
How to make beautiful Easter eggs with your own hands. DIY Easter eggs - how to make and how to paint. Step-by-step instructions for decorating eggs for Easter with your children

Pathologies of the uterus

Since ancient times, there has been a tradition of painting eggs for Easter. The first thing you need to eat on Easter is a painted egg. By the way, you can not only eat them, but also exchange them with acquaintances and strangers, relatives and just friends with the words “Christ is Risen!”, in response you will hear “Truly He is Risen!”.

Eggs are usually painted on Maundy Thursday - it precedes Easter Sunday - as well as on Maundy Friday and Maundy Saturday. It is on these days that Easter is also celebrated and Easter cakes are prepared. There are many ways to decorate eggs for Easter. Among them we can distinguish both modern and traditional. We will tell you about some of them. Let us immediately note that you can decorate whole eggs, or you can make dummies by first removing the contents.

We use stencils

You can paint Easter eggs either entirely or just a separate area of ​​them. In this case, you can use any available materials. For example, leaves from trees and bushes. Or you can use parsley or dill, if available. Place the leaf on the egg in the place where you see fit and press it with a piece of gauze. Tie the material and dip the pre-boiled egg into the desired paint. After a few minutes, you need to take out the egg, remove the “bandage” and lubricate it with vegetable oil so that the egg takes on an even more beautiful appearance. This is how easy it is to make your own Easter table decoration.

Note! Before painting eggs, degrease them so that the paint adheres well. To do this, they are either wiped with alcohol or washed with soap.

If you don’t have plants and suitable leaves on hand, you can use regular tape, adhesive-backed paper, or even electrical tape. We cut the sticky material into different lengths and glue them onto the pre-boiled eggs. Then we dip them in the dye, take them out, remove the adhesive material and you're done! Ideas can be seen in the photo. And you can even cut out various Easter figures on wide tape.

You can make interesting decorated eggs using regular rubber bands. This method is very easy and can be done with children. In a chaotic manner, we wrap any number of rubber bands around the egg and paint it. As soon as the paint dries, remove the rubber bands.

And of course, you can use various stencils that you can find in the store. The drawing can be applied with acrylic paints. If you don’t have special paints, then don’t worry. You can take ordinary markers or felt-tip pens.

Onion peel

And now about the traditional method - onion skins. This method will require not only eggs with onion peels, but also rice, a pair of rubber bands and a piece of gauze. We wet the egg in water, pour rice onto a plate and roll the egg in the cereal so that it sticks to it. Carefully fix the rice grains on the egg using gauze, and tie the ends with rubber bands. We brew the husk and cook the eggs in it. After boiling, the eggs should be cooled and the cheesecloth and rice should be removed. The result will be a very interesting pattern.

In a similar way, you can make an interesting color similar to marble. To create this effect, you will need onion peels, a tablespoon of salt, a bottle of brilliant green, water and vegetable oil. First, wet eggs are rolled in onion peels, then secured with gauze or a piece of nylon. Pour water into the pan, add brilliant green and salt (you need to make sure that the water covers the eggs), cook the eggs until tender, then rinse. The finished eggs are rubbed with sunflower oil.

For craftswomen

Using the same markers and felt-tip pens, you can draw Easter scenes and flowers. And if you have a cute assistant - a child - then you can draw funny faces, emoticons or animals with him. By the way, boiled and unrefrigerated eggs can be colored using wax crayons. Apply the design layer by layer, allowing the previous layer to dry for 2-4 minutes. It is advisable to place the egg to be painted on a stand so that the drawing does not become smudged. After coloring, let the egg cool and rub it with vegetable oil on top.

Note! You can use felt-tip pens if the egg will be used exclusively for ritual purposes, because the dyes in felt-tip pens are not food grade. But if you use a mixture of gouache and PVA glue, you will get an edible egg, because the dye does not penetrate inside, but remains only on the shell.

If you are familiar with the technique of quilling or decoupage, then you can use it to decorate Easter eggs. It's simple: select napkins with a suitable theme and stick them on the shell, following the usual technology. Or you create various quilling figures, which you then need to glue onto eggs painted with food coloring.

However, you can use any available means to decorate eggs. Very beautiful Easter eggs are made by covering the shells with multi-colored cereals, beans, buttons, even broken eggshells can be used.

You can make “cases” for eggs from regular yarn by knitting beautiful multi-colored or lace patterns. If you have enough time, you can weave “cases” from beads. This is a rather painstaking task, but in this case the eggs will be almost as beautiful as the famous Faberge eggs.

An interesting effect can be achieved using a regular toothbrush. It is advisable to use food coloring or paint. First you need to boil the egg and cool it in any way. Then take a toothbrush, dip it a little in the container with paints and spray it on the egg.

Note! Be careful with paints! To prevent drops from falling on kitchen surfaces, you can first cover them with old newspapers or film.

Silk patterns

Another interesting way to dye eggs is natural silk. Mixed fabrics are not allowed, silk must be 100%. To paint an egg in this way, you need to wrap the egg in a silk cloth, put a white cloth on top, secure it with wire and send the egg to cook. You need to cook for at least 20 minutes, or better yet 25. Then remove the cloth, let the egg dry and brush with vegetable oil. With this method of coloring, do not cool the eggs in water, as the colors may become faded.

Note! If there is no suitable fabric, then you can use simple cotton knitting or sewing threads. You need to take several different colors of threads and wind them randomly. And then everything is exactly the same as when decorating an Easter egg with silk.

Natural dyes

Natural dyes are beets and turmeric. Dyeing eggs with these products doesn't require much effort. First you need to boil the beets, and then boil the eggs in the beet juice. But with turmeric everything is a little different. You need to bring lightly salted water to a boil (salt will better retain the color on the eggs) and stir a few tablespoons of turmeric into it. The color should be deep yellow. That's all. It remains to boil the eggs in this water, remove them and dry them. For shine, you can rub Easter symbols with vegetable oil.

To color white eggs blue, you need to first boil the leaves of red cabbage, and then boil the eggs in this water. To fix the color, you can add a few teaspoons of vinegar to the water. If you want to get a rich brown color, you can use ground or instant coffee. Tea will cope with this task a little worse, but it must be brewed very strongly.

You can decorate eggs with confectionery peas, which are sprinkled on Easter cakes. To do this, boil the eggs and cool, and then use a thin brush to apply PVA glue in an intricate pattern and dip the egg into a cup with confectionery decorations. Then let the glue dry for 30 minutes.

In order for the eggs to color well and evenly, you need to be able to select them. The walls of the eggs should be as smooth as possible, without roughness. Brown eggs color better. White eggs can only be dyed blue with red cabbage, red with beets, and brown with coffee or strong tea.

Note! You should not keep the eggs in the dyeing water for too long, as it can penetrate and stain the white itself. There is nothing wrong with this, but the aesthetic appearance will suffer a little.


There is another interesting way to color eggs, but it is better to use it on empty shells - this is painting eggs with nail polish:

And this video shows how to dye eggs with threads:


On the eve of the Easter holiday, every home prepares for this important and joyful event. So, during Holy Week they are engaged in cleaning the home, doing laundry, preparing a festive menu and purchasing groceries. According to tradition, it is customary to paint Easter eggs and bake Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday - in the evening, when all the work is done and everything is in order. Of course, on such a day the housewife has a lot to worry about, so painting eggs for Easter can be done on Good Friday or Holy Saturday. So, what and how to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands? There are many traditional and modern ways to decorate eggs, using any available materials. In this case, you can use either an ordinary chicken egg or a blank made of foam or plastic as a base. We tried to put together simple master classes with step-by-step photos and videos on decorating Easter eggs at home - such lessons are perfect for both children and adults. How to beautifully decorate eggs for Easter using the Decoupage technique? We offer you to master an interesting master class on decorating this Easter symbol with patterns from napkins. Let our ideas help you please your loved ones on the Bright Holiday of Easter with unusual and beautiful handmade eggs.

How to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands at home - master class with step-by-step photos

Painted eggs are a traditional symbol of Easter and an obligatory attribute on every holiday table. To prepare “plain” dyes, just boil chicken eggs in water with the addition of onion peels, beet juice or other natural dye. How to decorate eggs in an original way for Easter? Today we will master a master class that is simple to genius with step-by-step photos on creating “marble” Easter eggs. At home, you can easily achieve such a stunningly beautiful decorative effect, pleasantly surprising your family and guests with original eggs for Easter.

Necessary materials for decorating Easter eggs

  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • onion peel
  • gauze
  • brilliant green – 1 – 2 bubbles
  • water –2 l

Step-by-step description of a master class on decorating eggs for Easter, with photos

  1. To paint eggs we will need two spacious, wide plates. Pour the onion peel into one plate, after finely rubbing it in your palms. Fill another container with water. We take a raw chicken egg, dip it in water, and then carefully “pump it out” in chopped onion peels.
  2. Now we wrap the egg with the adhering onion peel tightly in a layer of gauze, the ends of which we gather together and tie with thread. Excess gauze can be trimmed with scissors.
  3. We perform similar manipulations with all the eggs prepared for Easter. Place a pan of water on the fire, place the eggs there and boil for about 10 minutes. Then pour the green stuff into the eggs, stir and leave for a while.
  4. We wash the boiled eggs under cold running water and remove the gauze.
  5. Rub the finished “marbled” eggs with vegetable oil to give a spectacular shine. Now you know how to beautifully decorate eggs for Easter at home, using simple and affordable materials and tools. Christ is risen!

How to decorate eggs with your own hands for Easter with patterns from napkins using the Decoupage technique - an interesting master class with step-by-step photos

Translated from French, “decoupage” means “to cut out.” The essence of this technique is to glue a design previously cut out of a napkin or thin paper to the surface of an object. As a result, an item decorated using the Decoupage technique acquires uniqueness and style - be it a table, chest of drawers, bottle, Christmas tree decoration or Easter egg. How to decorate eggs with your own hands for Easter using the Decoupage technique? Before the Bright Holiday of Easter, we offer you to take an interesting master class with photos on decorating Easter eggs with patterns from napkins - all the secrets of this elegant type of applied art are described here step by step.

List of materials for the master class “Easter egg using decoupage technique”

  • eggs - empty chicken eggs (shells) or foam blanks
  • napkins for decoupage – with patterns
  • PVA glue
  • liquid pearl paint
  • polyethylene file for paper
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions with photos for a master class on decorating an Easter egg using the Decoupage technique

  1. We start by cutting out patterns and ornaments from decoupage napkins.
  2. Now you need to carefully “separate” the topmost layer of the napkin - with the pattern.
  3. Take a plastic file and cut off a small piece. Then we open it in the form of a book and place a drawing cut out of a napkin, moistened with water.
  4. We connect the halves of the “book” again and use our fingers to “squeeze out” the air bubbles from the inside.
  5. Carefully remove one of the films and apply the design to the egg, trying to avoid unevenness and “wrinkles”. Leave the egg alone for a few minutes to allow the moisture to evaporate.

  6. Apply glue to the top of the decorative element using a brush.

  7. After the glue has dried, cover the surface of the egg with a layer of varnish.
  8. Finally, you can decorate the Easter egg with mother-of-pearl “pearls” - it will turn out beautiful and elegant. To decoupage a boiled egg, replace the “inedible” varnish and glue with raw egg white.

How to decorate eggs for Easter 2017 with your own hands - a simple master class for children, with photos

Traditionally, children are given gifts on Easter - candy, cookies and colored eggs. In addition, on the eve of this wonderful event, the children are happy to take part in coloring Easter eggs, creating real creative masterpieces. How to decorate eggs for Easter 2017 with your own hands? For children, we have prepared a simple master class with a photo “Easter egg decor with crepe paper” - as a result, you will get an original souvenir or Easter gift for family and friends.

Stocking up on materials for a master class on decorating Easter eggs

  • eggs - plastic, foam or empty chicken (shell)
  • crepe paper of different colors - orange, blue, green
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • glue

Decorating eggs for Easter 2017 according to a master class with photos step by step

  1. Take a roll of orange paper, cut a strip 3 cm wide (along the direction of the corrugation) and twist it into a tight rope.
  2. Let's start decorating the egg by first placing it in a glass stand. We twist the end of the rope into a spiral, apply a little glue and glue it to the top of the egg. We begin to gradually wrap the egg with a paper rope in the form of a spiral, not forgetting to lubricate the surface with glue. If the tourniquet turns out to be short, use a similar principle to make a second one and cover about 1/3 of the egg.
  3. We cut seven strips measuring 10 x 3 cm from the blue roll (also in the direction of the corrugation line), and then twist each one in the center.
  4. Fold the strips in half and stretch the fold with your fingers - you get a petal. We make six more petals using the same principle.
  5. Lubricate the petals at the base with glue and press them to the surface of the egg. The result is a flower with an orange core and blue petals around it.
  6. To make sepals, you will need green crepe paper, from a roll of which you need to cut strips 3 cm wide and twist them into bundles. We begin gluing the spiral of strands from the bottom of the egg, moving upward. A little patience and you will get an Easter egg in the form of a bright seven-flowered flower. Using corrugated paper you can also make beautiful stands for Easter eggs - beautiful, elegant and surprisingly simple!

How to beautifully and unusually decorate eggs for Easter - a master class for beginners step by step with photos

Easter eggs painted with colored paints can be “presented” in an unusual and interesting “perspective”. So, with the help of a simple step-by-step master class with photos for beginners, eggs for Easter will turn out to be of a variety of colors - we are sure that relatives and guests will appreciate your holiday creativity.

Materials for decorating Easter eggs

  • boiled eggs - lukewarm
  • paints of different colors
  • vinegar

Unusual decor of Easter eggs - step-by-step description of the master class

  1. We take several containers and dilute paints of different colors in each.
  2. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of vinegar in each bowl of paints.
  3. Using a spoon, you need to lower each egg for a while into a separate container with paint. Then remove the eggs and leave to dry on a paper towel.
  4. Now we dip the eggs into another dye - but not completely, but by ½ part. Hold in this position for a minute so that the paint adheres to the surface.
  5. Dry the egg again and dip it in another paint. Thus, you can use several shades of the same color palette or make contrasting combinations. For beginner handicraft cooks, it is quite possible to make such beautiful and unusual eggs for Easter with your own hands.

How to decorate eggs for Easter - original ideas on video

The bright holiday of Easter is just around the corner - it's time to prepare for this joyful event. How and what to decorate eggs for Easter? Our holiday video collection contains many original ideas for decorating Easter eggs!

How to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands at home? Our pages present simple master classes for children and adults with step-by-step photos and videos on decorating Easter eggs - in the “marble” style, the “Decoupage” technique from napkins, crepe paper, and colored paints. By following our recommendations, you will learn how and what to decorate eggs for Easter to make it beautiful and unusual. We are sure that our original ideas will inspire you to create real masterpieces for the upcoming Easter holiday!

Multi-colored eggs are a universal symbol of Easter. The tradition goes back to ancient Mesopotamia. Some cultures today are more interested in buying colored or even chocolate eggs, but let's be honest, decorating them yourself is always more fun!

Luckily, there are endless ways and tons of different materials you can use to create amazing Easter eggs. Flowers, ribbons and even an old tie - anything can be used. We invite visitors to experiment and make the eggs exclusive.

Imagine Christmas without a Christmas tree and Easter without colored eggs. It’s very simple and convenient to buy a few egg stickers, but, you see, Easter is a holiday for the whole family. Just as you have fun decorating a Christmas tree, you can also have fun painting.

In this matter, imagination is limitless. For example, take dyed millet and sprinkle it on an egg that has been previously rubbed with glue. If you're concerned about boiled insides, wasting product, you can use the same concept for artificial eggs made from foam or wood, which are sold at craft stores.

Try your hand at wrapping cotton threads around Styrofoam eggs, decorating with flowers cut from old unwanted items, ribbons or decorative trim. Everything you need for this is at hand: glue, a wooden skewer (to support the egg), and look for unnecessary things in the closets or attic. Patience and imagination to you!

If you are a thrifty housewife or just a rag-weaver, then in your wardrobe you will find a pair of stockings or nylon tights that you wouldn’t mind using for the old but interesting method of dyeing eggs in onion peels.

Place various leaves and flowers on the surface of the egg, wrap it and tie it with a stocking so that the leaves do not fall off during cooking. Cook in boiling onion skins. After removing the so-called cover, you will receive eggs with an exclusive floral design.

Do you think you've seen everything? You are wrong. Some craftsmen stun with the art of decorating Easter eggs with embroidery. When embroidering, use a drill to make holes. The eggs are dipped in sodium silicate liquid, which hardens the shell. Beginners saw an empty egg in half, and after finishing glue it together; more experienced ones sew right through.

A silk tie will turn Easter eggs into fun colors. This method is less messy than buying a set of stickers or getting food coloring all over your kitchen! First you need to find a 100% silk accessory.

You can buy it at a thrift store. A nice tie doesn't necessarily mean the Easter egg will look nice, the uglier and more colorful the material, the brighter and more fun the result will be. Wrap the egg in a piece of cut-out material, tying the ends with string, and cook for 20 minutes with 1/4 cup of white vinegar.

For craftsmen who know how to use a crochet hook, the example of tying eggs will be suitable. Surely, when making a large item, there were pieces of yarn left, from which you can knit clothes with a minimum of time. Your paints will look very creative.

You can buy a special dye in stores and at the market; the eggs turn out bright and cheerful, but by adding a little water to the diluted mixture, you can create different shades. Do not forget that the eggs must be boiled, and when painting, add 1/4 cup of vinegar.

The easiest way to create unique and colorful Easter eggs is with watercolors. Keep in mind that this is not a permanent painting option, it's just fun and you can do some art with the kids.

Don't forget that the paint washes off easily and also gets your hands dirty. Use watercolor pencils to paint over the wet surface of the pre-painted eggs. Rich and soft lines are great for drawing small elements.

Creating beautiful Easter eggs doesn't have to be difficult or impossible, in fact, you don't even have to paint them! Dyes without dye can also look attractive. Throw an Easter party.

Guests are the most important, true reason for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Give everyone a non-toxic marker and let everyone try their artistic creativity.

Ordinary adhesive tape, adhesive tape or tape will help you make beautiful and incomprehensible geometric shapes. Cut into thin strips, glue and dip the egg in dye with the addition of table vinegar.

After drying, remove the film, the result will be amazing. Repeat two (or even three!) times with additional colors, make natural dyes from beets, blueberries, carrot juice or other ingredients.

How do you like this option? Stick any grains, cereals and even small pasta that you have in stock onto the paints. Guaranteed that your Easter eggs will take center stage at the family table.

Another easy way to make your eggs happy. After painting, draw faces on them with a black marker. Remember that dyes can saturate the shell; try to use non-toxic felt-tip pens or markers. Feel free to break away from tradition and let your paints express different emotions.

Using sticky tape, letters, numbers and even words will appear on Easter eggs. Before each new painting, glue a new strip, you will get multi-colored and striped colored eggs. Wipe with a soft cloth with sunflower oil for shine.

An easy way to decorate Easter eggs is with lace to create beautiful and unique designs. In principle, the method is similar to that in which eggs with leaves or flowers glued on are immersed in paint.

You need several scraps of lace, multi-colored dyes and, of course, eggs. Wrap the eggs in a piece of lace, dip them in the dye for four to five minutes, then remove the lace and your Easter egg is ready.

It is very simple to create marble eggs by leaving cracked eggs in steeply brewed tea for 10-15 minutes. Chinese marble eggs, dyed in black tea, soy sauce or a mixture of spices, are a ubiquitous and cheap snack sold in eateries and shops in China.

The tradition of painting Easter eggs with your own hands has a centuries-old history. According to legend, Mary Magdalene, having learned about the resurrection of Christ, appeared in Rome to Emperor Tiberius. According to tradition, the emperor was supposed to give gifts, but since Mary Magdalene had nothing but faith in Jesus, she presented him with an egg with the words “Christ is Risen.”

Be sure to check out these recipes:

The emperor considered that a miraculous resurrection was as impossible as turning a white egg into a red one, but before he could finish his sentence, the egg turned bright red. Since then, the egg has been considered a symbol of the miraculous ascension of Christ to heaven, and with it purification.

At Easter, most Russians paint Easter eggs burgundy by boiling them in onion skins. This is the least expensive and easiest way to follow traditions. But to approach this matter more creatively, many people make a herbarium of leaves and plants in advance. And someone has already grown fresh herbs. Let's see how all this can be used to paint Easter eggs with your own hands.

Beautiful DIY Easter eggs

Painted Easter eggs with onion peels with ornament

There is nothing complicated here. Prepare some greenery, leaves, grass, and even something you carved yourself for decoration. Nylon tights that you don’t wear but wanted to throw away, and a thin rope, or vice versa, a thick thread.

We will glue the leaves and other things to the eggs using paste to make sure they don’t move. This is a universal paste recipe that will come in handy when decorating Easter eggs with your own hands and in other ways.

Preparation of paste: For one glass of water, take one heaped teaspoon of starch. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of cold water and pour a glass of boiling water in a stream, stirring all the time. The white starch should turn transparent and thicken. You can put it on the stove and boil for a couple of minutes.

The paste is ready, it will cool down and you can use it. Starch is a food product; jelly and much more are made from it. Therefore, when using starch paste when decorating Easter eggs, do not be afraid of anything, feel free to use it. Next, when decorating the eggs, where the words will be used: glue, glue, grease with glue. So keep in mind that paste is used here.

I'll give you one more hint: Well, you don’t have starch, or you just don’t want to mess with it, you can lubricate the surface with egg white and glue what you want. But, in this case, your art may come off faster. Because the protein solidifies into a film. In a word, it’s up to you to choose how to glue decorations onto Easter eggs with your own hands.

To color eggs in onion peels with ornaments, we naturally take the onion peel itself and a saucepan. Place the husks in it and fill it with cold water. To boil eggs, it is advisable to salt the water, since it is impossible to see microcracks on the eggs. Such eggs will simply leak out when boiled, but this will not happen in salt water.

Remove the eggs for coloring and boiling from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature. Take an egg, stick a leaf on it, or whatever you have prepared. We cut off a piece of nylon (tights), carefully tighten the egg with the leaf so that it does not wrinkle, and tie it with thread.

We do this with all the eggs, put them in a saucepan and cook as usual for no more than 10 minutes. I cook for 5-7 minutes, then turn it off and leave the eggs in the husk (they will reach it) so that they gain more color. Then we take it out, remove the stocking, wash the eggs and dry them. They are all ready!

By the way, this same process can be done with food coloring. Only the eggs should already be boiled, don’t forget about it.

Coloring Easter eggs with stains and varying intensities

I think this process of coloring eggs is not difficult, but a little more labor-intensive. First boil the eggs. While they are boiling, we dilute different dyes, in different containers, of course. Place boiled eggs in dyes and color them to the color you want.

Take it out and dry it. And add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the container with the dyes. Again, release the eggs into the dye with the addition of oil. We take it out, blot it with paper napkins and at this moment beautiful and unusual stains appear on the eggs.

Another way to color Easter eggs, where the colors will be of different intensities. In containers (preferably in glasses), we dilute food coloring, and add very little water, to begin with. Let go of the boiled egg; only the bottom should be hidden.

Then, as the eggs color, add water all the time. And you get very beautiful stripes, different in color.

And now for those who want to approach the process more creatively, I offer several ideas for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands. To do this, of course, you need to go to the nearest store to purchase what you need. Oh, we'll look for something at home.

Let's go buy paints, brushes, colored paper, permanent markers, multi-colored beads, culinary sprinkles (if you haven't already bought them for Easter cakes). Various interesting stickers for Easter eggs (in the form of eyes, smiles, different faces), multi-colored napkins, colored threads, elastic bands of different widths, tape (if you don’t have it), gold foil.

Decorating Easter eggs using decoupage

For work, as you understand, we will need: hard-boiled eggs (it is highly desirable that they do not crack, since an egg with cracks, you see, somewhat degrades the appearance of the product). Well, we start creating with decoupage. What is decoupage, I think there is no need to explain?

We take the multi-colored napkins we bought, cut out the designs we like and glue them onto the eggs using paste. Here we give free rein to our imagination and create for our own pleasure. Look how beautiful Easter eggs made with your own hands using decoupage look.

To make the napkin hold tighter, you can coat the egg with varnish. But if you eat it, you don’t need to do this. Just keep in mind for the future, if you want to give someone a gift, you can apply clear varnish to the glued napkin.

DIY Easter eggs

This type of art on Easter eggs is suitable for those who love and know how to draw. On the painted egg, first we apply a drawing with a pencil (the subject of the drawing is any), then we take a very thin brush and outline it with paints. Let it dry. And to fix the picture, you can coat it with varnish.

Drawing on Easter eggs with a permanent marker

This type of egg decoration is also more suitable for people who know how to draw. And, I’ll tell you this, it’s not necessary to draw some simple patterns. Draw what you want, the main thing is that you like it.

DIY Easter eggs with patina and gold

Making golden eggs is not difficult. Dilute gold food coloring in water and dip boiled eggs in it. I just think that golden eggs should definitely be on the Easter table. Just like in a fairy tale, the hen laid not an ordinary egg, but a golden one...

To create a patina, boiled eggs are first painted with colored dyes. Then we grease it with paste and wrap it tightly in gold foil. Once dry, unwrap it and rub it over the egg with a brush or nail file, revealing the underlying color in places. It turns out a very beautiful color.

Coloring Easter eggs in an interesting pattern

This will require silk material, or an unnecessary tie that your husband no longer wears and you are about to throw away. Do not hurry! This tie will turn Easter eggs into a real masterpiece. Cut the tie into strips, wrap the egg in the front side, and tie. Place to boil in water with vinegar added.

Cool, untie and you will get this beauty.

Coloring Easter eggs with glitter

Sprinkle glitter on newspaper. Spread the boiled egg with paste and roll in glitter, let dry. And, if you wish, you can draw pictures and sprinkle them with glitter. It looks very nice.

Dyeing Easter eggs using lace

We wrap the boiled egg in lace fabric, tie it, let it soak in dye, take it out, wash it, and dry it.

Easy dyeing of Easter eggs with colored threads

It's quite simple here. Carefully wrap multi-colored threads around the eggs, tie the ends, and boil the eggs in water with the addition of vinegar. Then remove everything, wash the eggs, dry and you're done.

DIY Easter egg coloring using tape

This is also not a difficult option for coloring eggs. With your imagination, everything can be done wonderfully. Cut out squares and strips of different lengths and widths from tape, stick them on the eggs as you like and cook in the husks. Or release it into dyes. In this case, you can make multi-colored eggs by changing the shape of the tape and releasing the egg into a different dye. It will be bright, beautiful and interesting!

Color Easter eggs using rubber bands

Wrap a boiled egg with rubber bands, of different thicknesses, and release them into the dye. Then remove the rubber bands, rinse and dry. It turns out not bad.

Do-it-yourself marbled Easter eggs painting

Here, we will not paint the shell, but the egg itself. So if you have eggs that cracked while boiling, don't despair. Now we will color them. Break the shell with a spoon and pour in strong tea leaves or soy sauce. Let it sit for a while, then peel it, and... voila, you have a marbled and very beautiful egg.

We decorate Easter eggs with our own hands with beads

Pour the beads onto a plate or paper. Lubricate the boiled egg with paste and roll the eggs in beads, let them dry. They look very nice.

Decorating Easter eggs with DIY sprinkles

This is the same as in the previous two options. Pour the culinary topping into bowls, coat the eggs with paste, roll in, and let dry. It’s not difficult, but the eggs look very rich and beautiful.

Decorating Easter eggs with seeds and cereals

This is also a very original way to decorate eggs. You will need whatever cereal you have, peas, rice, lentils, beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, maybe sesame seeds, vermicelli flowers, etc.

Grease the boiled egg with paste and lay out any ornament from cereals and seeds. Let dry. The results are very original, interesting and beautiful eggs. See for yourself.

By the way, eggs can even be colored with colored sugar. The technique is the same as for beads or culinary sprinkles, just coat a boiled egg with paste and roll it in colored sugar. Simple, fast and beautiful!

How to make colored sugar: Take a thick plastic bag or jar, pour sugar into it, add a drop of dye and shake until all the sand is the same color. That's all! And, this sugar can also be used to decorate confectionery products. For example, whipping cream with colored sugar will be beautiful and festive.

Decorate Easter eggs with your own hands using mosaics

The decorating process is not quick or creative, but it is worth it. The eggs turn out amazing. Here you will need eggshells and definitely multi-colored ones. We lay out different, beautiful ornaments from shells of a different color on the painted eggs. Look what beauty you can make. Glue with paste.

Making DIY crafts from Easter eggs

For such crafts, I suggest inviting children and grandchildren to help you, let them help you with their participation. I think they will agree with great pleasure. Boil and color the eggs, prepare everything you need, various stickers, scissors, markers, pencils, colored paper, paste, and let's get started.

We make colorful bunnies. We cut out ears from colored paper, glue or draw them, eyes, a nose, a mouth. Naughty bunnies, ready!

Cute faces with eye and mouth stickers peeking out from the egg cup.

The same cute ones, but you can draw eyes and a mouth.

Folk style stickers are used for these individuals. Cute.

And these cute little animals are made and glued from colored paper. The eyes are drawn.

I think your children and grandchildren will be very pleased with their results. Of course, this is not everything you can think of to decorate eggs with your own hands. But still, quite a lot of ideas. Take, use, decorate eggs, give joy and kindness to your loved ones.

Well, to end my article, I would like to provide a few photographs of natural dyes. This is just in case, so that, as they say, it happens. And for those people who use nothing but natural products to decorate Easter eggs with their own hands. Christ is risen!

1 - Beetroot, 2 - hibiscus tea, 3 - spinach, 4 - chokeberry, 5 - blue cabbage, 6 - turmeric

Easter is the brightest, quietest and most comfortable holiday. There are no noisy, incendiary parties on Easter; it should be spent at home, with your family, next to your loved ones. And in order to create the mood of a bright holiday and please loved ones, especially children, on Easter it is customary to prepare special Easter dishes and paint eggs. Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands is a great way to have fun. the site offers you original, fresh, bright ideas for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands. Let your family have a beautiful holiday!

Colors are the first thing that comes to mind when we want to decorate Easter eggs. Not everyone has artistic talent, but with a little tricks anyone can achieve great results. For example, if you add a little vegetable oil to a regular paint solution, the paint will lie unevenly, with intricate marble patterns. You can repeat this trick several times from light to dark paint and get a very interesting texture.

Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands from different shades of the same color is always beautiful and elegant. Dilute one paint in different containers of different saturations and draw shapes on the eggs: stripes, polka dots, flowers. A few eggs can be painted entirely and some accents of a different color can be added, such as a bright butterfly or flower.

If you don’t want to bother with dyes, you can get by with just one marker or felt-tip pen. With a steady hand, draw simple shapes on the white, thoroughly washed eggs: stars, drops, flowers. It will turn out discreet and stylish.

Minimalism doesn't have to be strict. If you use a bright red color, then even the simplest pattern will be bright and cheerful: with white dots - fly agarics, with black dots - ladybugs.

The following methods of decorating Easter eggs are suitable for needlewomen who have a supply of various materials for needlework at home: fabric, ribbons, felt, quilling paper and other interesting things.

By cutting out ears from paper or felt, Easter eggs can be turned into cute bunnies.

And in order for the eggs to turn into chickens, in addition to felt or paper, you will need thick colored threads or braid, which you can simply wrap around the eggs, smeared with glue.

You can make decorative eggs or cute handbag covers for real eggs from colored felt or thick fabric. This would be a great activity for kids and a cute gift for grandmas.

If time is short, a small piece of colored fabric will be enough to decorate eggs for Easter: you can cut out hearts, flowers or stars from it and stick it on brown, undyed eggs.

Quilling is a craft that turns strips of paper into masterpieces. Decorating the entire surface of an egg using the quilling technique is very difficult, but anyone can make a few simple curls or flowers.

The decoupage technique is usually used to decorate boxes and other wooden crafts, but it is also suitable for Easter eggs. Decoupage eggs are a great way to make your Easter basket unique. You will need special napkins with a small pattern, which need to be fixed to the surface of the egg with water, and then covered with paste and dried.

Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands gives children an unforgettable experience and helps develop their creativity. In addition, self-decorated eggs are a versatile, inexpensive gift.