
Aleksey Andreevich Eliseev May 14, 1978. Granite schemes of Sobyanin-Eliseev. "I, you, he, she, together a friendly family!"


"My street" brought the director of a state institution to the bars of a state house

Director of the Moscow State Treasury Department "Directorate of Capital Repair" (DKR) Alexander Shukurov was arrested by the decision of the Basmanny Court at the request of the main investigation department of the TFR. An official suspected of fraud with government contracts, who was responsible for the smooth operation of housing and communal services in the capital, is a subordinate of the head of the city department of overhaul Alexey Eliseev whose agency Ruspres previously named one of the beneficiaries of the Sobyaninsk fraud with borders, during which the capital purchased substandard Ukrainian granite. The economic activities of both Shukurov and Alekseev were supervised by a person close to Sergei Sobyanin vice mayor of Moscow Peter Biryukov... New arrests are possible in the near future.

The 39-year-old official, who has in his service record the gratitude of the mayor of Moscow for many years of conscientious work in the housing and communal services system, was detained by the FSB on November 1. After interrogation in the ICR building in the Technical Lane, he was declared suspicious of a particularly large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). On November 2, the investigation filed a motion to arrest Alexander Shukurov, which was granted. He will remain in custody until December 30.

The official’s defense intends to appeal the court’s decision, but his representatives refused to say what exactly is incriminated to Mr. Shukurov. According to a Life source, contracts were negotiated through Shukurov for repairing electric grids, heating systems, water supply and sewerage systems owned by the city, as well as contracts for the construction of transport hubs (TPU) within the Moscow Central Ring.

Alexander Shukurov, who graduated from the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in 1999 with a degree in urban construction and economy, began working in the field of capital repairs in Moscow back in 2008. In the GKU for the overhaul of apartment buildings in Moscow, he went from the head of the technical department for the preparation of design estimates to the deputy director. Alexander Shukurov was appointed to his current position in March 2013, Kommersant reports.
According to the official's declaration, his income last year amounted to about 3 million rubles.

The overhaul directorate headed by Mr. Shukurov is the customer of some of the major tenders that the city authorities carried out under the city improvement program. "My street"... According to the SPARK database, from 2013 to 2017, when DKR was headed by Shukurov, contracts were concluded with various companies for almost 80 billion rubles. In 2015, this directorate held a competition for the improvement of Leningradsky and Ryazansky avenues, as well as Varshavskoye highway (for the amount of 2 billion, 1.89 billion and 1.76 billion rubles, respectively). And in 2016-2017, Mr. Shukurov's company held tenders for the arrangement of the Garden Ring in the amount of 11 billion rubles.

GKU "DKR" has repeatedly come to the attention of the FAS. So a few years ago, a scandal erupted when anti-monopoly officials revealed a lot of violations on the public procurement portal. It turned out that almost all government contracts were closed with many months of delays. At the same time, immediately before the closure, some changes were made to them, and as a result, the full amount was paid under many contracts, without deducting penalties. As previously reported more than once by the agency Ruspres, a number of contracts within the framework of the My Street project, as a result of non-transparent tenders, were awarded to companies close to Moscow city officials. For example, a contract for the improvement of Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya and Lyusinovskaya streets worth 375 million rubles, for example, was won by a company associated with the vice-mayor's brother Alexey Biryukov .

Long road to recognition. Sincere

Biography of Shukurov A.R. on the site of the mayor's office sounds very stingy. Not all merits are described.

I want to add some color to it. Especially about "long-term and conscientious work"

Let's start with the most recent fact - citizen Shukurov A.R. is currently being held as a suspect in a case of fraud on an especially large scale committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, at the request of the investigation, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen.

And now let's try to understand why citizen Shukurov was arrested. I have been following his activities since 2013, during this time I wrote a huge number of complaints to various control and law enforcement agencies against him and the GKU "Directorate of Overhaul" headed by him. The result, until today, was almost zero, although the texture was very even.

In 2013, several times I caught GKU DKR and Shumsky (yes, the same one from falsifying work on local improvement measures road traffic... Then I identified, documented and sent to the Glavkontrol and the police materials that GKU DKR paid for outstanding work, ordered the design of work already completed and covered contractors who were overdue for months. (In the same place I proved that Shumsky knew about this and covered up the swindlers.) Glavkontrol then leaked the materials for verification to the GKU DKR itself, but the police did not find anything. Even when I sent them materials on another similar cut, as well as on the third and fourth. Each one contains millions of rubles.

Glavkontrol even found violations of the GKU DKR in the form of a contractor who was allowed to work before the results of the competition were summed up. GKU DKR admitted this, but Glavkontrol considered it normal. Moreover, Glavkontrol did not find violations in the repeated revision of the deadlines for the execution of work, which is directly prohibited by law. Just imagine the level of the roof, which makes it possible to force Glavkontrol to officially authorize breaking the law?

The capital repair department, head of the SCU DKR, covered Shukurov always and in everything, for example, allowing him not to apply penalties to contractors for months or informing that the wrong terms of reference were mistakenly placed in the tender documentation, but since none of the bidders complained and the WORKS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED they will not punish anyone. For the GKU DKR, the site of the State Purchase was even specially "broken" so as not to post documents on fake contracts:

For the new year 2014, NKU DKR mastered 19 million rubles on one contract in 3 days. The work included planting a lawn on December 26 and was successfully completed on paper, although it did not even begin on the ground. Nobody found any violations. Not in this competition, nor in 13 similar ones. As in 26 contracts for the performance of work, concluded without tenders in connection with emergencies. With one small caveat - for all 26, design and estimate documentation was developed in advance, that is, there were no force majeure or accidents.

Further more. GKU DKR begins to build 69 transport hubs. contracts worth billions of rubles, violations - a cloud. There is no project documentation and building permits, the design is carried out until the boundaries of the TPU are determined, outstanding work is accepted and paid for, but all my complaints go to the trash can (and not only mine).

At the same time, they managed to conclude contracts for the improvement of the road that had not yet been built by them, to accept and pay for outstanding work, etc. All that I managed to achieve was several inspections of the Main Control Board with administrative fines. GKU DKR managed to light up in conjunction with other city-scale swindlers - GKU AMPP, and even get dirty in a cartel agreement of contractors. They even managed to accept the results of the design of the reconstruction of the Revolution Square without a state examination, the obligation of which was specified in the contract, and the Main Control Board forgave them, as always.

And then a terrible thing happened - in fact, My Street began (although it was not yet called that way) - the mayor's office decided to reconstruct Pyatnitskaya Street. And away we go - already at the design stage they violated everything that was possible (at the same time Shumsky emerged again). Construction began without a state examination of the project, and then according to the same scheme Complaints and fines poured in on them like peas, but no one made personnel decisions, even when the results of the work fell apart almost completely, and the bankrupt contractor did not eliminate the imperfections.

Thus, in 4 years I have published more than 60 posts about the GKU Directorate of Overhaul and its head Shukurov A.R. Each publication means at least one complaint to the competent authorities (or even not one, but 5-6). Total - 100 pieces will be typed. I don’t know if any of them were the basis for the accusation or the police dug up something else, so if suddenly you have the opportunity to convey the link to this post to the leaders of this case, I think it will not be superfluous.

And fiery greetings to citizen Shukurov. This is the first major swindler, of those about whom I wrote, who has a real chance to sit down. Nice to be the first?

They were probably saying, "Fathers, where does this money come from?"

But RBC answers from where in its investigation "Who makes money on the repair of Moscow roads."

Responsible for the main part of the work on the repair of sidewalks and replacement of the curb is the state budgetary institution (GBU) "Roads", which is supervised by Biryukov. GBU was created in 2011 on the basis of several Moscow structures involved in the maintenance and repair of roads. Every year, the State Budgetary Institution purchases goods and services for about 14 billion rubles, most of which go to two dozen little-known companies.
At the beginning of 2015, Alexey Eliseev took over as deputy head of Automobile Roads. Two sources of RBC in Moscow road construction companies confirmed to RBC that Alexey Eliseev from Road Group and the State Budgetary Institution is one and the same person.

Having switched to the civil service, Eliseev became a participant in the tender commission at tenders in which companies familiar to him took part. In particular, he was a member of the competitive commission of the tender for the repair of sidewalks, in which Road Group won, offering to carry out the work for 925.6 million rubles.
During the reign of Sergei Sobyanin, the road construction contractor market in Moscow has changed almost completely. “Under Luzhkov, about 100 road companies worked in Moscow, now there are no more than ten left. The auctions are won by the same companies, in connection with which smaller players simply washed out of the market, ”says a RBC source in one of the capital's road companies. Two managers of road companies interviewed by RBC who previously worked in Moscow claim that in Lately Road Group and companies close to it win major tenders for street improvement, road marking and curb installation. “We have been working on the market for 20 years, we make a big decline, and then they find fault with us and say that we have drawn up the documents incorrectly. We were just shot down, "- the head of one of the companies that recently took part in one of the tenders of the State Budgetary Institution" Automobile Roads "is outraged.
http: // ...

Well, we wonder where Rakova got her jewelry set for 8 million rubles. We should be surprised that it is not worth 18 million, with such and such schemes.

I must admit that the Moscow mayor's office is behaving extremely rationally - they are almost the only region where there is a lot of money, and while the war, sanctions, Russia is in a ring of enemies and other delights that allow officials to steal as much as they like, they use this chance to the fullest. Already the "Sobyaninskaya tile" went to the second time to shift.

And the funny thing is in the RBC article. Hello to all Muscovites who swear by all the words, looking at the torn roads and these nonsense with the replacement of curbs:

The Department of Housing and Utilities was unable to provide a comment for a note for several days. A source in the mayor's office said that replacing the curbs "is the fulfillment of the will of Muscovites."

This summer, the streets of Moscow were lined with granite tiles, which, as the authorities assured, would remain unrepaired for many years. But several months have passed since the end of the main work on the program " My street", As it became noticeable: somewhere the tile began to deform, somewhere it collapses under the influence environment... Instead of the promised Sergei Sobyanin"New level of comfort" the townspeople received street coverage, which is dangerous for the life and health of people, wasted money and the prospect of permanent repairs. The reason for this is the use of stone unsuitable for the Moscow urban environment, the suppliers of which turned out to be associated with the curators of the program from the Moscow mayor's office, mastered per last years allocated for the improvement of streets and parks over 189 billion rubles. The main beneficiary of the street scam is the head of the city overhaul department Alexey Eliseev .

When Sergei Sobyanin just became the mayor of Moscow, his love for concrete tiles was one of the main urban topics of discussion - in the first year of his new post, Sobyanin replaced more than a million square meters of asphalt with it, explaining that the tiles are much more durable. A few years later, instead of concrete tiles, they began to lay granite- as even more durable and environmentally friendly. This greatly influenced the entire granite industry in the country: during Sobyanin's tenure in his current position, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the volume of production of this rock in Russia has grown by almost 2.7 times (the volume of production of concrete paving slabs has grown less - two and a half times ).

Over the past seven years, almost 5.2 million square meters of paving slabs and 1.82 million square meters of granite sidewalks, as well as over 1,400 kilometers of concrete curb and 1 thousand 111 kilometers of granite curb have been laid on the streets of Moscow. Thus, only one concrete curb would be enough to lay out the road from Moscow to Kirov.

“The My Street program has literally revived the mining industry in the country,” said Aleksey Eliseev, who is in charge of landscaping at the mayor's office. According to him, in the 20 years that have passed after the collapse of the USSR, many granite quarries have reoriented themselves to the extraction of crushed stone for the construction of roads - and only with the beginning of "Moya Street" they returned to the production of granite slabs.

With all these achievements, however, Russian granite production simply does not keep pace with the pace of Moscow landscaping. So, in 2017, Moscow laid almost 1.2 million square meters of granite sidewalks and about 674 kilometers of granite curbs. At the same time, in 2016, a total of 885 thousand square meters of granite slabs were produced from all Russian stone. According to estimates "", the cost of granite sidewalks and their laying is more than a quarter of the cost of the entire improvement: one square meter of such sidewalks costs the state 10 thousand 301 rubles (this is almost 10 times more than for a square meter of asphalt, and five - less than a square meter of tiles). Over the past two years, the Moscow mayor's office has spent at least 24 billion rubles on the purchase and laying of granite sidewalks, of which more than 17.5 billion in 2017.

Sobyanin gravestones

Difficulties with the supply of granite in Moscow led to the fact that several large streets at once this year began to be improved only in the fall - when in previous years work on "My Street" ended. On several of them, tiles with unusual markings appeared in mid-August. For example, stickers on granite packages in Lubyansky Proyezd reported that it was supplied for the Matyukhin Style company. She is engaged in the ritual business - the manufacture of monuments and elite tombstones.

According to several companies in Siberia and the Volga region, which make tombstones, they had problems, since all the granite from the Ural deposits went to Moscow. “Because of Moscow orders, the Ural granitists are behaving rudely and have almost stopped taking orders for small lots of 300–400 square meters,” explains an interlocutor in one of the Novosibirsk companies. In Central Russia, this problem does not arise yet. “Due to the late beginning of summer this year, the volume of orders for monuments has decreased, and there were no problems with the supply of granite,” said Vitaly Gushchin, general director of the Grace-M ritual company near Moscow (monuments are usually erected in dry weather). At the same time, the entrepreneur added that capital ritualists rarely use Ural granite - only in 5% of orders.

One way or another, Moscow still did not have enough Ural granite for landscaping - the stone had to be purchased from abroad. For example, in August, on the territory near the park " Zaryadye"Containers with granite tiles manufactured by the Chinese company Xiamen Pagoda Build were found. According to the head of the overhaul department Eliseev, 4.5 thousand square meters of granite was laid in the area around Zaryadye - however, Chinese television filming reportage on the supply of curbs for the park, claimed that 12 thousand square meters were sent to Moscow.

The main owner of Xiamen Pagoda Build is a citizen of Ukraine Maxim Tryasunov, and his company also supplies granite and marble slabs to Russia with Ukrainian deposits... These deposits are often used by Sobyanin's subordinates - despite the unofficial "trade war" with Ukraine. In 2016, almost 20 thousand square meters of granite from a deposit in the Zhytomyr region was laid on Bolshaya Yakimanka. In the same summer, 25 thousand square meters of black granite slabs appeared on the Boulevard Ring, which, according to the labels, were produced at factories in the Zhytomyr villages of Galinovka and Toropishche. The overhaul department did not answer the question of how granite was supplied to Moscow from Ukraine.

Ukrainian granite on the Boulevard Ring, summer 2016

In 2017, boxes with granite slabs appeared on the Garden and Boulevard Ring, from which the labels were torn off, but the boxes themselves and the packaging design coincided with last year's. Some of the slabs were laid cartons from under Ukrainian products; on words directors of one of the Ukrainian stone-cutting factories, his and other similar enterprises pack granite in this way.

Granite from the Russian Orthodox Church

There are more than 170 granite deposits in Russia, but Moscow buys only a few of them - 89% of granite for city streets is produced by three companies that own granite deposits. Moreover, even with Yuri Luzhkov the mayor's office acquired several granite deposits in Karelia and Khakassia. They belonged to the Moscow city stone-processing plant, which, however, received almost no orders from the Sobyanin government - in 2016, the company supplied less than 1,500 square meters of granite tiles for the My Street program. Since March 2017, the plant has been owned by Granel. Its main business is development: Granel is building residential complexes in Moscow and the Moscow region (for example, Imperial Mytishchi); the company belongs to immigrants from the Bashkir city of Sibay, a former State Duma deputy and co-chairman of the Delovaya Rossiya association Andrey Nazarov and his business partner Ilshat Nigmatullin, who own a shopping center and hotels in Magnitogorsk and several cities in Bashkiria. The change in ownership did not affect the fate of the deposits previously owned by Moscow; as far as can be judged, the plant is in a pre-bankruptcy state.

The largest producers of Moscow granite are also associated with Magnitogorsk. Almost half of the granite is mined at the Mansurovskoye field in the east of Bashkiria. “Mansurovka is 'soft' granite, it is easier to mine and cut, you can quickly increase its production, so Moscow began to buy huge volumes there,” explains the director of a company that sells granite products. Mansurovsky granite was used in the improvement of the Garden and Boulevard Ring, Malaya Dmitrovka, Vozdvizhenka and other streets. According to the project documentation, in 2016–2017, more than 771 thousand square meters of granite slabs and more than 100 kilometers of curbs were supplied to the capital from this deposit. At the same time, according to the reports of the deposit itself, in 2015-2016, much less granite tiles were produced here - 274.7 thousand square meters. “Quarries often underestimate production in order to pay less taxes,” explains the CEO of a large company that sells granite products. According to him, stone from other quarries can also be sold under the existing trademark - either illegal or those that cannot be used, for example, for political reasons. The Mansurovskoye field is owned by the family of Aleksey Shabalin, an ex-deputy of the Magnitogorsk City Council, who owns several markets and the Kaskad shopping center in the city, where the first Blue Cockroach casino was located in the city.

The second largest supplier of granite paving slabs is the Vozrozhdenie group of companies, owned by a St. Petersburg businessman Igor Bukato and his daughters Eugene... The company owns several granite quarries in the Leningrad region and Karelia, and it is engaged not only in the production of stone, but also directly in the improvement of streets. Thus, it was Vozrozhdenie that redesigned Pyatnitskaya Street and Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, having received a total of over one and a half billion rubles for two contracts. However, the company still receives the main orders at home: Vozrozhdenie is in fact the only company that beautifies streets in the center of St. Petersburg within the framework of the program for which “ Gazprom»Annually allocates about 800 million rubles.

The third large granite producer for Moscow is the Ural group of companies "Granit-Industry", which owns three deposits in the Chelyabinsk region. It belongs to Rakhman Makhmudov, a native of Azerbaijan, who also owns several deposits of marble, a hotel and a cafe in Verkhny Ufaley, a town in the Chelyabinsk region with a population of 27 thousand people.

Granite is produced for Moscow and smaller deposits. For example, about 123 thousand square meters of tiles came from the Isetskoye deposit in the Sverdlovsk region, which until recently was co-owned by the Yekaterinburg diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Sadovaya-Karetnaya street and surroundings after improvement, September 13, 2017

People from Verkhny Ufaley

In the early years of the My Street program, the construction companies that won the landscaping tender bought the granite themselves. However, even then, almost all of the stone was supplied by two companies: the same Vozrozhdenie (from the northern deposits) and Granit-Invest (from the Urals). Belongs to "Granit-Invest" resident of Yekaterinburg Alexei Stepanchenko and Andrey Khudyakov, a native of the same Verkhniy Ufaley, where the Azerbaijani owner of "Granit-Industry" has assets. Previously, Khudyakov and Stepanchenko were engaged in the supply of stationery. In addition to the Ural deposits, the Granit-Invest Group of Companies supplies granite from the deposits of Kazakhstan and Ukraine. In particular, in the summer of 2017, the United Energy Company, owned by the Moscow government, purchased facing slabs from a field located in the Kirovograd region of Ukraine through Granit-Invest.

In 2015, Sergey Sobyanin decided to test a scheme with consolidated purchases of granite curbs - motivated by the fact that it would be cheaper, more reliable and of better quality. The city enterprise "Automobile Roads" was engaged in these purchases. Then a record purchase of 343 kilometers of granite curbs was announced, which had to be delivered within 25 days after the conclusion of the contract. The little-known company "K-holding" became the winner, which received contracts for the amount of 1.07 billion rubles. According to the agency's archive “ Ruspres", The owner of the holding Igor Zimin refers to a group of related companies that receive almost a third of contracts for road repairs in Moscow. One of these companies is Rador-M, which won most of the Automobile Roads tenders this year; Rador-M and related companies (Road Group, SK Mira, Road Materials and Technologies, Magistral Project) have received contracts for almost 17 billion rubles within the framework of My Street. ...

Among the owners of companies associated with Rador-M were the ex-head of the overhaul department of Automobile Roads, Anton Oleshchuk, and the then deputy general director of this institution, Aleksey Eliseev (in 2015, he transferred his shares in the companies to his brother Andrey Eliseev). As already mentioned, in 2017, Aleksey Eliseev headed the Moscow Department of Overhaul, which oversees the implementation of the My Street program.

Apparently, Sobyanin considered the experiment with consolidated purchases successful - and since 2016, the city has been acquiring large quantities of granite in this way. Automobile Roads held 18 tenders for this purpose. In twelve of them the same Rador-M won (in five cases the company was the only participant), in two more - SK Mira, the contact details of which indicated the same phone number as Rador-M ... These two companies received contracts for 9 billion rubles (the total amount of all tenders is just over 12 billion). Two more contracts for the supply of granite - worth almost 1.7 billion rubles - were won by Vyatex, the sole owner of which is Natalya Stuparik, who is the director of the Boho restaurant in Naberezhnye Chelny. The remaining two contracts (almost 1.4 billion rubles) were signed by the company TD Spetsplast, which supplies road marking materials for Automobile Roads. All winning companies have settlement accounts with a small Corporate Finance Bank (it ranks 262nd in terms of assets among Russian banks) and received guarantees there for participation in tenders.

Granite packaging labels on the streets of Moscow

Consolidated purchases have created new intermediaries in the granite tile delivery chain from mines to sidewalks. According to the invoices for already completed contracts (the invoices are at Meduza's disposal), the winners of the tenders are listed as sellers, and the same Vozrozhdenie and Granit-Invest are the consignors. Contrary to the intentions of officials, the transition to new system purchases almost doubled the price of tiles for the city - if in 2016 it was 3803 rubles per square meter, then in 2017 it was 7,591 rubles.

Deals with building materials for landscaping attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies. In June 2017, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, during an audit of the My Street program, discovered violations worth 4 billion rubles, which, in particular, related to the purchase of paving slabs and curbs. At the same time, it was reported about the initiation of a criminal case under the article "fraud" against the leaders of the "Automobile Roads". According to the telegram channel Mash (associated with the publication Life Aram Gabrelyanova), the investigation is studying the issue of embezzlement of about 200 million rubles under the contract for the purchase of curbs.

The Mystery of "Gothic"

Although the Moscow authorities have recognized granite tiles as more suitable for landscaping, there are also enough concrete tiles on the streets of the city - over 5.2 million square meters have been laid over the past seven years. One of its largest suppliers, judging by the labeling of the packaging, is the Bekam company, with the logo and the website address of the Gothic factory located on the label next to its name. The site says that the enterprise is part of the large construction company Krost, which owns a paving slab factory in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Owner of "Krost" Alexey Dobashin during the elections of the President of Russia and the Mayor of Moscow spoke confidant Vladimir Putin and Sergei Sobyanin.

The company "Bekam", according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is owned by Sergey Kovalev and Natalya Raznikova (they have no other businesses). The company's revenue in 2016 amounted to 1 billion 672 million rubles, net profit - 18.9 million rubles. Bekam practically does not participate in public procurement: in 2016 the company took part in the only tender - the supply of paving slabs for 398 thousand rubles to manage the affairs of the president. "Bekam" is headed by a US citizen Alex Geller .

Concrete slabs marked by the Gothic factory and the Bekam company

Geller's full namesake was engaged in construction in the 2000s. In particular, his company AMG Group advised foreign manufacturers of refrigerators and cosmetics, which built factories in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region. According to the materials of the arbitration courts, in the early 2010s, Geller's company also took part in the reconstruction of the Dorogomilovsky market and the market near the Bagrationovskaya metro station, which were controlled by a businessman Shabtai Kalmanovich killed in 2009. In 2010, Alex Geller announced the creation of a preclinical drug research laboratory in Dubna near Moscow - its cost was supposed to be 1.6 billion rubles, and Rusnano and Uralsib were going to invest in the project (both companies also provided AMG Group with a loan in the amount of $ 38 , 6 million). The construction of the laboratory did not begin, and in 2015 Geller and his partners were suspected of industrial espionage, as reported by Inform-Dubna.

Rusnano said that the state corporation withdrew from the project in 2012. “Geller almost made no secret of the fact that he was interested in access to technologies and developments, and not in the business itself,” says an interlocutor at Rusnano. - [To this project] there really were questions from the law enforcement agencies. He severely undermined Melamed's position. " According to the agency “ Ruspres", The ex-head of" Rusnano ", Leonid Melamed is accused of embezzling 220 million rubles.

Can't resist vandals

As it quickly turned out, granite was not the best simple stone for city use. At first, it turned out that at sub-zero temperatures it becomes very slippery - and after the winter before last, Moscow switched to purchasing only heat-treated plates, with which such a problem does not arise (the already laid plates also underwent additional heat treatment).

Other problems soon surfaced: for example, it is difficult to remove paint and dirt from granite. Under Sobyanin, the stone was also used for cladding underground passages - and the Gormost specialists responsible for their maintenance repeatedly complained that they were unable to completely remove the paint from the granite.

Several dozen complaints about vandal inscriptions on the granite facing of the passages appear on the Our City portal every month. The answers to them always look the same: “ Chemicals cleaning does not completely remove the drawings. " At the same time, the answers to the citizens mentioned porcelain stoneware, although according to the documents, the walls of the passages are faced with granite from Vozrozhdenie. “The problem is not granite, but new paints used by teenagers. Even special means it is difficult to remove them not only from granite, but also from plastic and metal, ”says a representative of the mayor's office.

However, the problems of officials do not end with paints. “Mansurovsk granite contains a lot of iron,” explains the director of a company that sells granite. - It is rarely used as a sidewalk, because with frequent contact with water and chemicals, it oxidizes and rusty streaks and stains begin to appear on the light stone. On the granite, laid several years ago, you can see them now. "

As previously reported by the agency “ Ruspres", Sergei Sobyanin began to clad underground passages with marble while still working in Tyumen, where Aerodromstroy, controlled by his wife Irina Sobyanina, spent 1 billion rubles on cladding work instead of the planned 280 million rubles. Nominal owner of Aerodromstroy Sergey Solodovnikov followed Sobyanin to Moscow, where he was caught on large-scale theft during the reconstruction and construction of take-off zones at the Domodedovo airport.