
Mother who gave birth to 8 children. "I hate my children." How does a woman who gave birth to eight twins live. Nadi performed several times in public to raise money, and even signed a contract for her own reality show. Unfortunately, the show never materialized.


On January 10, 1974, Sue Rosenkowitz gave birth to six twins in Cape Town, and for the first time all of the newborns survived.

But this, as they say, is not the limit. A greater number of twins have been born and are being born in the world. What is the largest number of children born at the same time?


In October 2008, 31-year-old Digna Carpio from New York gave birth to six twins - four boys and two girls. The weight of babies at birth ranged from 0.68 to 0.9 kilograms. The happy mother and her husband, 36-year-old Victor, already had a seven-year-old son at that time.

The birth of six twins is an extremely rare occurrence, occurring in one in 4.4 million people. Only once before in New York were born six babies at once. It happened in 1997.

In October 2010, in the Italian city of Benevento, near Naples, 30-year-old Carmela Oliva had six children - four girls and two boys. In Italy, this was the first such case in the last 14 years.

To help the babies be born, doctors were forced to resort to a caesarean section. Children were born with low weight - from 600 to 800 grams. According to doctors, this phenomenon is not associated with artificial insemination, but with the treatment that the mother underwent - the fact is that Italian laws prohibit transplanting more than three embryos.


Bobbie McCaughey (USA) gave birth to 7 children on November 19, 1997. They weighed from 1048 to 1474 grams and were born at 31 weeks of gestation within 16 minutes with the help of caesarean section.

7 twins were born at 8 weeks ahead of schedule- January 14, 1998 - 40-year-old Hasna Mohammed Humayr (Saudi Arabia). Among them, 4 boys and 3 girls, the smallest weighed 907 grams.

In August 2008, in the northern Egyptian province of Beheira, the 27-year-old wife of a local farmer, Ghazalu Khamis, gave birth to seven twins at once! As it turned out, the Egyptian dreamed of giving her husband a son and was taking pregnancy-stimulating drugs. The result is four sons and three daughters.

Ghazala Khamis was placed under observation two months before the birth: the development of twins in the womb did not cause concern - the doctors were only worried about the increasing pressure on the kidneys. After a caesarean section, the woman in labor also underwent a blood transfusion. But all the crumbs were born healthy and quite large - from 1.4 to 2.8 kg, which in itself is a mystery of nature.


On January 26, 2009, 33-year-old Nadi Suleman gave birth to eight twins, all of whom were healthy.

The mother of the newborn eight then lived with her other children and parents in the suburbs of Los Angeles - in the small town of Whittier. The family already grew up six kids aged two to seven years, among whom there is a pair of twins.

The children's grandmother left her job and devoted herself entirely to her daughter's family. And grandfather, to help Nadia, went to Iraq to work under a contract. Nadia herself claimed that she decided to take this step because of her own childhood, in which she missed her brothers and sisters so much. In addition, the eccentric American said that she was following the example of her idol, the large Angelina Jolie. A few years ago, Suleman even had plastic surgery to look like an actress.

Eight was conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Doctors in such cases insist on the reduction (removal) of a part of the embryos. After all, such a number of them can adversely affect both the health of the mother and the health of future children.

But the Californian, with the support of her large family, refused to reduce. A single mother divorced her husband a long time ago precisely because they could not have children together.

Birth by caesarean section nine weeks early due date. A team of 46 doctors who took birth was expecting the birth of seven babies, which, although not often, does happen. However, there were eight newborns - six boys and two girls - and they are all quite healthy. The weight of babies is from 700 g to 1.9 kg. Seven of them immediately breathed on their own and were bottle fed. The whole family was discharged from the maternity hospital home in just a week.

From 10 and more

There is information about the birth of ten twins at once. Such cases were recorded in Spain in 1924, in China in 1936 and in Brazil in 1946. But this is not the limit.

Eleven kids at once - here the largest number twins, information about which is known. The first birth of 11 twins occurred on May 29, 1971 in the USA, in the city of Philadelphia. The second - in 1977 in Bangladesh, in the city of Bagarhat. In both cases, none of the children, unfortunately, survived.


The largest number of children born to one mother

The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official figures, is 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. The wife of a Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and 4 twins 4 times. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

Of our contemporaries, the most prolific mother is Leontina Albina of San Antonio, Chile, who gave birth to 55 children between 1943-81. As a result of the first 5 pregnancies, she gave birth to triplets, and exclusively male.

The woman who gave birth the most times

The record 38 births are said to have been given to Elizabeth Greenhill of Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, UK. She had 39 children - 32 daughters and 7 sons - and died in 1681.

The largest father

by the most father of many children In history, the Russian peasant of the village of Vvedensky Yakov Kirillov is considered, who in 1755 was presented to the court in connection with this (he was then 60 years old). The first wife of a peasant gave birth to 57 children: 4 times four, 7 times three, 9 times two, and 2 times one. The second wife gave birth to 15 children. Thus, Yakov Kirillov had 72 children from two wives.

California resident Nadia Suleman (now she asks to be called Natalie) gained worldwide fame in 2008 when it was revealed that a woman was conceived through IVF. The chances that she will be able to endure everyone (by the way, until the very birth, the doctors thought that these were septuplets - one baby successfully "hid" from ultrasound), and that all the children will survive,.

However, Natalie successfully carried the twins to 31 weeks, and on January 26, 2009, two girls and six boys were born by caesarean section. The weight of babies at birth ranged from 680 grams to one and a half kilograms. All of them survived, gained weight and were discharged home in April. The girls were named Maliya and Nariya, while the boys were named Noah, Isaiah, Jonah, Makai, Josiah and Jeremiah.

From the beginning, Natalie's story evoked a predominantly American public. First of all, because, as it became known, Natalie (at that time Nadia) is a single mother who has six more small children (the eldest son, Elijah, was born in 2001), including a pair of twins. All of them, like the octuplets, were conceived using the method of artificial insemination.

At the same time, the woman has no job and lives on state benefits in a small apartment with her elderly parents, and her father suffers from alcoholism. No one could understand why she was in such a life situation all these children are needed. The only version is to receive even more benefits and live on taxpayer money. In addition, it has been suggested that Natalie is not all right with her psyche.

Another scandal was related to the fact that as many as 12 embryos were implanted with a woman (eight of them took root), while normally the number of implanted embryos is two or three. Michael Kamrava, the doctor who performed the procedure, claimed that he did it at the insistence of Natalie, and this story cost him his career, as he ended up losing his medical license.

In an interview with The Daily Mail, Natalie, now 41, shed some light on the situation for the first time. According to her, when in 2008 she once again turned to the Kamrava clinic for an IVF procedure, her plans were not at all to become pregnant with octuples. She just wanted to have another (only one!) child.

“I grew up with an alcoholic father, in an unstable, insecure family environment. I wanted to have a stable family with a predictable future. I had just completed my education and thought I could work and support seven children,” Natalie explained.

She said that during all previous IVF rounds, due to the characteristics of her body, six embryos were implanted each time, of which only one took root (except once, when twins were born). However, this time, after the implantation of six embryos, Kamrava was afraid that they were, and asked Natalie to sign a written consent for the replanting of six more.

According to her, Kamrava told her that the probability of rejection of the first batch is 99%, and the woman, right on the operating table, without reading, signed an agreement for the implantation of additional embryos. At the same time, Natalie says, she was not fully aware of what she was doing, as she was under the influence of drugs.

“When it turned out at a period of 17 weeks that seven, as they thought, embryos had taken root, I had a nervous breakdown,” recalls Natalie.

Then, after the birth of the octuplets, Natalie began a new "star" life as a media person. She turned into a "celebrity" - she was invited to TV shows, she gave interviews, "flashed" on the pages of glossy magazines, had several plastic surgeries and began performing in strip clubs. Such behavior of a mother of many children could not but cause public outrage.

They even tried to deprive Natalie of custody of children, whom, as her critics said, she does not care at all. The woman herself fueled these rumors, in one of the interviews: “I hate children, they disgust me ... I love them, in general, but it would be better if I didn’t have them.” In addition, a lawsuit was filed against Natalie and litigation began for fraud with the state allowance, which she continued to receive, and money from charitable funds.

Meanwhile, Natalie claims that she was forced to lead such a life in order to make ends meet and feed her 14 children. “Everything I did was because of money and food on the table. The choice before me is one that every single mother will understand,” she says. - Everyone thought that I had a lot of charitable donations and all kinds of help, but it was not so. I did everything myself and paid for everything out of my own pocket. So I had to be "Octomom" for four years."

These years were not easy for Natalie. She understood that she was living wrong, felt inner emptiness and hated herself. “It was like I was plunging into darkness, destroying myself,” she recalls. Because of the constant nervous tension, Natalie "hooked" on sedatives and could no longer do without them.

In the end, in March 2013, Suleman made the decision to “kill” such a media character as “Octomama” and start a new life.

“It was like a prison break. I decided I'd rather be homeless and live with 14 kids in my truck than continue this life. If I had left everything as it is, I would probably have already died, ”says Natalie. She moved with her children to her parents' house and found work in her specialty - a consultant and psychotherapist.

The difficulties and problems in Natalie's life, of course, did not end there. In November 2014, her mother died of cancer in her arms. Soon her alcoholic father fell down the stairs and became completely paralyzed. Now he is in a special clinic where he is cared for, but you have to pay for it.

In addition, two of Natalie's older children are autistic, and one child, son Aidan, requires constant supervision and care. Natalie herself has big problems with her back - this is a consequence of a difficult pregnancy with "octuplets". Due to the displacement and destruction of the disks, she suffers from severe pain in the spine.

But, in spite of everything, Natalie does not give up and looks to the future with optimism. “I have to stay strong for the kids. My kids know what I've been up to as "Octomom", I always tell them the truth. I told them that I did various bad and shameful things, but they told me: “It’s okay, mom, we love you and will always love you,” says Natalie. “I made a lot of mistakes in my life. But my children - it's not a mistake".

Now Natalie's whole life is completely devoted to work and children. Her day starts at 5 am when she cooks and takes them to school. Then Natalie rushes to work, picks up the kids from school in the afternoon, cooks dinner, helps with homework, puts them to bed.

All the octuplets, who are seven and a half years old, like their mother, follow a healthy vegetarian diet and exercise. According to Natalie, she and the octuplets are one team, they help her a lot with household chores and in caring for their older brother Aidan with a disability.

“I try to raise healthy and happy children. I would like to see such a terrible, disgusting character - "Octomom" - become an example of what you should never be. Nobody hates Octomam more than myself,” says Natalie.

Eight was conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Doctors in such cases insist on the reduction (removal) of a part of the embryos. After all, such a number of them can adversely affect both the health of the mother and the health of future children.

But the Californian, with the support of her large family, refused to reduce. A single mother, she divorced her husband a long time ago precisely because they could not have children together.

The delivery by caesarean section was nine weeks ahead of schedule. A team of 46 doctors who took birth was expecting the birth of seven babies, which, although not often, does happen. However, there were eight newborns - six boys and two girls - and they are all quite healthy. The weight of babies is from 700 g to 1.9 kg. Seven of them immediately breathed on their own and were bottle fed. The whole family was discharged from the maternity hospital home in just a week.

The reaction of society to this "heroism" was ambiguous, but Nadia did not pay any attention to her.

There were also those who felt sorry for Nadia, believing that the poor thing had disfigured herself and would never get back into shape. However, a year after the birth of the octuples, Suliman posed for the cover of a magazine in a swimsuit - with a story about how she was able to find an attractive appearance ...

But when the truth about Nadia's life surfaced, a scandal ensued. Many condemned the woman and said that with the help of children she was simply trying to become famous and earn money. As it turned out, six more children are waiting for a mother from California at home.

Evil tongues claim that children for Suliman are now the only source of existence. A young mother has been sitting on the neck of the state for a long time, receiving benefits and food stamps. This "feat" of the unemployed Nadia caused only irritation among compatriots who do not want to pay for her passion for reproduction from their own pockets.

And indeed, with the birth of eight babies at once, fashion model Nadia Suliman became known all over the world. HER photos on later dates pregnancies, with an exaggerated bloated belly, appeared in many media.

And immediately after the birth, her agents appeared, who began to send out offers to agencies for paid photographs, interviews, etc. They said that Nadia wants to earn at least two million from these births.

According to average estimates, to support all 14 children under 17, Nadia will need from 1.3 to 2.7 million dollars, not including medical insurance. Realizing this, Nadia put a lot of effort into warming up the interest of the public. As a result, her large family was presented with a huge house. Volunteers help clean it up.

Having achieved this, Nadia continued to shock the public, appearing in unexpected images in front of the ubiquitous reporters.

Nadya Suleman caught the eye of the paparazzi by sneaking out of her California home to do routine household chores. She just took out the garbage and picked up the newspapers from the porch. But even these seemingly ordinary actions caused a storm of indignation among some of her fellow countrymen.

Nadia appeared on the street in striped pajamas, over which a white terry dressing gown was thrown over, and in monster slippers. The apogee was the green mask on Nadia's face. In it, she was very reminiscent of the hero of the movie "Mask". In her hands she carried two babies, and in ... her teeth a bottle of juice. By the way, Nadia looked great, well-groomed and pretty built ... "

The next storm of indignation was caused by an ordinary walk in the park among the public. Nadia and her 8-year-old son Elijah took the twins to the park in two huge strollers, each of which accommodated four babies.

In the park, Nadia laid her children on a blanket, spreading it right on the grass. Nadia dressed the girls in pink suits with the image of Minnie Mouse, and their brothers in green clothes with a painted winnie the pooh.

“Walking with children, of course, can cause stress,” says an eyewitness to the picnic, “but this one looks like a real nightmare. There aren't enough hands to feed so many little mouths!

The kids screamed, pushed each other and their mother. Nadia reacted surprisingly calmly to all this bedlam. With the help of Elijah, she quickly and deftly fed all the children, and the peaceful family went home.

Suleman also opened a website in which she asked for help in order to feed her numerous offspring.

As a result, Nadia achieved the main goal - they signed a contract with her, and now a large family is being filmed in a reality show. For a day of filming, each family member is paid $250.

I have to admit, it's a wonderful feeling to watch eight little kids grow up!

They recently celebrated their eighth birthday and had a lot of fun!

During the day they were in the garden, and then they ate vegan pizza and cake.

Birthday was a success!

Remember the mom who gave birth to eight children in 2009? Before that, 6 other children lived with her. So what is happening with them today?

In 2009, Nadia Suliman gave birth to octuplets, which was an unprecedented event in the history of America. All children were born alive.

Dr. Kamrava, Nadia's doctor, implanted 12 embryos into her uterus. For this, he subsequently lost his license: usually only 2-3 embryos are implanted.

Nadia was divorced at the time and lived with six children.

The eight children are named Noah, Mali, Isaiah, Narya, John, Makai, Josiah and Jeremiah.

Nadia decided to fight for her 14 children. She planned to finish her studies and provide children with a comfortable existence without outside help.

“I know that I can provide for them when I get an education. If I stupidly sit and watch TV without arranging a future for my children, it will be selfish, ”she explained.

Nadi performed several times in public to raise money, and even signed a contract for her own reality show. Unfortunately, the show never came to fruition.

I have to admit, it's a wonderful feeling to watch eight little kids grow up!

They recently celebrated their eighth birthday and had a lot of fun!

During the day they were in the garden, and then they ate vegetarian pizza and cake.

Birthday was a success!

Nadi lives in a small 3 bedroom house near Los Angeles with 14 children.

January 26, 2009 33-year-old Nadia Suliman gave birth to eight twins at once, and they are all healthy.

The mother of the newborn eight lives with her children and parents in the suburbs of Los Angeles in the small town of Whittier. The family is already growing six kids aged two to seven years, among whom there is a pair of twins.

The children's grandmother, Angela Suleman, left her job and devoted herself to her daughter's family. And grandfather, to help Nadia, went to Iraq to work under a contract.

Nadia herself claims that she decided to take this step because of her own childhood, in which she missed her brothers and sisters so much. In addition, the eccentric American said that she was following the example of her idol, the large Angelina Jolie. A few years ago, Suleman even had plastic surgery to look like an actress.

Eight was conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Doctors in such cases insist on the reduction (removal) of a part of the embryos. After all, such a number of them can adversely affect both the health of the mother and the health of future children.

But the Californian, with the support of her large family, refused to reduce. A single mother, she divorced her husband a long time ago precisely because they could not have children together.

It is known that the woman was observed at the Kaiser Permanente clinic from the 12th week of pregnancy, from the 23rd week the expectant mother was ordered to adhere to bed rest.

The delivery by caesarean section was nine weeks ahead of schedule. A team of 46 doctors who took birth was expecting the birth of seven babies, which, although not often, does happen. However, there were eight newborns - six boys and two girls - and they are all quite healthy. The weight of babies is from 700 g to 1.9 kg. Seven of them immediately breathed on their own and were bottle fed. The whole family was discharged from the maternity hospital home in just a week.

The reaction of society to this "heroism" was ambiguous. At first they were proud of her. There were also those who felt sorry for Nadia, believing that the poor thing had disfigured herself and would never get back into shape. However, a year after the birth of the eights, Suliman posed for the cover of a magazine in a swimsuit - with a story about how she was able to find an attractive appearance ...

But when the truth about Nadia's life surfaced, a scandal ensued. Many condemned the woman and said that with the help of children she was simply trying to become famous and earn money. As it turned out, six more children are waiting for a mother from California at home. Evil tongues claim that children for Suliman are now the only source of existence. A young mother has been sitting on the neck of the state for a long time, receiving benefits and food stamps. This "feat" of the unemployed Nadia caused only irritation among compatriots who do not want to pay for her passion for reproduction from their own pockets.

And indeed, with the birth of eight babies at once, fashion model Nadia Suliman became known all over the world. Photos of HER in late pregnancy, with an exorbitant bloated belly, appeared in many media.

And immediately after the birth, her agents appeared, who began to send out offers to agencies for paid photographs, interviews, etc. They said that Nadia wants to earn at least two million from these births.

They planned to make a reality show from the life of the Suliman family, but over time, interest in them faded. According to Professor Helen Rapping, who studies media at the State University of New York, TV companies "are not willing to take the risk of investing money - Nadia is too inadequate for filming a reality show."

According to average estimates, to support all 14 children under 17, Nadia will need from 1.3 to 2.7 million dollars, not including medical insurance. Realizing this, Nadia put a lot of effort into warming up the interest of the public. As a result, her large family was presented with a huge house. Volunteers help clean it up.

Having achieved this, Nadia continued to shock the public, appearing in unexpected images in front of the ubiquitous reporters. Suleman also opened a website in which she asked for help in order to feed her numerous offspring.

As a result, Nadia achieved the main goal - they signed a contract with her, and now a large family is filmed in a reality show.