
What kind of pension do working pensioners in Russia receive. How is the pension for working pensioners calculated? The minimum pension for working pensioners cannot be lower than the subsistence level How pensions are paid to working pensioners



If we take as a basis the normative acts, namely the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 27, 2007 N
1005-PP (as amended on December 26, 2012) “On approval of the Regulations on the accrual and
payment of monthly compensation payments (additional payments) to pensions and lump-sum
payments made at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow "", then the following is indicated there:

6. Law
for the monthly compensation payment for the pension specified in subparagraph
"a" of paragraph 2 of this Regulation, have citizens receiving a pension
in the city of Moscow (regardless of its type and the authority to which it is paid),
registered in the city of Moscow at the place of residence on the day of applying for
appointment of a monthly compensation payment to the pension, if available
registration in the city of Moscow at the place of residence for at least 10 years in total
complexity (including the time of residence in Moscow, annexed to the city
territory) and falling into the following categories:

a) expired. - Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 29, 2009 N 1462-PP;

b) disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. from among the persons
specified in subparagraphs "a" - "g", "i" of subparagraph 1
paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", regardless of
place of work and position;

c) children receiving a pension in connection with the death of the breadwinner, during the period of work until they reach
18 years of age and older, combining work with study
full-time in educational institutions of all types and types, regardless of
their organizational and legal form (with the exception of institutions of additional
education) - until they complete such training, but no longer than before
reaching the age of 23;

d) pensioners employed in certain positions in educational institutions,
health care, social protection of the population, family and youth policy,
culture, physical culture and sports, the state veterinary service,
libraries (archives), public institutions employment centers,
departments of registration of acts of civil status, financed at the expense of budgets
all levels;

d) expired. - Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 29, 2009 N 1462-PP;

f) pensioners working in organizations of housing and communal services of the city in
positions: janitor; worker for complex cleaning and maintenance of households;
territory cleaner; garbage chute cleaner; office cleaner,
busy cleaning stairwells and public toilets;

g) pensioners working as duty officers at the entrances (concierges, porters)
residential buildings;

h) pensioners working as cloakroom attendants at the Cloakroom Plant OJSC
services", employed in budgetary institutions of healthcare, culture,
education, physical culture and sports;

i) disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as disabled children (under the age of 18) regardless
from the place of work and position;

j) disabled people of the 3rd group, combining work with full-time education in educational
institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form
(with the exception of institutions of additional education), - until they graduate
such training, but not longer than until reaching the age of 23 years;

k) disabled people of the 3rd group working at enterprises that use the labor of disabled people,
interacting with the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and
businesses of the city of Moscow, as well as those located in the city of Moscow
specialized enterprises and organizations of the All-Russian Society of the Blind
(VOS), the All-Russian Society of the Deaf (VOG) and the All-Russian Society of the Disabled
(VOI), regardless of the position held;

l) working invalids due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or the implementation
work to eliminate its consequences, as well as an accident in 1957 at the
"Mayak" and discharges of radioactive waste into the Techa River;

m) working disabled veterans of special risk units, participants
elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986-1990, citizens,
evacuated from the exclusion zone, resettled from the resettlement zone, or
those who have voluntarily left the specified zones after the decision on
evacuation due to the Chernobyl disaster.

7. List of positions (professions), when working in budgetary institutions
education, healthcare, social protection of the population, family and
youth policy, culture, physical culture and sports, state
veterinary service, libraries (archives), public institutions
employment of the population, departments of registration of acts of civil status pensioners
are entitled to receive a monthly compensation payment for retirement (hereinafter referred to as the List of Positions), approved by the Moscow Government.

8. Calculation of the monthly compensation payment to the pension of citizens specified in
subparagraph "d" of paragraph 6 of these Regulations, working in positions
provided for by the List of positions, is carried out if the work takes place in
budgetary institutions located in the city of Moscow or the Moscow region,
regardless of their departmental subordination.

Assignment of a monthly compensation payment to the pension of the persons specified in subparagraphs
"g" - "z" and "l" - "n" of paragraph 6 of this
The provisions are made if the size of their average monthly salary is not
exceeds 20,000 rubles. A certificate from the place of work on the average monthly salary (form 2-NDFL) is submitted by pensioners to the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow at the place where they receive a monthly compensation payment every six months.

So if you fall under the specified norms, then they will pay you, if not, then, accordingly, they will deprive you of the allowance. If they find out (but I didn’t tell you this phrase)!

Every person who reaches retirement age begins to think about what to do when they need to retire. Not everyone will be able to leave work and just enjoy a well-deserved vacation, because very often the size of the pension simply does not allow this. Therefore, many people go to work in order to somehow improve their financial situation.

What are the benefits

  • The most important advantage of a retired worker is the increase in pension points, which continue to accumulate until the person stops working. And also insurance premiums are transferred, due to which pension payments will be recalculated, and, accordingly, they will increase;
  • if a pensioner decided to quit his job, then he can not work for 2 weeks after submitting a letter of resignation;
  • each resident has the right to one more unpaid leave, the duration of which should not exceed 14 calendar days. As for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, they are provided with a vacation of 35 days. Disabled up to 2 months. Each employee can go on vacation at any time of the year, after agreeing the date with the management.

How pensions are assigned and paid to working pensioners in Russia in 2019

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There is a certain formula by which everything can be calculated:


To date, the fixed payment is 4805.11 rubles. This amount will be added to the insurance payment.

Thus, when an elderly person continues to work, he increases his IPC. Accordingly, on August 1 of each year, a recalculation will be carried out, and all points collected for the year will be taken into account. Starting from 2019, each citizen, in 12 months, will be able to collect a maximum of 3 points.

Such a number of coefficients can only be obtained if the official salary is at least 22,000 rubles.

Recalculation of pension payments

The pension increases due to annual indexation, which shows the results of the fall of the ruble on the world market over the past year (inflation). Insurance benefits are indexed in the first quarter, and social benefits at the beginning of the second.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of August, the individual coefficients earned by people for the previous period are also annually recalculated.

The Ministry of Finance predicted a 5.8% fall in the ruble. In this case, the coefficient would be equal to 1.058. Only after the Federal Service published information on consumer prices, it became clear that inflation was at 5.4% in 2019.

Let's look at the indexing of pension payments in the table:

Year Inflation in % for previous years Indexing percentage Indexing factor
2011 8,80% 8,80% 1,088
2012 6,10% 10,65% 1,1065
2013 6,5% 10,12% 1,1012
2014 6,50% 8,31% 1,0831
2015 11,4% 11,4% 1,114
2016 12,90% 4% 1,04
2017 5,4% 5,8% 1,05

How pensions are paid to working pensioners in Russia

Back in 2015, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law abolishing indexing. This happened due to the fact that the country has a very difficult economic situation. In this regard, V.V. Putin decided to at least partially reimburse the planned indexation so as not to infringe on the interests of the people.

Each pensioner will receive a one-time payment of about 5,000 rubles.

According to experts, such a decision can improve the financial and economic situation in the country. The Russian budget will save about 550 billion rubles in 2019 if a one-time payment is introduced instead of indexation.

The State Duma and the Federation Council supported this decision. The Russian Pension Fund was also supported, and here's why. Those citizens who have a low pension, thanks to this payment, will receive more than with indexation, by about 8.5%.

It is worth noting that Ukrainian brethren can only envy the size of pensions in Russia, since there is no talk of indexing there at all. And the size of pension payments is many times lower.

To begin with, it is worth figuring out which citizens are entitled to receive a pension under the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • work experience of at least 8 years, as well as 11.4 pension points;
  • citizens who are incompetent and minors who have lost one of the breadwinners;
  • people who have reached retirement age. For women, the retirement age is 55 years, for men - 60 years. As for civil servants, from 2019 the retirement age will gradually increase. At the moment, for women 55.5 years, for men - 60.5 years;
  • people who have disabilities (disability).

What pensions can a working pensioner count on:

  • civil servants, as well as military pensioners who continue to work, most often in other areas of activity. They are provided with state support;
  • social assistance for disability is given if a person does not have work experience at the time when the allowance is assigned to him;
  • there are also insurance payments based on age or disability. In this case, a pension is paid if a person already has a certain length of service.

Video: Resume Indexing

Will indexing be returned

The most important question for today: - “Will indexing be returned? ". Judging by the latest news, nothing can be said for sure. When deputies from various factions speak on your TV screens, each of them insists that indexing will be returned very soon, and in 2015 it was a necessary measure, since the country's budget was not enough to pay decent benefits to people.

But then the media tells a completely different story. It turns out that there is information that until 2019 the budget of the Russian Federation is not designed to transfer funds for indexing.

Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin commented on this situation in the following way. The Government of the Russian Federation will start discussing this issue when they begin to develop the budget in 2020. Only now, until 2020, the indexation freeze will be extended.

How to apply for an allowance

Only the Pension Fund is responsible for assigning payments.

Where can I apply for registration:

  • any territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • via the Internet on the PFR website;
  • It is also possible through the MFC.

The list of documents that you must provide:

  • application for the appointment of pension payments. You can view or download a sample application here.
  • passport, as well as SNILS;
  • all necessary documents that confirm your work experience (employment book, contracts, etc.);
  • certificate of your income before 2002 for 60 months. This is necessary because the database of the Pension Fund of Russia, most likely, does not have such data.
Submitted documents will be considered for up to 10 days.

The procedure for paying pensions to working pensioners significantly different on how they are produced to non-working citizens. This is expressed, first of all, in the abolition of the annual indexation of pensions for inflation, which is higher in the Government. In addition, the “frozen” cost of a pension point does not allow for a full increase in pensions for working pensioners on time.

According to the plans of the Government, from 2019, insurance pensions in Russia will be indexed above inflation - an average of 1000 rubles. in year, which will be implemented at the expense of the money released from the implementation of the pension reform, which provides for a phased raising the retirement age. However, once again (since 2016) this indexation will not affect working pensioners - there are no plans to carry out such an annual increase for them.

In April 2019, D. Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Labor to work out the issue on “defrosting” indexation for working citizens and submit a financial and economic assessment. The results on this issue must be submitted by July 1, 2019. However, we note that the issue of indexation will be worked out on instructions only disability pensions.

In addition, many Russians are worried about the rumors about the full, which have become more actively distributed on the Internet against the backdrop of changes in the pension system being carried out by the Government.

It should be noted that the decision to cancel pensions for citizens who continue to work cannot be implemented on practice. The right of citizens to an insurance pension, due to or guaranteed by the constitution, therefore, such information, distributed by incompetent sources, is unreliable.

Will there be indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019

No fundamental changes in the pension provision of working pensioners in 2019 not expected- for them, the procedure for paying pensions that was carried out starting from 01/01/2016, when a moratorium on indexation of pensions was introduced, will be preserved.

For working pensioners, the cost and value are “frozen” at the level that was established at the date of retirement or before January 1, 2016. This means that the annual indexation of these values ​​carried out by the Government does not affect the pension provision of working citizens in any way - while they work, their pensions remain at the same level.

The Government does not intend to change this approach, as announced by the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Russia Anton Siluanov during his speech on June 27, 2018 in the Federation Council, expressing the position of the Government on this issue. The head of the Ministry of Finance noted that it is not advisable to change the existing approach, since it is fair for certain reasons:

  1. According to the Government, the real income of pensioners who continue to work, and so growing steadily(even without indexation of pensions). It happens due to high wage growth, which, according to Rosstat, has been observed in recent years and is predicted in the future.

    As an example, the Government notes that only in the first half of 2018 in Russia there is salary increase by 9%. At the same time, the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners in recent years has been carried out at the level of 3-4%.

  2. the amount of pensions paid to him will be recalculated - in accordance with the adopted legislation, from the next month after his dismissal, he will be fully taken into account all missed pension indexations over the years of continuing employment.

Based on this, the Government believes that it is advisable to maintain the approach to the payment of pensions to working citizens, adjusted in 2016, since this fully fits into the plans of the Cabinet of Ministers to ensure high growth rates of incomes of the population: non-working - due to increased indexation, and working - only due to wage growth and various benefits (including) provided for pensioners.

What will happen to the pensions of working pensioners in 2019

Pensions of citizens who continue to work will be increased in 2019 only as a result of recalculation, which is automatically produced by the FIU from August 1. As a result of such a recalculation, an increase in the pension will be assigned, which is determined on the basis of from insurance premiums paid for the past year.

We note a number of features that affect the size of the increase in August 2019:

  1. Paid for the past year of work are taken into account, i.e. in 2019, the generated pension points (IPC) will be taken into account at the expense of insurance premiums paid in 2018.
  2. The number of points taken into account when recalculating limited to three IPCs, i.e. all accumulated points in excess of this value will only be taken into account in the following year (i.e. 2020).
  3. Due to the "freeze" of indexation for working citizens, the cost of one IPC for them is fixed at the level that was set on the date of retirement.

Based on this, in 2019 the pension for working pensioners will be increased only from 01.08.2019., and the maximum amount of the increase will be limited to the value of three pension points - i.e. no more than 244.47 rubles. The earlier a citizen has issued pension payments, the lower the cost of one IPC for him, which means that the increase will be less than 244.47 rubles. No more changes to pensions for working Russians in 2019 not expected.

For comparison

The government will implement at a rate exceeding the rate of inflation, which will allow to increase their size annually on average for 1000 rubles. Thanks to this, by 2024, the national average level of pensions for non-working pensioners is planned to be increased from 14 to 20 thousand rubles.

Since there is a moratorium on indexation for working pensioners, such a significant increase in pensions will not affect them. How, in the Cabinet of Ministers, they believe that it is possible to fully increase the income of working citizens growth in real wages, so they do not need to additionally index payments.

Cancellation of pensions for working pensioners

Question about the abolition of pensions for working pensioners has risen several times, and in connection with the start in 2019 of the proposed by the Government, it began to be discussed even more actively. However, at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights, which took place on July 11, 2018, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Andrey Pudov said that payments to working pensioners not going to cancel. “No, such a plot is not being considered”- said A. Pudov.

On August 11, 2018, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin, at a meeting with residents of the Zavodskoy district of Saratov, stated that the budget of the pension system is in deficit, which generally calls into question the question of the further payment of state pensions. But the speaker of the State Duma stated this, justifying the need for adoption, which would solve the problem of a deficit budget, and, consequently, the issue of further payments to pensioners. Therefore, the statement of V. Volodin cannot be interpreted as a decision to cancel pensions- this is only an indication of the existing problems of the PFR budget.

In Russia, the right to receive a pension in cases provided for by law is enshrined in Art. 39 of the Constitution. Therefore, only the conditions for retirement (for example, retirement age) can be adjusted, but You can't completely cancel pension payments.- this is contrary to the highest legal act of the country.

It should be noted that the issue of abolishing pension payments to working citizens was raised in the Government much earlier. In 2016, the Ministry of Finance already proposed limiting the right to receive a pension to certain categories of working pensioners:

  • Completely abolish pensions for those citizens who have annual income more than 500 thousand rubles.(later it was also reported that this bar was increased to 1 million rubles).
  • Do not pay a fixed payment to the insurance pension (in 2016 it was 4559 rubles), if pensioner's income exceeds 2.5 living wages.

Later, Olga Golodets (who at that time held the position of Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs in the Government) reported that such a bill had actually existed for several years, but it no discussion.


What will be the benefits for working pensioners in 2018 is a topical issue, because the situation concerns 10-15 million citizens of the country. Pensions for working citizens will not be increased - there will be an indexation of payments for other categories. The revision of benefits for working pensioners in 2018 will concern the medical and social spheres. Legislation prescribes norms regarding the calculation of subsidies and other benefits. Learn about the peculiarities of paying pensions to working pensioners - the government does not plan to increase them.

Rights of working pensioners

This social category of citizens has the right to apply for a mortgage loan or use other services of financial institutions at a general rate. There are no restrictions on the position held. A retired veteran has the right to a paid vacation with a free road, accommodation in a sanatorium zone. According to the legislation, the following rights and privileges of pensioners are distinguished:

  1. The minimum pension for working pensioners is not less than the subsistence minimum for the region of residence.
  2. Every person with official employment upon reaching retirement age has the right to continue working, without infringement or restriction of rights.
  3. Servicing of persons of retirement age can be carried out without a queue, if this is enshrined in law.
  4. There is no need to work two weeks after dismissal.
  5. Registration for work is carried out on general rules.

Pension provision

The recalculation of pensions for older people is a hot topic that is being discussed by the government. Since 2016, this category of citizens has received an insurance pension without indexation. Payment under this scheme will continue in the future. The federal budget does not include an indexation procedure until 2020. It is important to note that such a norm is relevant only for recipients of insurance payments (savings through insurance).

With general pension provision and social benefits, a person will be able to count on indexation in 2018. An organization that hires an older person can offer him any amount of wages. The size of the insurance pension remains at the same level, does not decrease, regardless of indexation or inflation. Citizens themselves should arrange their employment - this will help to avoid dismissal for no reason.


The benefits described below are enshrined in national laws, therefore they are relevant for all regions of Russia. No changes are made to the pension certificate when applying for a job. Benefits for people of retirement age who have a job are divided into several categories:

  • social - this concerns the possibility of free travel on public transport, receiving discounts on utility bills;
  • medical - the possibility of a free medical examination, receiving services - treatment (in addition, some categories of medicines are issued free of charge);
  • tax - this category exempts personal income tax (from pension payments received or from other sources of income);
  • pension - determined by the ability to submit an official written or online application to the Pension Fund for a review of the amount of payments for seniority received after retirement;
  • labor - this is the right to receive additional leave, which is required by law.

Legal regulation

The study of the basic legislative norms will help to get acquainted with information on the calculation of pensions, available benefits for this category of citizens. The employment of people of retirement age is regulated by a number of acts. They prescribe the rights and obligations of persons in this category in the areas of health, economics:

  1. Law No. 76 (federal level) - describes the rate of payment of funds for military citizens who were officially formalized upon retirement.
  2. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (including Article 80) - it spells out the rights of pensioners to work and the exclusion of their dismissal without reason.
  3. Articles 217, 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - here are the conditions for deducting tax payments from funds received from the state.

Pension payments to working pensioners in 2018

The Individual Pension Point is the main indicator on the basis of which payments are calculated. Official employment allows you to get up to three points, which affects the pension. According to studies, the pension will not grow in this case, but real wages show an increase of 5-10%. Given the low level of inflation, the real incomes of citizens of retirement age will increase. Disability, the status of a participant in hostilities or the presence of a dependent affect the amount of payments, partially increasing them.

Are there social benefits?

Social surcharges for the specified category of citizens are not allowed. The law only indicates the need for additional payments to persons with earnings less than the subsistence minimum. If we take into account that an aged person receives an official salary (the minimum wage or higher), then with a pension his income will definitely be higher than the subsistence level in the country or region.

Regardless of income level or possession of property, an older person is eligible for supplements if the total income is below the poverty line. For example, the cost of living in Moscow is 14.5 thousand rubles. If the pension is 8-10 thousand rubles, then with an official device, the minimum amount of salary is added. When added together, this gives a figure of 15 thousand rubles, so social surcharges are not due to workers.

Indexation of pensions in 2018

Benefits for working pensioners in 2018 remain at the same level. Earlier, the government planned to index by 3.2% in terms of inflation. The release of part of the federal budget allowed to partially change these plans. The lack of indexation and increases in pensions has already made it possible to leave benefits to pensioners in 2018 of the same size (except for social supplements). For instance:

  • a former military man of retirement age is entitled to additional benefits, bonuses;
  • the pensioner has the right to an additional two-week vacation, however, not paid by the wage-paying employer, without financial support.

tax incentives

Benefits for working pensioners in 2018 in the tax part are not much different from those established for non-working persons. For example, if a citizen sells real estate (be it a garage, a land plot, an apartment or a house) or a vehicle, he can save on paying personal income taxes. The benefit also applies to the purchase of property in the amount of two million rubles or more (this applies not only to the purchase, but also to repairs and insulation).

The pension itself, the cost of outpatient treatment or rest paid for by the state or the employer are completely exempt from taxation. Financial legislation (TC RF, p. 2, art. 387), provides an opportunity to establish separate from federal types of benefits for the elderly on taxes from local government.

Income Tax Exemption

Benefits for working pensioners in 2018 do not provide for exemption from income tax. Cash receipts, income, non-state pensions from various funds, insurance companies, dividends and lottery winnings are subject to taxation. The number of working people of retirement age exceeds 14-15 million, and with their help the state forms a positive (surplus) balance of the fund of funds. Amounts paid in the form of taxes may be partially refunded. On account of the tax refund, you can buy vouchers, pay for sanatorium treatment.

Deduction of personal income tax when buying real estate

Personal income tax is deducted when buying real estate with a value of two million rubles. Financial expertise is not needed to determine the price of an object - everything is described in the documents. Rules:

  1. If the contribution and the total price of the asset are lower than the mentioned amount, then the possibility of deducting personal income tax when buying real estate remains for the future.
  2. To resolve the issue, it is necessary to file a 3-NDFL declaration in the year following the year of obtaining such a right.
  3. Even with a significant duration from the moment of occurrence to the receipt of the deduction, there is no early repayment - regardless of the social group.
  4. The deduction is also relevant if the purchase of the object was made on credit - according to reviews, this is very convenient.

Property tax

No property tax is established for citizens of retirement age who work. In addition to general benefits for paying housing and communal services (HUS) and other simplifications, they have the right to receive an official deduction for property if they officially own it. It is necessary to take a passport and go to the tax office, where the individual is registered. The state institution is obliged to make a deduction on the current pension document. This is true even for credited property (when applying for a consumer loan or mortgage).

Land tax

Land tax is paid for working senior citizens in the same way as in the case of municipal taxes. According to the Tax Code (clause 2, article 387), the economic court of a particular region can issue a decision to prohibit the imposition of tax on land plots of a certain area of ​​the region. So, in Chelyabinsk, an elderly person will pay for the land he owns, but not in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Such tax revenues are classified as local payments. Each administrative part sets its own limits on the area of ​​land plots. If they are exceeded, a person will have to pay land tax, regardless of the situation. The deduction service is relevant for residents of the following regions:

  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Samara;
  • Saratov;
  • Permian;
  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Volgograd.

Transport tax discounts

Transport is the prerogative of the regions, so the level of discount and transport tax is determined by the regional councils. An unemployed person, as well as a disabled elderly citizen, has the right not to pay transport tax in the Krasnodar Territory, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk Regions, St. Petersburg. The preference is partially available for the category of employed persons in the Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The last two areas allow you not to pay the transport tax in full.

Social benefits for pensioners at the regional level in 2018

The regional level establishes special benefits. They are similar in most regions of the country. For example, during the whole calendar year, a preferential category of citizens can travel by public transport without payment. This applies to metro, buses, minibuses. In the metropolitan area, the elderly can get a prosthesis in the jaw free of charge - this helps to maintain a stable standard of living for the elderly. Additionally, a list of medical services is determined in the regions. This is for example:

  • Doctor visit;
  • provision of drugs;
  • medical care;
  • providing medicines for diabetes.

In the medical field

An important section of benefits is preferences in the medical field. They help maintain a stable level of health for the elderly. For example, the law establishes the possibility of a free examination by a doctor of a state hospital in Moscow and in the regions. All seniors receive prescribed prescription drugs at a discount or free of charge from municipal pharmacies. Compensation for medical services is not expected. Qualification does not affect the amount of preferences.

Labor law

The employer is obliged to provide the elderly employee with proper working conditions, the opportunity to go on vacation, to sick leave for treatment. An employee who receives a social benefit from the state does not have the right to work a shorter working day or have an additional day off. According to the accepted social and labor norm, the period of work is not limited and is determined only by the conditions of the enterprise or organization.

It is possible to dismiss such an employee only on the basis of Article 77 of the Labor Code. The salary increase is based on general grounds. The coefficient and pension points (their number) do not affect the conditions of work, dismissal or accrual of vacation days. The reduction is carried out only on an official basis, if there are reasons for this, the same as for ordinary workers.

Regional benefits in 2018

Municipal authorities have the right to establish their own benefits for different social groups. Due to such a tool, it is possible to improve the living conditions of citizens in a particular region. Any elderly person spends an impressive amount on trips to the city from the Moscow region, but after changes in legislation, there will no longer be compensation for travel in public transport. In Moscow, the following benefits are available for working persons of retirement age:

  • lack of payment for garbage collection;
  • incomplete amount of utility bills is paid (part of the funds spent on city communications is compensated by the municipality).

Public transport is regulated by local authorities. Everything depends on investments in infrastructure from the budget. Some cities offer free metro travel. Travel in public transport remains free for all categories of senior citizens who have the appropriate certificate. They do not need to purchase a ticket.

Exceptions may be regional. For example, the Leningrad and Moscow municipalities made changes three years ago to the rules for traveling by public transport. Since then, the elderly residents of these cities have not been entitled to free travel in some modes of transport. Specify the features of the entrance in interregional directions and for urban transportation as of the current moment on the official websites of the administrations of cities and regions.

The real conditions of the legislation allow older people to receive discounts on certain types of housing and communal services, pay a fixed amount for them. This applies only to non-working persons of retirement age who own one piece of real estate. All the rest can only count on partial exemption from payment for services for gasification of the house, heating of residential premises with gas.

Some categories of beneficiaries have a 50% discount on electricity and water bills. These persons include veterans of the Second World War, Veterans of Labor, some groups of disabled people, liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. In Moscow, the Samara region, Krasnoyarsk and a number of other subjects, discounts are provided for paying telephone bills.

Sanatorium-resort rest is not for all categories of citizens. A discount on the purchase of medical drugs is available to many. Regardless of what SNILS a person has and what level of insurance, the legislation provides for financial protection for vulnerable segments of the population. If it is necessary to receive drugs for oncology or diabetes, they will be issued by prescription completely free of charge.

Non-working people with a low pension level can count on a procedure for reimbursement of half the cost of medicines of all categories prescribed by a doctor. Registration of the status of the poor is not necessary for the FIU - regional funds in Russia independently determine such a status. Check with your local fund to see if a particular person (you, your relative or loved one) can get a discount on the purchase of medicines. Many of the benefits described above are not automatically granted upon reaching old age - you will have to apply in writing.

For more information, contact the regional pension fund or call the Russian Pension Fund state hotline. Dental prosthetics are not available to people who work and are retired. For elderly people living in the capital, in the absence of work, it is possible to install dentures at public expense. This ensures an acceptable quality of life for people aged 55 and 60.

Assistance to certain categories of citizens

In 2018, the state offers different conditions for receiving assistance to certain categories of working older people. For example, pensioners with an open status of an individual entrepreneur have practically no benefits - all taxes on their part are paid in full. The status of "Mother Heroine" gives you the same benefits as labor veterans.


Federal law number 76 defines a separate status for a military pensioner. The state provides a number of benefits for working pensioners in 2018:

  • receiving free medical care from state institutions;
  • the opportunity to get a position for work out of turn (we are talking about a civil position);
  • the opportunity to register their children and grandchildren in a kindergarten or school without waiting in line;
  • receiving free housing, if the commission establishes such a need;
  • the opportunity to get a free ticket to a sanatorium where a military pensioner spends rest and treatment.


All categories of persons with disabilities have the right to formal employment. They are required by law to be hired for positions that are suitable for the requirements and working conditions (for example, sitting work). It is possible to provide additional leave to disabled people for up to 60 calendar days / year. If you have a second or higher disability group, you can work up to 35 hours / week without losing your position. Disabled people do not pay transport and land tax, and some medical services are provided to them free of charge.

Labor veterans

Assistance to certain categories of working persons implies the right to receive up to 30 additional days of vacation, in addition to the due 28 days. This is true for labor veterans who continue to officially work. The status must be confirmed by the appropriate order or certificates. The percentage of such citizens from the total number of people of retirement age exceeds the number of participants in the Second World War.


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Elderly people consciously refuse a well-deserved rest and are forced to go to work in order to provide themselves with the necessary products, medicines, and livelihoods. The issue of increasing benefits for all working pensioners in 2018 was raised repeatedly, but State Duma deputies can’t come to a common denominator. Therefore, it is interesting to know whether there will be indexation from January next year, what workers of retirement age can expect, how much their average income will increase.

Who are working pensioners

This category includes citizens who have reached retirement age, but continue their labor activity. They receive both a salary in the company where they are employed, and payments from the budget, which does not contradict the current legislation of the state. Tax deductions and insurance contributions are deducted from the wages of working citizens of retirement age, which lead to an increase in the amount of pension savings and the annual recalculation of pensions.

Among the working citizens receiving compensation from the state include:

  • disabled people;
  • persons who are entitled to labor compensation based on length of service;
  • citizens who have lost their breadwinner;
  • citizens who have reached retirement age;
  • persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities and workers under contracts.

All of the above persons have the right to count on the protection and support of the state. If we talk about the retirement age, then in Russia it has remained unchanged for many years. Women retire at age 60, men at 65. The seniority allowance is received by the military, cosmonauts, civil servants, testers, pilots, medical workers who have worked for the state for more than 20-25 years.

Law on working pensioners

This document regulates the procedure for calculating compensation for those people who, upon reaching retirement age, continue to work. It has many pros and cons. Basic norms of the law:

  • accrual of additives to state payments for the length of service after the pension is issued is not expected (according to the government, this is an inefficient use of budget funds);
  • a new concept of scoring has been formed, tariffs largely depend on this aspect, so the state is trying to stimulate the desire of citizens to work after the retirement age has come (if a person has the right to receive a pension, but does not draw it up, then the legislation takes into account his retirement experience and increases the amount pension payments by 85% or more);
  • the minimum work experience for calculating pension payments is currently 6 years, but in 2025 it will be increased to 15 years, otherwise the benefit will not be accrued;
  • working pensioners who are eligible for state payments are forced to either make their place of employment for the younger generation, or give up their pension, in which case they will receive wages and additional allowances for future compensation from the country.

According to the state, the abolition of compensations to working citizens who are entitled to state benefits will help to reduce the budget deficit by several times and increase the amount of future state payments to the maximum limit. That is, in 2018, citizens who continue to work after reaching retirement age will not receive any allowances, since the recalculation system for them has been cancelled. Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018 is not planned.

Are working retirees paid?

The government of Russia in the conditions of crisis, unstable economy, high inflation, a sharp change in the exchange rate of foreign currency against the ruble, price increases, is constantly reviewing the pension system. Working citizens of retirement age, as before, receive both wages and compensation from the state, consisting of a fixed payment, the amount of which is 3935 rubles, and insurance compensation, its amount depends on the number of points and length of service.

The pension increase in 2018 will be made to everyone who receives payments below the subsistence minimum in the region, whose salary is below 18,000 rubles. In addition, such citizens can count on recalculation. It is produced on demand. In 2018, the state will refuse allowances to those persons whose total salary for the year will be more than 1 million rubles. Today, the average minimum pension is 8,803 rubles.

How the pension is paid

After registration of remuneration from the state, the procedure for receiving it is as follows:

  • the amount due to the person in the planned month is accrued, taking into account the documents of the completed case, including the statements of the person;
  • documents of the Pension Fund are drawn up on the amounts accrued in a certain month for a particular citizen;
  • the accrued compensation is sent to the account of the organization that delivers it;
  • documents of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are sent to the institution delivering state compensation;
  • the accrued amount is delivered directly to the citizen.

A person can receive money in several ways:

  • by delivery at the cash desk of the organization that delivers pensions;
  • by transmission at home;
  • by crediting a certain amount of money to the account of a particular citizen in a bank or credit institution.

Delivery of payments is carried out by organizations of the federal postal service, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, banks and other financial organizations. For their services, they receive payment in the form of a certain percentage of the pension delivered by the recipients. The activities of organizations delivering payments to working pensioners are regulated by the current legislation.

How do the recalculation

To be sure that the PF was not mistaken when calculating and recalculating state compensation, working pensioners must know the calculation formula. Before the amendments to the law, it was simple, but now it is more complicated, since it requires taking into account the level of salary, subsistence minimum, insurance period, etc., so it has become more difficult to calculate the amount of state benefits.

A permanent review of payments is carried out if a person receives additional income from which deductions are made to the PF, this applies to state compensations paid for disability and old age. There are two methods of recalculation:

  • unclaimed (performed once a year by the Pension Fund, it involves automatic adjustment of payments in the direction of increase or decrease);
  • declarative (carried out on the basis of an application that a citizen submits to the PFR department at the place of residence no earlier than a year after the accrual of compensation for disability or old age, the document assumes the cancellation of automatic recalculation).

Pensions in 2018 are also recalculated under the following conditions:

  • upon reaching the age of 80;
  • when changing the disability group;
  • when the number of dependents changes;
  • if a child who has received a survivor's pension also loses a second breadwinner;
  • if a citizen has acquired additional work experience.

Based on the new pension project and a different procedure for calculating old-age pension payments, the Duma deputies made a proposal to cancel the recalculation of compensation for pensioners who work. But the right to recalculation for citizens who continue to work has been preserved. After regular appeals and disputes, the government decided to take into account insurance premiums for working pensioners, but with appropriate restrictions.

Indexation of pensions after dismissal

After a person who continues to work at the onset of retirement age goes on a well-deserved rest, the actual recalculation of state compensation is immediately made for him. If the employer submitted data to the FIU on time, the payment is made within three or more months after the date of dismissal in the following order:

  • subject to leaving the place of employment in July, in August the FIU receives a report indicating that the person is still listed as working;
  • in September, the reporting reflects data, according to which the person is no longer employed;
  • in October, the Pension Fund decides to index the amount of the fixed payment and the insurance pension to this citizen;
  • in November, the Pension Fund begins recalculating payments.

Compensation for the three months during which indexation was carried out is not paid. If a person is employed again, the benefit paid will not be reduced, but will remain at the level of the new recalculation. The return of funds accrued during indexation after dismissal in the event of subsequent employment is not provided. That is, the calculated allowance will not be deducted. The subsequent dismissal of working pensioners from their place of work entails the renewal of the right to indexation.

Retirement News for Working Retirees Today

Pensions in the Russian Federation change three times a year, insurance payments increase in February, social compensations are indexed in April, and additional payments for people who continue to work are recalculated in August. That is, the next increase in pensions for working pensioners in 2018 should be from August 1, but there will be no recalculation in order to save the state budget and reduce its deficit.

Will there be indexing?

State payments are constantly recalculated taking into account the level of inflation for both non-working pensioners and those who continue to work. Pension for working pensioners from January 1, 2018 will not be indexed. Citizens can count on its recalculation only after they quit and go on a well-deserved rest. This also applies to low-income working pensioners. The government is forced to reject all attempts to return indexation due to the difficult economic situation in the country. When improvements come, the issue will be reviewed.

How much will working pensioners lose in 2018

According to official data, this year it is planned to increase state compensations for non-working persons of retirement age by 3.7%. If today the average pension is 13,657 rubles, then in 2018 it will increase by 400 rubles. Working pensioners will not receive any allowances, but their losses will be insignificant. They will be able to accumulate points that will allow them to increase their amount of compensation several times in the future. In 2018, it is planned to increase the monetary value of one point to 81.49 rubles. Points are calculated in proportion to salary.

Will pensions be canceled for working pensioners?

The deputies paid much attention to this issue. After another debate, a decision was made, according to which the abolition of pensions for working pensioners is not expected. Even those citizens whose annual salary exceeds 83,000 rubles will receive monetary compensation. The only limitation is the cancellation of indexing. But if we calculate the difference between payments to unemployed persons and citizens who refused to go on a well-deserved rest, then it is insignificant.

Will there be a 13th payment per year or an additional 5 thousand rubles for the New Year

From January 1, 2018, a bill will come into force, according to which working pensioners will receive a one-time allowance. Its size will be 5 thousand rubles. The payment will be made on an unsolicited basis. All citizens will be able to receive it from January 9 to 27 on the day they receive their monthly allowance. Compensation will be paid according to a special schedule. If, for objective reasons, a person cannot receive it within the specified period, it will be issued later.

How to increase your pension

There are several ways to increase your pension:

  • receive additional insurance experience;
  • refuse state compensation for a certain period of time;
  • submit updated salary statements.

Regardless of which of the described methods is chosen, in order to receive a recalculation of the pension payment, a person will need to contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence, write an application, and attach the relevant documents. If the application is submitted before the 15th day of the current reporting month, the payment will be recalculated from the 1st day of this month, if after the 15th day - from the 1st day of the next reporting month.


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