
How to choose the right tights for clothes. What are the colors of tights? The most fashionable and sought after


For modern woman tights are a very important element of clothing that helps, with the right choice, to emphasize the beauty of the legs, to make men pay attention to themselves. Tights give completeness, elegance to the look, and allow the woman herself to feel confident.

Modern industry offers a wide range of various models women's tights from different manufacturers. It is easy to get lost in this huge amount of goods on offer. Tights are quite an expensive purchase, and they are short-lived. In order not to be disappointed in the purchased product and not throw away money in vain, you need to responsibly approach such a simple, at first glance, problem as the choice of tights.

Where? When? Which?

It is best to buy tights in a store where competent sales assistants will help you choose among a wide variety of goods. In addition, in a store specializing in the sale of women's tights, the risk of buying a low-quality counterfeit product that will disappoint on the first use is reduced.

It should be remembered that tights can be bought throughout the year. Of course, in the summer this type of women's accessory is often unnecessary. But it is precisely due to the lack of demand for tights in the summer that you can buy them and save a lot of money. Many stores at this time offer big discounts on goods, so you can buy good quality tights for little money, buy them a year in advance.

The question of which manufacturer of women's tights should be trusted more is decided individually. On the market you can find domestic, Italian manufacturers. After all, if a product is produced by a good company with a good reputation, it is of good quality, then the choice will be in favor of one or another manufacturer, in favor of one or another brand is decided depending on personal preferences.

Choosing the size of women's tights

The choice of tights, in the first place, is determined, of course, by the size. It is necessary to understand the size of tights correctly and well, otherwise even high-quality tights will disappoint because of the inconvenience received with the wrong size. The size depends on the height, weight of the woman and the volume of her hips. The size is indicated on the packaging of the goods in alphabetical or digital form. One company can designate one size with one number or letter, another manufacturer of a similar product with the same designation can indicate a different size. It is necessary to proceed from the decoding of the sizes, which is also indicated on the packaging, so when buying, you must carefully study all the designations on the packaging or consult with a competent seller. Getting the right size is very important. This will determine how well the tights will look on the legs, how perfectly they will emphasize the beauty of the legs and how long they will last. If the tights turned out to be a size larger, they will hang on the legs in ugly folds and spoil the whole so carefully thought-out image. Tights that are a size smaller can cause serious problems, from injury to the legs in the form of irritation and chafing to problems in the genitals, and besides, such tights will not last long.

Density and composition of women's tights

Tights differ from each other also in density, which is indicated in den and is also indicated on the packaging. The smaller the den unit, the thinner the tights. Thin tights are suitable for summer or warm spring. Thicker ones are for cool weather, and very thick ones are for cold autumn or winter.

The quality of tights also depends on the amount of lycra added to them. The high content of lycra helps visually make the legs more beautiful. Tights made of modern soft material - microfiber, are in great demand, such tights are very soft and silky to the touch. When choosing tights, you should pay attention to the seams, a quality product has flat seams. The presence of round seams will indicate a product of low quality, in addition, tights with this type of seam will rub the skin.

Color and other features of women's tights

The color of tights can be very diverse. A bright option for teenage girls. For elegant, modern, self-confident women a good option- classic. Dark tights do not look good in summer, it is believed that it is better to buy such tights under trousers. Nude tights are preferred for any outfit. Many experts from the fashion world recommend using only the color of tights that matches the natural color of the legs. The tan color is not suitable for everyone and this color of tights is recommended only for tanned legs that match the color of the tights.

There are tights with a massage effect that helps not to get tired during the working day, there are also tights with a slimming effect that visually improves the contours of the body. There are many different options for tights with one or another effect, here the question of choice rests on whether the buyer needs these properties of the product, the question is purely individual.

It is also necessary to carefully examine the integrity of the package, make sure that the tights in the package are folded neatly and smell nice. good producers they always use fragrances to distinguish their product from others and from fakes. All these simple tips will help you choose the right quality and good tights.

A few decades ago, the question of the appropriateness of tights could not arise in the minds of our women. There are tights, and it's already good. They would be stronger, but more shine for beauty! But with the penetration of the words “stylish”, “trend”, “dress code” and the like into the domestic lexicon, women increasingly began to ask the “pantyhose” question. Which tights are better: black or nude, or maybe you need to go out without them at all? Let's try to figure it out.

Fashionable or comfortable: what's wrong with tights?

Before figuring out which color to choose, you need to identify situations in which this wardrobe item would be appropriate.

In the idea of ​​​​the wardrobe of an average woman, the concept of "tights" is a kind of universal, additional thing that no one will pay much attention to. Well, maybe he will, if the arrow crawled ... And under holiday dress, and to work - pantyhose are needed everywhere.

Soon, tights began to have not only aesthetic, but also practical significance. Women were offered models with a slightly slimming effect, more or less mysterious "dens", and lycra, which was extremely popular in the nineties.

But our mothers (and, perhaps, younger representatives of the fair sex) are increasingly asking the question of why bodily tights are bad form? They would be extremely surprised to learn that tights as an element of the wardrobe are given considerable attention at fashion shows. Moreover, there are worldwide famous brands who design only pantyhose!

And these very trendsetters decided that wearing tights is completely unfashionable. Even almost invisible bodily tights. Better bare feet everywhere and everywhere. An exception can only be tight tights. different colors that complete the stylish look.

Of course, you need to follow the latest trends and trends in the fashion industry. But still, if you are not a style icon and a role model for many, then it is worth adapting the advice of the world's podiums to the realities of our life.

Wear or not?

There are not many situations in which the presence of tights is mandatory:

  • Office with business dress code. A modern business woman, of course, must be fashionable. But at work, the word “business” should remain the key. Therefore, tights are relevant in the office.
  • Cold season. Here the key feature fashionable woman should be common sense. If you put on a dress or skirt in October, then bare legs will look at least strange. As a maximum - autumn bouquet disease is guaranteed.

Categorically no version of tights in open shoes looks. Sandals or shoes with a cut-out toe or heel suggest a complete lack of "clothes" on the feet. Nude, black or colored socks or tights are absolutely not appropriate in this situation. Modern manufacturers have come up with special tights for open shoes. They differ in open fingers, and the tights themselves are kept on the leg according to the principle of flip flops: due to the membrane between the first and second fingers. But if you plan to wear sandals, it means that it is not cold outside and you are not going to the office. Therefore, it is better to give up any pantyhose altogether.

Nude palette: how to choose the right tights

If you decide that tights must be worn without fail, you should know a few basic rules for choosing them. To begin with, let's decide that if you are wearing bodily tights, then their task is not to attract additional attention to your legs and pretend that there are no tights on your legs.

To realize this task for your tights, you need to choose the right density, color, texture.

The density of the product is usually marked on the packaging, the unit of measurement is denoted den. The larger this value, the denser the tights. Therefore, the more they are visible on the leg. It is advisable to choose body tights, the density of which does not exceed 20 den.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of corporal tights, at first glance, little distinguishable. However, you need to take the time and choose your very color. It is not difficult to do this: when choosing, it is enough to stretch the tights on your hands. The less the color of the tights will differ from the color of your skin, the better. No need to try to create the effect of tanned legs or choose just the shade you like. In this case, the legs will contrast with the arms and face, and the task of the tights to remain invisible will fail.

Products with lycra

A very important element of tights is the presence of additional threads in them, simply speaking - shine. This notorious lycra fell out of fashion as soon as it entered. In addition, shiny covered legs look visually much fuller. No woman wants this. Shiny tights look completely unnatural and often ruin the whole look.

Transparent haze or matte coal: the secrets of black tights

If nude tights are considered a predominantly business option, then black tights are an evening option, and it is unacceptable to wear them to the office.

Black tights of low density look the most advantageous (optimally up to 20 den). They emphasize the slimness of the legs and visually lengthen them.

When choosing tights for an outfit, do not forget that they should never be darker than shoes. If you have light-colored shoes, then it is better to choose nude tights. What to wear with and whether to choose tight black tights is a delicate question. A similar one visually emphasizes all the possible shortcomings of the legs, compacts them. It is worth giving preference to this type of tights if they harmoniously complement your holistic image.

We will not stand behind the price!

The problem of women's tights is known to everyone: they are able to break suddenly and at the most inopportune moment. In an attempt to make wearing tights more durable and predictable, the fair sex is turning to famous brands and manufacturers with a good reputation. And she, as you know, goes hand in hand with a rather high price.

But practice shows that the principle of good shoes does not work with tights: it is expensive to buy, but one for many years. Tights are a consumable element of the wardrobe, intended to be short-lived. Therefore, when buying very expensive branded tights, think: maybe you are paying more for a promoted brand?

It is worth choosing the optimal combination of price and quality, picking up “your” color and model once and sticking to the chosen brand in the future.

Fashion dictates its laws to us every day. To follow it or not is an individual decision. When choosing flesh or black tights, thin or dense, remember: the main thing is comfort, harmony with your vision of beauty and a great sense of self!

And although many young ladies naively believe that best friends bitches are diamonds, for real it is much more reliable to “be friends” with things more prosaic, for example, high-quality tights and stockings that will not tear at the most inopportune moment.

Therefore, today on the site for real bitches we will consider the practical side of the question that every woman asks: how to choose tights(about that, we have already been talking).

Instructions for choosing tights

  • Package. It must be sealed and not show signs of opening. Pay attention to the information that should be present here: the manufacturer, size, tights density in den, fiber composition and color. If the product in front of you is packed in a box made of cardboard, be prepared for the fact that it is not of high quality.
  • Information. Before choosing and purchasing tights, carefully read what is written on the package. In particular, pay attention to the amount of elastane contained in the fibers of the product (as a rule, this figure varies from 3 to 30%). If the percentage of elastane displays a figure from 3 to 5%, know that this miracle fabric is located exclusively in the belt area, the rest of the product is made of the most ordinary nylon, which will be folded on the body. As an everyday option, you can choose a product containing 10-20% elastane, which not only increases the wear resistance of tights, but also prevents compression of the calf muscles. As for tights with an elastane content of 25 - 30%, these clothing options are designed to fight cellulite and heal varicose veins.
  • Tactile sensations. If the sales assistant agrees to meet you and open the package, try the product by touch, stretch its upper part a little, pay attention to the quality of the seams: in expensive high-quality models, unlike their cheap counterparts, the seams are flat, so the skin socks will not rub. By the way, sometimes this information can be gleaned by reading the instructions on the package.
  • Belt quality. According to the site, in a quality product, the width of the belt is usually three to four centimeters, which prevents tights from slipping from the waist.
  • Gusset. It is customary to call a gusset a small diamond-shaped piece of fabric that connects stockings together. If you want to know how to choose tights that are comfortable in every respect and are durable, then purchase products with a gusset.
  • The bow of the tights. Look at the toe of the product: if you see a compacted area of ​​\u200b\u200btextile near your fingers, then this is evidence that holes and arrows in this part will not appear immediately.

How to choose tights: selection criteria

Criterion number 1. Pantyhose size

Tights are the same thing as a coat, sweater and bra. To find out how to choose the perfect tights, you need to decide on their size, the indicator of which is based on three pillars: weight, height and hip circumference.

And although most packages display the size in the form of alphabetic symbols (S - XL), these values ​​\u200b\u200bare translated into the language of world standards correspond to sizes from one to five. This is the reason why before choosing the right size of tights, you need to read the table on the package, which indicates the weight and height. The height indicator is indicated in the vertical column, the weight indicator is indicated in the horizontal column, and at the point of their intersection - the required product size.

On a note: if your legs are full, then it is better to play it safe and purchase a product one size larger. But tights of a smaller size are not recommended for anyone to buy, because. they not only tear very quickly, but also have the ability to slide off the waist.

Criterion number 2. The density of tights

It is impossible to equate such concepts as the percentage of elastane and the density of the product. On the packaging, the density is usually indicated using the abbreviation "DEN" or "DTEX".

For hot weather, very thin tights are ideal, the density of which does not exceed 6-15 DEN, in late spring and early autumn you can wear products with a higher density - 20-70 DEN, and in cold weather -50 - 250 DEN.

In view of the fact that the transparency and opacity of the product depends not from its density, but from the composition of the threads, tight tights can be transparent, but thin tights can not. Winter tights may contain cotton, wool, microfiber or acrylic.

Video: how tights are made:

Criterion number 3. The color of tights

The entire range of hosiery is divided into two types, the first of which is classic, and the second is fantasy. Thinking about it how to choose tights, you should pay attention not only to their quality, but also to the color, because it depends on this indicator where and under what things you can wear this product in the future.

Classic tights are presented in three colors: black, beige and, and fantasy - the rest of the colors and their shades.

On the so-called fantasy pantyhose all kinds of intricate and uncomplicated drawings can be depicted, including abstraction, flowers, hieroglyphs, etc. These models can have garters, lacing and have an unusual texture (for example,). If you decide to opt for a fantasy version, keep in mind that it should be worn only with closed or half-closed shoes to hide the seam on the fingers.

So we figured it out how to choose tights, taking into account all the important parameters, so you can go to the store, armed with the knowledge gained, and boldly make your choice.

When it comes to choosing tights, many girls are confused by this. Tights are an integral part of the image and often become a key element of the entire bow. Choosing the right tights is an art. Even if the whole bow is harmonious, but the tights are chosen incorrectly, the whole image can be a failure. Let's figure out how to choose the right tights for the set.

Tights can be divided into thin, medium-density tights and dense tights. In this regard, you can see that the thinnest tights are worn in the warm season, and the densest in the cold season. Exceptions are going out, sets for holidays, etc. The density of tights is measured in den. Tights 5-10 den are considered the thinnest, designed for ceremonial exits and very impractical. Tights 10-15 den are considered less thin and more practical, they are usually worn in spring or summer in a business wardrobe or in cocktail bows. Tights from 20 to 50 den are considered denser, and finally, tights from 60 den are considered the densest.

Nude and black tights are the basic tights in any girl's wardrobe. However, I am often asked the question: can I wear nude tights with a dark dress or black tights with a white dress? I must say right away that each case is individual, and there are no rules, but I will share the guidelines with you. Nude tights should be chosen not for the outfit, but for the color of your skin. Black tights can be worn with any outfit. It is important to remember that the more transparent the black tights, the more modest the outfit should be. Dense black tights are well mounted with almost all outfits, but are often better combined with casual bows than with office sets.

Nude skin tone tights with a black suit look organic, as well as a white dress with tight black tights.

A light skirt with black tights and light shoes look bad, because the bow is crushed into pieces. In the case of Elena Khanga, the color of the tights is lighter than the skin flower, which should not be.

There is an opinion that the effect of "bare legs" in winter is taboo. Can we agree with this statement? Yes and no. Tight tights in winter look more familiar, but body tights are sometimes simply necessary. For example, a small strip of flesh-colored tights in bows with over the knee boots looks quite adequate, no worse than sets with tight tights, and sometimes better. If you decide to wear flesh-colored tights with boots, then the bow will not always look correct.

See how nude tights work in the pictures below. The images are harmonious, despite the bodily tights.

Colored tights appeared in the 60s, in the era of miniskirts. The mini length allowed fashionistas to show not only beautiful legs, but also to demonstrate colored tights to the world. In matters of selecting colored tights for a dress, there are always many questions. Are there rules? There are no rules, there are guidelines that will allow you to do right choice. Colored tights look best with shoes of the same tone or one lightness. Can I wear contrasting shoes with colored tights? It is possible if you are the owner of long legs and do not doubt the correct color scheme of the entire bow.

Brown tights + gray-brown shoes look harmonious. Tights and shoes of the same color enhance the color vertical and lengthen the leg.

Contrasting shoes and colored tights are a difficult tandem. From the point of view of correction, an illiterate move. This choice shortens the legs. If you still really want to, then the color composition of the kit should be perfect.


In pursuit of a fashionable bow, many girls, including fashion bloggers, make mistakes. Overdo it with color. A bright outfit + colored tights often looks too much. Busting in color combinations is often found among novice bloggers who incorrectly build the scale of color combinations under the slogan "Bright means cool." It's not cool, it's lurid! If your tights are the bright spot in your look, then the color scheme of your image should be neutral, less bright, or well-built in composition and color scale.

The gray dress is neutral, so tights look appropriate, not gaudy.

The girl on the left looks gaudy. Hence the conclusion, let one thing be bright: top or bottom. In the picture on the right, the girl relied on dark and light, bright and light - her eyes run wide, the image is crushed.

In the early 80s and 90s, tights with glitter were in high esteem. The prima donna herself demonstrated in her "Christmas Meetings" all the brilliance of her legs. We all remember that the 80s and 90s are considered to be the most tasteless time in the history of fashion. And therefore, we will leave tights with glitter in the past.

Shiny tights are now an indicator of bad taste. But who knows, maybe tomorrow it will be the latest fashion, and everyone will dress up in shiny tights. Keep your finger on the pulse, fashion is changing and makes us change our attitude and look towards it.

Patterned tights will always captivate the imagination of women. How else to draw attention to one of the most exciting areas? This is where experimentation begins. A girl who wants to draw the attention of men to her perfect legs often goes all out. But very often, girls are unaware that patterned tights make perfect legs imperfect! How to recognize such tights? Everything is simple! Get a full length mirror and take a good look at yourself. If tights with a vertical pattern are located on the legs in a “winding snake”, then this is not your option.

If you see "winding snakes", then tights should go to the ban.

Choose patterned tights that don't create curves on your legs.

Fishnet tights, tights with a stocking effect, tights with a seam - all these types of tights evoke a clear association - a girl with peppercorns. There must be a reason for such tights, and the appropriateness of a bow with sexy tights must be observed. Pay attention to the fact that for tights with a seam, the seam line must be perfect, and for tights with a mesh, the mesh should not be too large.

The seam on tights or stockings should be perfectly even, and the mesh on tights should not be large. Fishnet tights should stay where they came from.

If you feel like a vamp, then choosing sexy tights will play up your image. The appropriateness of this choice will help you attract the right attention and emphasize your individuality. In order not to slide into vulgarity, let only tights in your set demonstrate your sexuality, and everything else will be silent.


Fans of prints, even in tights, need to have a very delicate taste, so as not to fail their exit. Also, do not forget that printed tights often make the leg fat and “cut”. Think a hundred times and carefully examine yourself in the mirror if you decide to wear such tights. Even designers often show ambiguous bows with printed tights on the catwalks. The podium and life are different realities, so be vigilant.

Catwalk looks are more like stage looks than bows that can be used for going out into the city.

Intimacy in color, size of the print and its presentation - this is what you should be guided by when compiling bows with printed tights.