
To learn hypnosis you need to look at the dot. Secrets of Self-Taught Hypnosis Technique


Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness caused by the influence of the operator. In this state, the hypnotized person is extremely suggestible, which opens up great prospects for clinical activity, although unscrupulous hypnotists who use their ability for selfish purposes cannot be excluded. But we are not interested in the ethical side of the issue, but is it possible to learn hypnosis and how to master this skill on your own. Judging by the ads of various "gurus", you can master anything: at least, at least call a pet dragon. But maybe not all of their words deserve distrust, let's see.

Can you learn hypnosis on your own?

Trance states have been known to mankind for a very long time, but science turned its gaze towards hypnosis only in the 18th century. Then scientists noticed that it is easier to subject a person to suggestion if a small shiny object or a mirror is placed at the level of his bridge of the nose. Focusing on one point allows you to quickly plunge a person into a trance. The first researchers were inclined to answer the question whether it is possible to learn hypnosis on their own, in the negative. This was due to the mystical aura that shrouded the phenomenon, which made one think about the need for an innate gift. But a number of tests have proven the possibility of acquiring the necessary skills in the process of training. So self-learning hypnosis is quite possible, however, you will need to get a partner who is inspired by a person, otherwise it will be impossible to track the result of training.

How to learn hypnosis on your own?

Before you begin to master the various techniques of immersion in a trance, you need to develop self-confidence, because the hypnotist must be able to inspire respect with one look. It is also important to put your voice, your speech should be clear, intelligible and convincing, you should avoid excessive assertiveness and loud intonations. Look for the right pace, all orders should be pronounced at an even, calm pace, the volume of the voice should be comfortable so that the speech seems confident, but soft. After acquiring the necessary qualities, you can think about how to learn hypnosis yourself.

There are several ways to hypnotize an interlocutor, let's get acquainted with the three simplest of them.

The effect will be better if the session is held in a relaxing environment (subdued light, light quiet music, pleasant unobtrusive aroma). Remember to establish contact with your partner, help him relax, calm him down with words and do not ask unpleasant questions until you hypnotize him.

Ask the person if they don't mind. It's better to ask directly: "Can I hypnotize you?" Before you start, you need to make sure that the person actually agrees.

Ask the person to sit in a comfortable position. Do not perform hypnosis in a standing position, as the person is likely to relax so much that he falls.

Tell the person to focus on the point under your right eye. Also, he should not look away while you are talking to him.

Look directly at the person without blinking. Start counting from five to one in a soothing, low voice. As you count, say to the person:

  • "Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier."
  • "Your eyelids become even heavier, as if a heavy weight is pulling them down."
  • "Soon the eyelids will become so heavy that they will close."
  • "The more you try to open your eyes, the more heavy, droopy and flabby the eyelids will become and the tighter they will be closed."
  • Counting from five to one, repeat these phrases several times.
  • Tell the person that you are going to touch his shoulder, after which he will completely relax. Before touching a person, it is important to warn him of what is about to happen. This will help the person mentally tune in to the command that you give, so that later they can execute it correctly.

    • Tell the person, "When I touch your shoulder, your body will become sluggish, relaxed, and leaden. Are you ready?"
  • Touch the person's shoulder and tell them they can relax now. Do not be afraid if a person falls sharply or leans back in a chair. This will mean that he really is completely relaxed and is under hypnosis.

  • Reassure the person that they are now under hypnosis. It is important that the person understands that the relaxed state they are in is caused by hypnosis or a hypnotic state.

    • In addition, it is important to assure the person that he is not in danger and that he is in good hands. Reassure him again so that he does not stop trusting you and listening to your commands.
  • Tell the person that their right hand should now be sluggish and heavy. Tell him that he should feel her relaxed. Then touch his hand to trigger a reaction.

    • Raise the person's hand and make sure it is relaxed and limp. Put your hand back.
    • This will confirm that the person is now in a trance state. It will also mean that the person is ready to listen to you and follow commands.
  • Prepare the person to follow only your voice. Start counting backwards from five to one. Tell the person that when you count to one, they will only hear the sounds of your voice.

    • When you count to one, snap your fingers so the person can focus on your voice. Talk to a person so that listening to your voice, he will relax even more. Then ask him to listen carefully to every word you say. Only listen to what you say.
    • Instruct the person to follow exactly what you say and not be distracted by extraneous sounds.
  • Check the person's hypnotic state. Now that the person is in hypnosis, you can test your abilities. In order to find out how much a person obeys you, you can ask him to touch his nose or ear. You can order a person to move his arm or leg on command.

    • Remember that hypnotic control must be handled responsibly and with caution. The person has trusted you, so while he is under hypnosis do not do anything that could embarrass him, offend or offend him.
  • Very often people think that to become a hypnotist, you need to have some special qualities. Sometimes they even believe that outwardly it is possible to determine whether to be a hypnotist or not.

    Hypnosis is putting a person into a subconscious trance to suggest certain thoughts. Under the influence of a trance, the human brain works in a different mode in which it can remember long-forgotten things.

    In fact, anyone can have this property. The main distinguishing feature of hypnotists from ordinary people is:

    • confident look;
    • clear and high-level speech;
    • lack of sudden movements;
    • calm voice;
    • the ability to convince.

    But according to long-established hypnotists, it is not necessary to follow the set limits in order to learn the skill. It is enough to have the right technique, and the appearance and presentation can be given out as your own personality.

    Hypnosis is a dangerous weapon. Just like the energy of the atom, it should be used wisely. Wolf Messing.

    As for the surrounding conditions for learning, the following can be distinguished. It is quite possible to master the basics of craftsmanship at home, but you need to follow certain steps.

    The most important thing is not to be distracted by household chores. The house should not be accepted as a place to live, but as a place for a session. Therefore, all trips to the kitchen for food or a cup of coffee are excluded. People with bad habits will also have to limit themselves for the duration of the training.

    For a full-fledged session, the patient and the hypnotist must have continuous eye contact.

    For the session to be successful, you need to allocate a place for hypnosis. Provide comfortable furniture for the subject and for yourself. Create a positive external environment. Perhaps the fragrance of various calm smells will become an assistant.

    What hypnosis is considered correct

    Before you understand the correctness of hypnosis, you need to work on yourself. First, you need to learn to be confident in your abilities, because self-doubt will not give the necessary results. Second, you need to control yourself and your emotions.

    A good hypnotist is a harmonious, calm person in control of the situation. Thirdly, you need to learn how to speak smoothly and clearly. Only the right speech will help to bear fruit in the work. These 3 qualities will help to easily take the patient's attention to suggest the necessary material.

    Today, the so-called hidden hypnosis is especially popular. This method differs from a normal session in that the patient does not need to be put into a trance. The work is carried out in full and clear consciousness. There is a process of psychological or physiological reunification of the hypnotist and the subject.

    The psychological process is described as follows. The person who introduces into a trance carefully monitors the speech of his interlocutor and performs an action with the help of special words.

    This type is considered quite difficult, because it takes a lot of time to learn. Also, to carry out such procedures, you need to have sufficient self-control, patience, a clear look and control over yourself.

    Physiological hypnosis looks like this. For example, the hypnotist begins to repeat the physical actions of the patient, and at some point produces his action. If the patient repeated the procedure, then the reunion was successful.

    Hypnosis techniques for home use

    For a successful session, the following methods are distinguished:

    1. Perform hypnosis only with the consent of the patient. For a comfortable session, you should turn on calm music and create a favorable atmosphere.
    2. Provide comfortable furniture for the subject (armchair or sofa).
    3. Create a contact with the patient. Hold the person by the wrist with one hand. And place the second in the shoulder area.
    4. In communication, use a quiet and calm voice. It is advisable to prepare the text in advance in order to be as convincing as possible.
    5. It is necessary to focus the attention of the interlocutor on a strong desire to take a nap. This is the most important assistant in hypnosis.
    6. The gaze must be focused on the bridge of the nose of the person who is put to sleep.
    7. After the spoken text, slowly go around the patient and gently close his eyelids.
    8. Within 1-2 minutes, the subject will enter a trance state.
    9. The final phrase for introducing into a trance will be the words: "you are sleeping."

    There is another method for conducting a session. Very often in films and serials show hypnotists at work. Moreover, to introduce the patient into a trance, they use various objects, like a pendulum. Such things can be: a chain, a small mirror, a ball, etc. This method is used as follows:

    1. The object that was chosen for the session slowly swings in front of the client's eyes.
    2. At the same time, the hypnotist delivers a clear, quiet, monotonous speech.
    3. To maximize the effect, you need to look directly into the eyes and do not blink. This is not possible for everyone at once, it takes time to learn.
    4. It is very important to be able not only to correctly introduce a person into a state of trance, but also to correctly, without bad consequences, bring him out of sleep. To do this, before entering a special state, it is necessary to say after what action the person should wake up.
    5. After the end of the ritual, you need to do a pre-agreed action and say: “wake up.”

    Well, the easiest method to describe, but not to use. It takes a lot of training sessions to work with it:

    1. For several minutes, you need to silently look the interlocutor in the eyes.
    2. During eye contact, you can not look away and blink (for beginners, blinking is allowed, but as rarely as possible). In this case, the effectiveness of the procedure will be maximum.
    3. After a while, say the word: "sleep." And the person must sleep.

    Each method is different for each student. Most importantly, if you fail in some way, do not despair. You should try to try yourself in other types of hypnosis. The important point is that it takes a lot of practice and training. This is the only way to achieve success in what you have planned.

    Mistakes in home hypnosis

    Some believe that hypnosis is some kind of magical power. For the session, some supernatural forces are used. But all this is not true. Because a study of scientists has revealed that anyone can have hypnosis.

    The main thing is to have the necessary qualities that you can learn on your own. A specialist in the field of hypnosis only helps his patient to focus on the process of interest with the help of long-established techniques.

    Another mistake is that in a state of hypnosis, people can perform any action that the hypnotist tells them to do. All this is a lie, because during a trance a person is completely in control of himself. It comes from the instinct of self-preservation. With the patient, only psychological actions that were necessary in advance can be carried out.

    It is also a myth that a person does not remember what happened during a trance. In fact, the subject perfectly remembers the entire procedure. Naturally, you can forget some details, but this is a common phenomenon of human memory.


    It is believed that hypnosis gives a person some kind of power. This is a controversial assumption, because during the procedure the interlocutor is as concentrated as possible. He can do any action that he was afraid of before. Hypnosis allows you to relax and increase self-confidence.

    Hello everybody! We ourselves periodically, and sometimes daily, plunge into a trance, for example, in line or on the way to work. You can immediately recognize such a person, he seems to have a mask on his face, his eyes are open, but his eyes are fixed on one point, the pupils are dilated, there may even be involuntary shudders. Such a state arises from routine work or a long wait, a person “goes deep” into his thoughts, physically seems to be present in the present moment, but consciousness is somewhere in the past or future.

    That is, as you understand, this is easy to achieve, the main thing is to know how to properly and profitably dive into a trance, and today I will just talk about the basics of hypnosis so that you can control your mind and program yourself for the desired result.

    About hypnosis

    Hypnosis, by its definition, means an altered state of the psyche, when a person is awake, but at the same time he has signs of sleep, during which he observes dreams. In this altered state, he perceives information without judgment, not being able to filter or reject it, that is, it turns out that he can be instilled with anything. There are such stages:

    1. cataleptic stage . The tone of the cerebral cortex begins to decrease, the eyes are motionless, breathing and other processes in the body slow down.
    2. Lethargic. A person becomes insensitive to pain, and his limbs freeze in one position, this is a state of deep sleep.
    3. Somnambulistic. At this stage, the subconscious begins to work actively, speech is turned off, the ability to think the same way, and the level of suggestibility is as high as possible, in addition, a connection is established with the one who hypnotizes. After awakening, a person does not remember what is happening during hypnosis at all. You can about the subconscious.


    1. Classic or Directive , that is, when a command is given, an order. It is considered a very harsh way that can harm a person. Classical training is best done by professionals, without the risk of experimenting on your own. The fact is that attention is paid only to the symptom itself, and not to the cause of its occurrence. For example, a hypnotherapist decided to save another person from smoking, put him into a trance and gave the appropriate setting. Yes, now he doesn’t smoke, but the problem is that he used to satisfy some of his needs with the help of cigarettes, for example, relaxation during stress, but now he has lost this method, and his psyche is naked in front of negative events, which will bring him more more harmful than nicotine.
    2. Hidden . Usually this is neuro-linguistic programming, or the so-called Ericksonian hypnosis. The impact on the psyche occurs without directive instructions, sometimes even hidden, a person may not realize that he is under the influence. Great for beginners because it's easy to learn manipulation techniques that, by the way, surround us on a daily basis and are widely used in advertising, politics or business.
    3. Gypsy . It is used mainly by scammers who, with the help of distraction, plunge their victim into a trance in order to gain some benefit. A person after this method usually may not remember the events that occurred in the process of communicating with a street hypnotist.
    4. Medical . Helps to get rid of addictions, for example, drug, alcohol, gambling, gambling and food. It is possible to cure psychosomatic diseases, that is, migraines, ulcers, breathing problems, neuroses and even sexual disorders.


    So, let's move on to the most important thing, namely the question of how to learn hypnosis.

    The simplest is the hypnotic gaze method.

    It can be used in cases where you need something from another person, for example, his consent to something. Initially, practice concentrating your attention, contemplating something, I described this method in detail about meditation. Also train your gaze in front of a mirror. When you feel confident in your abilities, try it in practice.

    To do this, it is important to sit about 30 cm from the interlocutor and carefully look at him in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bridge of the nose, just above the eyes. During communication, repeat his postures and gestures, but not too intrusively, but as if by chance, thus adjusting to him. Your speech should be calm, quiet and slightly monotonous. When you notice that the interlocutor is relaxing and his reactions are slowing down, you can start a conversation about what you need from him. The main thing is to do without a particle of "not" in circulation. For example: "I'm sure you can help me..."

    The next technique is called "Overload"

    It is just actively used by gypsies and scammers. It may be useful for you to practice, or use in an emergency when you are asked for an answer that you cannot give. It is carried out very easily, it follows, judging by the name, to overload the consciousness. A person is able to assimilate a sentence, which consists of seven words, if the limit is exceeded, he simply loses the thread of the conversation and the meaning of what was said, trying to mentally return to the beginning of the phrase in order to still understand what it is about. When you notice that the interlocutor is completely confused, insert the necessary suggestions into your quick text.

    Easy to learn and practice method, is basic - "5-4-3-2-1"

    You will need a volunteer to complete it. He sits comfortably in a chair and listens attentively to you. To begin with, it is necessary to give him those suggestions that are obvious and confirmed. For example, that now it is snowing outside, and the rumble of passing cars is heard in the room. These statements, which are immediately verifiable, help build trust between you. Then, to reinforce it, pay attention to the sounds that usually accompany us, but we do not track them, for example, the ticking of a clock. After that, start using affirmations about his internal state, for example, that at the moment he is calm. When the contact is established, which is called rapport, you can go directly to the cycles themselves:

    • Tell him 4 real phrases, that is, what he really sees at the moment (you, a window, curtains or a closet in front of his eyes), and a fifth phrase with an inspiring meaning (that is, what you want to inspire him).
    • Next, say 4 phrases about his physical, motor sensations (that warmth is felt throughout the body, each muscle relaxes, he feels his eyelids become heavier, etc.), and the fifth about the internal state of calm.
    • Now three phrases about real perception, and two about the internal state.
    • Two real suggestions, and three suggestions.
    • And the last cycle, in which you use one sentence of a real nature, and four aimed at sensations. After that, you can begin to speak only suggestions.

    Getting out of hypnosis

    It is also important to get out of the state of hypnosis, for this you should say at the end of the action: “Now I will wake you up, I will count from 5 to 1, and you will gradually come out of the trance state. When you open your eyes, you will feel full of strength and energy, as if you were sleeping soundly and sweetly.

    It may happen that the subject after waking up will experience nausea or heaviness in the body. To eliminate these consequences, it is necessary to hypnotize him back, only to give instructions about improving his well-being. Or, there are times when a patient, a volunteer, simply falls asleep. Do not disturb him in this case, and do not be afraid, let him satisfy his physiological needs, and after waking up, ask questions about what happened to him during the session. Pay attention to what wording slips through his speech, and next time, to enhance the effect of suggestibility, use them.


    That's all, dear readers! Experiment and you'll be fine. Finally, I want to recommend reading my article ... It describes the ways in which it is possible to find a common language with your subconscious and give it the necessary tuning in order to achieve success as quickly as possible. If the article was interesting to you, you can add it to your social networks. networks (the buttons are at the bottom), it will be useful for you, and I am pleased to know that the article was useful. See you soon.

    To know how to learn hypnosis, you first need to get acquainted with its main types. In general, hypnosis is such a state of a person when he is asleep and awake at the same time. The art or technique of hypnosis is mastered by such people who are good psychologists or endowed with this gift by nature.

    They knew how to use it even in ancient times in Ancient Greece and Rome, as well as in the East. The name of this technique was coined by the English scientist James Braid. He conducted various sessions, observing the reaction of a person in a hypnotic trance to shiny objects, orders, etc. Then there were schools for the study and mastery of hypnosis. It began to be used in medicine for the treatment of certain diseases and in show business.

    Types of hypnosis

    Classical hypnosis, which can be obeyed by 70% of all people, inhibits the subject's cerebral cortex, leaving one area to work, which is associated with the hypnotist. Under the influence of a monotonous sound or the voice of a person introducing him into a trance, he is easily suggestible.

    Erickson hypnosis. This method, which bears the name of the psychiatrist Milton Erickson, lies in the fact that the main role in it is given to the hypnotized person. In this case, the worker is left with a small area for communication with the hypnotist, and the rest is not subjected to hypnosis. That is, this technique allows you to introduce him into a light trance without risk to human health.

    Gypsy hypnosis puts a person into a trance through his imagination. Such instant sessions are held in crowded places: squares, train stations, parks, markets - representatives of this "tramp" nation, its female half, quickly makes contact with the victim, taking her right hand and reading her memory. Not letting him come to his senses, he subjugates himself and forces him to fulfill all orders and requests. But "aerobatics" is considered to be mastery of the technique of hypnosis with the eyes.

    How to hypnotize a person?

    There are many techniques of hypnotic influence on a person that you can learn yourself. The main thing is to have a confident voice, a piercing look. If the suggested person goes voluntarily to the session and believes in it, then success is guaranteed. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that hypnosis is self-hypnosis, when a person tunes into it himself.

    Before proceeding to the session, it is necessary to find a volunteer who wants to pass the test. Then prepare him, explain what you can expect from hypnosis. Then find a quiet room without strangers. Sit him in a comfortable chair at arm's length from you, turn on quiet, relaxing music. Check with your partner if you have had similar sessions before.

    To speak in a quiet, confident voice that nothing will disturb him, that the eyelids are filled with heaviness, and the body is immersed in peace and you want to sleep. Ask the hypnotized person to breathe evenly and deeply, which will distract him from thoughts about the process itself. Offer to look at the same object in the room for a long time. If the hypnotized wants to close his eyes, let him do so. So gradually he goes into a trance.

    Next, the partner must be led along the “hypnotic ladder”, first up, and then offered to go down. The movement is accompanied by calm instructions and parting words. At the end of the path, invite him to open an imaginary door that will lead to complete relaxation. Entering a state of complete relaxation, the subject plunges into a deep trance.

    Then the tasks set before the session are performed. They can be treatment, solving some psychological problems, etc.

    After the end of the hypnotic session, the partner must be carefully brought out of the trance. For this, special words and an account from one to five are used, for example, which are pronounced in a measured quiet voice.

    To learn the technique of hypnosis with a glance, you must follow exactly the following recommendations:

    1. draw a black circle with a diameter of 2 centimeters;
    2. step back 2 meters and look at him (perform 1-15 minutes);
    3. without taking your eyes off the circle, move around the room for 15 minutes, repeat 4-5 times;
    4. sitting in front of a mirror, concentrate your gaze on the bridge of your nose for 1-15 minutes;
    5. sit opposite your partner and focus on the bridge of his nose (1-15 minutes).

    All actions are performed calmly, confidently. After these trainings, you can apply your skills to animals and people.

    After any session with a partner, it is necessary to have a conversation about his feelings and condition. And always remember that any hypnosis session can have serious psychological consequences for any person in case of a mistake. Therefore, it must be approached with great caution.

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