
Celery is a miracle vegetable for weight loss. The benefits of grapefruit for weight loss. Reviews from girls: it’s bitter, but it burns extra pounds


Grapefruit juice is one of the most common among all citrus fruits, as it has a rich and bright taste, and is also incredibly beneficial for the human body.

In addition to the fact that the drink contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients, it also acts as an excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds. Regular consumption of grapefruit juice helps normalize metabolic processes and break down fat cells. Such properties, of course, have made the refreshing, sour-bitter juice one of the most popular drinks among those who want to lose weight.

How to prepare a grapefruit cocktail for weight loss?

Only grapefruit in its natural form has fat-burning properties, so store-bought packaged juices are unlikely to help you solve the problem of excess weight. It is better to prepare the juice yourself using a juicer and whole fresh fruits. However, not everyone likes the spicy bitterness inherent in this drink. If you don't like grapefruit juice, you can prepare different cocktails based on the citrus composition. They will help not only discover new tastes, but also add variety to your daily diet.

Recipe No. 1


  • 2 grapefruits;
  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • 2 slices of fresh pineapple;
  • 1 tablespoon of natural honey.

Peel the grapefruits and separate them into small pieces. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. The resulting smoothie is very rich in vitamins and fiber, perfectly tones and helps remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, this product is incredibly effective in the fight against cellulite, breaking down fats and removing accumulated toxins.

Recipe No. 2


  • 200 grams of strawberries;
  • 50 grams of milk, a teaspoon of powdered ginger;
  • grapefruit juice squeezed from four fruits;
  • 2 bananas;

Beat all ingredients using a blender. As a result, you will get a very tasty and incredibly vitamin-rich drink that can easily replace breakfast or dinner. This cocktail has cleansing and diuretic effects, which is especially important during weight loss.

Recipe No. 3


  • 2 grapefruits;
  • 2 oranges;
  • a glass of natural low-fat yogurt;
  • 100 grams of milk.

Peel the citrus fruits and divide them into segments, mix with milk and yogurt using a blender. Due to the dairy products contained in the cocktail, it is perfect for a morning meal.

Recipe No. 4


  • 150 grams of natural grapefruit juice;
  • 6 spinach leaves;
  • 400 grams of purified water;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 150 grams of pineapple;
  • half an avocado.

Peel the orange and divide it into slices. Add spinach, grapefruit juice, water, pre-chopped pineapple and avocado. Beat all ingredients in a blender. You will get a very effective fat burning cocktail!

Recipe No. 5


  • 2 oranges;
  • 2 grapefruits;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 1 teaspoon fructose.

Shake all the juices using a shaker and add fructose. It will make an excellent cocktail for weight loss, since grapefruit and lemon juices burn fat well, and orange juice will saturate the body with the vitamins it needs.

Recipe No. 6


  • 1 pink grapefruit;
  • 100 grams of cranberry juice;
  • juice squeezed from one lime;
  • 2 ice cubes.

Mix the juices and shake with a shaker, add ice cubes. This cocktail perfectly helps in the fight against excess weight. Tannins contained in cranberries accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and lime stimulates the production of gastric juice, thereby improving digestive processes. Well, perhaps it’s not worth mentioning the properties of grapefruit once again, because this fruit has long been recognized as the best natural fat burner.

Recipe No. 7


  • juice squeezed from a whole pineapple;
  • 1 liter of juice squeezed from red grapefruit;
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup.

First you need to squeeze the juice from grapefruits and pineapple. Then the liquids are mixed, maple syrup is added to them - it will sweeten the drink a little. This combination will help the body activate fat burning processes.

Recipe No. 8


  • juice squeezed from a whole grapefruit;
  • bunch of watercress.

Pass the lettuce and grapefruit through a juicer. The resulting cocktail is not only an effective means for breaking down fat, but also a faithful assistant in the fight against cellulite in especially problem areas. It is recommended to drink this drink 20 minutes before dinner.

Recipe No. 9


  • juice squeezed from a whole red grapefruit;
  • a glass of low-fat natural yogurt.

Mix these ingredients and beat with a mixer for several minutes. It is advisable to drink a glass of this cocktail before breakfast and after dinner - at night.

Recipe No. 10


  • juice squeezed from a whole pink grapefruit;
  • 100 grams of pineapple crushed in a blender;
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat bran;
  • 1 teaspoon of natural honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of amaranth.

Mix all ingredients in a blender. During a diet, this smoothie can replace breakfast or dinner.

A smoothie is a low-calorie nutritional mixture that is prepared using a blender. It contains various vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Therefore, it can easily replace a regular breakfast. In today's article you will find several simple smoothie recipes with celery.

To prepare such cocktails, you should use only fresh and high-quality ingredients. Vegetables and fruits included in the vitamin mixture should not show signs of mold or spoilage. Before use, they must be washed, cleaned and pitted. The consistency of the cocktail should not be too thick or too thin.

You can use any juices, low-fat kefir or yogurt as a basis for making a smoothie with celery. But the amount of fermented milk products should not exceed 1% of the total volume. In addition to celery, you can add cucumbers, spinach, apples, bananas, kiwi, flax seeds or wheat sprouts to the cocktail. It is important to remember that the mixture should not contain sugar or high-calorie components.

Option with grapefruit

We draw your attention to a very interesting recipe for a celery smoothie for weight loss. It is good because its preparation does not take much time, and the process itself is so simple that any beginner can easily handle it. To make this cocktail you will need:

  • a pair of juicy celery stalks (with leaves);
  • fresh cucumber;
  • a couple of ripe tomatoes;
  • grapefruit;
  • 1/3 glass of mineral water without gas.

All vegetables and fruits are washed, peeled and cut into not too large pieces. The products prepared using this method are crushed using a blender and diluted with still mineral water. If necessary, the amount of liquid can be slightly adjusted up or down.

Option with greens

The process of preparing such a smoothie with celery does not require serious financial investments or specific culinary skills. With a minimum of effort and spending a little free time, you will get a delicious and very healthy cocktail that will give you a tremendous boost of energy. To make this mixture, you will need:

  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 200 milliliters of kefir;
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil;
  • ½ cup of any chopped greens.

To make a vitamin smoothie with celery you need to prepare all the ingredients. Vegetables are washed, cut into small pieces and placed in a blender. Herbs, kefir and olive oil are also placed there. Shake everything well and pour into glasses. If desired, add ice cubes to the finished cocktail.

Option with carrots

This smoothie with celery is distinguished not only by its unique mineral composition, but also by its negative calorie content. Therefore, it can be recommended to those who are trying to lose a few extra pounds. Plus, such a cocktail has a positive effect on the nervous system. It helps fight insomnia, stress and overwork. To make a tasty and healthy mixture, you will need:

  • juicy celery stalk;
  • large carrot;
  • 200 milliliters of orange juice;
  • ripe apple.

Washed vegetables and fruits are peeled and seeds removed, then cut into not too large pieces and placed in a blender. The products prepared in this way are ground into a thick, homogeneous mass and diluted with orange juice. The resulting cocktail is poured into glasses and served to the table.

Option with pineapple

A smoothie prepared according to the method described below is distinguished not only by its excellent beneficial properties, but also by excellent taste qualities. It helps cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins and helps fight the problem of excess weight. To make this mixture, you will need:

  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • ½ pineapple;
  • large ripe apple;
  • 100 milliliters of yogurt.

Apple, pineapple and celery are peeled and cut into several pieces. Then all this is loaded into a blender and crushed. The resulting puree is diluted with low-fat yogurt and poured into glasses. If desired, you can add to this cocktail a little chopped nuts

Option with cucumber

This cocktail will certainly interest those who want to always stay in shape. In addition, a smoothie made from celery and cucumber quickly and permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger and saturates the body with all useful vitamins. To prepare this mixture, you will need:

  • a couple of cucumbers;
  • 250 milliliters of 1% kefir;
  • a couple of celery stalks;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • 4 sprigs of cilantro;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • salt and pepper.

Washed vegetables and herbs are cut into several pieces and then loaded into a blender. Garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper are also sent there. All this is crushed to a jure state, and then diluted with kefir and poured into glasses.

Option with banana

This sweet drink has a very pleasant taste and aroma. It will fill your body with valuable vitamins and give you the boost of necessary energy. It is advisable to consume such a cocktail in the morning, so some young ladies often replace it with a full breakfast. To prepare this mixture, you will need:

  • pair ;
  • 4 or 5 ripe apples;
  • large banana;
  • 500 milliliters of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt.

Celery is peeled and rough veins removed, washed and cut into several pieces. Then it is put into a blender. Chopped fruits are also added there. Beat everything well until smooth. The resulting puree is diluted with natural yogurt or poured into tall, beautiful glasses. If desired, you can add a little sugar or honey to the finished smoothie. However, this cocktail is very tasty without any sweeteners.

Smoothie with celery: reviews

According to women who regularly consume such cocktails, they have excellent cleansing properties and also effectively help get rid of a few extra pounds.

It is also important that the mixtures made on the basis of this product are distinguished by a unique vitamin and mineral composition. They help replenish the lack of nutrients and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Many have already tested for themselves that in order to have a beautiful and slim figure, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with hunger strikes and work out in gyms all the time. To do this, you just need to know the principles of proper nutrition and eat foods that help burn fat. Such products include a celery smoothie, the use of which helps to achieve an ideal figure and maintain it for many years. Due to its high content of nutrients, celery occupies a special place in a healthy diet, which is why smoothies based on it are such a popular drink.

It helps cleanse the body, has a rejuvenating effect on it, normalizes water and acid-base balance, improves digestion, and removes excess fluid from the body. In general, he does everything to make you slim and beautiful. A celery smoothie for weight loss can have a completely different taste, it depends on what other products are used in the composition. Take the recipes below as a basis, make your own adjustments and get the maximum benefit and pleasure from your green smoothie. You may be interested in others that bring complete benefits to the body.

Celery, banana and carrot smoothie

This miraculous drink is very filling, tasty and low in calories. A smoothie like this can be a great lunch replacement, enriching the body with vitamins and fiber.


  • celery – 1 stalk
  • banana – 0.5 pcs.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • cinnamon – 3 g
  • yogurt with bifidobacteria - 1 table. spoon
  • parsley – 0.5 bunch
  • water – 100 ml

Beat all the ingredients in a blender, slowly pour in the water at the last moment, the amount can be slightly reduced or increased to taste. In general, there are many wonderful ones.

Celery smoothie with kiwi and ginger

This is perhaps the most powerful cocktail for weight loss, since in addition to celery it contains kiwi and ginger, which have the ability to quickly and effectively burn extra pounds.


  • celery – 2 stalks
  • large kiwi – 1 pc.
  • ginger – 5 cm
  • water – 0.5 cups

Beat grated ginger with celery, kiwi and water.

Fat burning smoothie made from celery and grapefruit

The surprisingly harmonious combination of grapefruit and celery will delight you not only with its delicious, but also with its quick results. Drink a glass of this smoothie and take a step towards being slim!


  • grapefruit – 1 pc.
  • celery – 1 stalk
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons. spoons
  • lemon zest – 1 teaspoon
  • ground ginger and cinnamon – 2 g each

Beat the grapefruit divided into slices in a blender with celery, lemon juice, zest, season with ginger and cinnamon.

Spicy celery and orange smoothie

If you don't like the strong smell of celery, then you will definitely like this smoothie, since the spices in it will completely overpower it. In addition, they will significantly enhance the expected effect.

Required Products:

  • orange – 1 pc.
  • celery – 2 stalks
  • mineral water – 200 ml
  • sweet and sour apple – 1 pc.
  • cardamom – 2 pinches
  • cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon
  • nutmeg – 2 pinches

Beat the orange and apple pieces in a blender, then add chopped celery and water, beat again and season with cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg.

Vegetable smoothie made from celery


  • celery – 1 stalk
  • dill – 1 bunch
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • chili pepper – 3 pinches
  • low-fat kefir – 200 ml

Beat vegetables with kefir and season with chili.

This dish is often used instead of breakfasts, because there is nothing better than making a healthy celery smoothie for weight loss. The drink is a low-calorie food and is favorably accepted by the body. Some people do fasting days, eating only the juice from this vegetable. The cocktail is very easy to prepare, so it is recommended to add the dish to your menu if you are on a diet. The vitamin drink is sometimes called a “green smoothie” or “fresh”, however, its main purpose remains the same - reducing the daily calorie intake.

What are the benefits of celery?

The healing properties of this plant were known to our ancestors. It was used to slow down the aging process in the body by making juices, infusions or decoctions from it. The composition is rich in vitamins and minerals, so the plant improves the functioning of the digestive system, having a beneficial effect on blood circulation. The vegetable is indicated not only for weight loss, the product has calming properties and effectively relieves nervous tension.


The root and leaf parts of the vegetable are no less rich in beneficial microelements than the stems. They contain amino acids valuable for the body, such as carotene, nicotinic acid and asparagine. In the rhizomes of the plant you can find essential oils and other nutrients that are indispensable for the health of any person. They are able to restore heart function and normalize blood pressure.

Plant stems

In Ancient Egypt, the plant was considered sacred and was allowed to be eaten only on special occasions. Now the stems are used not only in cooking; the vegetable is readily used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Due to the large amount of vitamins, proteins, minerals and amino acids in the composition, the stems help normalize the functioning of the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Slimming Properties

Low-calorie vegetables are actively used by people who want to lose weight. The cost of this product is low, which makes it accessible to every person. Constant use of this plant in the diet speeds up metabolism, helping to cleanse the body. Against the background of these processes, weight loss and improvement in the body’s condition are noted.

How many calories does it contain

The number of calories is a very important indicator that characterizes the energy value of a product. This root vegetable is a vegetable with a negative calorie content, which means that a large amount of energy is spent to digest it. One hundred grams of this product is equivalent to thirty-two kilocalories. Since the number is extremely small, the plant has irreplaceable qualities for the weight loss process.

How many calories does it burn?

The root vegetable has unique medicinal properties, however, its benefits for burning calories are undeniable; it requires much more energy from the body for its digestion than it brings in itself. A deficit of consumed calories promotes the breakdown of fat deposits, so drinks from this product are recommended by nutritionists for rapid weight loss.

Celery juice for weight loss - recipe

Preparing a celery cocktail does not require any special culinary skills, because to make freshly squeezed juice from this vegetable you will need no more than five minutes of free time. To obtain a delicious green drink, place the coarsely chopped stems in a juicer. The fresh juice will be ready in a few minutes; all that remains is to season it with your favorite spices or mix it with another juice. You are allowed to drink no more than two hundred grams of cocktail per day.


Some people like thicker drinks, so root juice can be easily substituted for a smoothie made from the stems. Its effectiveness will not be affected by this; in addition, adding certain components can make the cocktail even healthier. To make a smoothie, you will need yogurt (low-fat kefir), as well as other ingredients such as fruits, vegetables or grains. All ingredients must be mixed in a blender, grinding until smooth.

How to make a celery smoothie

Using modern kitchen appliances, you can easily prepare a cocktail or smoothie no worse than in a neighboring cafe. All that is needed for this is the presence of ingredients, and even a child can mix the products in the correct sequence. The main and other components of the drink are cleaned of contaminants, cut, and then added one by one to the blender. The mixture should be homogeneous and thick.

With cucumber

  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 323 kcal.

Preparing this weight loss drink requires using not only the leaves, but also the stems of the plant. Due to the harsh taste, it is recommended to add any fruits or vegetables to the cocktail. When losing weight, celery goes well with vegetables and herbs, such as cucumbers or parsley. Seeds, yogurt, ice, and herbs are also suitable.


  • celery – 3 pcs;
  • low-fat kefir or mineral water – 1-2 glasses;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l;
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • garlic – 1 clove (optional).

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the skin off the cucumber.
  2. Wash greens and vegetables.
  3. Tear the leaves of the low-calorie plant into small pieces and finely chop the parsley.
  4. Grind the cucumber in a blender until pureed.
  5. Add the stems to the cucumber pulp and chop the resulting mixture.
  6. Add the greens to the rest of the vegetables, then mix thoroughly again.
  7. Add vegetable oil, kefir or mineral water to a blender and blend until smooth.
  8. Season the smoothie with salt and pepper, using garlic if desired.

With apple

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.

If you love sweet and nutritious smoothies, then fresh apple juice is just what the doctor ordered. The drink contains a huge amount of vitamins that will help improve health and well-being all year round. Dishes made from celery for weight loss are useful for every person; doctors recommend drinking fresh juice even for pensioners to normalize the tone in the body.


  • stem (green part of the plant) – 4 pcs;
  • water – 1/2 cup;
  • apple – 2 pcs;
  • lime – 1/2 pcs;
  • ice - 1/2 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and cut the stems of the main ingredient.
  2. Peel and cut the fruit and add to the container.
  3. Mix and grind the products to a puree.
  4. Pour half a glass of cold water into the blender and immediately blend.
  5. Crush ice cubes and add the resulting shavings to the cocktail.

With kefir

  • Cooking time: 5 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 500 kcal.

Drinking fortified drinks helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so celery cocktails for weight loss are an indispensable tool in the fight for the health of the body. If you use kefir or natural yogurt as a liquid base, then due to the high content of prebiotics, such a low-calorie drink will have a beneficial effect on metabolism. To prepare this dish, it is not necessary to use a blender; the vegetable can be grated on a fine grater and added to the rest of the ingredients.


  • stem – 4 pcs;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • kefir – 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and cut the stems.
  2. Add a glass of water to the container and whisk the contents thoroughly.
  3. Pour a liter of kefir or yogurt into a blender, mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

With parsley and lemon

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal.

Citrus fruits are known throughout the world for their beneficial properties; they are especially often consumed by people trying to lose weight. Lemon activates metabolism and promotes rapid burning of fat in the body, which has a positive effect on the process of weight loss. A celery cocktail for weight loss is ideal for those who are on a diet or have fasting days several times a month. By supplementing such a diet with strength training, you can significantly bring the desired result closer.


  • stem – 2 pcs;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • yogurt – 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and chop the green stems.
  2. Grind the vegetable in a blender until pureed.
  3. Wash and cut the lemon without removing the peel.
  4. Add the fruit to the blender and mix the contents thoroughly.
  5. Wash and chop the dill, chop the greens with the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Pour four tablespoons of yogurt into a blender and blend until smooth.

With grapefruit

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal.

Grapefruit is a dietary product, so consuming it is absolutely safe for your figure. This type of citrus fruit has an impressive amount of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Making a celery cocktail for weight loss is very simple, and most importantly, this drink has a small number of contraindications. Grapefruit normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, which is very important when losing weight.


  • stem of the main ingredient - 2 pcs;
  • tarragon stalk – 3 pcs;
  • grapefruit – 1 piece;
  • ice – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and cut the stems.
  2. Grind the vegetable in a blender to a paste.
  3. Wash the grapefurt and remove the pulp.
  4. Add the fruit to the blender and mix thoroughly with the rest of the contents.
  5. Wash and cut the taruhuna stems, grind the plant with other ingredients.
  6. Grind the ice in a separate container and add to the finished cocktail.

With honey and ginger

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 370 kcal.

This recipe contains energetically “strong” components that help not only cleanse the body, but also activate its protective mechanisms. Taking celery cocktails for weight loss improves well-being by normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which directly affects the condition of the skin in both women and men. The combination of honey and ginger gives amazing results when used regularly, because it fills the body with valuable nutrients.


  • stem – 3 pcs;
  • ginger – 25 g;
  • honey – 2 tsp;
  • mineral water – 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and chop the stems.
  2. Grind the vegetable in a blender until smooth.
  3. Wash and grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  4. Add the product to a blender and grind.
  5. Add honey to taste and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Add a glass of mineral water and mix everything thoroughly.

Video recipes for fat burning cocktails

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes on how to make a celery cocktail for weight loss. Each of the proposed options is effective and useful in its own way, and in order to make a choice, you need to prioritize in accordance with your current goals. For example, a drink recipe using foods such as spinach, fennel root or flax seed is an excellent appetite suppressant due to its high fiber content. But such a drink cannot replace a full breakfast, so it is recommended to drink a glass of smoothie only as a snack.

Celery with fennel

Detox cocktail with celery

Celery cocktail with kefir

Celery is perceived by many as a tasty and aromatic food additive, but not everyone knows that it is an excellent means of losing weight. Foods and drinks from this plant are always respected by nutritionists and women losing weight. Today we will look at several smoothie recipes with celery and try to figure out how it affects excess weight.

What are the benefits of celery?

Celery not only effectively burns fat deposits, but also has a positive effect on the body as a whole. The proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals it contains restore cells and tissues and slow down the aging process.

The plant has a calming effect, so it is used in the treatment of nervous diseases and stress. Essential oils, vitamins B, C, K, E, contained in its roots and stems, eliminate problems in the gastrointestinal tract, treat diabetes and pancreatitis. And due to the fact that celery accelerates water-salt processes, it is often included in the menu of older people.

The roots of the plant activate physical and mental performance, produce an antiseptic effect, tone the body and prevent fat from being deposited. Celery is also widely known as a diuretic, which makes it indispensable for healing the stomach, kidneys, liver and bladder.

Juices, salads, dishes and smoothies with celery completely cleanse the body and speed up digestive processes. All this makes them an effective means for losing weight.

Benefits of green smoothies

A smoothie is an incredibly healthy cocktail of vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs, in which each ingredient takes on a new, delicious sound. It is recommended to drink this drink throughout the year. A portion taken in the morning perfectly tones and refreshes, providing vigor for the whole day.

For your information! The main feature of the smoothie is its intense fat-burning effect. You can drink this drink with meat and fish dishes, dessert, without fear of gaining weight or suffering from indigestion.

What's so great about a smoothie with celery?

  • saturates the body with energy and vigor;
  • promotes digestion (the gastrointestinal tract, cleared of toxins, will work flawlessly);
  • lifts the mood;
  • satisfies the feeling of hunger, therefore it is present in many diets:
  • reduces weight;
  • changes complexion for the better;
  • awakens a passion for sports and physical activity;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • accelerates hair growth, makes nails stronger.

Whatever ingredients you choose, be it a smoothie made from celery and apples or carrots and banana, follow these rules:

  • When cooking, do not forget to dilute it with water, otherwise you will end up with a trivial puree of vegetables or fruits. The liquid makes it convenient to drink a smoothie - you can pour it into bottles and take it with you.
  • Don't go overboard with the number of components. From one apple, cucumber, herbs and a bunch of celery you will get approximately 1.5 liters of drink. And since it deteriorates quickly, this volume will be more than enough.
  • It is not necessary to prepare a healing cocktail from exotic ingredients; vegetables and fruits dear to the heart will work equally well: carrots, apples, cucumbers, cherries, parsley, celery.
  • Do not make a mix of more than 3-4 components. The smoothie will, of course, be as fortified as possible, but tasteless.

Let's look at a few smoothie recipes with celery that you can drink before training or work, drink as an afternoon snack, or add nutrients to your diet.

Attention! All recipes are designed for a 1.5 liter blender capacity.

Celery based recipes

With celery and carrots

According to nutritionists, it is not foods that burn fat, but the body itself. He does this only in conditions of low supply of valuable substances. Therefore, in order to get rid of extra pounds, it is not enough to simply eat a “fat-burning product”; you need to go in for sports, switch to a low-calorie diet and reduce your usual food portions.

Attention! A minimum amount of calories entering the body will help you lose excess weight. At the same time, their volume should be such that hunger is satisfied and fat is not deposited.

We will consider such a miraculous recipe. This smoothie with celery, banana and carrots is a filling, healthy and low-calorie drink. It is filling due to the presence of banana. A similar cocktail can easily replace lunch, depriving the body of carbohydrates, but enriching it with fiber and vitamins.

To prepare it, stock up on the following products:

  • celery – 2 stalks;
  • carrots – 2 medium-sized pieces;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • yogurt or kefir (preferably with bifidobacteria) – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • water – 0.5 cups

Attention! All these ingredients will make 2 large servings of a delicious, nutritious drink.

Cooking process

You can use both leaves and stalks of celery for smoothies. Try to choose an overripe banana - it will give the drink a special taste.

Place celery, carrots and banana in a blender and add some water. Follow with kefir or yogurt, honey and parsley. Season your future cocktail with cinnamon. Beat all products in a blender until smooth.

Attention! For a smoothie with celery to bring tangible benefits to your body, you need to drink it right away.

The taste of the drink will amaze you with a sweet, fresh, invigorating sound, where all the ingredients, without standing out, “sing in chorus.” This is exactly what will make your day special.

From celery and apples

This recipe will only take you 10 minutes of your time.

To prepare two servings you will need:

  • celery – 1 stalk;
  • apple (preferably green) – 2 pcs.;
  • kiwi – 2 pcs.;
  • water - half a glass.

Cooking process

A low-calorie smoothie made from celery and apples is prepared in 3 stages:

  1. Peel apples and kiwis and cut them into small cubes.
  2. Finely chop the celery stalk (without leaves).
  3. Place the processed ingredients in a blender, add water and grind.

Pour the refreshing drink into a cocktail glass and serve immediately.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of celery? Taking a closer look at this product, one cannot help but admire the beneficial properties of celery for losing weight and improving the health of the body. The extensive supply of vitamins, microelements and essential oils contained in the plant replenishes a significant portion of the needs of the human body. Thanks to this set, celery is an excellent tool for maintaining performance, strengthening nerves, and resisting stress and insomnia.

The microelements that make up the plant have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair, improve vision, stimulate brain activity, and rejuvenate the body.

Celery essential oils normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and vitamins promote metabolic processes, which is especially useful for mature and elderly people. Celery helps cleanse the body of uric acid, toxins and other harmful substances. This is an excellent aphrodisiac - it is recommended to be used as an aphrodisiac (especially in combination with an apple) to increase vital energy and sexual potency. The plant can be used for inflammation, allergic reactions, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, digestive system disorders and thyroid diseases.

Benefits for weight loss

How is celery useful for weight loss?

Celery for weight loss is effective due to its low and even “negative” calorie content - one hundred grams of the product has an energy value of only sixteen kilocalories. The fact is that in order to process and assimilate celery food, the body needs even more calories than it receives. Dishes with celery are useful for weight loss, as they are easily digestible and promote digestion. They cleanse the body of toxins, improve metabolism, and help break down fat deposits.

A diet for weight loss with celery can be called one of the healthiest and most useful ways to gain and maintain a slim figure. By taking care of your own health while fighting extra pounds, you will achieve more stable results, and in addition, you will be pleased with your excellent health and improved appearance.

Contraindications for the diet

In some cases associated with certain diseases, there are contraindications for this diet - celery should be consumed with great caution and always after consulting a doctor. Such cases include:

  1. Acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. Kidney diseases;
  4. Varicose veins;
  5. Diabetes.

In addition, you should not use this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How to use

How to use celery for weight loss to achieve the best results? Consuming celery juice for weight loss is perhaps the easiest way to combat extra pounds. While watching your figure, you can use the juice as a preventive measure - take it two or three times a day, one teaspoon.

According to reviews from women's forums dedicated to diets and weight loss, those who simply drank this fresh juice half an hour before meals lost a kilogram of weight per week. The only condition is that you need to drink fresh juice immediately after squeezing. If desired, you can dilute it with apple or carrot juice, add honey, lemon, and ice cubes to the drink.

Fresh leaves and stalks of celery are best consumed raw, adding to salads, as well as herbal teas, smoothies, cocktails and other drinks (celery root can be used both raw and boiled for weight loss).

Greens not only cleanse the body and help you lose weight, but also improve your complexion, give you vigor, and increase your tone. However, even heat-treated celery does not lose its beneficial properties. You can make decoctions from it, prepare soups, borscht, stews and side dishes.

Among the most popular diets are fasting days, weekly and two-week diets, and the celery soup diet. In addition, celery dishes for weight loss can be added to a regular balanced diet - according to reviews, this speeds up the weight loss process and has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

Celery salads

Celery salads are easy to prepare (on a five-point scale - about a “two”) and it takes little time - from ten to twenty minutes (most often it depends on the amount of ingredients).

Dishes made from celery greens are useful not only for diet, but also for decorating a holiday table - they are healthy, tasty and unusual (and numerous photos on the Internet will help you decorate them in an interesting way). Leading a healthy lifestyle or trying to lose weight, you can successfully diversify your menu with the help of the following recipes.

Recipes for weight loss - celery salads:

Soup Recipes

In terms of complexity of preparation, vegetable soup recipes can be given three points out of five. Cooking time will take you from fifteen minutes to half an hour.

How to make a cocktail

A properly prepared celery cocktail is not only a means for weight loss, but also a guarantee of vigor, good performance and a great mood for the whole day. It takes five to seven minutes to prepare the drink.

An excellent remedy for both weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins.

To prepare such cocktails, you should use only fresh and high-quality ingredients. Vegetables and fruits included in the vitamin mixture should not show signs of mold or spoilage. Before use, they must be washed, cleaned and pitted. The consistency of the cocktail should not be too thick or too thin.

You can use any juices, low-fat kefir or yogurt as a basis for making a smoothie with celery. But the amount of fermented milk products should not exceed 1% of the total volume. In addition to celery, you can add cucumbers, spinach, apples, bananas, kiwi, flax seeds or wheat sprouts to the cocktail. It is important to remember that the mixture should not contain sugar or high-calorie components.

Option with grapefruit

We draw your attention to a very interesting recipe for a celery smoothie for weight loss. It is good because its preparation does not take much time, and the process itself is so simple that any beginner can easily handle it. To make this cocktail you will need:

  • a pair of juicy celery stalks (with leaves);
  • fresh cucumber;
  • a couple of ripe tomatoes;
  • grapefruit;
  • 1/3 glass of mineral water without gas.

All vegetables and fruits are washed, peeled and cut into not too large pieces. The products prepared using this method are crushed using a blender and diluted with still mineral water. If necessary, the amount of liquid can be slightly adjusted up or down.

Option with greens

The process of preparing such a smoothie with celery does not require serious financial investments or specific culinary skills. With a minimum of effort and spending a little free time, you will get a delicious and very healthy cocktail that will give you a tremendous boost of energy. To make this mixture, you will need:

  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 200 milliliters of kefir;
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil;
  • ½ cup of any chopped greens.

To make a vitamin smoothie with celery you need to prepare all the ingredients. Vegetables are washed, cut into small pieces and placed in a blender. Herbs, kefir and olive oil are also placed there. Shake everything well and pour into glasses. If desired, add ice cubes to the finished cocktail.

Option with carrots

This smoothie with celery is distinguished not only by its unique mineral composition, but also by its negative calorie content. Therefore, it can be recommended to those who are trying to lose a few extra pounds. Plus, such a cocktail has a positive effect on the nervous system. It helps fight insomnia, stress and overwork. To make a tasty and healthy mixture, you will need:

  • juicy celery stalk;
  • large carrot;
  • 200 milliliters of orange juice;
  • ripe apple.

Washed vegetables and fruits are peeled and seeds removed, then cut into not too large pieces and placed in a blender. The products prepared in this way are ground into a thick, homogeneous mass and diluted with orange juice. The resulting cocktail is poured into glasses and served to the table.

Option with pineapple

A smoothie prepared according to the method described below is distinguished not only by its excellent beneficial properties, but also by its excellent taste. It helps cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins and helps fight the problem of excess weight. To make this mixture, you will need:

  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • ½ pineapple;
  • large ripe apple;
  • 100 milliliters of yogurt.

Apple, pineapple and celery are peeled and cut into several pieces. Then all this is loaded into a blender and crushed. The resulting puree is diluted with low-fat yogurt and poured into glasses. If desired, you can add some chopped nuts to this cocktail.

Option with cucumber

This cocktail will certainly interest those who want to always stay in shape. In addition, a smoothie made from celery and cucumber quickly and permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger and saturates the body with all useful vitamins. To prepare this mixture, you will need:

  • a couple of cucumbers;
  • 250 milliliters of 1% kefir;
  • a couple of celery stalks;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • 4 sprigs of cilantro;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • salt and pepper.

Washed vegetables and herbs are cut into several pieces and then loaded into a blender. Garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper are also sent there. All this is crushed to a jure state, and then diluted with kefir and poured into glasses.

Option with banana

This sweet drink has a very pleasant taste and aroma. It will fill your body with valuable vitamins and give you the boost of necessary energy. It is advisable to consume such a cocktail in the morning, so some young ladies often replace it with a full breakfast. To prepare this mixture, you will need:

  • a couple of stalks of petiole celery;
  • 4 or 5 ripe apples;
  • large banana;
  • 500 milliliters of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt.

Celery is peeled and rough veins removed, washed and cut into several pieces. Then it is put into a blender. Chopped fruits are also added there. Beat everything well until smooth. The resulting puree is diluted with natural yogurt or low-fat kefir and poured into tall, beautiful glasses. If desired, you can add a little sugar or honey to the finished smoothie. However, this cocktail is very tasty without any sweeteners.

Smoothie with celery: reviews

According to women who regularly consume such cocktails, they have excellent cleansing properties and also effectively help get rid of a few extra pounds.

It is also important that the mixtures made on the basis of this product are distinguished by a unique vitamin and mineral composition. They help replenish the lack of nutrients and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Every woman wants to be slim and attractive, and as the well-known saying goes: “Beauty requires sacrifice.” First of all, this sacrifice consists of giving up some delicious foods that beckon with their smell. Just think about the wonderful aroma of oven-baked chicken, potatoes, and meat salad. Everyone who didn’t run to the kitchen to search the refrigerator - well done, you have great willpower! So, we are forced to limit ourselves in food, use various watermelon diets, tomato diets, and so on. But there are also tasty, but at the same time, healthy dishes. These include fat-burning cocktails, and we will talk about one of them in our article.

Fat burning cocktails are very useful and effective for losing weight. Of course, they will not help you lose weight if you do not exercise, eat right, and do not resort to diets. Their task is to help you establish the internal functioning of the body, establish a balance in the functioning of all organs, and remove harmful components from the body, replacing them with useful ones.

A fat-burning cocktail made from apples and celery will help you achieve good results, and at the same time, it will be quite tasty and nutritious. They say that you should always choose: either tasty or healthy. This cocktail combines these two concepts, so even children will enjoy it.

To make this cocktail, you will need:

  • Green apple
  • Celery stalks – 4 pcs.
  • Lime juice
  • 100ml water

The apple must be peeled and cored. You can take not one, but one and a half apples, or two small ones, the taste of the cocktail will then become a little softer, but on a summer morning it will invigorate you well. Lime juice must be squeezed out of half the medium fruit. Otherwise, the cocktail will be too sour, and adding sugar to it, as with any other fat-burning cocktail, is prohibited. The water should be cooled and purified, you should not boil it, but from the tap it will also not work. The best option is non-carbonated mineral water, or at least regular water, but passed through a filter. Ice should be added as desired, it will provide additional freshness.

Next, you should beat everything in a blender, but this should be done in stages. First, beat the celery and apples, and only then add the juice and water. The ice should be crushed and added to the glass. All this can be decorated with a mint leaf or fruit.

We wish you good health!

Health benefits of celery juice

The plant contains no cholesterol and fat, but is present in large quantities:

  • Vitamins A, K, PP and ascorbic acid;
  • Essential oils;
  • Calcium;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Iron;
  • Organic sodium;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus.

Thanks to these substances, celery juice is ideal for weight loss, but it is also used for:

  • Insomnia. It helps normalize nervous processes, acting calmingly;
  • Vascular diseases. Strengthens the walls of capillaries, cleanses the blood, improves its performance, lowers blood pressure;
  • Viral diseases. Fights germs, strengthens the immune system;
  • Problems with potency. Acts as an aphrodisiac, has a positive effect on the prostate;
  • Quitting smoking. Actively removes nicotine, relieving “smoker’s withdrawal symptoms”;
  • Kidney diseases. Has a diuretic effect and eliminates the inflammatory process in the kidneys and ureters;
  • Problems with joints and bones. Organic sodium promotes better absorption of calcium, restores water-salt balance;
  • Withering skin and rashes. Helps with drinking and external use, restores the freshness of the epidermis, works as an antibacterial agent;
  • Thrombosis. Thins the blood and prevents clots from forming.

The juice is consumed in its pure form, and also made fresh with celery for weight loss and health improvement with other vegetable and fruit juices.

Video about the benefits of celery juice

Diet options

Overly well-fed people, as a rule, have an excess of fluid in the body, manifested by edema. They are dealt with using diuretics. Celery juice, having this property, is an excellent substitute for other medicinal herbs and even pharmaceutical drugs.

Diet option 1

You can start losing weight by taking the juice of the plant in the morning in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons half an hour before breakfast. This stimulates digestion and helps get rid of toxins. In addition, such a diet does not insist on a certain diet by the hour. A drink made from celery for weight loss is also good because, thanks to flavonoids and enzymes, it restores lipid metabolism. Therefore, those who need to lose some weight hardly change their eating habits. Fat due to the consumption of celery is not deposited, but is excreted from the body. They only add soups, salads, and side dishes from the plant in boiled, stewed or baked form to the diet, but the general set of products remains the same.

Diet option 2

This is a more limited diet, so 7 days is enough to lose weight without ruining your stomach. The diet consists only of celery juice, drinks derived from it, salads, and soups. You will have to forget about all other products at this time. The specific taste of the plant cannot quickly become boring and make losing weight a tedious task. Fresh drinks from it provide a large amount of energy, which is used in burning fat, and not for gaining new kilograms. Therefore, celery juice for weight loss evokes positive reviews from the majority of those who try it. Many people note that it becomes easier to move and even breathe.

Smoothie recipes with celery juice

The plant is suitable for any diet, but the vitamin value in celery juice and its combination with other products is higher. For breakfast, a celery smoothie for weight loss and getting the necessary energy would be an excellent dish:

  • 1 lemon or lime, a bunch of celery. Add 50 g of natural yoghurt. It is possible to add a little bran to this recipe. The calorie content of the drink will not increase much, but it will become more satisfying;
  • 1 bunch of dill and celery, half a lemon, add 2 tablespoons of yogurt;
  • 1 bunch of parsley and celery, 1 green apple;
  • 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, celery stalk, glass of low-fat yogurt, green onions, salt, pepper, Tabasco sauce.

All products are ground in a blender. A smoothie with celery for weight loss is also suitable because it fills you up perfectly and prevents you from eating too much.

Making cocktails

A celery cocktail for weight loss is obtained by adding other juices - vegetable or fruit. The following recipes can help you lose weight and have a beneficial effect on your hair and skin:

  • Mix 100 ml of tomato juice, 50 ml of apple and 50 ml of celery juice. You can add chopped parsley here;
  • Squeeze juice from 1 stalk of celery, 2 carrots and half an apple. This mixture, in addition to getting rid of excess fluid, will boost immunity and help vision;
  • Add a glass of watermelon juice to the juice from 2 celery stalks. The cocktail has diuretic and weak laxative properties;
  • Mix the juice of 1 celery stalk and 2 oranges. In addition to losing weight, it helps reduce blood pressure;
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey to 100 ml of celery juice. This mixture will prevent loss of strength.

Each of these weight loss cocktails can be drunk in between main meals. Every time the juices must be freshly prepared.