquette will consist of the principles of behavior of people engaged in business activities.

What is business etiquette?

How a person follows the rules and conventions of business etiquette determines his image as a businessman. Thanks to this, a positive image develops in the eyes of partners, acquiring the color of personal charm. Principles of business etiquette include:

  1. Honesty and Integrity. A businessman who has cheated once will no longer be trusted, and his reputation will be ruined forever.
  2. Freedom. It is not customary to interfere in the affairs of your competitors and partners.
  3. Tolerance. In relationships with partners, rough edges and conflicts cannot be avoided, but if you behave tactfully and delicately, you can smooth out rough edges and come to a consensus.
  4. Justice. This principle of business etiquette is based on recognition of a person’s individuality, an objective assessment of his personal and.
  5. Business culture. That is, every businessman must be a cultured person.

Rules of business etiquette

The norms of behavior and relationships between people in the workplace are given great importance, because business etiquette is the same as secular, but with military elements. Here, subordination comes to the fore, while age is given less importance. Here are some of the immutable rules:

  1. “Time is money” – this is what experienced businessmen like to say, who most value punctuality in their partners. If a person cannot organize his own time, then how can you build cooperation with him?
  2. Maintaining trade secrets. An employee applying for a position in a new company and divulging confidential information obtained at his old place of work will simply be turned down.
  3. Do the job. Those who work while others go about their business advance their careers.
  4. Basic rules of business etiquette include the reception of delegations according to protocol. You need to know how to properly meet, introduce and accommodate people, taking into account the peculiarities of national traditions.

Business workplace etiquette

A person can be sloppy in everyday life and even see his own organization in chaos, but at work he cannot afford this. Business etiquette in professional activities is based on order in the workplace, because it is a reflection of order in the head. It is not forbidden to have some of your personal belongings, for example, a framed photo of your family, but each item should have its own specific place, and in general they should all be kept in order and clean, because this is the key to productivity and personal comfort.

business correspondence etiquette

Business telephone etiquette

Talking on the phone is an art, and sometimes one phone call can solve something that could not be achieved during preliminary meetings or negotiations. Telephone etiquette requires picking up the phone after the second or third ring. In this case, the caller begins the conversation with a greeting, introduces himself and introduces the interlocutor to the problem, devoting 45 seconds to this. Discussion of the situation itself may take from 1 to 2 minutes, and 20–25 seconds are allotted for the conclusion. If no final decision has been made, then it is worth agreeing to call again at a certain time.

Gift etiquette in business

Every person has birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions and is congratulated not only by relatives, but also by colleagues. The etiquette of a business person imposes its own restrictions on this process, but you still need to be able to choose a gift for business partners that will demonstrate attention and respect, gratitude and interest in cooperation. Business etiquette provides for the division of corporate gifts into the following categories:

  1. Corporate souvenirs are things with a company slogan or logo.
  2. Printing products – notepads, organizers, pens, posters, etc.
  3. VIP gifts. Such products are made to order, taking into account the character, hobbies and other preferences of a particular person.

Business etiquette for women

Gender differences, although not coming to the fore, are also taken into account. The basics of business etiquette are such that a man is the first to greet a woman, but if she is walking in a company of men, then he is the first to greet a colleague walking alone or in the company of another woman. A representative of the fairer sex offers a hand to a man first, and you should not expect that someone will open the door for her, letting her go forward - this is always done by the one who is closer to her, and she pulls up a chair for herself.

Etiquette in clothing for women

A woman’s appearance is identified with her abilities, therefore untidiness and unkemptness are unacceptable. A bright, flashy image as a challenge to society is also not welcome. The ideal choice is a laconic color. Business etiquette imposes its own restrictions on many things; the length of the skirt must reach the knees, and a woman must wear tights or stockings even in extreme heat. Shoes with heels at least with a closed toe and heel are welcome. Hair should be tied up in a neat hairstyle, accessories should be used to a minimum and selected in harmony with clothing.

Hat etiquette for women

Initially, it was used to show respect and veneration, and later the functions of the hat were revised. Etiquette rules for women are less strict than for men. At work, a lady can carry out her direct duties without taking off her headdress, if this is part of a professional job. Business communication etiquette involves wearing a hat at public events - tea parties, lunch, during the singing of the anthem and raising the flag. But if the headdress is intended for the cold season, then it is removed indoors.

Business etiquette - manicure

Well-groomed hands are part of the image, which cannot be ignored. Women's etiquette includes regular visits to a manicurist. Peeling varnish can ruin the entire impression, so if it is not possible to renew it, then the coating must be wiped off. Nail design should be chosen in simple, discreet colors. All kinds of decor in the form of rhinestones, stucco, etc. are excluded. The ideal option is, which can also be the opposite. Mixing no more than three discreet shades is allowed.

Etiquette - a woman in a car

A car is no longer a means of luxury, and transportation is a good help even in the 21st century with its fast pace of life. Etiquette for women has not ignored this aspect. A car must correspond to social status. Being an ordinary employee and driving a luxury convertible to work is not accepted, nor is using an inexpensive car for a successful business woman. It is not customary to get into an elite car while wearing sportswear, and driving an SUV in an evening dress is also inappropriate.

For a woman, the way she gets into the car is of great importance. First, you need to lower your pelvis into the chair, and only then transfer both legs into the car. You should get out of the car in the reverse order: put your feet on the asphalt first. If a woman plans to travel in a company car with a driver, then it is recommended to take a seat in the back seat diagonally with him. If she is not traveling alone, then you cannot sort things out, swear and quarrel, or raise “difficult” topics, and this also applies to conversations on the phone. It is also impossible to distract the driver from driving the car.

Business etiquette is something a true professional cannot do without. After all, even if you are an excellent specialist in your field, but at the same time you regularly expose yourself not in the best light when communicating with colleagues, bosses or clients, then you are unlikely to achieve great success in your career. We bring to your attention the rules of business etiquette that you should adhere to.

Stand up when you are introduced to someone

Getting up from your seat will enhance the effect of your presence. If you remain seated during the meeting, it will be easier for them to ignore you. If you are caught off guard and cannot get up immediately, then simply bend over slightly and lean forward, indicating that you would definitely get up if you could.

Always use your full name

In a business setting, you should always use your full name. However, you should also pay attention to whether it is easy for people to remember and pronounce. So, if your name is too long and complex, then do not forget to hand your interlocutor your business card so that he can perceive it in written form.

A higher-ranking representative or host should always initiate the handshake

In today's business world, a handshake is an official greeting regardless of gender. According to etiquette, the first person to shake hands should be a person occupying a higher position or a representative of the receiving party. If for some reason he hesitates, then, without wasting time, extend your hand to greet him. After all, be that as it may, the handshake must take place.

Dress appropriately

Clothing is an important form of nonverbal communication. It can either enhance your professional reputation or detract from it. Therefore, when going to a meeting or event, be sure to find out what the dress code is and dress according to it.

Say “thank you” no more than once or twice during the conversation.

You should not overuse gratitude in a business conversation. Otherwise, your interlocutor may begin to perceive you as helpless and in need of constant support.

Send separate thank-you notes to all negotiators

Remember that after negotiating or interviewing for a job, you should send a message within 24 hours to everyone you would like to thank. In the modern world, this is most often done through email.

Don't take out your phone

We all carry cell phones with us everywhere. However, you should not take your phone out of your pocket or bag during a business meeting. Of course, you may think that you can quietly reply to an email or type a message, but from the outside it will look rude. Also, don't put your phone on the table during a meeting. After all, this way you will demonstrate to your interlocutor that you are ready to switch your attention from him to your mobile phone at any moment.

Use professional photos

Always post only high-quality, professional photographs on business websites. After all, you should look like a reliable and trustworthy business person, and not like a carefree person who has just returned from the beach or a party.

Use a professional email address

If you work for a company, use a corporate address. But if you need to give a personal email address, then make sure that it looks correct. So, it must contain your name. Do not use nicknames under any circumstances.

Always make sure that you select the correct recipient when sending email.

This simple action will never go amiss. After all, it’s not difficult to confuse the recipient, but the consequences of an error can be very serious.

Follow the rules of business correspondence when sending emails

Avoid using colloquial expressions like “Hi guys!” when communicating by email. or “Hello, people!” Even if you know the recipient closely, remember that other people can see your correspondence. Therefore, it should be kept in a businesslike tone.

If you forgot someone's name, then admit it.

Every person can forget the name of his interlocutor. If this happens to you, just politely admit it.

Greet people at work

When you come into the office, always say hello to both those you know and people you don't know. After all, in a few minutes it may turn out that a stranger will be sitting next to you at a meeting or meeting.

Keep your fingers together when pointing at something

You should not point at someone or something with your index finger. This is best done with an open palm, keeping your fingers together.

Don't be late

Always be on time for meetings. After all, you don't want to waste other people's time. In addition, unpunctuality is seen as a sign of unprofessionalism. However, it may happen that the situation gets out of your control and you still cannot show up on time. In this case, immediately send a notice to those concerned about your planned arrival time, apologize and briefly explain the situation.

Do not pull up a chair for partners and colleagues

It's okay to hold the door for someone. However, regardless of gender, you should not pull up a chair for your colleagues, partners or clients.

Always break bread with your hands

During a business lunch or dinner, never use a knife to cut bread. It should be broken with your hands.

Don't order too expensive

During a business lunch, you should not order, for example, an expensive steak or lobster. In this case, it may seem that you are simply trying to take advantage of a situation where the person who invited you to the restaurant will have to pay for you.

Don't forget table manners

If you do not often have to visit restaurants when dining with business partners, then inquire in advance about the rules of table etiquette. This will allow you to make a good impression on your interlocutor.

Order the same amount of food as your companion

If your partner orders an appetizer and dessert, you should follow suit. Otherwise, he may experience discomfort while waiting for you to also eat, for example, the first and second courses.

Never ask the waiter to pack leftovers from your lunch.

You come to a restaurant for business negotiations. Therefore, under no circumstances ask you to pack what is left with you.

The inviter must always pay the bill

If you invite someone to dinner, you should always pay the bill. And this applies to both women and men. If your interlocutor insists on the opportunity to pay for lunch himself, then you can tell him not to worry, because the company will cover your expenses, or something like that.

Stay Sober

Many deals have been ruined and many careers have been destroyed because people abused alcohol during business negotiations and behaved inappropriately as a result. Therefore, always remain sober during business events and informal communication with partners.

Prepare courteous care

When leaving the room, always say some appropriate phrase. This will allow you to remain in control of the situation and remain polite. So, for example, you can say “Nice to meet you” or “See you at the meeting on Monday”, etc.