
Teenager's birthday. Teenager's birthday Where to celebrate a girl's 16th birthday


If the question of how to celebrate a teenager's birthday makes you nervous, try to discuss this topic with him, starting from the most important issues and ending with the little things. And do it long before the celebration. Let's talk about questions that may arise in the process of planning a birthday.

How to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

Discuss with your son or daughter about whether only close friends and relatives will attend the celebration, or whether it will be a party for the whole class. Explain some of the .

Ask if your son or daughter has specific wishes for the venue, decorations, and menu? First of all, together with the child, you need to decide around what kind of hobby you should build a holiday around. It can be music, sports, clothes or favorite foods. On the Internet you can find many themed holidays for every taste. Everything is limited only by your imagination, possibilities and, of course, education.

Guests Choice

Before celebrating a birthday, ask your child to make a guest list. But keep in mind that teenagers tend to invite all the guys they know to their holiday. They want everyone to see the beauty of this holiday. Warn your child that too many people will not give the opportunity to fully communicate and have fun with everyone. Therefore, for a big party, you should choose the golden mean between the quality of the holiday and the number of guests. For a more effective pastime (with the consent of the child), it is better to choose a small number of the closest friends and share wonderful fun with them.


Various options open up before you. You can organize a noisy holiday both in your own home and outside it: your choice of various banquet halls, restaurants, clubs, entertainment centers, amusement parks, swimming pools, etc. You can also think about how to celebrate a birthday in nature. The final choice will be influenced by various factors, the main of which will be the wish of your daughter or son.

The time of year will also play a role. Summer birthdays are calling to nature. The warm water of a pool, river or sea, or fresh air in the shade of trees - everything sets you up for a fun and active pastime. In winter, you can also get out into nature: go skiing, skating, snowboarding, etc.

By organizing a celebration in a restaurant or a banquet hall, you will take care of tables, chairs, dishes, cooking and serving them on the table. It remains only to resolve the issue with the menu, decorations and musical arrangement. If you decide to create a festive atmosphere in nature, you will need to do everything yourself or contact a special service.

Holiday invitations

A good way to invite guests to a birthday party is to give everyone stylish invitations. If the birthday is themed (disco, carnival, football, in the animal world or other), then you should issue invitations according to the chosen style. So you immediately warn guests about a strict dress code. It is advisable to give invitations at least three weeks before the holiday with the opportunity to receive a response in advance in order to calculate the number of seats.

Holiday menu

Teenagers are often not picky about festive dishes. But in order for everything to go at the highest level, this issue should be taken seriously. At such active events, young people can eat twice as much food as adults - this is worth considering. The menu should be flexible and include teens' favorite foods: pizza, pasta, sandwiches, hot dogs, meat dishes, salads, and sometimes exotic sushi and Chinese food.

The child will be pleased to receive as a gift, baked by one of the relatives or made to order, an original birthday cake. Its shape can harmoniously fit into the decoration of the holiday (football field, guitar, book, etc.).


You should definitely think about how to celebrate a birthday in the sense of an entertainment program. Keep in mind that every guest, if possible, should be actively involved. Let your child decide this question - he should have a lot of ideas on this topic.

Musical accompaniment should also be carefully considered. It can be playing collections of the child's favorite artists, a guest DJ or a youth rock band who will be responsible for the musical atmosphere. You can add to all this and karaoke.

If your daughter or son attends a theater group, is in a choir, or trains in a sports section, you can prepare a special performance as a gift. In addition, dancing, playing in the water, volleyball, badminton, croquet, horseshoes and other games are interesting and natural ways to burn calories gained from eating chips and sandwiches.

Ester specially for the site

16 years old is a great age - it seems to be not yet quite an adult, but not a child anymore. And how to spend such a birthday for a girl? A 16-year-old girl's birthday script will help you arrange a stunning holiday, and your girlfriends will bite their elbows because they did not have such a bright and colorful birthday.

We propose to conduct the entire script for a girl's birthday for 16 years in this format - games and contests. And you yourself will determine when you dance, and when you sit down at the table to refresh yourself. So, let's begin.

At the age of 16, many already held people, personalities and celebrities. Do you want your daughter to feel like a real celebrity? Then we suggest this: call your daughter's girlfriends in a day or two, but in secret from the birthday girl, and tell them what they all need to do. And this is what they need to do: they must collect everything slowly near the birthday girl’s apartment, and each should have a postcard. When everyone has gathered, they begin to knock and drum on the door and shout: open, we want to see you, we love you, and so on. Shout what fans usually shout. When the birthday girl opens the door, everyone stretches out their hands with postcards to her and shouts: this is for you, take this from me. Congratulations! And so on. After that, all the guests enter the room, where they are already congratulating their friend on the holiday.
First you need to make sure that the guests get used to the holiday and become "their own". Therefore, we propose to conduct a question-and-answer game. First, one takes out a question - reads it out, and then the answer - and also reads it out.

Sample questions:

1. What do you think about the birthday girl?
2. Do you think the birthday girl guessed right with her hair?
3. Were you very upset when you found out that you are older than the birthday girl?
4. Do you consider the birthday girl your friend?
5. Did you come to eat and drink?
6. In order not to be thought of as a glutton, will you eat little, and then secretly collect the rest of the food home?
7. If everything is perfect, will you ruin the cake?
8. Will you pour alcohol into everyone's juice without the adults noticing?
9. When choosing a gift for a birthday girl, did you think about your money spent or about how she would like it?
10. Are you happy with the happiness of the birthday girl?

Answer examples:

1. Should I say it out loud?
2. Especially not, but this is a matter of taste.
3. I laugh in your face!
4. Wow, what a question!
5. If I had my way, I would not have done such a thing!
6. I always do this!
7. Yes, yes, this is my deepest dream!
8. Exactly the opposite.
9. Do I really look like this?
10. Just a little.

After that, all young girlfriends are invited to guess modern and not so songs. But it will not be so easy to do this, because these are changeling songs. That is, the line of the song is read in the form of a shifter, and the guests guess the name of the song. Examples below.

Examples of shifter songs:
Everything is always the same, nothing is different from each other!
Girls are different, black, white, red!

One more example:
Summer, heat, houses apparently, not visible.
Winter, cold, lonely houses.

And one more example:
I will forever forget this winter.
Don't forget this summer.

And let's take another example:
Such happiness that a sad holiday happens many, many times.
Unfortunately, birthdays are only once a year!

So you can turn any songs into songs with shifters, and let them guess.
For the next competition, all the girls need to wash off the lipstick on their lips. The girls are divided into pairs, and the lights are turned off so that it is dark. The task of the girls is to make up each other's lips as a pair. And to make it all serious, whoever can make up evenly and beautifully gets a prize.
Ball game, believe it or not. Only here the birthday girl throws the ball in turn to the guests and says the name of the decoration or object for decoration, and the one who caught the ball must throw it back within three seconds, while naming the part of the body for which it is intended.

Lipstick - mouth
Ring - finger
Earrings - ears
Shampoo - hair
Mascara - eyelashes
Nail polish - nails
Hair dye - hair
And so on. Until you get bored or run out of words.

At the end of the celebration, a birthday cake is brought out. You can do it like this:
All girls are given a piece of paper on which an oath called "no diet" is written! The girls read the oath together, loud and clear.

The oath:
I, to all present, solemnly swear,
Eat cake until I choke!
I'll eat my piece quickly,
And I'll cut the second one myself!
No diet today I will say
And if I break my oath, I will punish myself.
Severe punishment will be mine,
I'll eat three more kilos of cake!

After the oath, everyone, without exception, eats cake.

Birthday. This day is very important for every child. For every child, this day is the most important and most beloved holiday. And even more so when you turn 16. Sixteen is the time when a teenager becomes more mature, when he realizes that he is no longer a child, but a person who enters adulthood. For every parent, this time is very important. After all, all moms and dads want their children to stay little longer. But time cannot be stopped, our children are growing, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Every child wants his birthday to be fun, unusual, unforgettable. How to make a birthday like it, so that it will be remembered by both the birthday man and the guests? There are many options that will suit your child's taste. The main thing that you need to decide right away is how much you expect and, of course, find out the wishes of the child in this regard.

Birthday at the amusement park

If your son's or daughter's birthday fell on a warm autumn, spring or summer day, why not celebrate it in an amusement park? All children love attractions, offer your child this option. There, the birthday boy and his or her friends will be able to have plenty of fun. Then, when the children are a little tired and hungry, you can have a picnic. To do this, spread a blanket on the grass in the shade and invite all the children "to the table."

Make sure that every guest has cotton candy and delicious lemonade. You can feed the children with pizza ordered in advance. Children love pizza. Also take fruits. You can spend the whole day in the park. And when the children get tired and want to go home, take them to your place, where a sweet table will be waiting for everyone. At the end of such a wonderful birthday, everyone will receive a piece of birthday cake and sweet tea.

Birthday in nature with kebabs.

Shish kebabs are the most favorite food not only for adults, but also for children. Invite the kids to go out with you. Take badminton, volleyball and cards with you. While the men are busy with barbecue and the women are cutting vegetables, the children can play ball or cards. If it's summer outside and there's a river nearby, the kids can go swimming. But one of the adults must be sure to look after all the children.

When the barbecue is ready, everyone will be able to eat plenty of delicious meat. After that, the girls will be able to sunbathe, and the boys will arrange some kind of competition. Everyone can do their favorite thing. Adults will finally be able to relax and talk about their own, and children can play. When it gets dark, everyone will have to go home. If you do not want to stop this wonderful holiday, you can invite guests for a little while to your sweet table. Such a birthday is sure to be remembered by both children and adults.

Birthday for a boy

If your son wants to celebrate his birthday in an unusual way, there is a way out. Suggest that he invite his friends to play paintball. Boys at this age are very energetic and are often fond of various martial arts. So this game fits 100%. Here they can run and shoot. Here they will be able to throw out all their energy outside.

All this action will take several hours. So while the children are playing war games, parents will be able to prepare a festive table. You can organize a further celebration in the nearest cafe. So, as soon as the children finish and arrive at the appointed place, the tables will already be set. You can order the same dishes for everyone. It can be pizza or some salads. Remember, kids love french fries. And at the end, let them serve ice cream and a birthday cake.

Be sure both your son and his friends will be delighted with such an eventful day. He will give a lot of emotions and leave a million memories for you and the guys.

Miracle holiday for a girl

How to have the perfect birthday party for a teenage girl? One of the most worthy options is the spa. Let your daughter invite her friends, and they will have a wonderful time with massages and useful procedures. This will help them relax and enjoy what is happening. Then the daughter and her friends can be taken to some pastry shop to eat sweets.

Or you can call guests home, where the table will already be set. It does not have to be a bunch of dishes, such as meat, potatoes and Russian salad. It can be light snacks, as well as small sweets. Like cupcakes or donuts. Girls love this. Well, at the end you need to serve a beautiful birthday cake, strewn with sugar flowers. All girls will be delighted.

Birthday without parents

It is probably quite difficult for all parents to accept the fact that children begin to celebrate their birthdays separately from them. Parents always worry about their children, they can be understood. But adults should also be aware that children grow up. At the age of 16, the guys are no longer small, they will be able to go to the cafe themselves, choose and order food themselves. Therefore, if your child wants to celebrate his birthday only with friends, it is better for you to let him.

But no one has canceled your right to vote, you can support the birthday boy with good advice. If your daughter or son still hasn't decided where to celebrate their birthday, you can offer her or him options. And there is already a choice for your child. Firstly, you can celebrate your birthday in bowling or billiards. Many guys love both. In addition, they can order something to eat there.

Secondly, the sixteenth birthday can be answered in a cafe with karaoke. It is very funny. Karaoke is loved by both adults and children. In this cafe you can eat delicious food and have fun.

Thirdly, do not forget that one of the most favorite places of all children in the world is a water park. There your children will be able to spend the whole day filled with emotions and impressions. And, remember that the water park has a huge selection of different cafes. Children can order pizza, sushi, pancakes… anything. And if your child was born in winter, it doesn't matter. After all, there are closed water parks that operate both in winter and in summer. Be sure your child will be very grateful for such a holiday.

Budget option for a birthday party

Everything happens in life, and very often parents cannot afford to arrange a luxurious birthday party for 10 people. And maybe your child is looking forward to something big, but all you can do is have a birthday dinner at home. You shouldn't be upset about this. First of all, the day before, sit down and talk to the birthday person. Explain to him or her the situation that this year it will not be possible to invite many friends, but you will have to celebrate at home. Be sure that your son or your daughter will definitely understand you. They won't hold a grudge over such a trifle. In addition, boring home gatherings can be turned into a fun birthday party.

First, immediately decide how many guests will be. There may be 4 people or less. If money is tight, ask your daughter to invite only her best friend, and let your son invite only his best friend. There is nothing to worry about, because very often a birthday is celebrated in the circle of the closest people. And calling the basketball team home just doesn't make sense. Everyone will just break into piles, and will communicate with each other.

Secondly, carefully consider the scenario of the evening. After all, a birthday is not only delicious food, it is also a festive atmosphere. Pick up some fun contests, buy a board game. And then you will succeed. The holiday will be wonderful and everyone will like it.

Turning 16 is undoubtedly the first step on the road to adulthood. This is a time of independence, responsibility, and the accumulation of the first life experience. Therefore, teenagers dream loudly and brightly to celebrate this period of transition. If you are ready to give your maturing child a real holiday, then our tips and ideas are just for you.

No longer baby

It’s really difficult for many parents to come to terms with the fact that the child has long been not that little crying lump and not the eternal why. And hands often reach out to arrange a holiday with cheerful animators at the head. The main thing is to stop in time and start preparing, be sure to consult with your son or daughter. After all, the closest relatives and friends will definitely be invited to the holiday, and therefore everything should be clearly planned and beautifully organized.

How can you celebrate the upcoming 16 years, and what options to offer a teenager?

  • Holiday at home. If your child loves home gatherings with his family at a large table, then feel free to start preparing. Involve all family members in this, and a solemn atmosphere will reign in your house long before your birthday.

Decorate the room, order balloons, set up a photo booth, and, alternatively, create a mini-gallery where guests can be touched by how your child has grown up. Don't forget the holiday crackers, and possibly fireworks.

  • Picnic. If a teenager asks to celebrate his holiday with friends, do not be upset. This does not mean that he is ready to exchange his family for friends, he just feels more confident and relaxed in their company. Invite them to go on a picnic. Fun games and competitions in nature, a relaxed atmosphere is a great option.
  • Aquapark. This is where you can have fun until you drop. Even adults, at first glance, girls and boys will like all kinds of slides, and you can relax with your favorite drink in your hand in the jacuzzi or bar on the "shore" of the pool. After such an active holiday, feel free to send the company to a cafe or restaurant, which, as a rule, all self-respecting water parks have.
  • Night party. Surely, all teenagers dream about this. But, unfortunately, not all parents allow it to be organized. But after all, 16 years is the period of taking on the first serious responsibility, so why not reconsider your rules and give your child a little more freedom? Choose the summer terrace of a country cafe where you can have a party, invite a DJ and make a buffet table. This option will not only be of interest to the company of teenagers, but will also appeal to parents who are worried about their safety. It remains only to agree on the time at which you or a taxi will arrive for them.
  • Paintball. Great idea for a group of kids. Here you can run, and shoot, and throw out the accumulated energy. Real rest for real men.
  • Spa-salon. Almost every teenage girl dreams of such a birthday. Give her the opportunity to feel like a real adult in the company of girlfriends. Massage, sauna, and other pleasant and useful procedures will delight young ladies.
  • After such a relaxation, eating is definitely wrong. Therefore, we suggest either going to the nearest cafe-confectionery, where you can have tea with dessert, or invite the girls' company home, where a table with light snacks will be waiting for them.

Every child, no matter how old he turns, wants his birthday to be unforgettable, bright and fun. And while he is not yet organizing it himself, you can turn a childhood dream into reality. In fact, it's not difficult at all. Have a nice holiday!