
Saratov pension. The minimum pension in the Saratov region. General issues of pension legislation


Every year, the amount of the insurance pension goes through a reindexation stage and this happens at the beginning of the reporting annual period. This time, its size was increased by 5.4% and in the Saratov region amounted to 13,700 rubles, in other regions of the country this figure may differ and this is completely normal.

Minimum pension

According to the law in the country, a pensioner, even who does not have sufficient experience, cannot receive payments less than the subsistence level. Since 2017, the number of pension points has been raised to 11.4, so not all pensioners can count on a decent pension. The minimum pension is indexed every year in accordance with the level of inflation that exists in the country.

After the indexation, the minimum pension in Saratov and the region amounted to 6,700 rubles.

The value of the minimum wage in Saratov and the Saratov region

Additional payments (surcharges) to pensions in Saratov and the Saratov region

Indeed, a pensioner can receive an allowance, and it will be as large as he lacks to reach the subsistence level in the region of residence. True, there is one condition: a pensioner must not work.

Conditions for obtaining a pension in Saratov and the Saratov region

The branch of the PFR in the Saratov region was formed by the order of the Executive Committee of the Regional Council of People's Deputies No. 177-r of March 14, 1991 in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the RSFSR of February 28, 1991.

As of January 1, 2019 16 Interdistrict departments OPFR in the Saratov region serve 767501 pensioners, 256093 citizens make social payments (EDV - 175225 people, DEMO - 4019 people, FSD - 76849 people).


The number of pensioners in the Saratov region as of January 1, 2019 is 767501 people, including 14,584 servicemen who have an old-age insurance pension; 145903 pensioners continue to work.

Recipients of insurance pensions - 723751 people, (of which 14584 are military pensioners), including old age - 665400 people, disability - 25512 people, on the occasion of loss of a breadwinner - 32839 people.

Recipients of state pension provision - 43,750 people, including: retired military personnel and members of their families - 616 people, pensioners affected by radiation or man-made disasters - 1,043 people, retired civil servants - 1,061 people, recipients of social pensions - 41008 people, pensions of test pilots - 19 people, pensioners - former people's deputies of the Russian Federation 1990-1995 and their assistants - 3 people.

The average pension in the Saratov region as of January 1, 2019 is 12,895.90 rubles.

The average size of the old-age insurance pension (the most common type of pension) -13505,80 rub.


Total for the duration of the state support program (since 2007) 136442 families received a certificate for maternity family capital regions in which at least a second child was born.

86,553 certificate holders applied for disposal of maternity (family) capital. Improving housing conditions is still the most popular area for spending maternity capital. 93,500 people used it for this direction. in the amount of 36.5 billion rubles. 5,763 people sent funds to pay for educational services for children. for a total amount of 337.2 million rubles. 589 people applied for a monthly payment from MSC funds in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second child in 2018. in the amount of 41.7 million rubles.

The size of the maternity family capital in 2019 - 453,026 rubles.


As of January 1, 2019, the PFR Department is registered with 114382 policyholders, including 56,845 employers and 57,537 payers who pay insurance premiums for themselves.

The basic rate of insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in 2019 remains at the level of 22%. The maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance was 1,150,000 rubles.

According to Russian laws, people are required to work until a certain age. Then the state takes care of their material support, taking into account the contribution to the development of society. In addition, it provides for those who are deprived of income due to disability.

So, a pension in Saratov in 2019 is due to citizens on the following grounds:

  • in connection with the achievement of the age limit for compulsory participation in labor activity;
  • due to disability;
  • with the loss of a breadwinner.
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General issues of pension legislation

Payments are made in accordance with federal law. The pension itself is divided into several parts:

  1. Basic. It is the same for all recipients and at the beginning of 2018 (before the next indexing) was 4,805.11 rubles.
  2. . This part depends on the contribution of the worker to the development of society. Calculated individually.
  3. . This is only available to people born after 1966. They should conclude an agreement on the redistribution of part of the contributions to savings.

In addition, applicants need to know the types of pension subsidies. They are like this:

  • insurance (mainly);
  • social;
  • for state security (appointed to military personnel and equated specialists).

Hint: social assistance is due to the following persons:

  1. disabled people who did not have official work experience;
  2. who have lost their breadwinner;
  3. who do not have the necessary indicators for seniority and points on an individual account from age:
    • 60 years - women;
    • 65 - men;
    • otherwise, if there are preferential grounds.

Charges in Saratov and the region

Local authorities constantly monitor information about the income of citizens, including beneficiaries. The following important indicators are monitored:

Hint: a pensioner cannot receive less than the amount of the PM.

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About surcharges in the Saratov region

The pension benefit calculated according to a special formula is small. This caused, on the one hand, the dissatisfaction of the population, on the other hand, the need to amend the legislation. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, additional payments to the allowance from the budget are established for beneficiaries. The rules for calculating it are as follows:

  • provided at the initiative of a citizen;
  • size is calculated from the size of the PM:
    • by region;
    • around the country;
    • chosen by the recipient.

PM in Saratov is less than in Russia as a whole. Naturally, pensioners write an application for the appointment of an additional payment to the PM in the country. Yes, and the Fund's experts recommend choosing a large value.

For information: due to the fact that the PM indicator is set annually, the amounts payable are also reviewed.

Conditions for receiving pension benefits

To assign a subsidy from the Fund's budget, it is necessary to fall under certain conditions. They are:

  1. Insurance is assigned to people:
    • certain age:
      • after the 55th anniversary of women;
      • 60th anniversary - for men;
      • otherwise, if there are preferential grounds (for example, work experience in difficult conditions);
    • disabled people;
    • having the following indicators on the individual insurance account:
      • - more than 9 years;
      • on points - more than 13.8.
  2. Social - for other applicants who do not meet the criteria for experience and points:
    • after reaching the legal age (described above);
    • disabled in case of loss of a breadwinner (including children);
    • disabled people.
Hint: Pensions in Russia are also available to insured foreigners.

Application algorithm

Applicants need to collect a package of documents and submit an application to the nearest branch.
The list of securities depends on the preferential right. You need to select the following documents:

  1. applicant's passport;
  2. SNILS;
  3. testimonies of children about the birth;
  4. documents of dependents (if any);
  5. copy and original of the work book;
  6. contracts with employers (if there is no record of this employment in the Labor Code);
  7. information about earnings for 60 consecutive months;
  8. preferential certificate (relevant for Chernobyl victims).
Hint: papers are allowed to be filed a month before the due date. It is advisable to consult with the specialists of the department to get recommendations on the selection of additional documents.

The application form is completed on the spot under the guidance of a branch worker. In it you need to specify the desired method of transferring money:

  • by mail;
  • to a bank card (an official confirmation of details should be provided).

List of branches of the PFR Saratov

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