
Congratulations on the first year of meeting a man. Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship. Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary


Today is a holiday, yours and mine,
Do you remember that golden day
When for the first time me and you
Did you have a conversation with each other?

That conversation was about nothing
We were good together.
So it was light in the soul,
We started dating again.

Days have flown by and years
And everything remains as it was then,
As before, together we are with you,
They are bound together by love.

Oh what a beautiful world this is
In which you are, my idol.
In which the whole year is spring,
in which I love you.

Happy relationship anniversary,
I congratulate you
I wish us patience
In the world to live with you always!

I wish us smiles
And we don't lose love
And don't make mistakes
And understand each other!

It doesn't matter how much we know each other
Weeks, maybe years.
And it is important that with you together
We are in love forever.

Together with you we managed together
Love to meet once.
Now we need these feelings
Develop even more.

And outside the window, let the years rush
We don't care about time.
We swore with you forever
Lend each other's shoulders!

There is a reason for the holiday -
Relationship anniversary!
You are together and it's great
Your couple is so beautiful!

You hold on to each other
If you quarrel, make up
May all dreams come true
And wishes come true!

I hasten to congratulate you
Happy our anniversary!
you know i love you
My devoted man.

Let the days fly by, years
Let them float by.
You are only mine and I am yours
My sincere man.

Happy anniversary
My happiness is the reason
I will love you
I will be faithful!

And I promise you
I will always rejoice
I wish us patience
Never swear!

I always feel good with you
And let the years fly by.
And the days go by so fast
But our feelings blossom.

We are not afraid of a blizzard and a blizzard,
We warm each other with warmth.
And celebrate anniversaries
We will be for many years in a row!

Once upon a time a wave of love covered us,
united into one,
Our feelings are strong and strong
We are able to reach the height!

Let there be many more anniversaries
There will be a long and happy road
We will certainly be a strong family,
And may heaven keep our union with you!

Today is a special and glorious day,
For the two of you, he is also the main one.
Do you remember how it all began
How the wheel of love has turned.

How did you meet each other in life,
And all your days have become happy.
We wish to bypass all evil barriers,
And only success on the path of life to find.

Today is a very happy day
This date cannot be forgotten.
Our relationship has an anniversary
And with this I congratulate you!

I wish that feelings do not fade away
Love in the eyes shone every day,
Caring, understanding and happiness
In life they surrounded us in everything!

We remember with trepidation
That bright, unusual day for us.
What awaits us ahead - we do not know for sure,
But together it's good so far now!

We will remember that day forever,
After all, we firmly decided to be together.
And anniversaries, like we are leafing through a book,
After all, they are still in love with each other!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship to your beloved in prose

My favorite! A year has already passed, as we walk together along a common path, sharing all the joys and hardships. You have become a ray of light that helps illuminate the road in times of difficulty. So let your life be filled with happiness and love, and I will try to provide it!

I hasten to give the most tender words beloved. Dear, today accept my congratulations on our anniversary of the relationship. I want to thank you for the happy moments that become minutes, hours, days, weeks… Let them be years, even whole decades!

After all, there is no greater joy than to realize that a person dear to the heart is nearby. Together we have fun, easy, calm. All worries and anxieties go away, sorrows melt like snow in spring. I believe our sincere love there will be no end. I believe that after many years we will still remember and celebrate, along with other joint dates, the anniversary of our relationship. Love you!

My dearest man. I remember the time when I just saw your photo, just read a couple of phrases addressed to me as a stranger in your life. It's so unusually intertwined strings of our destinies. I felt something unusual when I was going to our first meeting, no, it was my heart that felt. I was lost in my feelings then, but I understood that a miracle was happening, two souls found each other. Now I can shout to the whole world that I am happy, but then everything that happened stunned me. I only know that I fell in love with you. I always want to be with you.

You are alone in my heart. My world, my universe. You are mine, you are only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes me beat faster. You are the most precious and desirable thing for me. Without you, I can not breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. I love you so much! Happy anniversary darling!

Darling, Happy Anniversary! I am glad that I can fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch you go about your business. Watch a movie with your chin on your chest. Inhale your scent, so fresh and warm, burying your nose in your neck. Take you by the hand, going out into the street. I want all this because I love you madly.

A strange set of circumstances. I have been looking for something for so long, choosing. But I didn't expect you, but you appeared on your own. And everything is like a dream, no. not in a dream, everything is like in a movie. But, really, I thought it only happens in the movies. A chance meeting, just all the circumstances in one day came together so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably, everything should have been exactly this way and nothing else. And I'm just happy that it all happened. And it becomes scary at the thought that if something had gone wrong that day, we would never have known each other. I want to confess that I love you very much from the very minute we met, I hope that this is mutual.

You are the first guy I really fell in love with, I can no longer think of anyone else, all thoughts are only about you. I can't sleep at night, I dream of meeting you. I love you.

I can't live without you, I need you like air. Without you, I'm just a little man in this world, and with you I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. When you are around, I feel that you need me just as much as I need you. Don't think that when you're not around, I don't think about you. When you are far away, I love you hundreds of thousands of times more. I think about you all the time and love you very much.

Thank you for being you, my love! For the fact that you appeared in my life, I want to be only with you forever! I really don’t need anyone else besides you, sometimes I forget about my friends, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are the most precious thing I have! I love you! Happy Anniversary!

You are a man, which almost does not exist. You are the meaning of my life and I love you very, very much. I want to be only with you! You are my only one! Know that there is a heart on earth that loves you, waits and cries for you every day. Yes, my dear, every day. happy Anniversary! I love you very much …

My sweet cat, I love you madly! You are the dearest person for me! You are the brightest sun that makes me happy every day! You are my favorite guy! Happy Anniversary!

My little, most beloved, I can’t live without you, I exist! I do not need expensive gifts, Stuffed Toys, chocolate, I only need you. Sometimes, when I understand that we cannot be together, I want to die! But, waking up, every time in the morning, I understand: I live for you. When you are standing next to me, I feel warm when you talk to me, no matter what, I feel hot when you kiss on the cheek when you meet, I feel hot, but you don’t leave a burn on my body, it forms in my heart! And it doesn't hurt me at all. I want to live for you, breathe for you, I want to be with you always. I love you more than life. Happy anniversary, love!

I never thought that it is possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that this person still has so much to unravel. I never knew that the words "I love you" every time sound like the first time. I have never met a person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part. I did not find such a close and dear person. Honey, I've never loved the way I love you. happy anniversary darling!

My unshaven sun! My sullen breeze! My prickly cloud! All the words of all the languages ​​of the world are unable to contain the depth of my feelings for you. When you're with me, it takes my breath away. When I'm with you, I breathe often, often. When we are close, I want to bury my nose in your strong shoulder and not pay attention to the whole world.
But this is unfair: after all, it was this world that gave me you, your strong hands, your smart eyes, your gentle words ... I can no longer imagine how I would live without you! I am grateful to fate for giving me the opportunity to love, and I am happy that this opportunity is to love you, my unshaven sun! Happy anniversary to you!

Do you know what happiness is? Happiness is love and complete reunion with the beloved. I dream about you every night, and I can no longer keep my feelings for you inside! I love you! I love you as you can love only once in a lifetime, so selflessly and deeply, with a pure heart and soul! Believe that I will always support you in all your affairs, successes and failures. I will always be there no matter what happens and no matter what! I can give you joy and great love, without which life loses its meaning! Should we try? I love you, you understand? I love you so much that you occupy all my thoughts. You are in my dreams and they are all dedicated to you! My dear, I will never betray you and will always help in everything! I love you very much! Happy anniversary of our relationship!

My sun is clear, my joy is boundless, the ocean is seething! I'm cold, painful and sad without you. You fill my life with meaning, paint the world in all colors, launch a rainbow into the sky, disperse the clouds above my head. Thank you dear for everything! I love you. Very! Your naughty hair, radiant eyes, lips greedy for kisses, courageous hands.
My heart beats in unison with yours - do you hear? And this trembling cannot be drowned out by anything - neither adversity, nor difficulties, nor problems. I will overcome everything when you are near! I will endure everything! And then our great love, like a balloon, will lift us to heaven, and the rest of the world with its mortal deeds will lie at our feet. He will cease to exist for us! Just me and you, my love! Forever. Forever.

Since I met you, it always seems to me that this was already in my life, only many millions of years ago. You won my heart with your seriousness, restraint and real masculinity. You made me the most devoted member of your “sect”, you never cease to amaze me with your views on life, somehow everything harmoniously combined in you: tenderness, strength, audacity, and timidity. What are we on this island of the Universe called Earth. We are just like Adam and Eve, the discoverers of the most real, sincere, human feelings called love! I am made of your rib, I am your soul mate, and therefore I am so happy to see you, feel you, live by you and your interests, I accept everything that you think up, and what else you think up - it is nice to feel one with you whole! Therefore, I can tell you with full confidence that I love you, I love you to the very depths of my soul, I love you with all the fibers of my being, and may this love make us happy! Happy anniversary, my love.

Once upon a time, a very proud beauty lived in the Caucasus. Once she said to a young man in love with her: “Climb high into the mountains. There, on the steepest rock, a beautiful flower grows - a symbol eternal love. Bring this flower to me, and then I will give you my love." So says an old Caucasian legend.
But I don't need to climb mountains. Because the flower of love has long blossomed in my heart. His timid sprout hatched the day I first saw you. And he began to grow day by day. Each meeting made him more and more beautiful, and each separation made him stronger and stronger. I love you my dear man! And I want your eyes to be the sun for our love, and your hands to be true support. I'm happy that you're by my side! happy anniversary, my dear!

Ever since we met, I've been really happy. Every moment spent next to you is a fairy tale for me, which I dreamed about from a young age. You are my hero, with whom I am always calm and comfortable, fun and good. When we are together, I am ready to make mountains, shout to the whole world about what happiness fate has given me. Yes, I am the best happy woman on earth, because I have you. I love you! I breathe you, I am ready to follow you to the ends of the earth, because I will be happy only when you are near. Look into my eyes and you will see a whole world there, in which there will be only you and me. Look into my heart and there you will see a place where you will be warm and comfortable. Look into my soul - it is open to you. Beloved, we are destined to be together and I will do everything to ensure that you are the happiest man on earth.

When a girl is asked a question about the ideal of her man, you can often hear the answer: to be kind, honest, and so on. I always assumed that it was really possible to be guided by such criteria in life, until then ... Until then, until I fell in love with you. Now it seems to me that all this does not matter, because a loved one completely absorbs love and care. He is both protection and support in life, and a strict father, and an attentive friend, and just your whole integral world. I feel very good and comfortable next to you, I believe that together we can overcome a lot. I like to close my eyes and imagine that you are near, and when you are near, I just don’t think about anything. Being yourself, loving, giving you happiness - this is what my life found when you appeared in it!

I think that today is an incredible day, because today two lovers are celebrating their anniversary, with which, in fact, I want to congratulate them. Your relationship is full of the contrast that makes it so special. On your special day, I sincerely want to wish you mutual patience, support and understanding. Take care of each other, appreciate, and in no case doubt your halves, because from the day you became a couple, you have become a single whole, which from now on cannot be divided. Happiness to you, kindness and harmony. Let your feelings exist forever!

On the anniversary of warm relations
Let this greeting shine
The joy of thoughtful decisions,
Tenderness given these lines!
Ahead is still earthly love,
The one that will change youth and ardor,
May she always shine in her eyes
Helps, gives strength!
And the dawn nightingale sings
About love, which is not stronger ...

We have an anniversary today
But we will not invite friends.
After all, this holiday of two hearts,
And he has finally arrived.
Today is our anniversary
And there is absolutely no reason to worry.
We will celebrate the holiday by candlelight,
Like most of our meetings.
I give you my angel
I am this modest congratulations.

The cuckoo clock echoes you
Everyone taps out the year
Your relationship is included
In a strong layer of rocks!
You rightfully deserve
Congratulations to your
They lived for a year, did not grieve,
You will not be spilled with water,
Congratulations like sugar
Dissolving with wine
You don't need a healer anymore
Together you are one-binom!

Relationship Anniversary Wishes

Today we have a special time
Love's anniversary has arrived.
Today I dedicated congratulations to you
Your most beloved man.

Let the years go by, we are not afraid of them!
We are together, which means we are stronger.
Everything is the same as before each other is needed,
You are not closer and dearer!

Today is the day
Let the lilac bloom in your soul.
And in our heart will respond,
It is called anniversary.

I will not get tired of wishing us
Love, health and kindness.
And the rivers of fate to merge
And they never broke up.

A wonderful year has passed
I managed to discover a lot.
Relationships are older
We stopped being afraid
We can't stand each other.
Got used to it. And - about a miracle!
Realized that even a day
We can't live apart!
We'll go further together
Happiness is a journey together!
It turned out congratulations
From our joint lines!

Anniversary relationship girl

Darling, today we celebrate
Our first year spent together!
I passionately enjoyed this year!
Love swirled us whirlpool!
I want these years to be countless
We lived without grief and worries!
Luckily the two roads crossed!
May happiness always be with you!

Today there is another reason
You confess, numb and numb:
I am very, very glad that you are with me,
And this is the most important thing for me!
May I not draw wisdom from books,
But I wouldn't be a real man
If I forgot in such a happy moment
Congratulations on our anniversary!

A year with you ... Like on a volcano -
You burn me, you beckon ...
Come closer to you
The flame seems to lick the heels!
But you know me
With half a word you understand ...
Congratulations on your anniversary!
You are my destiny, I know.

Beloved with a year of acquaintance

Today is exactly a year since I met
You, my light, on the path of life!
I only dreamed of such a man!
But God knows - dreams come true!

I want to be with you forever!
I don't want to be separated even for an hour!
I don't need more happiness in my life
Than what we have with you now!

According to all the canons of romanticism
You owe me poetry to read;
But it so happened that in life
We've had each other for a year now
And therefore, forgetting the canons
And thought rhyming without difficulty,
I remain in love with you!
I hope it's forever.

We lived with you for a year
No worries and no hassle.
Not mine and not yours
They shared everything for two!
Happy anniversary
My only man!
Let us be lucky with you
There will be three of us instead of two!

Happy Anniversary Poems for Her

It was a year ago ... I admired you:
Silk hair cascade is hidden under a white veil,
In a white dress, in white shoes, she smiled tenderly at me
And cast a timid glance, I was burning as if on fire.
Happy anniversary to you! You are my love forever!
She chose me from everyone: I am a lucky person!
We will go through fire and water, we will save each other!
Such is the nature of love - we will be happy together.

On this day we met with you
And I will say, today is not melting,
The year has flown by like an unearthly fairy tale!
Congratulations, my dear!
And without hiding my excitement,
I confess again - I love you!
Thank you for every moment!
Thank you for every moment!

It's been exactly a year since I'm with you
With you alone, so beautiful,
I'm walking the same path!
Now I am the happiest!
Nightingales sang in my soul,
When you came into life
And the heart melts with love
I dreamed about you all my life!

Anniversary greetings

What is happiness, I don't know
But, meeting the new year,
I understand and I don't understand
How to store it so that forever?
I just know: not at all on a platter
It lies with a golden border.
Maybe happiness is what will happen to us,
It's not like it's been a long time...

Wake up and smile
Pull up, cheer up.
Such a special day
The day of my acquaintance and yours.

I congratulate you quickly
It sounds like a shot.
And a declaration of love
You hear him, look.

Happy anniversary of our meeting
Nightingales will chirp us.
And my sweet congratulations
There will be an anchor for the relationship.

Happy Anniversary
your relationship!
We wish to spend together
A million moments!
Let love day by day
Everything gets stronger.
Let the fire be enough for you
The feeling is flying up!
Let such anniversaries
Everything over a year for the year!
You are for women and men
An example from a lonely life!

Anniversary greetings

Year of love and crazy joy
Because you're next to me
From the fact that all sorts of dirty tricks
We overcame together with you!

We always meet with you for a year,
A year - but it seems like an hour!
And when we say goodbye for a moment,
Our hearts are beating wildly!

Here another year has flown by, and for you it is happy
After all, you have each other, with each other you are always warm,
Be friendly family the most loving, the most beautiful
Let this congratulations give you comfort and warmth!

12 months flew by like an hour
12 months was a dream
I congratulate you now
And I wish you happiness with you!

And on this day I want to say
What better is not to be desired.

Because my life has changed
And the world has changed a lot.
So I repeat again and again
May there be happiness, joy and love.

Bonnie and Clyde, Romeo and Juliet
All this is a story of great love.
Let us begin imperceptibly
But here we are for 2 years and we are together.

2 whole years of immense love,
Passionate, funny and incredible.
Everything that they ask, I'm ready to give,
If only with you, kiss you.

Birds fly away to distant lands.
The days fly by like a leaf of the calendar.
But six months later, I remember how now
We met in the park, I fell in love with you.

Like a flame doused me,
And a wave covered the hot fire.
Everything is dear to my heart, I love everything in you.
Let the sun shine only for us.

Thanks for adding to:

Happy relationship anniversary
Congratulations my favorite!
In the life of joyful moments
With me next to me I wish!

Let us be sweet together
And the passion does not go out for a long time ...
We will fall for each other
Let's kiss sweetly!!!

We have an anniversary today
So let's drink wine...
My most beloved man
We have known each other for a long time...

I still trust
Your hands, your eyes,
I do not double-check the words -
There is simply no reason for this.

* * *

happy relationship anniversary
Congratulations my love!
Life with you is like a dream
And so unique!

I never regretted
That linked fate with you.
I got sick of you...
And I didn't call the doctors...

Because getting rid
From love I do not wish ...
You are my happiness in the world,
An island of heaven on earth!

We have an anniversary today
Since you and I are here!
Connected us with you
One happy family.

I promise my love
Support you in everything.
I won't quit, but I'll turn my back
And even a fragile shoulder...

You don't feel sorry for anything
My favorite person.
We are connected by many things
And I hope this is all...

My most needed on earth
I give this verse to you!
So much binds us
Let's celebrate it now!

I love you, I'm proud of you
Please follow me.
I will never let you down
I'll take trouble with my hands!

Our feelings have already grown stronger
Get on your feet so to speak...
And idle evil gossip
They can't be broken anymore.

This day is an exception for us
The celebration of our love with you.
Give me your revelation
Let the soul burn with passion!

Today we have an unusual day
So I want to tell you now:
I thank heaven in my heart
Because I love you so much!

We were able to share this feeling
And our relationship was saved.
So let it all live on
And we, as a couple, are moving forward!

Our relationship has stood the test of time
We are full of attention, tenderness, trust.
My love, celebrate our anniversary!
How lucky I am to be with such a man!

Passion does not fade before gray life,
I want you with all my heart and soul...
Let the feelings not go out for many long years.
We will teach our grandchildren what is the secret of love!

Congratulations to your beloved on the anniversary of the relationship

Our life path just huge. We go through many stages, we struggle with troubles and problems, we experience either disappointment or happiness. But all this seems meaningless if there is no close and beloved person nearby. Only when I met you, I learned to see, hear, feel, touch. I started living thanks to you. Thank you for walking through life together. Happy anniversary to you my love.

I give you my angel

I am this modest congratulations.

The cuckoo clock echoes you

Everyone taps out the year

Your relationship is included

In a strong layer of rocks!

You rightfully deserve

Congratulations to your

They lived for a year, did not grieve,

You will not be spilled with water,

Congratulations like sugar

Dissolving with wine

You are not closer and dearer!

Today is the day

Let the lilac bloom in your soul.

And in our heart will respond,

It is called anniversary.

I will not get tired of wishing us

Love, health and kindness.

And the rivers of fate to merge

And they never broke up.

A wonderful year has passed

I managed to discover a lot.

Relationships are older

We stopped being afraid

We can't stand each other.

Got used to it. And - about a miracle!

Realized that even a day

Happiness is a journey together!

It turned out congratulations

From our joint lines!

This morning I got up unusually -

The sun smiled at me from the window.

I got out of bed, like everything is familiar,

And in my heart there was only you!

Today is the anniversary of our meeting!

Today the birds sing to us all about love.

Today the doors are all open for us,

Today on Earth it's just me and you!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship

I hasten to congratulate you

Happy our anniversary!

you know i love you

My devoted man.

Let the days fly by, years

Let them float by.

You are only mine and I am yours

My sincere man.

Today, celebrating your holiday -

Another date for your relationship,

And our attitude.

Sparkling wine let it foam, boil,

And I wish that this joy

She has been with us all our life.

Loyalty passion is not a hindrance,

Boiling blood rejuvenates.

May the joy of cheerful laughter

It constantly rings in you.

You are together and it's wonderful!

We congratulate you, friends!

Let your fate be clear

And let the path become glorious.

When in the eyes of love and bliss,

And a century has passed

And there is no cold in the snow -

Love is reality, not a dream.

We wish you more happiness.

You are together, that's good.

Congratulations, wish you more

Today is our anniversary with you,

Today is only our holiday with you.

I hasten to congratulate you, I soon

I understand and I don't understand

How to store it so that forever?

I just know: not at all on a platter

It lies with a golden border.

Maybe happiness is what will happen to us,

Not that it's been a long time...

I love so sincerely and purely

I love so wildly and sinfully

I can't find a place for myself

Love, isn't that funny?

I want to confess everything to you

Open your soul to you

That I don't want to part with you

That I love you for a long time!

Don't talk about love!

You can spoil everything with words.

You prove it with deeds

Eyes, tenderness, lips,

Shower with fragrant flowers,

Don't talk about her...

We love you,

Our good, long time!

And let you be

Everything in life is given:

luck, health,

Big love

Success at work

And tender feelings again.

Victorious in life

Just go ahead.

And let happiness be near

Comes with you!

To become a man - it is not enough for them to be born,

So that iron is not enough to be ore,

You must melt, break,

And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.

Years will pass. And the waves will crash.

In the darkness, like birds, love will hide,

And I will say: “what happiness is,

That I am with you on the same planet.

It's great to be married

To love and to be loved!

You made me joyful

Satisfied and happy!

I will go to the ends of the earth with you

Your lawful husband!

And many times I will say again

That you are the only one I need!

Be happy and healthy for many years

So that you do not know doctors, evil and troubles,

So that true friends walk side by side,

Respect is not hidden, what was found

In you people are both good and warm,

So that you always look at the world brightly!

I'm ready to be a boat with you

To sail on the sea on it,

But you be that boat - an oar,

So that we are not carried away by the current!

You are ready to be a star

So that he could love me forever:

So that in millions of years

A gentle light fell on the descendants!

May our music of love

Sounds like as long as possible!

I am every year, every day

I love you more and more!

SMS with anniversary of love relationship

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

And we wish you happiness!

You lived together for a year

Let all the bad weather minutes!

Expensive! You've been together for a year!

We want a life without adversity!

And on your life path

We wish you happiness.

You are a wonderful couple

We wish you happiness,

You've been together for a year!

You are not afraid of bad weather.

On the path one and in one direction

You walked for a long time, holding on to each other.

Here is a year behind, and a beautiful moment,

And it looks like the dream of love has come true!

A year is neither more nor less

You've been together for a year, friends!

Everything happened in a year

The main thing is that you are family!

There were quarrels and insults, reconciliation and love,

During the year you got a lot, the main thing is that together again!

And friends will wish you: happiness, joy, hope!

And in your family life, at least a hundred years is a milestone!

Of course, a year is not so long

Well, you have everything ahead!

You walk alone dear

We wish you to come!

We have an anniversary today

Meet up early reason!

And spend leisure hours

In the circle of wine, candles, each other

Happy Anniversary!

I live with a man for a whole year!

I will say not an eyebrow, but in the eye:

A year in ten is not about us!

We had a year of verification

Verification done!

I want you to love me

No matter what happens!

"I love you" - once again I confess

Arms, hips, shoulders - my head is spinning ...

I enjoy all of this...

Just think about it! A whole year!

Year as a day lived with you,

Understood does not happen too much.

With champagne in my mouth

And with a bouquet under his arm ...

Fuck work!

I run home to congratulate you!

We have an anniversary! Congratulations sun!

I love you and even very much,

But the holiday, my love, will be incomplete ...

Guess without what? No stormy night!

Day, week, year. I think

Congratulations on your anniversary!

Thank you for being brave

And he put up with me for a whole year!

Anniversary gift

Beloved man

I promise to love forever

I'll stop being a Megaro!

Where are we today

Are we celebrating life together?

Cafe? A restaurant?

Or maybe to hell with everything?

AND better at home shall we break the bed?

Let the enemies gossip -

Two mean a lot.

Congratulations gently send

Know that I love you.

For a whole year we

"Suffering" together?

So why am I so happy?

Can't feel the shackles?

Yes, because with a girl

so wonderful

All my life I'm ready to "suffer"

A whole year went by so quickly

Happiness, kisses, rarely quarrels.

Sometimes we argued about who should wash the dishes,

Sometimes - who should be on top today,

Still not at the expense of the process

We find consensus

A year has passed, my love

And you are even more beautiful

Our passion for neighbors

Didn't let me sleep

Over our love

Time has no power

But ... we should buy

New bed!

Happy Anniversary!

I built a hut of love.

Let it be small, but our

It's worth staying.

A year, well, a couple, finally -

Let's go to the palace!

How fast the time has flown

Happy hours are not observed!

We've been together for a year! And happy beyond measure!

I didn't even know this could happen!

Beloved, an eternity has passed

Since we were smitten

Winged archer.

And on this day I want to wish

So that everything was like in the past.

Only better!

We lived together for a year,

Happiness, tenderness - in bulk!

We will pour by the glass

And we will celebrate our anniversary

The winds of change are blowing at our backs

And I don't want to change!

So that again, until the knees tremble,

Kiss you softly!

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