
We make a case for a Fiskars shovel with our own hands. Homemade cover for a small sapper shovel Drawings of a cover folding Hans shovels


I am a loafer!
I am a ballast for us!
But suddenly the counselor said,
That all shovels
He will distribute
And he won't give me a shovel.

This is how someone else loves work,
When the shovel is taken away.

Agniya Barto

I have a shovel, the Bison is called.
A little bigger and worse than the MPL, steel rings, bought two years ago at a flea market for 180r.
The handle was soaked with linen, screwed in a new self-tapping screw, sharpened.
I used it regularly and I'm happy with everything...

And not everyone is happy.
What did I carry a shovel in? Delov something: wrapped in a rag and in a backpack. But it began to seem to me that it was somehow uncivilized, sort of like disrespect for such a useful tool as a shovel. And as I thought this, preparing a shovel for the next season, my hands itched.

Here is the result of this scabies, and I will demonstrate right now.


1. The same thick tarp, with spots
2. Kapron sling of different widths and thicknesses
3. Fastex fastening
4. Glue "Moment-1"
5. Kapron threads

Work order:

1. First I made a layout from an unnecessary rag, sewed it, tried it on, corrected the mistakes
2. According to the layout, I cut out a blank for the cover, cut a hole for the handle
3. I glued and sewed pieces of a thick wide sling to reinforce especially loaded places
4.Sewn loops for hanging on a belt
5. I sewed the cover from the inside, turned it on the front side
6.Sewn fastex

Product Impressions:

Made rough and clumsy, like all my homemade, but durable. I decided to give a damn about non-washable rust stains, not for the exhibition, all the more stains do not affect functionality. Too big a shovel to wear on a belt, but tolerable. The shovel is held securely in the case, does not dangle. Now it’s convenient to carry in a backpack, and it’s not a shame to pull it out, and if you feel like it, then hang it on a belt. The shovel liked the cover.

Perhaps my experience will be useful to someone.

And now the photo:


Thank you for attention.
I will gladly answer questions.

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Hello everyone) Happy New Year everyone! Looking through old photos on my phone, I came across pictures of the process of creating a shovel case. So I decided to describe this process here. If you need a case for a fiskarik or a sapper, but you don’t want to spend money on a purchase, then this article is for you.

First, let's find a thick, durable fabric that would be enough for a shovel. You will need chalk or soap, scissors. And, of course, a sewing machine.

We measure the required amount of fabric both in length and in width. It is necessary that the fabric folded in half be slightly wider than the shovel, if the stock is not made, then the shovel will not fit into the case. Well, in length we will make some margin for the ears, which will serve as fasteners. For them, we need Velcro, buttons, buttons, etc. We circle the bottom edge of the bayonet. You should get an arc.

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Have you measured and marked everything? We sit down for sewing machine and sew the side of the cover and the bottom. After sewing, cut off the excess fabric from the bottom and turn the cover inside out, with the seams inward. Now you can put the shovel into the case and measure the ears, cut a gap for the handle. To make the accessory look cultural, we fold the edges and sew. Now is the time to measure and sew on the fasteners so that the shovel fits snugly in the case and the earth does not pour out of it.

Everything, the cover is ready.

Thus, we saved 200-400 rubles and spent only half an hour of free time on manufacturing. My cover served the whole season without any complaints and there are no scuffs or holes visible on it. Yes, and I always had a shovel in my backpack with a bayonet up). I also apologize for the quality of the photos, they were taken for myself =)

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Two wonderful photographs of soldiers with Lineman's shoulder blades.

Soldiers in the firing line

The photos are notable for the fact that they depict not only classic small blades, but also a fully closed case, made in the form of a flat bag.

Description of the cover from the order of the Military Department No. 365 of 1899.

Yesterday, from the glorious city of Kaliningrad, I received a modern copy of such a case.

It is noteworthy that on the top valve of the cover, there is no fastener or button. Most likely, the valve was filled inside the cover. (there is also no fastener in the description and drawing) In the photo, the top valve is tucked into the bag.

The straps of different lengths are also interesting, they were made so that the stalk of the shovel was displaced and did not hit the soldier on the leg during the campaign.

By the way, the highest approved cover was also in this form:

and of course, during the war they began to produce a large number of covers sewn to new technology. These were covers made from scraps of leather, canvas, ersatz covers, frame covers, etc. All these cases perfectly performed their functions, but of course appearance was no longer the same.
Gradually, the suspension straps also became the same length. By the way, one of the slang names of the shoulder blade - "I'm with you", appeared precisely because on the march it constantly pounded on the leg.

Sir zhab scapular

The days of treasure hunters are back. "Black" and "green" search engines are looking for artifacts of past eras, devoting all their free time to this activity. All in the hope of finding a treasure trove of coins or a cache of weapons. Don't judge, times are tough. Better, if possible, to help.

One of the main tools of searchers is the shovels of the Finnish company Fiskars with very sharp and hard-to-blunt blades.

When transporting them with an open blade, you can injure yourself or fellow travelers, especially in public transport. Wrapping with rags is also not an option, and it’s not aesthetically pleasing.

I propose to make and put on a shovel blade a simple sheath made of leatherette (or better - from genuine leather, it is stronger, withstands cuts, it can also be made from pieces).

1 – front part; 2 - back part; 3 - fluffy Velcro (2 pcs.); 4 - seams; 5 - burdock Velcro (2 pcs.)

The pattern of the cover is created simply - circle the contour of the shovel on paper, add allowances for the seams to it and cut it out with scissors.

Sewing is better sewing machine for thick materials or, if possible, contact a tent or shoe shop.

First, on the back of the cover, sew around the perimeter of the fastener ears.

Then, Velcro fasteners are sewn to the front and back parts of the cover according to the drawing: on the “ears” - fluffy parts, on the front - burdock.

Finally, sew both halves together. Here is the cover and ready. It remains to put a shovel cloth into it and fasten the ears.

Reliable and convenient! Proven in practice.

Other material options - tesa, tarpaulin.

An additional option of the product - if necessary, use the cover as a waist bag for finds.

A. MATVEYCHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region