
The young man said he loves. The guy always says he loves me. How to understand that a guy is in love


When a guy says that he loves, then every girl has a question: “Does he really love me or just wants to get into bed?”. Use these tips to find out what a guy means when he says he loves you.

When a guy wants to get a girl, he strives to make her fall in love with him sooner or later. The only question arises whether he loves, or he is just in love and this is a temporary phenomenon, or he wants to get into bed with you.

There are no clear rules by which you can accurately determine whether he loves you or not, flatters you or wants to drag you into bed. But there are subtle points that you should pay attention to in order to clarify for yourself his intentions for you. I have previously written about that, and in this topic we will analyze what a guy means when he says that he loves.

Firstly, when he talks about his feelings, he puts communication about his sexual fantasies into the background, because your spiritual intimacy is important to him first of all, and only then physical.

Secondly, he will not climb into your underpants, while saying the words: “I love you”, this somehow implies the fact that we are already together, let's get straight to the point.

Thirdly, the fact that you can be in bed may be his initiative in the first place.

Why does a guy say that he loves, but does not feel at the same time.

A guy can say that he loves, but does not want a relationship, or at the same time have another girl. A guy can say that he loves, but not have any feelings. When that happens, then the guy means sex. Sex for a guy is just sex, for a girl sex is always emotions that are closely associated with love. The guy understands that in order to get sex, you need to give emotions and feelings, even if they are not real. But the intuition of some girls tells them that somewhere there is a catch, they do not believe in such feelings, but not all of them.

If a girl takes such “love” for reality, then the guy sooner or later inclines towards sex. Very often this happens as soon as possible. The girl, blindly trusting him, must give in to her principles and give herself to the guy, just because "he loves her."

It won't be hard for a guy to say three words "I love you" and get sex in return. You are happy that he is happy. Everyone gets "emotions and feelings", he gets sex.

3 circumstances when a guy can confess his love to you.

There are three circumstances in which a guy could confess his love to you. There may be many more, but they all boil down to them.

1. He wants to take you to bed.. He understands that in order to get you into bed, he first needs to give feelings in return. He is ready to go to the trick, for the sake of getting what he wants.

2. He is in love. Falling in love is not exactly love, he is at the peak of emotional influence, when it seems to him that you are the most beautiful girl on planet Earth, but his feelings are reinforced, only to his inner emotional state. He may consider you an ideal or the girl of his dreams, ready for stupidity in order to get reciprocity. He confuses real feelings and fleeting love.

3. He really loves you. He believes that he loves you and is really confident in his words and intentions about you. Even after several months of your meetings, he still loves you with all his heart. For him, first of all, it is important that you are with him, he appreciates every moment, being with you, and your female intuition tells you that he is aimed at long-term relationships.

How to test a guy's feelings for a girl .

Does he want to introduce you to friends? How often does he look at you when you are together? Is he trying to impress or is he just doing nothing and not calling you? Is he capable of some stupid but noble deeds for your sake? Does he pay attention to you?

14 Signs A Guy Feels Real When He Says He Loves You.

1. He talks about his feelings first. There is a fine line between when a guy talks about his feelings and means exactly what he really loves and when a guy says he loves and expects to have sex with you soon. First of all, he talks about his feelings, sex is in the background. Notice the fact that for most adults, sex is in the foreground, as it is their vital necessity. But if we're talking about adolescence, then love should not be selfish or ask for something in return, love should be selfless and gratuitous.

2. He looks into your eyes. His eyes can tell more than his words. In them you will see his truth or untruth. When he loves, he looks into the eyes gently, sincerely.

3. Strong hugs. Every time he says he loves you, he tries to give you a big hug or cross his fingers, squeezing them.

4. Long kiss. He says that he loves and at this time he kisses you, and then after a while he kisses you again, it all works on the subconscious. The longer he kisses you and wants to do it, the more he wants to express his feelings.

5. He holds your hand. When you are together, he holds your hand, wherever you are. He strokes your palm or strokes your hand - this is a great gesture.

6. Tenderness. He hugs you tenderly and kisses your neck, telling you how much he loves you. Hugs and kisses make us sensual and we can't help but say what we really feel at that moment.

7. He talks about his feelings when you least expect it. A guy who would like to sleep with you would talk about his feelings at the moment when you expect it from him. You ask him: "Do you love me?" and he replies, "Yes, I do." But the one who loves, he will not wait for this, he himself will try to show his feelings, when you do not expect it.

8. He aims seriously. You feel his seriousness in his voice and intentions, he does not want to tell you about his feelings in order to drag you into bed, he wants to give you real feelings in order to make you happy.

9. He sometimes looks vulnerable. You are his girlfriend - you are his weakness. Yes, he will not show his tears and will not complain to you, but he will not be able to afford to be impudent or brutal in order to show himself as an alpha male or some kind of macho pick-up artist, he does not need all this, he is fascinated by you and ready to do a lot for you.

10. Close proximity. He can't just sit still when you're very close to each other. When he loves, he will always hug and kiss you.

11. He wants to do something special for you. It may be a surprise or a gift, perhaps he gives flowers and at this moment he is ready to express his feelings. He thinks over spending time together and wants you to enjoy every meeting, it is important for him to see you happy - and this is the main gift for a loving guy.

12. He is jealous of you. You go for a walk with your friends, he will at least ask where you are going and who will be with you. He gets angry when you look at another guy or give him a reason to be jealous.

13. He talks about the future. If he talks about his feelings and thinks seriously about your relationship, touching on the topic of a future together, this means that he sees you with him in the future and this thought makes him realize how special you are to him.

14. Your intuition. You can trust a guy only when you trust yourself, and female intuition will never let down more than one girl. If he says he loves, and he has a girlfriend at the same time, then what kind of love can there be? Your task is not only to follow his words, but also to test him with time and his actions, not words.

Use these 14 tips to find out what a guy really means when he says "I love you." If you've just started dating and you see that these tips are working in your relationship, then I think this is a good start.

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Initiative in relationships has always been a male privilege. However, times are changing, and some, by virtue of their nature, are afraid to show their feelings. This leads to a natural question for a girl: how to understand that a guy loves you? In fact, rarely anyone succeeds in hiding their attitude towards the fair sex. Knowing the basics of psychology and having a certain amount of observation, you can bring even the most restrained guy to clean water.

In contact with

Language human body works on the level of instincts. When one person sympathizes with another, his gestures and behavior change markedly. In search of an answer to the question of how to understand whether a guy loves you, you can use the “mirror effect”. Its manifestations are associated with the desire to please a lady. It has been scientifically proven that when a guy truly loves, he unconsciously copies the behavior. Sometimes a man "mirrors" only some manners, in other cases he repeats the movements completely.

In order to understand that a guy truly loves and he needs you, you should study him in a company. A sympathizing man takes an open pose, turns the toes of his shoes towards the lady of the heart. After a successful joke, the lover laughs, looking into the eyes of the object of feelings. He actively supports the conversation, tries once again to be near and as if accidentally touching the girl.

A guy in love will try to take care

Showing concern is another feature of a man in love. If he needs you, then he tends to give his jacket on a cold evening, give him a lift or see him home, bring fruit in case of illness. There are other notable signs as well.

How to understand that a guy loves you:

  1. He tries to spend with you a large number of time. A man is ready to postpone any business, just to go to the cinema with his beloved or just take a walk in the park, if he truly loves and he needs you.
  2. He calls often. Calls for no reason are common not only for girls, but also for guys.
  3. If he doesn't call, he writes. How to understand that a guy loves you will help and social networks. If your phone constantly signals about incoming messages, it means that it needs you.

A guy in love constantly wants to touch, hug, or even just touch his sleeve. He craves any contact, his eyes are easy enough to catch.

If, after studying all the tips on how to understand that a guy loves you and needs you, signs of feelings are not found, then you can change the strategy. Using women's tricks, falling in love with yourself is quite real.

What is needed for that:

  1. To be a girl. Yes, it seems like absurd advice, but guys really love "girl-girls." gentle image, feminine dresses, thin heels and a mystery in the eyes - these are the secrets of success. Cigarettes, alcohol and strong words are taboo.
  2. Be interesting. Hobbies make a person special. "Drunken" reading of books or impeccable knowledge of the history of the ancient Maya can set you apart from the rest.
  3. Be yourself. It is not only about behavior, but also about appearance. No artificial eyelashes, plastic nails and cosmetics carts.

With a man, it is important to be careful. Let your every thoughtful move not be noticeable to the guy. Aerobatics is to make sure that he is sure that he was the first to start this relationship and he needs you.

The largest social networks allow you to access your personal page. Often a quick glance is enough to understand a lot about a guy's personality. Having found out his hobbies, musical preferences and social circle, you can proceed to action.

There are some seemingly primitive, but effective options:

  1. We find the communities to which the guy is subscribed. The wave is suitable for musical themes or groups about movies. We write him something from the category “how similar our tastes are” and strike up a conversation. Beforehand, it is better to actually familiarize yourself with the topic, otherwise it will be embarrassing.
  2. If he regularly communicates on forums or groups, then you can enter into a dialogue there, and then go to private messages.
  3. Another option is the Scheherazade method. tell him interesting stories, but always keep the conversation unfinished so that there is a reason to return to conversations constantly. The guy will get used to regular contact, and that's half the battle.

It should be noted that it is not always possible to fall in love with a man. The best psychologists, experienced girlfriends, and even mom's advice are not able to become components for a universal love spell. If the efforts go unnoticed, then it is better not to waste time and take a closer look at the other guys around.

Distinguishing love from love is sometimes beyond the power of even the man himself. That is why the advice can be almost identical. Additionally, some points about how to understand that a guy really loves you should be noted:

  1. He introduces the girl to his friends. If, despite the three years of your relationship, you haven’t seen his childhood friend in the eye, then the guy probably doesn’t have any special feelings.
  2. The guy introduced his beloved family. This important and responsible step speaks volumes.
  3. He is always ready to help. Pipes burst at home and a real flood? Don't worry, he's already on his way to save your cat and TV. Flat tire at night in February? He could not sleep anyway, and the frost is an excellent tool for hardening.

How to understand that a guy loves you for real?

Many men are far from fools. They also know how to read women's forums and study pickup tutorials. How to understand that a guy loves you for real, and does not deceive, looking into his eyes? If he shows his feelings for show, defiantly kisses you in public, and in private likes videos and photos for hours, things are bad.

Unfulfilled promises and denials of responsibility serve as a wake-up call. Does he regularly prefer gatherings in the garage or sports bar to the company of his beloved? Darling, it's time to pick up your feet and drop this liar.

Loving guy attentive, tactful, caring. However, it is sometimes possible to distinguish true love from a fleeting feeling or imitation only after a while. It is it that allows you to check the sincerity of a man's intentions.

11 Signs He Needs You

There are fairly simple methods for obtaining an answer. A checklist consisting of 11 signs of a guy's love will allow you to assess your need. How to understand that he loves you:

  1. He is jealous. TO to the best friend, a classmate, a work colleague or even a subway driver. Of course, he can hide it, but sooner or later everything will become clear.
  2. He is the first to initiate a meeting if he truly loves. Invites directly or veiled. For example, asks for help choosing a gift for mom or a bowl for a cat.
  3. Appears to be nearby. By a miraculous coincidence, he visits the same hairdresser, goes to the same supermarket for milk and rides the same bus. Even if he's a bald motorist with a lactose allergy.
  4. Worries. He cares if you're hungry, if you're cold, if you're tired.
  5. He is attentive. One of the surest ways to understand that your boyfriend loves you is to look at him during the conversation. If he catches every word, reacts vividly and comments - this is a sign of feelings.
  6. He is well-groomed. At a meeting with you, he is dressed to the nines, smart and smells delicious.
  7. Wants to know more if he truly loves. What kind of chocolate do you like, where did you go that summer and what was the last book you read. No, he is not collecting dossiers, he just wants to know better.
  8. Strive to get to know your surroundings. He does not shun girlfriends and is not afraid of parents.
  9. He does not hide his phone and does not hide his conversations.
  10. Tries to please. Gives favorite daisies, brings adorable sweets or calls to watch the sunset.
  11. Listens. Do you love red? He will certainly buy himself a scarlet shirt. Do you love the smell of jasmine? He will take this into account when choosing a perfume as a gift.

Tips on how to understand what a guy really loves should not be taken too literally. Even the absence of some signs should not sow doubts in the relationship.

Maybe he hides his feelings?

If a man is afraid that his feelings are not mutual, or for other reasons hides the true state of affairs, then the task becomes more complicated. Some guys still give some signs, while others are able to show aggression and avoid the object of adoration.

It's a paradox, but many behave this way. Do you remember when boys pulled their pigtails when they were kids? This also works with quite mature men. If a man from your environment is constantly trying to hurt you, take a closer look. Perhaps he is sleeping and sees you together.

In how to understand that a guy loves you, but hides his feelings, you have to rely on intuition. Often it is the inner voice that will tell the truth about a man better than anyone else.

Probably just using

Women's naivete at times gives men a chance to capitalize on relationships. How do you know if he loves you or is just using you? The easiest way to calculate Alphonse. Particularly impudent specimens ask for money directly, those that are more cunning complain of financial difficulties. Compassionate girls part with their blood, and the guy successfully retreats to the next victim. You should not borrow money from a man, regularly pay for his purchases and restaurant bills.

Another reason for a selfish attitude towards a girl is intimacy. To get it, the guys are ready to sing serenades and hang noodles. If after sex a man lost interest, if he talks about another victory to all his friends, then, alas. His feelings are probably fiction. When a guy truly loves, he keeps his mouth shut.

Girls feel the slightest changes on the part of a man on an intuitive level. Therefore, it is rarely difficult to distinguish the period when a guy really loves from the stage when he has cooled down. Regular delays at work, stupid reasons for postponing a meeting, constant gatherings with friends or a hidden mobile phone are warning signs. There is a possibility that this is a crisis in relations, but if the situation drags on, then all that remains is to accept it.

Useful video

All of these signs must be interpreted freely. Trust your heart - and you will definitely be able to understand whether the guy fell in love with you or not:


  1. When, he is ready to put the whole world at her feet. He changes not only behavior, but also the perception of reality.
  2. Sincere feelings are felt at a distance. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to understand that a guy loves you, by correspondence or in real life, is quite simple. It is enough to listen to your inner feelings, observe the behavior and sensibly assess the situation.

Learn about the signs that indicate the love of a man, a guy for you. Tips and tricks for girls, women who want to make sure that their chosen one loves.

  • A man, a guy very often, constantly says that he loves me: how to check?
  • How to check if a guy, a man is in love with you or considers you his friend?

How to identify a guy in love, a man by behavior, appearance, look: 20 sure signs of love and sympathy, tips and tricks

The dream of girls, women is to meet their true love. To love yourself, sincerely, truly, is a wonderful feeling. But I want the feeling to be mutual. Love can turn a couple's life into a fairy tale if the feelings of both are mutual.

But how to understand if a guy, a man is really in love for real? Or is he just bluffing? Often men themselves cannot understand their feelings, taking fleeting love for a sincere feeling. To make a mistake in feelings can sometimes be very painful, this will be confirmed by those who have experienced betrayal and disappointment.

Important to do right choice life partner, so that later you can enjoy life and cherish your love, and not bite your elbows, reproaching yourself for a mistake.

We will show you how to determine if a man is in love with you. You just have to watch him.

Signs of a man's love

20 signs a man is in love:

  1. He wants to spend time with you. A man in love wants to see you as often as possible. For this, he will do everything possible. To rush to you through the whole city to have lunch together. To meet you from work, to take you to work every day, even if he is not on his way. All this he will do solely in order to be close to you. For the sake of the chosen one, he is ready to give up his activities, for example, from going fishing with friends, from watching a match and other activities, without which he had previously imagined life. If you saw these signs, you can be sure that he is head over heels in love.
  2. He let you into his life. Has he introduced you to his friends yet? Trying to introduce you to his friends? Or maybe he already met his mother? If a man is not shy about introducing you to his inner circle, then he has serious intentions.
  3. He often touches you. A natural reaction of a man in love, a guy, is a desire to feel physical intimacy. A sign of his feelings is the desire to touch his hands, lips, hair. He will try to sit closer to you, take your hand in his.
  4. He doesn't behave like he usually does. A man in love can behave strangely in the presence of a girl he likes. Too closed can suddenly become very talkative, and sociable and active, on the contrary, can be shy and shy. Do not be surprised and try to understand the motives of such actions. Guys in love want to please their chosen one, and often their actions become unusual. Just watch him at the moment of communication with other people and with you, everything will become clear.
  5. He cares about you. A man who takes care of you in difficult times probably counts on more than just sex. An obvious sign of his serious affection is the desire to help if you get sick, if there is trouble at work, if the car breaks down, in case of any other trouble. It is possible that a man cannot solve all the problems, but to show participation, reassure, do everything possible to solve your problems - this is a vivid gesture of true love.
  6. He is not interested in your past. A man in love is not interested in the past of his beloved, it does not matter to him how many boyfriends she had, he is not very interested in the facts of past relationships. A truly in love man sees only the present and the future with this woman, where there are no others.
  7. He doesn't listen to other people's opinions of you. His friends and girlfriends, relatives may have their own opinion about you, but he will never listen to bad things and take such words as an impetus for action. For him, you are beautiful, even though he knows that there are no perfect people.
  8. He shares his plans with you. If he consults with you on any issue, it can be trifles or important decisions, this speaks not only of his affection, love, but also of respect. He respects you, he cares about your opinion.
  9. Making plans for you. Does he plan how to spend the upcoming holidays, holidays, weekends together? Rest assured, you are not just a passing fad in his life. He makes joint plans, which means that you have long occupied an important place in his life.
  10. He is proud of you. If a guy is happy to tell his relatives and friends about your success, if he rejoices in any little thing connected with you, this means that for him you have become a part of him. A sign of love is the ability to sincerely rejoice and be proud of the success of your soul mate.
  11. Remembers details and trifles. The brain of a man is arranged in such a way that he does not remember trifles, insignificant facts. But if your chosen one remembers important dates for you. If he pays attention to your tastes and preferences in food, clothes, rest, it means that you are important to him. He wants to know your tastes and remember the little things to please you.
  12. He makes you happier. The desire of a man in love is to give joy and happiness to his chosen one. Coffee in bed, flowers delivered to work, a pleasant message, he is often ready to do some surprises and actions that will make you smile.
  13. Staring at you intently. Look into the eyes of a man, you will immediately understand his feelings. He likes to look at his chosen one constantly. He loves to watch you when you are cooking or sleeping when you are doing your own thing. Men love with their eyes, that's a fact.
  14. Gives gifts. Buying and presenting a gift is by no means a problem. But not always even the most expensive gift speaks of love. If you received as a gift what you dreamed about and once told your boyfriend, you can be sure that he remembered it not by chance. He wanted to give you joy. He cares about your feelings and desires.
  15. He is ready to talk to you for hours. Usually men are laconic. But conversations with a loved one can last for hours. He can listen to any of your seemingly stupid conversations. At the same time, he listens carefully and is interested in trifles. He may ask a lot of different questions that seem insignificant, but in fact it allows him to get to know you better.
  16. Wants to hug you more. If he often wraps you in his arms, this indicates a special closeness between you. In the arms of a loved one, you feel feminine and protected, happy and loved. He loves those moments too.
  17. Always reminds me of myself. Even if he is very busy, if he has a lot of urgent matters, he will always write a message, call, make himself known, take an interest in business. This act indicates that the whole world reminds him of you, and nothing will prevent his desire to be around.
  18. He believes you. Mutual trust is an important facet of love. Trusting your beloved, counting on her, believing her words without a doubt is a sign of sincerity of feelings.
  19. He keeps his promises. Saying "I love you" is easy enough. But these are just words. A real man proves his love by his actions. He knows that if he promised, then he must fulfill his promises no matter what, because his beloved is waiting.
  20. Making love like it's the first time. If your man is passionate, has an insane attraction and desire, even if you have been together for more than a month, this speaks of his love. Passion fades with time, and only true love capable of rekindling those feelings over and over again.

A man in love

Video: Signs that a guy loves

It's nice to hear declarations of love. Three cherished words "I love you" like a balm for the soul. But is it?

Important: For some men, confessing love is not difficult, they say it at ease, often and easily. There is another category of men who cannot make a confession. They begin to blush, shy and stutter. But this does not at all mean the insincerity of their feelings.

Women in love are very trusting, often wishful thinking. Not all men are scoundrels, but there is a category of those who confess their love for profit. Sometimes men use the feelings of a woman, pursuing their own goals, for this they can play the role of a lover.

How do you know if a guy loves you or not?

You can find out if a man's words about love are true. To do this, you do not need to guess on a camomile or scatter tarot cards. It is enough to arrange a test of feelings. Do not regard this as dishonest actions. In the end, you are in charge of your own life and are responsible for your choices.

How to check the feelings of a man, a guy:

  1. Cancel the date. By the reaction of the chosen one, you will understand what his sincere feelings. A guy in love will be upset if he can’t spend the evening with his beloved. A guy who does not love will not show grief. He will accept this fact with indifference.
  2. Check if he is ready to change his everyday life for you. A truly in love guy is ready to postpone his usual activities in order to spend an evening with you or to help. If you see that a guy is not ready to sacrifice even a minute of his usual pastime for you, then he is not in the mood for serious relationship.
  3. Don't ask for help, but make it clear that you have a problem. If you ask directly for help, it will be provided to you. But a man in love intuitively seeks to solve the problems of his beloved, if it is in his power. If the guy does not love, he will not offer his help unless he is asked for it, leaving you alone with your troubles.
  4. See if he's jealous. If yes, then he is not indifferent. But in this matter it is important not to confuse adequate moderate jealousy with an unhealthy sense of selfishness. If a guy is jealous of you for every post with or without reason, makes scandals because of this, beware of such a relationship. They can be painful and will not bring joy.
  5. If you haven't met his friends yet, offer to introduce you. Most men treat their inner circle with special trepidation. If the guy willingly accepted your offer, he is sincerely in love. If he agreed, but reluctantly, then he doubts that your relationship is serious.
  6. If your relationship is just beginning, do not rush to rush into the arms of a man. If he is seriously interested in you, he will seek your favor. If a man does not love, but is simply passionate, your slightest refusal will affect his desire to pursue you further.
  7. Don't try to show yourself at its best always. Prepare a man for the fact that in the morning you are without makeup, without perfect styling. If he loves you, then he understands that you are not beautiful toy, but a living person with all the facts inherent in ordinary people. If he loves, he won't run away.
  8. A holiday woman, of course, is always able to please her man. But if constant joy is not your natural state, do not try to portray it. First, it's disingenuous. Secondly, your man should love you for who you are, without simulated emotions. If occasionally you have Bad mood, this is not a reason for a man in love to panic.
  9. Pay attention to whether a man takes your side in disputes with others. loving man will try to protect you, take your side, prove you right. If he does not like, he will not take sides, or will oppose your arguments. Sometimes you can be wrong too, a loving man will try to explain this to you gently and not in the presence of strangers.
  10. Ask directly if he loves you. Look at this moment in the eyes. Women are endowed with special insight, they feel many things intuitively. The answer of your chosen one will be able to dispel your doubts.

Important: It is not necessary to specially arrange situations to test feelings, life itself will provide an opportunity to verify the love of the chosen one. The main thing is to have time to remove pink glasses.

Sometimes girls consider the readiness of a guy to marry the most important sign of love. For many guys, getting married is a difficult step. Often a head-on question about a wedding, too active a desire to tie a loved one in marriage, causes a stupor in men. This is not a sign of dislike, perhaps the man is simply not ready. Show wisdom, bring a man to the wedding issue gently and gradually.

Lovers hugs

How to understand who a guy loves: me or another?

Love triangle - a difficult situation. It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that another contender for the heart of a loved one may appear or has already appeared in your place. The girls feel they are being deceived. But how not to make a mistake and not break firewood?

Let's see what signs indicate a guy's love for another girl:

  • Beloved began to move away. This is the first wake-up call. He used to spend all his free time with you, but in Lately pulled away. Does not want to spend weekends together, avoids meetings. This behavior does not always indicate the appearance of another woman in a man's life. Perhaps he has problems at work or financial difficulties.
  • You can suspect sympathy for another woman by other signs. For example, if a guy began to hide his correspondence on the phone. If he texts someone all the time, he tries to hide it from you.
  • He spends time in the company of another girl. At the same time, he can tell you that this is a business meeting. Perhaps true. But it is worth watching how the guy prepares for this meeting.
  • If a guy prepares for a meeting especially carefully, he wants to please her. It is especially suspicious if earlier he did not carefully monitor his appearance.
  • His habitual behavior and mannerisms may change. This speaks of the passion of the other, he adopts her mannerisms.
  • A man can fall in love with your mutual friend. If during a meeting, gatherings, he devotes most of his time to her, communicates only with her, it's time to think about honesty in your relationship.
  • See how the guy looks at the girl. Passion, love, passion for a man is difficult to hide. Remember how he once looked at you, compare these views.
  • A reminder that is always with him can speak of a man’s love for another. It could be a photo on your phone, a gift from her. If a man keeps a reminder, then this woman is important to him.
  • He avoids being close to you. Do not console yourself with hopes if a man does not want intimacy with you. But first, make sure that he has no health problems, fatigue from work.
  • Follow him, in the end, if you are ready to see everything with your own eyes. Many are not ready to accept the truth as it is. And they continue to have hope.

Important: A woman's doubts rarely appear out of nowhere. the best way find out the truth, talk heart to heart. Relationships built on lies and dislike will make both unhappy.

How to understand that a man does not love another

The love of a chosen one for another woman can not only hurt a woman, it greatly affects self-esteem. Many women begin a period of searching for shortcomings in themselves, comparing themselves with another. Most women get depressed. Try to look at this situation from the other side. Understand that new opportunities are opening up for you.

Many women are not going to give up, they are fighting for the heart of a loved one. With the right tactics, you can return your loved one, but you need to work hard on yourself and relationships.

Video: How to understand if a man loves or not?

Important: Sometimes friendly relations can be taken as affection. Often this happens to young inexperienced girls. They may harbor hope for love, and end up disappointed.

Often guys, under the pretext of friendship, want to be closer to their beloved. Perhaps they are afraid of being rejected, afraid to confess their feelings. Friendship gives an extra reason to be around, to feel the joy of communicating with your beloved. We will tell you how to distinguish love from friendship.

Here are the signs of friendship between you and nothing more:

  1. He is not jealous of you for another. Usually a friend in love cannot look at your relationship with another. He can prevent your meeting under any pretext. Telling you that this guy is not right for you, that you deserve better. In extreme cases, he may not say anything, but will be nervous and angry. Don't hide it.
  2. He does not seek physical contact. In moments of communication, he never tries to touch your arm, shoulder. Non-verbal signs of falling in love is the desire to touch a loved one.
  3. He doesn't get shy when you touch him. A man in love cannot react indifferently to the touch of a girl he likes. You can determine his awkwardness by sweaty palms, trembling in his voice, stiffness of the body. A friend does not pay attention to shaking, friendly kisses on the cheek and other touches.
  4. He does not feel awkward in communicating with you. A guy in love will always try to show himself in the best light. Friends do not hesitate to talk about the embarrassing incident that happened to him.
  5. He does not strive to look good in your presence. Friends may appear in front of each other in funny or unkempt clothes. He won't worry about it if he doesn't love you. A guy in love, on the contrary, always carefully monitors his appearance. In this way, he tries to win your sympathy.
  6. He calmly endures parting with you. If the guy took the news of your departure calmly, most likely, it’s just friendship between you. If a guy loves, he will be interested when you return. If possible, ask you not to leave. But if a breakup occurs, he will always call, write and remind himself.
  7. In a cafe, you pay in half or in turns. Friends do this all the time. If he has sympathy, he will most likely pay himself.
  8. He doesn't take you home. A friend can, of course, walk you home if it's dark outside or you've asked for it. But most often, friends break up if they do not go along the way. A guy in love will always offer to take you home.
  9. He does not see you as an intimate partner. Often cards are opened if friends have drunk, this state is conducive to intimacy. Even if in this case there are only jokes and ease between you, this is friendship.
  10. He asks for your advice regarding other girls. This gesture is very eloquent and explains a lot. If he's friends with you because he's in love, he won't date others.

Friendship or love?

Important: In the company of mutual acquaintances, there will definitely be people who will notice the spark between you. Your girlfriends may say that the guy looks with burning eyes. If no one notices anything, he hides well or is really indifferent.

You may be offended if you were waiting for love, but it turned out just friendship. If you don't want to give up and the role of a friend doesn't suit you, try changing your behavior a little. Maybe you have proven yourself to be such a boyfriend of yours. You don't act feminine enough, and the guy just doesn't see you as a girl. Show him your femininity, be a little flirtatious, flirt. This could make a difference. Courageous girls can express their feelings directly. This is a sure way not to torment yourself, but to find out whether he loves or not.

Friendship often turns into love. Signs of falling in love may appear, even if they were not there before. People get to know each other, get to know each other better, and eventually fall in love.

Attempts to determine whether a man loves or not, many deliver a lot of experiences. Even if the guy is in no hurry to confess his feelings, do not rush to lose hope. Turn on your powers of observation, look at his actions. It is worth saying that these rules do not always work. Feelings can be expressed different ways who knows how. Listen to your heart, it won't let you down.

Video: How to understand that a guy does not love you?

How to understand that a guy loves you? 11 signs a guy is in love

And again an article for girls. I love writing for them because I'm a guy myself and I totally understand how guys feel about girls.

The question that arises in the head of girls, “Does my boyfriend love me?” Usually appears when the guy stops talking about it. Completely ceases or simply begins to remind you less often that you are his only one and that he loves you more than anyone else in the world.

How to understand that a guy loves you? How do I know that he doesn't care about me? Does he really love me? How much does he love me? What are the signs of his love for you? Here persistent questions girls.

Don't worry, we'll figure it out :)

There are several sure signs that he loves you:

Sign 1. He constantly blows dust off you.

The guy is very attentive to you, notices the slightest changes in your clothes or appearance. If you have a hair, a speck of dust, a thread or some kind of leaf on your shoulder, he will definitely notice it and remove it.

Sign 2. He is attentive to your mood.

He notices the slightest change in your mood. He constantly tries to cheer you up if it has fallen, and tries never to spoil it. If it is bad, he will always ask why it is, try to find out if his actions influenced him.

Sign 3. He is interested in your life.

You can absolutely say that a guy loves you if he cares about what is happening in your life. He is constantly interested, asking how your day went, what new things happened, what you did, what you did, and what plans you have for the future.

Sign 4. The guy misses you.

If you haven't seen a guy for a while and he misses you. Even if you haven't had time to get bored yet. :) He wants to see you, meet you, hear your laughter, walk together, feel your touch, look into your bottomless eyes and dissolve into your gentle smile.

Sign 5. He calls you himself.

You understood correctly, HE calls you. Calling you doesn't count. So, if a guy often calls you himself to find out what you are doing, what mood you are in right now, this is sure sign the fact that he is not exactly breathing towards you. At the same time, he calls with or without reason. But it's better, of course, when for no reason. :)

Sign 6. He almost always looks into your eyes.

This is psychology. If a guy really likes a girl, he considers her beautiful, he looks into her eyes almost all the time when he talks to her. And while his pupils are a little wider than usual, because the body is a little excited. And when excited, the pupils dilate greatly.

Sign 7. He often touches you.

This is also psychology. A person will never touch a person they don't like. Or if you don't care. If your boyfriend often touches you, then he loves you.

Sign 8. He gives you gifts.

By gifts, I mean any things he gives you. Flowers, postcards, all sorts of trinkets ... At the same time, he gives both with or without a reason.

Sign 9. You are everywhere together.

The guy introduces you to all his friends and he doesn't care what the latter think of you. He, one might say, is indifferent to any other opinion regarding you. He just knows he loves and doesn't care.

Sign 10. He constantly wants you.

Sexually, he always wants to take over your body, he always wants to have sex with you.

Sign 11. He tells you that he loves you.

This is the most important sign by which you can definitely determine if a guy loves you. If he constantly tells you that he loves you, that you are the only one and that he doesn’t need anyone else, then don’t even go to the doctor, and everything is clear. But provided that he shows a few previous signs. :) If the guy stopped telling you that he loves - this is a serious reason to think. Or take this test:

TEST: What are you in the eyes of guys.

A small summary: Not necessarily the guy will do everything as it is written in these 11 points. All guys are different, so if your boyfriend shows only 7 signs out of 11, this does not mean at all that he does not love you. :)

How to understand that a guy loves you by his behavior and external signs?

Are you dating the man of your dreams and want to know for sure if he loves you? Do you want to be 100% sure that your feelings are mutual? Don't know how to understand that a guy loves you? Signs of love will always betray a man in love. They manifest themselves to one degree or another in all guys, even if they themselves are not aware of it. Take a closer look - and you will definitely find out the answer to your questions.

Here are 20 signs that will help you understand if a man loves you:

1. He talks about it straight

The guy who confesses his love to you is probably not lying. The question is in what sense does he love. Does he want to be with you always? Counts only on sex? Or maybe he loves you as a friend?

2. Likes to spend time with you

Does the guy prefer to stay at your place instead of fishing with friends or watching a football match? Can you give up your favorite activities to spend some time with you or do what you enjoy? If yes, then you can be sure. The man is head over heels in love with you! You can find out that a Capricorn man is in love with you by various signs.

3. Behaving differently than usual

Do not know how to understand the behavior of a man? Do you sometimes notice some oddities behind him? Can't always explain the motives of his actions? So, it is worth paying attention to how he behaves in communication with different people. Does anything change in his manner when you are around? Both guys and girls in the presence of a loved one often behave differently than usual.

Maybe next to you the guy becomes too quiet and shy? Or vice versa - active and talkative? The behavior of people in love often does not look quite natural.

4. Cares about you

Did you suddenly get sick? Did you have a hard day? But you know you can count on your boyfriend? It's great, because he doesn't care about you.

Of course, a man will not always be able to fix everything, solve your problems or instantly cure. However, she will try to make her laugh when she is sad, she will give a massage when you say that you are tired. Will make an effort to calm you down. And this means that your condition worries him. He wants you to be well.

If a man really loves you, he will definitely find time for you when you need it. He will put aside all his affairs, will be able to abandon his own plans, sacrifice a free minute. And all just for the sake of being able to be next to you, hug you, support, console you.

5. Can talk to you for hours

Usually men do not like long conversations, especially when they are nervous and worried. And some of them don't like to talk at all. But when a guy is in love with a girl, he thinks that a few hours of talking is cool. He wants to know almost everything about her. Asks a lot of questions that can sometimes seem insignificant.

He keeps up the conversation by any means, catches every word of the interlocutor and tries to answer as witty as possible.

6. Often smiles

Do you smile at each other for no particular reason? Can't your young man hide a kind smile when he looks at you? He is touched by even your small flaws? If yes, then this is a sure sign that a man loves you.

7. Looks at you like you're mesmerized

Have you ever noticed that your boyfriend looks at you without taking his eyes off when you are doing something? If yes, then doubts - away! You can definitely understand by looking that a man is in love.

8. Tries to make you happier

Does your boyfriend love seeing you happy? Does he often do things that please you? Are you ready to participate in the implementation of your ideas, even if he himself does not really want to? Perhaps he watches your favorite romantic comedies, is able to withstand a shopping run and, without a hint of heaviness, will pick you up if you suddenly sprain your ankle? At the same time, he never rests on his laurels, but continues to inspire and delight you? You can be sure that the guy really loves you.

9. Gives compliments

Men rarely compliment girls they don't like. But it is always pleasant for them to call affectionately their beloved.

Remember when was the last time you heard tender words from his young man.

Of course, every guy can give a girl something. But not every gift speaks of love. It should be something from the heart, something that you once mentioned, or something that will surely bring you joy, cause a storm of positive emotions, and be remembered for a long time. If a guy is in love, he won't have any problem choosing something special for you.

11. Often hugs

When people hug, they are especially close. At such moments, they share their most intimate thoughts, they begin to talk about life, about the future, about what is especially exciting. In the arms of a loved one, you feel safe and protected and it seems that the world around is not as gray as before. Does your boyfriend like these moments?

12. Shows attention even in small things

Love is in the little things Everyday life. A person with warm feelings will unobtrusively yield the best place in the theater, throw his jacket over the shoulders of his beloved in the rain or share with her the most delicious piece of cake. You will be able to understand by actions whether a man loves.

13. Does not let you forget about yourself

If a man loves you passionately, he will always find an opportunity to remind you that he thinks of you. Even if he is very busy. Even if loaded with many urgent matters. Even if buried in the mountains of important documents.

14. Can prevent conflict

Petty quarrels and principled disputes are inevitable in any relationship. But, paradoxically, it is in conflict situations that one can see manifestations of love. Or… her absence.

How does your boyfriend behave in case of any conflicts? Is he trying to emerge victorious from them, to show his superiority over you? Or is he trying to find a compromise so that both parties are satisfied?

If a man loves you, he will not forget about it even in a dispute and a heated discussion, and even more so he will not allow himself to pour out his negativity and aggression on you. And, of course, he will always consider your opinion, even if he himself does not agree with it.

15. Remembers details

If you notice that the guy remembers the details of your conversations and meetings, then this is a good sign. If he were indifferent to you, he would not pay attention to the details: what do you do on Saturdays, what do you think about this or that topic, what are you interested in, what is your hobby, what annoys you and what makes you happy.

The brain of a man is arranged in such a way that its owner, as a rule, does not concentrate his attention on trifles, but goes directly to the intended goal, without focusing on the nuances. If your chosen one remembers most of the little things associated with you, up to the color of the dress you were wearing during your first meeting, then you can be sure that you are very important to him, and most importantly, the guy fell in love.

16. Proud of your accomplishments

Does your boyfriend take your successes as his own? Rejoices in your victories and achievements? Does he tell his friends and colleagues about them with enthusiasm? Fine! After all, this is not just a desire to show off or “wipe your nose” with friends. He sees you as part of himself.

17. Shares his secrets with you

Telling secrets is always risky, as they often expose the narrator's weaknesses and make him vulnerable. If your boyfriend reveals his secrets to you, it means only one thing: you are a person he really trusts. After all, you can tell not only about your positive qualities, but also about weaknesses only to very close people.

18. Can change his preferences

If a man really loves you, then sometimes he can drastically change his lifestyle. Of course, if he sees that it is really important for you and that this can make you happier.

The guy wants to change for you, is he ready to fight his prejudices and bad habits? On this basis, you can unmistakably understand that he loves you.

19. Talks about you in the plural

Pay attention to how the guy talks about your relationship. If the pronouns “I” and “mine”, “you” and “your” predominate in his speech, then one cannot be completely sure of the seriousness of his intentions. But as soon as he switches to the terms “we”, “our”, then there should be no doubt: you have become an integral part of his life.

20. Makes joint plans

Does your man talk about the future? And are you present in his far-reaching plans? It doesn't have to be marriage and children. But if most of his dreams and plans (whether it's a skiing trip in the winter in six months or buying a tent for next summer) are connected with you, then this is the best proof of a serious attitude towards you.

The signs of love described above will help you easily answer the question that many girls ask almost every day: “How to understand that a guy loves you?” However, it is worth remembering that all people are different, there are no guys who would ideally fit all 20 points. These signs should be interpreted freely. Trust your heart - and you will definitely be able to understand if a guy has fallen in love with you.

By secret…

Probably every girl is faced with the problem of overweight? Indeed, sometimes it is not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, remove the sides or stomach. Diets do not help, there is no strength and desire to go to the gym, or it does not bring tangible results.

How to understand that a guy doesn't love you anymore: signs, psychology

Love works wonders, a happy person in love can be seen immediately. His eyes are burning, he is kind to others, he is always in good mood. In the absence of his girlfriend, he is sad.

How to understand that a guy does not love you - you need to take the advice of a psychologist and compare the signs. If there is no reciprocity on his part, there is no need to waste time on him.

In contact with

There is an erroneous opinion that if a young man's sexual interest has faded and lovemaking has become less frequent, then love has passed. This is not always true. Perhaps the relationship has developed into a more mature, calm stage. You can understand that a loved one has lost interest in you and no longer loves you by a number of signs.

Psychologists have long identified the main indicators by which it is possible to determine how much a partner is in love or vice versa, has lost interest in a girl.

  1. Lack of respect. If he offends you, does not consider your opinion and tries to “hit” with the word “hit” in the most painful place, it's time to be wary and understand that this is dislike. Especially if he behaved differently before.
  2. Sexual problems. When a person experiences attraction and love, he tries his best to please his partner. If the guy is not interested in why you avoid sexual contact, does not try to solve this problem, it is difficult to talk about strong feelings.
  3. Communication. When a guy talks to you like other comrades, it means that he does not distinguish you among his friends. How do you know if a guy doesn't love you anymore? He is not interested in how you are doing, talks about the girls he likes, his previous novels.
  4. Free time. When a guy loves, he will definitely find time for meetings. If your boyfriend constantly finds reasons and excuses to avoid dating, it's time to think.
  5. Treason. Who has changed at least once, as a rule, will repeat it again. If he is in love, he will not be able to think of anyone else but his girlfriend. You should not flatter yourself with hopes, look for an excuse for your soulmate, you can safely say that feelings have passed.

Phases of love

If the question arose: how to understand whether a guy loves you or not, you can pass a special test compiled by psychologists. The number of points will help to recognize what is the attitude of your soulmate towards you.

For each positive answer, you need to add 1 point, for a negative one - 0. The answer to the question: how to understand that a guy does not love you, the test will definitely show.

  • your betrothed always finds time to meet with you;
  • always wondering how your day went;
  • when you are sick, cares for you;
  • constantly wishes you Good night" and " good morning»;
  • introduced you to friends and parents;
  • you have an excellent sexual relationship;
  • worried when meeting with you;
  • all free time is preferred by your company;
  • tries to please you in everything;
  • constantly talks about his feelings.

How do you know if a guy doesn't love you anymore? If you got from 5 to 10 points, you don’t have to worry, the person is not indifferent to you and has passionate feelings. A lower score indicates dislike.

What does psychology say?

Knowing how to understand that a guy no longer loves, you can save time and not waste it on an empty relationship. It doesn't make any sense.

Psychologists believe that in a couple's relationship there is no place for others. This means that you can not listen to the advice of friends and girlfriends. You can think about the indifference of a partner if there is an unreasonable anxiety. If you feel happy, you don't have to worry.

How to understand that a guy does not love you - psychology will help answer this question.

  1. You will feel that the attitude has changed, purely intuitively.
  2. He will find many excuses not to come on a date.
  3. Stop caring for you, give gifts.
  4. Will not kiss you and try to hug you when they meet.

A girl can often determine the attitude of her young man towards herself, understand him by some features. How to understand that a guy does not love you, signs:

  • inattention;
  • constant criticism;
  • lack of common topics for conversation;
  • contempt;
  • reluctance to meet often;
  • dates are only for sex;
  • he doesn't introduce you to friends and parents.

From the following video, you can find out more information on how to understand that a guy no longer loves:

“I love”, how many women expect this word from men, perhaps the main word in life. Hearing it, a woman becomes the happiest in the World, but what is there, in the World, in the entire Universe. However, psychologists warn that you should not rush with joy, jump for happiness and call your friends. The word "love", which sounds from the lips of a man, may have different meaning. You should always watch how, where and when it is said. Not all men know how to express their emotions. Having made a confession today, they may forget about it tomorrow. So what does "I love you" mean?

I want sex

You have known each other not so long ago, more precisely, a few hours. He is very charming, and you are captivated by his self-confidence. He was attracted by your incomparable beauty and independence. Eyes met, and a spark flared between you. Yes, you are happy with each other for only a few hours, but what bright hours they were.

He was not slow to say "I love you", and you certainly believed. True, only if you yourself are not against love at first sight, if you are too trusting or, on the contrary, understand everything and also want an intimate relationship with him.

Maybe he really loves? No. He said those words too soon, at the most opportune moment. The romantic atmosphere itself whispered a phrase to him. It popped out of the man's mouth as if he was used to saying it. He is cheerful, cheerful and not embarrassed. “I love you” means a very short relationship, perhaps for one evening. Trust a man if your desires match. Otherwise, you can say "how cute" or something similar.

Conflict situation

Men say “I love you” during quarrels, hoping that the heavy object you released in a rush will not fall on his head. It is planned that "I love" will cool your storm of emotions and stop you. The fight must end at some point. If he said these words with humor, he hopes to get out of this situation easily. Maybe smile back at him?

You cannot believe the words if you have just heard reproaches and completely unflattering words addressed to you. The scandal is in full swing. The man did what he wanted: he shouted, insulted, and now he is just tired. Just at this time, a woman can hear "I love you." Words spoken with aggression, anger - this is the last fat point in the scandal that he wants to put. In the end, he instilled in you a sense of guilt and calmed down. Think about whether you need to believe his confession, and indeed, do you really need this man.

If “I love you” sounds out of desperation, then perhaps he wants to keep you, restore the past a good relationship. He understands that he is wrong, regrets what happened. Look into his eyes. Look into his soul. Behind the words "I love you" lies the hope for happiness with you. They sound so sincere.

Repeated “I love you”, uttered into the phone in a drunken voice, and even at night, should alert you. The man did not call to tell you where he is and when he will come, and not to find out how you are doing. It was a call for the sake of a call. "I love you" seven times may mean that he just cheated on you. Not for love, no. It just happened.

Your actions: if this man is dear to you, you plan to live with him under the same roof for many more years and share one bed, then “love” can be taken as a request, give him another chance. Otherwise, think about whether you want to hear the on-duty "I love" again.

I need you

Unfortunately, many women often hear "I love you", but the words do not express bright feelings. A woman is a nanny and mother to a man. All she does is pay his bills, treat him and take care of him when he is drunk. Feel sorry for him when he is in a bad mood. A woman is a mother, a nanny, a nurse.

As a thank you, she receives "I love you." The man just needs her. What will he be without her, how to live? The phrase "I love you" can be understood as "I need you" and not a sincere "I need you."

How to proceed in this case? If everything suits everyone and the woman has no illusions about love, then you can believe it. The situation, apparently, has not yet reached the point of no return. The woman is not tired of such a man. The time of parting has not come, but it will definitely come, and she will have a reliable man who will say “I love you”, and it will mean “I want you”, “I need you”, “I will make you happy”.

I love you

Family psychologists say that a man can be trusted when he says "I love you" immediately after intimacy with you. You have just returned from another reality, where it was beautiful, where not only your bodies but also your souls merged together. The first thing a woman hears is "I love you." It's great.

Believe a man if he says “I love you” even after he saw you in a completely unsightly light: you had a cold, you had a red nose, and your eyes were watery.

For a long time he did not dare to say these words to you, and he uttered them somehow uncertainly, out of place. This does not mean at all that he doubts his feelings. He's just worried. For him, "I love you" is not an empty phrase.

Many men don't say "I love you". They believe that feelings should be expressed in actions. They give flowers, buy gifts, prepare breakfasts and do their best to make a woman happy. If you hear “I love you” from such a man, it means that his feelings are really overwhelmed, and he can no longer restrain them in himself.

How to behave? Enjoy life, bathe in love. Be happy. True, if you have similar feelings for a man. Otherwise, end all relationships. It's better not to play with love.

1. He communicates with you.
In a relationship, the more a couple talks, the better people understand each other. And if your boyfriend loves you, then he will be able to talk about his feelings and desires, and he will also want to know everything about your life. This is the most easy way build better relationships.

2. He is fascinated by you.
Have you ever noticed that he looks at you when you are busy with something? This is a sure sign that he cannot get enough of you and that he is in awe of you.

3. He endures for you.
A guy who truly loves you will always want to see you happy. And he will do what makes you happy, even if he himself does not like it. Does he watch your favorite shows with you, even if they piss him off? Does he complain about dirt and thorns while he helps you around the garden on Sunday? It looks like he really loves you.

4. He appreciates the time spent together.
He spends his free time with you, maybe even more time than with his friends. When a guy falls in love and sees a partner for life in a girl, even the closest friends fade into the background, and he will start spending more time with you.

5. He will try to make a good impression.
He's already impressed and won you over. But he won't stop there. He will go out of his way to be polite to your parents and friends in order to make a good impression on them, even if the only reason for doing so is to make you happy.

6. It connects your personal space.
Secrets are acceptable in a relationship, but if a guy loves you a lot, then he will try to close the space between your life and his. He won't mind if you know his bank account details, some of his passwords, or even if you pick up the phone when his phone gets a call.

7. He likes to hug you.
Does your boyfriend ever give you a big hug for no reason? He feels good when he hugs you because he loves you. During a hug that lasts more than a few seconds, beneficial chemicals are released in the body, and even if he does not know this fact, he feels it.

8. He thinks about your problems.
Even if your boyfriend is very busy, he will still remember everyone important events in your life. And if you have a lot to do, he will always be there to help you or at least support you.

9. He will change himself.
If a guy loves you, he will change his habits, his lifestyle just to spend more time with you. He will even be ready to skip his favorite sports game or movie in order to help you with business or just listen to you after. have a hard day.

10. He boasts about you.
A guy who is not completely committed to you yet will avoid talking about you with his acquaintances. pretty girls, especially work colleagues or girlfriends of interest. But if he is serious, he will always flaunt you, for example, when you came to meet him, and not try to leave it unnoticed.

12. You are always on his mind.
He remembers you even when he doesn't need to. He makes you feel good even when you don't ask for it. On the way home or to a meeting with you, he can buy what you want, because he knows that you will like it, even if you did not tell him about it.

13. He misses you even if he doesn't talk about it. A loving guy won't always tell you he misses you because that sounds corny enough. But when you finally meet him, you will see a sparkle in his eyes and a wide smile that will scream: "I love you!"

14. He doesn't judge you.
He may play a joke on something you did wrong, but he will always try to help without judgment or pretense.

15. He is proud of you. He brags about your accomplishments and goes on and on about how wonderful you are when you achieve something. A loving man will always rejoice with you in your successes with the same enthusiasm with which he rejoices in his own.

16. He will sometimes bend in front of you.
If a guy loves you a lot, he will sometimes give in to you just to see a smile on your face.

17. He dreams.
He always talks about his plans and everything he wants to achieve in life. And almost all of his plans revolve around you and around what he will do to make you proud and happy.

18. He indulges your temper tantrums.
Sometimes girls have a habit of getting annoyed for no reason. And sometimes girls just keep quiet and wait for guys to solve the mystery of why they are upset. But if a guy loves you, he will put up with your hysteria without offense and without rolling his eyes, but simply apologize and try to cheer you up, even if he does not understand what he is wrong about.

19. Pleasant little things.
He expresses his love in various little things that you sometimes don’t even notice. For example, he will give you the best drink, arrange a vacation in Mexico from a leading tour operator, make way for a better seat, unexpectedly dedicate a song to you, take great care of you if you get sick, and many other little things that you might take for granted.

20. He just says he loves you.
This is the most obvious option. If you are dating guys or are already married, then usually the easiest way to dispel all your doubts is simply to hear these words from him. Most likely, these words are true, especially when he says it unexpectedly, for no reason.

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