
What deodorant is good for odor. Good products from other manufacturers. Which type best protects against heavy sweating


Excessive sweating is a common problem of modern people. To stop this process, many use antiperspirant deodorants. As a result of their use, a triple effect occurs: the sweat glands are blocked, harmful microorganisms disappear, and the skin smells pleasant due to the perfume composition.

Pharmacy antiperspirant

Sweating is a physiological natural mechanism of the body, which provides the function of heat exchange and helps to remove toxic substances. This phenomenon can occur after heavy physical exertion and in the summer. If a person has increased sweating constantly, then a specialist can determine the development pathological condition(hyperhidrosis). To eliminate it, you must use special deodorants and antiperspirants. Popular means:

  • Model name: Odaban spray for profuse sweating.
  • Price: 618 rubles.
  • Characteristics: transparent colorless liquid in a spray bottle; contains dimethicone, aluminum hydrochloride, ethanol.
  • Main advantages:
    • universal remedy eliminates the smell of sweat;
    • valid up to 7 days;
    • does not cause skin irritation.
  • Cons: not everyone will like the smell, there is alcohol in the composition.

Medical antiperspirants for hyperhidrosis are produced by the well-known American company Corad Healthcare:

  • Model Name: Maxim Antiperspirant Regular Roll-On Deodorant.
  • Price: 1438 p.
  • Characteristics: Contains active ingredients (aluminum chloride and water). It is used to treat sweating of the legs, arms, armpits.
  • Main advantages:
    • water base;
    • does not contain alcohol;
    • suitable for long-term use;
    • does not stain clothes;
    • economical.
  • Cons: high cost, dries the skin a little.

Roll-on antiperspirant deodorant

The most common antiperspirant that prevents excessive sweating and reduces odor is a roll-on antiperspirant. The design is a container, on top of which a spinning ball is built. Such a deodorant distributes the product better, leaving almost no marks on clothes. After application, you just need to let the substance harden. Most Popular Products:

  • Model Name: Roll On Anti-Perspirant.
  • Price: 1700 r.
  • Characteristics: fragrance-free deodorant, has a gel-like translucent consistency.
  • Pros:
    • destroys an unpleasant smell;
    • effective remedy long action;
    • prevents sweating;
    • leaves no traces.
  • Cons: takes a long time to dry, high price.

Another underarm antiperspirant is offered by the famous French company Vichy:

  • Model Name: Vichy Regulating Roll-on Deodorant.
  • Price: 756 p.
  • Characteristics: the product contains a natural amino complex that regulates perspiration.
  • Pros:
    • no alcohol;
    • quickly relieves irritation;
    • soothes the skin after epilation.
  • Cons: slowly absorbed, high price, strong smell.

Deodorant-antiperspirant spray

Spray deodorants include chemicals that are less harsh on the skin. As a rule, such products are great for people with sensitive or dry skin. Deodorant spray antiperspirant has a light structure, while it covers large areas of the body. Unlike a roll-on product, the spray dries faster. In addition, such a tool can be applied to the skin immediately after shaving. Here are some well-known brands of deodorant sprays:

  • Model name: Therme White Lotus.
  • Price: 279 p.
  • Characteristics: The product contains a balanced composition of effective active ingredients. Store antiperspirant in a cool, dry place. Shelf life 3 years.
  • Pros:
    • neutralizes the smell of sweat;
    • has a balanced pH balance;
    • does not contain phthalates, preservatives, dyes, parabens;
    • economical consumption;
    • easy to apply.
  • Cons: contains alcohol, can lead to dry skin.

During sports, you should use a special antiperspirant:

  • Model Name: Adidas Adipure 24h.
  • Price: 246 p.
  • Characteristics: thanks to the use of Cotton Tech technology, the antiperspirant reliably protects against sweat.
  • Pros: does not contain alcohol, cares for the skin even at maximum stress.
  • Cons: Has a strong smell.

Deodorant for heavy sweating

If conventional antiperspirants no longer help, special effective sweat deodorants can come to the rescue. As part of these products, there are mandatory aluminum salts, which narrow the ducts that remove sweat, which dramatically reduces its amount. All remedies for excessive sweating should be selected carefully and carefully, preferably on the recommendation of a specialist. Here are some popular deodorants:

  • Model name: Oriflame antiperspirant.
  • Price: 360 r.
  • Characteristics: small package, which is convenient to take with you, the product has a transparent consistency. Delicate floral scent.
  • Main advantages:
    • protects against strong sweat for a day;
    • moisturizes the skin;
    • economical;
    • does not leave marks on clothes.
  • Cons: Drying time is 2 minutes, there is a sticky feeling.

The products of the French company Bioderma have proven to be reliable sweat remedies:

  • Model name: Deo Pure antiperspirant roll on deodorant.
  • Price: 1302 r.
  • Features: contains modern mineral complex, which effectively fights sweat and moisture.
  • Pros:
    • does not cause allergies;
    • does not stain clothes;
    • protects against discomfort for a long time;
    • suitable for sensitive skin;
    • does not irritate the skin.
  • Cons: high price, takes a long time to dry.

Antiperspirant for women

Increased sweating in women can often provoke menstruation, because. during this period, estrogen levels increase. In addition, this indicator is often affected by pregnancy, but profuse sweating is normal reaction organism, which will pass after childbirth. Menopause also affects the work of the sweat glands, because the body during this period withstands large hormonal changes. Popular women's deodorants antiperspirants:

  • Model Name: Rexona Maximum Protection Cream.
  • Price: 293 p.
  • Characteristics: an innovative product, has a creamy pleasant texture, quickly absorbed.
  • Pros:
    • does not leave marks on clothes;
    • eliminates the unpleasant smell of sweat;
    • cares for the skin of the armpits;
    • continues to work even after a day.
  • Cons: Has a strong smell.

The Amway company is engaged in the network sale of detergents, cleaning products, cosmetics and protective products:

  • Model name: Body Series solid deodorant.
  • Price: 654 rubles
  • Characteristics: antiperspirant stick with deodorant properties promotes easy distribution, dries quickly.
  • Pros:
    • natural composition;
    • keeps the skin clean and dry for a long time;
    • protection for 48 hours;
    • does not leave stains;
    • protects against bad smell;
    • economical.
  • Cons: high price, does not cope with heavy sweating.

Antiperspirant without aluminum salts

Aluminum salts are sometimes used in antiperspirants to block the sweat glands. For some people, frequent use of these drugs increases the risk of kidney failure or breast cancer. Although the results of research are not exact proof of this fact, many experts advise choosing aluminum-free antiperspirants:

  • Model name: DeoNat mineral deodorant.
  • Price: 309 p.
  • Characteristics: transparent stone, odorless. The product should be applied to clean, damp skin.
  • Pros:
    • does not clog sweat glands;
    • natural composition;
    • eliminates unpleasant odor;
    • anti-allergic;
    • does not contain alcohol and fragrances;
    • acts as a bacteria blocker;
    • safe for lactating and pregnant women.
  • Cons: inconvenient to use, the crystal can slip out if it is poorly fixed.

Filipino manufacturer Tawas Crystal introduces an alum-based deodorant:

  • Model name: Tawas crystal deodorant.
  • Price: 298 p.
  • Characteristics: the crystal has an antibacterial natural effect, it is based on mineral salt extracted from bauxite.
  • Pros:
    • does not contain aluminum chlorohydrate;
    • eliminates bacteria;
    • deodorant is harmless to the body;
    • there are no emulsifiers that clog the sweat ducts;
    • does not contain alcohol;
    • does not cause allergies or irritation.
  • Cons: fragile, awkward to use, heavy.

Cream antiperspirant

A great alternative to roll-on antiperspirant is cream. Such a tool cares for the skin, does not leave white spots. In addition, the creamy antiperspirant promotes more precise application, it is quickly absorbed, it contains caring ingredients that provide careful care behind the skin. The rating of the most popular cream deodorants is presented:

  • Model name: Secret Protection Platinum "Naturel".
  • Price: 418 p.
  • Characteristics: quality of a deodorant is provided with the formula "Protection Platinum". Do not apply to inflamed and damaged skin.
  • Pros:
    • quickly absorbed;
    • neutral pH;
    • fragrance-free;
    • does not irritate the skin.
  • Cons: unpleasant floral smell.

Known trademark Garnier offers:

  • Model name: Garnier Neo "Tenderness of cotton".
  • Price: 205 p.
  • Characteristics: The creamy base of the deodorant does not irritate the skin. Compact mini pack.
  • Pros:
    • quickly absorbed;
    • does not irritate the skin;
    • nice smell;
    • convenient application;
    • delicate texture.
  • Cons: contains aluminum.

Men's antiperspirant deodorant

The appearance of sweat in men is a natural reaction to hot weather, sports, heavy physical exertion. Special deodorants from the series for men, developed by manufacturers taking into account the characteristics of the male body, are able to eliminate such a problem. A good deodorant/antiperspirant for men should make life comfortable, no matter the circumstances. Popular means:

  • Model name: Korres antiperspirant with horsetail extract.
  • Price: 739 p.
  • Characteristics: the deodorant contains allantoin, horsetail, lipoamino acids, which eliminate the unfavorable flora that causes an unpleasant odor.
  • Pros:
    • prevent skin irritation;
    • fights bacteria;
    • has antimicrobial, antiseptic properties;
    • does not contain aluminum hydrochloride,
    • natural and hypoallergenic.
  • Cons: does not work 24 hours, dries for a long time.

Confident protection for men is presented by Shiseido:

  • Model Name: Shiseido Silver Ion Men's Spray.
  • Price: 730 r.
  • Characteristics: A powerful anti-perspirant deodorant that creates an "absorbent fabric" effect due to the presence of alum that absorbs moisture.
  • Pros:
    • prevents the appearance of sweat;
    • eliminates an unpleasant smell;
    • dries immediately after application;
    • does not leave a sticky feeling;
    • blocks the growth of bacteria.
  • Cons: high cost.

Unscented antiperspirant deodorant

A special place among protective agents against sweat is occupied by an odorless deodorant-antiperspirant. As a rule, it is chosen by people who are sensitive to a variety of fragrances, have a tendency to allergic reactions, or those who simply do not like deodorants. Almost all well-known manufacturers have odorless, fragrance-free products:

  • Model name: Lion ban medicated.
  • Price: 853 p.
  • Characteristics: antiperspirant in the form of a liquid transparent gel is in a plastic bottle with a roller. It contains ions that have an antibacterial effect.
  • Pros:
    • no pungent odor;
    • not sticky;
    • completely neutralizes the smell of sweat.
  • Cons: high cost

The Russian company Medena produces high-quality high-class protective equipment:

  • Model name: Max-F.
  • Price: 650 r.
  • Characteristics: Roll-on antiperspirant, does not penetrate into the deep layer of the epidermis, maintains optimal moisture integument.
  • Pros:
    • neutralizes the acidic environment favorable for bacteria;
    • odorless, goes well with perfumes;
    • effective for hyperhidrosis;
    • do not leave stains on clothes.
  • Cons: high price.

How to choose an antiperspirant deodorant

Many people who are faced with increased sweating are interested in the question, how does a deodorant differ from an antiperspirant and what works more effectively? As a rule, these two concepts differ in the degree of protection and the effect created. The main function of a deodorant is to suppress the activity of bacteria that live in the sweat glands, but this does not always reduce the production of sweat. Using an antiperspirant can get rid of unpleasant odors and block the production of sweat. There are also combinations.

You can buy a protective agent at any store or pharmacy. In addition, you can find a photo of the product in the catalog, order and buy inexpensively in the online store. To choose the right sweat deodorant, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • decide on the form of release (stick, spray, cream, etc.);
  • pay attention to the composition, it is better that there are no aluminum salts, alcohol, triclosan and farnesol;
  • the packaging must be intact, without damage;
  • give preference to well-known manufacturers;
  • choose a product based on the conditions: if a lot of sweat is released, while there is no smell, it is better to use an antiperspirant; if little sweat is released, but it emits a bad smell, then in this case you need a deodorant.

Video: the best antiperspirant

Deodorant will protect you well from the smell of sweat on a typical day, when you get into the shower no later than eight in the evening, but in real heat, during sports, on a long journey or with strong excitement, he is losing ground.

Why Dry Ru can be used any day

The sweat glands of the armpits are practically not involved in thermoregulation. This is quite logical: in order to cool the surface, moisture must evaporate well. The armpits, due to lowered hands, are a closed environment, from where moisture evaporates poorly.

Therefore, when, under the influence of Dry Ru, the sweat gland ducts under the armpits (and also on the palms and feet, if necessary) narrow and sweat ceases to be released, the thermoregulation of the body does not suffer from this: the sweat glands throughout the body secrete sweat, it evaporates from the surface of the skin without hindrance , cooling the body.

As far as damage to the skin or sweat glands is concerned, all Dry Ru products are clinically tested and absolutely harmless. They do not dissolve in the pores, do not penetrate the body and do not affect its systems and organs. Over time, aluminum-protein compounds are simply excreted from the body.

Without the smell of sweat and cheap perfume

We are accustomed to antiperspirants with a fresh or sweet smell, especially when we sweat. At the same time, a sticky film or white coating often appears on the skin, which, among other things, remains on things.

Dry Ru Ultra Sweat Remover has neither color nor sticky consistency, so you can safely apply it not only on the armpits, but also on the palms and feet. Do this at night before bed and you won't have to worry about sweat stains or sweaty palms for the next few days.

By itself, sweat has no smell: it consists of water and salt and simply cannot smell. Imagine what a stench would be in baths and saunas if sweat had a natural smell. Unpleasant amber begins to spread in two cases: sweating is caused by stress (and then stress hormones are to blame), or bacteria began to multiply in the released moisture. Fortunately, the best men's antiperspirant deodorants can completely neutralize odor and, if necessary, moisture. By the way, this is not harmful, since the human sweat glands are located over the entire surface of the body, and their blocking in such small areas as the armpits does not affect perspiration in general.

1. PRO LS antiperspirant deodorant from LAB Series

Perfect option for men with profuse sweating. If you apply the product after an evening shower on dried skin, not only the absence of smell is guaranteed during the day, but also one hundred percent dryness of the skin of the armpits. The deodorant does not contain fragrances and has no smell, it is combined with any perfume or eau de toilette.

2. Deodorant Salbei Deodorant, Weleda


Organic deodorant that does the job perfectly: completely neutralizes the smell of sweat, does not contain aluminum salts, parabens and synthetic fragrances, preservatives and other skin-irritating elements. Does not clog pores, allows the skin to breathe and does not leave marks on clothes. What is important to consider: this remedy does not prevent perspiration itself, so it is better to use it for men who suffer more from bad smell than directly from wet armpits. It has a slight smell of sage, which disappears after 30-40 minutes, it is worth considering this if your loved one uses perfume with other notes.

3. Antiperspirant Man + care Cool Fresh, Dove

An antiperspirant is a quarter of a moisturizing cream that softens the skin, makes it smooth and supple, and relieves discomfort. Does not contain alcohol, does not irritate the skin,reduces the level of sweating even in stressful situations and with increased physical exertion.

4. Deodorant-antiperspirant 72H Day Control, Biotherm Homme

The effectiveness of this deodorant is due to the presence of a special mineral complex in the composition, which prevents sweating and the appearance of the smell of sweat. The deodorant does not leave marks on the skin and clothes, does not contain alcohol and has the ability to relieve irritation. Virtually fragrance-free, non-drying and lasts up to 72 hours when applied after a shower on clean and dry skin, allowed to fully absorb and dry. Super item for athletes, runners and outdoor enthusiasts. One of the best men's deodorants in our ranking!

5. Stick-Form Anti-Perspirant Deodorant, Clinique

Hypoallergenic, like all brand cosmetics, this stick (or pencil) is applied to skin light thin layer, completely eliminating the appearance of wet marks on clothes and unpleasant odors. Even if your loved one does not let the product dry completely and immediately gets dressed, the deodorant will not stain clothes or leave marks on the skin.

6. Deodorant Spray "Ice Extreme", Garnier

What's the best men's deodorant for sweat protection? This spray is enriched with the mineral Perlite, a powerful absorbent of volcanic origin that naturally absorbs moisture for a long time. In addition, the deodorant has a cooling effect, which is especially nice on hot days. Sweat and odor protection guaranteed for 72 hours if applied correctly.

7. Deodorant Roll-On Anti-Transpirant, Clarins

Without blocking the work of the sweat glands, this deodorant reduces natural perspiration, so if a man works in an office, and not in the sun, this is a great way to safely and comfortably solve the problem of wet armpits and bad breath. The composition does not contain alcohol, so the risk of irritation is reduced to zero, and the absence of fragrances allows you to combine the deodorant with your favorite perfume.

8. Antiperspirant Citron, Old Spice

Effective for up to 48 hours, this light and fresh antiperspirant has a pleasant and unobtrusive citrus scent. You can choose a spray or stick - depending on the preferences of the man. Effective, bright and attractive, for some this deodorant can even replace everyday perfume!

9. Deodorant-antiperspirant Heat Control, Fa Men

This spray has been tested under extreme conditions and it did the job! Even at a temperature of +50 degrees, it prevents sweating and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. One of the best men's sweat deodorants will be appreciated by lovers of extreme sports, hiking, cycling, and just those who need to know that the deodorant has more than enough durability.

10. Antiperspirant Vichy Homme, Vichy

Antiperspirant for sensitive skin - a salvation for those who suffer from irritation and redness in the armpits. Vichy Thermal Water will soothe the skin, while antibacterial and sweat-blocking ingredients will keep the skin dry and comfortable for 48 hours.

Probably you have heard the theory more than once that men and women pick up their soul mate by smell. This fact has been repeatedly proven by scientists. But even if this strange theory is not taken into account, then of course, probably not a single person would want to be paid attention to only because of the strong smell of sweat. Today you can choose a suitable tool that will protect you from sweat. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance, because there are a lot of such tools and it is not a fact that all of them will be as effective as the manufacturer promises.

Sweat protection with fragrance: what to choose?

sweating- this is a completely normal phenomenon, which is characteristic of both sexes, especially in the hot season. By itself, sweat has no odor or color. The same unpleasant smell that we can actually hear is the result of the multiplication of bacteria, for which such a warm and humid environment is simply ideal. Therefore, when choosing a deodorant, you should also pay attention to the fact that it not only masks the smell, but also does not allow bacteria to actively increase in number.

Deodorant or antiperspirant: that is the question?

When it comes directly to choosing a product that would reliably protect against sweat and odor, then many do not know what to choose: deodorant or antiperspirant. Many do not even understand what is the difference between these two tools. There is a difference between them and it is really very important, but few people know what it is. Usually, when we choose a product, we first of all pay attention to the color and the form in which it is: solid, spray or cream.

Deodorant is primarily responsible for ensuring that all bacteria are destroyed, which are the source of such an unpleasant odor. In simple terms, the deodorant does not prevent the release of sweat, but completely copes with the smell that may appear. Therefore, this tool is absolutely not suitable for those who have increased sweating, as the result will be almost invisible. If we consider the composition of the deodorant, then we can find triclosan in it - a substance that completely destroys bacteria. This also applies to harmful bacteria that give an unpleasant odor and those that are part of the microflora of the skin. If it is replaced by farnesol, then it is somewhat weaker in its effect. Bacteria are killed worse, but the skin remains in the same state and is not damaged.

Also, in order to see the result of the deodorant, you need to be able to use it correctly. Most often, people make the same mistake when they apply the product to already sweaty skin. In no case should this be done, because the smell is already there and the deodorant simply will not remove it. Also remember that it is advisable to remove the hair from under the arms and do it in the evening so that the skin has time to recover overnight.

Antiperspirant it is considered to be more stringent in terms of application and protection from sweat, because it simply blocks the excretory flows of the human glands for a while. Sweat is not released, and therefore there is no smell either. Of course, they are not able to completely remove sweat. Depending on the antiperspirant, the product will remove 25-40% of your secretions. This is the difference between the two means.

When applying, you should follow a few rules that will save you from white marks on clothes, the appearance of which many attribute to the poor quality of the product. Always apply antiperspirant to clean skin about 7-8 hours before you need to protect it. And this means that it is best to do this before you go to bed.

With thermoregulation, humans are much more fortunate than many animals: we don’t have to sit in negotiations with our tongues hanging out, we don’t have to wet our skin with saliva in a crowded subway car. A person just sweats, and his sweat even almost smells. Exactly until the bacteria on the skin take over, after which there is an effect that sweat remedies are designed to fight.

Each dodik has his own technique

The principle of action of deodorants is to suppress the activity of bacteria in the excretory ducts of the sweat glands. That is, when using a deodorant, you do not stop sweating, but you exude a not so sharp aroma. Translated from French, deodorant is “destroying odor”.

Antiperspirant works on the principle: who does not sweat, he does not smell. That is, its action is based on temporarily blocking the excretory ducts of the sweat glands. Dispute on the topic "which is better?" usually comes down to figuring out which type of antiperspirant is more effective and which is safer for health. The results of this dispute are as predictable as the operation of a slot machine.

Let's be brief: in the nomination "the safest" deodorant is in the lead: it does not prevent us from sweating. An antiperspirant is undeniably more effective than a deodorant. But there are two nuances: the antiperspirant prevents sweating - that is, it does not allow the body to fully cool down. And one more thing: in antiperspirants, aluminum or zinc salts are used as an active ingredient, which also does not bring much benefit to the body. And, finally, persistent rumors have been circulating for years that the regular use of antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer.

Antiperspirant today, cancer tomorrow?

It would be too presumptuous to decide once and for all whether the use of antiperspirants leads to cancer or not within the framework of one article. However, it is not difficult to reproduce the plot outline of this story.

A few years ago, thunder broke out: the European and American media in unison started talking about the dangers of antiperspirants. The claim was formulated as follows: the risk of breast cancer is allegedly provoked by the fact that the antiperspirant blocks the sweat glands, as a result of which toxins begin to accumulate in the lymph nodes. And this, in turn, can lead to tumors. This information was presented as a leak of classified medical research data. It could have a right to exist if it were still clear how the blocked sweat glands and the lymphatic system are connected.

The expiration date of a deodorant or antiperspirant may indicate the amount of preservatives it contains. How less term shelf life - the less preservatives. However, something also depends on the packaging. For example, dry deodorant sticks contain the most preservatives.

But you don’t have to worry about sprays: the contents of the cans are inaccessible to air, respectively, there will be no preservatives on an industrial scale in the spray.

Medical professionals responded unanimously to the media attack: journalists misinterpreted information coming from the scientific community, and as a result gave rise to a rumor that has become a serious social problem. The hype surrounding the potential harms of antiperspirants indirectly provoked several additional studies.

The experiments were based on information obtained by physicians several years ago: some substances that enter the human body, including cadmium and aluminum, can mimic the action of the hormone estrogen. But estrogen (and estrogen-like compounds) in turn can cause breast cancer. As a result, Dr. Darbre from the University of Reading, who led the research, said that "each of the studied agents individually may not have a serious effect," but it remained to be seen what effect the interaction causes in the body. Thus, the information that it is the aluminum salts contained in antiperspirants that affect the formation of malignant tumors has not been confirmed.

However, worried European consumers were consoled only for a while. Soon there was a second wave of rumors about the dangers of not only antiperspirants, but also deodorants. Suspicion fell parabens - preservatives used in hygienic cosmetics. The doctors again organized several studies and again did not confirm these allegations. But the situation turned out to be, as if in a joke, where "the spoons were returned, but the unpleasant aftertaste remained." Researchers keep saying that modern antiperspirants and deodorants do not contain a single substance that can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms, but the reputation of these antiperspirants is still tarnished.

Do's and Don'ts

There are no winners in the debate about which antiperspirant is the most reliable and at the same time the safest. This means that there is a solution for every situation and every skin type.

  • Do not use deodorants and antiperspirants immediately after epilation - this can cause skin irritation.
  • With strong sun exposure, some deodorants can provoke the appearance of age spots. Therefore, it is advisable not to use deodorant before sunbathing - no matter if the sun is artificial (like a solarium) or natural.
  • Antiperspirant should not be applied immediately after a shower, otherwise most of it will remain on clothes in the form of white streaks.
  • If the skin in the armpit area is very irritated or itchy, you should stop using deodorant for a while: you can switch to talcum powder or baby powder for a while.
  • You should not use antiperspirant when playing sports - a shower is still inevitable. During physical exertion, blockage of the sweat ducts can lead to a violation of the body's thermoregulation. Similarly, it is undesirable to use an antiperspirant before a sauna.
  • With increased sweating, deodorants in the form of a spray or antiperspirants will be most effective. However, they should be applied to clean skin: if you are already sweating, the protection will be much less reliable. Know-how for those who sweat a lot: deodorizing wipes that can be used to wipe heavily damp parts of the body.
  • Alcohol-based deodorants can cause severe skin irritation. The softest and most gentle acting are deo-creams and deo-gels - they are suitable for dry skin.

Elena Uvarova