
How to quickly lose weight for a teenager - a proper diet with a menu for every day and exercises. How to lose weight for a teenage girl How to lose weight at 16 years old


Chips, soda, candy bars - typical school food. Well, meeting with friends is probably customary over a glass of cola and a portion of French fries. And how to lose weight for a teenager with such diet... Scientists have proven that the level of stress in the life of an ordinary schoolchild aged 12-15 is much higher than that of, for example, an average office worker. It is constant mental activity plus a significant emotional background that forces people at this age to choose foods literally “filled” with sugar and constantly have a snack. Low physical activity also plays an important role in gaining weight. School physical education is not designed for everyone, and teachers in this area do not always aim to instill a love of sports. Therefore, “exemption from physical training” is not at all uncommon. Well, 3-4 hours of studying at home plus an evening at the computer or in front of the TV completes the unhealthy picture. To lose weight, you just need to change your regimen to a healthier one.

Dieting and then crashing is not a good idea. Firstly, this tactic will teach you to literally hate proper nutrition and all manipulations with the diet for the sake of losing weight. Well, secondly, in adolescence metabolism has enough speed to do without strict measures and lose weight naturally.

First of all, you need to establish a normal sleep pattern. Sleep 8 hours a day, you still won’t get through all the computer games, and at school you need to learn to set priorities.

Normal sleep allows you to significantly reduce appetite and reduce cravings for sweets. In addition, you must have breakfast. You need protein and some healthy fats to feel full for at least 4 hours after your first meal. Have breakfast with a bowl of porridge with yogurt or a sandwich of grain bread and low-fat cheese. But it’s better to take the fruit with you to school as a snack, and eat it after 3-4 hours.

No matter how busy you are, there must be lunch in your life. If the canteen doesn’t serve anything “normal”, and there are only rolls, you can take with you yogurt without sugar and grain breads, but ideally for lunch you need to eat a portion of meat or fish, plus a vegetable salad, plus a portion of buckwheat, rice or durum wheat pasta. If you really want it, you can eat chocolate around 4 p.m. If you don’t want to, make do with any fruit. Well, for dinner we eat a portion of fish or cottage cheese and some stewed vegetables at home. That's all, such nutrition will help remove fat and give energy for an active life. Well, on the topic of taking vitamins, it is better to consult a doctor, only he can select an adequate complex.

By the way, losing weight quickly is harmful. If you starve, the kilograms will return with “friends”. Therefore, active weight loss must be done wisely. Save weight loss activities for the holidays so there are no distractions. Try to eat according to the diet given above, but for lunch, eat only vegetables and meat, without side dishes. In addition, you will have to play sports. This is not about school physical education. Try to walk for at least an hour or two a day. Well, in addition, choose a new style of dance or swimming, if you like it. Young people can start doing push-ups and pull-ups to get stronger, but it won't hurt girls yoga or Pilates. Sport is a prerequisite for rapid weight loss. If you do an hour or two a day of simple workouts, you will lose weight faster than those who simply diet.

Well, parents of teenagers need to learn that feasible fitness, healthy sleep and proper nutrition are no less important tasks than, for example, entering college or winning a school physics Olympiad.

Useful video on how to lose weight for a teenager

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Girls want to be beautiful and look good from a very young age. The problem of obesity concerns not only adults, but also children and adolescents. Due to severe hormonal imbalances, poor nutrition and lack of physical activity, they very often become overweight.

Features of the teenage body at 11-13 years old

At this age, the first significant changes begin to occur in the child’s body. The teenager grows quickly, his nervous system improves. Character is often formed during this period. Teenagers can be sensitive to any stressful situation. This is due to hormonal imbalance. They categorically do not accept criticism, can be aggressive, and often do not take into account the opinions of their parents.

The lack of a proper nutrition system in the family greatly increases the likelihood of excess weight. If a mother in a family is obese, the likelihood that the children will be the same increases several times.

Poor nutrition leads to the development of many chronic diseases in the future. Such teenagers are more likely to suffer from diabetes, their blood pressure may increase, and serious cardiovascular diseases may occur.

Basics of proper nutrition for weight loss

A diet for a teenage girl should be very different from any of the diets that are suitable for adult women who want to lose weight. The girl's hormonal system has not yet stabilized. From the age of 11, the first chemical hormonal reactions begin to start in the child’s body. The child becomes a woman.

The choice of diet should be based on the basic tenets of proper nutrition.

    Avoid all foods high in sugar. These include carbonated drinks, packaged juices, chemically sweetened yoghurts with various additives. The intake of a huge amount of sugar (glucose) leads to a rapid jump in insulin. This special hormone is needed for the supply of glucose to muscle cells and the brain. They are the ones who need this kind of nutrition first and foremost! Excess insulin causes glucose to be converted into fat.

    Limiting the consumption of fatty, smoked, salty and fried foods. Fatty foods are high in calories, which contributes to the appearance of belly fat. Smoked and salty foods increase appetite. These are the kinds of dishes you can eat several times more. Overeating very quickly leads to obesity. Food fried in oil is very high in calories, and the calories are easily deposited on the thighs and buttocks.

    You should eat food at least four times a day. Ideal for a teenage girl would be five meals a day: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. This regimen will help avoid possible overeating. Be sure to control the amount of food you eat. It is very good if it does not exceed 250 - 300 g.

    For second breakfast and afternoon snack It is better to give preference to fruits, nuts or dairy products.

  • Be sure to eat berries and fruits. They are rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for active growth. Berries and fruits always give the body what it so badly needs (especially in the spring-summer season). In winter, you can eat frozen foods. When properly frozen, all vitamins and beneficial properties are perfectly preserved.
  • Drink enough clean water. It cannot be replaced with sweet drinks! After them you usually want to drink much more. This is due to excessive intake of glucose, which provokes thirst.

What products are best to put on the menu?

A teenager's diet should be harmonious. You can create a menu at home. If your weight exceeds 80 kg, it is better to seek help from a specialist. After a full examination, the nutritionist will prepare a proper diet for the girl for several weeks in advance. During treatment, he will control everything and monitor the process.

You cannot lose 10 kg in a week. After such diets, the results obtained disappear very quickly. All the kilograms are gained again, taking on a dozen new ones. For physiological weight loss, doctors offer diets that reduce weight by 500-600 g per week.

A teenager’s diet should include high-quality products, preferably without various chemical additives. Poultry, fish and seafood are the main proteins that are needed on the table every day. Protein is the building material for all cells of the body. Without it, normal growth and development of a young body is impossible.

Dairy products- an important component of the nutrition of teenage girls. Fresh curds, yoghurts and kefir must be included in the diet. They have a lot of protein and calcium. The latter is necessary to strengthen bones and nails. Calcium deficiency often leads to the development of dental caries.

Porridge, durum wheat pasta- the second basic components of any healthy eating pyramid. Carbohydrates in teenage nutrition should account for up to 50% of all food that enters the body during the day. Regularly eating porridge for breakfast helps maintain a feeling of fullness, which means that you won’t want to eat something harmful and high-calorie in a hurry.

Fats are also essential in our diet. They enrich the body with sufficient energy. It is better to give preference to healthy vegetable fats.

Girls are recommended to eat 1-2 avocados per week. This tropical plant contains a huge amount of vitamin E. After eating it, nails grow faster, hair becomes fluffy and shiny, and the skin is cleared of acne and other inflammations.

Vegetable salads should be seasoned with vegetable oil. Olive oil has a very remarkable composition; girls should definitely include it in their diet. Nuts are an excellent source of healthy fats. They should be consumed in small quantities. They are very useful for the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

What products do not add beauty and health?

Abuse of fast food and junk food (from English junk meal - junk food) leads to rapid obesity. The thighs, stomach and buttocks quickly become fat. The figure takes on a blurry outline. It is especially dangerous that such food is highly addictive.

Any fatty food that is high in calories is very tasty. The receptors on the tongue get used to it and remember the taste. After eating such food, a large amount of joy hormones - endorphins - are released in the brain. When a girl stops eating fast food, the brain persistently demands it, and this happens again and again. It is important to understand here that it is not the body asking for it, but just a strengthened old habit manifesting itself. A reflex that needs to be eliminated. Proper nutrition for several months eliminates bad habits that led to obesity.

How does physical activity help?

Burning excess fat is a difficult task (especially in cases where its amount in the body is exceeded). Proper nutrition alone is not enough. In this case, physical exercise comes to the rescue. People who find it difficult to force themselves to exercise can choose their usual morning exercises.

Several stages of training can be distinguished (depending on the level of initial physical fitness).


If you have never played sports before, this is where you should start. You can choose exercises yourself. Be sure to warm up your muscles before performing exercises. It is recommended to walk or run briskly for 15 minutes.

In the warm season, it is better to go outside and take a quick walk. This exercise is called cardio exercise. It allows the body to quickly warm up and starts the metabolic process. After cardio exercise, you should do several exercises for the abdominal muscles or legs. It is better to do exercises before breakfast.

Visiting sports sections

This is a great way to combine physical activity with positive emotions. The main thing is to find a sporting activity you like. Choose what you like best! Swimming, running or basketball are equally good. The main thing is that after training you feel a charge of vigor and good mood!


Teenagers with good physical fitness can engage in professional sports. Such activities strengthen the immune system, make the child more resistant to stressful situations, develop endurance and strengthen character.

When planning to make a decision to engage in professional sports, it is recommended to undergo examination by a doctor. He will identify hidden contraindications and be able to tell which sport will be more beneficial for the child.

A girl’s health needs to be protected from a very early age. A balanced diet and regular exercise will help you lose excess weight. Proper nutrition will allow you to increase and preserve your beauty for many years!

Teenage obesity has long been a global problem.

Why is this happening? And what to do if a child is at risk of obesity? The weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” will tell you about this today.

Doctors are sounding the alarm - the number of obese children has been increasing in recent years. And the point is not that being fat is ugly - being overweight poses a real threat to a child’s health.

This is especially dangerous at the age of 13, when puberty occurs. A teenager is actively growing, hormonal changes occur in his body, which means his appetite increases, and as a result, excess weight appears, which can remain with him into adulthood.

That is why it is very important to help a child at this age get rid of excess weight. About how you can lose weight at 13 years old, the site will tell you.

How to lose weight for a 13 year old child: the reason for being overweight

Any child is part of a system that makes up his entire family.

And the younger he is, the more dependent he is on his parents’ habits, including food habits. If parents run off to work without having breakfast, then, as a rule, their children do the same.

The whole family is used to having a late dinner in front of the TV, and also loves fried foods? And why are you surprised when you look at the scales on which your child is standing?

This is how children, looking at adults, acquire a harmful eating pattern. They learn to live by repeating after you. And when a child at school buys chips instead of porridge, before scolding him, think about it - what are you eating? Is it always only what is useful?

If you think that your child needs to lose weight, then know that he cannot cope with this problem alone; at this age he is not yet independent enough. Help him, start with yourself and walk this path together.

How to lose weight for a 13-year-old teenager: the dangers of being overweight

Excess weight adds stress to a teenager's still unformed body and can cause serious illness.

An overweight child is at risk for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the joints and spine;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas.

And another important point: being overweight makes a child complex, lowers self-esteem, prevents him from making friends and plunges him into depression. And these are psychological problems that will prevent him from adapting normally in adulthood.

The most important tip: no strict diets! A young body needs a balanced diet: vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins - everything that is a source of energy in food.

Proceed according to this scheme:

  • daily physical activity;
  • a complete ban on chips, soda, fast food, baked goods and candy;
  • we say “no” to fried potatoes and replace them with mashed potatoes (but without milk and butter);
  • start the morning with porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), no sandwiches with sweet tea;
  • eat fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • dinner 3 hours before bedtime and only protein foods on the menu (meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fish);

Teach your child to drink plain water (1.5 liters) throughout the day and eat often, but in small portions.
By following these simple tips, after some time you will see how your child’s figure will change for the better, and with it his character.

What should a 13 year old girl do to lose weight?

This is the age when a girl goes through the first stages of growing up. She looks in the mirror more and more often, and if it seems to her that her figure is far from ideal, then she chooses the only way out, as it seems to her - a diet.

But just at this age, any diet is contraindicated. Explain to the girl that the body grows and develops, which means it needs a lot of calories.

Limiting calories in food can lead not only to poor health, but also to health problems.

And if you want your 13-year-old daughter to lose weight, then there can only be one answer: physical activity, proper nutrition and no diets! You can dance, walk the dog, swim, ride a bike, in a word, do everything that is much more interesting and enjoyable than sitting hungry and sad near an empty plate. You just need to choose for the girl the activity that she likes most.

How to lose weight for a 13 year old boy

A 13-year-old boy is no less concerned about his figure than a girl. It is very unpleasant and humiliating when classmates laugh and call you “fat trust”.

What can you advise a boy? The same as for a girl, but instead of dancing, more serious sports, for example: running, swimming, wrestling and, of course, daily morning exercises. The ideal option is when the whole family engages in physical education, so parents set an example of the correct approach to the difficult problem of their child. It is important to let him know that he is not alone and, if desired, everything can be fixed.

Now you know how to lose weight for a 12-year-old boy, and how to help him with this, unless, of course, the weight gain is caused by hormonal disorders. In this case, there is only one way out - see a doctor, undergo a full examination and course of treatment.

If your child follows the plan you made for several days, eats healthy food and gradually loses weight, then you definitely need to encourage him: take him to the cinema, bowling, water park, etc. When he develops the habit of healthy eating and lifestyle, then the achieved result will last for many years.

How to lose weight for a teenager is a problem that requires a meaningful and competent approach. The seriousness of the issue lies in the fact that the body of young people has not yet fully formed and it is during this period that the physical foundation for life is laid.

In addition, the emotions of adolescents during puberty are exaggerated, which can lead to excessive experiments with their figure and cause irreparable harm to health.

How to lose weight without dieting for a teenager

Not every diet is beneficial to a person, especially when it comes to teenagers. Adhering to strict dietary restrictions puts stress on the body, and hormonal changes may occur, so the choice of such a weight loss measure should be approached carefully.

How can a teenager lose weight without dieting:

  • healthy sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • regular nutritious meals 3-4 times a day;
  • consumption of fruits and vegetables;
  • reducing the consumption of fatty foods, baked goods, fast food, carbonated drinks;
  • exercise 2-3 times a week.

How can a teenage girl lose weight?

To choose the right weight loss plan for a girl, you should determine the main reason for gaining kilograms. This may be a hormonal change in the body, in which case it is recommended to consult a doctor to select weight adjustment methods.

If there are no health problems, then the following routine will help the girl to slim her figure:

  1. Nutrition:
  • in the morning – low-fat dairy products, oatmeal, fruit, green tea;
  • lunch - boiled rabbit, poultry, veal meat, vegetables, a side dish of cereals, vegetable soups and baked goods are allowed in limited quantities;
  • dinner - boiled fish or steamed cutlets, assorted vegetables, side dish, berries;
  • In the intervals between main meals, snacks with fruits and dried fruits in small quantities are recommended.
  1. Physical activity: aerobic exercise or swimming two to three times a week, daily morning exercises.
  2. Taking a complex of vitamins for a growing body.
  3. Walks in the open air.

How to lose weight for a teenage boy

During the weight loss period, the regimen for a boy is the same as for a girl. The only difference is the choice of type of physical activity.

For a growing man, team sports such as badminton, football, hockey, and basketball are suitable. In addition to losing weight, such activities stimulate the boy’s spirit of competition and teach the principles of teamwork.

How to lose weight in a week for a teenager

It is very difficult to achieve significant weight loss in a week. In such a short period, it would be rational to lose no more than 2 kg without harm to health.

How to lose weight quickly for a teenager:

  • Completely eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet, including chips, fast food, carbonated drinks, sweets, cakes, pastries, and candies.
  • Dedicate 1-2 hours to physical activity every day, but do not overdo it.
  • Walk in the fresh air for at least an hour a day, devote 8-9 hours to sleep.

How to lose belly fat for a teenager

There are special exercises for a thin waist, flat stomach and lack of sides.

  1. Sit on a chair or sofa, raise your legs straight so that they hang above the floor, raise and lower 20 times. At the same time, a load is felt on the abdominal muscles.
  2. Lie on the floor, place your legs straight on a chair or bed, hands behind your head. In this position, lift your shoulders and part of your body off the floor 20-30 times.

Such exercises will be effective if they are performed 3-4 times every day.

How to lose weight in thighs for a teenager

The best way to deal with extra pounds in the hips and legs is sports badminton. In one hour of training, a person runs a total of 5-6 km and loses up to 2 kg of weight.

The problem of excess weight in adolescence continues to spread. Obesity is a pathology with dangerous consequences (for example, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases). In modern society, it is rapidly gaining momentum, acquiring the unspoken status of an “epidemic”.

Considering the relevance of teenage obesity, already at the age of 10-13 it is worth thinking about proper weight loss if there are indications for this. After reaching 14-15 years of age, hormonal changes in the body occur. Losing weight becomes harder, takes longer, and the problem may linger, causing additional stress.

The problem of excess weight among adolescents is very relevant; to solve it, first of all, it is necessary to reconsider the child’s nutrition

Causes of excess weight and obesity in children over 10 years of age

  1. Poor nutrition. It consists of consuming more calories than the body has time to burn. As a rule, this happens with the systematic consumption of junk food.
  2. Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle is now typical for many teenage children. This is due to the abundance of gadgets and communication on social networks instead of active recreation with friends on the street.
  3. Hormonal reasons. These include both hormonal changes during adolescence and diseases of the endocrine system. Disorders of the endocrine glands often provoke obesity.
  4. Heredity. It has been proven that if one of the parents is overweight, the risk of obesity in a teenager increases to 40%, and if both parents have the problem - up to 80%.
  5. Yatsenko-Cushing syndrome. With this pathology, the level of corticosteroid hormones increases, and hyperinsulinism occurs. Due to this, appetite increases and the process of fat deposition accelerates.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To exclude this factor, it is necessary to diagnose the gastrointestinal tract, because a malfunction of any of them leads to problems with metabolism.

There are many reasons that provoke the development of obesity in a child; and before you start fighting excess weight, you should consult with a qualified nutritionist

A sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes, excessive and unhealthy diet, stress - these harmful factors are increasingly relevant these days. Just 10 years ago, the causes of adolescent obesity were most often other factors: genetic predisposition or endocrine diseases.

However, the cause of the pathology is individual for each teenager, and it should be identified as quickly as possible. You need to start losing weight by taking measures aimed at eliminating the main factor causing excess weight.

How to quickly lose weight for a girl and a boy?

When faced with the problem of teenage obesity, parents strive to quickly and effectively help their child lose excess weight. Of course, you will want to get rid of this trouble as quickly as possible, because ridicule from peers aggravates the process and hits the teenage psyche.

There are many tips on how to lose weight for a boy or girl from 10 to 16 years old. In the initial stages of obesity, you can fight excess weight at home (more details in the article:). In any case, it is important to contact a nutritionist to draw up an individual schedule, taking into account all the nuances. However, with the right approach, you can lose excess weight quickly (even in a week) and without harmful consequences at home.

Nutritional features and sample menu

It is worth noting that a girl or boy from 11-12 to 16 years old, even if obese, is prohibited from fasting and exhausting fasting days.

Be careful when using folk remedies for quick weight loss. In order to lose extra 5-10 kg, you will need good self-discipline in nutrition and lifestyle.

It is during the period from 12 to 16 years that intensive growth and development of the body occurs. Limiting food is dangerous for a child’s health, even if you want to lose weight as quickly as possible. You should reduce food portions, choose healthy foods, and divide meals into 4-6 times a day. At least 2 hours before bedtime, you should completely abstain from food.

From your diet, try to exclude as much as possible foods that are harmful to your health and figure:

  • bakery products;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • fried, smoked and fatty foods;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • energy drinks, carbonated drinks and packaged juices.

It is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates as the first and main meal.

Diet is an effective way to combat excess weight. However, for children 11-13 years old it should be used gradually and with caution, only after consultation with a pediatrician. If you feel unwell while following the dietary recommendations, you must return to your normal diet. There are a lot of variations of the children's dietary menu for the week. Usually, a nutritionist selects different diets for a boy and a girl, taking into account individual characteristics and the amount of extra pounds (sometimes more than 10 kg).

  • For breakfast, casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal or corn porridge are suitable;
  • For lunch, children are recommended to eat lean meat - boiled veal / chicken / turkey, stewed vegetables, light puree soups, eggs;
  • For dinner, low-fat cottage cheese, baked fish (optional), and vegetable salad are recommended.
  • Don’t forget to “dilute” your main meals with healthy snacks – low-fat kefir, green apples, fresh juices.

One of the sample menu options for a teenage diet day:

  • – 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with honey, a soft-boiled egg and a cup of tea without sugar;
  • lunch – lean soup, 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, egg;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir / fermented baked milk, an apple;
  • dinner - baked low-fat fish and light vegetable salad.

Drinking regime

In order for a child to effectively lose weight, it is necessary to maintain the balance of water in the body. The amount of fluid consumed should be increased to 1.5-2 liters per day in order to improve metabolism. This technique also gives the body a deceptive feeling of satiety and fullness. Water perfectly removes toxins and digestive products.

Mineral still and spring water are suitable for these purposes. Tea, soda, and packaged juices are not considered healthy liquids. It is advisable to completely eliminate harmful sweet carbonated drinks from your diet, as well as juices with a high sugar content. Low-fat milk, kefir and green tea are suitable.

The child must be taught to drink plenty of water.

Set of exercises

Typically, teenagers during periods of exacerbation of the problem of excess weight want to lose weight up to 10 kg in a week at all costs, and by any means. It is difficult to convey to children of this age that the process of losing weight should occur systematically and comprehensively. In this case, it is important not only to follow a diet, but also to perform useful physical exercises.

You should exercise at least 2-3 times a week, devoting 30-60 minutes to training. A teenager’s physical activity should be encouraged by helping to enroll in the desired sections. Exhausting exercises are harmful, because it is difficult for the body to fight extra pounds. Exercise routines vary for each child and depend on a number of factors. The types, duration and number of approaches differ.

Simple effective exercises for any gender and age:

  • squats (for legs and buttocks);
  • crunches and presses (for the abs);
  • visiting a sports or dance section;
  • gymnastics or swimming for the purpose of general strengthening of the body;
  • walking in the morning and evening lasting at least half an hour.

Pills and teas for weight loss

When asked whether tablets or teas can be used for weight loss by teenagers, the answer is clear - no. Wraps and electrical equipment are prohibited. Medicines are prescribed exclusively by a doctor for vital indications.

It is necessary to resort to drug therapy only in extremely severe cases, in the presence of concomitant diseases. Most drugs in this group are prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age. Treatment with special prescription tablets is possible only in cases of 3rd degree obesity. Typically, the child is prescribed vitamin supplements and medications containing calcium.

Lifestyle, healthy sleep and child motivation

Sleep is the main source of energy, so teenagers need to go to bed no later than 11 p.m. The duration of sleep for full recovery of the body is at least 8 hours. To successfully and effectively achieve your goal, you should follow the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle:

  • maintain the correct daily routine and nutrition;
  • perform physical exercises;
  • actively spend your leisure time, often be in the fresh air;
  • Be sure to motivate yourself to achieve a positive result (for example, by changing your image or a long-awaited trip).