
Why does a man lie to me. What to do if the husband constantly lies. reasons for male lies: the psychology of the stronger sex


Men often lie to their wives and lovers, and each time it happens from some specific motives. Consider that unique case where an ex-husband continues to lie even after divorcing his wife. What could be the reasons for lying when it's all over anyway, and in general how to understand that a man is lying?

A man who often lies lives in fear, not life.
Aishek Noram

Why do men lie to women?

Many men tell lies to their women, not seeing anything shameful and offensive in this. Gradually, this becomes a tradition for them and sometimes happens unconsciously. At the same time, a man not only lies about his feelings, but also about many other things. Among the main reasons for this phenomenon, psychologists indicate the following:
  • the desire to appear better than it is;
  • desire to avoid conflict;
  • the desire to protect a woman from unnecessary experiences;
  • unwillingness to discuss serious issues.

In most cases, with the help of lies, without quarrels and scandals, but as if in a “peaceful” way, a man wins back space for those actions that will obviously not be approved by a woman. It can be a relationship with a mistress, drinking, meeting friends. The most understandable version of male lies, when a man lies and cheats. At the same time, if it is difficult for him to lie directly to his eyes, a sparing option is used and he lies in correspondence.

How does a man feel after a divorce?

And such a man, accustomed to lie to his wife, gets divorced. Contrary to popular belief that divorce is more difficult for women, psychology family relations claims the opposite. In our society, it is customary to give all sympathy on this occasion to the representatives of the weaker sex, and men, on the contrary, to blame for what happened. But it should be taken into account that men cannot afford to grieve openly, they have to carry all the experiences in themselves, which is doubly difficult. During this period, they experience such feelings as:
  • feeling of loss;
  • loneliness;
  • mental pain;
  • bitterness for lost years;
  • disappointment.
A man has to push negative emotions deep inside, and others lie to him that everything is fine with him, which results in alcoholism and somatic diseases. If communication has been preserved between the spouses, then the habit of lying remains, only the motivation for this is already different. An attentive, albeit ex-wife, will easily understand that the ex-husband is lying, by facial expressions, gestures and intonation.

Why is my ex husband lying?

Relations a long time ago have already been clarified, claims have been made, the divorce has taken place. Despite this, the husband continues to lie. How to understand that a man is lying and why he does it?

Remembering the main reasons for male lies and the state of a man after a divorce, we can conclude that the goals of deception are somewhat changing. The main ones now include:

  • unwillingness to look weak;
  • intention to hide real feelings;
  • the desire to avoid manipulation by the ex-wife;
  • the desire to justify oneself in the eyes of children;
  • the desire to completely avoid communication.

A divorced man often lies about the feelings that he actually experiences, tries to show that he is doing well. But sometimes the most common laziness and lack of female control make you forget about your promises. For example, an ex-husband lies on the phone that he would like to take the children to the zoo, but does not come to them at the appointed time.

Why is the ex-husband avoiding communication?

In many cases, after a divorce, a man tries to break off relations with his ex. This usually happens when the husband is the initiator of the separation. He is burdened by constant quarrels and an eternally dissatisfied wife. He gets divorced in order to gain freedom and does not want to hear anything about his ex-wife. Resentment towards his wife also interferes with communication with children, while he either lies or does not speak to anyone at all.
Often after a divorce, men go to their mistresses, now devoting all their time and energy to building new relationships and new family. This is another reason why ex-husbands they don’t communicate with their former families, they just don’t have time.
When a man says to a woman: “You are my only one”, girls, you should know that he is lying!
Even if a man has the most beautiful woman He's still looking to the left. Still looking. It's in our nature. How can I explain this without offending anyone...
In short, even if you spend your whole life relaxing in the Maldives, you still want to spend a day fishing in Astrakhan.
If you eat marbled beef, it's still once a year, ap, and fell for dumplings. Then, of course, you will regret it, but you ate. And when I ate, I liked it.
Pavel Volya

Another reason forcing men to break off relations with ex-wife and children, is regular employment. After all, they now have a different way of life, they themselves must manage to do all the things both at home and at work.

How to determine that a man is lying?

Women always feel deceit on the part of a man, although they cannot always prove it with facts. In some cases, they strive to know the truth at all costs, because sometimes it is really vital. Therefore, they are constantly tormented by the question of how to understand if a man is lying to them?

Although women rarely fail, the desire to blindly believe in the best sometimes prevents you from admitting that you are being deceived. There are a number of reliable signs that you need to know if there is a suspicion of a lie.

Video: How to understand that your boyfriend is lying to you

It can be unmistakably understood that a man is lying by gestures, speech, and a defensive position during a conversation. A person who tells a lie, when gesticulating, is characterized by the following features:

  • fussiness;
  • avoidance of eye contact;
  • anxiety;
  • uncertainty in movement.
The speech of a liar also has some characteristic features, it is usually accompanied by:
  • hard breath;
  • yawn;
  • blinking;
  • nervous cough.
The fact that someone is telling a lie is also evidenced by the fact that during a conversation he unconsciously builds a barrier between himself and the lady. In this case, any foreign objects are used - cups, books, fruits. The liar tries to get out of direct view by leaning on the table or the back of a nearby chair.

Do not try to make sure that a man is lying to you by correspondence on the Internet or by reading his SMS on his phone. It is better to carefully observe him and in the presence of these signs, analyze his behavior and draw appropriate conclusions.


Thus, each of the situations must be considered separately. It is impossible to give a definite and clear answer why a man is lying and does not want to keep in touch with his ex-wife. As you can see, he may have a variety of reasons for this, which are worth thinking about. To clarify them, it is necessary to consider each specific case separately, taking into account all the smallest details of the situation that has arisen.

Lying is an intergender concept. If a person is lying, he is lying regardless of gender. But in this article we will consider the reasons for the lies of men. Each gender has its own hormonal characteristics, which certainly affect the characteristics of the psyche, and hence the characteristics of the manifestations of lies.

What is a man's lie?

By and large, there are very few reasons for male lies. All of them can be grouped and classified, the only question is the signs of classification.

Let's start with the most enlarged:

  1. Conditionally "good" lie.
  2. Conditionally "bad" lie.

Reason and psychology of "good" lies

“Good” lies include lies for good, lies for salvation, and similar types of lies. Let's take into account right away that men lie not only to women, they lie to each other too. And even earlier, they lied to their parents, but they themselves, having become fathers, lie to their own children. Not all and not always, but many.

Increasing a woman's self-esteem

Apart from very serious reasons: encouragement in a serious illness or before death, comfort in suffering, hiding a really bitter truth - a completely harmless and even necessary lie is aimed at maintaining high self-esteem in its object, at protecting from unnecessary disorders, at reducing the level of anxiety .

For example, if we are talking about why a man lies to a woman, then in a “good” case it could be:

  • embellishment of her appearance,
  • a few flattering compliments,
  • the exaltation of her personal qualities,
  • flattering comparisons for her with other women (not in their favor).

What can I say, it's very nice to hear. And here male liars are more likely right in their tricks: to cut off the truth about other people from the shoulder, no matter what gender, it means to pass for a boor and a psychopath.

And if you direct an unrestrained love of truth to women, they will shy away from such a “cavalier” as if they were plagued.

Causes and psychology of "bad" lies

Fear of punishment and responsibility

Now for the "bad" lies. The first reason is fear. If your man has a need to lie out of fear, you can safely blame his parents, especially his mother, for developing this need.

Most likely, since childhood, he lied to both parents or separately to his mother, protecting his boundaries and his privacy from their strict control. And, of course, escaping punishment.

When parents establish strict supervision over their son, do not give him the right to make a mistake, punish him for the slightest offense - the boy develops the need to get out, deceive, the psychology of lies is laid, which is fixed in adulthood.

If in childhood a man was afraid of both parents, then, out of habit to get out, in the future he will lie to everyone, including a woman. If the mother kept the son in fear, then it is his future girlfriend, bride or wife who will suffer from lies: she will become the unwitting successor of the tyrant mother.

The main beloved woman of her life punished for children's mistakes - how then will another beloved punish for adult jambs ?! Better by old scheme immediately block any possibility of punishment: invent all sorts of fables, replace real events with fictitious ones, even if there are no real grounds for this. To avoid. For he's used to it: if he finds out the truth, he'll punish him.

Selfishness or narcissism

The second reason for "bad" lies is male egoism, to an extreme extent - narcissism. There are two options: either “thank you” to the mother for excessive care. Or, on the contrary, she or both parents at once, for some reason, did not take part in the upbringing at all. And so and so it turns out badly.


Blindly adoring their "son" overly caring mothers-"kvochki" often raise them as the only light in the window, they cannot directly breathe them. Whatever the child does, everything is beautiful and wonderful. And in general, all people in this world exist in order to appease the “son”, to ensure his life, so that he eats sweeter and sleeps softer. And whoever thinks differently is bad, there is nothing for him to do next to the "son".

Both funny and sad, but there are a lot of such examples. It is not surprising that such a boy grows up as an egoist, who seriously believes that everyone around him owes him. Including the woman who was next to me. And another woman. And maybe even a third. And if you can’t snatch everything everywhere for free, that is, for nothing, you have to lie.

I really want to get something I want, right out of my skin, and the woman's feelings will suffer and she can declare them - it's easier to deceive. Another woman may also be a very desirable object. Looming betrayal, in general.

“A real man needs at least two women - a wife, the mother of his children, and a lover, for body and soul. This is a necessary and sufficient condition,” one of the representatives of the described group of egoists assured me. What does it say? Only about the personal inability to be an adult and responsible person in relation to the woman he is already married to and with whom he is raising children.

Absence of parents or their non-participation in education

Another source of selfishness, turning into narcissism, is the absence of parents at all. Or their early death, or abandonment of the child, or simply unwillingness to participate in his life and upbringing - in general, everything that made the boy survive with all his might from an early age.

By the way, in such a situation, even the absence of one of the parents is enough, when the other is not able to give enough love and provide a sense of basic security.

The reverse side of this forced non-childish survival can be narcissism - a personal characteristic nurtured in oneself, striving a man to use other people, their resources and their opportunities to improve his own life.

The most convenient source of resource becomes a woman (if a male narcissist is heterosexual). A monstrous web of lies is woven, which entangles the victim. Men are selfish and narcissists are chronic manipulators, they lie to women all their lives.

First - to catch it with all the available benefits in your network, then - to keep these benefits, while managing to snatch even more on the side.

Syndrome of pathological lies

And the last reason for the "bad" male lies is the syndrome of pathological lies. It is inherent in women too, since it is a consequence of the mental characteristics of the individual, regardless of gender. Pathological liars, also known as "mythomaniacs", tend to make up fantastic stories and report false information in order to increase their own importance in the eyes of others.

They were even studied at the University of Southern California, as a result of which scientists came to the conclusion that pathological liars differ from "normal" people in the structural composition of the brain: they have less gray matter - neurons, but more white matter - nerve fibers.

By the way, such knowledge may no longer allow the described lie to be classified as “bad”: ethically this is incorrect, because the pathological liar actually does not know what he is doing, he simply “lies as he breathes.”

What gives this lie to a man?

The answer to this question depends on why men lie, that is, on the reason they lie. We have just discussed these reasons.

Good attitude, no scandals

So, “lie for salvation”, “lie for good” - these phraseological units themselves give the answer. Emotional relief, your own or the object of lies, emotional well-being, maybe even a mental feat.

A harmless lie designed to increase the self-esteem of the subject, gives peace of mind and a good relationship With a woman. And really, why should I honestly answer the question: “Have I gained weight?”: “Yes, dear, it’s time for you to lose a couple of kilograms” ?!


This is what gives a man a lie out of fear, it is difficult to understand rationally. These bonuses, invisible to the eye, were born in deep childhood and are hidden in the hidden corners of the adult male soul. For, no matter how you look, from all sides, a lie out of fear only causes a lot of unnecessary trouble, first of all, to the liar himself.

Cowardly psychology forces a man to lie all the time, and this is hard. For example, why not just tell your wife the truth that you stopped by for a beer with friends? No, it's better to lie that the boss kept me at work on an urgent matter, while smelling of beer exhaust.

The wife is furious from such obvious lies ... Here it is the answer! A man lying out of fear is implicitly getting what he seems to be trying to avoid: punishment! I'm telling you, these bonuses have very deep and secret roots. Such a Freud.

Satisfaction of personal needs

Well, why egoists and narcissists lie, it seems, is already clear. To have everything, and for it there was nothing. Only the driving force here is not fear, but pleasures, personal needs, selfish interests, insatiable desires, the desire to get better in life at someone else's expense. And whose account is someone else's? The one nearby.

Such men also lie to women all the time, from the very beginning of their acquaintance: if the object matches the various resources she has, from material to psychological, lies about love begin.

Further, if the fish has bitten, it is persuaded to the maximum sharing of its resources - housing, money, things, status, emotions, the birth of children. If the dependence is established strong enough, the subject goes to catch his new resource jackpot on the side, while keeping the dependent wife-victim with her resources with another lie ...

Moral satisfaction

Well, pathological liars are pathological. Their lies give them pathological happiness. They really lie as they breathe. They, as we found out, even have a different brain.

What to do if a man is lying?

Let's decide right away about the case with egoists and narcissists: the best thing is to run. Short ghostly joys during the period of seduction will quickly end and turn into daily painful doubts.

However, among women there are ideal victims of male narcissists, such - they themselves are trying their best to attract their attention. Here, truly, the proverb "the hunter and the beast runs" works.

If you know your man’s propensity for harmless lies or understand that he is afraid to upset you, not realizing that lying upsets you much more, it is important to find a certain balance: try to negotiate with him, outline the boundaries of what is permitted.

If he likes to go fishing, sometimes meets with friends for a drink or two, let him know that you are really not angry about this. You yourself are not averse to sometimes going somewhere with friends or sitting in your former company.

Then he will not have to invent why he should be late at work again, why he is urgently sent on a business trip over the weekend, and so on and so forth. I repeat, balance is important here: these fishing and gatherings with friends should not completely replace your total time and push you into the background.

If the family turns out to be on its own, and the man rests or has fun all his free time separately, he is probably escaping from responsibility. And this is the very egoism, and such a lie is very offensive, without the prefix bez-.

Video: how to understand that a man or a guy is lying and what to do?

Many women find that they can easily figure out when a man is lying. That it is easy for them to understand the deception of men and see through them. Many lovely ladies think that when a man lies, he begins to play up, hide his eyes, answer with a delay and without details, etc.

Indeed, with the help of such signs, you can catch quite a lot of little things where a man is lying. There he left a stash somewhere for himself, somewhere he smoked (although he said he had quit), there he was late for a meeting and lies in his defense.

After all, this is a useful skill to distinguish between such lies of men? Of course useful.

But I repeat - these are still useful, but trifles.

The main thing is how a man treats a woman in principle, whether he respects her or not, loves or does not love her, family life goes to the bottom or is it just temporary difficulties, etc.

Here it is important and necessary to distinguish between lies and male deceit. First of all, of course, his lies to you. Secondly, you lie to yourself. (It happens that girls clearly exaggerate what is essentially not).

At the end of the article I will write what to do with male deception. And now there are signs of when a man is lying and deceiving women.

First and main feature The lie is that this man says one thing and does something completely different. Very often this happens and very often women do not pay attention to the strong discrepancy between a man's words (what he promises a girl or woman) with his real deeds and actions.

Example 1: Starting meetings.

A man says that he really likes the girl, writes her messages with text about how beautiful she is, how much he misses her, etc.

But in reality, his actions are as follows:

- Always late for appointments

- dates on his initiative are constantly postponed under various pretexts (busy, etc.),

- if you need some little help (just a little to start a relationship), then the man immediately turns out to be very busy or he “suddenly” gets sick.

In these examples, the gap between what a man says (I love, like you) and what he really does is immediately visible. But in reality, he shows by his actions that the girl is practically indifferent to him. And the man lies to her and lies.

Example 2: Periodic meetings.

Here, too, there are standard cases of lies. And even if you didn’t notice them in the facial expressions of a man, they can be relatively easily identified due to the discrepancy between the words of the man and his actions.

What are these examples?

- The man says he loves, but in reality the man has a wife and children with whom he lives.

That is, the girl, in fact, becomes a mistress. A man, of course, understands that the role of a mistress is miserable, unpromising, often leads to a breakdown in a woman’s personal life (if it drags on for 10 years) and often tries to compensate for the shortcomings of her role as a mistress. That is, he says any words that a woman wants to hear. Gives gifts. Supports her in some difficult situations etc.

You just need to understand that all this is a lie (with rare exceptions). But in reality, such a woman for a man is nothing more than entertainment from a boring family life etc. Therefore, all the stories that he “cannot divorce a terrible wife, as she threatens to take the children” are nothing more than fairy tales for mistresses.

Example 3. A man and a woman live together.

A man says he loves a woman, and so on.

In reality, the result of this stage of the relationship should be a marriage proposal, marriage, children, etc. The term is approximately 6-15 months from the moment of periodic meetings.

But the man himself does not make such an offer. And at some point, the woman begins to talk about marriage herself and the man begins to say something like that:

- what difference does it make if there is a stamp in the passport or not,

- we love so much each other,

- why such expenses for the wedding, when you can buy something for them, for example, an apartment. (and usually no one buys an apartment either)

Even loving man usually not very enthusiastic about the fact that it's time to get married. But if he loves a woman, appreciates her, then usually he understands that he needs to either get married or the woman will simply leave.

So, let's sum up a little.

Lies are, in fact, and there are cases when the words of a man and his deeds diverge very much.(And he knows it)

In the relationship between a man and a woman, there are typical situations of a man's lies. When a man seeks a woman, he often lies that he loves her. (otherwise won't get sex)

When he does not want to go into conflict, he just as often lies.

When he doesn't want to get married, he lies again.

There are probably a couple of dozen typical cases when a man is lying.

What to do if you find out that a man is lying?

It depends on the reason for the lie.

The first reason is that a woman is trying to put too much pressure on a man, to manipulate too openly, to take the initiative too early.

I have written about this many times. For example, a woman after the first acquaintances may decide that she needs to meet and call each other every day. The man is still ready to do it 2-3 times a week.

Maybe a woman is trying to give advice to a man about how to act at work, with friends, with relatives, and the man considers this (at least for now) not her business.

Then it is obvious that a woman needs to stop putting pressure on a man, stop taking the initiative, stop getting into those affairs of a man that, in fact, do not concern her.

The second reason for lying is that a man does not like a woman or is generally indifferent.

At some point, the man may have been in a relationship with a woman, even in love. But then he stopped liking the woman.

Maybe he sobered up.

Maybe at some point he realized that he would not “pull” this woman materially or by force of character.

Maybe he began to communicate with the woman closer, and it became clear to him that they "did not agree on the characters."

And here, rarely, one of the men directly tells the woman that that's it, he stopped liking her and he doesn't want to see her.

Usually a man begins to lie a little, sabotage, etc., in order to gradually bring the relationship to naught.

After all, even though he decided to part with a woman, she is usually not indifferent to him at all. He does not want to hurt her and wants to make the separation as painless as possible for the woman and him.

That is also a lie. Meetings are getting rarer and rarer. (We are talking about a permanent relationship. If there are 1-2 dates, then it can be tougher and faster). Increasingly, the man is busy. Increasingly, they cannot meet. Even if they meet, the meetings go faster and faster, and so on.

Lies are manifested in various pretexts about why he cannot meet or call. (Forgotten, busy, etc.)

If the reason a man lies is that he no longer likes a woman, then it is obvious that you just need to stop dating him.
What's the point of dating? Just prolong the breakup? Lose time, self-respect?

It doesn't make sense, of course.

The third reason for lying is that a man has the character of a psychopath.

They lie a lot and for no reason. It is better not to meet such men. I described in detail about such men in my book - in this book I described in detail about manipulators, and about psychopaths and about other categories of men who are not suitable for relationships.

So, a man lies and not as rarely as it seems. The main technique for detecting lies is to notice the discrepancy between the actions and words of a man. If he says one word, and the actions say something else, then you need to trust the actions more. Rather, the lack of action on his part.

And if a man lies a lot, then it's bad. You need to either reconsider your behavior or, as an option, part with a man. For more information on how to identify male lies and what to do about it, you can discuss with me on

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

Why do men lie to women? How to deal with this and is it possible to defeat lies?

Women are faced with male lies almost from birth - first dads and grandfathers deceive, then boys in kindergarten and classmates, later disappointment in first love comes and adult problems begin. The thought of why men lie does not leave beautiful ladies almost all their lives - rarely does a lucky woman get an ideal husband, who is not used to coming up with excuses and stories. What are the causes of male deceptions and how to deal with them?

Lie - add some color

The most harmless male lie is embellishment of events. This phenomenon can be called natural - all animals, in order to please the representatives of the opposite sex, decorate themselves and perform dances in front of a potential partner.

modern girl it is difficult to impress with a dance during the first date, but with a story about a luxurious villa, an authoritative position, a luxury car and a proposal for a joint vacation on the seashore, this is possible!

Embellishing their importance and opportunities, men attract girls to them, not thinking what will happen next. If the relationship started in this way drags on, then the lie will be revealed. How to deal with a cheater? You should not immediately push away your partner, remember that he is also a part of nature, which means that instincts are characteristic of him, like other animals.

Deception is a pain relief technique

Very often, the reason why men lie is the desire to protect a woman from problems. In order not to hurt their beloved, the guys begin to wishful thinking, hoping that soon everything will settle down and fall into place.

In this way they hide problems with finances, troubles at work, diseases, minor car accidents, fines. Some men do not like to reveal their plans ahead of time, so they also keep their plans secret, passing off a different version as reality.

Lying is a method of self-defense

Self-defense is the first reason why men lie. Trying to hide the fact leading to the inevitable accusation and grave consequences in the form of cardinal life changes, the guys begin to come up with new actions. In this way, as a rule, long-term deceptions are hidden, further aggravating the situation.

For example, a husband will keep his constant mistress a secret for a long time if his plans do not include leaving the family. He will think over everything in order to lead a double life without risk and calmly meet with a new passion. So there are meetings, business trips, part-time jobs and other extracurricular activities. Often, not only the wife becomes a victim, but also the mistress, from whom they either hide the fact of marriage altogether, or feed them with promises of a divorce.

Deception is a way to avoid serious conflict

In search of an answer to the question why men lie to women, we must not forget that ladies themselves often become provocateurs of this phenomenon. Dopekaya beloved with scandals on every occasion and without them at all, wives and girlfriends gradually grow a liar in a partner.

For example, you call your loved one, but he doesn’t pick up the phone for a long time, and then he makes excuses that he was late after work because of emergency work. It soon turns out that on that day the husband met in a cafe with a friend. Why did he do this? And the reason is that the last time he stayed after work with a former classmate, you gave him an Italian-style showdown - met him with a "sharpened saw" at the door and sawed noisily all evening!

In order for a man to tell the truth, you don’t need to grumble at him for meeting friends, drinking coffee in a cafe without you, speaking positively about colleagues, forgot to take out the trash, didn’t buy groceries in the store and doesn’t want to go to the country.

Lying is an attempt to avoid stupid questions

Do you want to know why men lie even on trifles? The secret is that they are annoyed by stupid female questions that romantic ladies not only come up with themselves, but also draw from serials and television shows. Think sensibly: what should a normal guy say when you ask him if he likes your new roommate or a passing blonde in a miniskirt?

You do not need to get your beloved with stupid questions and be too intrusive if he does not want to answer and maintain the topic of conversation. If the interlocutor is silent or says that he has no desire to discuss the issue, it is better to immediately fall behind, otherwise, learn to lie.

Falsehood - desire for attention

Sometimes men begin to deceive close women in order to attract attention, arouse pity or interest. Everyone is familiar with how the representatives of the stronger sex are theatrically ill, how hard they endure a runny nose, cough and back pain. Exaggerating the symptoms, they just want more care, because at heart even a brutal guy remains an unloved child.

Often, with pity, men rejected by their beloved try to take a woman. Such compose problems that await them after parting. Sometimes guys do not want to do something, but do not refuse directly, but try to arouse sympathy so that the woman herself refuses the request and takes pity on the sufferer.

If the lie is harmless, then you should not skimp on affection and warmth, let your loved one be weak, play along with him. However, you cannot turn into a victim and a puppet if the liar begins to manipulate and force you to do something that is not included in your plans.

Invented facts - raising self-esteem

Pathological lies - a terrible diagnosis

The most terrible reason why men lie is pathological lies. With such a diagnosis, a person himself believes in what has been said, he lives in a castle in the air created by a sick imagination. Pathological liars like to ascribe to themselves the merits of others, to invent life situations, in which they have never been, impersonate a hero and title holder. telling incredible stories and in inventing the facts of his biography, he is so believable that it is difficult to diagnose deception.

There are men who get used to the image so deeply that they do not even get confused in the facts, telling each new victim the same story. For example, such a man can write that he once had a large company, and then he was framed best friends or ex-spouse, after which he could not rise above.

Sometimes people invent serious illnesses and problems for themselves, but the worst thing is that such liars easily compose not only about themselves, but also about other people, and most often - this is something bad.

Psychologists call this phenomenon the Munchausen syndrome, a man suffering from it will lie on trifles, not seeing anything criminal in it. For example, sitting at home and talking on the phone with a friend, he can say that he is visiting or in a cafe. What for? It's just a diagnosis.

Is it worth fighting chronic and pathological lies?

The sad fact is that it is practically useless to fight painful lies on your own, even knowing why men lie to women. You can cry, beg, plead, shame and appeal to the mind of a deceiver as much as you like, but he will not stop. There are only three options here:

  1. Accept a man for who he is and simply ignore his double life, unless, of course, it harms family relationships.
  2. Leave this man with his illusions and start new life, actively attending .
  3. Contact a psychologist together if you can persuade your loved one to take this step.

To get closer to your husband, find. The site "Women's Hobbies" wants you to always be surrounded by people who can be trusted without hesitation.

In a previous article "men's lies: diagnosis, hobby or lifestyle" we discussed the main points when men use deceit for personal gain. Can a woman correct the situation if a man is lying? And even more so if a man lies constantly?

When lying is a habit!

Alas and ah, but frequent lies lead to pathology. Men's lies, which has become a system, very easily causes addiction and the need to lie always and everywhere. At this moment, for a man, constant deception becomes a lifesaver for all occasions and becomes a habit. And everyone knows that a habit is like a leech that sucks strength out of you.

Quite often, the reasons for the systematic lying of a man are hidden in his past relationships With a woman. When he encountered her misunderstanding and he had to get out of difficult situations in this way (see paragraph 3 of the previous article). When such a relationship lasts more than one year, it becomes very difficult for a man to get rid of the bad habit of lying. And a woman who has to correct the mistakes of her predecessor also has a hard time.

What to do, if a man is lying?

men lie, but they themselves do not understand that a lie does not help them out, but, on the contrary, plunges them into an abyss of trouble. There is no good lie. Lying is always bad. Hiding some true secret, even the most terrible one, simply delays its disclosure in order to increase the negative effect.

How to deal with it? As a rule, deceit plays a role in a man's life. Small lies or big ones, insignificant or significant, one-time or permanent, but in most cases it is present in their lives. Often it is simply unrealistic to eradicate it and destroy it. But there is always a chance...

Naturally, this annoys women, because they see relationships in a completely different way. How to be? In some cases, you can fix this with a sincere manifestation of your love. If a man is lying try:

1. Prove to him that you love him and remain faithful. A man who is confident in his woman resorts to lies much less often.

2. Accept him as he is with all the wonderful virtues and nasty flaws. Let him understand that he is the most-most man on earth for you. Self-confidence eliminates the need to lie as much as possible.

3. Make sure that he learns to trust you completely and completely, become his wife, lover and best friend.

4. Make it clear that Lying is unacceptable to you. And the first thing you would like to see on your graceful ears is beautiful earrings, not noodles!

5. If you caught your husband in a lie, try to create a similar situation for him and leave him in the cold. Let it be a minor deception (after all, you don’t need scandals!), But nevertheless, let him feel what you feel, when a man lies. Perhaps he will dress in your skin and then he will be able to understand how unpleasant it is.

6. Try to convince him with your actions and deeds that you are an understanding woman who is ready to listen to him and help him. Let him understand that deception loses all meaning when a treasure like you is nearby.

7. A woman for any man is an outlet and a personal psychotherapist. If you notice that you man cheating, because he is afraid to admit his misdeed, explain to him that the mistakes of each of us make us stronger and wiser, and lies eat our consciousness and steal our best life.

In addition, it can be noted that the struggle of a woman with a man's lies loses the chance to win when a man builds his whole life on deceit. Then it is often unrealistic to eradicate the habit of lying in a man. Many men perceive the world through this lie and nothing else. And most men learn to communicate with women with the help of lies.

And further, if a man is lying, banging your head against the wall is useless! This is your head and the bumps will be on it! The best cure for all pathologies in a relationship is love, sincere and real! It helps to remove all the flaws from the relationship.

If men's lies and your stereotypes are an explosive mixture, it is better to leave this man. If he is a pathological liar, he is unlikely to be able to improve. If you think you can live with what the man lies all the time, then just ignore the moments when you read his wishful thinking. Scandals and claims will lead to an explosion of useless emotions that simply will not lead to anything good.