
Outline of the lesson in the Russian language (Grade 1) on the topic: Writing a lowercase letter “zh. « Writing a lowercase letter "g" Writing a letter "g"


Routing Russian language lesson

Date: 30.11.16

Educational institution: MBOU "Secondary School No. 33"

Class: 1 "A"

Intern: Pozdnyakova Victoria

Lesson type: Learning new material

Educational : 1) To teach the correct style of the letter “b” and the methods of its connections, to work out the continuity, smoothness of writing the letter and the connections of letters; 2) Improve phonetic skills: characterize sounds, correlate sound and letter; 3) To form in students the habit of sitting correctly at a desk and using writing instruments.

Educational : 1) Develop the small muscles of the hand; 2) Develop mental processes, such as voluntary attention, motor memory, logical and creative thinking, connected speech.

Educational: 1) Raise interest in the process of cognition; 2) To promote the development of such character traits as perseverance, accuracy, independence.

Planned results


Formed UUD

- Personal

- Regulatory

- Communicative

- cognitive

Basic concepts


presentation, interactive board



Teacher activity


Student activities

Planned results



I. Organizational stage


Motivate students for learning activities.

Good morning, guys! Look at each other, smile, and quietly sit down! Check if everyone is ready for the lesson. You should have copybooks and a pen on your desk.

The motto of our lesson will be the following phrase: "To become literate, we need to know all the letters." Raise your hand who wants to become literate and know all the letters. Well done boys.

Welcome teachers.

Getting ready for work.

Check readiness for the lesson.

Learn the motto of the lesson.


the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards school, orientation to the meaningful moments of school reality and acceptance of the model of a “good student”;


II . Knowledge update


Determine the level of assimilation of previously studied material.

Today our good friend came to visit us, recognize her:

zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu,

I'm sitting on a branch

I always say the letter Z.

Knowing firmly this letter,

I buzz in spring and summer.


The Beetle Beetle brought us a new letter to the writing lesson. What do you think this letter is? (well )

Let's remember the characteristics of the sound [g]. (consonant, voiced, hard).

Raise your hand every time you hear the sound [g]. Be careful!

The words: cat, scissors, heron, skis, suitcase, brush, lock, hanger, hedgehog, fox, beetle, wolf, pencil, roof, snakes, shield.

Name the animals whose names contain the sound [g]: (hedgehog, giraffe, snakes, swifts).

Name words with a combination of ZhI. (knives, skis, spring, snowflake, etc.)

Solve the riddle.

They name a letter.

Characterize the sound [zh]

Give an example of words.


take into account the guidelines of action selected by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher;


build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and relationships;


III . Reporting the topic and setting the objectives of the lesson.


Organize the formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

What does the letter "g" look like?

Today in the lesson we will learn how to write and combine with other letters the lowercase letter “zh”, which means a solid sound [zh].

Determine the topic of the lesson and tasks.


educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem;


plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

VI . Learning new material.


Introduce students

Compare small print and lowercase written "g"

How are they similar? What is the difference?

1. Preparatory work for writing a new letter

A) Letter analysis

Construction of the lowercase letter "g"

- Name the elements that make up the lowercase letter "g". (Two strips in the form of a semi-oval; a strip in the form of a straight line).

Consider the elements of the written letters given in the notebook and circle only those that make up the lowercase letter "g".

B) Showing and explaining the spelling of a letter

Now, I will show how to write the letter "g" correctly, be very careful. I start below the top line. From left to right, write a semi-oval line by touching the top ruler. I lower it to the bottom, round it to the left, touching the bottom ruler. I repeat rounding to the right, continue the repeat line to the top ruler, deviating to the right. I write a straight line to the bottom line. I repeat in a straight line up to its middle, continue the smooth line up, deviate to the right, round to the right, touching the top line. I repeat rounding to the left, lower the semi-oval line down, round to the right, touching the bottom line.

B) writing in the air

Before starting work in copybooks, let's practice in the air. We put our hand on our elbow, all together we begin to write the letter “g” in the air under the count: and - one - and - and - two - and - and - three - and


One, two, three, four, five

The fingers went out for a walk. (Clench and unclench fists.)

This finger is the thickest, (Squeeze and unclench each finger on both hands.)

The strongest and biggest.

This finger is for

To show it.

This toe is the longest

And he stands in the middle.

This is a ring finger

He is the spoiled one.

And the little finger, though small,

Very clever, yes daring.

2. An exercise in independent letter writing.

Raise your hand if you want to write this letter beautifully. People often make mistakes, look, we will not do this, we remove this letter.

To write a letter beautifully, you need to follow the rules, who will tell them? (sit down straight, the back is straight, the prescriptions lie with an inclination, we hold the pen correctly).

Put the pen on the middle finger, check if the index finger moves freely. Put the pen at the starting point, circle the elements on the line and circle the letter along the outline yourself up to half the line. Compare the letter with the sample, underline the most beautiful letter.

The next task is more difficult, we will not only trace the letter, but also learn how to write the letter ourselves. Circle the letters and continue on your own. Compare the letter with the sample, underline the most beautiful letter.

Well done, we got the job done.

3. Analysis of the connection of letters, letter connections.

Read the syllables that are written on the line. In what syllables does the letter J stand for a hard sound?

(already, already, oh). Why did you decide so? (because the letter "o", "a" and "i" indicate a hard consonant sound).

- “Already” what connection connects the letters? (average). Why? (the letter "a" is written below). So we need to draw a line from the letter “a” to the middle of the working line, I write the letter “g”. Write the letter "a" and circle the letter "g".

What connection connects the following syllables? (average).

Now look at the syllable "zhi". What connection does it connect to? (upper). Why? (the letter "and" is written on top). So we need to connect the line to the top line of the working line, I write the letter "and".

Put down the pens. We are great, who has not experienced difficulties? We have learned to write a letter, syllables.

Read a couple of words: Already - already; Hedgehog - hedgehogs.

What rule should be remembered when writing these words? (zhi - shi - write with the letter "I")

Emphasize combinationszhi - shi.

- Analyze pairs of words according to the plan:

1. how many letters are in a word?

2. how many sounds?

3. how many syllables?

4. what syllable is stressed?

5. types of letter connections.

Analyze what elements the letter zh consists of

Observe the correct spelling of the letter "g"

Write the letter "g" under the count in the air.

Perform a physical minute

Follow the rules for beautiful letter writing.

Outline the letter in the spelling. Compare with the sample, emphasize the most beautiful letter.

They circle and write the letter “g” on their own.

Compare with the sample, emphasize the most beautiful letter.

Reading syllables. I answer the teacher's questions.

Determine what connection the letters with the letter Z are connected to.

Write the letter and circle J.

Fix the material.

Read the words. Work with them.

Write these words in a notebook. Remember the rule.


- ability for self-esteem


Plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation

accept and save the learning task;

take into account the guidelines for action selected by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher


Perform analysis


adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks, build a monologue statement, and master the dialogic form of speech.

VII . Consolidation of the studied material.

Tasks: to fix

And to consolidate, I suggest you write a sentence with our studied letter. (Tamara has skis)

Guys, how do you understand what a proposal is? (offer starts with capital letter, and ends with a dot).

To get started, we need to read the proposal.

What word helper is used in this sentence?

What letter should the word "Tamara" be written with?

What rule should be remembered when writing the word ski?

Analyze each word of this sentence and complete the letter according to the model.

How are these words spelled? (apart)

Let's get to work.

4. Doing a logical task with letters

Compare the letters w-s. How are they similar? What is the difference? (In these letters there is an element of the same shape and size - a strip in the shape of a semi-oval).

Compare the letters w - x. how are they similar? What is the difference? (These letters contain two half-ovals of the same size and shape).

Compare the letters W - E. How are they similar? What is the difference? (In these letters, the semi-oval element is identical in shape (but different in size).)

Compare the letters w - S. how are they similar? What is the difference? (In these letters, the semi-oval element is identical in shape (but different in size).)

Answer the question, think, analyze, reflect.

Write down a sentence

Perform a logical task with letters.


accept and save the learning task;

Carry out final and step-by-step control on the result


Adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks, build a monologue statement, own a dialogic form of speech.


Build oral messages- carry out analysis

VIII . Summing up the lesson.


Summarize the subject knowledge and skills acquired by students.

Our lesson has come to an end.

Guys, what have we learned?

What new did you learn? What letters are you familiar with?

Thank you for your work. Goodbye.


Build oral messages

Teacher: Methodist: Bashkina Elena Yurievna

Big book of secret knowledge. Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. Divination Schwartz Theodore

Writing the letter "g"

Writing the letter "g"

Graphologists rarely pay attention to this letter, so there are few interpretations of its spelling options. The main attention is paid to the writing of connecting lines and the size of the middle line.

So, a long middle line (Fig. 2.73) indicates the cheerfulness and good physical condition of the writer. If she rushes up, this speaks of a sociable, cheerful and mobile person; if it goes down, then about a phlegmatic and taciturn nature.

Rice. 2.73. The letter is written with a long middle line

An evenly written, harmonious letter with zigzag connections (Fig. 2.74) speaks of a gifted person, active and not devoid of a sense of tact and diplomacy. At the same time, a parallel connection (that is, the absence of connecting zigzag lines) or the absence of a connection at all speaks of composure, good breeding, and strength of mind and character.

Rice. 2.74. Harmonious letter "Zh"

From the book The Big Book of Secret Knowledge. Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. divination the author Schwartz Theodore

Writing the letter "g" Graphologists rarely pay attention to this letter, so there are few interpretations of its spelling options. The main attention is paid to the writing of connecting lines and the size of the middle line. Thus, the long middle line (Fig. 2.73) indicates

From the author's book

Spelling the letter "z" This letter is also not always used in the study of handwriting. The focus is on the upper loop (or lack of it) in the uppercase "З" and the lower loop (or lack thereof) in the lowercase "z". Thus, the lowercase letter "z" with an elongated bottom, but without

From the author's book

Writing the letter “and” Capital “I” The beginning of the letter is rounded and resembles a semi-oval (Fig. 2.77, 2.78). people, so writing a letter"And", endowed with an excess of imagination, eccentricity of actions and thinking, perseverance, often the sublimity of the soul. Rice. 2.77. Beginning of a letter

From the author's book

Writing the letter "y" In writing this letter, like the letter "ё", it is not the letter itself that matters, but the dash above it. The letter "y" gives more information about the owner of the handwriting when it is in the middle of a word (lowercase) than at the beginning (capital). Dash with weak pressure (Fig. 2.85)

From the author's book

Writing the letter “k” Capital “K” The letter “K” with pressure and a long line down, closed at the top in the form of a loop or a hook wrapped inside (Fig. 2.90). This usually indicates such character traits as firmness, prudence, determination, but isolation and

From the author's book

Writing the letter "l" The letter "l", like the letters "g" and "h", is rarely analyzed. It is generally accepted that it gives little information about the writing person. Nevertheless, let's pay some attention to it. The more forcefully it is written (Fig. 2.94), the more sensual and tender the person is.

From the author's book

Writing the letter "m" The differences between the spelling of uppercase and lowercase "m" are only in the size of the letters, so we will not consider them separately. For analysis, you can choose any letter "m" - at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Straight, without rounding, the second line

From the author's book

Spelling the letter "n" Capital "N" Rather succinctly written; the transverse line is arched, slightly elongated when connected, at the beginning of the letter there is a small hook above and / or below (Fig. 2.110, 2.111). This indicates, first of all, such a quality as timidity. If it turns out

From the author's book

Writing the letter "o" Capital "O" The letter looks like an open oval with a line descending into the middle (Fig. 2.117). Such a careless spelling of a letter indicates active, fast people. Their excess of energy often means too much haste, but in general, writing the letter "O"

From the author's book

Writing the letter "p" Capital "P" The pressure is the most important when writing the letter "p". Thin lines drawn with weak pressure and a slight rounding (Fig. 2.128). Such a spelling speaks of weakness, susceptibility and suspiciousness. Rice. 2.128. Letter

From the author's book

Writing the letter "r" This is one of the most interesting letters for graphology. It is believed that this is one of the first sounds that a person learned to pronounce. It served as a warning of danger or a sign of danger. This letter has many functional purposes. not without reason

From the author's book

Writing the letter "c" The slanted letter "c" with pressure in the middle, without decorations (Fig. 2.139) is characteristic of the handwriting of sharp and stern people. Often skeptical people who are not prone to sentimentality and emotionality write this way. Rice. 2.139. An oblique, unadorned letter "c"With a small

From the author's book

Writing the letter "t" Capital "T" The first two sticks merge together, and the top stroke is strongly separated and directed upwards (Fig. 2.143). Such a spelling indicates a sympathetic, religious, merciful person. Rice. 2.143. The first two sticks merge together, and the top

From the author's book

Writing the letter "u" Capital "U" Distinct, rounded, unclosed at the bottom, the initial stroke is very thin, sometimes almost imperceptible (Fig. 2.150). Such people are speculative, inquisitive, they are distinguished by love for the elegant. Rice. 2.150. Distinct, with slight pressure

From the author's book

Writing the letter "c" In fact, the letter "c" in its writing resembles the letter "and" with a loop in the lower right part. Therefore, to some extent, its analysis coincides with the analysis of the letter "and". On the other hand, very often the drawing of the eyelet coincides with the lowercase letters "y" and

From the author's book

Writing the letter "sh" The main value in writing this letter is the rate of writing and the roundness of its constituent elements. The letter "sh" with a large initial hook, all elements are equally even, rounded at the bottom, without underlining (Fig. 2.164). This spelling indicates

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Zh, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.

  • to introduce the preschooler to the letter Zh, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • to teach to write the capital letter Zh in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Acorns Toad Beetle Giraffes

  1. Tell me, how does the beetle buzz? (W-w-w...)
  2. What sound is there in both the word BEETLE and the word SKI?
  3. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle is the sound [g] in the word BEETLE? - SKIS? - HOT? - FRIEND?

When we pronounce the sound [g], the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth, the teeth are almost compressed, there is only a narrow gap between them. Say: LJJ. Both the tongue and the lips prevent the air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [g].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [g]?
  • Is this sound voiced or dull?
  • Why?

Task: printed letter J for preschoolers

Consider the letter Zh. We sewed the letter Zh in the air and once in the notebook carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a sample spelling at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.

Continue the phrase

couch potato red cat
I lay down for myself ... (stomach).

Mom knits a long scarf.
Because the son ... (giraffe).

Flow, rain, more fun.
We are friends with you.
We have fun running
Barefoot in ... (puddles).

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,
And slaps them on ... (tummies).

Tale about the letter J

Greedy Toad

Once upon a time there was an important Beetle, a cautious Already and a greedy Toad. Once an important Beetle says to Uzh:

We need to paint the roof.
- You can paint, - says the cautious Oh.
- What kind of paint?
“Yellow,” said the Beetle importantly.
- But we don't have yellow paint.
- Well, then orange!
And no orange either.
- Let's go ask the greedy Toad, she has a whole barrel of orange paint.

And the greedy Toad at that time was eating jam from a jug. She saw that Beetle and Already were coming to her, she quickly hid the jam and sits and waits.

Hello, Toad! Will you give us orange paint to paint the roof?
- I'm not giving it! - answers the Toad.
- It's a pity the paint.

Beetle and Already with nothing left, and Toad again began to jam. Then the Bumblebee flew in and buzzes:

Give me a little j-gem, J-toad.
- I don't have any jam!
- Oh, you're greedy! - Bumblebee got angry, but how he stings the Toad.

Frightened Toad - Jump into the orange paint barrel! All orange came out and cries orange tears:

Have pity on me, unfortunate-yu!

But no one felt sorry for the greedy orange Toad.

Riddles for children with the letter J

He builds his nest in the field.
Where plants grow.
His and songs and flight
Enter the poems!
Wants to fly straight.
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields sings, sings.

In a golden ball
The oak tree hid.

Into this sleek box
Bronze color
Hidden little oak tree
Next summer.

Egg in a cup
Fell off the tree
And it didn't crash.

Leaves fall from aspens
A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.

He's tall and spotty
With a long, long neck
And he eats leaves
- Tree leaves.

Black, not raven.
Horn, not a bull
With wings, not a bird.

Six legs without hooves.
Flying - buzzing
Falls - digs the ground.

I'm sitting on a branch
I'm sitting on a branch
And I repeat the sound Zh.

Long-legged, long-necked,
Long-billed, gray body,
And the back of the head is bare, red.
Wandering through the dirty marshes,
Catches frogs in them.
Clueless jumpers.

The brothers got up on stilts,
Looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the go
They can't get off their stilts.

Proverbs and sayings with the letter J

Live for people, people will live for you.
Where friendship is valued, there the enemies tremble.
A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.
Put your soul and heart into work, cherish every second in your work.
Tell him, tell him, put it in his mouth.
To live life is not a field to cross.
Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you can't put it together.

Funny poems about the letter Z for children

Beetle buzzing:
- I walked and walked,
I found a yellow stone.
- It's an acorn! You're wrong,
- The giraffe says to the beetle.
- Well, hang it on the bough,
- The beetle says to the giraffe.
(G. Sapgir)

Song of the beetle Zhu-zhu-zhu,
I'm sitting on a branch
I keep repeating the letter Z.
Knowing this letter firmly,
I buzz in spring and summer.
I am a beetle, I am a beetle
I live here.
I'm buzzing, I'm buzzing
I look, I lie
All my life I've been buzzing
The beetle flies over the meadow,
He was tired of walking.
(G. Vieru)

The beetle answered the lesson.
Instead of the words "the stream murmurs"
Wrote "beetle buzzing".
(G. Vieru)

The beetle has fallen and cannot get up.
He is waiting for someone to help him.
(S. Marshak)

Acorn and oak
An acorn fell from a branch to the ground,
The acorn is ripe, the acorn is heavy.
He cries and cries out of fear
And does not hide stomach tears.
- What should I do, giant oak?
Hey, answer me, I'm your son!
- What do you do?
Bury in the ground so that by spring
Turn into an oak tree.
(Leyla Eradze)

That's why they called it a snake
An old-timer of the local puddles?
Nobody got stung
Harmless black.
(L. Kondratenko)

Picking flowers is easy and simple
Children of small stature.
But to one who is so high
It is not easy to pick a flower.
(S. Marshak)

Easily breaks a lion's back
The beat of his hoof
And he eats leaves and grass -
And it's not always enough...
I really like the giraffe
Although I'm afraid he's wrong!
(B. Zakhoder)

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog
Harvest blackberries.
red fox
He also wants to have fun.
Kuma thought:
The hedgehogs have darkness.
(E. Sirota)

The glutton took pity on the juggler:
“It’s a pity he won’t have dinner soon.
Many plates, many dishes,
But they don't give hot food."
(B. Berestov)

white lawn,
Warm sweatshirt.
I'll run skiing -
You catch me.
(3. Aleksandrova)

The crane took the acorn,
He threw an acorn and caught it.
He will probably soon
Be a circus juggler.
(A. Pudval)

There are miracles in life
Already stung by a wasp.
She stung in the stomach.
It hurts terribly
And Dr. Ezh said to Uzh:
“I don't find anything.
But still, I think
You better crawl on your back
Until the stomach heals.
(R. Mucha)

The foal sees clearly:
Yellow light! It's dangerous to go!
(B. Timofeev)

Lesson summary:

  1. The pronunciation of new words increases the vocabulary of a preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cellular exercises develop fine motor skills hands
  3. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the overall learning ability increases.