
How to wash woolen clothes. How to wash woolen clothes: by hand and in a washing machine. Instructions for washing woolen products in a washing machine


Woolen products always attract the eye, but require proper care, otherwise their appearance quickly deteriorates. Often clothes lose their properties due to improper cleaning. How to wash woolen clothes to maximize their lifespan? How to maintain softness, color, reduce the appearance of pellets? Read this article and you will always be able to avoid mistakes in the care of woolen clothes.

Basic Rules

Wool is different: sheep, camel, angora goats, etc. In any case, these are natural fibers that require careful handling. Each type has its own recommendations, which are indicated on the product label. Therefore, the first thing we turn to is the care instructions given by the manufacturer.

The main problems that wool clothing owners face are:

  • shrinkage,
  • deformation,
  • loss of softness and color,
  • yellowing of white woolen products,
  • spools.

There are not so many rules for washing wool. It is only necessary to observe the recommended water temperature, choose good means, gently wring out and dry:

  1. At what temperature is wool washed? Matter does not like both excessively hot and too cold water, and reacts badly to temperature changes. Washing and rinsing take place in equally warm water. The optimal range is 25-30 degrees.
  2. Laundry products are also important. Wool does not like alkali, so read the composition of the powder. Soap is excluded completely - there are special products on sale. By the way, you can wash such products not only with powders and gels, but also with folk remedies (more on them below).
  3. Frequent washing is not required. If there is no pronounced contamination, wash them no more than 1-2 times a week. If the product is stored for a long time(for example, winter hat), then it is permissible not to wash it for up to 6 months. Dry cleaning preferred.
  4. Wash wool in plenty of water, as the fibers absorb moisture well.
  5. Long soaking is not recommended. The washing process itself should not take more than 45-60 minutes. How less thing is in water, the less likely it is to deform.

Important! Wool should be washed separately. In the process, the lint separates and sticks to other materials and is quite difficult to clean.

Preparing for washing

Preliminary steps that will protect clothes from damage:

  • if possible, remove all accessories so that it does not catch on the threads;
  • even accessories can oxidize and leave stains;
  • sort things: colored and white are cleaned separately;
  • so that the loops on the clothes do not stretch, sew them;
  • turn the product inside out;
  • Determine if the fabric is shedding or not by dipping the piece in hot, soapy water, then blotting it with a clean, dry cloth. If the blotter is stained, additional measures will be needed to fix the color of the product;
  • before washing fluffy things, they are “combed”: this is how surface dirt and spools are removed.

Before washing, examine the item for stains. They are removed before sending the product to the car or basin. The detergent will coat the wool fibers with a protective layer, making the stains difficult to remove.

Advice! How do you remove stains from wool? The canvas will not deteriorate under the influence of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.

Hand washing of woolen products is preferable to machine washing, especially for clothes made of delicate wool: angora, mohair, alpaca.

Wool absorbs moisture, so pour into a basin a large number of water so that the thing stretches well. The water is warm, but not warmer than 35 degrees. During the washing process, the temperature should not change - often replace it with a fresh one.

Use soft water, preferably filtered. If there is no flow or volumetric filter, soften or acidify the water with vinegar. This will help to make the fabric soft and less prickly, to avoid the loss of color of the shedding product. The amount of substance per 10 liters of water is 3 tablespoons.

Choose gentle laundry detergents. Special gels for wool are preferred, they dissolve well in water. Suitable regular shampoo for washing your hair, it is not as aggressive as the powder. Pour a small amount of detergent into the basin and immerse the prepared product. How to wash woolen clothes? No need to actively rub and twist them: it is so easy to damage the fabric structure. Just immerse the item and gently rinse it in the solution.

Machine wash

AT washing machine it is more convenient to wash than by hand, but this method is not suitable for every type of product. First make sure that the manufacturer allows cleaning in the machine, then set the delicate mode or the special program "Wool".

An important point: turn off the spin function or set no more than 400 revolutions. After removing from the drum at the end, additionally remove water by gently pressing the product. It is forbidden to twist the wool during the spin cycle!

Advice! After you have removed the wet woolen clothing from the device, place it on a terry towel. It absorbs excess liquid well.

Folk remedies

Mustard powder is used to wash dark clothes. 1 glass of dry matter is dissolved in a small amount water, filter and let it brew, then add to the basin and wash the product. An alternative to industrial air conditioners is ammonia. 1 teaspoon of the substance will soften the fabric.

Washing white wool items is a separate issue. When machine washing, the addition of bleach is allowed. Yellowed clothes are refreshed with hydrogen peroxide: for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of peroxide. Soak clothes briefly in this solution, then wash and rinse well.

Another effective folk method is crushed chalk. It will take 1 kg per 3 liters of water. Hold the yellowed wool item in the solution, then wash it. The fabric will bleach.

Wool items should be rinsed well in plenty of water. Otherwise, detergent residue will corrode the fibers, resulting in holes. Do not forget that the temperature of the water for rinsing must be the same as for washing, otherwise the product will shrink.

How to wash a wool sweater so that it sits down? Sometimes this is necessary, for example, when the size of the clothes is too big or it has stretched. Here you can break the above rules and wash wool in hot water.

It is necessary to dry the matter in a straightened state on a horizontal surface. Since wool actively absorbs moisture, after washing it becomes much heavier. If you hang it, the fibers will stretch. When drying, clothes should not be exposed to direct Sun rays. Avoid sources of heat and hot air, be sure to ventilate the room.

Please note: substances such as vinegar, peroxide, bleaches are not applied to wool in its pure form. Before use, be sure to dissolve them in water, and only then lower the clothes there.

What should I do if the thing has sat down after washing? You don't need to re-wash it right away. The following measures will help:

  • lightly sprinkle the thing with water and iron with an iron, slightly stretching;
  • iron through wet gauze;
  • process with a steamer, giving the desired shape.

It is not enough to wash and dry wool properly. Such products require more careful care:

  1. Do not hang woolen clothes on hangers - they will stretch and become ugly. Fold wool into piles: voluminous and heavy products down, lighter ones up.
  2. Store items in closets along with moth repellents. For example, sachets with aromatic herbs or bars of soap repel pests.
  3. If the product can be ironed, use the "wool" mode.
  4. Several times a year, woolen clothes should be taken out in the sun, aired and shaken. This will help to avoid dampness and unpleasant odors.

Here's everything you need to know about laundry and grooming. Take care of your woolen products and attract admiring glances.

Like all natural fibers, wool has its own characteristics in care. Many housewives have no idea how to wash woolen clothes, so they don’t want to take on their washing. In fact, there are several subtleties that will make it easy to wash any item made of wool, to prevent shrinkage and deformation. Let's figure out together how to wash wool and things from it.

Washed wool clothes

General rules

Wool is a very tough material. There are several important prohibitions on caring for him in order to maintain attractiveness at home. appearance, softness and shape of wool products.

Among the taboos for wool products are:

  1. Constant washes.
  2. Long soaks.
  3. Abrupt temperature changes.
  4. Spin.

Wool fibers have unique property get rid of unpleasant odors from food and sweat during airing. Therefore, they do not need frequent washing. It is enough to hang clothes on a balcony or street, and if stains occur, remove them locally. Repeated washings will inevitably lead to the loss of softness of the products, felting or stretching and the appearance of pellets.

In many cases, washing woolen items is allowed. But it is worth remembering that this material is very susceptible to water procedures and temperature changes. Long soaks, for example, can lead to loss of original shape, and different washing and rinsing temperatures can cause shrinkage or stretching of the product.

Only careful handling will extend the life of things made of wool.

Increased friction and intense spin also adversely affect wool fibers - they fall off and become dense, rough to the touch.

Preparation and washing

To begin with, the thing is inspected for the presence of stains, which must be removed before washing. Most contaminants can easily be removed with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Wool interacts well with these substances, you should not worry that they will ruin clothes.

For example, vinegar is added to water to rinse wool products during hand washing. This contributes to the softness of the wool, after drying, the product will not “prick” and cause discomfort to its owner.

It is better to wash a woolen product by turning it inside out. For water procedures, the use of liquid or gel-like synthetic products that are specifically designed for washing wool is recommended. Such substances are highly soluble in water and can be easily washed out of the product by rinsing.

Now let's explore the question of how to wash woolen things by hand. It is believed that hand washing is the most optimal mode for caring for such delicate materials as wool. Gentle handling, gentle rinsing and spinning will not harm your favorite thing.

Hand washing things in a basin

Washing the product by hand involves:

  • The use of large amounts of water, the temperature of which should not be higher than room temperature or human body temperature.
  • During washing, the use of water softeners is recommended. Of the funds that are in every home, table vinegar is suitable. It will allow the wool to become more pliable and soft. Do not use chlorine bleaches that destroy wool fibers and fragrances.
  • Washing in manual mode, woolen products move smoothly through the container with soapy water. It is better to avoid squeezing and wrinkling the fabric; twisting and squeezing the thing is also not worth it.

Now consider the features of washing wool in a washing machine. Some wool items can be washed in the washing machine. But you should take care of comfortable conditions and follow all the rules for washing woolen clothes:

  • In most cases, all modern automatic machines are equipped with a mode for washing wool. If this is not available, then it is imperative to select a delicate wash, in which the rotation of the drum is not so intense, and turn off or set the spin to a minimum.
  • For washing, special liquid detergents or powders are suitable with a note that they are suitable for woolen items.
  • At the end of the selected washing program, the clothes are removed from the machine, excess moisture is removed by smoothing movements or wrapped in a thick terry towel, which should absorb water.

Washing clothes in a washing machine

Rules for drying woolen clothes

It is not enough to wash a woolen thing correctly, you still need to dry it well. From this stage depends on the preservation of the shape of the product. Incorrectly performed drying deforms the thing, and return previous view will become impossible.

Since wool clothes are not wrung out, the water after rinsing should drain on its own. The product is shaken, straightened well, and then laid out on a flat surface, laying down a fabric that absorbs moisture well, for example, a terry towel or a sheet folded in several layers. Drying should be carried out in the shade, air circulation should be sufficient. Periodically, a thing that is dried must be turned over and, if necessary, changed the substrate.

Do not dry wool sweaters and jumpers on hangers. A thing well saturated with moisture under its own weight will deform, stretch and change shape. However, if, in addition to wool fibers, the fabric contains synthetic inclusions, then drying on a coat hanger is permissible. But the clothes need to be squeezed a little and straightened well.

If the room is cool, and the wool product needs to be dried, then you can use a hair dryer. You need to blow a stream of warm air on the product, but you should not bring a hair dryer close to it. Heaters and radiators must not be used to dry clothes. At high temperatures and low humidity, the wool fiber becomes brittle, stains may form on it yellow color.

Delicate spin sweater

A slightly damp woolen cloth is allowed to be stroked. This is done from the inside of the product through a cloth previously moistened in a solution of vinegar to avoid shine. The iron should be heated to the second position, which will be ideal for wool.

Clean clothes should be stored in a closet. Heavier and bulkier things are stacked down the pile, lighter things are stacked on top of the heavy ones. So things will not crumple much and leave creases. It is advisable to put an anti-moth remedy next to woolen things.

Laundry of popular items

Let's take a look at washing the most popular wool items found in many people's wardrobes:

  • Washing wool socks. you can figure it out if you know all the rules for washing woolen products described above. The only caveat is that the socks are washed by hand on both sides. To do this, the socks are turned inside out during water procedures. Particular attention should be paid to the heel area. Socks made of angora and mohair threads do not need to be subjected to strong friction and twisting, and the water temperature should not heat up over 30 ° C degrees.
  • How to wash a wool coat. To answer the exciting question: how to wash a wool coat, you should look at the product label. The information that is there will help determine what type of cleaning is suitable for such a product. If there are only small stains on the thing, then they can be removed locally, and dry cleaning for the coat. If the product needs to be washed completely, then it is better to do it manually in order to control the washing time, water heating and spinning strength. Detergents it is preferable to choose in a liquid state, preferably intended for woolen products. If the fabric of the coat contains more than half of the synthetic fibers and the machine wash is acceptable by the manufacturer, then it must be carried out according to all the rules for washing woolen products. It is strictly forbidden to wring out, and even more so to dry the coat in the drum of the machine. It is desirable to dry a woolen coat horizontally, spreading it flat and placing a fabric with good moisture absorption.
  • Washing Pavloposadsky woolen shawl. The Pavloposadsky woolen shawl, which is known for its rich colors and patterns, is not recommended to be washed by hand or in a typewriter. All that is possible is dry cleaning. However, if you follow the rules for washing shedding products and things made of wool, you can try to return the scarf clean. In order not to wash out dyes from woolen scarves, it is necessary to observe a temperature regime of 30 ° C and use liquid cleaning agents. Gentle washing and drying can extend the life of the scarf and keep it soft. Gently wringing out the handkerchief, it must be placed on a horizontal surface to dry.

As you can see, woolen fabric is quite capricious and requires decent treatment. If you do not want the washed garment to lose its shape, follow the simple rules described above.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Woolen items may shrink in size during washing. This happens under the influence of high temperature or due to the high speed of the washing machine drum. As a result, the structure of the material changes, the threads shrink. It is not recommended to wash wool often. If there are no visible contaminants, then better clothes just ventilate. The less contact with moisture, the longer the original appearance will remain. The article outlines recommendations on how to wash woolen clothes.

Before washing sheep wool at home, you need to clean out the garbage. Then the products are divided into white, colored and dark. They also take away very dirty things with stains. In the presence of heavily contaminated areas, they are cleaned with a clothes brush or special products. If there are holes, the clothes must be sewn up so that they do not tear further. At the first wash, it is advisable to do a shedding test.

Washing options for woollens

Wool clothes require special care. Therefore, you need to know at what temperature you need to wash it so as not to spoil the thing. It should not exceed 30 degrees. Avoid washing in hot water to avoid shrinkage.

There are two ways:

  • manually;
  • in the machine.

When wondering how to wash wool with your hands and in what, it is important to know that you need to use a lot of water (thaw and rain are good). Things are turned inside out. It is impossible to twist strongly so that the material is not deformed. It is recommended that the water itself be glass. Then twist a little with a terry towel.

When washing in a washing machine, set the “wool” mode without spinning. The duration should be up to 45 minutes. There is no need to pre-soak.

Fund types

Need to wash woolen clothes by special means. To avoid leaving white marks, use liquid soap solutions. For those who do not know whether wool can be washed with shampoo, you need to know that it is suitable for products. So that the wool does not fall off, and also that it does not prick, rinse with air conditioner. You can use glycerin in proportions: half a tablespoon per 5 liters of water. For washing woolen products, do not use a powder containing alkali.

To the best means, with which it is better to wash a wool sweater and mittens, include: Perwoll, "Wool and silk", Villus.

Before washing wool, it is advisable to check whether it sheds or not. To do this, a piece of thread is placed in water with powder, heated to a high temperature. Then they take it out, wrap it in a light cotton cloth. If an imprint appears, vinegar should be added to the water in a ratio of 3 tbsp. l. for 1 bucket. This helps to preserve the brightness of the colors.

If washing is done by hand, stain removers suitable for wool or solvents can be used.

Interested in how to wash woolen things in dark shades, you can use mustard. 1 glass of powder is diluted in two liters of slightly warm water. Strain with gauze and adjust for three hours. Then diluted with water and washed in solution. During rinsing, add 1 tsp per 10 liters. ammonia, which makes the material softer. Soaps do not need to be added.

Whitening methods

Woolen products white color yellow over time. Do not use bleaches, which include chlorine, as the substance has a detrimental effect on wool. At home, this problem is eliminated by the following means:

  • Crushed chalk. For a thing weighing 0.5 kg, you will need 1 kg of chalk and 3 liters of cold water. In solution for 20-25 minutes. leave, stirring occasionally.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. 1 tsp added to 1 liter of cold water. The product is soaked for a couple of hours.

After the product is thoroughly rinsed and washed. The use of such detergents for washing wool will help to maintain the original appearance of the item.

Stain removal

In order for clothes to retain their shape and shape longer and to eliminate pollution of any origin, you can turn to dry cleaning services. At home, you can also put in order woolen products. On sale there are special stain removers for such materials. You should strictly follow the instructions, observe the soaking time.

It is better to wash local pollution from the borders, moving to the middle. This way you can avoid spreading the stain.

Stain removal steps:

  • clean the thing first with a dry and then with a damp brush from dust;
  • turn inside out;
  • put a piece of cotton fabric under the treated area;
  • apply the agent;
  • remove the stain.

Before using the stain remover, it is advisable to apply it on the wrong side so as not to spoil the clothes.

From improvised means for wool, you can use:

  • glycerol;
  • potato starch;
  • turpentine;
  • kitchen or sea ​​salt;
  • petrol;
  • powder for cleaning teeth;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • talc;
  • laundry soap;
  • alcohol (available at the pharmacy).

Remove fresh stains with soap. It is necessary to prepare a solution of warm temperature. Rub the stain. Rinse in cool water. Squeeze a little. Then leave for 5 min. in a mixture of vinegar and water (1 to 1). And rinse again.

If present on the product greasy spots, cover the soiled areas with dry powder for cleaning teeth or talc. After three and a half hours, the thing is shaken out, and then washed.

Do not wash stains from blood, milk, eggs in water heated to a high temperature.

Rules for drying wool clothes

Dry wool on a straight surface, turning over periodically. If you hang the product on a rope, it may stretch. It is preferable to dry on the table. Do not leave things in a place where food is prepared. They quickly absorb third-party odors. When synthetic components are included in the composition of the threads, in addition to wool, they are squeezed out a little, carefully straightened and hung to dry on a coat hanger.

If the room is cold and the products dry for a long time, you can use a hair dryer. The switched on device must not be brought close. It is undesirable to put the product on a hot battery.

Wool thread under the influence of temperature above 60 degrees Celsius and low humidity becomes brittle. These conditions can also lead to yellow spots.


Some items can be ironed inside out. It is better to do this through gauze or a thin cotton cloth soaked in a mixture of a glass of water and half a tablespoon of table vinegar. This way you can avoid the appearance of shine on the material. Ironing helps to stretch the shrunken clothes a little. All it takes is a little moisture. On the iron, set position 2 or “wool”, depending on the model of the appliance.

When ironing, do not press hard on the iron, so as not to strongly deform the clothes. An exception to the rule when the material needs to be specially stretched.

How to reshape shrunken clothes

During washing, clothes may shrink. In this case, you can try to stretch it. Therefore, it is necessary to know at what temperature things sit down so as not to spoil the product. There are several ways to restore shrunken clothes.

1 way. Turn garment inside out and spray with a spray bottle. Then stretch in different directions with your hands and let dry. 2 way. Gives more efficient results. Warm water is poured into the container (not higher than 30 degrees). Too cool water can further change the shape. Add a little rinse conditioner. After 10 minutes, remove the product and remove the water with a terry towel. Lay on a flat surface in a horizontal position, straightening. When the thing dries, every 20 minutes it is necessary to slightly stretch the material in different directions. You can also put on your clothes if it's not too uncomfortable. It is convenient to stretch the hat so that it does not sit down, drying it on a three-liter jar. 3 way. considered the most radical. Apply if the first two options do not help. However, there is a risk of damaging the product. Sequencing:
  • make a soap solution;
  • add 3 tbsp. lies. ammonia and 1 tbsp. lies. turpentine;
  • soak for 24 hours;
  • stretch carefully.

Such actions are best done with things that include only wool. Since after a long stay in the mixture, the structure of the fibers is damaged, the warming qualities deteriorate.

Before stretching a garment, you should also read the care instructions on the label. If individual parts (sleeves, collar) come running, not the entire product can be wetted.

It is advisable to store washed clothes on a shelf in the closet. It is recommended to carry out treatment against moths, which can damage the material. Bulk things are placed down, and light things are placed on top. It is necessary to periodically remove and ventilate the wool. This will prevent the appearance of creases.

Now that you know how to properly wash woolen clothes, you can provide competent care at home.

Woolen things have unpleasant features - they stretch, deform and change size during washing. But not always! It is enough to understand how to wash wool properly so that your favorite warm clothes remain in excellent condition even after numerous “hygienic procedures”.

Table of contents:

What is wool afraid of?

In order for woolen things to serve "faithfully and truthfully" for a long time, it is worth knowing some "no" for the material from which they are made.

Wool "does not like" frequent washing

The point is to make a real dirty thing out of woolen threads difficult enough - unpleasant odors disappear from them, and dirty spot can be dried and gently removed with a brush. Therefore, it is advisable to hang woolen items on the balcony or in the yard for thorough ventilation - this way you can reduce the number of washings to the minimum possible.

Do not soak wool for a long time

Have you decided to wash your favorite sweater? Nobody forbids doing this, but it’s better to skip the soaking stage, or reduce the time as much as possible. If woolen things are in the water for too long, then their threads are stretched and deformed, and it will not work to return the previous look to your favorite clothes.

Do not arrange wool "contrast shower".

If the washing stage takes place in water at a temperature of 45 degrees, then it is not necessary to rinse woolen items in cool water - this is a direct way to send clothes to the children's wardrobe, as they will inevitably decrease in size.

If you exclude all the indicated “impossible” in the process of washing wool, then you can not worry about what happens after the procedure. But this is not enough! You also need to clearly know how to wash natural wool, with what powders, and in what mode.

Before you send a woolen item to the wash, you should carefully examine it for stains. If there are any, then they must be removed with hydrogen peroxide and vinegar - these agents do not have any effect on the condition of woolen threads, so you can safely use them. If no stains are found, then the next step will be washing directly - it can be manual and in a washing machine.

Hand wash wool

it best option for washing wool specifically - the material cannot be strongly compressed, twisted and generally applied any excessive effort (for example, rub it thoroughly). The water temperature for washing wool should be no higher than +30 degrees, the same temperature regime should be observed when rinsing things.

As a washing agent, you need to use the products that are designed specifically for woolen items:

  • firstly, the result will be the absence of "pellets" on the surface of woolen clothing;
  • secondly, you can be sure that your favorite sweater is not deformed;
  • thirdly, the wool will become soft and will not fluff with all its fibers.

A good option for hand washing is the Villus laundry detergent, designed to work with woolen and delicate fabrics. The manufacturer of this product, Nevskaya Kosmetika, assures that this product has all the necessary properties, and in addition, it retains the rich color of the wool product.

You also need to rinse woolen things carefully, you can’t wring out such clothes, you can only wrap it in a towel and squeeze it slightly. You need to dry woolen things laid out on a flat, solid surface, you can’t hang them on “hangers” or on a rope - the deformation of the product is guaranteed.

Washing wool in the machine

In the conditions of an automatic machine, you need to set the mode delicate wash, reduce the spin speed to 400. As a detergent, it is better to use liquid powders- the same manufacturer "Nevskaya cosmetics" has liquid remedy"Villus", designed specifically for working with woolen things. It has all the properties of a specific washing powder, retains the shape of the product and prevents its shrinkage.

Note:experts do not recommend using bleach for washing woolen items. Even if your clothes have stubborn stains, you just need to find a way to get rid of them without using aggressive products. Previously, for example, wool was washed in a solution of mustard powder - at least there is a chance to maintain the integrity of the woolen thing after the experiments.

When washing woolen clothes in an automatic machine, you do not need to use an air conditioner, especially since the aromatization function is incorporated by the manufacturer in the detergent. But you should carefully consider his choice - it is desirable that there are no aggressive chemical components and powerful fragrances in its composition. We recommend that you pay attention to the products presented in the article - the manufacturer Nevskaya Kosmetika closely monitors compliance with the manufacturing technologies for washing products, making them suitable for all family members, including children.

How to dry woolen things every housewife thinks. After all, acquiring something new, we always want the thing to serve us as long as possible.

But for this it is necessary to comply with the requirements of use, storage and, of course, care. Especially when it comes to textiles.

Many fabrics are sensitive and capricious to the external factors they are exposed to during cleaning, drying and even storage.

Violation of the rules leads to deformation, after which the clothes lose their appearance. One such example is shedding wool.

Woolen clothes are an integral part of everyone's wardrobe. In our climatic zone, it is difficult to endure winter without warm sweaters, sweaters, leggings, hats, hats, scarves and much more.

Even the house is dressed in a cozy woolen outfit in winter. Varieties of textiles from this raw material can be found even in the interior. It can be either a small kitchen potholder or a large warm blanket.

The basic rules for caring for most things are contained on the labels, so it is advisable to keep them not only after the purchase, but also while you are using the purchase. It is advisable to duplicate the information in case the instructions are lost.


To date, manufacturers use three methods of processing raw materials. The highest quality is the material that is obtained by shearing or combing from animals.

This method is referred to as natural.

The second method is used in enterprises where obtaining wool is a related production. It is removed from the skins, from this the quality deteriorates significantly.

The third method, "recovery", is used to recycle wool that has already been in use.

As a result, fabrics of various types are produced. Sometimes it happens that we do not even think that it may contain natural fibers.

This is due to the fact that the fabric also includes synthetic threads. The type of material depends on their percentage, as well as on the method of further processing.

Of these, the following are the most popular today:

  • bike
  • Velours
  • Cashmere
  • Gabardine
  • Cloth
  • Flannel
  • and etc.

Their care is vastly different. But they also have a lot in common.

When buying, always pay attention to the amount of natural ingredients in its composition. This will significantly affect care.


When caring for textiles, the first step is washing. At the same time, it is important to contain the basic requirements, the violation of which can lead to deformation.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Strict temperature regime. The water temperature in this case is from 30 to 50 °. For rinsing, the water must be the same temperature as for the main process. Violation of this process leads to the fact that the canvas can sit down.
  • special modes. Best to wash by hand. If you still use an automatic machine, then you need to select a separate special program for each sensitive textile, if it is provided for by your equipment. If the machine does not have such a definition, then you can use the delicate mode. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in stretching of the fibers.
  • Lots of water. When using the equipment, the machine itself draws enough liquid for cleaning. If you do it manually, then use a container with a large volume, since the clothes will absorb most of the water. With insufficient fluid volume, the amount of coughed up fibers increases.
  • Careful selection chemicals. Today, there are many chemicals on the market for cleaning fabrics from pollution. But to most of them, wool is very sensitive. Therefore, you need to select powders marked or choose those that do not contain aggressive elements that corrode natural fibers. Please note that most problems occur during the rinsing stage, since it is quite difficult to get rid of the powder, so it is best to use liquid products.
  • Choice of accessories for care. Today on the market there are additional means for cleaning things from dirt, such as washing balls. In this case, they also need to be chosen correctly. They must have a looped surface. This structure allows you to get rid of dirt at the first stage, and at the second stage - from the remnants of the powder. At the same time, they collect excess coughed up fibers, which most often spoil the appearance of clothing. If you choose the wrong ball, it can have the opposite effect and cause damage to the fabric.

To preserve the appearance and quality of the woolen cloth, it is worth abandoning frequent washing. If there is an unpleasant smell of sweat, smoke or other means, it is better to ventilate it in the fresh air.

Getting rid of excess moisture

After washing, it is worth starting drying. It is at this stage that most housewives make mistakes. Let's consider them in more detail and specify what not to do.

As mentioned above, a large amount of water is used for washing. Getting rid of it properly is quite difficult.

Many people use spin in a washing machine or centrifuge for this. This should not be allowed, as well as intensive twisting by hand.

The question arises, how to eliminate excess moisture. There is one effective folk way for this.

It is necessary to take a canvas that will match the size of the washed item, spread it out on a flat horizontal surface.

The outer fabric will absorb the excess and, having passed them through itself, will release it out. The wrapped material will not stretch.

In order to get rid of excess moisture, it is best to use a large terry towel.


After getting rid of moisture, it is necessary to dry the product properly. Out of ignorance, the housewives again make a common mistake by placing the thing in an upright position on a rope, dryer or coat hanger.

As a result, this leads to deformation of clothing. Dry on a flat horizontal surface.

The fabric will dry faster if placed in a well-ventilated hanger on a slatted surface.

Exceptions to the rules

All of the above methods are ideal for products in which the majority are wool fibers, knitted fabrics or woven blankets, velor or cashmere sweaters, etc.

But at the beginning of the article, you noticed that the list of paintings is quite large. For them are used different ways processing and drying.

Flannel, drape and cloth coats cannot be placed in a centrifuge, but it is also impossible to unscrew them in the manner described above.

But unlike most materials, they can be hung upright. To do this, you can use special dryers or hangers suspended on a rope.

If you dry outdoors, do not do it during frost, as its effect will lead to deformation of the fabrics.

After rinsing, the felt and the bike can be placed in a centrifuge or an automatic spin machine can be used. They are not sensitive to such influences.

You can dry it in a horizontal position. These materials can even be ironed. Unlike all of the above. But when ironing, you should use a medium temperature.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that all wool products strongly absorb odors, so it is better not to choose a place near the kitchen to dry them.

Also, all products, except for baize and felt, must not be subjected to strong temperature effects.

Therefore, you should not repeat another mistake of many housewives - to place textiles on batteries, heaters and radiators.

After drying, everything is placed in a cabinet. During storage, it is important to protect them from moths. To do this, every six months it is necessary to ventilate textiles in the fresh air.

To repel moths, you can use various folk and industrial remedies. The most popular way to protect textiles from insects and dust today is a vacuum bag.


Wool is sensitive to the cleaning process. To extend the service life, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime for drying, as well as place things in the correct position.

For most products, drying consists of two stages:

  • Getting rid of moisture folk way with a towel.
  • Drying - only in a horizontal position.
  • But there are exceptions that relate mainly to the fabrics from which outerwear is made.

An important step is the storage of things. The main goal in this case is to protect the storage from moth invasions.

Subject to all the rules of purchase, they will serve you for a very long time and will not lose their appearance.