
Our friendly female team of snakes records. Women's team: rules of survival. Ask your colleagues for their opinions


In an era of the recognized value of the individual, personalization, social networks and the primacy of communications, you think that stereotypes are the lot of the older generation, who deftly know how to “stick” labels on any phenomenon. It seems that there is less and less room for stereotypes in life. However, not everyone is able to go beyond the boundaries and stop being guided by cliches.

For example, no one is going to give up the popular opinion about the curse of women's groups, which are called serpentariums. As before, if you say that the team at work is female, a “connoisseur’s grin” appears on the interlocutor’s face: “Why, I know these women’s groups!”

If you enter the query “women’s group” into the search bar, you will get the following tips:

It turns out that the women's team is a place where there are many problems and in which it is difficult to survive. The best aphorism of the women's group is considered to be a ball of snakes. Envy, hidden games, secret alliances and the fight against outcasts. The second common metaphor is a chicken coop filled with cackling about family, children, diets, recipes, prices and cottages...

I worked in different work groups: female, mixed, male. 12 years ago I founded a PR agency. During this time, enough men and women worked on our team to understand how outdated the sarcastic label “women’s team” is for a modern team consisting primarily of girls. Now we have 15 employees from 19 to 43 years old, engaged in creative, project work to manage the reputation of brands and companies.

In Gestalt therapy there is the concept of “polarities”. Modern coaches actively work with him, showing that our life is a balancing act between two extremes. If this approach is applied to a women's team, then everything falls into place, and there is no room left for looking down. Let's look at the main stereotypes about the female team within the framework of this theory.

The “snake collective” is an unhealthy environment where it is important to conform to the accepted template, otherwise you become an outcast. Constant comparison with each other, discussion of new arrivals and a difficult attitude towards change are well-known myths about the “female kingdom”. The polarity of “template” is the desire to preserve values ​​and thoroughly follow the rules. Ask who will be the best at the customer support hotline, at filling out forms and questionnaires, at accounting for resources, and many managers will agree that it is women who can produce consistently high quality in a “boring” area of ​​work. Clarity, commitment and strict adherence to instructions are qualities that help women cope with this type of work. In my experience as a manager, there were several men who did not complete their part of the work on time because they “woke up and did not feel inspired.” And there were many girls who, regardless of their mood, completed the tasks from start to finish. True, this “from start to finish” sometimes resembled an “Italian strike”, where the formalities were met, but the goal was not fully achieved.

The second common cliche concerns the creative abilities of women. It is still believed that big breakthroughs, feats of labor and heights of creativity are not given to a person in a skirt.“The husband is the head, and the woman is the neck. A man is a strategist, a woman is a tactician.” This stereotype is often encountered when discussing strategies with clients. “Give us a male manager so we can make a breakthrough,” some clients say. Well, practice shows that men really want to go to the front line, with a saber in their hands... Most often, such “swings” lead to strategies on paper that amaze with their boldness and cosmic scope, but in practice nuances appear. “Little things” such as an unfinished program, untested capacity, unconfirmed income grow like a snowball, and the plan to capture market share turns into a struggle for survival. The flip side of “slow and down to earth” is realism and skillful handling of risks. Women are considered reinsurers. The 90s have passed and a long-term and smooth strategy with an assessment of risks and preserving what is there can be much more profitable than a strategy of conquering everyone around.

Gossip and endless discussions of others- perhaps the most famous stereotype about the female team. In the era of social networks and the prosperity of instant messengers, many users are busy exposing their personal lives. The other side of the coin of increased interest in other people's lives is a sense of order. For anyone who has read Agatha Christie and knows her character Jane Marple, gossip will not seem like idle reasoning. Intuition, knowledge of psychology and understanding of the true reasons for a particular human action are important qualities that are very useful in business.

Over time, some stereotypes are replaced by others. They are trying to attach yet another label to the new generation of employees as “Greeks”. We are already being told that these are young people who are not motivated by money and do not hold on to their work with all their strength, and do not dream of saving up for a house/car/dacha. At the age of 30, they behave like students and believe that boundaries, traditions and instructions are conventions. Comments and entire articles are already appearing about incomprehensible “games” that need to be adapted and “introduced” into normal working life.

Since my company is 75% Gamers, I can safely say that it is the older generation that needs to start adapting to the millennials. In the youth group there are no arguments “well, he did it like a man” or “ugh, a snake women’s society.” There is no gender approach, and there are no large gender differences in work results. There is a common desire to change the world for the better and a belief that this is possible for everyone.

The women's team is often compared to a bunch of snakes: everyone rubs against each other, but can bite at any moment. Finding ourselves in the “woman's kingdom,” we must follow unspoken rules that are perceived only by the weaker sex and are the main criterion for how long you can live in peace and tranquility. We offer 15 tips on how to create a pleasant working atmosphere in a female team.

1. Find common ground with management

Women begin to weave intrigues and spread gossip when they are not passionate about work, do not have clearly defined tasks and goals, and also when they are dissatisfied with their salary. If your boss is female, the first thing you need to do is establish a relationship with him: being on the same page with a boss who is happy with you will provide you with the necessary protection.

2. Be careful with your secretary

If the secretary is interested in your personal life and opens up with you, then most likely she has run out of topics to discuss. Be polite and friendly with her, but do not criticize others in front of the secretary, especially the bosses, and answer personal questions evasively.

3. Don't brag

Stories about a million roses, a rich groom, trips abroad and cars are unlikely to contribute to your karma with a lonely, unlucky in love colleague who is forced to rent an apartment and live from paycheck to paycheck. Be careful with the information you give out and never put yourself above your employees, no matter what.

4. Don't gossip

No one is unpleasant when people whisper behind his back. Therefore, do not encourage someone else's weakness in this activity. If a colleague tells you the latest gossip, just say “?!” – and immediately change the conversation to another topic. By not listening to the gossiper, you will maintain the respect and trust of your colleagues. Including the gossiper himself.

5. Enter the office with a smile and greet everyone cheerfully.

If you sidle into the office, mutter something, sit down at the table and immediately dive into work - get ready for women to ignore you and avoid you in the future. The weaker sex does not like unsociable people. No matter what your mood is, always walk in the door with a smile and a cheerful hello. Such a small detail greatly refreshes the work atmosphere.

6. Learn to start a conversation with employees

Find out how your colleagues live, what books they read, their favorite films and TV series, musical tastes, etc. Show your interest in people, and they will reach out to you. Knowing the “weaknesses” of your employees, strike up a short conversation with them from time to time. Everyone, especially women, loves when they are asked what they think and consulted with them. Ask your colleagues for advice or just opinions often and thank them profusely for their response.

7. When communicating with a bitchy employee, imagine a child in her place.

8. Don't skimp on compliments.

Unfortunately, we often pay attention to other people's mistakes or shortcomings. People lose confidence in their appearance and talent. Don't be afraid to style a co-worker's hair, makeup, and wardrobe, or express your excitement about her latest project. Give your employees positive emotions and they will answer you in kind.

9. Do good

Treat your colleagues to homemade baked goods, congratulate them on the holidays, and offer your help. It is very difficult to react negatively to all good deeds.

10. Recognize other people's achievements

Some employees probably do something less or more than you. Don't criticize them as workaholics, upstarts, or lazy. Constantly remind yourself that you are all doing one big thing. If someone tried for the common good, be the first to express your gratitude. If you were praised, say that you couldn’t have done it without your employees.

The women's team is a special ecosphere. Be prepared, be on top.


Some people believe that women's groups are a bunch of quarrelsome bitches, in which there is no place for friendly relations and support. Of course, such cases occur, but the problem is not always in the team itself: sometimes the person himself provokes attacks. If you are unlucky and find yourself in a team where women simply love to gossip, read our article - in it we will tell you how to survive in a women's team and resist squabbles.

Dress appropriately

If the company you work for has a dress code, then comply with it. Do not choose too revealing clothes and bright accessories - there should be moderation in everything, the rule of the “golden mean” is more suitable here than ever. Take a closer look at how your colleagues dress - of course, you don’t need to copy anyone, but it’s worth drawing certain conclusions: you don’t need to flaunt yourself in miniskirts and ripped jeans, even if the company has a more or less free choice of clothing. Clothes are an important part of your appearance and you can even change your mood by choosing the right color.

Do not participate in gossip, no matter how your colleagues insist - gossip can undermine your reputation. Only those who have their own things to do will stoop to discuss the lives of other people, so you can safely refer to being busy. After such a refusal, they are unlikely to stop discussing you, but at least this way you won’t condone it. Don't tell too much about yourself and don't give unnecessary reasons for discussion - the lack of information will soon force your colleagues to switch to someone else.

Don't stand out

We all remember that uniqueness and originality are good, and individuality is very important to preserve. Unfortunately, in a female team (if, of course, you want to maintain at least the appearance of good relations with colleagues), you will have to forget about the desire to stand out from the “gray mass.” This applies to everything: clothes, makeup, hobbies, and, most importantly, behavior too. There is no telling what your desire to show off the luxurious bouquet of roses that your husband gave you over the weekend might lead to—it’s better not to risk it. In the women's team there will definitely be a lady who has recently suffered or is suffering failures in love, so it is better to leave her personal life alone.

Don't look for girlfriends at work

Don’t try to find friends right away if the team is new to you - overly friendly, open behavior often causes suspicion and unnecessary questions. Perhaps one day your colleagues will become your true friends, but everything has its time, don’t rush things. Psychologists and personnel department workers disagree: the former believe that work can only be done effectively in a close-knit team, where trust, support and a friendly atmosphere reign. HR workers, on the contrary, argue that friendly relations have no place in the team - they interfere with the work process, distract employees and reduce productivity.

Friendships at work can create obstacles if one achieves career heights and the other fails. The situation will become more complicated if a friend becomes a boss - the subordinate begins to fulfill standard requirements worse, and may begin to spread rumors.

Don't stray from the team

If all sorts of corporate events can be squeezed into your busy schedule, then don't ignore them. It’s not at all necessary to have fun until you drop - at a tea party, celebrating the New Year or someone’s birthday, just your presence will be quite enough: you won’t need to do anything else. By ignoring collective celebrations, in most cases you risk receiving the status of a “black sheep”. However, if the company is large, then most likely no one will notice your absence - a certain cult of celebrating everything in a row is typical only for small teams or departments.

Follow the corporate culture too - this will help you “fit into” the team faster if you change jobs or move to another department. You won't have to waste time finding out local traditions and customs: with an existing, well-established corporate culture, you will most likely learn about the internal "rules of behavior" from an employee of the HR department. If this is your new job, our article will be useful to you: we found out what you definitely shouldn’t do in your first working days.

Don't curry favor with management

Let's be honest - few people like the “favorites” of management in the team. And if the team is also female, you won’t end up with problems: most likely, dirty, unsightly gossip will spread about your possible connection with your boss. Of course, you shouldn’t be deliberately rude and rude either - you’ll get yourself into trouble, which could easily end in dismissal. Communicate with your manager as necessary, and if it so happens that you have become close friends, be friends outside the office walls - at work, emphatically polite communication on current issues will be enough.

In addition, your boss will definitely notice your undisguised, false flattery - unless, of course, he himself welcomes such methods of communication and does not encourage employees who try to please him. In the worst case scenario, you will have to endure the ridicule of your colleagues and the prejudiced attitude of management for the rest of your career in this company.

Chat with everyone

When communicating, you should not single out one person, even if you like this person very much - try to communicate with everyone equally. If you notice that someone in the team is disliked, try to communicate with him too - there is no need to repeat after the team. But don’t overdo it: you, too, can become a victim of collective bullying if you immediately rush to defend the local “scapegoat”. With simple communication you can change the situation a little - do not ignore someone with whom your colleagues do not communicate for some reason. Perhaps, over time, other employees will “catch up” - with this you can save a person from his unenviable position.

The women's team is often compared to a bunch of snakes: everyone rubs against each other, but can bite at any moment. Finding ourselves in the “woman's kingdom,” we must follow unspoken rules that are perceived only by the weaker sex and are the main criterion for how long you can live in peace and tranquility. I WANT offers 15 tips on how to create a pleasant working atmosphere in a female team.

We choose our friends, but our colleagues are mostly sent to us by fate. Unfortunately, poor relationships with the team have a serious impact on our careers and health. Firstly, the quality of our own responsibilities directly depends on their location. Secondly, conflicts with female employees negatively affect our psyche and reduce productivity more than even rumors of dismissal. Thirdly, we spend more time at work than anywhere else. Consequently, the ability to join a female team will provide us with a comfortable living environment for 6-10 hours.

It is not necessary to be friends with all employees, but you need to be friendly towards them. Before touching on the basic rules of conduct in a women's team, let's look at the pros and cons of all-female companies.

Disadvantages of working in a female team:

No one will give in to you or do the work for you just because you have big breasts, beautiful eyes or long legs;

Women are more likely to get sick or spend time with children, which can also affect the amount of work you do;

The absence of men at work further prolongs your loneliness. And if a male appears on the horizon, “Santa Barbara” and a showdown lasting half a life are guaranteed.

It’s impossible to be on your own in a women’s team; nothing depends on you. You will have to adapt to the tastes and habits of your comrades so as not to become a recluse.

Constant gossip, arguments, empty talk - all this fills your head and distracts you from work.

Advantages of working in a female team:

If something happens, you can always count on help: be it a sandwich for hunger, a chocolate bar for stress, or help with an alibi and help with a work jam. In such matters, women are more humane.

In a group of women you can always find drops for a runny nose, hygiene products, whole tights and a nail file;

Personal problems can also be solved with the help of good friends at work, because from them you can find out the contacts of a good doctor, the director of the best kindergarten, a cleaner, and also learn good culinary recipes and tips on caring for your beauty. In some cases, colleagues even arrange each other's personal lives.

Women always smell good, they are more pleasant to look at in the morning and there is order in the office.

In the women's group you can find a partner for fitness classes, going for a massage or morning jogging.

The women around you will always understand when and why you feel bad, they won’t annoy you during PMS, and they will understand all your jokes about men.

15 tips on how to create a good atmosphere in a women's team

1. Find a common language with management.

Women begin to weave intrigues and spread gossip when they are not passionate about work, do not have clearly defined tasks and goals, and also when they are dissatisfied with their salary. If your boss is female, the first thing you need to do is establish a relationship with him: being on the same page with a boss who is happy with you will provide you with the necessary protection.

2. Be careful with the secretary.

If the secretary is interested in your personal life and is frank with you, then most likely she has run out of topics to discuss and in your face she sees “fresh meat”. Be polite and friendly with her, but do not criticize others in front of the secretary, especially the bosses, and answer personal questions evasively.

3. Don't give in to provocations.

Every woman can have a sudden change in mood, problems in the family, or a crease in her stocking. All this painful stuff hangs like an ax in the air or results in irritated remarks. Avoid a colleague who is in a bad mood, or cheer her up with good news or something sweet.

4. Don't brag.

Stories about a million roses, a rich groom, trips abroad and cars are unlikely to contribute to your karma with a lonely, unlucky in love colleague who is forced to rent an apartment and live from paycheck to paycheck. Be careful with the information you give out and never put yourself above your employees, no matter what.

5. Don't gossip.

No one is unpleasant when people whisper behind his back. Therefore, do not encourage someone else's weakness in this activity. If a colleague tells you something new, just say “Really?!” - and immediately move the conversation to another topic. By not listening to the gossiper, you will maintain the respect and trust of your colleagues. Including the gossiper himself.

6. Enter the office with a smile and greet everyone cheerfully.

If you walk sideways into a restaurant, mutter something, sit down at the table and immediately immerse yourself in work - get ready for women to ignore you and avoid you in the future. The weaker sex does not like unsociable people. No matter what your mood is, always walk in the door with a smile and a cheerful hello. Such a small detail greatly refreshes the work atmosphere.

7. Learn to start a conversation with employees.

Find out how your colleagues live, what books they read, their favorite films and TV series, musical tastes and hobbies. Show your interest in people, and they will reach out to you. Knowing the “weaknesses” of your employees, strike up a short conversation with them from time to time.

8. Get interested in the opinions of your colleagues.

Everyone, especially women, loves when they are asked what they think and consulted with them. Ask your colleagues for advice or just opinions often and thank them profusely for their response. And do as you see fit.

9. When communicating with a bitchy employee, imagine your child, lover or seriously ill person in her place.

10. Don't skimp on compliments.

Unfortunately, we often pay attention to other people's mistakes or shortcomings. People lose confidence in their appearance and talent. Don't be afraid to compliment your co-worker's hair, makeup, and wardrobe, or express your excitement about her latest project. Give your employees positive emotions and they will answer you in kind.

11. Do good.

Treat your colleagues to homemade baked goods, congratulate them on the holidays, and offer your help. It is very difficult to react negatively to all good deeds.

12. Recognize other people's achievements.

Some employees probably do something less or more than you. Don't criticize them as workaholics, upstarts, or lazy. Constantly remind yourself that you are all doing one big thing. If someone tried for the common good, be the first to express your gratitude. If you were praised, say that you couldn’t have done it without your employees.

13. If you are a boss, work no less than your subordinates.

One of the reasons for gossip in the team is the boss. Therefore, do not allow unnecessary conversations and do your work responsibly. Consult with your colleagues, ask about the state of their current affairs, offer help or a way out of a difficult situation. Go to a meeting with them and conversations about you will only be in a positive way.

14. Always answer calls and letters from colleagues.

To maintain good relationships in a female team, it is very important to observe office etiquette. Nothing irritates busy employees more than not getting answers to their phone or written requests.

15. If you don’t know for sure, assume the best.

Rumors constantly circulate among women that someone gets paid more than others but works less, that management doesn’t understand anything, that everyone will soon be fired, etc. Get rid of all these thoughts. Disgust towards work and the employee is caused not by its monotony or complexity, but, above all, by a pessimistic attitude.