
How to beautifully paint a wooden floor. How to beautifully paint eggs for Easter Show how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter



Positive psychology 23.04.2019

Dear readers, very soon we will celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. Let me remind you that in 2019 we will celebrate Orthodox Easter on April 28. We will bake Easter cakes, Easter cakes and, of course, paint eggs.

The tradition of coloring eggs goes back to ancient times. And if earlier eggs were painted mainly red, symbolizing the blood of Jesus Christ, now the creativity and creative approach of people around the world are simply amazing. Find out how beautifully you can paint eggs for Easter, from the simplest to the most unusual!

Where did the custom come from?

When to dye eggs for Easter

What day should you dye eggs? According to church canons, eggs should begin to be colored on the eve of Easter on Maundy Thursday. On this day, it is customary to clean the house, wash and prepare Easter eggs and dyes. If you didn’t have time to color the eggs on Maundy Thursday, you can do it on Saturday. Thursday and Saturday are the best days for coloring Easter eggs.

On what day should you not dye eggs?

It is believed that on the day of Jesus' death, that is, on Friday, one should not do household chores, including painting eggs. However, many priests say that even on Good Friday you can start preparing the dyes. When is the best time to do this? - only after 15.00 hours.

Easter eggs have long ceased to be just a ritual food. They are given to friends and relatives and decorate the holiday table. Therefore, every year they try to decorate them as interesting as possible. This process is especially popular with young children, who happily join in this creative game.

  • Chicken eggs will not burst during cooking if you add a tablespoon of table salt to the pan. In addition, eggs should be removed 1-2 hours before cooking. This step will also protect the shell from damage;
  • in order for the paint to evenly cover the shell, you need to wipe the boiled egg with alcohol;
  • if you like the mirror shine of Easter paints and Easter eggs, rub the eggs with a drop of vegetable oil;
  • to fix the shade, place the eggs in a 9% vinegar solution based on the proportions of 1 tablespoon per 1.5 liters of water;
  • the brightness of the shade depends on the concentration of the dye and the time the egg is in the liquid;
  • You can dye not only chicken eggs. Try coloring quail eggs and you will see how beautiful it is!

If you have small children, then when dyeing it is better to avoid chemical dyes. The risk of dye penetrating into the egg is minimal, but still present, especially if the egg bursts during cooking.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to traditional natural components for coloring, which will definitely not provoke allergies in our children. There are several ways to color eggs for Easter without store-bought dyes. The choice of dyeing tactics depends on the desired shade.

Educational shade table

Dear readers, I offer you a list of products that will help you achieve the desired shade when coloring Easter eggs. This chart can be printed and used as a guide.

How to color eggs in onion skins. Classic way

Many people know how to paint eggs in onion skins, but let's remind you again about this method for beginners. This recipe is quite easy to make. You just need to stock up on onion peels in advance.

In order to get a purplish-red hue, take the peels from 8 onions and add 400 ml of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and continue to cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. As soon as the coloring solution has cooled, it needs to be filtered.

Now you can start coloring - immerse the eggs in water until they are completely covered and cook them for 10 minutes. If at the end of cooking the color is not sufficiently saturated, you can place them back into the strained coloring broth and leave for another 10 minutes.

How to paint marbled eggs in onion skins

There is another way to paint eggs in onion skins with a pattern. This recipe produces marbled eggs. To do this, in addition to onion peels, you will need:

  • a jar of pharmaceutical greens;
  • gauze or nylon stockings;
  • gloves.

To begin, grind the onion skins into fine crumbs. Moisten the eggs with water and roll them in the shells. Now you need to wrap each egg with gauze or nylon so that the husk is fixed, and dip it in water for cooking.

You need to add brilliant green to the container with eggs at the rate of 10 ml per 1.5 liters of water. Now all that remains is to boil the eggs in this coloring solution for 15 minutes. At the end of this simple manipulation, you need to cool the eggs by dousing them with cold water and freeing them from the onion skins.

I would like to emphasize that the use of food products when coloring eggs does not give such an intense color as chemical dyes. The final result also depends on the natural color of the shell. Therefore, to obtain a deep shade it will take more time, up to 12 hours.

Turmeric for a golden hue

Did you know that you can get a yellow-golden color using spices? To do this, add 3 tablespoons of aromatic turmeric to a container of boiling water. Give the solution time to cool and brew, then dip the eggs into it and boil. If the shade is too weak, you can leave the eggs in the broth overnight.

Beetroot for crimson shade

How to color eggs with beets? Sugar beets give eggs an interesting purple hue when dyed. To do this, grate a medium-sized vegetable and squeeze out the juice. Add beet juice to a container of water, bring to a boil and leave the liquid to steep for half an hour.

Strain the coloring solution and add the eggs to it. Cook them over medium heat for 15 minutes to obtain a light brown color. Adjust the dyeing time depending on the intensity of the desired color.

Red cabbage for a purple hue

There are many ways to beautifully paint eggs for Easter. One popular method is using red cabbage, which gives the eggs a purple tint. To color this recipe you need:

  1. Chop the cabbage and pour 1.5 liters of water into it.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat for 60 minutes.
  3. After the solution has cooled, it must be strained and allowed to brew for another 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add eggs to the container with the broth and cook them for 10 minutes. During this time they will acquire a light pink tint. To obtain a rich purple color, leave the eggs in a container with natural dye for 4 hours.

Food colors for coloring eggs

Using store-bought dyes is very simple and many people resort to this method as the fastest. Before purchasing food coloring, pay attention to the instructions on how to color eggs for Easter. The thing is that different paint manufacturers present different methods of applying it. Sometimes you need to boil eggs in water with dye, and in other cases you need to place boiled eggs in the solution.

Most often in stores you can find bags of water-soluble paint. To color in this way, you need to first boil the eggs. Pour cold water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and food coloring into a metal container. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred and wait until the dye grains are completely dissolved.

Then you need to put the eggs in the container and leave for 30-60 minutes. The finished dyes are blotted with napkins and decorated with them on the festive table.

I suggest watching a video on how to color eggs for Easter using food coloring in rainbow colors.

How to make a pattern on an Easter egg

Many families have maintained the tradition of painting eggs using twigs of homemade flowers, leaves, and grass. If you want to make your Easter eggs original, you definitely need to try this coloring method.

Choose any dye that will give you the base shade of the eggs. This could be the usual onion skins, beet juice or store-bought dyes. The choice is yours.

Pour water into a metal container, dilute the dye and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the solution for 10 minutes. During this time you will have time to prepare the eggs for coloring.

To obtain a picture, leaves of trees, plants, and parsley are suitable. Moisten an egg with water and attach a piece of paper. Now wrap the shell in gauze or nylon stocking, securing the ends.

Add a tablespoon of salt to the slightly cooled coloring solution and carefully lower the eggs into it. You need to cook them for 10-12 minutes, then fill them with cold water and free them from the nylon. The result is original Easter eggs with a floral pattern.

Coloring eggs for Easter using the “speckled” technique

In Ukrainian villages, the tradition of making rags, kraponkas or shkrabanks for Easter is still preserved. These are ordinary painted eggs, on which ornaments are then made.

If you want to try to make these Easter eggs, then color them using natural dyes, because store-bought ones smudge a lot when drawing the pattern. Experienced housewives share advice that for this method of decoration it is better to use dark eggs, since they have a thicker shell.

I suggest watching a master class on this technique from Olga Proyda, who participated in the competition along with her 6-year-old son Dima.

We will need:

  • boiled eggs;
  • candle;
  • dyes;
  • rags.

Boil the eggs and dilute the dyes in a convenient container. It is better to make the solution sufficiently saturated.

When everything is ready, lay out the rags, light a candle and drip melted wax onto the testicle. After each drop, you can lightly blow on the wax to make it harden faster. After drying the egg with a cloth, then apply wax to the egg in other places. This can be repeated several times.

When all the necessary drops are already in place, dip the egg into the paint. It is convenient to do this with a spoon.

You can see everything in more detail

Easter engraving

For a floral or geometric design, use a thick gypsy needle and a sharpened orange stick. Sometimes in stores you can find a ready-made Easter engraving set, which contains all the necessary tools.

Decoupage Easter eggs

Experienced craftswomen recommend trying to decorate Easter eggs using an interesting decoupage technique. Using this method you can translate any pattern. Painting this way is more labor-intensive, but the end result is worth the effort.

You will need beautiful napkins with a design that you would like to transfer to the shell. You can first color the eggs in any way convenient for you, or simply boil them in water, leaving a natural shade.

You will also need gelatin glue, which is very easy to make yourself. To do this, soak purchased gelatin according to the instructions on the package, drain off excess liquid. The resulting mixture must be heated in a saucepan, without bringing to a boil, until the small particles are completely dissolved.

Now cut out a pattern or fragment from the napkin and separate the top layer, which you will use. Place the design on the boiled egg and cover it with glue on top. Movements with the brush should be smooth from the center to the edges. Let the drawing dry and enjoy the beauty of Easter paints.

Master class “Decorating an Easter egg”

To begin, take multi-layer paper napkins with a pattern and cut out patterns, in this case they are flowers.

Never coat the first layer with plain water, otherwise the water will dry out and the design will fall off.

We attach our flowers to the eggs in any order you like. This is what happened in the end.

The master class is taken from the competition work “Easter Miracle” from Nina Kuzmenko

Stickers – thermal films

It is not always possible to devote enough time to coloring Easter eggs. In this case, purchased thermal stickers come to the rescue. Perhaps this is the fastest and easiest way. Such stickers are made with a wide variety of patterns: Khokhloma or Gzhel, biblical motifs, butterflies, rabbits, cartoon characters, geometric patterns, holiday inscriptions.

Boil the eggs first, put a thermal base on them and place them in boiling water for a few seconds. The sticker will instantly wrap around the shell and the Easter egg is ready!

How to color eggs with little kids in a simple and fun way

All children love to participate in coloring eggs. Give them free rein to be creative. Children's fingers, whatman paper and dyes or paint - that's all you need.

Read more about this master class in the competition article from Anastasia and her wonderful sons.

As you can see, there are a huge number of ways to paint eggs for Easter. You can choose any option you like or try each one as an experiment.

I would like to add at the end that Easter is a family holiday. Color the paints with your little children and family. It's not only easy to do, but also fun. Touch a piece of beauty with the whole family!

How do you paint Easter eggs: the old fashioned way with onion skins or in unusual ways? Be sure to share your experience.

I suggest you read other articles on this topic:

And for all of us a musical gift. Beautiful sunny music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .

see also



The option of finishing a room with paint is becoming more and more relevant. This material makes it possible to expand design ideas, to realize what cannot be realized with wallpaper, panels and other decors. But how to paint the surfaces of a room so that it is beautiful and original? Let's look at the methods in our article.

When to use paint for repairs

It is possible that many people are accustomed to the standard transformation of their homes using wallpaper. The paint was used only in rooms with high humidity and excessive pollution. But modern ideas of designers and developments of paint manufacturers have turned these stereotypes upside down. A varied palette of paint shades allows you to:

  1. fill the house with color and comfort;
  2. zone the space;
  3. focus on the desired object;
  4. change the geometry of the room;
  5. express your inner world.

Now the world of paint has burst into any room, from the hallway to the nursery. Even the living room was transformed when the designers suggested painting the walls in bright or soothing colors in accordance with the owner’s temperament and the general style of the living space.

Photos are enlarged, click!

No frames in paint repairs

The specifics of covering walls with paint depend on many nuances that determine the design, color, and texture. The most popular methods are the following:

Classic wall design in one color

For a classic design, you can paint the walls the same color around the entire perimeter. The shade is chosen based on the lighting of the room and the desire to create a chamber mood or add brightness.

Acceptable color combination:

  • warm;
  • cold;
  • neutral.

You can decorate three walls in the room with one color, and make the fourth bright to display some elements (photos, paintings, clocks, etc.)

A combination of one or more shades in space

This wall design is applied to different rooms. The combination of shades is applied sequentially - using a gradient.

First, the surface is painted in a lighter tone. Next, different tones are applied, increasing the brightness of the color. Coloring can be smooth or sharp. This is a difficult job that requires endurance and proportions. The gradient can be simplified by decorating the walls with stripes:

  1. horizontal, vertical, diagonal;
  2. parallel or at the intersection;
  3. wide, narrow, mixed;
  4. on the contrast of two or more colors.

Options for beautiful wall decoration with paint in the form of stripes can be seen in the photos of various interiors.

Applying patterns to the wall

Stripes, rhombuses, squares, circles, triangles, waves are transferred to the walls using paint. Use masking tape and a ready-made stencil.

The main color is applied to the wall. The paint must dry well so that there are no smudges. Scotch tape or a stencil is applied over the main tone. The drawing is drawn in a different color. The applied limiter is removed carefully, without waiting for it to dry.

Mechanical Methods for Creating a Beautiful Painted Wall

You can make a wall beautiful with paint using special tools:

  • brushes;
  • rollers;
  • sponge;
  • rags.

In order for the paint to lay evenly, you need to know the technique of applying paint. All movements should be smooth from top to bottom and vice versa. It is convenient to paint a large surface with a roller. You can use different brushes in corners and at the junction of elements.

Hand painting on the wall is an original way to beautifully decorate walls. Using brushes of different sizes, the artist creates a unique canvas.

A textured painted wall can be created with a roller, wrapping fabric or a plastic bag around it in any shape.

Important! You should first try out the new technique on a separate canvas to understand what the resulting wall will look like.

Sometimes, to obtain an original texture, a sponge is used to apply thick paint. This decor can be made in a different shade.

There are many ways to create an original design for a room. Sometimes it’s enough to use your imagination and come up with something of your own. The paint for covering the walls must be chosen correctly.

It is advisable to create beauty on the wall after preliminary testing on a small area, so that there is no need for rework.

Let's look at the photo:

Video material:

How to paint walls correctly, decorative painting.

Do you think that painted floors are a thing of the past? Absolutely not! If you take a fresh look at the characteristics of wood floor coloring, you will understand how varied your flooring can be.

The first thing you need to do is decide on the size of the drawing and its theme, color scheme, buy the necessary paints, brushes, varnish for painted wooden surfaces, and mounting tape.

After organizational issues have been resolved and materials have been purchased, we begin painting. I will not say that you need to try to clean the wooden floor from previous paint, dust and dirt. Then we paint the main background in 2 layers.

Now we determine the size of the picture and paste the mounting tape around its perimeter (to prevent the picture from going beyond its limits). Draw a picture with a soft pencil (chalk). We begin to paint large parts with your intended design (you can draw it yourself or find a beautiful picture on the Internet).

Then we draw the details. Be careful with newly painted areas and let them dry thoroughly.

Once the design is completely applied, leave it to dry overnight. Then we cover it with 2 layers of construction varnish for wooden surfaces.

Eggs are perhaps the main attribute without which the bright holiday of Easter is not complete. It is customary to exchange them, treat guests and relatives, they must be present on the holiday table, as decor for an Easter basket or the interior of your home. Thanks to our tips, you can beautifully color eggs for Easter.

  • Before painting eggs, wash them thoroughly with soap, then the paint will lie evenly.
  • For coloring, use eggs at room temperature.
  • It is better to salt the water before cooking, so the shell will not crack.
  • Do not put eggs in boiling or hot water, only in cold water.
  • To make the eggs shiny, you can rub them with sunflower oil. Dampen a paper towel, rub the eggs and place on a towel to absorb the oil.

The original design of Easter decor can be found in nature. Collect small beautiful plant leaves, moisten with water and attach to the egg. To prevent the flower design from floating away during cooking, secure the leaves with a piece of nylon (old tights). Next, cook in onion peels or other solutions.

There are a lot of natural dyes that give interesting effects when dyeing. Eggs painted with such paints can be safely eaten and fearlessly included in the children's menu.

Beetroot broth. Gives a purple color. Cut the beets into cubes and boil in a small amount of water. Strain the broth and use it to color eggs, and prepare a vinaigrette from the beets.

Red cabbage. Gives blue color. Cut the cabbage and boil in a small amount of water. The leaves will give up their color: the broth will turn dark purple.

Turmeric. Gives yellow color. Pour boiling water over the turmeric and leave, then strain. Dip already boiled eggs into the liquid.

You can get a beautiful striped pattern in a simple way: wrap the eggs with rubber bands for money and dip them in dye.

Stripes can be of different widths and different colors.

To get stripes of different saturations, you need to immerse the eggs in the dye, and after a few minutes add them to a glass of water - the next strip will be lighter.

If you want to get a more complex design, take a brush. Eggs with small flowers are unusual and stylish.

These eggs will be a great decoration for your home or a gift for friends and family. Bring out the artist in you!

Rolling a freshly colored egg (still wet) in salt creates an interesting speckled effect.

Specks on eggs can be made in another way: spray them with paint and an old toothbrush.

The fabric gives a beautiful texture. Dip a cloth into the paint and apply the design to the egg.

Unconventional drawing techniques on paper can be transferred to eggs. Blotography - blowing up droplets - gives excellent results.

A chalk white marker can work wonders. Apply the desired design to the eggs - and the decor is ready! Children will cope with this task perfectly.

There are no strict requirements for eggs used for decoration, so here you can give free rein to your imagination and use a variety of materials. If the eggs will be used only for decoration, it is better to blow the contents out of them in advance, wash and dry thoroughly.

To delight the little ones, paint the eggs to look like minions. Running eyes for toys will make them “alive” and funny.

Silk fabric produces very beautiful patterns. Cut the squares and wrap the eggs in them. Wrap the top with white cloth. A few minutes of cooking and the pattern from the silk will “crawl” onto the eggshell.

Marbled eggs look very impressive, although it is not recommended to eat them; it is better to use them only as a decorative decoration.

Pour nail polish into a glass of water, dip the egg into the liquid, and dry.

If you don't want to use dyes, decorate the eggs with willow branches, the first spring flowers and herbs. Secure the decorations with twine.

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments how you paint and decorate eggs for Easter.

My dears, spring has come and we are ready to celebrate the Bright Holiday of Easter! In anticipation of this day, we begin to bake Easter cakes and rolls, and paint eggs. The egg is a symbol of new life and what is noteworthy is that it was interpreted this way both in Ancient Egypt and in the East and in Christianity since ancient times. That is why this holiday is so widely known and loved all over the world.

Children are sure to participate in this preparation for the holiday, when you go to visit and treat everyone you know. The very process of creating different patterns and decor inspires them incredibly. In my childhood, painting was done only with natural dyes and dyes. Now housewives have come up with many other ideas, using all available materials, including vegetables and fabric.

Of course, this is a creative process, so I want to create the most beautiful design that has not yet become boring over the previous years. And inquisitive minds are constantly looking for interesting ideas.

In addition to precise instructions in which I will tell you exactly how to use this or that element for painting, we will also look at many designs and unusual ideas for decoration. Some of them are quite jewelery in their execution, but for those closest to you, you can try.

Since we want to do this job well, it’s worth choosing and preparing the foundation correctly. After all, this is the basis for jewelry and it is important that it is suitable.

  1. Choose light eggs. The dye will reflect brighter on them, and the decor will look better. If you have a brown shell, don't be upset, it just conveys yellow, orange and green shades so brightly. But it may still become more red, brown or purple. Therefore, we also use such testicles.
  2. Do you want uniform coloring? Then, before cooking, rinse the shells under running water with a sponge to remove all bumps, stuck pieces of dirt and chicken feathers.
  3. It will be a shame if the shell cracks during cooking, especially when there is no spare material and there is no time to go to the store for a new dozen. To avoid this, you need to warm the eggs at room temperature before coloring them. Let them lie on the kitchen table for two hours.
  4. Also, to avoid cracks, warm eggs should be placed in salt water. Two teaspoons per ladle will be enough.
  5. Before the dyeing process itself, the shell must be degreased. We will do this using vinegar. Just dampen a cotton pad with it and quickly wipe the area.
  6. Wear gloves when working, this way there will be no greasy stains on the surface, and you won’t get your hands dirty.
  7. It is important to paint a warm product because the pores of the shell are more susceptible to color.
  8. If you want to use thermal stickers on top of a painted egg, then choose category C2. After all, the first category simply won’t fit into the sticker, and the third will fall out of it. I’m telling you this from my own experience, last year my daughter and I thought that eggs of different sizes would look more interesting, we went to the store and bought a dozen C1 and a dozen C3, in the end we had to put off the stickers until next year and use only dyes.
  9. For glossiness, grease the shell with a cotton swab and vegetable oil.

Decorating eggs with onion skins

The most common painting method is to use onion peels. When cooked, lona produces beautiful shades of brown, red, and yellow. You can experiment and add peels from different varieties, for example, take red onion.

The longer you leave the egg in the solution, the richer the color will be.

At this time of the beginning of spring, it is still difficult to find some beautiful leaves, so we won’t think too long and use a leaf of parsley, basil, dill or celery. These greens are sold in our stores all year round.

Glue the selected piece onto the base of the chicken protein or simply apply it to the wet part of the shell.

Wrap tightly with nylon or gauze. We tie the edges with thread so that the leaf does not move.

And cook in boiling water for 8 minutes until done. To get a more interesting color, take peels from different types of onions. After all, each of them has its own saturation and hue, some give an orange color, and some variety - brown.

There is an idea of ​​painting with onion skins using lace. After all, simple plain eggs are not as interesting as designer ones.

Find old lace or tulle, tie a piece around the raw base and start hard-boiling these devices for 8 minutes.

When you remove the unnecessary fabric, you will be pleased with the beautiful pattern on the shell. Believe me, this is worth a little tinkering.

As a stand while the shell dries, you can use trays or strips of cardboard rolled into a circle, then you will not spoil the design with a fingerprint or a dried drop mark.

Coloring ideas with natural dyes

They say that store-bought food dyes are absolutely harmless to the body, but we want to know this for sure. Therefore, families with children often use natural products for coloring. Moreover, there are quite a lot of them. If there are no vegetables, then always have some type of tea on hand.

Black tea gives an effect comparable to onion skins, and hibiscus with red cabbage. In order for the egg to acquire the desired shade, simply brew a spoonful of the desired tea in a glass and place the product in it. To help the shell better absorb the dyes, you can pour in 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Also, a good herbal shade will be given by a decoction of nettles, and a raspberry decoction by a decoction of cranberries. Only in natural dyes the base needs to be kept longer, because the substances do not penetrate into the pores of the shell so quickly.

In fact, there are a lot of coloring options, even using the same products.

For example, below shows how to proceed to color foods such as coffee, beet juice, carrots or spinach. And also red cabbage and turmeric. If the previous ones are described quite clearly, then we will now consider in more detail how to act with cabbage and spices.

Spice is used to give the yellow color. To color 5 eggs you need to take 3 tbsp. turmeric. Be careful because it stains everything around you. Next, pour boiling water over the spice and stir. Now add 1.2 tbsp to this mixture. table vinegar and place eggs in the liquid.

Leave them in the liquid until the mixture cools completely and put them in the refrigerator overnight to get a rich color.

If you decide to use cabbage, then chop it up first.

Then add water and cook for 10-15 minutes. The cabbage will become soft; add 1.2 tbsp to this liquid, which has turned out to be a rich purple color. vinegar.

And, if you do not strain the broth, but leave the coco inside along with the cabbage, you will get a very beautiful ornament. Where the pieces come into contact with the shell, light spots appear.

Pour in the eggs and leave until completely cool. This is what the finished decoration looks like. The color turns out natural and does not strain the eyes with unnatural brightness, as happens with store-bought dyes.

I have also prepared a drawing for you, which shows the products and the color they are dyed in, because the above ingredients are not the only ones in the range of dye products.

Choose any of the options you like and get involved in such an exciting activity.

Decoration using decoupage technique

This technique is universal and can turn anything into a work of art. When using it, take PVA glue and napkins.

Before starting, be sure to degrease the base and begin choosing the napkins themselves. There are several decor options. The first is to cut out the elements you like and point-glue the top layer with the pattern onto the shell.

The top layer is removed from the napkin and used for decoration!

Using a brush with glue, carefully smooth out the pattern so that no wrinkles appear.

You can completely wrap the base. To do this, wet a napkin with glue and begin to carefully wrap the workpiece in it.

This is what happens. Excess edges can be trimmed.

Or you can apply a pattern onto the base, as in this picture.

Look how elegant the finished design looks. Agree that this is very unusual and festive!

Would love to use this technique for Easter! After all, you can take not even a floral pattern, but a cage, stripe or abstraction, and it will still turn out great!

Tips for the lazy on how to quickly and beautifully decorate eggs with speckled rice

For those who don’t want to bother with diluting the solution or cooking vegetables, I offer a simple way to give the shells a beautiful pattern and color. For this we need rice, it will create a beautiful speckled pattern. By the way, you don't need water and vinegar here.

This option is great for those who believe that vinegar is harmful to the body.

All it took was one and a half cups of rice. Therefore, I can conclude that the method is not expensive.

We color the rice like this: pour 0.5 cups of rice into different plastic bags, add 2.3 tsp. food coloring. Take any: diluted dry or immediately liquid.

Now you need to squeeze the bag well so that the rice is colored.

Only hot eggs are colored in this way, so in the process of preparing the cereal, we set them to boil. After 8 minutes, take it out and put it in the rice, wrapping it in a bag so that the coloring goes evenly.

The rice should touch the shell tightly so that the pattern stands out well. Leave the bags for a couple of hours and get more saturated shades.

I hope you liked this idea because it is one of the fastest to implement.

How to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with your own hands?

And I’ll also show you a few simple options with master classes on creating egg decor with your own hands. Remember how you did this as a child? That's right, with paints or felt-tip pens. Let's do so.

Take a wide brush or an old toothbrush. Get the paint on the bristles well and start spraying it onto the base. For convenience, take a comb and move the bristles across its teeth. This technique is used in drawing, and we will apply it to decoration.

Or simply apply dots with gouache, allowing each side to dry thoroughly. You can turn them over after you carefully check how dry the paint is.

Using available means in the form of elastic bands or floss threads, you can make contrasting lines, see how this is shown in the master class.

Children can easily master these options, but the eggs must already be boiled so that when squeezed with an elastic band, the shell does not crack. And a child can accidentally press harder and also damage its integrity.

Decorating ideas using store-bought dyes

When purchasing store-bought dyes, always read the instructions on the package. Usually you need to pour the paint into water, add vinegar and go cook the eggs. Only warm products are placed in this paint, which must first be wiped dry, otherwise unsightly streaks may appear or the color will lie unevenly.

To get unusual designs, you can do this: dilute not the full consistency, but a third of it. When you dip the egg, it will stick out from the paint. Wait a couple of minutes and then add water. The paint is diluted and the color becomes less saturated.

Interesting idea with minions.

Using electrical tape you can create unusual patterns. To do this, cut a strip of electrical tape, cut it in half to get a thinner part and glue it to the shell in a spiral.

Place the egg in the solution for a couple of minutes, take it out and let it dry.

Remove the electrical tape. You can leave it like that, or you can wrap it along the already painted lines to give the resulting white a different color.

Another way to use this material. We cut out rhombuses, squares or triangles from electrical tape and stick it on the egg, which we also lower into the solution.

Then let it dry and peel off the unnecessary pieces.

Or stick even strips of electrical tape to get a pattern like the one in the picture.

Gradually remove the lena when introducing new paint so that the stripes are of different colors.

An original way to decorate without dyes or chemicals

One interesting option to not use dye is to make a “fluffy” design. Semolina gives such a terry effect, because this is what we will use for work.

Separate the white from the yolk. The whites are beaten well with a whisk. Then, using a silicone brush, this mass is applied to the shell and a sprinkle of powdered sugar, colored sugar or colored semolina is made on top.

Sugar and semolina are colored in the same way as described in the method with rice. Only when adding liquid paint, the sugar may melt a little, keep this in mind.

Silk fabric dyeing idea

In this method, the base is dyed only with natural silk fabric. To do this, take ties or scarves with different patterns. The batik technique is used. But no one can guarantee that your design will completely transfer to the shell, because the composition must be 100% silk, if there are impurities, then you will not get a beautiful ornament.

We wrap the fabric with the right side facing the shell. Tie the bag well so that the silk fits snugly.

Now we put these bags in water, pour warm water so that they disappear. Pour 1 tbsp into water. table vinegar. Now they need to be boiled for 20 minutes.

One tie is enough for three eggs.

And here is the drawing that was created using a silk scarf.

Did you like the idea?

Marble design of eggs with onion skins and brilliant green at home

To create this effect, you need to take finely chopped onion peels and a jar of brilliant greens. We pour the husk into a small piece of gauze. Dip the egg in warm water so that the husk sticks to the shell.

And tie the gauze with a thread.

Now fill these bags with water and pour half a jar of brilliant green into the pan (for 6 eggs).

Boil the eggs hard, this takes 8 minutes.

Now we cut the cheesecloth, remove the husks and rinse the egg in warm water. To add shine, grease with vegetable oil.

Quick decor with napkins

Napkins can also add interesting designs. But we no longer take colored ones, as for decoupage, but ordinary ones. We will also need food paints and gloves.

Wrap the egg completely in a napkin or paper towel. If none of this is at hand, then you can use toilet paper.

Blot it a little with vinegar.

Apply spot paint to different places. It will begin to be absorbed by the paper and spread across it.

Wait an hour and unwrap the dried napkin.

Congratulations! You have a rainbow in your hands. Thus, using blue and purple tones, you can create your own home Cosmos!

Beautiful ideas for decorating eggs

Of course, there are a lot of original ideas and I have made a selection to inspire you in this process. Moreover, I want you and your children to remember it as an interesting joint work. Boys might find it interesting to create Ninja Turtles.

To create a golden effect, patal is used, which is glued to the egg white. You need to work with gloves, because the patal is very delicate and can easily stick to your fingers.

Patal is sold in design stores.

You can create emotions using markers!

Or stylish monochrome patterns! They just don’t use black in painting, which on this bright holiday is considered the color of nothingness; it’s better to replace it with gray, and the picture is only as an idea.

Another option is when the egg is not completely immersed in the solution.

Acrylic paints can create masterpieces, or the hands that hold them.

And when you only have one color, you can use your imagination to create different patterns!

We made the design with leaves painted in onion peels. But these steps can be repeated when you have a ready-made bag of store-bought paint.

For those who do not have the required piece of paper at hand, I suggest using this template. Choose your favorite petal.

It’s just that masters of their craft create such monochrome beauty!

Or one using feathers and painting.

Of course I won’t pass by the murals! It looks incredibly beautiful. Here's how you can apply well-known motifs in the Gzhel technique.

Or this painting on a green background! Of course, you won’t be able to create even patterns the first time, but it’s worth practicing! After all, it's worth it.

Option with Slavic motifs!

Using stencils and electrical tape can work wonders. And create an imitation of broken mosaic and flowers.

And also beautiful plant patterns that look very warm and festive in spring!

My dears, the article turned out to be very long, but there were so many coloring options and I came across such a huge number of unusual ideas that I couldn’t finish it before. I think you will find an interesting option for yourself.