
Why do you constantly want to sleep in the early and late stages of pregnancy and how to deal with drowsiness? Drowsiness during pregnancy: why you want to sleep during pregnancy Why you want to sleep in the first trimester of pregnancy


Pregnancy causes a large number of changes in the condition and functioning of the female body, so she will have to come to terms with them. In addition to changes in hormonal levels and the appearance of the figure, many expectant mothers also notice frequent drowsiness even after a full night's sleep. What makes you want to sleep during pregnancy?

The answer to this question is of interest to many pregnant women, since the desire to sleep overtakes them literally at every step. Sometimes expectant mothers even have to go to the doctor one more time to find out whether the desire to want to sleep is really considered normal and safe for her health.

The first trimester is considered the most important, because it is in the first weeks after conception that the formation of important organs and systems of the child occurs. Therefore, at this time, a woman’s body must work like a clock, and also contain a sufficient amount of useful substances.

Why does a woman constantly want to sleep during pregnancy at the initial stage of fetal formation? Drowsiness in the first weeks after conception is considered the main and characteristic sign of pregnancy, by which many women can understand their interesting situation.

In this case, the expectant mother will constantly feel drowsy, and she will almost always be attacked by thoughts about sleep. Why is this happening? The fact is that at the initial stage of a baby’s development, a woman’s body spends a lot of effort to ensure that the fetus grows and develops.

And since the expectant mother’s body is not yet accustomed to such a constant load, it often needs to gain energy and strength - this can be achieved with the help of sleep. This is why the first trimester is considered the sleepiest.

As soon as the baby’s organs and systems are formed, the expectant mother’s need to sleep will not be so strong. This usually occurs towards the end of the first trimester, but this phenomenon is purely individual for each woman.

Attention! A woman often wants to sleep in the first weeks of pregnancy, not because of fatigue or frequent physical activity - the desire to go to bed is constantly present in a woman, even after a full night's sleep.

This phenomenon is associated with the following reasons:

  • development of hormonal imbalance;
  • negative reaction of the body to stress caused by pregnancy;
  • changing the functioning of the systems and organs of the expectant mother, which requires considerable effort from her body.

Although bearing a child is rightfully considered an unforgettable and pleasant time for a woman, the development of the fetus is a serious stress for the body, since the birth of a new life causes a rather complex immune conflict between the baby and the mother, while having a negative effect on all systems of her body.

This is why the expectant mother often wants to sleep every day at the beginning of pregnancy.

During the development of the fetus, the female body completely changes its own functioning - especially with regard to hormonal levels, on which the growth and development of the fetus directly depends. Immediately after conception, the expectant mother increases the production of progesterone and estrogen.

Progesterone causes a relaxing effect on the muscles and the general condition of the body - which is why, already in the first weeks of pregnancy, women feel severe and constant drowsiness.

The increased load on the organs is also important, because now they have to work “for two”. During pregnancy, the amount of circulating blood doubles. The constantly growing uterus puts strong pressure on the spine in the lumbar region, which causes the ligaments to relax.

Gaining weight every day also does not have the best effect on the female body - it needs to adapt to increasing body weight, which requires additional strength and energy.

All this can cause severe daytime sleepiness, which will literally make the expectant mother feel sleepy. After all, the body is not used to working with increased load, which means it needs more time to rest.

Causes of increased sleepiness in the second trimester

The second trimester is considered the most favorable and “asymptomatic” for a woman. After all, all the organs and systems of the fetus have already been formed, the toxicosis has passed, and the uterus has stopped putting pressure on the internal organs, since it began to grow upward.

As a rule, during this trimester, daytime sleepiness completely subsides. Although some expectant mothers still notice an excessive desire to sleep. Doctors attribute this to the individual characteristics of women, because of which they want to sleep not only at night, but also during the day.

However, sometimes you really want to sleep at this stage of pregnancy due to the development of certain diseases.

If in the second trimester the desire to sleep does not stop for a long time, and the expectant mother constantly feels tired, lethargic and lack of strength, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this so that he can identify the cause of this condition.

Why does a woman usually want to sleep during the day? Daytime sleepiness often develops due to the following diseases and conditions:

  • insufficient amount of vitamins in the body;
  • development of anemia;
  • hypothyroidism

Such conditions are quite easy to identify and treat, so there is no need to fear for the baby’s health. After all, because of them he can suffer more than because of the medications that the expectant mother will have to take while carrying the baby.

Insufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients

Doctors call this condition hypovitaminosis, which is observed quite often in modern women. Lack of natural fruits and vegetables in the diet, improper or unbalanced nutrition - all this negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother.

After all, during pregnancy she should take twice as many vitamins, which are required for the normal growth and development of the baby.

If the expectant mother's diet is unbalanced, she should definitely take vitamin or mineral complexes that will help avoid frequent sleepiness during the daytime.

Hypovitaminosis, in addition to drowsiness, is also expressed by the following symptoms:

  • itching on the body;
  • headaches;
  • cracks and dry skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • burning in the limbs;
  • tendency to develop colds.

For a woman to feel normal, she needs to visit a doctor and undergo a full examination of her body.


A dangerous condition for the expectant mother, during which the cells suffer from insufficient oxygen. If such a condition is constantly present in a woman, this will negatively affect the condition of the baby, since the lack of oxygen will cause inhibition in the development of the child.

During the development of anemia, a pregnant woman feels:

  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • fainting;
  • pale skin;
  • desire to eat unusual substances, for example, chalk.

Often, anemia develops in a woman due to insufficient intake of iron from food.

Sometimes anemia develops as a result of problems with the functioning of the digestive organs, when iron is not fully absorbed by the body. This mainly develops due to problems with the intestines, which bear a heavy load in the second and third trimester.

Less commonly, a lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 can cause anemia. An insufficient amount of them in the body causes serious problems with the digestive and nervous system. In this case, anemia will not go away on its own - for this you need to undergo treatment, thanks to which it will be possible to completely restore the insufficient amount of microelements.


Decreased thyroid function causes the development of hypothyroidism. Often this disease develops due to the fact that the expectant mother’s body lacks iodine.

The consequences of this disease for the child and mother are terrible, so treatment must be carried out immediately after its development.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • frequent drowsiness;
  • memory impairment;
  • severe dry skin;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • rapid weight gain, which causes obesity;
  • apathy;
  • lack of emotions in a pregnant woman.

Improper functioning of the thyroid gland has a particularly adverse effect on the baby. If a woman does not manage to cure the disease in a timely manner, it will most likely be passed on to the child. As a result, he may suffer from impaired physical and mental development.

If a woman wants to sleep heavily in the morning, noon and evening due to hypothyroidism, the doctor will definitely prescribe hormonal therapy for the expectant mother, which lasts for at least a month.

Causes of sleepiness in the third trimester

At the final stage of pregnancy, women also really want to sleep. This is primarily due to the large size of the belly, due to which the expectant mother cannot get enough sleep at night.

In other cases, late-term drowsiness indicates the course of certain diseases, which, as a rule, the doctor identifies in the second trimester.

Also, drowsiness may be due to normal fatigue of the body, which is preparing for childbirth and supplying the baby with everything necessary. Doctors say that it is not worth struggling with sleep in the third trimester, since by the end of pregnancy the female body bears the heaviest load, which requires a long recovery of energy and strength.

The loss of stamina in many pregnant women is due to the fact that before giving birth the body weight of the expectant mother increases greatly - on average, the increase is 10-20 kg. A woman’s body experiences stress every minute, which will then need to be restored.

There is also a psychological component to sleepiness. After all, it is known that after the birth of the baby, the mother will no longer be able to rest. That is why, regardless of the gender of the child - a girl or a boy, the body will stock up on energy and strength in advance for the future.

When drowsiness is considered a sign of pathology

There is a disease that usually manifests itself in the 2nd half of pregnancy - gestosis. This disease is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • protein in urine;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • increase in pressure.

Early detection of gestosis promises a positive outcome in the treatment of the disease. The main symptom at the initial stage of the disease is drowsiness, which requires special attention.

A sharp increase in blood pressure also leads to drowsiness. Additional signs of arterial hypertension are:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headaches.

Daytime drowsiness is often considered a symptom of eclampsia - these are frequent attacks of convulsions, which are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • spots before the eyes;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;
  • nausea that can turn into vomiting;
  • headaches.

Even if a woman does not notice any changes in her health, the pregnant woman's relatives will probably notice a deterioration in her health.

What to do if there is drowsiness during the day, but at night a woman cannot sleep? In this case, it is necessary to carry out treatment, otherwise a change in biological rhythms will negatively affect the condition of the pregnant woman. The doctor will prescribe the patient a number of homeopathic and herbal remedies that will help normalize the quality of night sleep.

Should you be concerned about daytime sleepiness?

According to doctors, drowsiness, which is not caused by the development of pathologies, does not pose any harm to the health of the mother and baby. If a woman constantly wants to sleep, she should not deny herself this, since thanks to such rest the strength of the expectant mother is restored.

However, if drowsiness is constant, she needs to carefully reconsider her daily routine, namely:

  • engage in moderate physical activity;
  • maintain proper nutrition;
  • create favorable conditions for sleep.

Waiting for a baby is considered the most exciting moment for every woman, even if it is overshadowed by frequent drowsiness. The main thing is to listen to your body, and in case of any problems, immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy is such a wonderful time, but it can be so difficult to balance it with work. For example, you urgently need to compile a report, write an article or send a letter, but your brain is not listening to you, it is already choosing cute little things in the children's department, its head is bowing on the keyboard, and its eyes are closing by themselves.

Drowsiness is one of the quite common ones. Why you want to sleep during the day during pregnancy and how to deal with it - we will tell you everything.


At different stages of pregnancy, drowsiness can be caused by different reasons.

First trimester of pregnancy (1-14 weeks)

Many women in early pregnancy complain of feeling tired and sleepy during the day. The appearance of drowsiness can be explained by an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother.

Progesterone is a pregnancy maintenance hormone that relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body. As a result of this, a woman may experience (hypotension), she begins to feel general weakness and fatigue, she has a desire to lie down and rest.

Second trimester of pregnancy (15-28 weeks)


Drowsiness, weakness and fatigue during pregnancy cause particular discomfort during the period when a woman is still actively working. There is most likely no opportunity to lie down and rest at the workplace, and it is undesirable to drink tonic drinks such as tea and coffee in unlimited quantities. How, then, to cope with drowsiness during pregnancy?

Do morning exercises. After sleep, it will improve blood circulation and help restore the ability to concentrate and improve attention.

Ventilate the room regularly. In stuffy conditions, the oxygen supply to the brain deteriorates, which causes drowsiness.

Monitor the room temperature. You will definitely start to fall asleep if you are too hot or too cold. The optimal temperature in the office is 19-21 °C.

Take frequent short breaks from work. Even if you have a lot of work, you will probably find 5 minutes to go outside and take a couple of sips of oxygen. Moreover, after this you will work more efficiently than with your eyes stuck together. By the way, if the weather is good in the warm season, you can take a short nap in the park on a bench or lawn, if you are not too lazy to take a mat or bedding with you.

Do exercises. During breaks, do simple exercises: turn your head, swing your arms. Breathing exercises will also be helpful.

Follow along. Don't overeat or eat fatty foods - after eating you will immediately want to sleep. But, which contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids (this is sardine, mackerel, tuna, salmon, trout) will help cheer you up. The ideal option is a sandwich with red or black caviar. Budget-friendly options for invigorating foods include tomatoes, asparagus, sweet peppers, kiwi, grapefruit and green apples.

Drink water. If your eyes begin to stick together, it is useful to drink a glass of clean water.

Drowsiness during early pregnancy and before childbirth is not uncommon. Many women note an obsessive desire to sleep during this period. Sometimes this alarms and even frightens expectant mothers, forcing them to visit the antenatal clinic once again.


Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy? How normal is this feeling and is it associated with some kind of complication? Expectant mothers constantly ask their doctors such questions.

The eternal desire to sleep at this time is rarely a sign of pathology. Usually it is associated with a restructuring of the body, because now the woman is bearing a new life. Her body is preparing to work for two, and this can manifest itself in a variety of reactions.

Drowsiness during pregnancy can vary in severity depending on the trimester. And it is caused by many reasons.

First trimester

Why do you always want to sleep in the first trimester? Drowsiness in the early stages is considered a characteristic sign of pregnancy. Most expectant mothers are familiar with the feeling of thinking only about sleep at any time of the day. Moreover, this desire is not associated with physical activity or fatigue; it is present even after a full night’s rest.

This is due to the following reasons:

  • The body's response to stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Changes in the functioning of organs and systems.

Although pregnancy is a pleasant event, it is still a certain stress for the body. The emergence of a new life provokes an immune conflict between mother and child and causes intense work of all systems. And this, in turn, entails the need for rest.

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman’s hormone metabolism completely changes. Progesterone and prolactin come to the fore, ensuring the normal course of pregnancy. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on the body, and it is in most cases considered to be the culprit of such excessive sleepiness.

No less important is the increasing load on the organs. During pregnancy, blood flow increases and its volume doubles. The growing uterus shifts the center of gravity and the spinal column has to adapt to these changes. Ligaments relax, joints become more mobile, and weight increases.

And, although all these processes occur slowly and imperceptibly, the body may find it difficult to cope with the increasing load, and it signals the need for rest with a constant desire to sleep.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, as a rule, drowsiness subsides. Although there are women who, even during this period, do not stop wanting to sleep day and night. This may be due to their individual characteristics, but sometimes it is a manifestation of certain diseases.

If in the middle of pregnancy the desire to sleep intensifies, and the expectant mother constantly feels tired and overwhelmed, you should definitely inform your doctor about this. Most often you want to sleep during pregnancy due to the following pathologies:

  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Anemia.
  • Hypothyroidism.

These conditions are easily diagnosed and effectively treated even during pregnancy, so you should not be afraid of examinations and medications. Untreated diseases can harm a woman and child much more.

Lack of vitamins

Hypovitaminosis in modern women is not uncommon. The lack of high-quality fruits and vegetables, poor nutrition, and constant exposure to indoors leads to the fact that the body begins to lose its supply of vitamins. With the onset of pregnancy, they are spent on the needs of the growing baby and decrease twice as fast.

If a woman did not take special vitamin complexes at the planning stage, she may well face the problem of hypovitaminosis. In addition to constant drowsiness, it can manifest itself in other symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • dry and cracked skin;
  • itching;
  • prone to colds;
  • bleeding gums;
  • burning, paresthesia in the arms and legs.

Consulting a doctor will help establish the correct diagnosis and quickly cope with the disease.


Anemia is a disease in which cells do not receive enough oxygen. Chronic hypoxia affects the health of the mother and the development of the child.

A woman may complain about:

  • drowsiness;
  • constant fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pale skin;
  • desire to eat chalk and other unusual substances.

Most often, anemia develops when there is insufficient intake of iron from food or its excessive loss. In women, this is facilitated by heavy periods and pregnancy, when iron is first sent to the developing fetus.

Sometimes the disease is associated with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which the microelement is not able to be absorbed from food in the intestines.

Less commonly, anemia is caused by a lack of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) and folic acid. This is a more severe disease, which is characterized by specific complications from the nervous and digestive systems. However, cyanocobalamin and folic acid are necessarily included in vitamin complexes. In addition, they are often prescribed as a prophylactic, which helps reduce the likelihood of illness to a minimum.


Reduced function of the thyroid gland (TG) is called hypothyroidism. This pathology often occurs in regions with a lack of iodine in the environment and food.

Hypothyroidism can be suspected by the following manifestations:

  • Excessive sleepiness.
  • Apathy and adynamia.
  • Indifference of a woman, lack of expressed emotions.
  • Memory problems.
  • Tendency to constipation.
  • Obesity.
  • Dry skin.
  • Reduced blood pressure.

Disruption of the thyroid gland is primarily dangerous for the development of the child. With severe forms of maternal hypothyroidism, the risk of developing the same pathology in the newborn increases significantly. Reduced thyroid function in the first weeks and months of life can result in serious mental retardation and impaired physical development.

If you constantly want to sleep during pregnancy, and this desire intensifies, you must definitely exclude thyroid pathology.

If hypothyroidism is confirmed, the expectant mother will be prescribed hormone replacement therapy for a long period.

Third trimester

In the third trimester, pregnant women also often feel sleepy. But this rarely indicates pathology. As a rule, all existing diseases are detected in the second trimester, and the gynecologist prescribes appropriate therapy.

What causes drowsiness before childbirth? As a rule, it develops due to normal fatigue. By this time, all the woman’s organs are working under conditions of double or triple load, with maximum efficiency. And it takes much more time to restore them.

In addition, before giving birth, most women experience a significant weight gain - from 10 to 20 kg. This also does not add strength and endurance to them. The body experiences a heavy weight load every minute and needs proper rest.

There is also a psychological component to such drowsiness. It’s no secret that with the birth of the baby, the mother will have no time to rest. And a pregnant woman - consciously or subconsciously - tries to sleep off “in reserve”, to create a reserve of strength and energy.

But still, in rare cases, drowsiness in the third trimester may indicate pathology.

Pathological drowsiness

There is a terrible complication of the second half of pregnancy, which is called gestosis. It often appears closer to childbirth.

The following symptoms are characteristic of gestosis:

  • Edema.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • The appearance of protein in the urine.

Typically, a rise in pressure - arterial hypertension - is accompanied by severe headache, sometimes with nausea or vomiting. But in some cases it can also manifest itself as excessive drowsiness.

Also, this symptom may be a harbinger of eclampsia - an attack of convulsions. It is often preceded by an increasing headache, nausea, vomiting, spots before the eyes, and blurred vision. Drowsiness in the case of preeclampsia is pathological; it occurs suddenly, in the midst of complete health, for no reason. The woman or her relatives may immediately suspect something is wrong.

Rarely, pathological sleepiness during pregnancy is a symptom of sleep disorders. In such a situation, it can be combined with insomnia. The expectant mother may want to sleep during the day and stay awake at night. Sometimes she experiences sleep talking or somnambulism.


How to deal with drowsiness? Treatment depends on the cause that caused it. If we are talking about banal hormonal changes or physical fatigue in the first or third trimester, then there is no drug treatment.

The only thing a woman can do is rest more and more often. Naturally, in the conditions of full-fledged professional activity in the early stages, this is difficult to achieve. Few employers will be delighted with the fact that the expectant mother, instead of working, relaxes at the workplace. And no doctor will issue a certificate of incapacity for work with a diagnosis of “drowsiness.”

How to be in such a situation? Fresh air and physical activity are great for invigorating. If your work does not require even short absences, you can simply open the window and do basic exercises. Any change of activity will allow you to switch your brain from half-asleep to active activity.

A cup of green tea also adds vigor. But it is important that it is not too strong. But you need to forget about coffee, black tea, and energy drinks. Raising the tone of the body with their help during pregnancy is highly not recommended. The same applies to caffeine tablets.

Aromatherapy also helps in the fight against drowsiness. For this purpose, you can purchase special essential oils and apply a couple of drops to furniture, clothing or curtains. The effect of odors is individual, but usually the aroma of citrus and green tea is used for this purpose.

If you have pathological drowsiness, you cannot do without medications, but only a doctor prescribes them.

During pregnancy, a woman needs to rest and sleep as much as she wants. But if drowsiness increases and other symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor.

Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness - this is what almost every woman encounters at some point during her pregnancy. This most often occurs during the first trimester and sometimes returns towards the end of pregnancy. You'll be surprised how much this kind of fatigue can affect your life. This is not just ordinary tiredness, and you may find yourself asleep at the most unexpected moments. Have you bought tickets to the premiere of a promising play? Before leaving I had a dream. Important meeting at work? You can fall asleep even during your lunch break before it. Do you want to have amazing, pregnancy hormone-enhanced sex with your husband? They wanted to, but a minute later they found themselves in the arms of Morpheus. To help you miss fewer important events, try these tips to deal with the weakness that forces you to sleep at every possible moment.

Short naps during the day will become your friend, as will getting up late and going to bed early. You're growing a whole new person inside, give yourself a break and increase the amount of time you spend sleeping. A growing baby takes all your energy, so give yourself a chance to recover. Even a quick 20-minute nap during the day can revitalize you for the rest of the day. You don't have to sleep to regain energy; even simple rest can refresh you. Late in pregnancy, a baby jumping on your bladder, combined with a big belly and an inability to find a comfortable position, can keep you awake. Instead of getting up and going to wash the stove, try just resting. Lie in the bath, read a book, listen to calm music or meditate - do whatever helps you feel calm and relaxed. From the moment your pregnancy test came back positive, you probably felt like your body was amazing. And it is also very wise, so you should listen to its tips. If you feel weak, rest. Pregnancy takes a lot of energy, so you need to take better care of yourself than before. People are often surprised to discover how much of an impact getting or not drinking enough fluids has on them. During pregnancy, you should drink about eight glasses of water a day. Dehydration feels like a lack of energy and concentration, so try increasing the amount of water you drink and see if you feel better. If you don't like the taste of water, you can add a slice of lemon or cucumber. Your baby will take everything he needs to grow from your body - so you'll need to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need to function well - from a healthy, balanced diet rich in fresh vegetables, protein, and healthy fats (especially Omega 3s). , 6 and 9) – such as almonds, salmon, or avocado, coconut oil and chia seeds. Nuts and seeds are a great snack to snack on during the day and can provide extra energy. Legumes, whole grains, berries and green leafy vegetables. What you don't eat is just as important as what you do eat. If you frequently eat sweets, processed foods or fast food, this may affect your level of fatigue. These foods often contain a lot of sugar, and you will have to suffer a sharp drop in blood sugar levels after two hours. These foods are more difficult to digest, which means your energy will be spent trying to digest the food. Try eliminating, or at least reducing, these foods for a couple of weeks and see if you notice an increase in your energy levels. Many people eat only three times a day, but you need to eat 5-6 times or less. Smaller, more frequent meals can help keep your blood sugar levels more even, preventing energy dips. Try incorporating healthy snacks into your daily routine to help you eat more frequently. When you suffer from weakness, exercise is the last thing you want to do. But it is likely that it will help cope with weakness and increase energy levels. The more you move, the more your cells move - wake them up and feel a surge of energy. Even a 20-minute walk can provide the energy boost you need. This may seem like a lot of effort, but think about it - you just need to get out and walk for 10 minutes and then come home! Start small and gradually increase the load until you are doing half an hour every day. Yoga, Pilates, swimming and walking are popular physical activities for pregnant women, but you can also find something else to suit your taste - dancing or even special exercise classes. It's best to schedule activities at times during the day when you have the most energy. If your boss knows you're pregnant, you may be able to negotiate flexible hours. For example, come later and finish later if this will allow you to get more sleep. Or schedule meetings or important client meetings when you're at your peak. Think about how you can most effectively organize your work process and try to suggest this to your superiors; often they are ready to agree to a meeting. If you try to live the same life as you did before pregnancy, this may contribute to constantly feeling tired. Just because you used to stay up late with your friends in the middle of the work week doesn't mean you need it now. Replace evening meetings with dinners, calls, or weekend get-togethers, and give yourself the opportunity to go to bed early. Don't take on additional responsibilities at work and reduce your schedule where possible, giving yourself a couple of weeks to recover before taking on anything new. Most often, the energy will return in the second trimester, and you will be able to catch up on your work. It's time to ask for help. Reach out to friends and family who can be involved in your life. If you already have a child, ask someone you trust to take him to the playground for a couple of hours while you sleep. Ask your husband to take on more of the household chores so you can save energy for raising his child. Sometimes, although you are tired, you will find yourself lying awake in bed at night, thinking about everything that has not yet been done. Make a list and organize your tasks to make them more manageable - you don't need to redecorate the nursery in the eighth week, there is still plenty of time for such chores. Focus on what needs to be done right now and create a schedule so you know when you need to do it. Organizing your worries will give you a sense of control and allow you to sleep better at night. Your bed should be an oasis of calm, a haven of sleep that calls you to it. It’s better to remove all distractions - phones, computers, TV. The bed should be comfortable, clean, and have a variety of pillows - it can be uncomfortable without them during pregnancy. Sometimes constant fatigue can be a symptom of low iron or anemia, which often happens late in pregnancy. If all of the above tips do not help improve your energy levels, or you are suffering from extreme fatigue, consult your doctor. He may suggest testing your iron levels to determine whether you are suffering from iron deficiency or another medical problem. The most important iron level to know about is your ferritin level, so ask your doctor what your level is. You have read to the end of the article, which means you can now sleep)

Every woman’s body reacts to pregnancy in a special way: some are craving salty foods, some suddenly crave strawberries in winter, and some simply cannot tear themselves away from the pillow. Drowsiness during pregnancy, like other similar symptoms, is a variant of the norm, although it brings a lot of inconvenience, especially to those women who are actively working.

Causes of drowsiness at different times

At different stages of pregnancy, drowsiness can be caused by different reasons.

I trimester (1-14 weeks)

Many women in early pregnancy complain of feeling tired and sleepy during the day.

information According to the visceral theory, sleep allows the central nervous system to analyze and regulate the functioning of internal organs. Perhaps this is why pregnancy, as a new condition, requires more sleep from the body.

Another, more understandable reason for the appearance of drowsiness is an increase in the level in the blood of the expectant mother. Progesterone is called the pregnancy maintenance hormone and relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body. Due to this, a woman may (hypotension), she begins to feel general weakness and fatigue, she has a desire to lie down and rest.

II trimester (15-28 weeks)

As a rule, by this time the body adapts and drowsiness disappears.

III trimester (29-42 weeks)

The occurrence of drowsiness during pregnancy is explained by the development of a pathological condition such as anemia.

A fairly common phenomenon, which is accompanied by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. With oxygen starvation, hypoxia occurs, which leads to increased fatigue and, as a rule, drowsiness.

additionally As a rule, by the end of the pregnancy, a woman’s pregnancy is impaired due to the inability to find a comfortable position, etc., and, therefore, often during the day there is a desire to sleep.

How to deal with drowsiness

Drowsiness, weakness and fatigue during pregnancy cause particular discomfort precisely during the period when the woman is still actively working. There is most likely no opportunity to lie down and rest at the workplace, but to use tonics