
Can pregnant women wear heels early or late? Can heels be worn? Can pregnant women wear high heel shoes?


A woman strives to be attractive and beautiful in any situation. And it is the heel that is the most in an efficient way allowing you to make your legs slimmer.

Expectant mothers, even during pregnancy, strive to look more feminine. Therefore, they do not refuse to wear them even when a rounded tummy begins to appear. But are pregnancy and heels compatible? This article is devoted to the consideration of this issue.

Even if you do not carry a child under your heart, it is better to refuse them. After all, the human body is not designed for such loads. But in reality, the verdict is not so clear-cut.

Doctors agree that wearing only high heels can be dangerous for future mother and a child. But flat soles are also undesirable, especially for a pregnant woman who already has an increased risk of developing flat feet. Therefore, during pregnancy, you can wear heels, but their height should not exceed 4-5 cm.

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High heels are undesirable for the following reasons:

  • During pregnancy, a special substance relaxin is produced in a woman's body, which makes the ligaments softer and more elastic. This allows you to facilitate labor. But the substance acts on absolutely all the ligaments in the body. Therefore, any careless step can cause serious injury. This danger is relevant to later dates when a woman, because of a large belly, simply does not see where she is stepping;
  • Heels on early dates pregnancy is also not desirable. The fact is that due to the tension of the leg muscles, the load on the hip joints and the spine increases. This, in turn, can lead to stimulation of the muscles of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage;
  • The situation described above is also relevant for late pregnancy. But then wearing a high heel can cause premature birth and complications during labor;
  • A high heel during pregnancy causes a shift in the center of gravity, which causes the baby to move forward, increasing the load on the spine. Therefore, severe lower back pain can often be observed. The displacement of the uterus contributes to an increase in the abdomen, which will lead to an increase in the number of stretch marks in the future. This problem should be viewed from the point of view of aesthetics.

How to choose the right shoes with heels

As we have already learned, you can walk in heels during pregnancy. But here it is important to choose the right height.

To understand the importance of choosing a heel height, a simple example can be considered. Take a heavy brick, put it on a wide glass and on a glass with a long and narrow stem. As the load increases, the glass will break first. Therefore, the heel should be low and wide.

When choosing a height, try standing up on your toes. If there is still space between the floor and the heel, then the choice is optimal. At normal height, the hip muscles are pumped up, but the load on them is optimal.

Exceeding the permissible height even by 2-3 cm contributes to an increase in the load on the spine up to 22%, its curvature, the development of varicose veins and arthrosis.

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How to wear heels during pregnancy

Sometimes situations arise when it is simply necessary to wear such shoes. In this case, be sure to observe the following rules:

  • Wear them no longer than 2-3 hours a day. In this case, it is advisable to have a pair of shoes with you, in which you can change shoes at any time;
  • Periodically do a contrast shower for your legs to keep their muscles constantly in good shape;
  • Shoes must be made exclusively from natural materials;
  • Tight shoes should be kept out of your wardrobe.

We examined how compatible pregnancy and heels are. The decision whether to wear them or not is up to you. And here, first of all, it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy a woman has a "duck" gait due to the shifted center of gravity. And on too high heels, it can look just ridiculous.

But a small neat heel can even hide this feature. If in doubt, it is better to consult with your doctor who, taking into account your health condition, will give you personal recommendations.

A woman in any situation tries to look impressive. Being in a position, many ladies are tormented by the question: is it possible for pregnant women to walk in heels? Some girls cannot imagine their life without elegant dresses and high stilettos.

Are heels worn during pregnancy?

The high heel perfectly complements the slender legs and gives the woman a touch of charm. But even for healthy women, this type of footwear is not recommended to be worn for a long time.

Effects of high heels on the body:

  • The fulcrum is changing;
  • Deformation of the feet occurs;
  • The pressure on the veins of the legs increases;
  • Deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • Diseases of the veins and joints appear;
  • Extremities swell.

Negative consequences are extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman, especially with weight gain and stress on the heart muscle.

Experts say that wearing heels during pregnancy is not advisable. The expectant mother exposes her body to additional stress and stress.

An exception is 1 trimester, provided that the shoe is comfortable and stable and not on the legs for a long time. In the early stages, a woman's weight is slightly increased, and a modest tummy does not affect the spine and center of gravity.

In 3 months, a woman will be able to gradually switch to another type of footwear and choose the appropriate wardrobe for her.

The answer to the question: why shouldn't pregnant women wear heels?

From the 2nd trimester, it is necessary to abandon high heels. Wearing such shoes will negatively affect blood circulation, impairing oxygen access to the fetus, cause discomfort and the risks of various diseases.

Why pregnant women should not wear high-heeled shoes:

  1. A rapidly growing tummy changes the center of gravity of the body. The gait will become less attractive, and in the later stages it will become "duck". The woman will just look awkward.
  2. A high heel reduces the elasticity of the abdominal muscles, and a large tummy under its weight will stretch the skin, causing stretch marks.
  3. When wearing heels, there is a high likelihood of a change in the position of the fetus. For breech presentation, doctors will advise you to have a cesarean section.
  4. Walking in heels always vibrates the body; the leg cannot naturally mitigate the vibrations. The uterus is toned and there is a threat of miscarriage.
  5. A high hairpin is extremely unstable, and during pregnancy, against the background of hormonal changes, ligaments and joints soften, and weight increases. Fall risks increase several times. If earlier it was possible to get off with a slight fright or bruise, then in the position we are already talking about the life of the baby. A woman should not fall at any stage of pregnancy.

With existing diseases of the veins and joints, wearing high shoes can aggravate the condition and give an impetus for the complication of pathology. In the later stages, many women experience swelling in their legs, heels contribute to the progress of swelling and can be harmful.

When asked whether it is possible to wear heels during pregnancy, any specialist will give a negative answer.

Alternative to heels: is it possible for pregnant women to walk on the platform

Looking for an alternative to heels, girls prefer a high platform. These shoes visually lengthen the legs and look spectacular. These shoes have their pros and cons.

Dangers of platform shoes:

  1. The flat sole fixes the foot in one position and when walking the foot cannot naturally roll from heel to toe. In this position, when wearing shoes for a long time, the muscles of the lower leg are overstrained, and the feet do not work. Blood circulation is impaired, the spring and amortization function of the foot is weakened. The result is: varicose veins, arthrosis, deformity of the knee joint.
  2. Despite the apparent solidity, the high platform is extremely unstable. Any stone or unevenness in the road can lead to a dislocated leg.
  3. When walking on a platform, the load falls on the forefoot, as a result, it can deform, and the absence of a notch in the middle of the sole will lead to flat feet. An additional load will be the shifted center of gravity of the pregnant woman and increased weight.
  4. Long-term wearing of the platform has a negative effect on posture.

The advantage of this model is its spectacular appearance and lack of sensitivity of the surface relief. Winter platform shoes provide additional protection from cold ground, this is the only benefit of this model.

If preference is given to this shoe option, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Do not take long walks in shoes;
  • Choose a platform no more than 8 cm;
  • Purchase shoes with thick straps that tightly fix the foot;
  • Wear orthopedic insoles.

The best option would be wedges on a low platform with an anatomical shape of the insole.

How to choose the right shoes during pregnancy

What are the best shoes to wear during pregnancy? Modern fashion offers wide range of different models of shoes. For a pregnant woman, 3 factors are necessary: ​​practicality, convenience and elegance. You can look stylish and attractive without a high stiletto heel and fashion platform, the photo is proof of this.

When going shopping, you need to consider some factors:

  1. Shoes should be comfortable, stable and lightweight.
  2. Preference should be given to natural materials, leather, suede, cotton.
  3. The model must fix the foot well in order to exclude dislocations.
  4. It is better to choose closed shoes with a round toe; in case of edema, it will not squeeze and squeeze your fingers.
  5. Summer models must be ventilated and perforated;
  6. Winter shoes with a wide and low bootleg will help to avoid compression of veins and blood stagnation.
  7. The raised sole on the boots will prevent slipping in winter.
  8. The height of the heel should not exceed 5 cm.
  9. Simple and convenient fasteners will allow you to put on your own shoes in the last stages of pregnancy. Lacing will make this process lengthy and problematic.

Wearing ballet flats is just as harmful as a platform, a tummy and a lot of weight can lead to the development of flat feet.

If it is planned solemn event it is better to take 2 pairs of shoes. After the main ceremony, you can change your legs into comfortable shoes that will allow you to move and dance freely.

Expert advice: is it possible for pregnant women to walk in heels (video)

High heels are not always comfortable during pregnancy. For this important period, it is better to choose more comfortable shoes, which will reduce the load on the legs and keep the mother and baby healthy.

Heeled shoes rightfully belong to one of the most honorable places in a woman's wardrobe. They accentuate the beauty of the legs and give grace to the gait. However, expectant mothers have to sacrifice some elements of the way of life, and beautiful shoes not an exception. The question of whether or not wearing heels is allowed during pregnancy, which worries many pregnant women of fashion, is answered with a categorical “no”. Let's find out how wearing this type of shoe can affect the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

Why shouldn't you wear heels during pregnancy?

Here are the reasons why doctors are so advocating that future mothers for these special 9 months forget about the existence of shoes on the rise, and the negative results that may arise in connection with non-compliance with this recommendation:

  1. Heels increase the pressure on the spine and feet of any girl, and a pregnant woman suffers from this doubly, because bearing a child has a significant effect on the muscles of the legs and lower back.

    important Excessive stress on the legs can provoke, and excessive tension in the muscles of the pelvis stimulates, which is fraught.

  2. Standing on heels, especially high heels, the expectant mother bears increased responsibility not only for her own health, but also for the nascent life within herself. An overgrown belly often interferes with effective coordination of movements and a full view of the road on which a pregnant woman steps, which increases the likelihood of traumatic situations. The most common injuries that pregnant girls get when wearing high-heeled shoes are bruises, sprains, and sprains.
  3. In view of the change hormonal background during pregnancy, the ligaments on the legs begin to stretch, become more pliable, and therefore wearing shoes on the rise at this time can entail such unpleasant consequences as flat feet, etc.
  4. Wearing heels is associated not only with a shift in the center of gravity of the body of a woman carrying a child, but also with a change in the position of the uterus. This, as a result, negatively affects the state of the fetus in the womb: it can turn over and remain in the wrong position. Thus, wearing shoes on the instep can cause premature birth, as well as childbirth with the need for a caesarean section.

Heels in early pregnancy: are they prohibited?

Although wearing shoes with stiletto heels or unstable and / or high heels is undesirable, and for women in early pregnancy in the first trimester, it is sometimes allowed to wear shoes with small heels. However, several nuances must be taken into account:

  • no medical ban on wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • satisfactory state of health of the pregnant woman.

important Choose a wide heel that is reliable and durable. Its height should not exceed 4-5 cm. In addition, when choosing shoes, you need to focus on high-quality material with excellent ventilation and a grooved sole (if this option is not available, rolling from non-slip material onto the sole can be done in a shoe shop).

In search of the perfect shoes with heels for a pregnant girl, it is better to go in the evening, when the leg is a little swollen. This will allow you not to miscalculate with the size. Ease of removal and strength of the girth of the leg are equally important criteria that should be considered when looking for a safe and at the same time stylish shoes for the mom-to-be.

information It is recommended to use special insoles that reduce the adverse effect of the shoe on the musculoskeletal system on instep. For a pregnant woman wearing boots and instep shoes, it is very important to always have a pair of shoes with you. flat sole to change your shoes if necessary.

Summing up

For a woman who is in the early stages of an "interesting position", a heel - wide and stable - is not prohibited. The maximum permissible heel length is 4-5 cm.

During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the expectant mother is strongly advised to forget about shoes on any rise.

Shoes are one of the most coveted accessories for women. And when buying, they often look more at its beauty than comfort. As for high heels, it is useless to assure that it is harmful to wear them - you will definitely find such shoes in every woman's closet. They never fail, and they add balance to the calf muscles and add sex appeal to the gait. But can women wear during pregnancy? How safe is it? Let's try to find the answer to this seemingly simple question!

Pregnancy is the most vulnerable and emotional stage in a woman's life. She is no longer alone and must take care of the little life that grows in her. Her movements are not limited, but caution is necessary. How to convince women who are constantly trying to follow fashion that high heels during pregnancy - this is not very good idea? There are, of course, good enough reasons! Let's assess some of the consequences that high heels can cause during pregnancy:

Severe back pain: Walking in such shoes always disturbs the balance of the body. The position of a person standing on the ground with the toe and heel aligned is the most natural. However, when a pregnant lady wears a heel, the center of gravity is deflected and an excessive load on the spine is added. The legs also suffer from the extra weight. they carry not only a woman, but also a child. The muscles and ligaments are stretched to make room for the growing fetus, which leads to back pain early in pregnancy. A high heel enhances them and can make them completely unbearable.

Lower back pain: most likely in pregnant women who are used to wearing fashionable shoes. Bottom part the back is already heavily stressed Wearing high heels can cause excruciating pain in the lower back and upper legs.

Sciatic nerve problems: Most often associated with traumatic experiences. Wearing high heels during this period can seriously worsen the situation. starts in the lower back and runs down the back of the leg. Walking in high-heeled shoes can put undue pressure on him. And inflammation of this nerve can lead to serious complications during pregnancy, not excluding damage to the spinal disc. Symptoms: stitching sensations in the lower back and buttocks, numbness in the leg,

In addition, high heels during pregnancy can lead to swollen ankles.

And finally, due to the wearing of such shoes, the uterus is in constant tone, which can cause a miscarriage.

In this regard, the recommendations of doctors clearly indicate the mandatory rejection of high heels for the expectant mother. After all, among other things, they are extremely traumatic, and a fall can even lead to the death of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to limit your desires. beautiful life until the baby is born. You can switch to comfortable high heels in the first months after giving birth, and then only if you are accustomed to using them! Well, during the gestation period, it is advisable to wear flat and comfortable shoes that will protect your feet well. It is better to have a little patience, but to keep both yourself and your unborn child healthy.

Why shouldn't pregnant women walk in heels? Future mothers ask themselves, being in the first weeks of an interesting situation. Or maybe you can? And nothing terrible will happen? Let's take a look at the common opinions and misconceptions on this score.

According to psychologists, the syndrome of desire for heels during pregnancy is caused by one reason. A woman, even looking forward to this joyful event, suddenly realizes that her life will change dramatically. There will no longer be much that was characteristic of her in everyday life, the way and priorities will change. In the end, the appearance will change, and it is not yet known in which direction. She wants to remain beautiful and attractive in the eyes of others for as long as possible. And it seems that heels are what you need for this.

But doctors, when asked what will happen if you wear heels during pregnancy, say warningly: nothing good. And this is due to the structural features of the foot and changes in the female body.

Why does the foot suffer

The structure of the foot includes about 30 bones. In a standing position, the load from the body weight is distributed on them more or less evenly, although the main pressure falls on the back section (heel) and middle (arch of the foot). Joints are also present here. Despite their small size, there are 33 of them in each foot. The task of these joints is to cushion when walking so that the knee and hip joints experience less stress.

What happens when a woman puts on a high stiletto heel? Understanding this will allow you to yourself answer the question of whether pregnant women can walk in heels.

  • The centers of gravity are shifted. Instead of evenly distributing them on three points of the feet, the entire weight of the body should be borne by the phalanges of the toes and the forefoot, for which this load is unusual.
  • The center of gravity shifts forward. The spine adapts to new conditions. He bends unusually in the lower back.
  • Compensatory response to lumbar bending occurs: the spine also arches in the thoracic region.
  • Violation of the natural position of the spine leads to change of position internal organs and circulation.

There are negative changes in the legs themselves. The redistribution of the load literally knocks the lower legs out of the general work of the muscles. Over time, they become flabby and weak. This leads to impaired blood flow, stagnation, contributing to the development of varicose veins.

Are heels and pregnancy compatible?

And what about during pregnancy? The situation is getting worse.

In addition to physiological problems, the banal aspect of safety should also be taken into account. It is impossible to walk in heels on ice and rain without endangering the health of the baby. Yes, in normal weather, a thin stiletto heel that makes the leg balance, creates the risk of twisting the ankle or falling dangerously.

What shoes should a mother-to-be choose

Despite the danger of wearing heels, doctors do not urge to give them up completely. And when asked whether it is possible for pregnant women to wear heels, they answer: it is possible, but special.

Instead of a high stiletto heel, choose:

  • heel 3-5 cm high- it will ensure the correct position of the foot, will become a competent prevention of flat feet.
  • wedge - it supports the foot in a natural position, and from the back it looks exactly like a heel.

Do not advise doctors and go to extremes, preferring running shoes instead of your favorite shoes. The former, like ballet flats, pumps and other low-speed shoes, stimulate flattening of the foot, causing the development of flat feet. If it is these shoes that are convenient for you, during pregnancy, supplement it with an orthopedic insole with an instep support.

And don't forget about heels during early pregnancy. As long as the weight of the tummy is not heavy, wear them with pleasure. When doing this, always carry a more comfortable change of shoes in case your feet get tired. In the evening, pamper your feet with a warm bath (temperature up to 38 ° C) and a light massage.