
How to become a lover and wife for a husband. 3 Ways to Be a Mistress - wikiHow


Is it possible to make the beloved man dream only of you alone? How to quickly kindle a desire in him and - most importantly, not let him go out? You can master this art!

You so want to be the one and only for your man, to become an ideal lover and give him magical sensations. After all, it is so important that in bed you not only give each other pleasure, but also become more and more close and open. How to make your every night fabulous? This subtle art can be learned.

Sensuality in a woman awakens with time. And if you want, you can develop it. You will have to work on yourself, abandon the usual scenarios of behavior in bed. So what makes the perfect lover so special?

1. Enjoys sex. She makes love not at all out of a sense of duty and not in order to keep the "lustful male." She responds to every touch and is ready to give her partner bold caresses. Attraction cannot be faked: when a man feels that he causes a sincere desire in a girlfriend, this is the best compliment for him.

2. Loves himself. A real seductress knows her worth, understands how attractive she is. Perhaps a picky critic would find her proportions far from ideal. But such a woman knows how to emphasize her dignity and presents herself as a gift. She has no doubt: anyone will feel dizzy from the fact that she is around. And this confidence is transferred to others. Her partner does not have to listen to lamentations about

3. Take care of yourself. Agree, it is difficult to imagine a sex diva in a stretched terry dressing gown and torn slippers. Certainly. What makes a woman desirable is not intricate lace underwear or stilettos. Just remember that the natural smell of clean skin, the fresh scent of hair has a magnetic effect on men.

4. Knows what he wants. Unlike many young ladies, in bed, the ideal lover does not at all try to reproduce exciting scenes from romance novels or “downhole” moments of porn films. Everything is much simpler: she directly asks the man what caresses he dreams of. And in the process, she sensitively reacts to every groan of the partner, the movements of his body, the rhythm of breathing - that's why the result is so impressive.

5. Intriguing. People quickly get used to each other, and the intensity of passions inevitably falls, even if nature has endowed you with a stormy temperament. Therefore, it is so important to be able to awaken the imagination of a companion, to tease him. Imagine: today you are a liberated hetaira, and tomorrow you are a laughing graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens. Next to such a girlfriend, a man will also have to change his role, trying on different images. The game will definitely bring variety to the relationship.

7. Constantly improving. She is interested in the sexual side of relationships, tries to keep abreast of new trends, reads high-quality literature on this topic. Have you ever heard of special exercises for the development and strengthening of intimate muscles? Try to master such gymnastics - and you will experience a completely different range of sensations during sex.

8. Knows how to keep up the conversation. It just seems that in bed the ability to think is completely useless, it does not require a head, but completely different organs. A few minutes following the bright finale can bring a couple closer or, conversely, push lovers away from each other. If immediately after an orgasm you suddenly tell a relaxed man: “You know, my previous one was more inventive than you,” you are unlikely to leave pleasant memories of yourself. A luxurious woman is distinguished by the ability to keep silent when necessary, and, conversely, in right moment defuse the atmosphere with a joke.

9. Respects his freedom. A self-confident diva is unlikely to bombard her lover with sentimental SMS and flood his mailbox with tender postcards. No need to make big plans right after the first night: a real man will not succumb to pressure and will not want to become a victim of manipulation.

10. Admire a man. Next to the ideal mistress, he feels like a real hero. Emphasize how good you are in the company of your partner! Let him feel like a champion in bed and not only. Who would voluntarily refuse such a sensitive and understanding girlfriend?

Try to get rid of complexes. tightness, forget about the sexual stereotypes that you were inspired from your very youth. Each couple develops their own rules of behavior in bed, determines the measures of decency. decides what is permissible in sex and what is strictly forbidden. And this can only be achieved through experience. So fantasize, experiment! Listen carefully to your body, follow its reactions - it will not deceive you. And, of course, be sincere with your partner, only under this condition can you truly understand and feel each other.

Regular sex is a normal human need that is as important as food, water and air. So how can you become the best lover for your own man, so that he does not even have thoughts of looking the other way?

So what do you need to know?

1.Try to feed your man healthy and "light" food, which will not prevent him from thinking about sex. For this, it is best aphrodisiac products. For instance:

  • Oysters, or any other seafood;
  • Fresh fruits and milkshakes;
  • Dishes from chicken or quail eggs;
  • Sandwiches with red or black caviar;
  • Chicken or any other lean meat with garlic, but eat similar to both;
  • Cocoa or chocolate;
  • Nuts (pistachios, almonds);
  • Fresh dill and parsley combined with sour cream;
  • Any spicy and spicy, but low-fat dishes;
  • Salads from fresh vegetables;
  • A little mulled wine or a glass of cognac will significantly improve your mood and warm up your blood, if you don’t overdo it.

2. Remember! If you want to become the perfect lover for your man, you just need to know what he wants. To do this, you need to talk to him more often (not to be confused with "talking" constant questions), observe his behavior, study his tastes, desires, moods, etc. usually all conversations end in bed!).

3. Try not to think, but give the man exactly what he wants and what he needs. Take care of him, fulfill small whims, but remember - everything is good in moderation! Do not overdo it, otherwise the man may not like it at all.

4. Copy the gestures and facial expressions of a man, but do it naturally, without parodying him. Let all the gestures come from you, but at the same time you will know that this is exactly what your man does. This is the method used by geishas in antiquity. They copied the gestures and facial expressions of a man, telling their tales and inserting words and phrases that are unique to this man. Believe me, the art of seduction is a very subtle science that is accessible to everyone, the main thing is to approach its study correctly.

5. Buy things with taste, while never relying only on your whim. Remember, you must match your chosen one! A man, seeing a woman for the first time, never looks at any specific thing, but evaluates the whole image as a whole, and at the same time it does not matter to him how much it all costs. So - take this into account!

6. As soon as you have achieved his location and the first night has taken place - don't look into his eyes with a silent plea for more. This can scare a man away, even if he was previously disposed to continue the relationship. Let him think that he is the master of the situation and that he has the right to choose. Do not call him on his cell, while putting him in an uncomfortable position in front of his other colleagues or household members. Remember - the best mistress will never be intrusive!

8. Unfortunately, no matter how strange and insulting it may sound, it is simply useless to complain to your man about some of your problems. To a man, this may seem very funny, but insignificant. Therefore, if there is a problem, it is worth contacting him for help only in extreme cases.

9. In bed, especially at the beginning of a relationship, a man may not care if you really experience pleasure in bed or not. In addition, few people can truly determine this (whether you are faking an orgasm or not). Any man to amuse his pride and desire. Taking this as an axiom, you can win the heart of even a very handsome, intelligent and wealthy man. Only having achieved love, you can demand confidential caresses that can lift you to the heights of bliss.

10. There is also an opinion that men do not like smart women. But the point here is not at all in the mind, but in its excessive demonstration. It is a wise woman who will never pretend that she is superior to her hero in some way, although in fact it will be obvious!

11. Try to always create comfort in the house - it has not hurt anyone yet!

12. If your man "left to the left" - it is completely pointless to arrange scenes of jealousy. And being the mistress of a married man, the height of idiocy is to leave marks on the collar of your shirt with your lipstick, or scratch your back in a fit of passion.

13. The main rule is never teach your man! Boring moralizing enrages everyone, starting from childhood, so why be like an old teacher and get your boyfriend?

14.Try to forgive and not remind him of past mistakes.

15. A good experienced lover will never jump up in the morning to put on makeup. This is silly. Men prefer to lie in the morning, soak up with a sweetheart in bed without a "combat" coloring. In extreme cases, you can use waterproof mascara and tattoo your eyes.

16. If your man has a serious attitude, he will not stand a long pause, but will make himself known know in the next three days. All other rare calls, as a rule, are just attempts to pass the time out of boredom.

17. Do not complex about your figure and appearance. In principle, it is difficult to communicate with notorious and clamped. Men don't run from breast size or plump ass.

If sexual intercourse is delayed:

  • squeeze the walls of the vagina;
  • change your position so that it becomes “smaller” there, and the cervix stimulates the head with every movement.

It is worth noting in which positions ejaculation occurs faster:

  • kneeling and leaning on your elbows - in any variant;
  • the partner lies on her back with her thighs shifted close;
  • "Hussar" pose - the legs lie on the partner's shoulders;
  • or the “fish” pose, when the woman lies on her stomach with straight, pressed legs, and the man is on top;


  • try to independently regulate the introduction of the penis so that one push is completely, and two - in half;
  • move on to oral sex - it's just a great end to sex;
  • use a lubricant gel - this will speed up the process and add additional lubrication;
  • you can whisper a couple of dirty words in your ear, this can spur both;
  • turns men on when a woman caresses herself, thereby helping a man.
  • you need to make oncoming movements, as if "settling" on a member;
  • it is very exciting and stimulating if you squeeze your partner’s buttocks with your hands, slightly scratch your back, kiss on the neck, gently massage the testicles;
  • it is possible at the most crucial moments to resist a little, to break out, depicting a victim, but, most importantly, not to overplay;
  • cheer with quiet moans, controlling the rhythm.

18. A free and self-confident woman has no rules where and when to surrender to a man for the first time. Proximity at the first meeting is not a reason to consider her a lady of easy virtue. According to statistics, only 30% of men adhere to the stages in the development of relationships.

19. best lover will never be shy about discussing contraception. There is nothing to be ashamed of. According to men, again, if a woman categorically refuses to have sex without a condom, the idea may form that she has a venereal infection, or is suspected of contagiousness. Strange, but very annoying. If there is no money to buy birth control pills, you can safely ask the gentleman to take care of their purchase. Moreover, taking hormonal drugs will solve two problems at once: protection from pregnancy and additional pleasure from intimacy without a vile gum.
20. There is no need to get involved in the study of brochures and articles on the technique of sex. Most are a parody of the "Kama Sutra" with idiotic commentary by the author - concern. And foreign advice for us in general is sometimes wildness. A tired husband, having come home from work, wants to see borscht with meat on the table, and not a loving wife at the doorstep in a latex robe. Such a sexual rebellion may end in the flight of the head of the family to a normal, not confused on sexual fun, woman.

21. Here are some tips to keep you happy:

  • Do not allow the partner to move quickly;
  • Relax the vaginal muscles;
  • Ask him to stop;
  • Distract a man by changing his posture;
  • Take into account the following positions that prolong the act: “with spoons”, when the partner is with her back to the man’s face; woman on Top; lying on your back, raising and spreading your legs wide;
  • In the process, stop, remove and gently kiss the member, only slowly and gently, otherwise everything will end there.
  • Ejaculation well helps to control simple exercises of Taoist or tantric sex techniques, you can discuss this topic together at your leisure.

22. It is necessary to take the rule is to buy only the underwear that your loved one likes. This also applies to bed linen.

23. The nicest scent- the smell of a clean body of a beloved woman, well, a drop of your favorite perfume, or even without them. It's much better than pouring half a bottle on your body.

24. Men love good sex. Also, men adore women who love good sex. So is it necessary to be shy, and how to repeat after naive fools like a parrot - the peasants only need this ... A real woman needs this too.

It so happened that the main decoration of a woman is modesty. But in no case should this saying be transferred to the bed. After all, our loved ones get the greatest pleasure when we turn from exemplary "keepers of the hearth" into passionate, somewhat promiscuous girls in sex. When comprehending the art of seduction, one should not forget that “masquerade” is inappropriate in this regard.

Why do you need to be perfect?

It just so happened that men in bed like proactive young ladies, the very ones who are not averse not only to experimenting and changing positions often, but also to provoke sexual intercourse itself.

Men love women who show desire and get excited at the sight of them. Only with such companions can they be truly confident in themselves, and they definitely won’t decide on treason. And believe me, no matter how trite it may sound, the guy will definitely not leave such a woman!

The question of how to be the perfect lover has been on the minds of women since the sexual revolution.

And indeed, how can you build a strong family and be confident in your husband if you frankly “do not stick” in bed?

To comprehend the basics of sexuality, women go for broke:

  • re-read a lot of literature;
  • review special "educational" videos;
  • and even go to specialized courses that promise them to instantly turn into a priestess of sex.

Moreover, very often the knowledge gained is projected onto the lover himself. girl reading practical advice, voices them to her lover, as a result of which the entire sexual intercourse turns into a farce, a rehearsed production, played out according to study guide. But in fact, all that is required of you is to understand and feel the needs of a partner on an intuitive level.

10 things that attract men in bed

Today we decided to bring you 10 main things that men like in bed. They do not have to be executed according to the script. In addition, they include more psychological than technical aspects of the perception of intimacy.

In this article, you will not find boring advice about the need to perform Kegel exercises and become a candidate for master of sports in gymnastics in order to get into a sophisticated pose to please your loved one. But you will draw for yourself a lot of new and useful information, which, perhaps, will not only strengthen, but also save your marriage or union.

So, what exactly do our guys like in bed, and how to become that very “ideal lover”?

Be relaxed

We know it sounds pretty hackneyed, but still, this is almost the most important thing that men like in the same bed with you. This does not mean at all that you should offer him to sleep with you in elevators or parks, playing games. "lustful female". This means that you must honestly want your loved one. And, by the way, such a banality as sexual coldness and betrayal on its basis is the cause of 50% of broken marriages. What guy wants to have a young lady next to him who has hundreds of excuses just not to have sex? This destroys his self-esteem, rebuilds him into destructive thoughts about his sexual viability, awakens in him the feeling that he does not satisfy you.

Take the initiative more often, and try to awaken true sexuality in yourself at a deep level. Engage in women's practices if you feel you need to. Do your best to enjoy sex.

Apply new tricks

A man is an experimenter by nature, so the monotony in bed can quickly bore him. Judge for yourself: even you will probably quickly get tired of insipid food if you eat it on a daily basis.

Sex for a male is as natural as satiation with food. Therefore, try to bring at least a little variety into your intimate life. Change positions, play role-playing games, move from tenderness to rigidity ... in a word, improvise!

Believe that a routine and boring intimate life quickly forces you to look for something new on the side.

Do not be like the USSR, where "there was no sex"

No need to constantly wrap yourself in sheets and turn off the light. Let a ray of sunshine break through the curtains, or a lit candle stand near your bed. Men are visuals, they love with their eyes, as they say. Turns them on female body, they are constantly striving to explore it even more. If you ask a dozen representatives of the stronger sex about what exactly men like in bed with a woman, half, without hesitation, will answer - the contemplation of her beautiful body during intercourse. Do not be overly shy - men do not understand this, and regard it as distrust or a personal insult.

Get emotional

If you lie there without showing signs of life, your partner will quite rightly decide that sex with him does not give you any pleasure at all.

You should not be equal to porn actresses and moan picturesquely, provoking the knock of neighbors on the battery.

But try to show at least a little passion, tenderness, bliss. And then your male will definitely be pleased with himself, and this is extremely important for him.


No, of course, not about the latest series of Brazilian "soap", and not about how the woman Nyura from the next entrance dragged a can of milk to the house without outside help. Tell a man that he turns you on wildly, that sex with him is pure euphoria for you, that you almost burn with pleasure. It is difficult to say what words all men like in bed. Some love vulgarity, and some even get excited by insults! Try to catch it yourself.

Give compliments

We have passed the appropriate words, and now let's move on to compliments. This is appropriate not only in bed, but also in everyday life. Every man needs approval and admiration on a subconscious level.

Give it to him! Say that he has an excellent figure or a gorgeous torso that drives you crazy. You will see how this "balm for the soul" will transform your man in every way.

Don't Forget Sexy Underwear

Is it worth mentioning that a woman should look sexy and attractive to her beloved? Talking about what kind of women you like worthy men in bed, liberated sexy women in beautiful lingerie almost immediately come to mind. How can a woman in worn cotton shorts impress a man? Also keep an eye on the smoothness of the skin - it incredibly excites the stronger sex. It is the tender, velvety skin that awakens in them the subconscious instincts of protectors and rulers.


As we have already said, all representatives of the stronger sex love experiments. True, every married couple, after a few years living together finds himself 1-2 positions in which they are comfortable and convenient to have sex. But on the basis of this there are many divorces with motivation. "We are bored in bed".

And the point is not at all what sophisticated positions men like in bed. The fact is that they constantly need a challenge. Invite your loved one to make love right at a picnic, or in the pool at your friends' dacha.

Love once and for all life is rather a beautiful exception to the harsh rules of polygamy in this life. And marriage for life often comes with painful periods of quarrels, jealousy, betrayal, and often on the verge of divorce.

It often happens that a man, having taken a mistress, after a while leaves the family for her, marries and lives happily until the end of his life with a bunch of kids. But this happens only in cases where a woman has sufficient wisdom to understand how to bind a married man to herself. And in most cases, it is the play on the basic instincts that is extremely important. After all, not all girls are able to properly satisfy the guy physically.

From this article, you will learn how to become a good lover for a married man so that he does not go anywhere else from you.

Before you figure out how you need to act, you should understand what the representative of the stronger sex wants and why he goes from his wife to the left.

The main reasons for cheating are:

  • Problems in the family - lack of sex, comfort, inability to talk about anything with a life partner. In such a situation, any sexual desire, love and desire to return home after work disappear.
  • Polygamy of the opposite sex. In other words, a tendency to change. She either exists or she doesn't. The point is the presence of a gene that is responsible for the risk, as well as how pronounced it is in humans.
  • An ugly wife who does not cause physical desire. In this case, even if everything is fine in the family, there are no quarrels, misunderstandings and other things, the husband will still go to seek affection from another, because her own has simply grown old and swam with fat.
  • Boredom. It seems to be good: the wife is not hysterical, and she cooks deliciously, and the goddess is in bed, but something is missing. In this case, it is very unpleasant for a girl to meet a married man - he is with her only for a change of scenery, some kind of entertainment and risk. If you see that the situation is like this, just don’t get involved or immediately quit when you understand, because your nerves are more expensive.

When you understand what throws a lover into your arms, it's time to decide how to act in order to become an ideal lover for him. It is clear that the representative of the stronger sex needs great sex, but what else to give him? Depends on the situation.

How to be the best

In a situation where a person is polygamous or looking for entertainment the best way will have fun with him for a week and be the first to quit, or even completely abandon such dubious joy. If you understand that a person is coming to you because they feel bad at home and are not expected there, then the task of how to drive such a person crazy is very simple for a smart and competent girl.

Moral aspect

The first thing you need to do is to give him pleasure, not physical, but moral, that is, arrange it so that it is pleasant for him to come to your house.

For this you need:

  1. Keep the place where you meet clean and warm. It doesn't matter if it's your apartment or a temporary one you rent. Come half an hour before the meeting, arrange the candles, cover the bed with a beautiful bedspread, clean the bathroom and put on a shower gel with a delicious smell. It seems to be trifles, but they work perfectly, creating coziness and a feeling that it is pleasant and good to be with you. If you have your own apartment, there is nothing easier than keeping it in exemplary cleanliness, spraying your perfume and thereby evoking a stable association on a subconscious level that where you are is good and comfortable.
  2. Get ready. Even if a guy can afford a daily dinner at an expensive restaurant, there is nothing better than a pie or pasta made by your hands. The way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, and whoever feeds the most delicious food will be ahead. You don't want him to praise you for the chef's cooking, or worse, his wife. Therefore, even if you are not so good at cooking - look on the Internet for some simple recipe for soup or a hearty salad, practice before you cook for your loved one - and your heart will be at your feet.
  3. Be beautiful. Even if you are not 20 for a long time and the figure is no longer so slim and cellulite and wrinkles - you can either fix it, or cover it up, or present it very beautifully. If your lover is training in the gym, and you have excess weight- Ask to walk with him and teach you how to exercise in order to become slim. Such an offer is very flattering to male pride, and besides, you will see each other more often. And if there are no special problems with the figure, then masks, beautiful make-up, chic dresses and shoes on high heels no one has canceled yet - he must want to show you to the world.
  4. No tantrums. Scandals over trifles, winding yourself up, irritation, refusal to have sex - these are common mistakes of wives who forever discourage the stronger sex. Mistresses of a married man should not behave in this way. In order to understand how to communicate and date a married man, look at the speeches of psychologists on the Internet. Especially if the doctor is a representative of the stronger sex, he will tell you well and clearly what line of behavior should be avoided in order to be perfect in such a relationship.
  5. Share hobbies, or at least just listen to conversations. It is very important that a person, coming to you, receives not only physical, but also psychological attention. So the level of comfort, and consequently, affection will be many times higher.

Now that you have understood the principles of a partner’s psychological comfort, figured out how to communicate with a lover on a human level, you should also think about how to be with him in bed correctly, in other words, how to drive you crazy with your body so that he forgets everyone but you.

Sexual aspect

In order to find out what qualities of an ideal lover your soulmate prefers, just ask. Yes, most sexual problems in couples happen due to misunderstandings, understatement and lack of communication and conversations on intimate topics.

Psychologists say that it is more difficult to start sexual relations at a more conscious age.

Everyone has already formed habits and preferences in bed, in addition, people after 30 are less inclined to experiment and they may have unresolved fears, complexes, conflicts with themselves. But this can be turned to good if you just talk about who wants what, who doesn’t like what or who is categorically unpleasant. After that, it is worth discussing the possibility of a compromise and trying something that neither of you has done so far.

But if for some reason you postponed the conversation or it went smoothly and you didn’t learn anything new for yourself - no special wishes or taboos, then here are some universal tips on how to satisfy your lover and make you want intimacy again and again.

  • No failures. Only comic and only in order to awaken even greater desire and better kindle the fire. A mistress at the beginning of a relationship is needed not because of conversations or borscht, but because of passion, sex, pleasure. So never give up. During sex, endorphins are released that relieve pain. If there is no desire, make excite you. Petting, oral sex or even a simple massage is a game that is pleasant to play for both your partner and you.
  • Be relaxed and agree to experiments if they are not a strict taboo for you. Believe me, no one has died from oral sex or striptease yet, and seeing the happy eyes of a loved one is priceless.
  • Don't commodify intimacy. A phrase like "Buy a fur coat, you'll get a blowjob" completely kills all desire, romance and passion. You are not a prostitute - to give yourself up for something. Only if both of you feel good together, if you want physical and moral fusion equally, the relationship will be wonderful, and sex will be divine. If a man does not satisfy you or it is tritely unpleasant for you to be with him in bed - do not suffer and quit.

We hope these tips on how to become a good lover will help you. And remember: patience and work will grind everything.

The explanatory dictionary defines the meaning of the word "lover" as a woman who is in an intimate relationship with a man, but not in an official marriage. Of course, a girl in this position has slightly different requirements than a wife. For example, she may not have outstanding culinary skills, she may not be expected to be deeply involved in serious matters or to be able to carry on highly intellectual conversations. As a rule, it all comes down to passion, which the passion is obliged to constantly kindle and support. So what should be a good lover? Let's look at it from a male point of view, try to uncover all the secrets, figure out how to behave so that his interest does not fade away.

The ideal lover through the eyes of a man

Numerous surveys and studies prove- Sexuality, confidence, the ability to present oneself correctly are most valued in a partner. What other qualities, according to the stronger sex, should an ideal lover have?

  1. Uninhibited in sex. It is not for nothing that I single out this point as the very first. Naturalness, the desire to give and receive pleasure especially strongly attract and fascinate.
  2. Well-groomed and "expensive". A lady in spectacular, beautiful lingerie automatically becomes more attractive and excites the imagination.
  3. Initiative. Remember, no one is interested in inactive ladies. You will quickly understand how to drive your lover crazy, if you yourself offer something unusual, showing that you are trying to diversify the relationship. By trial and error, find out his preferences in intimacy.
  4. Mysterious. No wonder they say that a woman should be a mystery, but in a relationship- intrigue. Periodically arrange a little shake-up for the chosen one - it's useful. But! This does not mean that you need to turn off your phone for a week, ignoring calls. Just try to make him a little jealous and nervous. Such emotional outbursts increase both passion and emotional connection.
  5. Ready for experiments. A woman should support in all endeavors (this also applies to intimacy), and also be ready for new discoveries.
  6. Respect his freedom. Intrusive calls and constant messages will not lead to anything good. A man needs personal space, and touching SMS with questions: “Where are you now?”, And “When will you arrive?” Can only anger.
  7. Focuses on health. Do not neglect contraceptives and regular trips to the gynecologist, because by taking care of your physical condition, you show respect for your lover.
  8. He always remains himself, is not silent if something is not to his liking. A woman should talk about things that bring her pleasure. Silence frightens the partner and he begins to think that he is doing something wrong. Mutual understanding, as well as frank dialogue, are important components of a strong union.

An experienced lover knows that men do not accept commercialism, so she knows how to play in contrast. This is very effective method. The author still shocks gentlemen by not allowing them to pay for themselves. At first, they are at a loss, wondering if they hit a feminist, but then they are happy to ask for a second date, because they realize that she will not require large investments.

These are just the basic qualities that, according to men, the chosen one should have. To understand how to behave properly with a lover, you need to learn how to feel him and be on the same wavelength with him.

Rules of conduct and secrets of the ideal lover

Interested in how to be a good lover for a man? Then take on a few useful rules. By observing them, you can be sure that your loved one will not allow the thought of finding a new object of his desires. Let's sort it out in order. So, the ideal lover:

  • knows exactly what the partner wants;
  • knows how to surprise a lover;
  • gives a lot, does not ask for anything in return;
  • does not behave obsessively, does not control;
  • does not put before a hard choice, testing feelings for strength;
  • does not complain, does not act up;
  • does not put himself above, does not point out shortcomings;
  • knows how to forgive, forgets mistakes;
  • does not teach life;
  • values ​​communication.

Now consider important points relationships from the point of view of psychology and reveal the main secrets of a good lover:

  1. Don't make your partner feel guilty. This is a serious management tool, but not everyone knows how to use it competently. Manipulation often leads to separation.
  2. Don't try to keep him as a child - bad idea.
  3. Don't control. A man wants to feel free, and not account for every step.
  4. Do not arrange a showdown with a lawful wife. Attempts to assert themselves and show that they chose you, can serve as a catalyst for a breakup. Keep in mind that in such a situation you will lose more than you will gain.
  5. Give up tantrums and showdown, because next to you he is just looking for peace and harmony.
  6. To understand how to deal with married lover, remember that sex does not always play a paramount role. For such a partner, you will have to be a psychologist and adviser, listen to complaints about misunderstanding and quarrels with your wife, and provide moral support.
  7. Keep secrets. Happiness loves silence, so it’s not worth trumpeting at every corner about the “forbidden” connection.

In conclusion, I would like to add to all of the above that any woman who is concerned about the question: “How to become a good lover?” Should learn to be more silent and listen, and prefer languid sighs to boring phrases and moralizing. Also, do not forget about well-groomed appearance (stylish hairstyle, lace underwear, stockings, shoes with heels). All this in a set will make you simply irresistible.