
To strangers about their pregnancy. What folk signs about pregnancy can be useful for a modern woman. Attention! it is important


Often, expectant mothers carefully, as long as possible, hide their interesting position from others. There is a sign to keep silent about pregnancy until it becomes noticeable. In the old days it was believed that if you tell earlier, then childbirth will be heavy. In general, to listen to beliefs, omens, and it becomes clear that you cannot pursue the expectant mother at every step, and accompany the entire pregnancy until the birth itself (and after them). In the age of science, superstition is no less relevant, especially when it comes to children and pregnancy. Sometimes, all the prohibitions and horror stories simply do not have time to remember.

What are the real reasons to talk about pregnancy?

Well, firstly, if in the first trimester there is a threat of interruption, the tone of the uterus, then it is better to postpone the message to strangers about a joyful event a little. Secondly, if you yourself absolutely do not want to advertise it. I think you will agree that there are people who, until the very end, do not want to say anything and superstition has nothing to do with it. They either ask a lot of questions, or their reaction is not quite adequate, so in this case it is better to save your nerves. And if, in general, you are not worried about the opinion of others and you are happy to tell the world your secret, then why not? Unfortunately or fortunately, not carrying a pregnancy occurs for other reasons, and not because of superstitions and evil eyes. That's what exactly everyone and everyone shouldn't talk about, it's about planning a pregnancy. After all, psychologists have proven that the more you talk about your own plans, the less likely it is that they will come true.

When and to whom is it better to inform?

Of course, the first person who should know about your joy is the future father of the child. Moreover, men's reactions to this news are far from always adequate and coincides with our expectations, even when the pregnancy is planned. Therefore, dear women, treat this with understanding.

Should I tell my parents? I think so, but it all depends on the closeness of your relationship. Although the mother of a pregnant woman will definitely be glad. But mothers-in-law react differently. One friend of mine went through the entire pregnancy with the threat of termination, the mother-in-law said that she would become a grandmother, by the end of the first trimester, they asked to keep the news secret. Two days later, I knew the whole small town in which they lived, there were even phone calls from friends with congratulations.

There are situations when it is better to inform strangers about pregnancy.

In hard physical or emotional work, in order to transfer to easier work, it is better to tell the boss the truth as soon as possible. Do not be heroic, because your health is above all, and it is not a shame to receive a small discount.

If in the company of friends you are persistently offered to drink, it is better to explain the reasons for your refusal. And whoever tells you anything, alcohol is especially contraindicated in the first trimester.

Faith and superstition should not be confused. Many signs and beliefs have nothing to do with belief in God. The Church calls such prejudices a sin, although many superstitious people refer to God.

So, is it worth talking about your pregnancy? I think this is a personal matter for every mother. You can tell your loved ones right away, and friends, colleagues, distant relatives as needed. But, if you really want to, then you should not hold back. After all, there is nothing terrible in this.

Is it possible to talk about - superstition Often, expectant mothers carefully, as long as possible, hide their interesting position from others. There is a sign to keep silent about pregnancy until it becomes noticeable. In the old days, it was believed that if you tell it earlier, it will be difficult. In general, to listen to beliefs, omens, and it becomes clear that I "cannot" pursue the expectant mother at every step, and accompany the entire pregnancy until the birth itself (and after them). In the age of science, superstition is no less relevant, especially when it comes to children and pregnancy. Sometimes, all the prohibitions and horror stories simply do not have time to remember.

What are the real reasons to talk about pregnancy?

Well, firstly, if in the first there is a threat of interruption, the tone of the uterus, then it is better to postpone the message to outsiders about a joyful event a little. Secondly, if you yourself absolutely do not want to advertise it. I think you will agree that there are people who, until the very end, do not want to say anything and superstition has nothing to do with it. They either ask a lot of questions, or their reaction is not quite adequate, so in this case it is better to save your nerves. And if, in general, you are not worried about the opinion of others and you are happy to tell the world your secret, then why not? Unfortunately or fortunately, not carrying a pregnancy occurs for other reasons, and not because of superstitions and evil eyes. That's what exactly everyone and everyone shouldn't talk about, it's about planning a pregnancy. After all, psychologists have proven that the more you talk about your own plans, the less likely it is that they will come true.

When and to whom is it better to inform?

Of course, the first person who should know about your joy is the future father of the child. Moreover, men's reactions to this news are far from always adequate and coincides with our expectations, even when the pregnancy is planned. Therefore, dear women, treat this with understanding.

Should I tell my parents? I think so, but it all depends on the closeness of your relationship. Although the mother of a pregnant woman will definitely be glad. But mothers-in-law react differently. One friend of mine went through the whole pregnancy with the threat of termination, the mother-in-law said that she would become a grandmother, by the end, they asked to keep the news secret. Two days later, I knew the whole small town in which they lived, there were even phone calls from friends with congratulations.

There are situations when it is better to inform strangers about pregnancy.

In hard physical or emotional work, in order to transfer to more, it is better to tell the boss the truth as early as possible. Do not be heroic, because your health is above all, and getting a small discount is not a shame.

If in the company of friends you are persistently offered to drink, it is better to explain the reasons for your refusal. And whoever tells you anything, is especially contraindicated in the first trimester.

Faith and superstition should not be confused. Many signs and beliefs have nothing to do with belief in God. The Church calls such prejudices a sin, although many superstitious people refer to God.

So, is it worth talking about your pregnancy? I think this is a personal matter for every mother. You can tell your loved ones right away, and friends, colleagues, distant relatives as needed. But, if you really want to, then you should not hold back. After all, there is nothing terrible in this.

Sign 1. In advance, before the desired pregnancy, buy a small baby thing, for example, a hat, socks. This will help you "visualize desire", the more you will feel the presence of the baby, the faster it will appear.

Sign 2. Visit places of power, conducive to conception, where the energy flows of the earth are connected, where there were many good people with good thoughts. For "special" places of power for future parents see

Sign 3. Try "grandmother's omens":

grow ficus in the house;

put in the house or hang a few branches of willow.

Sign 4. Watch your words:

1. do not use swear words;

2. Do not say "I will never have a baby", "I am sterile." Remember - the word is material.

Sign 5. Use it to treat infertility folk recipes, herbs. Be sure to consult your doctor. Official medicine has long known about the benefits of herbal medicine. Your doctor will help you find the right dosage and timing of your appointment. Don't use the tabloid press for self-medication. Some of the recipes there are simply poisonous!

Sign 6. A wish for a baby can sometimes come true on its own at the most inopportune moment when you “let him go”.

Sign 7. To receive a string of pearls as a gift is a good omen future pregnancy.

Sign 8. Relax with your husband in the south. Many couples "bring babies" from the southern regions. For us, residents of a country where climatic conditions leave much to be desired, a visit to the warm seashore can replace years of fruitless treatment for infertility

Sign 9. One of the most famous harbingers of future pregnancy is the adoption of a baby. The sign says - adopt someone else's child and your own will appear.

Sign 10. Signs associated with various manipulations of things by a pregnant woman are widespread among beliefs that contribute to conception, for example:

try on things of a pregnant woman;

drink from a glass of a pregnant woman;

sit in the place of a pregnant woman;

pat the pregnant woman on the belly.

Sign 11. Start attracting "gratitude" - kind, good wishes to your address. To do this, try to do good sincerely free of charge, and then soon an aura of gratitude will arise around you, which will help conception.

Sign 12. For quick conception, you can use the practice of feng shui and create a "wish card", where the main role will be assigned to conception and your future baby. For this in the center large sheet paper glue your photo (photo of your family) with the baby. Along the edges, you can depict, for example, yourself pregnant, guests meeting a happy mother from the hospital, the baby's first steps, other attributes symbolizing family well-being.

You can also make a "wish scroll". To do this, start a small notebook (better for the new moon), where you write down your wish for a baby. Several rules for scrolling:

a) let this notebook be your secret - don't let anyone touch it;

b) your desire should be formulated positively, for example, "I am not sterile" - incorrect formulation, correctly - "with deep gratitude I accept my pregnancy from the Universe and the Universe";

c) formulate a desire with gratitude to the Universe and then they will hear you. Do not forget to thank the Universe after the wish is fulfilled.

Sign 13. A sure sign of the upcoming conception and a signal that the time for active action has come is the unexpectedly rapid growth of indoor plants in your home.

Sign 14. A very famous sign about a kitten. In order to get pregnant soon - to give shelter to a homeless kitten. In this case, the kitten must "stick" to you himself - do not look for him on purpose.

Sign 15. Invest energy in your desire for an early conception. It can simply be the use of the power of one's own desire, the energy of prayer and appeal to the saints who help from infertility (for example, Joachim and Anna, Perth and Fevronya, etc.). But remember that at this particular moment you should not be inflamed into several desires, otherwise you will not receive anything.

Sign 16. Relax and force yourself not to think about the desired pregnancy for a while. Remember, if desire turns into an obsessive state, then it will remain with you, but you must let it go in order to be realized. How often does it happen that couples, long time those who fought for the baby, give up and start just living, and at this very moment, pregnancy begins.

Sign 17. Don't think bad. Not only will constant negative thoughts simply slow down the work of your reproductive system (after all, all its work is based on signals from the brain), but you will also create a negative program around you. Real, correct doctors treat, first of all, with words - by creating a positive attitude towards treatment in the patient, in such doctors' office you can find various life-affirming slogans.

Sign 18. Eat foods containing the embryos of new life - eggs, caviar, unrefined cereals, nuts, seeds (everything from which new life). There are also tips for eating the genitals of various animals. If, for eastern countries this may be acceptable, the average Russian can only be warned against such an extreme.

Sign 19. Try to compose your conception horoscope with a professional astrologer. Let him determine the optimal date of conception for you.

Sign 20. Drink a cup of kumis a day. It is very difficult to find this rare product in our latitudes, but if there is such an opportunity, why not try it?

Sign 21. Dreams for pregnancy. Dreams about pregnancy: fish (fishing), babies, eggs, jewelry as a gift, milk, baby clothes, etc. If we interpret these dreams, it becomes clear that they are all associated either with some pleasant acquisitions, or with objects-symbols of new life (eggs, grains), or directly with the kids themselves.

Sign 22. For a successful conception, mentally turn to your most fertile relatives for help, even if they are no longer in this world (for example, to a grandmother with many children). Everyone knows that before, almost every family had 4-7 children, so anyone can easily find such a relative. This belief about the help of "Rod" goes back to pagan times.

Sign 23. For early conceptiondo not forget to invite a pregnant girl to your wedding. As a bride on your wedding day, be sure to hold the baby on your lap. To avoid infertility, do not forget to tie a wedding ribbon to the fruit tree.

Sign 24. You can spend magic ritual from a healer. Just remember that the ritual must be positive (herbs, sentences). Find a healer, as recommended. It is better if it is a real village grandmother who works not for money, but for an idea :). First of all, it will help you gain self-confidence and a positive attitude.

Sign 25. Begin to profess an "extremely optimistic" outlook on life. Do not communicate with people who have this moment more problems than you. We do not call you to mental callousness, just for some time before conception you should focus only on yourself. Do not sit on forums where it is customary to cry and be hysterical about infertility, this will attract negativity.

Sign 26. Engage in self-hypnosis and meditation. Tune your body to work properly. Imagine yourself in a very pleasant place for you, for example, at the sea, feel the warm summer breeze, fresh, saturated air ... Talk to your body. Imagine your reproductive organs, ask them to work harmoniously, well. Fill with vital energy ... All this is rather called the psychotherapeutic technique of self-hypnosis. You can purchase books on this topic written by professional doctors. Yes, yes, you can use professional "medical" conspiracies for the treatment of infertility :)).

Sign 27. Another very good "sign" for conception. Try to work less mentally while preparing for pregnancy. This has been written and spoken about for a long time, for example, among women who are fully engaged in business, as well as among female students during sessions, there are often disruptions in the work of the reproductive system (menstrual irregularities). If you are forced to load yourself with work, then your brain, which is the "boss" of the entire reproductive system, will never understand that it is time for it to give signals about readiness for fertilization.

Sign 28. Put some willow (willow) branches at home. It is known to be a very prolific tree that can be easily propagated even by branches. Willow has a special vitality and is one of the first to open its leaves in spring. It has long been considered that this tree has protective properties. And the willow twigs, consecrated in Palm Sunday, can be stored for a whole year.

To get rid of infertility, you can eat three buds from fruit trees that bloom for the first time, or the first fruits of an apple, plum, grape

Sign 29. Here are some amulets and amulets against infertility. Amulets: variegated carnation, wood of an apple tree and other fruit trees. From stones: diamond, amethyst, emerald, malachite, topaz From symbolism - you can use figurines of the goddesses Venus and Aphrodite. Ifsuch a figurinewill be donated, then its owner will find a lover within a year, if there is a lover, then within a year she will become pregnant.

Sign 30. On the day of conception or waiting for the results of pregnancy tests, meeting babies is a sure sign of pregnancy.

Sign 31. You can get pregnant with the help of the moon. There are several ways, ranging from rituals, for example, looking at the full moon, to drawing up an "almost scientific" lunar calendar conception. There are also rituals performed on the growing moon. The fact that the moon helps to get pregnant was known back in Ancient Greece and Rome, where women who wanted to get pregnant slept in the moonlight.

Sign 32. You can go to a mud resort. Mud is known to contain naturally occurring hormone-like substances, which often help to normalize hormonal background and get pregnant

Sign 33. Have sex for the purpose of conception at two in the morning. The omen is justified by the fact that this is the time of the hormonal peak.

Sign 34. Drink consecrated water before conception. Pray for a successful conception before intercourse.

Sign 35. Acupuncture technique helps to increase blood flow

Towards the uterus, regulates and normalizes the level of hormones in the body. Chinese traditional medicine are just beginning to take root in our country. We cannot talk about any guarantees of curing infertility, so we write about the application of this technique in an article devoted to non-traditional methods of treating infertility.

Sign 36. Girls planning a pregnancy are not recommended to use cosmetics, to wear extravagant, provocative clothes. All of this includes a life program of "finding a new partner", not a "motherhood" program.

Sign 37. Those planning to conceive should not tell anyone about their intentions. Except, of course, the attending physician :).

Sign 38. A couple experiencing problems with conception must also enter into a spiritual marriage. For example, to get married in a church, to undergo other rituals that correspond to the religion of the spouses.

Sign 39. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, on the wedding night, the first to lay down on the bed of the newlyweds was an infant or a doll of a newborn.

Sign 40. Also, in the ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception was the first to take a newborn baby in her arms.

Question to the psychologist:

Hello! I am completely confused in my life, I don’t even know where to start. I am 20 years old, not married, 3rd year student. There is a guy who has been together for a year and a half, but the relationship is rather complicated. We studied in the same class, there was the first childhood love, but everything was somehow forgotten, I had a young man with whom we met for 3 years. After the breakup, communication began with the first, and old feelings flared up in both. The first half of the year everything was like a fairy tale, just perfect, until the ex intervened, who said a lot of nasty things about me to my boyfriend and his friends, and since we all come from the same small village, all this became "public domain". Since then, the relationship with the guy has become difficult, he is very impressionable, he can hardly bear it, he still cannot forget, although he loves me very much, I see and feel it in those moments when everything is fine with us and this situation is forgotten. But periodically he, apparently mentally, returns to all this dirt, and then a nightmare begins - with quarrels, accusations and misunderstandings on his part, like “why did you get in touch with this person, why you were with him, I always loved you, and now he throws mud at you in front of everyone and I don't understand who to believe. " And this is repeated quite often, it hurts me very much to hear this from him, firstly, because it’s not true, and secondly, because I love. Despite this, I try to constantly calm him down, console him. The situation is even more complicated by the fact that we now live in different cities, I am in a hostel, he has an apartment in his city. When all these quarrels began, I often went to him, I thought - we will be there, and then everything will improve faster. Naturally, this led to problems with my studies, very big problems that I still cannot figure out. It got to the point that now it is easier to pick up documents from the university than to cover all debts. Plus, parents. I have a good, strong and Friendly family, little younger brother, whom I just love madly. But this is in appearance. In fact - I am still afraid to tell them about any of my problems. This is primarily a matter of mom. I don't remember what I once heard from her that she loves me. She seems to be calling, asking how are you, but in reality - she is like a stranger to me, when I tried to discuss my problems with her, my worries, I ALWAYS ended up running into abuse, accusations of my worthlessness. She is also very nervous and constantly breaks down on everyone at home - on me, on her father, even on her little brother. Hence, since childhood, I have a habit of always lying to her that everything is fine, no matter what happens in my soul. So already - problems with parents, boyfriend and school. But that's not all. I am pregnant. And the period is already very, very solid - 7 months, that is, I will soon give birth. And I was so withdrawn or so, I became so afraid of everything that no one knows about my pregnancy (my belly is small even now, outwardly it is almost invisible) !!! I’m scared to tell my parents, because it turns out I didn’t live up to their expectations about my education, they don’t even know about problems with my studies, they think that everything is fine with me, and it’s scary to think what I’ll hear from my own mother when she finds out everything. And the guy is scared to say, I don't know how he will react, what we are going to do with the child now. I was not thinking about anything. I wanted to go to a special shelter for pregnant women, without telling anyone, that is, just disappear, I thought to leave the child in the hospital, and even were very serious intentions kill yourself. But I do not want. I don't want to leave my child, I want to be with him and with my beloved, with my family, which I also love, despite the nightmare that sometimes happens there. But she foolishly drove herself into such a trap and I don't know what to do - with the university, with my parents, with a boyfriend. I am in complete despair, constantly crying, I do not know what to do with myself, where to turn, who to ask for advice. Please, help me, tell me what to do.

The question is answered by the psychologist Shikolaeva Svetlana Sergeevna.

Hello Valentine,

We can only congratulate you! After all, soon you will have a baby.

It is good that you have made a decision and realized what you want. “I don’t want to leave my child, I want to be near him and with my beloved, with my family, which I also love.”

The problem is that you are afraid to tell your loved one and your beloved family about your pregnancy and declare your desire to raise your child with them.

Valentine, let's take a closer look at your fear. “I’m scared to tell my parents, because it turns out I didn’t live up to their expectations about my education, they don’t even know about problems with my studies, they think that everything is fine with me, and it’s scary to think what I’ll hear from my own mother when she finds out everything ... And the guy is scared to say, I don't know how he will react, what we are going to do with the child now. "

Look carefully. The object of your fear does not exist. And it's not a fact that he will ever appear. Because you are afraid of something that does not yet exist, but that, according to your ideas, hypothetically, supposedly, can happen.

Reason like this. A person cannot be responsible for other people's reactions, neither for feelings, nor for emotions, nor for words. Yes, he can, as it were, foresee them, can exert some influence on them by his behavior, but of course, he cannot confidently predict, and even be fully responsible for them. Valentina, whatever the reaction to your confession, she will not bring you as much damage as you are now inflicting on yourself for many months, tormenting and worrying. In general, one should not attach much importance to the first reaction, whatever it may be. Set yourself up for this. Valentina, you hid everything for a long time, and, of course, a reaction of extreme confusion is possible to your confession, but this will be quite adequate, and after some time it will pass. But you yourself will get relief right away. Don't be afraid of anything. Take this hardest stone from your soul.

Let's now take a look at the other side. Valentine, you have a living man under your heart, get ready to appear in the light of God. This is your child, you are his mother, you already fell in love with him, wanted to be with him, and how he fell in love with you in 7 months! Therefore, whatever one may say, any situation now, any "debriefing" will be correctly assessed taking into account this little man, your child. You are no longer alone. There are two of you. “What is mom afraid of there? Tell dad and grandma about me? I would rather tell you, otherwise it's so bad when she is afraid and cries ... And who will help us when I appear? "

Valentina, look, you hide your pregnancy from everyone, and your body, obeying you, hides it. Therefore, there is no belly. All these psycho-emotional and physiological connections very important. Think about the fact that absolutely different things are on the scales right now. On the one hand, your anxiety about who and what will think of you, and on the other hand, your health and your child's, and this health will affect your entire future life.

Think, Valentine, is it time to discard children's strategies and scenarios. For example, do your best to maintain the illusion that "I'm fine." Yes, children in a family with unbalanced and hot-tempered parents often come to this strategy, but they do it out of despair, because they have no right to vote, cannot leave the family and are not responsible for anyone. Valentina, why do you need to continue living your life like this now? You are an adult. Your sense of comfort and security should no longer depend on the mood and opinion of your parents. If it is not, then make the decision to change, and make an effort to do so. You yourself are already half a step away from parenting, and it's time to strengthen your inner personality now, to feel your strengths, your female maternal resources - and every woman has them - to feel strong, capable, and courageous.

Valentine, please calm down, stop crying, tell your loved one, family and friends that you are pregnant, that a baby will be born soon. It is important for you to tell everything, build new relationships, enlist help and support, prepare yourself and your body for childbirth, gain strength - these are your goals now.

In case of an unpredictable reaction, abstract yourself, do not do anything right away, do not fall into despair, feel the lightness of the mystery removed from your soul, get enough sleep, take a walk, go to the doctor's office, and give them time to "get used to and think." And then solve problems further as they come. Solve in a new way, without old algorithms, and don't be afraid. As they say, God gave a child, and he will also give a child. Those. everything will be fine.

Take care of yourself! If you need advice or support, please email.


Shikolaeva Svetlana, psychologist

You can contact me for psychological support, counseling or psychotherapy.

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Pregnancy is a very special period in the life of every woman. Especially if this is your first pregnancy, you have a lot of questions, doubts, worries. Is everything okay, are the changes occurring in your body normal, how to behave so as not to harm the unborn baby ... For advice women usually turn to more experienced friends, mothers, and other women. But, unfortunately, apart from really useful recommendations and moral support, they often receive a lot of unnecessary and even harmful information in the form of folk signs, superstitions and prejudices associated with pregnancy.

The origin of the omens is shrouded in darkness and is lost in the distant past. They are passed by word of mouth from generation to generation. And even in our age of high technologies and widespread computerization, many women continue to believe in the most absurd, from the point of view of common sense, statements.

Let's try to understand them in more detail.

Pregnant women should not have their hair cut

This is one of the most common superstitions.

Some women quite seriously state that "it is harmful for pregnant women." But from the point of view of medicine, a haircut cannot cause any harm to the health of a woman and her unborn child.

The hormones produced during pregnancy have a positive effect on hair growth and structure. Therefore, the hair becomes strong, thick, silky. Many women find that the quality of their hairstyles has improved significantly. However, if a woman wears short hair, being banned from going to a hairdresser for nine months could be a serious problem for her. What's the matter?

According to popular beliefs, "to get a haircut is to shorten the age of a child." It sounds beautiful, but it is hardly worth dwelling on whether there could be any relationship here. However, many believe this nonsense. One woman said that they refused to get her hair cut in the salon, offering to come after childbirth.

A pregnant woman should not be knitted

Many pregnant women are drawn to sewing and knitting. This is not surprising - a pleasant, calming activity, and there is quite a lot of free time ... But then a "well-wisher" appears, who, rounding his eyes, whispers that "a pregnant woman should never be knitted or sewn - a child can get entangled in the umbilical cord!"

Even a non-superstitious woman, after such a warning, will think - what if it’s true? After all, it's not about her, but her baby ... Maybe it's better not to risk it?

And the expectant mother deprives herself of great pleasure, and at the same time an excellent means of rest and tranquility. And of course, after giving birth, she will not have time to do needlework.

You shouldn't tell anyone about your pregnancy.

The reason for this superstition is pretty commonplace. Fearing the evil eye future mother did not let anyone in her secret, except the closest relatives. For the same reason, women tried not to inform anyone about the onset of labor. Therefore, the midwife walked to the mother's house in vegetable gardens so that no one would see her. It was believed that the less people know about the onset of labor, the easier it will be.

Modern women to this day often hide their pregnancy until it becomes visible to everyone. And the reason for this is no longer in following grandmother's signs, but in the inner feeling of a woman. She often just feels more comfortable if no one is aware of her situation. This is a kind of "defensive reaction" against prying eyes.

However, there are times when it may be more beneficial to let others know your secret than to keep them in the dark. Being aware of your situation, household members will protect you from lifting weights, cleaning and other hard household chores. Co-workers will stop pestering you with questions about why you eat little (or, on the contrary, a lot), look pale, etc. And the bosses may relieve you of the most burdensome work and allow you to adhere to a freer schedule.

You cannot prepare a dowry in advance

Obviously, this superstition originated in Lately... In the old days, a dowry for a baby was prepared long before his birth. Father made a cradle, mother sewed clothes. In those days, there were no shops for newborns, and it was impossible to imagine that all the necessary purchases were made within a few days after giving birth.

However, in our time, this prejudice has become widespread. Many pregnant women do not prepare anything in advance, leaving it to the husband to buy a crib, a stroller, clothes and everything else while the mother and baby are in the hospital. You can imagine how stressful this is for a young father, and how many important things are missed.

One mother said that in a hurry, the newly-minted father and grandmother bought almost everything, but ... they bought only three diapers.

In addition, by denying herself the preparation of a dowry, the expectant mother is depriving herself of great pleasure - calmly and without haste to acquire everything necessary for her crumbs. After visiting stores of children's goods, looking at beautiful things on the counters, a woman thinks about her baby, experiencing a lot of positive emotions. Needless to say, how useful it is for the unborn child! In addition, in this way, she kind of informs the child that they are waiting for him here, they are taking care of him, and the baby feels everything while still in the womb.

And many more restrictions!

A pregnant woman should not hang clothes on the clothesline, raise her hands up, go to someone else's garden ... You should not touch your face, otherwise the child will have birthmarks. Judge for yourself, is it possible that at least one woman has not touched her face for nine months? And if so, then all children should be born covered with birthmarks?

Another belief claims that the name of the unborn child can be invented, but it should be kept in the strictest confidence until the very birth. This superstition is still in circulation today. And it comes from antiquity, when it was believed that evil spirits, having overheard a name, could harm an unborn child.

Why, for all the absurdity, superstitions have such an impact over many generations?

The action of prejudice is based on the subconscious. If a woman seriously believes in any statement, then she kind of "programs" herself to follow it. Thus, the omen begins to come true for her. And it's not hard to believe if the information comes from an older and more experienced woman, and even backed up by someone's negative experience ("here's our neighbor did this, and she ...")

Pregnancy imposes significant restrictions on a woman's lifestyle. Most of them are associated with the need to eat right, visit more fresh air, do not overwork, etc. All of these recommendations can be found in any book on pregnancy, and they are really important and well-founded. So is it worth a pregnant woman to impose on herself even tougher restrictions and prohibitions dictated by superstitions? Probably not. And if any warning "experienced mother" especially sunk into the soul, - consult with your doctor, whether you really should follow it.