
Sedatives when feeding Komarovsky. Caution during breastfeeding. Sedative drug Persen


A sedative for nursing mothers is used for physical, emotional or behavioral changes. They occur after the birth of a child and are often a mental disorder. The syndrome is observed in approximately 15% of women, in most cases - in those who gave birth for the first time. How can a mother help herself in this situation?

  1. Spleen is a normal state of mind after changes in lifestyle associated with the birth of a baby. A woman experiences mood swings, becomes tearful. She has feelings of loneliness, excitement, intolerance and irritation. This mental state usually lasts up to several weeks and does not require treatment.
  2. Depression does not appear immediately. Its first symptoms can be observed 2-3 weeks or even months after childbirth. And, not necessarily the first. A woman experiences the same feelings as with the blues, only more aggravated. She is not able to carry out current affairs, which is already a reason to visit a doctor. If you do not turn to a specialist in time and do not start treatment, the disease can progress and last for several years.
  3. Psychosis is the most severe mental disorder affecting young mothers. The disease is unexpected and affects women in the first three months after childbirth. Being in this state, she confuses real life and the fictional world, she becomes disoriented. Her sleep is disturbed, she becomes angry, irritable. There are strange behaviors that can harm herself and others. Hallucinations are rarely observed. Psychosis requires medical attention. Sometimes the patient needs inpatient treatment, because 5% of psychoses end in suicide or the murder of a child.

Experts believe that when breastfeeding a child, sedatives can be used only in extreme cases. But we must not forget about ourselves and our interests. There are psychological techniques that have an effect on a par with popular means. This:

  • good nutrition and sleep important conditions for a normal psychological state;
  • making more time for yourself. You can go to the cinema, take a walk, watch your favorite movie;
  • sharing of child care responsibilities with their relatives;
  • expression of your emotions. It is necessary not to restrain resentment in oneself, to express anxieties to loved ones. You can cry if you need to;
  • participation in family events. You can't just focus on a child.

Important! If the mental state does not return to normal, it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. These specialists will help to cope with the disease and advise what sedatives can be used for breastfeeding in a particular case.

Side effects

Taking any sedative medication while breastfeeding requires a doctor's approval. In addition, you must carefully read the annotation to the drug yourself.

It can be confusing that some instructions do not contain information about their safety when breastfeeding. This is due to the lack of data, because it was on this category of women that studies of the action of the remedy were not conducted. Logically, these medicines cannot harm the child, but sometimes they can cause unwanted effects:

  • medicines long time do not bring the expected result;
  • there is an aggravation of the disease;
  • reduced lactation;
  • there is an allergy in the baby or mother;
  • the child's digestion is disturbed;
  • the baby's sleep is disturbed, he constantly cries and is naughty.

Important! If one of the symptoms occurs during the use of a sedative, it should no longer be taken.

The use of each drug during breastfeeding should begin with small dosages. In this way, you can avoid side effects and find out which ones are most effective in a particular situation.

Soothes nature

Help from pharmacologists

  • Glycine tablets remove depression and depression, contribute to the normalization of sleep, soothe. Applied three times during the day. It is prescribed even for infants, since he has no contraindications.
  • Syrup novopassit (Novo-passit) is able to relieve nervous tension and normalize sleep. The drug is made using valerian, hawthorn, lemon balm, hops, St. John's wort, passionflower and elderberry. The instructions for Novopassit prohibit its use during breastfeeding, but no negative effects on the child have been identified. Novopassit can be taken no more than one teaspoon three times a day.
  • Persen includes: valerian extract, motherwort, peppermint. Instruction Persen is not recommended during feeding the baby, however, many experts prescribe this drug during the period of postpartum mental disorders.
  • Alora is available as tablets or syrup. It is a homeopathic remedy, relieves stress, insomnia, neuroses. One tablet or teaspoon daily is recommended. No drug data available. Experts consider it theoretically safe.
  • Nervochel is a homeopathic remedy that reduces nervous tension and excitability, promotes good sleep. You can take one tablet three times a day. It has no negative impact on the child.

These medicines do not have an immediate effect. Treatment may take a long time.

If you are a happy mother, especially the first child, then after his birth you may need psychological help. Yes, not everything is as rosy as it seemed. After all, angelic patience, stress resistance, iron nerves, round-the-clock performance, endurance and dedication are not about you yet. When an experienced psychologist is not at hand, a sedative can provide all possible assistance. And again, a trick that brings concern - is it possible, and which one, if the baby is breastfeeding?

Signs of "abnormality" and which of them can still be cured with sedatives

Many women experience nervous disorders after childbirth - various neuroses, psychoses and depressions. What is it connected with? Often, a newly-made mother in the first weeks, and even months after childbirth, is in a state of increased anxiety for the child, having heard and read about sudden infant death syndrome and other newborn “horror stories”. Anxiety deprives normal sleep, a woman now and then checks the child, listening to his breathing.

On this basis, obsessive and delusional ideas appear that contribute to inappropriate behavior, psycho-emotional and physical fatigue. Often, psychotic disorders are preceded by a difficult birth with significant blood loss, surgical interventions leading to increased weakness, sleep disturbances, and the struggle for the life of a weak and premature child.

This condition is aggravated by the lack of mutual understanding and support in the family, which is not so uncommon after the birth of a baby.

The woman gets the impression that she alone bears all the responsibility for the child on her fragile shoulders, which leads to a state of deep despair and nervous breakdowns.

If you can’t cope with neurosis on your own, then you can easily find yourself in the ranks of patients in a psychiatric dispensary - the appearance of such conditions as manic-depressive psychosis and even schizophrenia is not excluded. If instead of joy you are in a constantly gloomy mood and notice any signs of neurotic disorders in yourself, then you need to get out of this addictive abyss as soon as possible so as not to harm yourself or your child.

Is it possible to take mezim for young mothers while breastfeeding

The first “bells” that indicate that not everything is in order with the nervous system are a constant feeling of danger and unreasonable anxiety, insomnia, or vice versa, excessive drowsiness. Few people pay attention to these symptoms and seek help in a timely manner, attributing them to banal fatigue.

Then there are mood swings, irritability, resentment, tears for any insignificant reason and attacks of fear. The extreme manifestations of neurosis are impaired memory, lack of confidence in oneself and one's actions, isolation and aggressiveness, obsession with one thing. In some cases, neurosis can also be felt physically - it is manifested by headache, pain in the heart, stomach, etc.

Neurotic disorders with the right approach are easier to cure than psychoses and depressions. In the case of neurosis, sedatives, vitamins and general strengthening agents are prescribed. Be sure to find out the reason that led to such a disorder and work is being done to eliminate it - conversations, autogenic training (self-hypnosis), hypnosis. Psychosis and depression are treated with more serious drugs - antipsychotics, tranquilizers and antidepressants that are incompatible with breastfeeding.

What sedatives can be drunk for lactating women

When you are at the very beginning of the path to nowhere, you can balance the shattered nervous system and at the same time get enough sleep, which is important for finding balance, you can use sedatives. Be sure to find the cause of your prolonged “bad mood”. If it is impossible to eliminate it, then try to change your attitude towards it. Otherwise, the sedatives will give a short-term effect, and everything will repeat all over again.

So, conditionally permitted sedatives during breastfeeding are mild sedatives (sedatives) that reduce emotional stress without a hypnotic effect, but due to their sedative effect, facilitate immersion in a natural, deeper sleep. They have few side effects, so they can be drunk with caution while breastfeeding.

Ibuprofen is the best and safest drug for breastfeeding.

Caution means the first sample in an amount lower than recommended in the instructions for the drug. If within 2 days after taking the child there was no diarrhea, allergic reactions and other reasons for concern, then the dose should be repeated at a dosage not exceeding the prescribed one, and again observe the baby. If everything is fine, then the selected sedative can be drunk with minimal risk to the baby.

Such sedatives include herbal and complex preparations, which are also based on natural ingredients. Their action is not instantaneous, and you can feel the effect of their use only with regular and long-term use.

What sedatives or sedatives are possible? Valerian root - well-known valerian, motherwort, mint, herbal soothing teas. Of the complex, such a sedative for nursing mothers as persen is popular. Persen contains valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. And although in the instructions for the drug, the period of breastfeeding refers to contraindications, its use by a nursing mother is possible in the absence of obvious reactions in the baby, subject to the precautions described above in taking.

Also, when breastfeeding, it is possible to take novopassitis, but only when prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor. It also contains herbal ingredients - valerian, lemon balm and 5 more herbs, and it is necessary to check the individual tolerance of both a nursing mother and a breast-fed child.

Another sedative allowed for nursing mothers is glycine. But you need to keep in mind that in some cases, as practice shows, the drug has the opposite effect. If a breastfed baby shows increased excitability, then it is better to refuse to take it.

If none of the above helps, then do not disentangle your problem alone and try to visit a neurologist or psychologist. Which drug is suitable, the specialist must decide. Perhaps you will be prescribed a stronger one, or offered alternative non-drug remedies. To check the compatibility with breastfeeding of the prescribed drug and the degree of risk to the child, we recommend the site

Is it possible to take suprastin to a mother while breastfeeding and how this may affect the child

Do sedatives suppress breast milk production?

There is an opinion that mint, which is part of persen, soothing teas and other natural preparations, suppresses lactation. The issue is debatable, since by comparing the amount of breast milk before and after the use of mint, no one was engaged, which is generally technically difficult to perform. And nursing mothers rely solely on their subjective feelings, because you can’t ask a child, but he can worry for other reasons. On the other hand, lemon balm, which is a kind of mint, present in persen, on the contrary, contributes to a better production of breast milk.

Calming agents do not act selectively on the nervous system, but have a general depressing effect on the central nervous system.

They either enhance the processes of inhibition in the brain, or reduce the processes of excitation.

The birth of a baby is life-changing. For nine months, a woman prepares mentally for the birth of a long-awaited child. However, very often this time is not enough to fully realize how much attention the newborn will require.

At the same time, hormonal changes in the female body continue, which, of course, affects the emotional state. Fatigue after nine months of gestation, waiting, the process of childbirth and further care for the baby exhaust even the most persistent representatives of the fair sex. It is not surprising that sometimes irritability, nervousness and bad mood become their main friends.

Before choosing a sedative for nursing mothers, let's try to understand the causes of this condition and consider alternative solutions to the problem.

postpartum depression

Many young mothers remember with a smile the first months of a child's life, others miss their tummy and a happy period of pregnancy - all people are different, and reactions, accordingly, may differ.

After giving birth, approximately 10-15% of women try to cope with a depressive state, but only 3% of the diagnosis of “postpartum depression” is confirmed by a doctor, after which appropriate treatment is prescribed. In this case, only sedatives for nursing mothers will no longer help, and sometimes hospitalization is completely inevitable.

Symptoms and influence of external factors

It is very important not to hesitate to seek qualified help if you notice the following symptoms:

Lack of strength

Feelings of sadness and sadness

Anxiety with panic attacks, headaches and increased heart rate,


appetite disorder,


Feeling lonely

Depressed mood.

In this state, girls and women very often experience shame and consider themselves bad mothers, because they cannot fully experience the joy of having a baby.

Strengthening the negative

An important role is played by factors (psychological, social, interpersonal) that can aggravate the condition:

Poor support from husband and family

Severe pregnancy,

Complications during childbirth

Low socioeconomic status,

Age over 40,


Lack of a permanent place of work or its complete cessation at the beginning of pregnancy,

Tendency to depression.

Do not doubt that postpartum depression harms not only you, but also the baby. It is urgent to consult a doctor and find out what sedatives you can drink for nursing mothers.

In our country, unfortunately, this disease is rarely detected. A woman suffering from depression has no interest in interacting with the baby, which he needs so much. Such children literally “absorb with milk” a tendency to states of increased anxiety, suffer from low self-esteem and have difficulty in expressing feelings.

How to help?

The first months with a newborn is a period of lack of proper sleep. Some children are restless. Tummy pains, constipation, weather changes all greatly affect their mood.

Child care, laundry, cooking and other women's duties take a lot of time, and we completely forget about ourselves. Passing by the mirror, we note a far from slender figure, bags under the eyes and “something incomprehensible on the head”. Where can you get a positive attitude?

The first thing to do is to take control of yourself. Do not rush to run to the pharmacy and sweep all the sedatives for nursing mothers off the shelves. Try to do without drugs first.

On your own

Here are a few simple ways, which will help improve mood without medication and remember your beloved:

  1. We are asking for help. Yes, you have become a mother, but this does not mean that caring for a child lies entirely on your fragile shoulders. Dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives - attract everyone who is ready to help you. Finally, a walk fresh air does not require special skills in handling the baby.
  2. We rest more. Laundry, cleaning and cooking are, of course, important things. But, choosing between two hours of sleep and a vacuum cleaner, it is better to stop at the first. If you have a serious lack of sleep, then lie down with your baby.
  3. We remember ourselves before pregnancy. What did you like to do until you found out that you would soon become a mother? Hobbies, sports, meeting friends or shopping - do not suffer from remorse and at least a couple of times a month take time for yourself.
  4. A trip to the doctor. V various sources there is a lot of information about sedatives for nursing mothers, but we urge you to contact professionals, especially when it comes to more serious antidepressant drugs. Do not hesitate to disturb the doctor, because the baby has only one mother, and she should be healthy.


Almost all sedatives for nursing mothers are commercially available. The most popular are herbal preparations, which not only put the nervous system in order, but have a positive effect on lactation. A fragrant drink with dill seeds, cumin, fennel, chamomile or anise will also have a beneficial effect on the digestion of the little one.

You can purchase a collection at a pharmacy or pay attention to a soothing tea for nursing mothers from one of the manufacturers. baby food. Two types of drinks are presented by the Russian brand "Babushkino Lukoshko". For example, “Tea with anise”, which contains anise, cumin, clover, nettle, lemon balm and fennel.

A similar set of components in drinks from the German brand HIPP. The only drawback is that granulated tea contains sugar. This improves the taste of the herbal tea, but is not always beneficial.

So, now we know exactly what kind of sedative can be given to nursing mothers.

Proven Method

Unfortunately, regular tea drinking is not always enough to find harmony and tranquility. Many girls and women, on the advice of doctors, prefer a proven remedy - valerian. She successfully copes with mild mental disorders, has a minimum number of side effects and does not affect the quality of breast milk.

Traditionally, the drug is available in two forms:

Calming pills.

For nursing mothers, it is strictly forbidden to take drops. Of course, they work much faster, but the alcohol content still inspires concern. Another option is to brew valerian root yourself.

How does it affect?

The intake of the drug should be controlled by two specialists at once: a pediatrician and the attending physician of a young mother. Against the background of the use of valerian, the baby's condition may change - sleep time increases or relaxation and lethargy are observed when sucking.

Valerian should not be taken by hypotensive patients: the pressure decreases even more, which can lead to lethargy, weakness and loss of consciousness. With individual intolerance, a woman develops an allergic reaction, in rare cases, the opposite effect is observed - sleep disturbance or nervous overexcitation.

It is believed that valerian is not the most effective sedative for nursing mothers. Very often, doctors prescribe it along with other drugs, which we will discuss later.


Many sedatives for nursing mothers are based on natural ingredients. For example, motherwort, which is presented in three forms:


Filter bags for brewing

Alcohol tincture (contraindicated in lactation)

When motherwort helps you:

  1. With insomnia. Overwork, internal experiences and hormonal changes sometimes interfere with normal rest. A new mom doesn't have much precious time. With regular use, motherwort will certainly improve your sleep.
  2. With increased blood pressure. During lactation, nervous excitement and headaches “surrender without a fight” thanks to motherwort.
  3. With difficulty breathing and tachycardia. Carrying a baby frequently or lifting a stroller sometimes disrupts the heart rate.


The well-known drug “Glycine” is another answer to the question of what kind of sedatives can be given to nursing. It is a protein amino acid that is easily absorbed by our body.

The range of application is quite large:

regulation of metabolism,

Removal of overwork and psycho-emotional stress,

Decreased excitability and nervousness,

Increasing mental performance

Normalization of sleep rhythms.

The drug has a cumulative effect (the course of treatment is 2-4 weeks), so it must be taken under the supervision of the attending physician. Sometimes "Glycine" is prescribed to newborns with restless sleep, so a small amount of the substance that enters through milk will not do any harm.


Many believe that Persen is a good sedative for nursing mothers. One of the main advantages is the natural composition, which contains extracts of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint.

Despite mint, which can affect the process of breastfeeding, experts recommend the drug as a sedative for nursing mothers.

“Persen” is shown under the following conditions:


Increased nervous excitability


The drug is not cumulative action, soothes within half an hour after ingestion. Does not affect the ability to drive a car.

Accept or not?

Sometimes loneliness becomes an outlet. Half an hour of silence, a relaxing bath with the addition of essential oils or a walk in the fresh air - all this will help to relieve tension a little, get distracted and put your thoughts in order. Ask your husband for a light massage or just spend time together.

New moms struggle to keep breastfeeding. During this period, the intake of any drugs, even on a plant basis, is undesirable. But if you feel that you are living on the edge, then it is advisable to consult a specialist. A competent doctor will evaluate your emotional condition and select the appropriate sedative.

Remember that many girls and women face problems in the first months of motherhood. Usually we are ashamed of our weakness and hesitate to ask for help even from relatives, but it is very difficult to cope with problems alone. Only a calm and happy mother can fully give affection and love to her baby.

The period of breastfeeding is associated with a large number of prohibitions - both among products and in taking medications. After childbirth, the body returns to normal for a long time, internal systems work in an enhanced mode. Makes itself felt and fatigue. Often a woman is in doubt which sedatives can be taken. There may also be headaches. The most popular remedy for pain is Citramon. Before use, you need to figure out if Citramon can be taken while breastfeeding.

Sleepless nights, worries about a newborn baby, problems in the family, postpartum depression - all this causes pain in the head of the mother. What drugs can be used to relieve pain? All painkillers while breastfeeding drugs should be taken with caution, and Citramon is one of them.

The composition of the drug Citramon includes components such as aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine. Therefore, when breastfeeding, anesthesia with this drug should be excluded in order to avoid negative impact on the baby's body.

Citramon during breastfeeding can provoke pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines of the woman herself, upset stool and allergic reactions in the child. It negatively affects the nervous system, the child becomes capricious, irritable, does not sleep well.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is contraindicated in lactating women, as well as in children under 15 years of age. The drug has a bad effect on blood clotting and the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Caffeine negatively affects the nervous system of mother and child: sleep is disturbed, increased excitability appears.

Anesthesia with Citramon can also cause a number of other undesirable effects on the child's body: nausea, frequent, profuse regurgitation, refusal of breast milk, changes in blood composition, disruption of the digestive system.

Analgin relieves pain and inflammation, lowers the temperature. Analgin during breastfeeding should be taken with caution, especially in the first months. The attached instructions contain a warning that the drug is prohibited for use in children under 3 months. Analgin quickly dissolves in water, so it immediately penetrates into breast milk.

Often, if a woman drank Analgin and breast-fed a child, after a while he has an allergic reaction in the form of a rash and stool disorder. A similar reaction is observed on all drugs, which include analgin.

Aspirin during breastfeeding quickly penetrates into the bloodstream and into breast milk. The dose of the drug that enters the baby's body causes various disorders in the functioning of the organs.

Aspirin reduces blood clotting, causes internal bleeding, provokes gastritis and ulcers. In addition, it suppresses the production of enzymes in the baby's body, which affects the entire digestive tract. Taking the medicine can cause the development of asthma, allergies and pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

Aspirin can be taken once. In this case, there will be no harm to the body of the mother and child. If therapy requires constant medication, then it is better to stop breastfeeding for a while.

Often a woman is worried about toothache during breastfeeding. This is due to a lack of calcium, since for almost a year the body gave all the nutrients to the fetus. Therefore, it is so important to eat right all 9 months.

Dental treatment can be accompanied by severe pain, so local anesthesia is needed.

Do not use drugs such as Lidocaine and Novocain. Anesthesia for toothache can be done with medications such as Dikain and Ultracain.

Any medication can be taken as a first aid treatment for severe pain. But as soon as possible, you need to see a doctor. To the most safe pills during lactation include ibuprofen and paracetamol. They are allowed to be taken while breastfeeding. They penetrate into milk in a minimal amount.

Many drugs for pain relief have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effects. Therefore, the same remedy is used, for example, in the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

What to do if there is an infection

The body of a nursing woman, especially in the first time after childbirth, becomes susceptible to various infections. Moreover, microorganisms can get not only from the outside, chronic diseases also make themselves felt. In this case, you can not do without antibiotics. They should only be prescribed by a doctor.

The doctor can choose antibiotics that are allowed during breastfeeding, help develop a regimen for taking medications.

Some antibiotics are excreted from the body after a few hours, so they can be taken, for example, in the evening, after feeding.

Allowed under various infectious diseases antibiotics while breastfeeding.

  1. Penicillins: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin. In children, these drugs rarely develop an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, there may be a mild disorder of the stool in the form of diarrhea.
  2. Cephalosporins: Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone, Cefepime. They penetrate into the blood in small doses without causing poisoning of the body. In response, a child may develop dysbacteriosis and decrease the production of vitamin K.
  3. Macrolides: Erythromycin, Azithromycin. The appointment of antibiotics of this series occurs if the previous medicines do not help or if there is an allergy to them. These drugs are prescribed in extreme cases and only when there is a danger to the health of the mother and child.

To determine which medicines a nursing mother can take, the doctor must find out what the child’s health condition is, with what weight he was born and for how long. If a child is born ahead of time, then any antibiotic will be dangerous to his health, and breastfeeding should be abandoned for the duration of treatment.

If a child has an allergy or pathological changes, for example, in the work of the heart or kidneys, then in this case it is worth forgetting about breastfeeding during treatment.

The age of the baby also plays a role in the choice of antibiotic therapy. Up to 6 months, the risk of side effects is high, after six months of age it decreases, and the list of drugs that you can drink is expanding.

How to fix your nerves

After childbirth, in most cases, a woman is haunted by postpartum depression. It can develop as a result of changes hormonal background, the rhythm of life. The advice and interventions of other, more experienced relatives give rise to a woman's self-doubt.

What sedative can you take while breastfeeding? Before drinking medicines, even those on herbs, you need to consult a specialist.

What drugs can a doctor prescribe to improve the functioning of the nervous system?

  1. Valerian is made from the roots and stems of the valerian. As part of the amino acid preparation, essential oils and tannins. If you exceed the dosage, then the effect will be the opposite: there is insomnia, nervousness. In small doses, it is allowed to drink valerian during breastfeeding.
  2. Motherwort normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, calms the nervous system. In rare cases, it can provoke an allergy. Has a slow action. Only by the end of the second week of admission will the result be noticeable. When breastfeeding, it is recommended to choose a medicine in the form of tablets (since the infusion contains alcohol that suppresses the production of breast milk), take it in limited quantities and not regularly.
  3. Persen contains valerian, lemon balm and mint. The medicine is able to relieve tension, normalize sleep, cope with anxiety and anxiety. Persen in rare cases causes unwanted reactions from the body and in recommended doses it is absolutely safe for the baby. However, it should be borne in mind that peppermint, which is part of the drug Persen, can inhibit the lactation process.

The period of breastfeeding is an important stage in the development of the child. A woman should take care of her health. Any pain and infection adversely affects lactation, and medications adversely affect the functioning of the baby's organs.

Stress, fatigue and the inability to sleep often make a new mother nervous and irritable. We will tell you what sedatives can be used to help a nursing mother and not harm the baby.

Before we talk about sedatives for nursing mothers, let's try to figure out why women often become nervous after childbirth. The fact is that during childbirth, endorphins, the hormones of happiness, are released in a huge amount in the body of a woman. It is they who launch the natural mechanism of pain relief and help a woman adapt to her new role - mother, and contribute to the fact that she experiences an all-consuming love for her child.

However, then the level of endorphins returns to normal, and the woman feels the so-called "withdrawal syndrome", which causes a state of depression of nervousness.

The best medicine in this case is good sleep (if the child does not sleep well at night, sleep with him during the daytime to fill your need for sleep) and rest (involve your husband, grandmother and other relatives who can help you in caring for the child) . Also, a nursing mother must definitely monitor her diet (do not skip breakfast, even if it seems to you that you don’t have time for them) and spend a lot of time outdoors (walking will only benefit the child).

If this is not enough and you still need sedatives, choose only those that can be used while breastfeeding.

Their list is very small, because everything that a nursing mother takes comes with breast milk. little child. Consider what sedatives you can while breastfeeding.

Sedatives while breastfeeding: Herbal teas

Sedatives for nursing mothers: Herbal teas

Many moms find herbal teas to be a safe sedative, so they can be consumed just like regular tea. However, it is not. Medicinal plants can cause allergic reactions and other side effects in a baby, so be sure to consult your doctor before taking any herbal tea. - the use of medicinal

Also, some medicinal herbs can adversely affect the production of breast milk. For example, everyone's favorite mint has such properties.

But verbena and fennel will not only help a nursing mother calm down, but also increase lactation.

A good sedative for breastfeeding is tea from chamomile, nettle and lemon balm. Combine equal parts of these herbs and pour boiling water (at the rate of three teaspoons of herbs per liter of water). Drink tea throughout the day.

Sedatives while breastfeeding: Valerian

Sedative during breastfeeding: Valerian

Quite often, nursing mothers are recommended to use valerian as a sedative. It is a natural sedative that is prepared from the roots and stems of valerian. medicinal plant Valerian contains essential oils, amino acids and tannins. It can be consumed in the form of tablets or by preparing infusions of valerian roots on your own.

Be sure to check with your doctor before taking valerian. He will prescribe you the right dosage, which you must definitely follow, since taking valerian in a dosage that exceeds the norm increases nervousness and can cause insomnia.

The maximum daily dose is not more than 9 g of the drug or 2 g of dry extract of valerian root.

The duration of the use of this sedative should also be minimal.

Sedatives while breastfeeding: Motherwort

Sedative while breastfeeding: Motherwort

Motherwort tincture has an excellent sedative effect, however, when breastfeeding, it is better to choose this remedy in tablets or brew tea from motherwort, since the alcohol that is part of the tincture inhibits lactation and negatively affects nervous system child.

Also note that during lactation you can not use Motherwort Forte.

The sedative effects of taking motherwort come on slowly, usually not until the third week of taking it.

Sedative during breastfeeding: Glycine

With the appearance of increased nervousness, the doctor may prescribe the drug Glycine to the nursing mother. It will help normalize sleep (with insomnia), cope with stress and improve mood. In contraindications to this drug, the lactation period is not indicated. However, breastfeeding mothers still should not take this prepvrt on their own, since studies of its effect on the child's body have not been conducted.

What other sedatives can a nursing mother use while breastfeeding? In addition to the listed sedatives, various homeopathic formulations, aromatherapy, herbal baths and massages will help to calm down during breastfeeding.