
Was forced to cheat on her husband is a real story. Cheating husband - a story from life. I skipped work to have a surprise party where she cheated on me


She recently moved into our apartment. best friend my wife's. At first I could not even think that she would settle so firmly on our square meters. She lived with us and had nowhere to go. I had to for a long time sleep in the kitchen. Once I found out that a friend does not like men and became my wife's mistress. The story of life in the first person.

Vitya, here Sveta has some problems in the family. Do you mind if she stays with us? - once asked my wife.

I have known the world for a long time. She was even a witness at our wedding with Natasha. I can’t say that I was delighted with this request, but still, I allowed it. In my naivete, I expected that Sveta would really spend the night with us only one night.

What happened to her? - asked Natasha when she finished talking on the phone.

Yes, her husband kicked her out of the house. Such a beast! Not only did he cheat on her, Sveta also turned out to be to blame. How do you guys manage to find someone to blame for everything?

In response, I shrugged. If you believe everything that Natasha just told me, then Sveta's husband is really a scoundrel. But I do not exclude the possibility that Sveta could easily present everything in this way. Putting a man in a bad light for women is easy.

While Svetlana got to us, Natasha and I tried not to waste time. We live in a two-room apartment. We are in one room and the children are in the other. Natasha and I have two children: boys Pasha and Kostya. Therefore, the question of where, even for one night, to place Sveta was relevant.

Well, do not lay it in the kitchen? The boys can come here at any time. Don't even change! Let's do that then. I will spend the night in the kitchen, and then you and Sveta will be in our room, - I suggested to Natasha.

She didn't argue. In such a situation, it is difficult to think of anything else at all.

A couple of hours later, Sveta arrived. Her arrival turned into a small evening gathering.

Vitya, you have no idea how insolent he is. I suspected before that he had someone. But he has recently stopped even trying to hide his mistress from me, - she began to talk about her difficult female fate of the Light.

Despite the fact that she is considered my wife's best friend, we have known each other for many years, I do not know her husband. Somehow we didn’t have a chance to cross paths at joint events, as families we didn’t go anywhere together. So I could only judge him according to the words of our guest.

Complaints against her husband dragged on long after midnight. Since it took place in the kitchen, my bedroom for one night, I had to listen to all these effusions. And my Natasha agreed with her friend. During this night that Sveta spent at our house, I got rather tired of her. Her endless complaints about her husband and the fact that Natasha agrees with her in everything began to infuriate her. I had the feeling that I was in some kind of club of man-haters, and then I completely began to feel superfluous.

Vitya, this is such a thing ... Do you remember yesterday we talked about the fact that Natasha will only spend the night with us?

Such an introductory part from my wife could only mean one thing. Now she will ask if I don't mind if Sveta stays with us. How to look into the water!

She just doesn't have anywhere else to go. She hasn't had time to rent an apartment yet. She has a meeting with a realtor tonight. Here he will take off and will no longer embarrass us.

Well, do not expel the wife's girlfriend on the street? Although I'm tired of Svetlana, not letting in a person who has nowhere to go is already too much.

The meeting with the realtor went wrong. The apartment that was offered did not suit Sveta. Now she went to such meetings with realtors, almost every day after her main job. It is easy to guess that all this time she lived in our apartment, and for me the kitchen managed to turn into a living room.

At first, the fact that a strange woman lives in my apartment bothered me. I had to give up some habits. It was not possible, and to retire with his wife, since Sveta could enter the room at any moment. Then I got used to it a little, and after some time I even began to manage to see the pluses in it.

One woman is good, but two is better. Sveta tried to help with the housework, regularly spent evenings at the stove, cooked various dishes, and at the end of the month she even gave part of the money for the rent.

In parallel with this, I began to feel that Natasha and I were moving away from each other. She began to spend all her free time with Sveta. I have always believed that being jealous of a wife for her friends is the last thing a slacker man will do. I did not consider myself one of these, but, quite likely, very soon I could replenish their ranks.

Natasha, let's go to the cinema this weekend, shall we? My mother has already agreed to take the children to her. She missed them very much. And you and I haven’t gone anywhere together for so long, - I suggested to my wife.

In fact, I didn’t need this movie for nothing. I am not a big fan of going to cinemas, but at that moment it was important for me to make sure that Natasha still wanted to spend time with me.

Certainly! You're right - we probably haven't been to the cinema for a hundred years. I don't even know what's going on right now. A where are we going? If you don't mind, I'll ask Sveta where she wants more, Natasha chirped joyfully.

And what does it have to do with Sveta? Did I invite Sveta two minutes earlier, and not my wife? And then everything fell into place.

I think you won't mind if Sveta comes with us? I don't want to leave her alone. She is going through a difficult time right now. You don't know, but she filed for divorce yesterday, - Natasha explained to me.

And I, naive, thought that Sveta would sooner reconcile with her husband than rent an apartment and leave ours. Now, we certainly won't have to count on it in the near future. She just filed for divorce yesterday. Now they will be divorced, at best, in a month. It turns out that all this time she will hang out with us?

I'm not used to hacking in the heat of the moment. I am generally a supporter of informed decisions. I don’t remember what exactly and when drove me crazy, but Sveta coped with it just with a bang. My hands were shaking from anger, and I was literally a couple of steps away from causing a scandal. But he held back at the last moment. In this situation, shouting and breaking dishes will not solve anything. You can only make it worse, because I saw how Natasha is dependent on Sveta. But what is the secret of such dependence, I could not understand in any way.

To begin with, I tried to put myself in the place of Sveta. Nothing good came of it. I imagined that I had a fight with Natasha and left home. Yes, it is quite likely that I will spend one night with a friend and spend the night, but not more. The next day I would have started looking for an apartment. I don't see anything good in embarrassing people in their own home. And this is on condition that (just sure of it), my friend would not kick me out, but, on the contrary, offered to stay as long as possible. In addition, Natasha and I and our two children did not live in a three-story cottage, in which there would be enough space for a company of soldiers. We have an ordinary double! To be honest, the four of us sometimes feel cramped in it, and then there is Sveta.

Natasha, when will Sveta leave us? You understand, it's not quite normal that she has been living with us for so long. Are you unable to rent an apartment? Or does she have no relatives with whom she could live?

Vitya, don't you know that in Sveta's parental apartment there is nowhere for an apple to fall? Her sister lives there with her husband, nephews, brother and girlfriend periodically visit. Eight people in three rooms! Well, where else is Light?

Where is she for us? There are five of us, but two rooms. She can't live with us forever.

After this conversation, Natasha was offended by me and then talked to me for several more days only in cases of emergency. “Vitek, you are jumping. Soon, this Sveta will evict you first to the balcony, and then completely transport your things to the garage. Be careful with this. Women - they are so cunning, - my friend, and part-time neighbor in the garage Anton advised me. - Although, why am I upset? We will see each other more often. I will visit you in the garage to come to you.

We met with Anton that evening in a pub, which is located not far from my house. After a quarrel between Sveta and my husband, I began to look there almost every day. I just didn't want to go home.

To some extent Anton was right. Slowly but surely, Sveta kept me out of the house. I wonder if she did it on purpose?

And then I began to notice that Natasha had changed her attitude towards male gender. Several times I started an old hurdy-gurdy that it would be nice for Sveta to collect her belongings and get out of our apartment.

“Vitya, why is she bothering you so much? She doesn't even bother us one bit. You have a sofa, a TV, a refrigerator with food in your kitchen. What else do you need?

Now Natasha, I'm sure, at the suggestion of her friend, began to think that men are unpretentious creatures that are at the lowest stage of evolution. Anton is right - at this rate I will soon be living in a garage. A sofa, a TV and a refrigerator are all I need to be happy.

Talking with Natasha about Sveta's move was useless. I had in stock a few more ways to evict an obsessive girlfriend. The last of them is just to take and kick her out, and then throw out all the things after her. But, given Svetino's influence on Natasha, I was not sure that my wife would not follow her. I went the other way. If earlier I spoke about Sveta exclusively in a whisper or in her absence, now I simply stopped limiting myself. Sveta returned to the discussion of the issue of moving almost every evening. And he tried to do it in such a way that the essence of our conversation would definitely reach the ears of her friend. Did not help. Light was impenetrable. She continued to act like nothing happened to me. Like, she doesn't know about my position. Although I am sure that she hears all the conversations with Natasha perfectly.

The situation was radically changed by an unexpected acquaintance. I, according to the already established habit, whiled away the evening after work in a pub with a mug of beer. And then a complete stranger sat down next to me. At first I thought that he confused me with someone else,

Are you Vitya? My friend's husband is practically ex-wife Lights? - the stranger asked me.

I nodded in response.

I know that Sveta lives with you.

After these words, I managed to rejoice: at last he changed his mind and decided to return her home. But no…

You better be careful with her. She destroyed our family, and now, I'm sure, she's working on destroying yours.

Yes, it was correct!

I did not expect such a turn of events! And what to do next? Has my wife taken under my nose not a lover, but a mistress? With a lover, everything would be much easier - at least you know how to behave. And what to do with the mistress?

In the evening, when I got home, I pulled my wife into the kitchen for a conversation. Was determined. It was still not enough for my wife and her friend to cuckold me.

Natasha did not deny for a long time and confessed everything.

So, let Sveta collect things now! I don't care where she goes. We do not live in the Stone Age - in extreme cases, we will spend the night in a hostel. Maybe he will meet his love. If she doesn’t collect, then I will help her and send her from the balcony, for speed, - I put Natasha before the fact.

If you kick her out, then I'll go after her - apparently, Natasha thought to frighten me and force me to abandon her decision in this way.

But I was not in that state then.

You are welcome! I can help you to collect things for the company.

Natasha freaked out and went to tell her mistress everything, and at the same time to collect things. She really left that evening with Sveta. I had to tell the children that my mother had gone to help Aunt Sveta settle into her new apartment.

They seemed to believe. The relationship between Sveta and my wife did not last long. About a week later, Natasha appeared at home. We talked for a long time, she cried, asked for forgiveness. I told her that I forgot everything, that I forgive her. But really not sure.

Like it or not, Natasha cheated on me. Let not with a man, but still, betrayal took place. But we have two children. I want them to grow up in a complete family. And I set a condition for Natasha: that Sveta was no longer on the threshold. And also no other close friends who can destroy family happiness.

The most important thing to survive the betrayal of her husband is to be ready for it.
When I got married, I was absolutely sure that this would definitely not happen to me. Therefore, I did not think about how to survive the betrayal of my husband.

My husband impressed faithful man. He grew up in a family where parents revered family traditions, loved each other. It seemed that the question of how to survive the betrayal of her husband in this family never stood. How it really was ... I don't know.

And I, a sociable girl, and until I chose my chosen one, talked with many young people and was popular with the opposite sex. My mother was worried that there would come a time when I would get bored with my faithful husband and take a lover in search of adventure.

In addition, we naively believe: “Love is a permanent thing. And I will never be betrayed so unique and beloved. A man simply cannot do this, because he loves me so much. And if he dares to commit such an act, then I will never forgive him for this. I will not think about how to live with my husband after infidelity - suitcases out the door and the like.

So we reason until we are properly covered by this event. And when this happens, thoughts completely lose all logic. It seems to us that the world has collapsed, he will go to another, he no longer loves me, etc. Insidious thoughts of suicide come. This happens to almost every woman, if at the time of her husband's infidelity, she still loves him.

So it was with me. First thoughts: “THIS IS NOT HAPPENING TO ME!!!, This simply cannot be!” And then: “How could he betray me?! Such a close and dear person, why live now? etc.

Change how to survive?

When we love, we do not want to think that such a moment may come. But still, unfortunately, this happens to almost (almost purely rhetorical word) with everyone. And if it hasn't happened to you yet, maybe you just don't know about it?

My husband has been cheating on me for two years. And I had no idea about it, although there were plenty of signs of betrayal. I believed him so much that I didn’t even think that betrayal was possible. And then the moment came when I had to think: “How to survive the betrayal of my husband?” "?"

So, what to do if you find out that your husband cheated?

1) First, discard thoughts about the hopelessness of the situation, suicide and similar nonsense.

Of course, you will have to suffer, without this we women simply cannot. But there is no need to delay the period of depression. Suffering in this case is needed in order to survive the pain and start thinking logically: How to live after the betrayal of her husband. It is very good if you have in your arsenal good friend or a mother who at this moment will not scold your unfaithful for what the world, but will concentrate her efforts on your virtues and will be able to instill in you a sense of self-confidence.

2) Secondly, understand how unfortunate it is that most women face such situations (with the exception of those who have not yet married). And all your friends and acquaintances either experienced it, or they still have to survive it. And if you see a happy married couple, then this does not mean at all that there were no betrayals in this family. It’s just not customary and somehow ashamed to talk about the fact that a woman is faced with treason and the question of how to survive it. We are used to boasting about our achievements, and the attention of men, and we are not at all inclined to tell everyone we know that at some point we felt unnecessary and unloved. So don't think you're the only one going through this grief.

3) I also advise you to discard thoughts about suitcases. What can you achieve with a divorce? Well, suppose they divorced because they betrayed, but what is the guarantee that the other will not do the same?

And then what is the point of changing the situation? Well, except that you were completely disappointed in men and decided to live alone.

Will you be happy - left alone? Ask yourself this question before chopping off your shoulder.

4) Hide from him for a while. And do not worry about the fact that this time he will be with his mistress. First, if this is indeed the case, change to this moment you can’t do anything, but most likely the husband will be so upset by your disappearance that he will not be at all up to his mistress. During this time, you will be able to suffer in the distance, think about how to live after your husband’s betrayal and not show him the full depth of your grief. A face tear-stained and exhausted by suffering and sleepless nights is not the best trump card in this situation.

5) Having suffered enough, try to look at this situation from the other side. Yes, you were betrayed - very unpleasant, painful, but this did not make you worse. You are so attractive, smart and beautiful woman, as before. It's just that some individuals have stopped noticing it.

Imagine that life is testing you - will you be able or not, not only to cope with this situation, but also to come out of it as a winner?!

6) The old Russian musical " Bat". I advise all women who are faced with a cheating husband to watch this movie and try to look at the situation with humor. The heroine of the film was not only able to answer the question: How to live after her husband's betrayal, she so intrigued her man that she made him fall in love again without memory ... fall in love with his wife!

7) In no case do not allow the thought that the lover is somehow better than you, younger, more beautiful, etc. Nothing better than that, I assure you! It's just that your man always sees her prepared for the meeting, that is, fully armed and naively believes that she is so attractive and understanding all the time. And even more so, don’t even think about asking your husband stupid questions like: “Is she better than me?” "Is she younger than me?"

Be sure that YOU are better, more attractive, kinder, smarter, etc. If you believe in it, the man will have no choice!

8) And now to battle! The man is a conqueror, whatever one may say. Make him worry not that he can be deciphered by you, but that now YOU can elude him. Set your RULES in this situation!

Let him understand that you are a woman who likes so many men!

You are beautiful, attractive, smart and worthy of love. Now let him worry: “Will you be faithful to him?”, “What will happen if now betrayal occurs on your part? How to survive it? Just do not try to assure him that you will definitely change in return.

This game needs to be played more subtly! He should know that you are a faithful wife, but due to the fact that a certain event has happened, now she is not sure that you want to live with him for the rest of your life.

Do you doubt it normal reaction in this situation.

And all around…!!!

So many fans who are ready to dispel your doubts. In your favor, of course. And if earlier you resolutely stopped any kind of courtship on their part, trying not to upset your loved one. Now... Why not take a gorgeous bouquet of roses and bring it home? It's just a sign of attention, nothing more. Why not chat on the phone in the evening with a colleague, of course, a male. At the same time, laughing and discussing topics that your husband does not concern. Why not go to a bachelorette party? Let the husband suffer: “Is this really a bachelorette party?”

Wise thought on this topic:

You know, I used to break my head! Thought where are you? - with whom you are?

Now everything has changed! I became different!

Where I am? who am I with?

Play, but don't play. He must remember how he conquered you in his youth. You are a faithful, cool attractive woman!!!

Such a woman to fight for!

9) Under any circumstances, do not bow your head, have self-esteem, and then soon you will see and begin to enjoy how your husband will again win your attention. Torture him to your heart's content!

People do such incredible things, proving that EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE!

Cheating, how to survive it? How to return the love of a husband? - what are these little things ... you will do it !!!

One of the members of our club faced the betrayal of her husband and shared her story of victory on the pages of Svoipravila magazine.

Alexandra was not only able to survive this difficult psychological situation, she won a complete victory by returning and making him worry.

11 monstrously real stories about betrayal and betrayal

What's worse than that in a relationship? It seems nothing. We all try every day to make our relationships more or less normal and healthy. After all, this is real everyday work, and not just sighs under the moonlight. And then one day there comes a moment when at the other end of the wire someone performs what is expected from this person, it would seem impossible. You don't think of it on purpose.

At a party, I found him in the bedroom during an orgy.

“My now ex-boyfriend and I came to a party. There were more guys than girls, but I knew someone and sat down to chat. Then I lost it. Searched all over the house. And I found it in the bedroom, there were five more naked men and two heifers. They seem to have had a lot of fun at the time. But not to me.”

I skipped work to have a surprise party where she cheated on me

“I didn't go to work to prepare a surprise party for my girlfriend. And in the midst of fun caught her with another. There was a scandal. And the next day, they fired me.”

My boyfriend brought another chick for Christmas

“We celebrated Christmas with our friends. And my boyfriend brought some weird chick in there. When I saw her, I shook. I looked at him with a dumb question: “Dude, are you serious? What does all this mean?". He said that it was his friend who called her and he had nothing to do with it. In addition, she was kind of dumb and drunk in the ass. And I was wildly offended, because I felt that they had something.

When I didn't feel like having sex after giving birth, he told Tinder and went on dates

“I have never been jealous of him. He liked to hang out all the time and I did not interfere. My pregnancy was not planned, but we had a sweet relationship and did not consider an abortion. A month after giving birth, of course, I had to recover. And he downloaded Tinder and went on dates. I didn't find out until a few months later when my friend stumbled upon his profile. A year later, I entered an internship and hung out with all sorts of promising smarties and slept with them. Then she returned. She told him everything and broke up with him, proud of herself.

Some guy asked my ex to send me a photo. And she sent me naked

“I dated a girl. Once she asked me to print something from her mail and gave me all the passwords. I did everything, but went on poking around in her computer. And I saw that she grazes on all sorts of dating sites and communicates there only with men. One of them asked me to send a photo and she sent me a photo of me naked. She turned out to be a bastard even after we broke up and once sent me a photo of another girl with the caption: “Look, I found something better than you.”

My best friend at university cheated my term paper and passed it off as hers.

“My college friend copied my work and passed it off as hers before me. And set me up in front of the professor. But I was given another chance and did another project and defended it. And she failed because she didn’t know a damn thing about the subject.”

When my mom was pregnant with me, my older sister caught my dad kissing my mom's friend

“I betrayed my mother and my biological father and her friend. My sister caught them, and my mother found out about everything a few days after my birth. I was 22 days old and she kicked him out of the house. My father began to live with my mother's girlfriend, they adopted a boy, but then dad left them. He never gave me anything or bought me, but only wrote letters in which he told how he bought himself a new TV or a new car. I'm still mad at him."

Once at a party I went crazy

"We had serious relationship, but the guy called them “open” all the time. And I thought he cheated on me three times. Then I broke out to a swinger party and made a fuss with a huge number of people there. Only 27!”

I caught my ex-husband cheating when I was eight and a half months old

“I caught my husband with another woman when I was heavily pregnant. She yelled at both hit him and her. She returned home, threw all his things in boxes and sent him to his mother. On the same evening, I started having contractions and I went to give birth. My daughter was born a little premature, she is now 14 years old. And I sincerely wish her never to experience this.”

My boyfriend broke up with me via text because I'm "studying too much"

“My first boyfriend seemed very nice to me, he always said that he loved me, but at the same time he worked all the time. Then he began to miss our meetings and invent all sorts of reasons. And then I got a message from him that we can't date because I "study too much. I was terribly upset and my self-esteem plummeted wildly. Then I found out that he was hooking up with his ex and dating his former colleagues for money or gifts. I’m very glad that fate took such a piece of shit away from me. ”

He simultaneously met with another girl who paid for him everywhere

“Everything was perfect when we started dating. True, sometimes she complained that she was completely broke, and then suddenly appeared with expensive gifts. But all the time it was things from the same store or gift vouchers. I began to suspect something. This went on for a year, I began to follow him and be very attentive. And I found out that even longer than with me, he was dating a girl from another city. I told him about my guesses. He said that I was crazy and I needed to see a psychologist. Then I talked to her and she told me that she works in a store from which gifts come from, and pays for literally all his expenses, even telephone and medical insurance. He later told me that he just fell in love with me, and he could not part with her because of the money. Then I told her everything, but she loved him so much that she could not leave him, he manipulated her all the time. Then I decided to leave.”

Zhenya woke up early today. It was an ordinary day, which did not seem to foresee stormy events. But today, she decided to cheat on her husband. Because she was tired of being alone. She has been married for almost five years. She and her husband have a sweet son, Yegorushka, whom she loves more than life itself. And this is the only thing that keeps her from divorce. Her husband Igor is a successful businessman. Who is constantly busy. He is ten years older than her. But he can’t calm down in any way. There are already legends about his betrayals in their city.
Zhenya is almost thirty years old, although she looks beautiful, but in her soul she has emptiness, inner discomfort, as she constantly feels that her husband is deceiving her. And so she decided to cheat. I called my friend Verka, agreed with her to come to her by noon, and I would have taken a bottle of Martini with me. After I agreed with Verka, I called my mother and agreed with her that she would take Egorka until tomorrow.
She took a bath and lay near the TV with Yegorka until Verka arrived. Having turned on his favorite cartoons for Yegorushka, she and Verka went to the kitchen. They were friends with Verka from school. They were totally different from her. Verka has never been an exemplary girl. I always copied at Zhenya's school. And she treated her husband's infidelity philosophically. Since she had several lovers. She told Zhenya that her Vadim and your Igor went to their dacha, and they would have a fun party there. Zhenya shared with Verka about her desire to cheat on her husband. Verka supported her. Having said: she finally got her sight.
After drinking a bottle of Martini, she asked Verka to stay at home, and for now she goes to her mother and leaves Yegorka. Hearing Verka's consent, she went to collect Yegorka. Having left the house with Yegorka, they first went to the store. Zhenya bought a bottle of skate, and fulfilled all the whims of Yegorka. Mom lived not far from them. Therefore, they arrived quickly. Having gone to her mother, she left Egorka, and told her that she and Verka were going to take a walk today. Mom supported her. Since she had told her for a long time that she needed to get out of the house. And not to sit constantly at home like her, and wait for her husband while he worked up. Hearing understanding from her mother, she perked up and went to her place to continue a heart-to-heart conversation with Verka.
Arriving home, she turned on the music center, and invited Verka to go into the hall. Drink cognac and watch a new porn movie she just bought. Verka agreed. Watching a porn movie was stormy. She and Verka did not even notice how they sentenced a bottle of cognac, as they got pretty excited. Verka suggested that Zhenya let's go continue drinking alcohol in one of her favorite bars. For an argument, Verka added that you can catch someone there. Zhenya agreed. So, as today she decided to cheat on her husband for the first time in her life. She didn’t know why today, most likely she was tired of his nonsense and constant betrayal, because you can’t deceive a woman. Although during these almost five years he living together learned to tell such fairy tales that he could already publish his works.
Having called a taxi to the house, they went out with Verka. Having reached the disco bar, they quickly went inside. Watching a porn film had an effect, since they, without agreeing with Verka, began to look at the men who were in this institution. Having ordered a bottle of vodka and some meat, they went to the table. Verka did not remain alone for long. She took care young man sitting at the next table, and after about twenty minutes she moved to him. For a long time, Zhenya did not dare to respond to the acquaintances that were offered to her. Inwardly, she had some kind of remorse. And then she saw him. It was Mishka. The bear was very handsome guy. Who was only two years older than her. He courted her until her marriage. But she chose Igor, because she believed that Mishka would constantly cheat on her, since all the girls around ran after him. When Mishka approached her table, she even got up, because she really wanted it. Mishka noticed this and sat down at her table. Verka had already left the bar by this time. After talking about life, Zhenya found out that Mishka is still not married. As Mishka said, I still have not found that one. After drinking vodka with Mishka, Zhenya felt uninhibited, and she herself suggested to Mishka that he accompany her. When they left the bar, Zhenya suggested that he walk. Ten minutes from the disco bar was a forest belt. For a month now, Zhenya wanted to cheat on her husband there. She didn't know if she still loved Mishka. But she wanted to cheat on her husband. When they began to approach the forest belt, Zhenya suggested that Mishka go there, Mishka agreed. When they entered there, Zhenya approached Mishka, and they began to kiss. During passionate kisses, Zhenya whispered to Mishka that she wanted to please him. She unbuttoned his fly, pointed her cute fingers inside, and without a word, sat down on her knees. She did it passionately, and like a hungry animal. That Mishka didn’t even notice how he finished right in her cute mouth. Zhenya, satisfied with this, said to Mishka, now take me from behind. The bear obediently obeyed. It was Zhenya's first anal sex, but she didn't tell Mishka about it. Mishka felt it when they started doing it. Zhenya, during anal sex, bit her lips all the time, so as not to show it. Everything was like in a dream. The only thing she remembered was when he asked Zhenya where to end up? She told him, cum in my mouth again. He agreed. After that, she achieved for the third time, an eruption that flowed down her face, satisfied and humiliated, she began to gather. Gathering herself, she told Mishka not to see her off, and would no longer look for a meeting with her. Coming out of the forest belt, she stopped a taxi and he drove her to the house. Entering the house, she barely made it to the bed, and collapsed into bed without undressing.
In the morning she was awakened by her beloved husband, who, after betrayal, was always affectionate and always with flowers. He began to tell her another fairy tale about business affairs, but she did not listen to him. After telling the tale, he only asked her why, she fell asleep in her clothes? Hearing in response that Verka was visiting yesterday, and they drank a little with her. Satisfied with the answer, he thought about his own. Zhenya told her beloved "storyteller" to kiss me. He kissed her. As they kissed, she stroked her head and thought. My favorite goat.

Married for 10 years now. About the same amount the wife works in the same company. Lately began to notice that something had changed. My wife began to forget about my requests, get ready for work longer and come later than usual. No, the work is responsible, interesting, she has always been passionate about it, but still some strange feeling haunts me. I also noticed the following features: my wife started an eyeliner, draws arrows, although she didn’t do this before, actively pours perfume on herself before going out, bought boots with heels, despite the fact that until recently she was categorically against such shoes, they say, it’s slippery in winter .

Any ge can happen in life. Apparently, one day I also had to catch my portion of fecal masses.

On the most ordinary day, when we were drinking tea with the whole family, my wife sent her daughters to her room. She said mom and dad need to talk. That evening, my wife confessed that she no longer loved me. I think that she specifically waited until her daughters were at home. Maybe she was afraid of me. Do not know.

I always believed that female friendship exists, despite the many jokes about this. I was even lucky: with many of my classmates, I still had a good relationship. One classmate even called a friend. Until recently. But everything is in order.

Every year we go with my wife to the sea on a tour. I always try to surprise my wife with a new place. We have been together for almost 6 years. This year we went to Turkey, do not believe it, but we have never been to this country before (and it would be better not to go!). Prior to that, they rested in Vietnam, Thailand, Cyprus and the Philippines.