
How to set goals correctly in order to achieve them. Correct goals: how to set a goal? Fixing the set goals


How to achieve your goals

What goals to set, how to set goals correctly, and the necessary steps to achieve any goal you set.

Good time to you! In the last article, we analyzed the importance that, as it seems to many, nonsense, success in any area of ​​​​life depends in the first place.

And today we will consider: what goals should be set, how to set them, and what is generally needed in order to achieve the goals set.

By and large, I will not tell you something particularly new, everything has been known for a long time, rather I will draw your attention to some key points and give a simple but really working scheme that I use myself, and which helps me achieve certain success step by step .

I will not say that I have achieved great results financially, but the good news is that I was already able to get out of a deep hole in the form of considerable debt and loss of housing after my first unsuccessful experience in business.

So, with regard to goals in general, I am sure that the first thing that should be most cherished for any person is target - BE HAPPY.

That is, you need to want not to survive, not to reach old age somehow, but want to be truly happy! It means living a life in which you will increasingly feel comfort, peace and joy within yourself.

And until this goal becomes paramount for you, some fears, laziness and excuses will stop you all the time.

"Everything comes true when the decision to be happy becomes a lifestyle."

But very, very many people, without even realizing it, live just the same survival, if only to somehow live. They are not trying to change anything for the better, to achieve something, but simply go with the flow, living in the usual (old) comfort, not caring about the quality of their life, and believe the well-known saying - “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky.” .

Well, all right, if this tit can still fly somewhere, but for some it has been half-dead for a long time, its wings are clipped and it’s not like flying, but spruce-spruce weaving.

Of course it's very important be able to live comfortably with what you have, but you need to strive for the crane .

Therefore, it is simply necessary to set yourself the main goal of becoming happy. This is the most important and beautiful goal!

But the point here is that in itself this goal is vague, it does not indicate what we need for happiness. Therefore, to begin with, we will analyze what it may consist of, where to look at all.

What goals to set for yourself.

There are many areas in our life and each is important in its own way:

  • inner state of mind , this is the most important! If you mentally experience suffering, all the time or often you feel some kind of inner pain, then everything else (given below) begins to lose its meaning. And this is the first goal that you need to set for yourself - to find peace of mind. After all, life is first of all - internal state, not achievements, events and situations.
  • physical health , in bad health, for example, a person is paralyzed, even having a million dollars, this will not make him cheerful, money can only give some comfort.
  • Job(creative realization), if a person goes to work like hard labor, is forced to obey, endures and is afraid of losing his job, and every morning begins with thoughts: “God, how to live another working day, if only the weekend”, then we can hardly talk about happiness;

Take a closer look, everyone has some plans for you, colleagues at work, firms (organizations), the state and even relatives. Everyone wants something from you, but by and large, no one cares about what you yourself want. But it is very important not to ignore your sincere desires, to satisfy them and to do in life what just for you like and give pleasure.

Remember what aroused your interest or try yourself in something new, and listen to yourself what resonates with you in your soul. This could be any activity - dancing, music, painting, knitting, photography, cooking, gardening, programming, or even animal training.

And start getting involved in this, study and gradually become an expert, in the future, this can become the main source of your income, because it is in your favorite business that people achieve the greatest success. Especially now, when, with the development of the Internet, a lot of new professions and opportunities for self-realization and earning have appeared.

And for this it is not at all necessary to take drastic steps, quit your old job or arrange a revolution, act for the future just start experimenting and learning.

  • Financial(material) sphere, if there is not enough money and you have to worry all the time, where to get something to at least eat normally and give the basic necessities to relatives, this is also not very bright and will strain all the time. I'm not talking about our dreams and desires - to travel, pamper ourselves, relatives, etc.
  • Personal(family) relationship. A lonely person can live well, but he will be happy only if he was able, so to speak, to develop spiritually deeply, when only his own and existence can please him. But you and I are not some kind of enlightened, not Buddhist monks, and constant loneliness will be a burden to us.
  • Environment and friends , all this is also important for the joy and pleasure in life, besides, our success largely depends on it.

But you need to be careful in choosing such people and not be afraid to leave those who do not support and inspire you.

  • Self-development . Here I will simply say that it is always important for us to strive to develop, even in the smallest steps. We do not have such a thing that, having achieved some result, it would be possible to hang in this state and somehow hold back the development. We either move forward or degrade.

If, for example, you have excessive fullness and weak muscle tone, then it would be good to strive for the development of the body, if you are worried about internal problems and you often experience negative emotions, and perhaps there are emotional disorders, then it is important to take care of your inner world, study something and use to improve your well-being and its stability.

In general, you need to set your own goals in these areas, because all these moments together make us happy, inspired and energetic, and they will differ in some way for everyone, because we are all different, everyone has different conditions and resources, different predispositions and inclinations, and for everyone right now something may have a special need.

How to set goals the right way.

Take a pen, a piece of paper and, slowly, think and write down what goals you have now. What do you want from life? Write first everything that comes to mind, it can be 10, 20 or more goals.

Next, take another piece of paper and write out of all the goals described earlier, the most necessary , the most cherished 2-3 goals for you, without which you cannot imagine a happy life, in which you will give yourself with all your heart, which excites when you think about it. In general, determine what you will want to wake up for every day, what will give you the feeling that your life is not in vain.

By the way, one of these goals, for a given period of life, will take precedence over the others, this is the most what you need now, but the priority may change over time.

When you write these two or three goals, leave space between them about a third of the sheet, here we will enter “required actions”.

So, for this purpose, describe in detail How would you like to live and what to do? For example, I would like to do this, to have such and such a family, to have such and such, specifically in numbers, material income, where and how to live, for example, in your own house on the river bank, there are so many rooms in the house, there is a garage, etc., in general, describe in more detail and more colorfully.

And write not some unrealizable dreams, like: to have a billion dollars and to be loved by everyone, but let them be brave and hot dreams, but it is imperative that realistically achieved in some foreseeable future(eg 1 or 3 years).

You can take your time and draw up a list with goals gradually, over several days, now the main thing is begin, and then, without too much delay, bring to the end.

How to achieve the goal - concrete actions

After describing the goals, in the space left, we write the paragraph: "The most necessary actions leading to the goal."

At this point, think about and note those specific actions to take in order to achieve what you want.

And write actions starting with the smallest steps, what will be the first and what will be next.

For example, if you are single and want to start a family, then the first action would be: go outside and take a walk where you can meet certain people, or find a dating site. And the second step will be: without too much thought, continuing to feel embarrassed, go up and talk to a person, say at least a couple of words or write a message to him.

And if now these actions are preventing you from doing these actions, excessive fullness and the uncertainty associated with this, then we set ourselves intermediate goal: “Start eating right and exercising in order to become more confident and attractive.”

The same applies to the most important thing - our health.

What do you need to feel good, be cheerful and energetic? And now think about how best to achieve this - what actions, where to start here and there?

These actions must be reliable, that is, proven, proven and effectively working, and not some of their own or others, little-verified stories and conjectures.

Example. For my good health, stability, well-being and energy, I need:

  • relax regularly (what specific actions?)
  • complete rest (when, how and what?)
  • playing sports (what sport, what do I like best, what will be especially useful in my case?)
  • learn (what exactly are the ways?), etc.

That is, describe the specific actions in stages necessary to achieve the goal.


  1. Detailed clear goal that we have set for ourselves
  • (most effective actions)
  • (... action)
  • (... action)
  1. The second detailed goal
  • (... action)
  • (... action)
  • (action), etc.

Fixing the set goals

After writing a leaflet with goals and actions, often find a separate minute and remember (dream), periodically look through this sheet, and even better if you at least sometimes (preferably more often), and for example in the morning, rewrite goals in a separate notebook, in this case motor skills will be connected. It has been scientifically proven that the brain begins to perceive the information described by the hand in a different way, more deeply and purely, and assimilates it better. Imagination and writing on paper are the most powerful tools for self-development.

It will also help if you record your goals on an audio player and occasionally listen to the recording. After all, it is important not only to know your goal well, but fix it in the mind, make it an idea And start living it . After all, there is nothing stronger than an idea, if some thought has built a nest in the head, it begins to control our life, and it’s good if this idea is useful!

I also want to recommend you one very convenient service, which was created specifically for setting and achieving goals using the SMART methodology. The service was created by Russian enthusiastic developers, it has all the necessary tools and the ability to additionally motivate yourself with the help of like-minded people and social networks. Probably for some of you, this particular method of tracking and achieving goals will suit you best. >>>

What should always be remembered

Dreaming and acting towards your goals, it is important remember the present , otherwise constantly thinking about where you would like to be, you lose the ability to enjoy life here and now.

It doesn’t work in life that, they say, I will achieve my goal and then I will live, I will become happy. In life it's the other way around at first you mentally relax and start to relate more easily to yourself, to your goals and life itself, and without unnecessary stress, without burnouts, you begin to move towards your plan, then everything magically, albeit not always quickly, turns out.

Therefore, keep a big goal for the future, but try seize the day , solving small problems as they come, and not thinking ahead about everything, and not bringing yourself to illness and the pursuit of achievements. A big goal, as a bright landmark to which you need smoothly pursuit.

Just do not forget that everything you do is primarily for the sake of your happiness, and you can be in a good mood and be satisfied with life right now, and this, if not strange, depends only on you!

How to achieve your goals

Having set goals and periodically remembering them, start moving towards this, trying no distractions on harmful thoughts, useless and stupid people, quarrels, arguments with someone and empty activities.

And start now right now at least just do first steps without waiting for the perfect moment .

Many people make one of the biggest mistakes, they are constantly waiting for this perfect moment to start something. They spend their whole lives in this expectation, until one day their dream turns into disappointment. And in life very often this happens.

People think so, I’ll start when I’m ready, when I get more knowledge, or when my condition improves and I gain confidence, or in general, when some stars converge and there will be a sign from above.

In fact, everything is simple - there will never be a perfect moment, and you disturbing yourself change life for the better. You are afraid and listen to your fear, you do not have faith in yourself and your strength. Probably sometime earlier you made a mistake and maybe not one, or maybe someone told you some kind of "nasty thing", you believed and that's it. And now they are fixated on the fear of failure, which now does not allow you to do something necessary, and someone even began to think that he was in life.

And it always seems to the maximalist that they are not competent enough, that you need to gain more knowledge, although, in fact, you don’t need to gain anything, it’s enough if you just know something well and can bring real benefits, and perfection will come with practice and time.

And all it takes is trust yourself, trust life And take the first step!.

Of course there is a risk, but risk, this is the second gold, he is always there, and he differs from recklessness in great opportunities to make his life and the life of loved ones happier.

And often in life, one necessary action is more important than all knowledge, just like a few seconds can change everything. For example, when meeting, when all you need is to make up your mind and just speak.


Surely, many of you have now thought, they say: “Ah, reluctance, I’ll write about the goals later, I’m not up to it now,” or “It’s not so important, I won’t write anything, it’s unlikely to help anyway.” It means that your old beliefs have worked inside you, which slow down and spoil your whole life.

For those who did, keep this goal and action sheet, review and apply it, it will come in very handy!

If nothing comes to your mind right now and it’s incredibly hard to think about goals, perhaps

Best regards Andrey Russkikh

P.S. Watch Brian Tracy's video on how to set goals.

A goal differs from a dream in that it has not only an image, but also real ways to achieve it. Without the means and concrete actions that make approaching the goal possible, one can only dream and fantasize.

A goal is an ideal, mental anticipation of the result of a person’s actions and the ways to achieve it using certain means.

In other words, a goal is a possible, imaginable future event or state of something, the implementation of which is desirable for a person (personal image of the future). At the same time, the means and possible paths necessary to achieve it are always consistent with the goal.

Otherwise, this desired future will only be a spell of the elements (lack of possible means) or fruitless dreams (lack of ways to achieve it). Thus, a goal is always something for which specific human actions are carried out. No actions, no goals. And vice versa.

How to set goals correctly

The fulfillment of our desires and the realization of dreams largely depends on how correctly we set goals. Rules for setting goals help turn our aspirations and desires into reality. Therefore, in this article we will consider in detail the question “How to set goals correctly?”, and we will understand how to translate your desires and dreams into the category of real and clear goals that can be achieved.

1. Rely only on your own strengths

Before you set a goal, make sure that you are fully responsible for achieving it. To avoid the temptation to shift the responsibility for your failures to someone else, set yourself goals that you can achieve without outside help. This goal-setting rule will save you in the future (in the event that you do not achieve something) from the wrong conclusions when working on mistakes.

2. Formulate your goals correctly

Firstly, goals, like ideas, must be written down on paper (notebook, diary, diary). A goal written in detail has a much greater chance of becoming realized. If you think you can keep them in your head without formulating goals on paper, then don't flatter yourself about achieving them. Such goals can be safely attributed to the category of dreams. Dreams and desires wander chaotically in our head, they are chaotic, disorderly and completely unclear to us.

The efficiency of such goals-dreams is extremely small; in reality, they are achieved very, very rarely. Even in words, we often cannot describe what we really want. Therefore, the formulation of the goal must necessarily take place with a pencil in hand. The saying is true: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.”

Setting and formulating a goal with the help of a record includes our subconscious in active work, the formulated goal gives confidence and makes each next step meaningful.

The man caught a goldfish. And she says to him: “Let me go, I will fulfill any of your wishes.” Well, he thought and thought about how to fit everything into one desire and said: “I want to have everything!” “Okay,” the fish answers, “you HAD everything.”

Secondly, correct goal setting and formulation imply that the goal must carry a positive charge. Therefore, it is better to formulate it using the rules of affirmations - talk about what you want, and not about what you don’t want. The correct goal is “to be rich”, “to be sober”, “to be slim”. The wrong goal is “to avoid poverty,” “not to drink,” “to get rid of excess weight.” If nothing positive comes to mind and something like “I don’t want this, I don’t want that” is constantly spinning around, try asking correctly: “This is what I don’t want. Then what do I want instead?

Also, following this rule of setting a goal, when formulating it, it is better not to use words that create resistance and reduce the effectiveness of the goal - “necessary”, “needed”, “should”, “must”. These words are antipodes to the word "I want". How can you want, using blocking words to motivate? Therefore, replace “should” with “want”, “should” with “can”, “should” with “will do”.

The correct goal is “I want to relax and will go on vacation”, “I can and know how to earn money and will earn a lot of money.” Wrong goal - “I need to relax and go on vacation”, “In order to pay off the debt I must earn money.” It is also best to formulate the goal in terms of the result, not the process: that is, "do this" and not "work better."

3. Break big goals into subgoals

Any big goal seems overwhelming until you start to divide it into parts. For example, the desire to buy property abroad seems impossible at first glance. But if you move towards the goal with systematic steps, dividing it into stages, it will be easier to achieve it.

You can first set a goal to earn 3 thousand rubles a day, then 5 thousand, etc. Step by step (goal by goal) you will reach a level where you can think about buying real estate. Setting complex (global) goals and objectives, splitting them into smaller ones, has an excellent motivational effect. Having achieved one, albeit insignificant goal, you will feel satisfaction and desire to move on. Reaching the near frontiers, you gain the strength and confidence to reach the distant ones.

Gradually, the way of thinking will also change. Understand, it is unrealistic to earn 20 thousand a month, and then increase your income to 500 thousand in a few weeks. Big money likes prepared ones.

4. Specification of the goal

Often the reason why the goal is not achieved is its vagueness, namely:

  • Lack of a clearly defined specific result. What does it mean – “I want to learn Chinese” – to learn a couple of hundred words, or does it mean to learn to communicate fluently in this language, or perhaps “to learn Chinese” means to learn all 80 thousand characters and read the text without a dictionary?
  • There is no way to measure this result. When setting goals and objectives, it is important to consider the further ability to measure the result. For example, if you want to lose weight, you should know how much you want to lose five, ten or maybe thirty kilograms.
  • Lack of clearly defined deadlines. Here are two examples of goal setting: the first is “I want to increase the traffic to my website to a thousand unique visitors per day,” the second is “I want to increase the traffic to my website to a thousand unique visitors per day in three months.” The first option, without a clearly defined time frame, looks more like a desire than a goal. Well, a person wants to increase the traffic of his resource, and so what? He can come to this only after five years. The second option is another matter - there is a set deadline that will stimulate and spur in every possible way. Surely the deadline was determined reasonably, and not taken out of thin air, and therefore you will have to forget about laziness and work productively.

More, more specifics!

5. Goal adjustment

Be flexible! Just because you've set a goal doesn't mean you can't make the necessary adjustments to it. Anything can happen, circumstances may arise that can slow down or accelerate the achievement of the goal, so you need to be prepared to adjust the goal. Remember that inertia in aspirations has never made anyone either successful or happy. Life is changing and you have to change with it!

6. Attractiveness of the goal

The goal and the consequences that its achievement will lead to should attract you! choose goals that attract, inspire and inspire you, otherwise “the game is not worth the candle.”

7. Believe that your goal is achievable

After formulating and setting a specific goal, you need to feel it and fix it in the subconscious. It happens that consciously striving to achieve a goal, subconsciously we are not ready to achieve it. You can wish for a goal, but deep down you do not believe in its feasibility, do not believe in your abilities, or simply consider yourself unworthy.

It is not enough to correctly formulate a goal, you need to charge it with the energy of confidence - this is the most important condition for readiness to achieve your goal. All successful people, from television stars (Oprah Winfrey, Larry King...) and outstanding athletes (Michael Jordan, Fedor Emelianenko...), to politicians (Mitt Romney, Silvio Berlusconi, Arnold Schwarzenegger...) and businessmen (Richard Branson,...) have achieved what they have thanks to the ability to correctly formulate and set goals.

8. Adjustment of goals and objectives

If you have already defined your main life goals, this does not mean that you cannot partially change them over time. Adjustments to goals and objectives can take place at every stage of your life's journey. Flexibility in our time is the most important quality that allows us to adapt to changing conditions. It must be remembered that rigid views have never led anyone to success or happiness. You must change along with the world around you.

At least once a year, every person determined to succeed should devote time to such an activity as goal adjustment. For example, you can do this every birthday because it is the moment when you grow one year older and realize that you are wiser. Dedicate this day to analyzing the fruits that you managed to collect over the previous year.

Focus on your victories and don't forget to praise yourself for them. At the same time, you should not lose sight of your defeats. Draw the most correct conclusions and think about what you have to work on in the coming period. Be sure to evaluate the list of goals that was compiled a year ago. Carefully analyze each of the assigned tasks. Think about what exactly you did during the year to implement it.

Assess how far you have come in your pursuits. Ask yourself whether a specific goal has the same meaning for you as it did a year ago. Perhaps today this task will seem insignificant to you or, in some respects, even naive. In such a situation, you can safely cross it out.

Once you've gone through all your goals, start creating a new list. You can modify old tasks, focusing on the requirements of the present moment. If you have new thoughts about your goals, be sure to record them. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that new tasks do not contradict the old ones that are still relevant. We must remember that our capabilities must be assessed adequately. Try to set achievable goals for yourself, since unrealistic tasks that are almost impossible to achieve at this stage will become the subject of your disappointment in a year.

If your life has changed significantly over the past year, adjusting your tasks is almost mandatory for you. There is no need to set too strict time limits for yourself. You don't have to wait a year to adjust your goals. By forming new life priorities, you will have the opportunity to understand and accept all the changes that have happened in your life.

Most likely, you have many goals. Try to write them down briefly and clearly on a piece of paper. Most likely, you won’t be able to do this quickly the first time, and the results of such work may surprise you. It wouldn’t hurt to compare the old and new lists in order to understand what you’ve given up and where you’re heading.

Remember that you have the opportunity to change both the goals themselves and the methods for achieving them. For example, a past strategy for achieving a certain goal may seem universally stupid to you at the moment. Make changes in your life, otherwise there is a risk that you will remain in the same place for a long time.

Goals make us develop and move forward in life. Setting is the first step to successfully achieving a goal. You switch from a passive observer to an active participant in your life. It is important that you understand the importance of goal setting and apply this knowledge daily. Then the goals will gradually begin to be realized. We will talk about how to set goals and achieve them correctly in this article.

I propose to first consider the main reasons for the need to have your own goals. This will make the goal setting process more conscious and dispel all doubts. The main reasons include:

  1. You will be in control of your own life.
    Today, a large number of busy and working people do not feel that they are enjoying life. The reason for this is the fact that they do not know what they want. Children finish school and are not sure what they will do next, adults work for many years and reach the age of 40 and feel that they have not used their potential.
    In reality, you are simply carrying out the goals of others. For example, fast food corporations convincing you that you “love it.” Or the consumer products industry telling you you need this shampoo at 70% off. When you think about your own goals and understand what you really want, you will seem to come out of autopilot. Instead of letting people tell you what to do, you will take responsibility for your choices.
  2. You will get maximum results.
    Top performers, world-class athletes and successful people have set goals. Michael Phelps (23-time Olympic swimmer), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook co-founder), Richard Branson (business tycoon) and Elon Musk (CEO of Space X and Telsa Motors) had clear goals and achieved success.
    What goals do you want to achieve in a year? By setting goals, you think ahead, after which you can work on an action plan. Remember that all objects are created twice: initially they are invented in the mind, then they “come to life” in the real world. Setting goals is a mental creation. Physical creation is accomplished only when you begin to make efforts and bring your plans to life.
  3. You will have clear focus.
    While life gives you general direction, your goals allow you to focus on what's most important, spending your time efficiently and channeling your energy in the right direction. Let's imagine that you dream of opening an online store and have set yourself such a goal. You have no idea how to achieve it, but setting a goal gives you focus. You start brainstorming and get ideas. You realize that you can start by analyzing the demand in the market in your city, understand what products are popular and what people buy most. Then choose a niche that is in demand and interesting to you. All that remains is to find a supplier, post photos of the goods on the website or on social networks, organize delivery and receive calls. This way, focusing on your goal guides you in the right direction.
  4. You will take responsibility.
    Setting goals helps you become more responsible. Instead of just talking or blaming others, you now have a responsibility to take action. This accountability is for yourself, not for anyone else. No one knows the goal you have set and no one will bully you. Only you will win if you achieve it.
  5. You will increase your motivation.
    Setting goals is like connecting you to your inner desires. They help motivate you and strive for your ideals. This is especially effective if you are going through a difficult life stage; goals help remind you of what is important, focus on your desires, and overcome obstacles.
  6. You will become a better person.
    Goals will help you reach your highest potential. Without them, you habitually do the routine work that makes you feel safe every day. But it doesn't allow you to grow. This robs you of your infinite potential. Motivation will force you to take risks, experience new situations and go beyond the usual, thereby giving you the opportunity to reach new heights.
  7. You will live better.
    Last but not least, goals guarantee you a better life. Time passes, and it is the set goals with specific actions that ensure that you use your potential and gain the most useful experience in the allotted time.

Setting a goal

To achieve a specific result, you can use different methods. One of the most effective methods is the “SMART” technology. The word is an acronym and includes five main criteria. Any task you set must correspond to them.

  • Specificity. It is not enough to set yourself the goal “I want a house by the sea.” It is necessary to describe all the nuances and preferences in your mind as accurately as possible. Otherwise, you may have a house, but it will belong to a relative and you will not be able to dispose of it as you would like. The goal seems to have been achieved, but you don’t get what you wanted. Example:
    Wrong: I want a house by the sea.
    Right: Personally owned two-storey house with good repair and a swimming pool in Phuket near the sea.
  • Measurability. You have talent and good ideas, so you want to open your own business. This is interesting and, if successful, will allow you to make good money. In this case, you need to set a goal of how much income you want to receive per month from your business and gradually achieve it. Example:
    Wrong: I want to become a successful and rich entrepreneur.
    Right: Income 500,000 rubles per month from your business.
  • Reachability. Try to jump above your head and set ambitious plans for yourself, while relying on objective reality. Example:
    Wrong: I want all people to be healthy.
    Right: Learn to become a doctor and develop effective ways to heal the body.
  • Significance. When setting a specific goal, ask yourself the question “why do I need this?” in order to come to a specific answer “I will become happier”, “I will be able to help people”, etc. Money cannot be a goal - it only provides an opportunity to acquire something what do you desire. Example:
    Wrong: I want more money to travel.
    Right: Traveling through European cities.
  • Timing. Without a time frame, a goal can stretch out over many years. An approaching deadline encourages action and increases productivity. Example:
    Wrong: I want to learn English.
    Right: Next year I will pass the TOEFL exam with excellent marks.

How to achieve your goals

Achieving what you want can sometimes be very difficult. We blame our colleagues, friends and even fate for our failures and failures, but, of course, we don’t think about ourselves. To achieve your goals, you need to consider several points.

  1. Write down your goals. It’s even better to supplement your written wish with pictures (for example, magazine clippings). The collage visualizes your desires.
  2. Form your desires as precisely as possible. Avoid expressions that can be interpreted in two ways so that additional questions do not arise.
  3. Set realistic goals that you can achieve in this life. Agree that you are unlikely to be able to ride a unicorn on your birthday.
  4. Dream big. Don't limit yourself to mundane goals like buying a new bag. Dream about traveling around the world, a house with a garden, or a successful business. Don't force yourself into rigid boundaries, let your potential unfold.
  5. Move from desires to actions. Study, read and try - this is the only way to achieve what you dream of.

List of 100 goals for the year

I usually make a list of 100 goals before the New Year. This is a very useful practice. I tell you how to write such lists correctly in this video.

Analyze your actions, draw conclusions and expand your knowledge. Correct goal setting, your efforts and efforts will allow you to achieve the desired results and achieve success. I wish you good luck and start conquering the peaks today!

A person cannot live without a goal, just as he cannot live without water and food. Everyone has a goal in life. Even for someone who sits on the couch and drinks beer all the time. It’s just that his goal or “meaning” of life is to grow old on the couch with a close friend with cirrhosis and surrounded by bottles of girlfriends. The outcome of any person’s life depends on how goals are set. It’s about goal setting that I would like to talk to you about today.

Before we talk about goal setting, let's find out what a goal is. We all know what it is, but we can’t clearly formulate it. This may be due to the fact that each branch of science has its own definition of the term “goal”. People often confuse concepts such as goal, dream and desire. They can be closely related and depend on each other. But these are still different concepts.
Desire creates a goal and forces action. But the desire can remain only the phrase “I would like..”, while the goal is always supported by actions.
A dream can consist of a chain of sequential goals. A dream is something big, sometimes non-specific, so to speak, abstract and magical. But the goal always has a specific and clear formulation.
Setting a goal is an important moment in the life of every person. Imagine that your life is a train that is rapidly rushing along the rails. But where is he going? If you don’t give him a final destination, he will continue to go nowhere until he exhausts his resources. And it turns out that his entire path will be empty and meaningless. However, if the train has a schedule and a clearly defined destination, then the entire journey of the train makes sense. But for this to happen, the correct goal setting is necessary. Because even if a goal is set, but not clearly formulated, actions aimed at its implementation can lead to a completely different result than you expected.

You can learn how to set goals so that they work towards your dreams in this article.
The importance of goal setting lies in the fact that if you have correctly identified and set goals for yourself, they will enter your subconscious and program your brain (in the good sense of the word). Thanks to this, on a subconscious level you will choose the right decisions and attract the right people to you. In other words, setting goals will help you choose the right direction in life that is right for you and will guide you along the right path in life.
It is not for nothing that we focus on the subconscious, because unlike consciousness, which sees the world in a narrow spectrum, it is able to more fully perceive information from the surrounding world.

Consequently, you get more useful and relevant information that will help you achieve success and goals. For example, passing by an advertisement “jobs for young and promising people,” our consciousness may say: “networkers again...”. But the subconscious, having assessed the information not only from the post, but also, perhaps, by the “smell” of the advertisement, its color and aura, will push you to dial the mysterious number. You, obeying your intuition (your inner voice, the call of the subconscious, the voice of the universe, etc.), dial the indicated phone number, and there actually turns out to be a job that you need and that is right for you. So consciousness is only the primary processor of information coming from the outside world, and the bulk of the work is done by your subconscious.

The second important aspect in setting goals is faith in the result. If you don't believe in what you are doing, there will be no results. Because in the absence of faith in the result, your subconscious will ignore the goal, since this goal will be perceived as something alien, false. You must believe in your success and in what you are doing. Only in this case will your subconscious mind be able to help you choose the right decisions and follow the right path.

American multimillionaire Andrew Carnegie said: “To become happy, you need to set yourself the most cherished goal, which will completely and completely take over all thoughts, free up energy and give hope.” Napoleon Hill, Brian Tracy and many other successful people also claim that only clearly defined goals will lead to success, wealth and fulfillment of desires. Is goal setting really the main ingredient in the formula for success?

Why are goals needed?

A man without a goal is often compared to a ship set out on the open sea without a crew or captain. How far can such a ship sail? The chance that he will sail to another port is zero. The best thing that awaits him is to run aground. It’s the same with a person: he’s floundering, floundering in place, but he doesn’t know where to swim, because there’s no goal, it’s difficult to get to a destination that’s missing.

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At an English university, teachers conducted an experiment. Graduates were asked to write about their future goals. And only 5% of students coped with this task. The rest could not formulate what they want. Five years later, a survey was conducted among the same people. It turned out that students who put their goals on paper achieved and even exceeded them. And their total income exceeded the total income of the remaining 95% of graduates.

By working towards your goal, you will achieve success

In fact, many people do not see goals in life. Ask yourself the question: “What is my goal?” And then ask your relatives, friends, and acquaintances to answer it. Some of them will find it difficult to answer at all, while the rest, for the most part, will talk about their desires, but not their goals. What is the difference between desire and goals? Desire is, in essence, just wanting something, dreams that are unlikely to come true just because they appeared in our head. A goal is a specific value that has a clear definition. This is the end result that a person strives for, and for which he is ready to sacrifice his time.

If Vasya, lying on the sofa, scratches the back of his head and says: “Eh, I want to move to Moscow and be a director” - this is just a desire. But if he says that in a week he will go to Moscow, enter a university, graduate, work harder and better than others until his last sweat, and in the future receive the position of director ─ this is a goal with a plan to achieve it. In what case does Vasya have a greater chance of becoming a director? Obviously, in the first case, Vasya will remain on the couch, but in the second, even if not immediately, he will achieve his goal.

The saddest thing is that most people who have no goals are content to simply lie on their favorite couch. They go to the same place of work for years, which they sometimes hate, endure a dictatorial boss, and barely make ends meet. They increased the salary ─ good, no ─ oh well, I’ll make do. And yet they don’t even try to change anything. Just as participants in the TV show DOM-2 think that there is no life outside the perimeter, so some people are sure that their office is the only place on the planet where they pay money.

This category of people comes up with all sorts of excuses for themselves. Like, I don’t have the starting capital to start a business, talents, skills. I can't, I won't succeed. If everything was easy and simple, everyone would be rich, etc. In fact, such reasoning is complete nonsense. People are simply afraid to leave their homes, they are not confident in themselves, in their capabilities, and they do not want to make any plans. And the most important reason is basic laziness, which encourages you to do nothing for your well-being.

Why are there no goals?

Goal setting is a kind of art that needs to be learned. There is even a theory of setting goals and objectives outlined by Edwin Lok. There are several reasons why people don’t plan anything or set goals:

How to set a goal correctly?

The stages of goal setting are as follows:

  • Determining the main goal and large-scale goals that you want to achieve;
  • Breaking down large goals into small ones that will help achieve the final goals;
  • Work according to the plan to achieve your goals.

Stage 1: Selecting Big Goals

  1. Correct goal setting is already the first step on the path to success; the fulfillment of desires and the realization of dreams depends on this. The first thing you need to do is determine your most desired goals. The most important thing is that these goals should be exclusively yours, the most cherished and intimate. Not imposed by parents, relatives, friends or the media. First you need to choose a long-term dream goal. What you want more than anything in the world, what you dreamed about. Such a goal is chosen with the heart, even thoughts about it fill with extraordinary excitement, it should inspire.
  2. Having decided on the most important goal, you need to choose other, no less important life goals that relate to family, career, finances, society, health, and hobbies. Before you set a goal, you should ask yourself 5 questions:
    • Who I want to be?
    • What do I want to do?
    • What do I want to have?
    • What happens when I receive this?
    • Will achieving my goals give me satisfaction?
  3. All goals must be written down, otherwise they will remain just desires and dreams. Correct wording is very important. It is correct to write about what you want, and not about what you don’t want. “I will be rich”, “I will be slim”, “I will buy an apartment” ─ this is the correct wording. “Avoid poverty”, “get rid of extra pounds”, “I don’t want to live in a rented apartment” - this is an incorrect formulation of your goals. Words such as: “must, must, should” must be replaced with: “I want, I can, I will.”
  4. Goals must be specific. If you plan to improve your financial situation, then the phrase “I want a lot of money” does not convey any specifics. You must indicate the exact amount you want.
  5. Goals must be realistic. If you set a goal that in a month I should receive 500,000 rubles, and at the moment I earn 50,000 rubles, then it is very doubtful that in a few months I will be able to increase my income 10 times. They get to big money gradually.
  6. It is necessary to set deadlines for achieving goals.
  7. When setting goals for yourself to achieve a goal, you need to rely only on your own strengths, so that in case of failure there is no temptation to blame others.

Stage 2: setting subgoals

Once the goal is set and there is a list of large-scale goals, it is necessary to create a plan for the next few years. Large goals are divided into small ones, small ones into stages. It is necessary to clearly describe every step, every action that is planned to be taken. Setting goals and objectives will help you properly organize your time and resources to achieve the desired result.

You need to complete all the sub-goals to get to the main one

For example, the goal is to buy a new apartment. It is necessary to determine its cost and set the period for its purchase. Then soberly assess your income level and ask yourself what you can do to get closer to your goal. You need to write a clear and detailed plan of your actions on how to achieve your goal. How can you increase your income? Find a part-time job, learn another profession, get a promotion, etc. You may have to attend courses or trainings. This is breaking big goals into small ones.

Step-by-step instructions for achieving your goal

Setting goals and achieving them is beautifully described by Brian Tracy in his book The Psychology of Achievement. Just 12 steps that will allow you to achieve any goals. The effective technology has already been tested by several thousand people; even ardent skeptics, having tried it, became adherents.

Step One: Create Desire

A strong and irresistible desire is the most powerful incentive. If there is no desire, then nothing will happen; it is not typical for a person to take any action if he does not want it. A strong desire will help overcome all the fears that prevent people from realizing their dreams. It is very important to remember that everything we think about has the ability to increase. If we think about fear, it will completely consume us. If we want to achieve our goal, we will definitely do it.

The first step is desire

When setting a goal, you need to think only about your desires and your dreams. The dream should be yours alone. You need to know absolutely exactly what you want, who you want to be. You need to determine the most important goal that can make you incredibly happy.

Step two: become confident

Only 100% confidence that achieving the goal is possible will be able to engage the subconscious and make it an ally. You need to be confident and firmly believe that the goal will be achieved because you deserve it. The only condition is that the goals must be realistic. You should be aware that it is almost impossible to increase your income several times in a month, but by 20-30% in six months is a completely feasible desire.

The second step is to gain confidence.

Achieving global goals takes a lot of time, so you need to understand that you will need perseverance, perseverance and patience. For example, you need to lose 15 kg. Theoretically, this is possible, but the damage to health will be very noticeable. And if you set yourself a goal to lose 2 kg monthly, then such a goal is easily achievable and the subconscious will believe in it. Goals should be challenging enough to force us to work and use our full potential. And at the same time, they must be real and believable so that one can believe in them and be absolutely convinced of their achievement.

A dream, a cherished desire, a life goal - at first glance, these are similar concepts. In fact, these words mean completely different things. A dream may be unrealistic, and a desire may be impossible to fulfill. In order for what you dream to come true, you need to move from wishes to goal setting. However, the goal can also remain unachieved if you formulate it incorrectly. Setting goals correctly and achieving them. This logical chain is the path to success.

How to set goals correctly

Goal setting is the process of setting a goal. Many popular science books are devoted to this concept. According to psychologists, a correctly formulated task is a 50% guarantee of its achievement. Many people don’t know how to set goals correctly. Therefore, it is not surprising that trainings where professional psychologists teach the basic principles of goal setting have become popular. Unlike desires and dreams, a goal is a definite, clear concept, since it has a specific result behind it. This result must be seen. You must believe in achieving your goal. Only then can it really be achieved.

Formulations: “I want to expand my business”, “I want to increase my income” are examples of desires. To translate them into the category of goals, you need to specifically define what it means for you to expand your business. Open new branches? Expand the range of services? Attract more clients? Increase production volume? How much to increase or expand: by 20% or 2 times? The result you strive for must be measurable.

The result you strive for must be measurable.

It is best to write down a specific goal in your diary. To formulate it, use active verbs such as “do”, “earn”, “achieve”. Do not use the words “must”, “necessary”, “needed”, “should”, as they carry a semantic connotation of coercion and overcoming internal barriers. This is your goal. You want to achieve it, no one is forcing you to do it.

Achieving goals that are too simple is not fun. The task must be complex so that you have to overcome difficulties on the way to it; this is the only way to develop. But the goal must be real. Therefore, before formulating it, it is necessary to analyze the current state of affairs and evaluate the available resources and capabilities. It is unlikely to be possible to open 5 new branches at once or increase income 10 times. Achieve smaller goals first. Over time, you will come to what you didn’t even dare to dream about at the beginning of your journey.

Correct goal setting necessarily contains an indication of the time for its achievement. For example, goals to expand the customer base or increase production volume need to be specified in percentage terms (by 30%) and a period (1 year).

If you learn to correctly and specifically formulate goals for yourself, you will be able to clearly and clearly set them for others. The head of the organization must know the basic principles of goal setting. Then he will require his managers to correctly formulate the goals of their work. And this is a guarantee that they will actually complete their tasks.

How to achieve your goals

The methods for achieving goals are:

  1. The goal leads to the result. If it is very important to you, then it will be easier to achieve it. Imagine all the benefits of achieving the final result. Anticipate in advance the feelings of joy and success that you will experience at that moment. Then no fears or doubts will interfere with your path to your goal. Psychologists call this technique the visualization method. It helps to actualize all external and internal resources to achieve the goal, attracts the necessary ideas, people, and means. For example, think about the benefits you'll get from increasing your income by 50%. You will be able to afford more expensive real estate, a car, vacation, gifts for loved ones. Increase your social status. Which of these benefits do you most desire? Imagine that you have already achieved it. And let this picture motivate you. When you set goals for your employees, help them see the positives in their overall achievements. Salary increases, bonuses, career growth, receiving additional funds in the company budget for corporate events.
  2. To go a long way towards achieving a big and important goal, you need to divide it into stages. To do this, the global goal is divided into smaller goals. These, in turn, can also be broken down into smaller tasks. If all this is schematically depicted on paper, you will get a real system of goals and subgoals. Try to formulate each of them clearly, indicating the time frame for achievement, and then this diagram can be easily turned into a step-by-step plan for moving towards the main global goal. Such planning will become the basis for drawing up clear instructions for action for your subordinates. For example, the goal of expanding the range of services can be divided into subgoals: study the specifics of new services, purchase the equipment necessary to provide them, select specialists or train your employees, find additional space.
  3. Close people can help you achieve your personal goals. And when it comes to business-related tasks, you cannot do without the help of employees and partners. Having broken down the global goal into specific subgoals, think about which of your subordinates can cope with each of them most successfully. But remember, you set the initial goal for yourself, it is important to you, therefore the responsibility for achieving it also lies, first of all, with you. If you do not achieve your goal because one of your employees did not complete the task assigned to him, then the blame for this will lie with you. This means that you overestimated the resources of this employee. Perhaps he needs more time to solve his problem or needs to improve his skills. Or maybe a completely different specialist is needed to achieve this subgoal.
  4. Try to assess in advance the obstacles that will arise on the way to achieving your goal. Think about how you can overcome or eliminate them. Not all at once, but gradually, one at a time. Of course, it is not possible to predict all problems. But you will have a plan to eliminate at least some of them.
  5. Look for additional resources. New information, new knowledge and skills will help overcome obstacles that at first may seem the greatest. You may have to hire new specialists (marketers, analysts, content managers, business trainers) or your previous employees will need to take training courses, workshops, and seminars.
  6. Make a general plan of action for the period of time that you have given yourself to achieve your goal. It will reflect who will solve intermediate tasks and in what time frame, what resources and additional investments will be attracted to overcome obstacles. Based on the overall plan, create more detailed plans for each quarter, month, and even week. Of course, you will have to adjust a lot in your plan during execution. After all, on the way to your goal you will gain new knowledge, experience, and circumstances may change. Most likely, during the implementation of the plan, you will see mistakes made during the preparation. So along the way you will need to work on mistakes. You may even have to adjust your goals if you realize that your resources are not yet enough to achieve the initial ones. But it's not scary. Anyway, you will already go part of the way, gain new knowledge and experience that will help you adjust your goals and move on.
  7. Periodically review your goals, methods to achieve them, and resources. This is useful for further rational planning of your path.
  8. Consider the price you will have to pay to reach your goal. Financial investments will be required to train employees and purchase equipment. Additional time is needed to supervise the work of the new branch. You may have to reduce your personal leisure time or spend less time with your family. It takes time and effort to complete the training. And bringing a partner into the business will force you to give up the habit of deciding everything on your own. Assess your willingness to sacrifice all of this and get out of your comfort zone.

A goal always leads to action, because if you do nothing, you won’t achieve your goal. And vice versa, in order to start acting, you need to set a goal for yourself. There is no better motivation for action.