
To sew or not - that is the question! Folk omens and superstitions. Signs - clothes Is it possible to wear things with holes


I read your disputes, and I do not know what to do

I read your disputes, and I do not know what to do
However, I will try to judge you
I don't think it matters at all
Bare knees can be seen on the beach
And I think no surprise in Europe
Even if a hole is made on the pope

WHY YOU SHOULD NOT WEAR CLOTHING WITH HOLES (article made a lot of noise)
They say that a hole in clothes - to lack of money and loss of vitality. Our ancestors anxiously watched the integrity of their clothes, fearing failures in their lives. But today fashion goes against tradition.
The ancient Eastern teaching of Feng Shui, which has become very popular all over the world, helps not only to arrange the furniture in the house correctly. His postulates concern, among other things, clothing. According to experts, a well-chosen outfit can bring you success in business, improve your financial condition and make you happy. However, torn things, according to Feng Shui, on the contrary, can cause harm. One of the worst things anyone can do is wear torn clothes. Wearing ripped-knee jeans may make you well-received by the youth, but the old-fashioned Chinese will surely frown at the sight of such attire. Why? Just because it brings a huge setback. You will dress like "tear it and drop it" - and soon turn into one! If you dress like this, it will attract poverty and serious trouble. In accordance with Feng Shui, it is necessary to get rid of ragged clothes and change your attitude to clothing in general.
For a long time there was a belief in Russia: if a hole appears in a thing, then its owner will have health problems. It was believed that leaky clothes negatively affect material well-being and health. No wonder the flaw has always been a sign of poverty: the wealthiest people walked in new and intact clothes, and the poor wore torn cast-offs. Success, luck, attractiveness go through holes in clothes. Well-being does not like cracks, breaks, chips and tears.
Some desperate dandies wear ripped jeans, t-shirts, bags and shoes, not at all fearing that misfortune will befall them. But in vain. Since since time immemorial, all people have associated torn clothes with poverty, our brain is used to this, our subconscious gives only a negative reaction to holes, no matter how fashionable they may be. This reaction of our brain leads to programming us for problems.
In other words, by wearing leaky clothes, we doom ourselves to failure. Take care of yourself! No mod is worth it.

There are many signs and superstitions about clothes that many of us believe in, which means they come true. In the old days, as to this day, great importance was attached to clothing. And now - they are met, as a rule, by clothes. How to attract good luck with your clothes and avoid trouble?

  • Wear clothes inside out- to trouble. And, in most cases, this sign works! After all, when you put on a shirt, sock or something else inside out, this indicates your absent-mindedness and inattention, which can lead to troubles, mistakes, troubles.
  • Wash, rinse or dry clothes without turning them inside out- to illness. Previously, only the clothes of the dead were washed without turning them inside out.
  • You can't sew clothes on yourself. Of course, your memory will not be wiped clean if you sew a button on yourself or patch up a hole. However, it has been noticed that if you sew on yourself, then at the right and crucial moment you can forget something very important.
  • If the arrows climbed on tights - this is a sign of a gift or good news.
    • Can't walk in one shoe or slippers. This ancient Jewish sign portends the death of one of the relatives.
    • If you put on clothes for the first time- make a wish, then the renewal will bring good luck.
    • You can not wear one thing for several days in a row, as it absorbs the energy of the surrounding world, and very often, negative. Such clothes need to rest for a couple of days.
    • How do you feel about your clothes- this is the attitude she forms towards you in the people around you. Wear a thing with dignity, whatever it is. Keep your clothes clean and in good condition. It works for you, for your image and forms people's opinion about your personality.
    • If you are going somewhere and want to attract good luck, put on some of your clothes back to front. It can be a sock, underwear or something else, always inconspicuous. So you can not only attract good luck, but also protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.
    • If your clothes are accidentally torn- financial loss. Holes in the pocket also lead to loss of money.
    • To believe or not to believe in these signs about clothes is everyone's business. But one thing is clear for sure - many superstitions do have power. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

      13.03.2015 09:44

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Clothing is an achievement of civilization with which a person is in contact every day. Many people know that clothes worn inside out are not a very good omen. What does this confusion mean?

What to expect and what to prepare for

If you wear something upside down, it is considered a harbinger of trouble. Let's understand the essence of this sign. If a person woke up in the morning on time and at good mood, he will not wear clothes inside out or backwards. Such absent-mindedness signals personal problems, fatigue and trouble at work.

If you still put on your clothes incorrectly, then be careful throughout the day, especially keep an eye on the road while driving. Wearing clothes inside out can be done by a person who has this moment something is wrong with the mental state. It is best to calm down in this situation, drink sweet tea, think about the good and believe in yourself. A positive attitude plays a big role in the successful conduct of business.

Most of the signs about clothes and shoes give a completely unhappy forecast. However, these are just signs and they just give you a hint, but cannot guarantee exactly this outcome of events. Older people are not recommended to sew for themselves new clothes- it is better to stock up on costumes when you are young. As a last resort, if you absolutely trust signs, you can buy clothes in a store and ward off trouble.

Our ancestors had a belief: you can’t wash things on the front side, you must turn them inside out. The sign has become irrelevant, since most people now use washing machines. But if you still want to wash by hand, do not forget about the old rule.

More than half of folk signs are associated with money and well-being. In the case of clothing, everything is quite simple. If you spent the last money on things, then this is an omen of the need awaiting you, difficult period in life. And no wonder, because you have to borrow from friends for the necessary daily expenses.

During childhood, especially during camping holidays, children constantly change clothes, which is a common practice. In fact, this cannot be done. Putting on another person's thing, you accept his energy - both good and bad. It is also better not to give your things to anyone.

Neat and happy

Since ancient times, folk wisdom has called for neatness and accuracy in appearance. Even if the clothes on the person were not new, they should not be torn or dirty. If something was torn, it was necessary to sew up a thing, put a patch. Now the clothing industry is constantly providing us with new shirts and dresses, so there is no need to save one thing for a long time. However, this does not change the traditional meaning of the sign.

The way a person looks is often decisive factor when hiring, arranging personal life, relationships with others. Details say a lot about a person and his lifestyle in general. Still, they are traditionally greeted “by clothes”.

Everyone at least once had to sew up clothes. Why should you never sew on yourself? The interpretation of this sign is rooted in the distant past. It is believed that such an action leads to memory loss. Now many are trying to follow this belief, so as not to take risks once again. If circumstances do not allow you to remove the thing and you have to sew up your clothes, then take a thread in your mouth - it will “take away” the negative from you.

Not a good sign to spit on your clothes. Thus, you show disrespect to yourself on a subconscious level. The situation is unpleasant both for you and for those around you, who may begin to avoid your company.

It can happen to anyone that your favorite jeans or cardigan are torn. This is normal if you have worn the item for a very long time and the fabric has not withstood the load. But it happens that clothes are torn unexpectedly, when nothing is conducive to this. This situation should be regarded as a warning. A torn sweater or trousers that have come apart at the seams may hint to their owner about minor troubles in the near future.

If you hear the crackling of a torn thing, this is a signal of complete stupidity or means a rash act. And if the threads break at the seams, then this can be a warning about an illness, health problems.

It helps to protect yourself from diseases, the evil eye and spoilage, which they cling to clothes. How and why is a pin pinned? There are several features of the use of this amulet:

  • Compliance with safety rules - the pin must have a plastic head.
  • Vertical pinning - only in this position the amulet has power.
  • Use in a conspicuous place - wearing a pin under clothing is useless.

With this simple item, you can protect the whole family from evil tongues. For children, you can choose pins with colored tips that perfectly absorb negative energy. The golden pin has a special power.

Pins are also often used to harm a person. What to do and where to run if you happen to find a pin on your clothes? There is no need to panic here - calmly put on gloves, unhook it and hold it over a church candle. After carrying out this procedure, bury the pin in the ground.

Write your opinion

The appearance of holes in clothes is a completely trivial event. After all, things that are constantly in use tend to wear out or tear, rub or cling to sharp ledges on furniture.

At first glance, the appearance of an unplanned hole is a very minor nuisance, especially if the damaged area is not visible to others. However, in reality, things are not so simple with holes in clothes, especially if they appear with frightening regularity.

What broke?

  • Danger to sustainable financial position hidden in frequently torn pockets. Through the holes that appear, if they are not sewn up in time, your money can flow away not only literally, but also figuratively, leading to eternal need and even poverty.
  • Do you constantly burn your pants with cigarette ash? Be prepared for legal trouble if you don't fix the holes in time. In addition, do not commit rash acts and do not get involved in suspicious scams.
  • For those who regularly get holes in their lining outerwear, it would be better to take a closer look at your soulmate. After all, the sign confidently reports that you are threatened with treason. To avoid a divorce, urgently repair the thing by sewing a bird feather into the lining.
  • For employees who wear uniforms or overalls at work, the appearance of a hole in the same place does not at all indicate poor product quality. Most likely, the belief warns of an imminent dismissal, which can be avoided if the hole is immediately sewn up, saying: “I patch up the thing - I keep my place!”
  • When an expensive fur product (fur coat or hat) is torn, it is quite natural to experience grief. However, a sign of consolation reports that an addition is planned in the family soon. After all, the joyful smile of a baby is able to compensate for even less material losses.

Divergent seams - separate interpretations

Of particular importance is an unpleasant event if a tear appears due to a broken line.

  • If this trouble happened with trousers, you risk making an irreparable mistake that will negatively affect fate.
  • A torn seam on a blouse or shirt promises important news, but they will be pleasant only if you turn the thing inside out at night.
  • Notice the split stitching on the glove? You have to endure a quarrel with best friends or a close relative.
  • A broken hem predicts significant profits if it is cut again and drawn along the seam with a bill.

Great attention has been paid to clothing at all times. Let's start with the fact that even today the saying that they are greeted by clothes, but escorted by the mind, is as relevant as it was centuries ago. How to dress properly before an interview, or on a first date? These questions worried and continue to worry not only women, but also men. And going to such important events, people are guided not only by the advice of stylists, but also follow the old, like the world, signs.

wear inside out

Wearing clothes inside out is a nuisance. It often happens that the same signs about clothes can have completely different meanings. So, this sign can also mean that a person will be beaten, or for a new thing. But let's start in order. If, getting dressed in the morning, you suddenly notice that you have put on a shirt, blouse or dress inside out, then this means that something has been bothering you since the very morning. You are inattentive, and this can lead to mistakes at work, an accidentally spoken phrase that can ruin relationships with a loved one. Why not trouble? If the work is fraught with danger, or a loved one has a violent and quick-tempered character, then here it’s not far from a fight. If you put on inside out old thing, which means that it is already so worn out that it is impossible to distinguish the inside from the face. Forward, to the market for a new thing.

Sewing new clothes in old age

If in old age you sew new underwear - to an imminent death. People of any age are allowed to have new comfortable clothes and underwear. In addition, it is a matter of elementary hygiene. The sign is associated with the fear of the elderly. In order to sew new clothes or even buy them, you need to take measurements, and in older people this is associated with the fact that after death a person is also taken measurements. But these are only unsubstantiated fears, and what is it like to ride in the same transport with an elderly person, from whom there is a persistent unpleasant smell?


You will rinse the laundry without turning it inside out - to the owner's illness. This is not even a sign, but a rule that is associated with. Old people, when they bring up the younger generation, say that they only wash clothes without turning them inside out. If you want a person to be healthy, then you should not be lazy during rinsing. Turn the laundry inside out, rinse, and then hang to dry. A matter of minutes, but everything is according to the rules and everyone will be healthy.


When buying clothes, do not give the last money - they will not be found. Such purchases are usually made at the moment when they receive a certain sum of money such as salary. No one goes shopping at the end of the month when they need to think about how to make ends meet. If you give everything that is in your wallet for a thing, then for some time you will either have to borrow money in order to live up to your salary, or think hard about where to earn more. If you make such purchases regularly, there will be regular and financial problems.

sew up

You can’t sew clothes on yourself or sew on a button - you’ll sew up a memory. You can check it, but many people think that everything that happens after you sew up a torn thing on yourself is a mere coincidence. After all, not a single person, after sewing on a button without taking off his shirt, has yet lost his memory completely and irrevocably. However, it has been noticed that if you do not follow this sign, then at the most inopportune moment you can forget some important little thing that can cost your job or family. If a situation arises when, in order to repair a thing, it is impossible to take off your clothes, then you need to take a thread in your mouth. It is believed that this action can neutralize the negative of this sign.

Accidentally spit

Spit accidentally on your dress - wait for gossip. You always have to be careful. If a person spits on himself, then others will spit on him. In this case, you can lose respect, and evil tongues will savor any reason to discuss the slightest mistake of a person.

Notes about clothes have a special meaning for every person. After all, these are not just rags that we pull on ourselves. These things make us feel confident or uncomfortable. It's like an extension of ourselves. Clothing absorbs our energy, can help us or harm us if it gets into strangers. So you can't wear what for a long time worn by another person, especially an unhappy or sick person. And you can’t give your things to anyone without special treatment.