
Technology for performing evening hairstyles with curls. Boucle hairstyle in the style of a modern woman. Video of doing hairstyles for long hair


Women always want to look charming. A beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed hair are the main parameters of beauty. There are many interesting hairstyles. The boucle hairstyle is one of the most sophisticated and feminine hairstyles. The curls are formed using curls. And the curls can be placed on the head in any order, as your imagination dictates. Curls have always been considered a sign of femininity and sensuality. The technique is not complicated, which is also a big plus for the boucle hairstyle. Suitable for all hair types. Thick or thin and sparse - it doesn’t matter. In any case, bouquets will secure your hair well and give it volume. All hairstyle options can be created at home - this will save money and time spent in the salon.

Required accessories:

  • comb;
  • small elastic bands, bobby pins, hairpins;
  • foam, varnish, styling mousse.

The general principle of all hairstyles

  1. Apply a little styling product to clean, well-combed hair. It will help form the curl.
  2. Curl the curl with a curling iron. It can be as wide or as small as you want. The size of the booklet will depend on its size.
  3. Flying the tail is the easiest option. Or, at the roots of the hair, each strand should be secured with a small elastic band. Comb the resulting ponytails a little.
  4. Divide each ponytail into several strands and smooth them out. Twist each strand with a tube and secure at the base with bobby pins on both sides.
  5. Lay out the letters in any order, maybe in the shape of a flower, etc.
  6. When creating a hairstyle, you need to be careful. Untidy letters are ugly. You can add artistic chaos, intertwine them, mix them up. But they must be clearly recorded. Each hair should be placed in a bouquet and secured with varnish.

This is the basis for creating a hairstyle. Then they can be spread over the entire head, they can be collected on one side, they can be intertwined with each other, or you can leave several curls without forming a curl. Your imagination will definitely tell you how to make it more beautiful. See photo:

Buccles can be decorated with flowers, ribbons, hairpins with stones. The hairstyle is perfect for wedding accessories. You can combine it with plaits and French braids.

A romantic look suits all women. The hairstyle will emphasize femininity and become a real decoration on any day.

This option is a little more complicated than the previous one.

The technique is no different. Just braid not one big tail, but four tails (we make a square of tails on the head). We form curls and curls in the same way. The result will be more voluminous. Several complex elements can be performed. It all depends on the level of skill and patience of the performer. See photo:

Aristocrats loved to wear such hairstyles. In ancient times, female beauty was highly valued. Women actively used what nature gave them. If you look at the paintings of the century before last, it seems that they worked magic on the hair for several days. Classic never goes out of style. Therefore, such original and catchy hairstyles are always relevant and attractive.

The boucle hairstyle is one of the most sophisticated and popular “evening” hairstyles in the world.

Its distinctive features are neatly arranged curls in a horizontal or vertical order. It was extremely popular back in the 16th-18th centuries, among female and male audiences. Over the next decades, it was practically forgotten, but today the classic is back in fashion.

And if you want to try something new, but aren't a fan of expensive beauty salons, don't worry. The boucle hairstyle can be done at home. To do this, you will need the following tools: comb, curling iron, hairspray, hair styling product, small hairpins, elastic bands, hairpins and bobby pins.

The first thing to start with is to thoroughly wash and comb your hair. Then apply styling product and comb through again. Use a curling iron to curl your curls. They can be made both large and small; the size of future bouquets will depend on this.

We offer two styling methods, the first is easier and is done from one ponytail on the top of the head. Curls of hair will be located around the tail. The second option involves a more voluminous hairstyle based on several tails; accordingly, the curls will be located almost over the entire scalp.

Ponytail based boucle hairstyle

First you need to wash your hair and comb it well, treat it with varnish, and wrap it with a curling iron or curlers. Then gather all the curls to the top of your head and secure them with an elastic band. The next step is to divide the tail into several equal parts (you can separate strands one by one from the total mass while working, or you can immediately divide the tail into equal strands, securing each with an elastic band). First, twist the outer strands of the tail into rollers, creating the first row of curls adjacent to the head around the tail. To do this, take the first strand, comb it from the inside at the base, then make it flat like a ribbon, smoothing it with a comb. To make a beautiful roller, our strand must be flat, wide and perfectly smoothed. When you have formed such a strand, spray it with varnish and begin to twist it inward on your fingers. After twisting it to the base of the tail, remove the roller from your fingers and pin it at the base with two bobby pins. Thus make the first row of rollers.

We still have strands from the middle of the tail. Using the same technique, you should twist all the remaining hair and lay it in a second tier around the ponytail.

Spray the finished bouquets with hairspray and, if necessary, decorate with hairpins or hairpins.

Hairstyle with multiple ponytails

If you have mastered the technology of twisting and laying rollers from strands of hair, you can try making a second version of the curl hairstyle. To do this, prepare your hair in the same way (treat it with foam and curl it), then make four ponytails of equal thickness, securing them with elastic bands.
Now each ponytail needs to be divided into separate strands and, as in the previous example, combed at the base, smoothed with a comb, sprinkled with varnish, but not wrapped in a tube, but made into a ring, securing them with invisible threads on both sides at the base. (If the length of the hair allows, then two rings can be formed from one strand).

The order in which the curls are laid out affects the final shape of the hairstyle. Depending on your wishes, you can curl all your hair, or collect curls on only one side. Place them vertically or horizontally. Use the classic version, or thread one curl through another, forming a more “twisted” shape. Even if you create a hairstyle evenly over the entire head, you can always leave some of the curls falling freely.
You should also understand that extreme accuracy is needed here; it depends on it how good the boucle hairstyle will turn out.

There are many ways to decorate the resulting hairstyle. For example, add flowers and colorful ribbons, hairpins with stones and other decorative items.

Another bold decision is a hair band around the head, making its owner even more attractive. To create it, you will need to separate the front part of the hair, braiding it into a braid or plait before you start creating the curls. Otherwise, this decoration cannot be made.

Overall, the boucle hairstyle is a beautiful, cute and original look that combines the latest fashion trends with an homage to the classics. If you want to look great and try something new, we strongly advise you to pay attention to her.

Boucles (translated from French as “curls”) is an outdated name for strands of hair curled in large rings. This hairstyle has come to us since the times of magnificent balls, sparkling outfits, precious jewelry, and going out. In today's world, it is perfect for various celebrations, trips to the theater, corporate events and holidays.

You will need:

  • Hair comb;
  • Rubber;
  • Bobby pins and stilettos;
  • Fixing agent (varnish, gel, wax) – optional;
  • Accessories (beads, ribbon, etc.) – optional, optional.

Step by step creation

  1. Comb your hair and gather it into a ponytail at the back of your head. It is better if it is quite high. Make sure that there are no “roosters” or protruding strands - everything should be neat. If necessary, use hair foam, mousse or wax first.
  2. Now take a strand of hair from the ponytail. Twist the ends of the strands around a finger or two, then curl the entire strand toward the top of your head. Make sure that all your hair is in the curl, especially if you have it of different lengths or cut in a cascade. Secure the resulting curl at the base of the ponytail.
  3. Repeat step two as many times as needed. Depending on the size of the strands, you can get several large curls or many small ones.
  4. Secure all twisted strands with bobby pins or bobby pins. The curls can be arranged in a certain order, for example, symmetrically in a circle, given any shape, or laid chaotically.
  5. If desired, decorate with a suitable accessory and spray your hair with hairspray.

The video presents two styling options: with large strands - 4 curls, laid symmetrically, and the second option - many curls, fixed at different angles. This is what makes the hairstyle so good; you can experiment with it, achieve different looks and options.


  • Use two mirrors so you can get a good look at the back of your hair and straighten stray hair.
  • If your hair is thin or not much, you can backcomb the strands a little before curling. This will help create additional volume to your hairstyle.
  • Match your hair accessory to the color of your outfit. It will be good if the accessory has the same elements as the dress (for example, beads, pieces of fabric, decorative elements).

Every woman sometimes needs to create a special hairstyle. Bookles are the perfect solution for any occasion. The styling looks festive, is simple to perform, and does not lose its relevance. Curls go well with different clothing styles and suit any type of appearance. There are different variations of hairstyles; everyone can choose the desired format.

Hairstyle history

Boucles appeared at the border of the 16th–17th centuries in France. The French word boucle, meaning curls, is derived from the Latin buccula (small rounded elevation). In Russian, specially curled curls began to be called curls. The term was applied to the naming of a hairstyle consisting of curls arranged in a special way.

With the help of false curls, noble people tried to cover their bald spots and increase the thinning volume of their own hair. The curls on the donor strands were curled with hot iron tongs. Buns were attached to one's own hair, collected in a bun. Later, wigs with twisted curls came into fashion.

This option received particular recognition at the court of Louis XIV. Curls were worn by noble men and women. Later, the styling gained mass popularity. They twisted curls on their own hair and wore donor locks and wigs.

In Russia, the styling option appeared under Peter I. The Tsar introduced the wearing of wigs in the army. Gradually, when the “window to Europe” opened, noble ladies adopted Western fashion. Artificially created curls in the form of loose strands and complex tall designs have become popular.

General description of installation

Buns are curls that are arranged in a certain order. There are many options for attaching curls. For a hairstyle, it is permissible to first curl your hair into ringlets or imitate spirals by twisting the strands into rings.

Ordered curls are commonly called curls. Although in fact, neat curls in a loose state also correspond to the meaning of the term. Most often, a hairstyle with this name is understood as a heap of curls imitating a bun of hair. The arrangement of curls is individual.

Buns are made for medium or long hair. The format and number of curls are determined by the length of the hair.

Attention! To create a style for short, sparse hair, you will need extensions. Donor curls can be used to increase the volume of the structure.

The basis for styling is a haircut of any format, allowing you to create curls. This option is done on hair of different structures. Neat curls successfully coexist with braids, bangs, freely flowing strands, and jewelry.

Who is it suitable for?

Buccles are recognized as a universal styling option. Neatly organized curls suit everyone, but... When doing your hair, it is recommended to take into account some tricks:

  1. Those with a round, square oval, or large features should avoid large curls near the face. It is better to place elements wound into rings at the back, below the crown. For a gentle correction of imperfections, you can leave thin strands flowing freely. It is permissible to arrange the curls in an asymmetrical order.
  2. For those with a narrow, small, narrow face, it is permissible to place curls throughout the entire volume of hair. Voluminous hairstyles with tight curls in a loose state look interesting. Successful.
  3. It is better to put thin hair in a bun, decorating the elevation of the curls. It is permissible to leave curly strands loose, but natural curls will have to be further streamlined. In each case, the addition of a hairstyle will be successful.

Bookles are suitable for different occasions. A neat hairstyle can be done every day. Styling with curls will be a good solution for a romantic date, a festive evening, or a special occasion. The option is suitable for women of different ages: little girls, young girls, mature ladies.

Twisted curls will be a successful addition to hair of a uniform color. Blondes, brunettes, redheads with natural or bright shades: it doesn’t matter. The hairstyle goes well with highlights in similar colors. Multicolor, the presence of contrasting strands can disrupt the organic appearance.

It is recommended that people with unconventional thinking and an extraordinary appearance avoid classic styling. A hairstyle with curls is definitely not suitable for a girl. It is difficult to create a bunch of curls on short hair. A pixie or half-box with short temples next to false curls looks ridiculous.

Execution technology

There are different ways to create a hairstyle with curls. For work you will need: styling products (foam, varnish, wax), small elastic bands, bobby pins, hairpins. A simple diagram for doing the installation yourself is as follows:

  1. Clean, dry hair is gathered into a ponytail at the top of the head. It is important to carefully remove the strands without leaving “roosters”. It is recommended to pre-treat unruly hair with foam.
  2. The tail is divided into parts, the number of which determines the volume of the result. The strands are temporarily secured with elastic bands.
  3. One by one, each small ponytail is freed from the elastic band, combed at the bottom, and smoothed at the top. The strand is wound around your finger, forming a ring of the required volume. The formed curl is pinned with a hairpin or bobby pin and sprayed with varnish.
  4. Using the arrangement of elements, the desired hairstyle design is formed.
  5. The result can be supplemented by fixing donor strands.

To obtain more neat curls that perfectly hold their shape, you can twist curls of the desired size over the entire volume of hair before making the central ponytail. Before performing any of the methods, it is recommended to carefully study the work process step by step. There are many videos that illustrate in detail how to act.

Video of doing hairstyles for long hair.

Video of doing an evening hairstyle.

Hairstyle variations

There are different ways to arrange the beads. The classic option is recognized a bunch of neatly arranged curls. The principle of this option is simple. The styling is suitable for every day.

They will help make your appearance more interesting and playful. loose curls. To do this, it is not necessary to leave the whole canvas free. The hair of the crown area is twisted into classic curls and fixed in the traditional way. The strands of the back of the head are left loose and curled into tight curls.

They will be a successful addition. Braiding can be done in the lower part from the strands of the back of the head or a surrounding braid can be formed in the parietal area. Weaving can be alternated with curls, creating a complex shape. Braids can be easily replaced with simple plaits. In any case, the result looks bright.

A variation for short, medium-length hair will be imitation booklets. The strands are rolled into rings, secured with hairpins, and fixed with varnish. You will get flat curls without volume. This way you can decorate your hairstyle or create your own hairstyle.

Laying features

Ordered curls can be used daily. It all depends on the styling format. A neat bun with curls is equally suitable for working in the office, going to the gym or going to a restaurant. The main thing is that the image is organic and the hairstyle is comfortable.

The option is simple to implement. If you need to use styling every day, you don’t need to try to preserve the image you created once. It is better to master the principle of operation yourself. The process is simple, but requires careful execution.

It is better to correct the result daily. After a night's sleep, the existing hairstyle will lose its freshness and attractive appearance. Strands can become wrinkled and get out of the hairstyle. This will disrupt the organic nature of the image.

Advantages and disadvantages

Buns are considered classic hair styling variations. The styling with curls is elegant, solid, and has a festive appearance. The option is universal, easy to implement, and used in various situations.

Classic, ordered curls can disrupt the organic appearance of extraordinary individuals with a non-standard clothing style and behavior. To create curls, a certain length of hair or extensions are required.

Examples from the stars

Every celebrity had to appear in public with curls at least once in her life. Hairstyles with neatly styled curls are loved by Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolie and many other celebrities.

Reese Witherspoon and Jessica Alba

Boucles are an unshakable classic, simple in execution, elegant in appearance. The hairstyle makes the look festive and is suitable for different occasions. This option is good for stars and ordinary women.

Curls used to be called curls, styled in a beautiful hairstyle. Gradually, the styling itself began to be called “boucles”. Typically, women do the boucle hairstyle for various events and holidays, as it looks chic and solemn. You will learn how to do your hair by reading this article.

To create a hairstyle, curls can be laid vertically or horizontally. The size of the bouquets depends only on the desire and time you have, since small bouquets will take longer to make, which means it will take longer to style your hair. The longer the hair, the more impressive the hairstyle with curls looks. Unfortunately, women and girls with short hair do not have the luxury of having a hairstyle with curls. It is necessary that the hair length of the hairstyle be at least below the shoulders.

Preparing to create a hairstyle with curls

Place a mirror in the room so that you can clearly see the back of your head. It’s very good if you have a dressing table. Wash and dry your hair, as it will be better to style clean strands in curls. To create a hairstyle, prepare small elastic bands, hairpins, a curling iron or curlers, a hair dryer and various means for fixing the hair in the hairstyle.

How to make a boucle hairstyle?

Make a ponytail at the top of your head, divide it into a large number of strands and backcomb each one. To do this, lift the strand and make movements as when combing, only in the opposite direction (from ends to roots). This should be done carefully, as you can damage your hair.

After this, spray your hair with hairspray, but not too much, so that the hair does not stick together. Twist the strands with a curling iron or your fingers so that you get ringlets - curls. They can be large or small. Secure each ring with hairpins or bobby pins in your hair and coat it with varnish again.

The resulting hairstyle depends only on your imagination. You can arrange flowers from bouquets or simply secure the curls in your hair in a chaotic manner. Try to securely fasten the curls, and tuck the ends of the strands inward.

In any case, the hairstyle turns out beautiful. The main thing is that the rings do not fall apart and the curls do not fall out of the styling.

Before creating a hairstyle

Before you do a bouncy hairstyle on your own hair, practice on one of your friends. This way you can learn how to quickly roll and arrange ringlets. The overview will be better, and working with your hands will be more convenient. After practice, you will be able to easily style your own hair into a beautiful hairstyle.

We want you to get your hair done! And remember that only by constantly practicing hairstyles will you be able to improve your hair handling skills. In this matter, as in any other, the main thing is patience and perseverance. And then the letters will definitely work out.