
An oval crochet rug is a simple diagram and description. How to crochet a round rug (for beginners)? Description, diagram, photo. Crochet rug from old things: a diagram of execution and a step-by-step master class with a photo


How to create comfort in the house is probably the most popular topic for women of all ages! And regardless of whether the hostess is young or experienced, everyone wants to update and add a cozy zest to their home. Needlewomen are especially good at this, because with your own hands you can create unique masterpieces for very democratic money.

In this article we will tell you (and hopefully inspire) how to knit a rug on the floor in a wide variety of techniques. We hope that after reading this article, you will add at least one exclusive rug to your home!

Rug round crochet on the floor for beginners: scheme, description, master class, photo

There was a time when we actively threw away textile rugs knitted by grandmothers from old yarn and patches even from dachas and summer houses. But a few years ago, just such rugs turned out to be in trend, but with some modifications. So - we knit fashionable grandmother's rugs.

For knitting, we need knitted bright yarn of one or more colors. If it’s too expensive for your budget, you can make such yarn yourself from old knitted T-shirts. Details on how to do this in the video below.

Video: T-shirt yarn. Knitted Improvisation

The yarn is ready, let's start knitting! We take the thickest hook that is in the house and start knitting. Remember, the ease of work and the density of the rug depend on the size of the hook. We knit an air loop and carefully hem with threads No. 40 to match the knitted yarn for convenience. And we start knitting:

1 row: 2 air loops and 11 double crochets.

2 row: 2 air loops and from each loop 2 columns with a crochet (according to the scheme).

3rd row: 2 air loops with a crochet column and 2 columns with a crochet from one loop (according to the diagram).

4 row and subsequent: according to the scheme, each time adding one double crochet column in each section.

We knit the last row to the end and tighten it tightly last loop. As at the beginning of knitting, we hem the edge with threads No. 40 for strength.

Please note that such a rug can be knitted with both plain and multi-colored threads. But it is important that the colors go in sections, and not ripple like our grandmothers. It is this trick that distinguishes fashion models from grandma's rugs.

Crocheted square rug on the floor from old tights: diagram with description and photo

For those who have already cut all the T-shirts, but really want to create, don't be upset and get your tights! In this section, we will teach you how to knit an interesting and very original tights rug! So, we need everything, notice everything! Unnecessary tights and granular filler to choose from, it can be holofiber, silicone, etc.

We cut the tights into different pieces from 10 to 20 cm, different colors of the tights will add texture to the rug. We sew each piece on one side, fill it and tightly tighten it, sew it into a “pebble”. If the tights are thin, we wrap one stone in several layers of tights so that the filler is not visible. We sew the "pebbles" together and sew to the base. Rug of "soft stones" is ready!

Well it's not the only way turn the ordinary into the beautiful. We supplement our master class with several inspiring videos.


Video: How to knit a rug from old tights?

Crocheted oval rug on the floor from old T-shirts: diagram with description and photo

And in this section, we will show you how to create a beautiful oval rug from old T-shirts or knitted yarn. How exactly to cut and fasten T-shirts, we told in the first section and will not dwell on this.

We collect from 6 and more air loops. Restrictions - the size of the place where the rug will lie. The calculation is simple - the width of the desired product is divided in half and subtracted from the length of the product. Do not forget that when knitting, the chain stretches by 30-40%.

At the end of knitting, you can sew / glue the rug to the base so that it is stiff and does not gather at the edges.

Crocheted rectangular rug on the floor from old jeans: diagram with description and photo

Another simple and original rug, now from old jeans. We will need a large mesh from their hardware store and jeans cut into pieces 5 * 15 cm.

At each crossing of the mesh with a hook, you need to thread a piece denim and tie in a knot so that the ends diverge in different directions. If desired, the tips can be slightly disheveled, then the rug will look even more gentle. Just? Yes! Beautiful - of course! Perfect option for youth housing.

The same option looks great with knitted pieces.

Video: Rugs from old things

For those who wish to connect openwork rug you can take both the cord and knitted yarn. The essence of knitting does not change from this, but the size and naturally the thickness of the carpet directly depends on the thickness of the yarn. Please note that openwork rugs, unlike dense products, cannot be glued to a dense lining.

We knit quite simply. One air loop is hemmed for strengthening and further according to the schemes below.

Do not forget to thread the last loop at the end as well.

Video: We knit together an oval rug from the Openwork cord

Video: Crochet rug on the floor star from knitted yarn

Crochet rug on the floor in the bathroom from plastic bags

Looks like a rug in the bathroom from plastic bags very effectively. But it will take a lot of effort and time to make it. This is something to keep in mind before you get started.

Preparation: cut from garbage bags(or any other dense) strips of the same thickness (3 cm for those that are thinner and 1.5 cm for dense ones). We cut it lengthwise and then we tie it with neat sea knots.

Since the knitting technique from a row is easier to see once than to read a hundred times, we attach three step by step videos on which you will surely quickly knit your first and possibly not the last rug from the packages.

Video: Crochet Bag Rug, Part 1

Video: Crochet Bag Rug, Part 2

Video: Crochet Bag Rug, Part 3

Video: Making a rug from plastic bags

And these rugs can be knitted from a wide variety of materials, everything is limited only by your imagination! Below we give a scheme according to which we knit one motif, and then repeat the same six copies.

Now we need to connect the elements according to the following scheme, after which it remains only to wash and starch the openwork rug.

Video: Crochet rug on the floor in the toilet

Video: Crochet rug from ribbon yarn

Video: Rug crochet sheets

The turn has come to the delightful rugs for stools. For work, we need all kinds of leftover yarn, or purchase a lot of multi-colored threads.

We knit 12 air loops and connect them into a single ring, after that we knit 5 air loops and knit the core - 24 columns with 5 crochets. The element is ready. Next, we knit exactly as much as required and with threads in that and with a gypsy needle we sew the elements into a single rug.

Video: Crochet rug from motifs with twisted columns (rug crochet)

Sometimes you need a simple, and at the same time durable rug, most often on the veranda, in the hallway or in the country. In order for dust and fine dirt to pass through it well, and for it to be minimally cared for, an unlined rug is required. Rope and thin thread are great for this.

So, we take the rope, fold it as in the photo and sew it with thread No. 40. And then we knit layer by layer with single crochet columns so that the cord is constantly inside. It can be both small and very impressive carpets.

If it is necessary for the carpet to be oval, then instead of a circle, a cord of the required length is tied around the first row and then just like in a knitted rug, only with a cord inside.

Video: Cord knitted rug

Video: Crocheted twine rug


There are several ways to cut bags and trash bags.
I do not cut all the packages at once, as this is a very tedious process and it is not always possible to immediately determine the desired width of the tape. Yes, and I knit different parts of the bag from ribbons of different widths. For cutting, I take several packages at once, stack 2 to 4 pieces on top of each other. It depends on the thickness of the film in the bags. I only take bags with a very thick film one at a time. I fold these packages lengthwise several times, so that the width of these folded packages is not wide, about 10 centimeters. If it is wider, then it is not convenient to cut. I take a ruler - it can be from 2 to 3.5 cm wide. Or a template of the desired width. Rulers should not be long, as it will not be convenient to cut packages. In addition to plastic rulers, I cut several templates of different widths - 1cm, 1.5cm, 4cm, and what kind you need, for example, 3.3cm. The template is made of plastic. I put the desired template on a strip folded from bags and cut it off with scissors along the edge of the template. I start knitting. I don’t immediately connect all the cut strips, but only a few pieces. For me, cutting and joining strips is a very tedious task, and if this is not done immediately, then it is almost not noticeable. Yes, if you need strips that are narrower than templates, for example 0.75 cm (for decoration, leaves, flowers), I cut strips of 1.5 cm, and then cut them in half with scissors without a template. Cutting according to the pattern allows you to get strips of exactly the same width, and then knitting turns out to be more even, as if from even threads. I keep all the templates and hooks in one box so that I don’t have to look for them when I need them. When I knit, I put all the cut strips, a template, scissors in a shoe lid or a box with small sides, so I don’t have anything lying on the table and you can always postpone work by shifting this lid to another place, putting a hook there.

When cutting packages, rings are obtained, which are then connected to each other. With this cutting and connection, a double thread is obtained.

Then I string these rings one by one, but without tightening the knots. And only in the process of knitting for 5-10 cm from the junction I tighten the knot. This makes it possible not to accidentally skew the ribbon when tying knots and to avoid correcting this error. So that when knitting these knots are not visible, try to leave these knots on the wrong side. If they fall on the right side, loosen a few loops and knit a little tighter so that the knot falls on the wrong side.
Here you can see this method of cutting
With this method, I also use templates to get the ribbon the same width.
If you use packages of different thicknesses in one knitting, then they can be matched, just as they do in threads. They take a small length of tape cut from bags of a certain thickness, fold it in half and thread another tape cut from bags of a different thickness into the eyelet. like a needle, and fold this tape in half. It will turn out, as it were, one thread, first there is a thread from some packages, and then from others. After that, stretch this thread between the thumb and forefinger. If they are the same thickness, you will feel it with your fingers when stretching, as well as different thicknesses.

Crocheted rugs in recent times gained great popularity: square (as in the photo below), rectangular carpet, round, oval, made of threads (from yarn), twine or the remains of rags, on a chair or on the floor in the bathroom. All options are good. The most important thing is that such a magnificent carpet can be crocheted by itself, using the diagram and description, step-by-step instructions, or based on a video tutorial on YouTube or MK (master class: How to crochet a rug diagram and description).

In addition to the fact that you can decorate your home, create a cozy atmosphere in it, this is also a good way for any needlewoman to train and develop your skills. Creative skills. Everyone remembers grandmothers knitwear throughout the house, I would very much like to make these myself: on bedside tables, a stool, in the hallway, in the kitchen. Lace motifs are very airy and immediately attract a lot of attention.

Crochet knitted rug: diagrams and description

As we wrote above, the carpet can be tied absolutely from any materials, whether it is a model from old things (T-shirts), from plastic bags (from cellophane and garbage) or from regular yarn . Any option will look beautiful in your home on the floor or on a chair. Often, in addition to rugs, for interior and room decor they create beautiful blankets made from scraps of fabric, covering a stool, multi-colored pillows made of knitted squares with knitting needles or crocheted, original napkins for furniture or under vases from knitted circles for comfort . There is a lot of excitement around knitted yarn products - the models are very “homemade” and unusual.

In order for you to manage to knit a beautiful carpet with your own hands, you can use any material , any knitting (semicircle, sirloin knit) and pattern (star, cat, owl, tiger cub, sun, turtle,). You can do it the same way different ways then decorate as desired. Look at the photo - a selection below and choose the option for yourself and your home.

How to crochet a rug from yarn?

First you need to choose necessary and correct materials . If you are knitting for the first time, then you may need help from already experienced needlewomen (such as mom or grandmother). You can knit products, guided by step-by-step instructions for beginners from the master class, for example.

Popular articles:

Everyone knows, what are the most beautiful rugs , crocheted– Japanese. Here the secret is right choice colors of the future product. It doesn't matter if the carpet is large or small - it should be beautifully knitted and harmoniously combined with the pieces of furniture in the room. Same way, no need to use light color - beige (avoid milky shades), it will get dirty quickly . And also - thin threads so that your creation lasts longer.

So now we will provide detailed diagram and a description of how to crochet a rug with your own hands step by step. Openwork version of the "sun" - it is better for him to choose yellow thread . Do not use acrylic and wool - only cotton ! Also, you may need one hook number 7 , and such an amount of yarn that would be enough for the entire carpet. We advise knitting with yarn in two additions.

Knitted crochet rugs with diagrams and descriptions

How to do crochet rug - the diagram is presented below . We knit with a pop-corn pattern with multi-colored threads. Products of this form are very popular with young children: they are comfortable and cozy to sit on,play . Small child will be delighted with the tactile sensations. Animals will also be happy with the new "inhabitant" of the house - you can sharpen claws or sleep on it.
Take several colors of thread, a hook and be guided by the diagram below:

Oval crochet rug

Making a beautiful oval masterpiece is very simple. We knit it simple loops according to the scheme. Such a children's rug will fit well into any room.

How to crochet a round rug for beginners: video

There are many video tutorials about how to learn to crochet it for free. This can be done from a thick thread, weaved with elongated loops, sewn from several motifs, stripes, make it shaggy, terry and voluminous. Such needlework can be sold or presented for a birthday or housewarming.

How to knit square and rectangular rugs?

In order to get nice flat square - in each row, increase in 4 corners: 2 S.T., 2 V.P.. 2 S.T. In the following R. The hook is introduced under V.P. This is a more rustic option, but also suitable for the city, if you change the knitting style.

The easiest option to crochet a square rug:

  • Take yarn from knitwear. Color - optional.
  • Chain from V.P. desired length.
  • 1 R.: all loops S.S.N. Flip the canvas.
  • 2 R.: all loops S.B.N. in the anterior wall of P. Turn knitting over again.
  • 3 R.: S.B.N.
  • 4R. = 2 R.
  • 5 R.: for back wall S.S.N.
  • 6P .: all rows. Starting from the sixth knit with a pattern from 2 to 5 R.
  • On the video you can see an example of such a product.

A rectangular rug is knitted in the same way.

DIY knitted floor mats

look interesting selection with ideas for inspiration . There are carpets in a modern style, consisting of roses and flowers, patches, rags, two or more colors - they are all good in the interior.

How to crochet a rug from threads for beginners: video

Crochet rug from old things: step by step instructions

Very often we have a large number of knitwear that we going to throw away . But what if we told you that it is not necessary to do this? Can you make a beautiful one out of it? knitted yarn and weave a lot of designer unique gizmos . Before we start weaving, let's learn how to create the yarn itself. To do this, you will need a rag, a T-shirt and so on. Such material can make a variety of patterns .

Crochet rugs: master class

We will apply below video for beginners : how to crochet rugs from rags. In the meantime, for more experienced needlewomen, our master class.

To start threading old t-shirts . It is better to do this in one continuous spiral so that you have to tie fewer knots. After that, you need to take a large and thick hook and start picking up loops. As if you are typing them with a regular thread. Close V.P. in a chain and sew the junction for strength. The knitting pattern is attached below. Using it and simple yarn, you can knit a round rug.

Rug from old T-shirts

Materials: knitted yarn of lilac and purple colors, hook number 15, scissors, needle and thread.

DIY plastic bags

Knitting rugs from trash bags Do it yourself is a very difficult task. After all, for this, too, you should first make yarn. How is it done correctly?

  • Cut strips of packages (3 cm for polyethylene, 1 - 1.5 cm for garbage bags), cut along the package, not across, connect.
  • They can connect like this: we tie them into a knot, or we pass one through the second ring and through our own ring.

Another option: using a hoop / hula - hoop:

Crocheted bathroom and toilet rugs: ideas and novelties

If you are tired of rugs in stores, if you want a new, original one, then it's time to get to work yourself. Our great-grandmothers knitted rugs from improvised materials, sometimes due to poverty and the need to save money. Today, another noble reason has been found to use recycled materials for rugs - a contribution to the environment. It is especially good to knit a household item made of synthetic material that is practically not subject to decay. It will not go to a landfill, where it would remain forever, but will serve as a raw material for a rug.

What can you crochet a rug from?

Crochet a rug - this is the most affordable way to quickly get a quality thing. Not being wearable clothing, a floor mat can be made from anything - old stockings or tights, strips of synthetic fabrics, various kinds ropes and cords. Polyester and polypropylene cords are knitted products in themselves, but they make quality rugs.

We especially note the bath mat that is not afraid of moisture. The material for its manufacture can be a bright plastic clothesline. Only needed openwork pattern so that the knitting process does not cause difficulties.

Rugs for chairs and stools should be made of threads or strips of fabrics that are not harmful to human skin and are characterized by low rigidity. leftover yarn different colors- excellent raw material.

You can also crochet a rug for home sports or yoga, but then it is better to make it from soft threads, moreover, in the form of a mattress pad, inside which foam rubber or other foam material is inserted.

Knitted rugs - original models

Why did you not dare to crochet something like this before? Probably, they were afraid that such a rug would look archaic. You can easily get away from the old rustic style only due to the color of the selected “threads”, which can serve as different things. When we make a rug from the remnants of yarn, we need to get away from the melange effect to the maximum, make clear the boundaries between the colors, and also put exceptionally contrasting tones next to it. This will give African exoticism.

Another way to make a rug self made modern - use not contrast, but gradients. This technique was certainly not used in past centuries, although the effect is taken from nature itself.

The oval shape of the product is often associated with something aristocratic: such a rug will seem like an attribute of a rich house, and not a poor shack.

Crochet rug: diagram and description

Before you crochet a rug, you need to decide on its shape and choose the desired pattern. The thicker the material from which to knit, the thicker the hook will have to stock up. Sometimes a tool with number 10 is used. Our grandmothers often asked their husbands to make such a hook out of wood or cast it from metal at the factory (turn it on a machine from a thin cylindrical billet), since it was unrealistic to get industrial samples of the indicated sizes. After all, it was not necessary to hook a thread, but a ribbon of fabric.

This is just the option when you need to start with the manufacture of "threads". We take old things from the closet. It is best to use broken linens, old bedspreads, curtains and other large items. Everything will have to be cut into strips 1–1.5 cm wide. The strips can be sewn together to make a continuous “thread”. Then it is easier to wind it into a large ball so as not to return to connecting the ends of the thread during knitting. Weak, completely worn out places will have to be removed, the rest should be cut with a snake to get as few “thread” connections as possible. This will allow your rug to look neat even from the wrong side.

It is not difficult to crochet a rug from shreds, since you need to study only one element - single crochets. It’s worth practicing on ordinary threads with a small hook, so that later it would be easier to handle a large tool and an unusual “thread”. You should always start with a chain of air loops. If it is closed in a circle, then it will become the beginning of a round rug. A long chain can be taken as the basis of a "row" - a rectangular rug consisting of multi-colored straight rows.

Openwork crochet rug

With virtuoso crocheting, it is easy to make an openwork rug. In the hallway, such a twine product will look great. We take the scheme of a beautiful napkin, twine or cord, as well as a large hook. Due to the high diameter of the tool and the “thread”, the napkin will increase to the size of a full-fledged rug.

If you managed to knit a napkin for the table according to the chosen pattern, making the rug will not cause difficulties.

We knit rugs with our own hands - top interesting crochet video ideas

Today on the World Wide Web there are many examples of how to knit various rugs - with knitting needles, crochet and ... fingers. Some techniques are well known to knitters, others are new. The best way to get acquainted with these works - watch the video.

Oval polyester cord rug

Polyester cord is good because it does not rot and retains its shape well over time. The material is elastic enough to knit a rug out of it: the product will not quickly lose its shape, it will not wrinkle. You will have to knit with a large hook that can “take” the selected cord. You need to start work from the middle, gradually moving towards the edges.

Rug from old tights

This raw material was used back in the 60-70s of the last century, when nylon stockings and elastic tights began to be mass-produced. These products are subject to rapid wear and tear. Pantyhose in the West were generally considered consumables and were produced as a one-time product for one sock. With our prudent approach to things, we had to give hosiery a second life. Someone kept a bow in them, someone wrapped a millet broom, but those who undertook to crochet a round bath rug or rug from tights won. And then they were knitted with a large crochet, and only now a technique has appeared for knitting the bundles with your fingers for further stitching into a rug.

Plastic bag mat

If the handles of the T-shirt bags are torn, this is not a reason to pollute environment. Packages can be cut into strips to make "threads" out of them. Then you can arm yourself with a medium-sized hook and knit a rug that is well washed and practically does not tear.

Crochet ribbon yarn rug

Ribbon yarn seems to be made for knitting such large things as rugs. All that is required is a large hook, and then you need to proceed as when knitting a napkin. Due to the significant size of the hook and ribbon, the product also turns out to be rather big. It is interesting to make not a circular knit, but to use the "grandmother's" squares. Variety will also bring the use of several colors. ribbon yarn for one product.

Volume rug on a stool made of threads

This sample uses 3D popcorn to create flowers that are then used to create a stool mat. It is crocheted from ordinary wool, however, due to the small diameter of the flowers, it is possible to knit a product from the remnants of threads. It is not necessary to make a “clearing” connecting flowers of the same color. You can think of the colors of the centers, petals and connections, as fantasy tells.

Seat mats can be made on the cover: this will allow you to use openwork knitting. You just need to evaluate how comfortable it is to sit on such a canvas, whether it will crash into your legs.

How to crochet a round or rectangular rug - step by step instructions

Whatever crochet rugs are made of, they are based on almost the same techniques. Beginners will have to master air loops (chain), as well as single crochets. Knowing these basics, you can crochet thick rugs. When making rectangular products, the beginning is a chain of air loops. The second and subsequent rows are knitted with single crochets. With round knitting, the same operations are performed, only in each new row you need to add the number of columns so that the product is even and does not bulge.

An interesting version of a round rug is knitted from strong synthetic threads with a pass inside a bundle from old jump ropes, thick twine, cord. If the threads are thin enough, such a “stuffing” will make the rug heavy and durable. You can knit both tightly so that the tourniquet is invisible, and loosely so that the surface of the “filling” is visible through the “threads”.

Openwork knitting will require knowledge of columns with one or two crochets, as well as the patterns by which the pattern will be knitted. Using openwork patterns for rugs is a great idea, because the mesh texture will allow sand and earth from the shoe to fall down without remaining on the surface of the product. Then it remains only to sweep away the dirt from under the rug.

Video: crochet master class

It is easiest to master the elements of crochet if you watch them on the video and listen to the explanations of an experienced knitter. Also, video instructions will allow you to understand how to use the patterns in practice or even develop a knitting technique yourself.

Any knitted decor elements look cozy and stylish in the interior. Whether it's napkins or decorative pillows, blankets, rugs. In the article we will consider crochet floor mats with diagrams and photos. Recently, they have become increasingly popular among craftswomen and those who equip comfort.

In order to crochet a rug today, yarn manufacturers can offer craftswomen huge selection special thick yarn. It could be knitted yarn. She looks like stripes knitted fabric. Or a special thread that resembles a rope in thickness. It will be a synthetic fiber or a mixture of acrylic and cotton. This thread is sold in reels or skeins. You can buy it in needlework stores or on specialized sites.

What kind of rug can be knitted with hands

In addition, for crocheting floor mats, the diagrams and photos of which are given later in the article, you can use a different material:

  1. Plastic bags in different colors.
  2. Clothesline.
  3. Old knitted T-shirts made into yarn.

From old knitted T-shirts we make yarn for rugs as follows:

  1. Fold the shirt in half, cut the fabric below the armhole, upper part remove.
  2. Cut off the finished bottom of the shirt.
  3. We fold the rest of the shirt in half, but unevenly, leaving 5-6 centimeters from one side seam to the other.
  4. We cut from the middle to the side seams, cut the T-shirt into strips of 1.5-2.5 centimeters. We cut through to the first side seam, cutting it, and we do not cut the part that protrudes.
  5. Lay out the T-shirt in one layer. The middle is not cut, the first incised strip is cut off at the middle. This will be the beginning of the rope. Next, cut through the middle from one cut edge to the other, unraveling the rope to the end.
  6. We take the rest of the T-shirt above the armhole, which we set aside, cut off the hem along the edges of the sleeve, cut the seams of the sleeve, lay it out in 1 layer, round the corners of the resulting rectangle and cut out a strip in a circle, in a spiral, 1.5-2.5 centimeters wide. When we reach the neck, go around it, cut it out,
  7. After the strip is cut out, you need to look through it along its entire length and remove any irregularities that may be by cutting off the unnecessary.

Knitted rug can be multi-colored

This is how easy and fast we get knitted yarn. One T-shirt will not be enough for a rug on the floor. You can take 4-5 T-shirts of different colors and weave them completely good product. Next, consider the schemes and options for rugs.

Knitted rug from old T-shirts

Plain rectangular or round rugs

How to knit a rectangular rug

The rectangular rug is very convenient, it can be laid in the hallway, in the bathroom, in any room or near front door. By alternating the color of the yarn, it can be made beautiful and matching in color to the interior of the room. It is knitted simply according to the scheme, which is given below.

We start knitting with a set of 21 air loops. Then in the 6th loop from the hook we make 3 double crochets (CCH). Next, we knit according to the scheme. We finish the first row with 1 dc and knit 3 air loops to go to the next row.

We alternate the color of the yarn in each row or in every second row, to your taste. Such a rug can be knitted from knitted yarn, clothesline, plastic bags. A synthetic thick thread in the form of a rope will also go.

round rug

Knitted round do-it-yourself rug

The simplest round rug is knitted according to a simple circle pattern. For a cute knitted rug, we need yarn from old T-shirts or purchased knitting yarn in two shades.

For the next row, we perform 3 lifting loops in a new color and knit 2 dc in each column of the previous row.

Again we change the color of the thread, perform 3 lifting loops and knit in a circle, evenly adding another 12 CCH.

Thus, we knit 12 rows according to the circle pattern with alternating yarn colors. For the thirteenth row, change the pattern and knit * 1dc, 2 air loops *, skipping 1 column of the previous row, repeat from * to *. We tie in a circle with simple single crochets, changing the color of the yarn. Everything, the rug is ready. It can be placed in a nursery or bathroom.

Openwork rugs according to the pattern of napkins

Openwork rugs on the floor can be knitted according to patterns beautiful napkins. Due to the thickness of the threads and the hook, they will turn out to be of large diameter. These rugs can be round or oval. Let's look at the scheme and process of working on an oval, very beautiful rug that can take its rightful place in the living room.

Knitted openwork rug

You will need quite a lot of yarn to work on this rug. The volume is determined individually. Homemade T-shirt yarn will not work here, as there are hardly 10 or 20 T-shirts of the same color. You will have to buy knitting yarn and a large hook number. It should be at least 6 numbers, so that it is convenient for you to work. You need to select individually.

The scheme of the openwork rug

Work begins with a set of medium air loops, which will be located in the center of the rug. Next, we knit according to the above pattern.

To create an amazingly beautiful handmade rug, you can use any pattern of napkins. It should not be too airy, with a lot of holes so that the mat is denser.

Rugs with knobs

Knitted rug with bumps

Rugs with bumps look very interesting. To create such a masterpiece, you can use the above schemes or any scheme of a napkin with knobs. It is necessary to work according to the scheme from the center. We knit cones like this:

  1. From one column or loop of the previous row, we knit three or more double crochets with a common top.
  2. The number of double crochets in a bump is usually indicated on the pattern element. In the bump itself there will be as many stripes as you need to knit double crochets.
  3. In the next row, the bump is counted as 1 column.

Rugs with bumps can be openwork or quite dense. You can choose the scheme to your taste and, after quite a bit of time, you will have a stylish new accessory for the room. Rugs knit quickly. But you have to make an effort, since the thing turns out to be voluminous.

Carpets from motifs

Unusual do-it-yourself rug

Rugs connected from round motifs will look very stylish and modern. To do this, you need to use the pattern of a regular crochet circle or a circle with bumps or a pattern. For a rug, you can knit several circles of the same diameter or different ones, and sew them together in a certain sequence, according to the idea.

You can connect elements to each other in two ways:

  1. In the process of knitting the last row of each circle, attach the edges of adjacent circles to the loops. For this method, you need to think over the composition in advance and draw a diagram of circles in the rug.
  2. When all the elements are connected, connect the circles to each other with a needle and thread.

Rugs from elements in the form of a circle complement the interior and will be a bright and stylish accent in the room.

Knitted crochet rugs with knitting patterns, photos and videos

Rugs or rugs have been an integral part of any interior for centuries. Modern textile artists have greatly expanded the range of materials and ideas, thanks to which this needlework is back in fashion and has become popular. A skillful combination of shades and textures can turn even the simplest rug into a noticeable interior detail. You can create these in many ways, but the most popular is crocheting.

How to crochet a rug

Selection of yarn and patterns for knitting

Reuse is in vogue these days, so don't toss your knitted sweaters—they'll come in handy for your needlework.

Crocheted rugs from old things with diagrams and descriptions of actions

Our grandmothers often knitted rugs from old things, scraps of fabric and everything that came to hand. It was considered a "poor job", for people who could not afford to buy a finished carpet. But today, craftswomen from countries with the most developed economies compete in ways to reuse materials.

Thin knitwear is perfect for knitting a rug. Take a few T-shirts and cut them into yarn, as shown in the diagram. A special technique will help you get a solid thread without knots from one T-shirt.

Prepare balls of different colors, buy a thick hook and get to work. Crochet lessons for beginners will help you master the most simple circuits for circular knitting.

The rug can be knitted in one circle, as shown in the diagram. The alternation of air chains and columns will benefit from bright yarn combinations.

Simple - crochet patterns - will help you knit the perfect circle - the basis for the rug. If you do not adhere to special color canons, you can create a colorful rug.

But if you show design abilities and conjure with shades, you can weave a beautiful circle with a contrasting color transition.

If, in addition to old T-shirts, you also have a supply of threads that are not very necessary, you can knit a rug using a different technique. A knitted ring must be tied with threads, as shown in the diagram.

For beginner knitters, it is difficult to master knitting a large rug. That is why you should adopt the idea of ​​crocheting blankets and rugs from motifs.

Tie several circles of different diameters and arrange them into one product. Optionally, you can choose shades that are in harmony with the decoration of the apartment, or you can simply play in contrast and make the rug a bright spot in the interior.

Crocheted cord rugs with diagrams and step by step photos

To work, you will need a polyester cord with a core, very popular with craftswomen. The palette of shades is so rich that yarn manufacturers can envy such a variety. One hundred percent synthetic, these cords are nevertheless pleasant to the touch, they are knitted with practical and beautiful rugs for bedrooms, kitchens and children's rooms. From the name it is clear that this is a kind of “cord in a cord”, thanks to which products from this material are embossed and emphasize a pattern of any complexity.

Not only rugs are knitted from polyester material, but also bags and even decorations are woven. - Crocheted flowers - it is quite possible to weave from a cord, if you get acquainted with the basic working methods.

Operating procedure:

  • start knitting from the middle;
  • for the first loop, wind several layers of cord around your finger and start tying the resulting amigurumi ring (that's what it is called) with a simple single crochet;
  • move along the pattern, fully adhering to one of the presented schemes.

The amigurumi ring is the basic element from which beginners begin to master crocheting dolls and other toys.

Crocheted bedside rugs on the floor

Ribbon yarn is popular today among craftswomen who like to create with their own hands not only things, but also interior items. bulk yarn in Tunisian crochet allows you to create the most beautiful things according to original technique weaving.

Ribbon yarn is easy to work with and has a variety of shades in both pastel and classic palettes. The thread itself is beautiful and expensive, so knitting too large carpets from it significantly hits the wallet. But, thanks to the beautiful color, it does not require special weaving techniques, and a small bedside rug made of ribbon yarn will delight you for a long time.

Operating procedure:

  • start knitting from the middle - wrap a ring of yarn around your finger and tie it with columns;
  • continue knitting according to the scheme, making all the necessary increases in loops.

This material will make excellent crocheted rugs for chairs. Even the scheme for work can not be changed. Enough measure the diameter of a chair or stool and after the circle right size will be knitted, just continue working without adding loops. Then your cape will receive bumpers with which you can fix it on a chair.

From high-quality yarn, you can learn to crochet shawls with openwork motifs.

Crocheted bathroom rug with patterns

Silicone mesh can be bought at a hardware store. It is almost transparent, so you can safely attach a finished rug to it. To wash the product in the machine, the mesh will need to be removed.

But there is another very simple way to make a rug from leftover yarn.

You will need:

  • the remnants of any thread (preferably different colors);
  • hook;
  • mesh of the right size.

The cells on the grid make it easy to thread and fasten threads to them. Thus, you can quickly knit the rug, as shown in the diagram.

Video with lessons on crochet rugs

  • Cord crochet rugs can be found on the popular Knit Together channel. Many options indicating the footage and consumption of yarn, as well as step-by-step instruction execution of the pattern according to the scheme.

  • The author of the video tells how knitted Japanese rugs are created and introduces the basic scheme simple pattern crochet. The main idea of ​​such needlework is the correct selection and arrangement of bright colors.

  • A helpful video about respecting nature shows how to crochet rugs from bags. Crocheted bright rugs in the corridor will cheer you up from the first minutes of your stay in the house.

Simple and beautiful. Crochet rugs for beginners

Good afternoon! And again about rugs.

You can also crochet a rug for beginner needlewomen according to patterns from Japanese craftswomen, which are especially beautiful and at the same time very simple to perform.

There are, of course, more complex options knitted rugs, although they seem so only at first glance.

Today we will figure out with you how to crochet rugs for beginners, the simplest ones: round, oval, square, rectangular and even multifaceted.

How to crochet a rug for beginners

Before crocheting a rug for beginners, you need to choose a yarn.

Most main secret The beauty of Japanese rugs, it seems to me, lies in the choice of color.

There can be many options for combining different yarns, it all depends on your taste and creative fantasies. I really like products made in one color scheme with a smooth transition from light to dark.

Classic contrasting colors are good, and a beautiful bright rug can also be knitted from the seven colors of the rainbow.

In addition to choosing a color, of course, you need to decide on the texture of the yarn from which we will knit the rug.

For knitting small rugs, thick wool blend yarn, acrylic, cotton is suitable, and large floor rugs for the bathroom and other purposes are well knitted from rope, cord, old knitted T-shirts, plastic bags and other similar materials.

The hook is chosen accordingly the largest, which fits the thickness of the yarn.

Simple knitted rugs are crocheted with single crochets and double crochets.

Often knitting is used only for the back or front wall of the loop, so a beautiful rib effect is obtained.

How to crochet a rectangular rug

A rectangular rug can be knitted as follows:

  • 1st row: double crochets on a chain of the length required for the rug; we turn the product on the wrong side;
  • 2nd row: single crochet under the front wall of the loop; rotate the product
  • 3rd row: single crochet under both walls of the loop;
  • 4th row: as 2nd;
  • 5th row: double crochets under the back wall of the loop.
  • And then repeat the pattern from the 2nd to the 5th rows.

How to crochet a round rug

A round rug will also look good from the rows of posts under the back wall of the loop.

The scheme for knitting a circle is attached.

The principle of knitting a circle, I think, is known to everyone.

In the second row we knit two columns from each loop of the previous row. In the third row, we increase in every second column (i.e. through the loop), in the fourth - in every third column, in the fifth - in every fourth and so on.

And you can also watch a detailed video tutorial from Olga Papsueva on how to crochet a round rug.

How to crochet an oval rug

An oval crochet rug is also not difficult to crochet. Choice beautiful color yarn - already half the battle! And you don't have to do anything complicated anymore.

Let's take a look at the crochet pattern for an oval rug.

First, we collect a chain of air loops of the length we need. We determine the length of the chain as follows: from the length of the future rug, we minus its width.

For example, if the length of the rug is 80 cm and the width is -50, then 80-50 = 30 - approximately the same length (and even a little less, since this size will increase when knitting) you need to dial the chain.

And then we knit stitches with a crochet (or without a crochet) along the entire length of the chain, at the end of the chain we knit several stitches from one loop to form a semicircle and continue to tie the chain on the other side.

So we knit an oval rug in a circle.

How to crochet a square rug

Square rugs can also be knitted according to the principle of rectangular in reverse rows. But square rugs connected from the center in a circle look more interesting. They can be done single crochet under the front wall of the loop or double crochet - as you like.

Knitting pattern here>>.

To get a square in each row, you need to increase in four corners as follows: two columns, two air loops, two columns.

In each next row in the corners, the hook should be inserted under the air loops.

In the same way, one can link pentagon and hexagon: divide the loops into the desired equal number and knit, making increments in the corners.

Octagonal crochet rug

I present a diagram as an example. octagonal rug, connected according to the principle of "grandmother's square".

Crocheting a rug for beginners is not difficult at all, isn't it?

If you have any questions, write. I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

Do you want to know about new original ideas knitted rugs? What about Japanese napkins and blankets? Then you are here.

And here are some more interesting rugs:

And in this video I have collected photos of almost all rugs, stories about which are on our blog.

Interesting crochet: rugs and rugs from improvised materials

The new is the well-forgotten old. Crocheting rugs just fits this expression, because new and interesting models of these products will complement a modern interior.

Rug "flower fantasy"

They look great in rustic, Scandinavian or eco-style, adding home comfort and warmth to the room. Any person, regardless of gender, can engage in this type of creativity.

Wavy pattern perfect for the bathroom

Crochet develops hands, teaches patience and makes it possible to create an exclusive thing in the room. To make such a rug will require skill, patience and strict adherence to instructions.

Standard pattern for knitting in a circle Set of flowers for interior design Asymmetrical rug made of multi-colored circles

Rugs in the interior of the apartment

It will not be difficult for those who know how to knit napkins to take a larger hook and knit a rug of the right size: small in the hallway or large in the hall or bedroom.

Color coating for a children's room

In this case, the main importance is attached to the form and material from which the product is made.

  • Knitted rugs from old things cut into ribbons look great in the corridor. This is a great way to save the family budget as you don't have to buy new flooring.

Rug made from old things, cut into threads with a geometric 3D pattern

  • Crocheted rugs in the children's room look interesting. This is a place where you can give free rein to your imagination and make non-standard models, and not just the classic circle. Knitting patterns and ideas are freely available on the Internet.

Knitting pattern rug "tiger"

  • But in the bedroom it is better to take the classics as a basis. Knitted in a circle, the rug is suitable for Feng Shui home comfort. Both simple and patterned knitting are suitable for him. The patterns are suitable for those that are used for knitting napkins, only the threads and the hook are taken thicker.

Openwork rug for a bedroom or hall

  • Beautiful and original crochet rugs can be made to decorate the living room. Knitted patterns of any shape are appropriate in this room: a circle, an oval, a rectangle, and even products made in the form of an animal skin. There are many ideas for this, the main thing is to do everything according to the scheme. Those miscalculations that are not visible on small napkins will be noticeable on large models of rugs.

The principle of weaving rugs from old clothes Geometric shapes as a rug pattern

Basics of knitting rugs

All this can be done with your own hands, if you have experience in crocheting. But what about those who can only knit with knitting needles? Or has never done it at all, but wants to learn how to crochet rugs, seeing in the pictures interesting ideas interiors with these products?

Nothing is impossible, even a peacock on your floor is real

You need to try to crochet a small-sized rug from improvised materials. For this, you do not need to take a complex scheme.

Scheme for knitting the grid-base of the rug for knitting three-dimensional patterns

Knitted in a circle floor coverings will find their place in the interior of the kitchen or bathroom.

Knitted ornaments in a set Traditional oval rug made from old clothes Multicolored bathroom rug

For work you will need:

  • crochet hook No. 8-10;

Hooks are selected according to the thickness of the yarn

  • long cut strips of fabric with one texture or a thin clothesline.

Pre-prepared chopped threads from clothes Clothesline for knitting a rug

Knitting any rugs begins with a chain of air loops.

Getting started - air loops and their closure in a circle

  • After 4-5 loops are completed, they are combined with a fastening loop.

To connect 5 loops in a circle, the hook is inserted into the first, after which both (the first and last) are knitted together

  • Next, make a lifting loop. To do this, the thread is threaded through the center of the circle, hooked and pulled back (example in the previous figure).

Knit in the round

  • Then, in order, inserting a hook into each loop, they continue to knit a circle according to the pattern.

Some schemes involve knitting 2 or 3 loops into one

  • To make the circle even, two new loops are made from each knitted loop.

Depending on the chosen method, ready product takes the form of an even circle or polygon

Having knitted a rug of the required size, in order to finish knitting, you need to pass the thread through the loop and tighten it.

When making a rug, the main thing is to “turn on” the fantasy, then the product will definitely turn out Rug "Labyrinth" For the manufacture of rugs, it is better to take synthetic yarn or clothes, since synthetics are more resistant to rubbing and wear

This is a schematic description of how to knit rugs with your own hands.

Spiral knitting

However, in order to master the technique of work and learn how to easily knit any patterns and make carpets different forms and sizes, experience is needed.

Combined knitting An example of bright products for the nursery

Intuitively, unfortunately, it will not work to make complex products, since even experienced needlewomen use special schemes or write down their own in the process so as not to get confused in the future.

We offer you a visual video instruction for knitting unusual rugs from unusual materials.

Women who wear skirts have a regular need to buy new ones. nylon tights. Where do you put old clothes? It’s a pity to throw away expensive tights, but you won’t be able to put them on either. But it is easy to make practical rugs from them.

Well, you can watch the easiest way described above in the video, which details each step of knitting a round rug from old or unnecessary things.

Crochet rug from old things: a diagram of execution and a step-by-step master class with a photo

Many housewives love to decorate their home with various products. Made by hand, they create an atmosphere of warmth, coziness and comfort. winter evenings. A good option to diversify the interior of the apartment, to bring elements of antiquity into it - to crochet a rug from old things, the execution scheme of which is simple and accessible.

You will need to prepare source materials. Sort out old things. T-shirts, dresses, tights, skirts and others made from knitted and synthetic materials will come in handy. Cut them in a spiral into strips, wind them into balls.

The width of the strips depends on the density of the material. The thinner it is, the wider the cut strips.

Prepare a hook size 8.5-10. It will be great if the balls turn out to be multi-colored.

How to knit a round rug: diagram

The main rule is the observance of the principle of circular knitting.

Dial 3 in. p., connect them into a ring. The first row, knit 6 single crochets. In each next row, 6 columns must be evenly added. In the finished form, the product will be smooth, without bulges and distortions. Knit rug until required dimensions.

For a better understanding of the knitting pattern:

To get a more spectacular mat with a convex relief, follow the steps in the diagram. Only knit columns by picking up the back wall of the loop

We knit a pentagonal rug according to the scheme

When knitting such a rug, it is better to use soft knitwear.. You need to start by knitting a circle of 5 loops. In the 1st row - 3 air loops, 2 columns with one crochet in the first loop of the bottom row, 2 in. p., * 3 columns with a crochet, 2 c. n. * Run the scheme between the asterisks 5 times. In the 2nd row - the same as in the first row. But after 3 double crochets, knit 1 air loop and then according to the diagram below.

Knitting a rug in a circle is performed to the required size. Each corner of the star is tied separately.

How to make knitting threads out of unnecessary things

To get long stripes, cut the T-shirt from the bottom up in a spiral. Immediately wrap it in a ball so that the "threads" do not get tangled.

Short strips are easy to connect. Step back from the edge by 1.5 centimeters, cut each strip.

Align the two strips so that their slots match up.

Pass the other end of the upper strip from below through the aligned slots and pull out. As a result, you will get a knot.

In this way, you can fasten all the strips when knitting the product.

Carpet in the form of a path for the corridor

After watching a master class on knitting a rug, you can make a beautiful carpet path from old things, which is convenient and practical for the corridor.

Cut into strips old T-shirts, T-shirts, skirts. Roll them into balls. It is better if they are different colors.

Run a chain of air loops equal to the width of the future rug. Next, knit with loops with one crochet

When one ball ends, connect another. Sew the ends with thread.

The track is knitted in a rectangular shape, so the fabric will need to be turned over when knitting.

If there is not enough thread, cut more strips of the desired width.

As a result of creativity, you will get a beautiful path for a balcony, cottage or corridor.

The use of weaving

Prepare the frame according to the size of the future carpet product, stuff the carnations on two opposite sides. Set the distance at 2.5-3 centimeters apart.

The following instructions will help you learn how to weave a rug from old things with your own hands.

Stretch the strips of material. It is advisable to take its colorless shades. This will be the base.

Stretch the working strips first over the thread, then under it.

At the end of the row, pull the strip under the warp and work in the opposite direction.

While weaving the rug, sometimes shift the already finished rows to the initial row. At the end of the work, hide all the knots on the wrong side. Now the finished product can be removed from the frame.

Working with knots

Place the carpet net on the table, bring a strip of material from below. With a thick crochet hook, pull both ends of the strip and tie them tightly with a knot pull on one side. Now tie the next strip. It is advisable to start from the center of the grid, gradually moving in a circle to its edges.

Knotted rugs can be made in different shapes and colors.

Round rug from unnecessary things

To better understand how to knit a rug from old things, study the following instructions.

Pre-cut unnecessary knitwear into strips 3 centimeters wide.

To make the rug smooth and beautiful, try to make the strips the same width.

Material use different colors.

Make a loop, insert your hook into it.

Knit a few loops to make a small braid.

The loops are connected in a circle.

Knit an air loop.

Pass the hook through the loop of the circle, pick up the thread and pull it through two loops.

Knit a rug of the desired size according to this scheme. Make a fringe along the contour of the finished rug.

Tip: while the circle being knitted is small, make air loops before each loop.

Master Class

Photo gallery of rugs knitted by craftswomen from old things

Video on the topic of the article

An interesting crochet rug can be crocheted from old unnecessary things. The diagram is attached. We make yarn in the same way as in the first master class.

Snowmelt system on the site of a private house: do it yourself