
The state of wedding tourism in the world. Course work: Wedding tourism state, organization, development prospects Technological map of the tourist route


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Usually, every city now included in the " Golden ring", had several monasteries in and around him. This created a special structure of the city, as if composed of a vast and spacious part and densely shifted, surrounded by walls of monasteries. In Suzdal, for example, the entire fabric of the city is saturated with monastic ensembles. For Russian architecture, the beginning of 18 century was a difficult time.After the return of Peter I from abroad, houses began to be built in a new way, but in the hinterland, traditional construction was preserved.

Then everything changed radically. Almost the whole country: cities, roads, countryside with noble estates - acquired the new kind... Houses with porticos and columns appeared, more reminiscent of ancient temples. Such houses can still be found in the provinces.

A trip to the cities of the "Golden Ring" will allow you to see the greatest works of ancient Russian painting. Painting reacted sensitively to all currents of life.

Many cities and sights of the Golden Ring are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Fund. And the "Golden Ring" itself is one of the most popular (both for Russians and for guests from near and far abroad) long and profitable tourist routes in Russia. You can travel along the "Golden Ring" of Russia at any time of the year.

The towns of the "Golden Ring" are scattered over five regions: Moscow, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl. It includes eight main cities: Yaroslavl, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Veliky, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir, the rest of the list is debatable.

The duration (and, of course, the cost) of the tour of the cities of the "Golden Ring" depends on the route you have chosen. It can be either a "weekend tour" or a 7-day exciting bus tour of ancient Russian cities.

Then, we would like to consider St. Petersburg as a possible destination. St. Petersburg is good at any time of the year. It is changeable and unpredictable. And at the same time, calm and balanced, like the autumn Petersburg rain. The special magic of the city on the Neva has attracted poets, romantics and dreamers at all times. There is not a single Russian poet who has not dedicated poetry to Petersburg.

The streets of St. Petersburg have their own special secret. Petersburgers say that it is here, somewhere, that Love itself lives. Maybe that's why every inhabitant of this city is a little romantic, and the faces of Petersburgers are always friendly and open.

Maybe that's why the sacrament of marriage in this city is treated in a special way. Maybe then only in this city they register their marriages not in the registry offices, but in the Palaces. It has become a tradition for a long time, and even the Soviet era did not change this tradition. The Wedding Palaces of St. Petersburg, as well as the Wedding Palaces in Pushkin and Petrodvorets, are now ready to open their doors to all loving hearts of Russia.

The next amazing place for newlyweds to relax is Altai. Altai is a real treasure of Siberian nature. Virgin cedar taiga and endless steppes with flowering herbs, picturesque mountain gorges, highlands with alpine meadows and snowy peaks, fast-flowing rivers and noisy waterfalls, cascades of emerald mountain lakes and the majestic pearl of Altai - Teletskoye Lake. This amazing land will give newlyweds an unforgettable vacation - Altai is a real treasure of Siberian nature.

We also offer lovers of nature and adventure to visit Baikal - a land with a large number of historical and natural monuments: the Circum-Baikal Railway, Shaman-Kamen rock, Chivyrkuisky Bay and Ushkany Islands, Chersky Peak Mountain - 2,090 m above sea level, Cape Burkhan on the island Olkhon, Northern Baikal, Peschanaya Bay, Cape Ryty and Cape Ludar and these are not all the attractions of Lake Baikal.

Also the resorts of the Caucasus - have long ago become popular among tourists, including young ones. The warm climate, beautiful nature, healthy air and beautiful mountains are perfect for a honeymoon. In addition, such resorts as Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk are famous for their healing mineral springs.

The health and longevity of the local population is legendary. And it is not surprising, because diseases of the respiratory, circulatory, nervous system and digestive organs are treated here. However, this does not mean that recreation in the Caucasus is intended for pensioners. On the contrary, a world-class ski resort, exciting excursions to local attractions and the Black Sea beach make it the perfect destination for honeymoon travel.

Let's not forget to mention the pearl of the Caucasus - Dombay 4. One of the modern recreation and sports centers, mountaineering, skiing and tourist Mecca of the Greater Caucasus. Dombay is one of the most popular ski resorts in the Caucasus. A ski resort located in the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region of the Stavropol Territory at an altitude of 1650 m, at the foot of the main Caucasian ridge on the Dombai Glade, which is part of the Teberda State Reserve, which occupies 85 hectares. The Teberda-Dombai region is located at an altitude of 1300-1630 m above sea level. Dombay is good for both professionals and beginners. Everyone will find trails of varying degrees of difficulty here.

Currently, a whole tourist complex of 12 hotels is operating in the Dombai glade. Its important link is the cable cars. There are 5 lines of chairlifts: 1 line - length 860 m, travel time 8 minutes; 2nd stage - length 1142 m, travel time 14 minutes; Stage 3 - length 581 m, travel time 7 minutes; Stage 4 - length 1502 m, travel time 12 minutes; Stage 5 - length 1700 m, travel time 17 minutes, pendulum cable car: length - 1778 m, travel time - 8 minutes. (in 2001, a new Yugoslavian section of the chairlift with a total length of 2000 m was opened with an intermediate station dividing the road into two sections - 1200 m and 800 m.Total travel time - 12 minutes) 200 - 600 meters). Descent from the top of the Mussa-Achitara ridge can be done in ten options varying degrees steepness, difficulty and speed to suit the tastes of both experienced and novice skiers. Many hiking trails start from the Dombai glade. International competitions for the World Cup in freestyle, all-Russian competitions in slalom, giant slalom and snowboard were held in Dombai. There are many experienced instructors in Dombai, they will help you master the basics of a ski dispute. Classes are held in groups and individuals. Ski equipment is always available for hire. For convenience, many skiers leave their skis in the ski storage right on the slopes at an altitude of 2500 meters or in the "Ine" hut. In addition, the unique cuisine, wines, fresh fruits and the hospitality of the local population will not leave anyone indifferent. So a honeymoon spent in high-mountain resorts can be wonderful, amazing and spent with health benefits.

Thus, Russia has a wide list of amazing places where newlyweds can go, it all depends on their preferences, whether they bask, sunbathing on the sea, or explore the tops of the mountains and the depths of the lakes. After analyzing possible destinations both abroad and in Russia, we conducted sociological studies that helped us answer some questions about what modern newlyweds prefer. The research results will be presented below.

2.2 Sociological Research on Wedding Tourism

To study the needs of modern newlyweds, we conducted a survey of young people aged 20 to 30, students and teachers of higher educational institutions. As a result, we found out:

Affordable wedding costs;

The need for a honeymoon trip;

What types of wedding tourism are preferred by potential newlyweds;

Where would they go on their honeymoon;

The desire to play an unusual wedding and much more.

So, here are the results of the research. Acceptable costs for a wedding are 300-400 thousand rubles, although the amounts were named different and ranged from 30 thousand to 1 million. rubles and, in addition, a honeymoon trip is considered by many to be a necessity (about 75% of respondents). But if the choice was between an expensive wedding and a honeymoon, 70% chose a honeymoon, 30% both, and only 10% chose an expensive wedding. There was also a question about whether the newlyweds would use the services of special agencies when organizing a wedding abroad, 80% of the respondents answered positively, and exactly the same percentage prefer to spend their trip in Europe, 10% in Russia and only 5% prefer Asia.

As for the types of wedding tourism, the first place was taken by honeymoon travel and a symbolic wedding ceremony abroad. But there were also those in whom the wedding abroad caused even fear - this is 5% of the respondents. Talking about unusual weddings, opinions are divided, about 40% prefer a traditional wedding, and 60% would still decide on something extraordinary.

An example of a questionnaire is given in Appendix 2.

Summing up the results of our research, we can conclude that research on wedding tourism is relevant, profitable and quite interesting. We would also like to separately analyze the opinions of modern experts in the field of wedding tourism. The analysis will be presented in the next paragraph.

2.3. Blitz survey of modern managers of travel companies on the topic of wedding tourism

Starting the blitz survey, we would like to cite the main questions that were raised, these are 5:

1. What kind of wedding holiday, and in which countries do Russians prefer.

2. What are the features of organizing wedding tours.

3. What documents do lovers need in order to register a marriage in another country. Are there any prohibitions or restrictions on the registration of marriage abroad.

4. What is the most unusual request for organizing a wedding tour that modern employees had to fulfill.

The survey was attended by such experts as: Elena Dunyushkina, leading manager of Continental AG; Roman Dorofeev, director of the web-department of the company "Sun-tour"; Tatiana Tkach, General Director of Le Voyage; Alexander Shkrebalo,

General Director of First Travel; Elena Protopopova,

commercial director of the Renaissance travel agency; Elena Nemenuschaya, general director of the Kakadu company.

Summing up the results of the survey, it was found out:

1. Most lovers go on honeymoon trips to the islands and Paris.

2. The French are very respectful of the newlyweds and try to present them with pleasant surprises.

3. Most Russians prefer to register their relationship at home, and go to another country on a wedding tour.

4. To register a marriage in Arab countries, you need to present many documents.

5. Beautiful wedding ceremonies in Las Vegas are not official in Russia.

Thus, weddings, various wedding ceremonies and travels have their own specifics and possibilities. Before the newlyweds decide to register their marriage in an unusual way or outside their homeland, they will definitely need the help of specialists in this field. Below we move on to a conclusion on this topic.


The topic of this course work is - Wedding Tourism: State of the Art. In the course of writing the work, we identified the relevance of this topic, since today wedding tourism is poorly studied and is becoming more and more popular among modern newlyweds.

Summing up the results of the course work, we note that we succeeded:

Explore the experience of foreign countries in the field of wedding tourism;

To reveal the essence and types of wedding tourism, to give basic concepts on the topic;

Explore possible destinations abroad;

Consider wedding tourism in Russia;

Identify possible destinations for wedding tourism in Russia;

Consider the top of the most unusual weddings in the world;

Conduct sociological research on the topic.

We have found that tour operators have noted an increase in interest in outdoor celebrations among Russians. For example, weddings and weddings abroad are especially popular, Interfax reports. One of the most romantic ceremonies takes place in Tahiti. The groom comes to the beach on a pie, accompanied by a dancer. On the second pie are musicians who perform wedding melodies on sea shells. The ceremony itself is conducted by a local priest, he pronounces various spells in the local dialect. After all the evil spirits have been dispersed, the newlyweds are given green coconut milk to drink and decorated with flower beads.

The same ceremonies are held in India and Thailand, but not all are decided on them - some elements of the ceremony are not to the taste of tourists. For example, during Buddhist and Hindu ceremonies, young people are painted quite strongly - face, hands. Many grooms are intimidated by the prospect of painted eyes and lips. There are options where the bride and groom are simply dressed in traditional clothes. But some men can be intimidated by such suits.

In Greece, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Israel and Cyprus, you can organize an Orthodox wedding. In these countries, there are Orthodox churches ready to marry foreigners. There are no more than five such churches in Greece - not far from Athens, Rhodes and Crete. In the Holy Land, Orthodox rituals take place in the cathedral of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem. To get married abroad, you need baptismal certificates and a wedding permit from the Russian Church - you can get it in your parish. In addition, you must already register in Russia and have a marriage certificate, otherwise the foreign church will refuse to marry. Only in Cyprus is it possible to combine a civil wedding ceremony with a wedding ceremony, both with a Catholic and an Orthodox one. Interestingly, the Catholic rite is almost twice as expensive as the Orthodox.

Honeymoon travel agencies typically provide three options for honeymoon tours - formal and overseas weddings, informal weddings, and romantic honeymoons. Regardless of their choice, the newlyweds do not have to worry about the upcoming trip themselves: they only need to collect the necessary documents and pay a certain amount. The solution of all emerging problems - from the choice of a wedding dress for the bride to the translation into Russian of the marriage certificate - is fully undertaken by the Russian travel agency and the host party.

2.2 Sociological Research on Wedding Tourism
List of used literature

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

State educational institution higher professional education

"Vyatka State Humanitarian University"

Faculty of Philosophy and Cultural Studies

course work

in the discipline "Management in cultural tourism"

"Wedding tourism: state, organization, development prospects"


4th year student

Faculty of Philosophy and Cultural Studies

Cl-41 group

Tyrtyshnikova E.S.


Scientific adviser:

candidate of geographical sciences,

Art. teacher

Sitnikov S.V.


Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3

Chapter 1. Essential features of wedding tourism …………………… 5

1.1. Wedding tourism: basic concepts ……………………… .5

1.2. Classification of wedding tours …………………………… ..9

Chapter 2. Analysis of cultural traditions of wedding tourism in Bali ………………………………………………………………………… ..15

2.1. Features of conducting wedding tourism on

Bali island …………………………………………………………… 15

2.2. Development of a wedding tour "Wedding of Orchids" to the island of Bali ……………………………………………………………………… ... 21

Conclusion …………………………………………………………… 24

Bibliographic list …………………………………………… 26

Appendix ……………………………………………………………… 27


Course work dedicated to the study of wedding tourism, its development prospects.

Relevance the stated problem is due to Firstly, by the fact that the wedding tradition is a phenomenon that has existed since ancient times and will always remain relevant, affecting each person in one way or another. Millions of people around the world pay great attention to the process of getting married or getting married. This is the brightest event in the life of every person. The active development of civilization provides many new opportunities for the implementation of new wedding ideas. Secondly, on the this moment all more willing move away from the standard festivities of the wedding ceremony. Young couples turn to travel agencies in order to find beautiful, exotic places for a wedding, wedding ceremony.

The purpose this work is an analysis of wedding tourism.

Achieving this goal requires setting the following tasks :

- consider the basic concepts of wedding tourism;

- study the classification of wedding tours;

- to analyze the peculiarities of wedding tours on the island of Bali;

to develop a wedding tour "Wedding of Orchids" to the island of Bali;

Object studying is wedding tourism. Subject research wedding tours to Bali island.

Bibliography compiled works on the history of the culture of wedding traditions (Balashov D.M., Zhirnova G.V.); on the history of the culture of countries (T. Bognard-Levin, V. Avdeev); on the history of wedding tourism (

In the course work, the following were used methods: typological, method of analysis.

Work structure consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography. V first chapter the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of wedding tourism and its development prospects are presented. In the second chapter the peculiarities of wedding traditions on the island of Bali are considered.

This work can be used in the study of wedding tourism.

Chapter 1. Essential features of wedding tourism

1.1 Wedding tourism: basic concepts

Wedding tourism is a type of tourism designed for newlyweds, a popular and well-developed direction of the tourism business. Explanatory dictionaries offer their own definition of a wedding ceremony: according to Ozhegov's dictionary, "a wedding is a marriage ceremony." The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary gives a more detailed definition: “a wedding is a ceremony that accompanies a marriage. For many nations, the wedding includes a reticulated move of the bride from her parents' house to the groom's house, an exchange of gifts, a feast, etc. "

One of the undoubted advantages of honeymoon tourism is that a romantic trip will become part of the ceremony itself, and after the celebration there will be no need to waste time collecting suitcases and flying. A wedding tour usually refers to a honeymoon or overseas wedding combined with a honeymoon. A distinctive feature of a wedding ceremony may be where it is held. If earlier weddings were arranged only at home, today a young couple can choose any corner of the world to celebrate. The advantages of such an exotic wedding are that the newlyweds are sure of the number of guests, and the ceremony is organized by a travel agency. This type of tourist destination is distinguished by a fully personalized travel program, the best romantic hotels, luxurious room decoration, pleasant surprises, and special service and special events - breakfasts in the room, romantic dinners by the sea, picnics under the stars, spa programs for two, cruises and boat trips and much more. A wedding tour involves a completely individual approach. A special route is developed for each couple, depending on their wishes.

When choosing a hotel, a travel company pays special attention to making it romantic, small and cozy. Some hotels have special rooms for newlyweds. In Europe, hotels provide champagne and flowers to the room, in eastern countries- massage for the bride or groom on the eve of the wedding. You can create a special atmosphere inside the rooms - decorate with balloons, scatter rose petals on the bed. Honeymoon travels are organized differently from other types of tours: in appropriate rooms, with appropriate meetings and wires, with banquets and photo albums. Such events are very beautiful and leave a lot of pleasant impressions for the newlyweds. The main thing is that they get exactly what they ordered. An individual transfer is required. When officially registering a marriage or wedding, you must add the services of a hairdresser and make-up artist, musicians, photographers and videographers. The subtleties depend on the specifics of the country. Thus, this is, first of all, an individual approach to the newlyweds, and not a package tour. The list of documents depends entirely on the requirements of the country. In most cases, it is enough to have passports, both domestic and foreign, as well as a written statement of will. The most stringent in this regard are the Arab countries and part of the Asian countries, in which it is necessary to submit a huge number of different documents. There are also some rules when, on certain days in Muslim countries, marriages are not registered, or a marriage ceremony for foreigners is not held.

A marriage can be declared invalid only if the document is executed incorrectly. For example, in Jamaica there are no restrictions, but newlyweds will have to wait about six months for documents. Those who marry must be of legal age according to the laws of both countries, so if in Russia the bride and groom must be at least eighteen years old, then in many European countries - twenty-one.

As you know, according to Russian travel agencies, there are not so many who want to make the wedding ceremony extreme, most people are still romantic. Sometimes newlyweds order castles near Paris or in the Czech Republic, where unofficial registration takes place.

Interest in wedding tourism is growing every year. So, for example, in 2010: every 4-5 tour - newlyweds tourists. Many "young couples voluntarily abandon the usual prosaic marriage scheme, and fly thousands of kilometers away to have a wedding according to exotic canons." The popularity of overseas weddings is growing for another reason: many Russians, considering the cost of weddings, come to the conclusion that for less money you can get more impressions, and even have a rest. It is difficult to organize an overseas wedding, but "travel companies find beautiful places, negotiate with local authorities, compose romantic scenarios, handle all the paperwork, invite photographers, stylists, presenters and think over options for a honeymoon trip."

The wedding ceremony does not have to take place during the honeymoon. So you can celebrate any wedding anniversary, both a golden wedding and a silver one. In many cases, the norms of international law, subject to certain formalities, allow the registration of a marriage in another country to be considered legal and does not require additional re-registration in one's own country. Tourists who are already married can book a special "wedding" tour. There are also wedding tours that involve organizing a symbolic wedding ceremony according to local customs and traditions. Similar rituals in exotic countries can be romantic with dressing up in national costumes, a table filled with local delicacies, traditional music and dancing. When choosing a wedding tour, it is advisable to choose a country where both newlyweds have not been, and also to determine in advance what kind of atmosphere they expect: the atmosphere of a crowded holiday, for example, wedding tours to famous carnivals. Or, on the contrary, privacy, which will allow you to enjoy communication with each other, and familiarization with nature and cultural heritage. You can also purchase an already formed wedding tour, and order an individual program according to the timing, route and other features of the trip.

The newlyweds should decide in advance if they want to emphasize the wedding character of the tour. Since, a honeymoon trip can be called almost any tour that the newlyweds themselves buy in a travel agency, or they are given this trip by relatives and friends. This may be a regular economy class beach tour or a real wedding expedition. But, if the task is to emphasize the honeymoon nature of the trip in everything, from how the transfer is organized to the furnishings of the room, it is better to contact companies that specialize in organizing such trips. But it should be borne in mind that "there are not many companies specializing only in wedding tourism." It is important that a diversified company has at least one manager specializing in wedding tours, and this product is reflected in the company's catalogs, on its website on the Internet and publications about the company.

Thus, honeymoon travel is different from a regular tour:

- a special choice of the country: the most unusual and picturesque places on the planet;

- all the worries about organizing a trip, excursions and services are taken on by experienced professionals;

- a special choice of accommodation: only the best hotels for romantic getaways;

- it is better to take 4-5 days for the ceremony itself, including preparation for it;

- special service: attention to detail, pleasant surprises, romantic surroundings, discounts and free sightseeing nights;

1.2 Classification of wedding tours

Interest in wedding tourism is growing every year. Newlyweds have the opportunity to travel to any corner of the world so that the wedding ceremony becomes an unforgettable event in the life of the newlyweds. Agencies dealing with "marriage" direction offer the following tour options for newlyweds:

1) the official wedding ceremony and wedding ceremony;

2) a symbolic wedding ceremony;

3) romantic honeymoon trip;

In all cases, the intended or future spouses are spared from the festive hassle: they only need documents and a choice of tour. The solution of all organizational issues - from the purchase of a wedding dress for the bride to the translation of the marriage certificate into the mother tongue - is entirely entrusted to the travel agency and the host party. There is also another, more extended classification of wedding tourism:

1) honeymoon trip. This type of tour is very popular. Tourists prefer to travel to South America, the Mediterranean, vacation on exotic islands such as Bali, Thailand, Seychelles, Mauritius and the Caribbean.

2) wedding ceremonies.

3) a wedding in the Orthodox Church. In this case, the list of countries is limited, since there are not Orthodox churches in all countries.

Marriage outside the Russian Federation is recognized in Russia if the marriage is concluded according to the laws of the country where the registration takes place and does not contradict our legislation. About 20 countries offer official registration. The exception is Islamic countries, where only a symbolic ceremony can be held. As a rule, a single set of documents is required from the bride and groom everywhere: international passports, copies of internal passports, birth certificates, marital status certificates, and for those who do not marry for the first time, certificates of a previous marriage and change of surname, divorce or death spouse. In some countries, there are more requirements: for example, in Cyprus, a blood test must be provided, and in order to officially register in France, you must live in the country for at least two weeks before the ceremony. All documents must be translated into English language, certify at a notary and put an apostle - a special stamp certifying authenticity. In time, it will take approximately from a week to a month.

You can also get married abroad, but this can only be combined with a civil ceremony in Cyprus. In all other countries, a marriage certificate is required for a wedding. Also, the bride and groom usually present baptismal certificates or other evidence that they profess the same religion, as well as permission to conduct the sacrament from the Russian church, received in their parish.

Wedding ceremonies are subdivided into formal and informal. At the moment, there is a list of countries in which you can get married officially. Informal ceremonies are possible almost everywhere. The form of the event depends on the specifics of the country, traditions and customs. Most often, young couples choose this type of travel if they want to celebrate their wedding anniversary, or instead of an official ceremony, they prefer a beautiful and memorable tour. Of all of the above, the greatest demand is for honeymoon travel and official registration of marriage. Newlyweds choose for their wedding tour both Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Sochi, and other countries: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Maldives, Mauritius.

In connection with the active development of this type of tourism, there are more and more proposals for those wishing to get married. For example, not so long ago a new wedding proposal appeared in the USA, which instantly gained popularity among tourists all over the world - to get married right in the car. The building of the registry office looks like a MacAuto, when, after passing a few windows, the newlyweds leave from the other side already as spouses. Such innovations are popular in the world of marriage ceremonies. Today there is a wide range of offers for newlyweds. Optionally, you can choose to stay in a French, English or Portuguese castle. Travel agencies offer their clients luxury hotels, fantastic SPA centers, closed eco-complexes, romantic yachts. When organizing wedding tours, you need to clearly think over and describe the requirements for this vacation, as well as take into account the nature and preferences of the newlyweds. There is an initially developed program for a wedding holiday, it is very easily adapted to specific people and their interests. This is a kind of matrix or frame that can be easily varied to suit the preferences of the newlyweds.

Wedding ceremonies abroad are especially popular. One of the most romantic ceremonies takes place in Tahiti. The groom comes to the beach on a pie, accompanied by a dancer. On the second pie are musicians who perform wedding melodies on sea shells. The ceremony itself is conducted by a local priest, he pronounces various spells in the local language. After all the evil spirits have been dispersed, the newlyweds are given green coconut milk to drink and decorated with flower beads. The same ceremonies are held in India and Thailand, but not all are decided on them - some elements of the ceremony are not to the taste of tourists. For example, during Buddhist and Hindu ceremonies, young people are heavily painted - face, hands. Many grooms are intimidated by the prospect of painted eyes and lips. There are options where the bride and groom are simply dressed in traditional clothing. In Greece, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Israel and Cyprus, you can organize an Orthodox wedding. In these countries, there are Orthodox churches ready to marry foreigners. There are no more than five such churches in Greece - not far from Athens, Rhodes and Crete. In the Holy Land, Orthodox rituals take place in the cathedral of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem. To get married abroad, you need baptismal certificates and a wedding permit from the Russian church, you can get it in your parish. In addition, you must already register in Russia and have a marriage certificate, otherwise the foreign church will refuse to get married. Only "in Cyprus it is possible to combine a civil wedding ceremony with a wedding ceremony, both with the Catholic and the Orthodox." But it should be noted that the Catholic rite is almost twice as expensive as the Orthodox. There are wedding tours that involve organizing a symbolic wedding ceremony according to local customs and traditions. Such rituals in exotic countries can be distinguished by exquisite romance with dressing up in national costumes, a table filled with local delicacies, traditional music, dances and other attributes of local culture. For example, a wedding ceremony in French Polynesia takes place on the ocean shore, at sunset in the light of huge torches. Dressed in a traditional pareo, the bride appears on the beach to the sound of music, accompanied by dancers, and the groom must sail by boat. Cruise wedding tours are also very popular, you can book a honeymoon trip around Europe in a hot air balloon.

When choosing a wedding tour, you must remember that nature and climatic conditions play important role... Considering that most weddings take place in late summer and early autumn, it is worth highlighting a number of countries where autumn is the real “queen of the seasons” and is able to fill the journey. unforgettable beauty and bright colors even without the sultry heat and beach joys.

Italy is the leader among countries where autumn is the best time of the year. Wedding tourism in Italy is quite common as weddings can be celebrated here all year round. If tourists set out to marry on Valentine's Day, February 14, Italy will present the newlyweds with a wedding gift in the form of the "Verona in Love" festival, which opens annually on this day. But at any other time of the year, Italy will welcome you with the coziness of noisy streets, the friendliness of the townspeople, a great climate and a huge number of attractions.

Another popular destination among newlyweds tourists is the Czech Republic. The capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, is the most romantic place in the entire small state. Prague is an amazing city where newlyweds can find a lot of romantic and beautiful places. One of them is the Petřín Hill. Climbing here, you can see a stunning view of the city, enjoy a leisurely walk or even have a small picnic.

For those who love long journeys and unusual places, India can be a pleasant place for marriage. Here, the wedding ceremony and honeymoon days will be the brightest event in the life of the newlyweds. The wedding ceremony itself in India is noticeably distinguished by its splendor and richness of colors. Traditionally, the bride's hands are decorated with henna tattoos. The complex ornate patterns hide the names of the future groom and the bride herself. A popular Indian omen says that if "the groom can find his own name in the palm of the bride, then the life" of the young family will be the best, and there will always be mutual understanding and love in the family. One more interesting tradition is the groom giving a ring to the bride. According to tradition, "the future husband must give the bride a ring from his mother, which in turn came to her from her mother-in-law." Such a gift is considered a sign of boundless love and devotion. But, in addition to traditions and intricacies of signs, India will amaze with the extraordinary beauty of nature, outlandish animals and plants.

The minimum budget for a wedding for two is about ten thousand euros. This includes a trip to the country chosen by the newlyweds for 5-7 days, accommodation in a five-star hotel, symbolic or real, an official wedding ceremony, a photo session, a romantic dinner with musicians, Wedding decoration rooms and a bottle of champagne. A wedding with guests can cost around thirty to forty thousand euros.

Every year the number of those wishing to legalize their relationship in the most unusual places, according to outlandish traditions and rituals, is growing. Thus, most newlyweds go on honeymoon travel to European countries that have interesting cultural and wedding traditions. Most Russians prefer to register their relationship with home country, and go to another country on a wedding tour.

Chapter 2. Analysis of cultural traditions of wedding tourism in Bali

2.1. Features of wedding tourism in Bali

Bali is the most developed tourist area in Indonesia - excellent resorts and ancient culture that came to Bali from Java in the 15th century along with the Majapahit dynasty. Despite the long flight, 14 - 17 hours, many tourists from all over the world visit Bali every year. A feature of the rest on the island is the variety of types of family recreation with children - many children's clubs at hotels, a varied excursion program, interesting for both adults and children. Bali is the most popular resort in Indonesia. This beautiful island is rich in beautiful nature and sunshine. The weather in Bali is favorable all year round, the air temperature is kept up to 28-30 degrees Celsius. There are two seasons: the dry season, as the best time to visit, lasts from April to November, the wet season starts in February and ends in March. The popularity of Bali is growing every year. As the main tourist destination in the country, the island often defines the rhythm of all Indonesian holidays. “Each island of the archipelago has its own unique charm,” but only Bali has been awarded the title of true pearl.

Bali is one of the most fashionable resorts and one of the most mystical islands, where centuries-old traditions of one of the most amazing and brightest cultures are alive. On the island, fashion trends and the world of mystics and magicians, luxurious modern hotels and colorful ceremonies of antiquity coexist in a strange way. One of the most exciting holidays for any Balinese is wedding ceremony... Thousands of people from all over the world come to Bali especially to hold a wedding here according to the Balinese rite. A wedding on the islands opens up many opportunities - it can become for you both a civil ceremony (marriage), a wedding, and a theatricalization - a symbolic ceremony (new emotions after a classic or themed wedding in Moscow) and a honeymoon trip. Bali is one of the most popular destinations for exotic wedding ceremonies. Picturesque landscapes, beautiful sandy beaches, striking orange-red sunsets, rich history, and the highest level of service make Bali the ideal destination for a wedding ceremony and a romantic honeymoon trip. The smooth tropical climate allows you to organize a wedding in Bali at any time of the year. Only in the wet season are short-term tropical showers possible. There are many different scenarios for a wedding in Bali, from a short ceremony in a home temple to a celebration with elephant trekking. However, no matter what you choose, special Balinese make-up and dressing in a traditional wedding dress of multi-layered gilded fabrics and numerous decorations, including graceful golden crowns, are always provided for you. If desired, the costumes can be purchased as souvenirs. Bouquets of exotic flowers and flower garlands, which no holiday in Bali can do without, will also become an integral part of the ceremony. You will also undoubtedly be delighted with national music and national dances. The most common of them is legong, performed by girls no older than thirteen years old, dressed in bright costumes and with white flowers in their hair, accompanying the newlyweds to the place of the ceremony.

A wedding on the island of Bali is a vivid, memorable sight, since the wedding ceremony here is unusually colorful and exotic: a sea of ​​flowers, aromas of incense, mesmerizing sounds of gamelan and the resonant sounds of a gong hanging in space for a long time. fashion trend last decade. Why exactly Bali has become a kind of wedding island? In Bali, every resident must go through a wedding ceremony: Balinese consider creating a family and raising children one of the most important tasks of every person. And the paradise nature of the island and exotic rituals serve as an excellent backdrop for an unusual wedding ceremony. Harmony in everything - and harmony in your new family... Many Bali hotels provide an opportunity for foreign tourists to hold one of the many wedding ceremonies based on ancient traditions, but quite adapted to the requirements of modern times. Following the fashionable mood, Balinese hotels offer tourists to hold a wedding ceremony right in their tropical gardens, but you can also choose a traditional Balinese wedding in the home temple of a noble Balinese. This ceremony is closest to Balinese traditions and allows you to become participants in an ancient ritual.

Every foreign couple wishing to hold a wedding ceremony in Bali must submit a special document - Letter of No, which would confirm that there is no one who would be against the wedding. You can get this document at any consulate or embassy, ​​including directly in Bali. The easiest and fastest way to organize a symbolic wedding ceremony in Bali. But if you want to register an official marriage, then you need to keep in mind the following local requirements: according to the laws of Indonesia, all couples wishing to get married must confirm their religion. In this case, the bride and groom must belong to the same religion. In Indonesia, it is allowed to marry couples professing five religions that are recognized by this country: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism. Unfortunately, Orthodoxy is not recognized in Bali, and the Russian Federation has a consulate only in Jakarta, where the marriage of Russian newlyweds can be registered. For citizens of the Russian Federation in Bali, only a symbolic ceremony can be organized, which will have no legal force either in Indonesia or abroad. But despite this, many couples who have already legally registered their marriage choose Bali as a place "where they can once again take their vows to each other during a beautiful symbolic ceremony." If you want to hold a legally valid wedding in Jakarta, then for the ceremony you will first need to obtain a special certificate from the Russian consulate in Jakarta, confirming the right to marry. To obtain this certificate, the following documents are required:

- the passport

- birth certificates

- a document confirming religion

- parental consent for marriage (only if the groom or the bride is under 21 years old)

- 8 photographs of the bride and groom (together) measuring 6 x 4 cm. This photograph will be on your marriage certificate

Having received a certificate at the consulate, the newlyweds should contact the Registration Office. Usually, marriage registration takes place in 10 working days, but this requirement does not apply for foreign tourists, and the wedding can take place immediately. Two witnesses are required for the ceremony, but they can be replaced by employees of the Registration Office. After that, you will only have to legalize and translate the marriage certificate, and it will be valid in Russia.

For exotic lovers on the island of Bali, there are unusual wedding ceremonies, such as traveling by helicopter, which will take the newlyweds to some deserted beach on the shore of the lagoon, or riding elephants. The elephant is considered in Bali a mystical animal associated with the gods, and in addition, it personifies wisdom and marital fidelity. On the decorated backs of mighty animals, the young will get to the very heart of the jungle, where they will feel like “prince Rama and his beloved princess Sita” - heroes of the stories of the ancient Indian epic “Ramayana”. A "standard" oceanfront wedding ceremony usually includes:

- Balinese national costumes for the bride and groom;

- a wedding cake;

- a bouquet for the bride;

- procession of Balinese girls in national costumes;

- decorating the venue of the ceremony or temple with garlands and flowers;

- musical accompaniment;

- services of a Balinese priest;

- a car decorated with flowers;

- a bottle of champagne or wine;

Another way to combine the knot is through a wedding ceremony on the beach in Bali with live music. An arch made of exotic flowers with a path strewn with petals is installed at the venue of the ceremony. The newlyweds are brought from the hotel in a comfortable car with a driver. Before the ceremony - preparation of the bride, hair, make-up. During the ceremony, photographs are taken, the young people are provided with the best photographs on disk and video.

The most popular ceremony in recent years is the wedding ceremony held in the home temple, each home has its own temple. The day before, the whole family is preparing decorations for the temple and offerings to the Gods - flower garlands, intricately woven patterns of herbs and flowers. The bride and groom dress in colorful costumes made from expensive traditional fabrics and adorn their heads with golden crowns. The priest blesses the newlyweds and performs an old Balinese wedding ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, a Balinese wedding certificate is issued - "Lontar", written in an old Balinese script on palm leaves.

There are other scenarios for a wedding ceremony in Bali. Couples hosting a wedding in Bali can choose one of the traditional Balinese wedding ceremonies as the scenario for the celebration. Since ancient times, there have been three main types of marriage rites in Bali. One of them is ngerorod, perhaps the most exciting: the groom allegedly kidnaps the bride. The rite of memadik or mapadik is the official version of the marriage. And the nyentana rite provides that the groom moves to the house of the future wife.

Ngerorod is one of the most popular varieties of the Balinese wedding ceremony. It is believed that the groom "kidnaps" the bride, although in fact the young people agree in advance to meet away from the watchful eyes of the girl's parents. For three days, the lovers hide in the house of the groom's friends, after which they move to the house of the newly-minted husband. However, parents, as a rule, are aware of what is happening, and only pretend to be angry with the behavior of the young. Their only requirement is that the young man pay the ransom due for the bride. Each such wedding ceremony in Bali is a kind of theatrical performance intended for the relatives of the bride and groom - they themselves take part in it. The memadik ceremony goes without incident, but there are also elements of the production here. The groom sends matchmakers to the house of the girl he likes. Arriving at the bride's house, the matchmakers give gifts and start a conversation about whether the parents agree to marry their daughter. After that, "the groom sends cakes and fruits to the bride's house, purchases furniture, household utensils, gold jewelry and wedding clothes." After the wedding, the girl moves to her husband's house. And finally, an unusual rite - nyentana. The young man moves to the girl's house, after which it is believed that he belongs to the bride's family. This rite is resorted to only if the girl's parents do not have sons who could continue the family line. Moreover, the consent to the wedding should not be given by the parents of the bride, but by the parents of the groom.

Thus, the wedding ceremony in Bali is second only to the famous Brazilian carnival in popularity. Every year thousands of people from all over the world come to the island to perform a Balinese wedding ceremony. And this is not surprising, because a wedding in Bali is a "bright fireworks of emotions" that will remain in the memory for a lifetime. When the snow-white veil is replaced by a wreath of fresh, fragrant flowers, and the traditional church setting is replaced by the green of the tropical forests, a wedding in Bali turns into a real fairy tale. There is no place for gray days in Bali. There are many options for a wedding ceremony. And each of them carries a unique atmosphere of the Balinese holiday.

2.2 Development of a wedding tour "Wedding of Orchids" to the island of Bali

A wedding ceremony is the most striking event in the life of a young family, and its organization requires a careful choice of a venue. Bali island can become one of the exotic and amazing places. This is one of the most fashionable resorts and one of the most mystical islands, where centuries-old traditions of one of the most amazing and brightest cultures are alive. Bali Island belongs to the Malay Archipelago, and its shores are washed by the Indian and Pacific Oceans. High mountains, rainforests, endlessly long beaches and the ocean create the feeling that you are in the Garden of Eden, where your every desire will easily come true. For Balinese culture, the wedding ceremony is one of the most significant in the life of every person. A wedding is considered a new birth and everyone must go through it. Because of this importance, a traditional Balinese wedding combines deep meaning and a magnificent ceremony. Thanks to the Hollywood stars, who often host their weddings here, and the ancient and beautiful traditional wedding ceremony, Bali has become the wedding island that couples from all over the world aspire to.

As an author's tour, this work proposes a wedding tour "Wedding of Orchids". This is an old wedding ceremony that connects the Balinese and the Balik of royal blood. This tour provides an opportunity to plunge into the ancient culture of the island of Bali, and everyone who wants to register their marriage according to romantic and ancient traditions.

The duration of this tour is 6 days 5 nights. Within the framework of this tour, it is planned to hold a wedding ceremony on the 3rd day after arrival at the hotel.

The ceremony takes place in the royal palace, which creates a special, unlike any other mood. Just as, according to tradition, the ancient rulers traveled three times before the wedding, the newlyweds make a three-fold journey around the village in a gilded chariot, accompanied by their retinue. They then take oaths in a lavishly decorated temple, where the priest presents them with special ceremonial gifts. After that, the royalty themselves present the young people with wedding certificates and invite them to a festive dinner hosted in their honor. Traditional Balinese dances, classic Wayang shadow theater performances and the melodic sounds of the national gamelan orchestra make this day a truly unforgettable experience.

The cost of the wedding ceremony will be 202,222 rubles per couple.

The cost of the wedding ceremony includes:

- wedding gifts from the hotel;

- ceremony at the royal palace;

- decoration of the ceremony venue;

- bridal bouquet and groom's boutonniere;

- a bottle of champagne for the ceremony;

- one-tiered wedding cake;

- a waiter for a wedding ceremony;

- photo session (photographer works 6 hours);

- video filming while staying at the hotel;

- evening boat trip;

- preparation of the room for the wedding night, champagne in the room

- breakfast with champagne and fruits;

- wedding certificate;

- coordinator of the tourist group of the wedding process;

The wedding ceremony takes place entirely on the territory of the castle, the wedding coordinator controls the process of the wedding ceremony. After the celebration in the castle, the newlyweds will be offered an evening romantic boat trip. Upon completion, a marriage certificate will be awarded, as well as souvenir gifts from the hotel.

The tour price "Wedding of Orchids" includes:

- flight Moscow - Dnepasar (Bali island) - Moscow - 60,000 rubles. for a couple;

- Accommodation at Disini Luxury Spa Villa 5 * 6 days / 5 nights RUB 42,000 for a couple;

- medical insurance 37 rubles per person per day;

- work of a photographer 10,000 rubles for 6 hours;

- work of a waiter 5,000 rubles;

- work of the wedding tour coordinator 10,000 rubles.

- decoration of the castle, gifts from the hotel 5,000 rubles;

- bridal bouquet and boutonniere 2000 rubles;

- orchids for decoration 3000 rubles;

- one-tier cake 3,000 rubles;

- boat rental 10,000 rubles;

- 3 bottles of champagne 2,000 rubles;

- the cost of a wedding ceremony in the castle with a buffet table - 50,000 rubles.

The total cost of the wedding tour "Wedding of Orchids" with accommodation at the Disini Luxury Spa Villa (Dnepasar, Bali) will be:

60000+42000+222+10000+10000+5000+2000+3000+3000+10 000+2000+50000

202,222 rubles per pair.

Thus, the cost of the tour for one person will be: 101,111 rubles.


Tour operators have noted an increase in interest in outdoor celebrations. Wedding ceremonies abroad are especially popular. This is one of the promising industries in tourism. If until recently the choice of the place and time of the wedding was not great, today the newlyweds can go to celebrate the wedding ceremony in any corner of the world. Travel agencies will pick up any tour you like, with attractive cultural traditions.

A wedding tour is, first of all, an individual approach. A special route is developed for each couple, depending on their wishes. When choosing a hotel, a travel company pays special attention to making it romantic, small and cozy. Some hotels have special rooms for newlyweds.

Wedding ceremonies are subdivided into formal and informal. If the couple chooses an informal ceremony, then the wedding process will be only symbolic and have no legal force in their country. But this will not make the wedding less vivid and memorable. This is how you can celebrate your wedding honeymoon or any anniversary.

A honeymoon trip to Bali will be remembered as a bright event, because the island of Bali is one of the most fashionable resorts and one of the most mystical islands, where centuries-old traditions of one of the most amazing and brightest cultures are alive. For every Balyrian, a wedding is significant event in life, and is marked as the birth of a new and light. Despite the fact that in Bali it is possible to arrange only a symbolic ceremony for those wishing to register on exotic islands, this does not diminish. A huge selection of wedding traditions from a castle to an extreme plane trip will amaze newlyweds.

In conclusion, we can say that wedding tourism today occupies an important position in the field of world tourism. Competent work of tour operators and travel agencies allows newlyweds to travel around the world, choosing the most exotic, unusual places for the wedding ceremony.

Bibliographic list

1. Ozhegov, S. Dictionary of the Russian language [Text] / S. Ozhegov. - M .: Russian language, 1984 - 950 p.

2. Big encyclopedic dictionary: [Text] - SPb .: 2006 - 3000 p.

3. Balashov, D. M. Russian wedding [Text] / D.М. Balashov. - M .: Sovremennik, 1985 - 300 p.

4. Kvartalnov, V.A. Tourism [Text] / V.А. Quarterly. - M .: RMAT, 1996 - 340 p.

5. Birzhakov, M.B. Introduction to tourism [Text] / M.B. Birzhakov. - SPb .: Gerda, 2006 - 299 p.

6. Encyclopedia of rituals and customs: [Text] - SPb .: Respect, 1996 - 467 p.

7. Senin, V.S. Organization of international tourism [Text] / V.S. Senin. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2000 - 431 p.

8. Galkina, T.A. Italy [Text] / T.A. Galkin. - M .: Mysl, 1996 - 176 p.

9. Bognard-Levin, T. Ancient Indian civilization [Text] / T. Bongard-Levin. - M .: Agraf, 1993 - 256 p.

10. Avdeev, V. I. History of the Ancient East [Text] / V. I. Avdeev. - M .: Knowledge, 1948 - 250 p.

11. Zhukov, E.M. World history [Text] / Е.М. Zhukov. - M .: Mysl, 1977 - 534 p.

12. Gulyaev, V.G. Organization of tourist activities [Text] / VG Gulyaev. - M .: Noltj, 1996 - 210 p.

13. Gorelik, M. God at the wedding [Text] / M. Gorelik. - M .: Mysl, 2008 - 170 p.

14. Encyclopedia of etiquette: [Text] - M .: Astrel, 2000 - 198 p.

Electronic resources

1. Nemova, K. [Electronic resource] / K. Nemova. - Access mode: - Title From the screen


Technological map of the tourist route

Route name: Wedding tour "Wedding of Orchids" to the island of Bali.

The main points of the route: Moscow - Dnepasar (Bali Island) - Moscow.

The main indicators of the route

Route type: family

The duration of the route in calendar days: 6 days 5 nights

Number of tourists in a group: 2

Total tourists along the route: 2

Transportation costs, flight for two: 60,000 rubles.

Expenses for excursion services, boat rental: 10,000 rubles.

Duration of work of the coordinator of the tourist group: 6 days

The cost of a voucher (voucher) for a tourist group, for two: 202,222 rubles.

The cost of a voucher (voucher) for one person: 101,111 rubles.

Tour program "Orchid wedding" to the island of Bali.

First day

18:00 - arrival at the hotel Disini Luxury Spa Villa 5 *

19: 00-21: 00 - dinner at the hotel, rest

Second day

09: 00-10: 00 - breakfast

12:00 - sightseeing tour. Visit to the Taman Kupu Kupu butterfly park and temples.

17:00 - return to the hotel, walk along the beach

19: 00-21: 00 - dinner, rest at the hotel

The third day

09: 00-10: 30 - breakfast

12:00 - preparation for the wedding ceremony

17: 00-21: 00 - wedding ceremony at the castle

21:00 - evening romantic boat trip

23:00 - newlyweds are escorted to the room

Fourth day

11:00 - breakfast with champagne and fruits in the newlyweds' room

12:00 - 15:00 SPA treatments, aromatherapy massage.

15: 00-16: 00 - lunch

16:00 - 20:00 rest, free time

Avdeev V. History of the Ancient East. - M., 1948.S. 15.

Zhukov E. World history. - M., 1977.S. 78.

Gulyaev V.G. Organization of tourist activities. - M., 1996.S. 56.

Zhukov E. World history. - M., 1977.S.80.

Gorelik M. God at the wedding. - M., 2008.S. 170.

Introduction ……… ..3

Chapter 1. Experience in the development of wedding tourism abroad …… .5

1.2 Types of wedding tourism

Chapter 2. Wedding tourism in Russia

Wedding tourism in Russia

2.1 Potential destinations in Russia
2.2 Sociological Research on Wedding Tourism


List of used literature

Wedding tourism is a relevant topic, but little studied, which is why we decided to consider it. What could be more important in the life of every person, no matter how the beginning family life... A honeymoon trip is a great start to a family journey. This journey can be characterized not only as the desire of young people to somehow celebrate in a special way. significant event, but also their desire to be away from everyone and from everything to be alone, to feel like one.
Overseas honeymoon travel is more popular these days. Today's newlyweds choose not just romantic travel, but a wedding ceremony abroad. They go to Venice, Florence, Paris, Vienna and Prague to get married, and on exotic islands they become participants in unusual rituals and wedding ceremonies.
Three points can be distinguished in wedding tours: the first is a journey with official registration of marriage. This can be in Cyprus, Jamaica, some exotic islands and Las Vegas; the second point is the registration of marriage at home, and the wedding in one of the Orthodox churches in Europe. Most often, for these purposes, they choose the cathedrals of Paris, Rome, Venice or Czech cities. The third type of travel, when a wedding ceremony is arranged for the newlyweds in one of the cities of Europe or on an exotic peninsula. It has no legal force, it is just a wonderful festive and memorable ritual for young people and their guests. Most often, wedding tours are bought by Muscovites, since the level of their salaries is several orders of magnitude higher than in Russia as a whole.
Abroad, wedding tours are practiced with the conclusion of marriage in several geographic locations, combining this process with recreation, for example, the spouses can enter into an alliance in different states - even in unusual places, and even in unusual rituals. For example, in India, or in the air, in Texas or under water. Such tours are still little practiced in Russia, therefore they can become a promising direction in the development of wedding tourism. This topic is especially relevant on the eve of multiple friendly conclusions between countries. Borders are opening, which means that soon we will be able to offer people great opportunities.
The literature that we used in the course of writing the term paper was different. Among them are tutorials: Ilyina E.N. touring, which sets out the basics of touring, the principles of organizing tourist services, forming a sales network of a tour operator and promoting a tourist product. The issues of registration of tourist documentation of a tour operator, including visa support for those leaving Russia and entering the country, organizing the safety of tourists during travel, are considered; same way Kabushkina N.I.- tourism management, in which the features of tourism as a management object are considered, the system and structure of tourism management are presented. The functions, principles and methods of tourism management are revealed. The requirements for the personality of a travel agency manager are considered, and the characteristics of leadership styles and many others are given. Study guide A.V. Babkina - Special types of tourism, in which various approaches to the classification of tourist activities are considered in detail, the reasons and prerequisites for the emergence of certain types of tourism are analyzed, centers and regions of special types of tourism are described, practical examples of the formation of a tourist product for special types of tourism are given ... We also used Internet resources, namely a travel online , which presents various types of tourism, tours, a tourist guide, and travel news.

The purpose of this course work is to review and study the current state of wedding tourism. When writing a term paper, we set ourselves the following tasks:
- study the experience of foreign countries in the field of wedding tourism;
- to reveal the types of wedding tourism, to give basic concepts;
- to study possible destinations 1 of wedding tourism abroad;
- consider wedding tourism in Russia;
- to identify possible destinations in Russia;
- to conduct sociological research on the topic of wedding tourism.

Chapter 1. Experience in the development of wedding tourism abroad

1.1 Concept and fundamental classification of tourism
Considering tourism, in particular wedding tourism, we would like to give clear definitions to tourism, to consider the fundamental classification, as well as to understand the goals of tourism.
Let's define tourism. Tourism 2 - temporary departures (travel) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as citizens) from their permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary stay ... Distributed in most countries of the world, it is carried out, as a rule, by tourist organizations along tourist routes. Tourism, like any activity, pursues certain goals, namely: the main ones are entertainment, recreational and educational, the second in importance are the goals of medical and health improvement, followed by professional and business, guest and others.
Tourism in modern world manifests itself in different phenomena, connections and relationships, which determines the need for its classification, that is, grouping according to separate homogeneous characteristics, depending on certain practical goals. Within the framework of this topic, we will be interested in the functional classification of types of tourism, which is determined by the purpose of the trip.
In accordance with these features, the following main types of tourism are distinguished:
- recreational;
- health and wellness;
- informative;
- business;
- sports;
- ethnic;
- religious;
- transit;
- educational;
- event-driven.
The most common are recreational and educational tourism. Take a closer look at each type of tourism.
Recreational tourism is very diverse and can include spectacular entertainment programs, hunting, fishing, music and artistic creation, attending sports events as a spectator, etc.
Medical health tourism is due to the need for the treatment of various kinds of diseases and the recovery of the body after illnesses. Here you can talk about tours with an exclusively therapeutic purpose, for the treatment of any serious illnesses, rehabilitation after injuries, accidents, operations and health-improving tours, in order to maintain youth, beauty and health, relieve stress and fatigue.
Cognitive (excursion) tourism includes trips to get acquainted with natural and historical and cultural attractions, museums, theaters, traditions of peoples in the visited country. The trip can include both cognitive and recreational purposes at the same time.
Business tourism covers travel for business or professional purposes without generating income at the place of temporary residence. The WTO includes travel to this type of tourism to participate in congresses, scientific congresses and conferences, production meetings and seminars, fairs, exhibitions, salons, as well as for negotiations and conclusion of contracts, installation and commissioning of equipment. Business tourism includes: business travel, congress and exhibition tourism incentive tourism (incentive - incentive, motivation). Incentive tourism is a trip provided by the management of the company to its employees free of charge as a reward for good work. Incentive tours generally offer good quality all-inclusive service. The total share of business tourism is from 10 to 20% of the international tourist volume.
Sports tourism involves travel for sports events in certain countries and regions. It, in turn, can be subdivided into professional and amateur tourism. As "special types of tourism" we are interested in amateur tourism, which can be subdivided as follows: winter and summer, as well as water, air, desert and mountain sports.
Ethnic tourism aims at visiting the place of birth or origin of the family, as well as the place of residence of relatives and / or loved ones. This type of tourism is called nostalgie tour. This type of tourism is of priority importance for countries where large diasporas of people from other countries live. Tourists from Germany, for example, enjoy trips to the Volga region, and tourists from Finland - to the Karelian land, Lake Ladoga (about 500 thousand Finns were forced to leave these places during the hostilities of 1939-1945). Ethnic tourism is also widespread among the Chinese, whose diaspora numbers more than 60 million people.
Religious tourism is based on the religious needs of people of different faiths. Religious tourism can be called the oldest, its roots go back to time immemorial. It has two main types: pilgrim tourism (a spiritual pilgrimage should be separately distinguished) and religious tourism of excursion and educational orientation. Religious tourism in individual confessions has its own characteristics.
Event tourism is a relatively young and extremely interesting direction. The main purpose of the trip is timed to any event. Unique tours that combine traditional relaxation and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet are gradually gaining more and more popularity. Event tourism is an enduring holiday atmosphere, individual conditions for recreation and an unforgettable experience. The main feature of event tourism is a lot of bright and unique moments. This is a promising and dynamically developing type of tourism. It is precisely its kind that is wedding tourism. Wedding tourism is a type of tourism intended for potential newlyweds traveling for a wedding or honeymoon outside the area of ​​residence.
Thus, wedding tourism is also taking place now. If, until recently, a wedding could only be in the redistribution of our country, then you can go anywhere, you just have to choose a place. And the most important advantage of such a wedding is that unwanted guests will certainly not be disturbed there., a Agencies will take care of the ceremony.
Considering wedding tourism in more detail, we found out that it is heterogeneous, there are several varieties of this tourist destination, it is them that we will consider in the next paragraph
1.2 Types of wedding tourism
There are the following types of wedding tourism:
1.Official wedding ceremony abroad;
2.Symbolic wedding ceremony abroad;
3. Weddings abroad;
4. Honeymoon trip.
Let's consider each type of wedding tourism in more detail, and see what documents are required for the implementation of various wedding ceremonies.

Official wedding ceremony - carried out by an authorized person in the local municipality or outside, if permitted in the given country. A wedding in Italy or Cyprus necessarily involves an official wedding ceremony in the local city municipality, but a wedding in Cuba or on the island of Mauritius can take place anywhere - on the ocean shore, on the edge of a cliff or in the gazebo of the beautiful Garden of Eden on the territory of the hotel. In the Czech Republic, you can say vows both in the City Hall and in the beautiful medieval castle.. Countries in which it is proposed to hold a wedding ceremony: Cyprus, Barbados, Seychelles, Slovenia, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Greece, Cuba, Tahiti, Cheia, Jamaica, Fiji, Bahamas, Mauritius, Australia.
Before you embark on the most important journey of your life, you will need to collect a complete package of documents for registration of marriage. A specific country requires its own package of documents required to register a marriage. Here are some examples of the main documents for registering a marriage abroad:

    Russian passport - domestic and foreign;
    Birth certificate;
    Divorce certificate (if there was a divorce);
    Death certificate of the former spouse, in appropriate circumstances;
    Previous marriage certificate, if any;
    Certificate of change of name and surname, in appropriate circumstances;
    Parental consent for marriage (for persons under 18).
    In addition to these documents, various certificates may also be required - about
marital status, criminal record, mental health, permanent residence, marriage contract, etc.
Symbolic wedding abroad- each nation has its own wedding customs and traditions, designed to provide newlyweds with happiness and family well-being. They have evolved over the centuries and have been tested by more than one generation, so even in a modern wedding, there are elements of ancient rituals. For example, in Spain, it is customary to pour syrup on the bride as a sign of sweet family life. In Norway, the bride and groom on their wedding day are planted on both sides of the entrance to the house on a small Christmas tree to ensure a long and happy life, and in India, after the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are showered with flower petals.
One of the most beautiful and fantastic ceremonies is the Thai wedding ceremony, which is carried out according to ancient Thai traditions. The bride and groom, dressed in national snow-white - gold clothes and hats made of lotuses and orchids, to the sound of music, dress each other with luxurious garlands of jasmine flowers, light magic candles of happiness and drink a drink of love from a pineapple bowl.
The Polynesian wedding ceremony takes place on the beach, usually at sunset, when the beach, decorated with palm leaves and red orchids, is lit by huge torches. The dancers bring the bride, dressed in a traditional pareo, to the beach to the sound of music. The groom arrives on a pie, accompanied by men in national costumes. Traditionally, the head of the ceremony delivers a speech in incredibly gentle and melodious Tahitian and presents the newlyweds with a necklace of tiara flowers, which they exchange. After that, the newlyweds are issued a marriage certificate written on the bark of a palm tree. The newlyweds are covered with the traditional wedding bedspread Tifaifai and accompanied to the sound of songs to the bungalows, to the festive table on the beach or taken to the "motu" (uninhabited island), where champagne, fruits and flowers await them. Wedding taking place on Tahiti , Bali, Goa, Maldives or Thailand with observance of all the mysteries and ceremonies will fill your life with wonderful memories. You will be able to plunge into the romantic atmosphere of these exotic countries for a few days and take part in rituals that are designed to ensure you happiness, lasting relationships and eternal love.
Wedding abroad - the closest alliance ever made that two people can establish. Neither family nor friendship can create such a degree of intimacy between two people. Your wedding ceremony can take place in an Orthodox church Greece, Jerusalem, Cyprus or Italy ... Those wishing to get married must be baptized Orthodox Christians and be officially married.
Honeymoon trip Is a honeymoon trip, during which you get a great opportunity to visit new places and become even closer to each other. It is very important here to understand what your dreams you want to make come true during your honeymoon. First of all, you need to decide where you would like to go. Your best bet is to take a romantic getaway to places you haven't been before. In this case, it is necessary to decide whether you want to be alone away from civilization or see the world. You can start your honeymoon at a beach resort and end up with a city with its attractions, vibrant nightlife, to get the chance to first be alone for a while and then plunge into the atmosphere of entertainment.
During the wedding, people meet, fall in love, get married all over the world. Some peoples easily adopt the traditions of others. There is no reason that could prevent the newlyweds from making an unusual wedding gift, decorating the celebration with some crazy action borrowed from a distant wild tribe or so-so distant and very cultured. There is a choice, and for every taste.A wedding in white, in the registry office and with witnesses is not fashionable. Exotic weddings are gaining popularity in the world: so that the significant day will be remembered for a long time.
So, we propose to consider the top of the most unusual weddings in the world:
1st place. Happy Meal or Wedding Bean Burrito.
In a fast food restaurant, two couples got married, and which one will seem more interesting to you to decide. The first is the wedding of Tyree Henderson and Trisha Lynn Eistep. They got married at McDonald's because they met there 3 years ago. According to the bride, she could not imagine a more romantic wedding. Customers of the establishment were served the same as on ordinary days, the wedding, on the contrary, attracted their attention. the wedding of Pavel and Karag Brooks, who met via the Internet, also took place in a fast food restaurant, in the Taco Bell canteen. pink dress, especially for the celebration, the groom ordered an inscription on the bags with sauce, with the words: "Will you marry me?"
2nd place... On August 11, 2003, the first space wedding in the history of the planet took place. Commander of the International Space Station Yuri Malenchenko and Russian-American Ekaterina Dmitrieva combined. True, the newlyweds were separated by a serious distance - 380 thousand kilometers. The groom had to spend his wedding night in orbit. The newly-made wife, meanwhile, was on the ground - she gave interviews to journalists and posed for photographers along with the cardboard figure of her husband. During the teleconference with orbit, the cosmonaut vowed his love to his chosen one, authorizing to sign marriage contract your lawyer. Fortunately, the laws of the state of Texas allow marriages in the absence of one of the newlyweds. The parents of the space groom were offended, demanding a wedding from the newlyweds upon their return from the flight. But the American television crews were satisfied, to whom the enterprising bride sold the rights to broadcast the wedding ceremony.
3rd place. A couple from America got married literally on the plane: during the ceremony, the groom was tied to one wing of a single-engine aircraft, and the bride to the other. The priest was tied to the booth outside. After the priest shouted: "And now I declare you husband and wife," the newlyweds flew by for a few more minutes, after which they landed, kissed and exchanged rings.
4th place... Wedding on wheels. The Reverend Darrell turned a model fire truck into a mini chapel on wheels. The chapel has all the essentials for the wedding ceremony, like organ pipes, an altar for special occasions and a stained glass window. Accommodates then fiancee, groom, friend and bridesmaid and priest. It costs $ 200, plus an additional charge of $ 2 per mile.
5th place. Marriage in Hell. The cemetery is not a place for a wedding. Tina Milhoan and Robert Seifer's unique wedding was held at the cemetery. The groom was dressed as a horror hero and came out of the coffin to his bride. The bride was also dressed according to her role, in white with red splashes of blood. The guests were also dressed according to their horror film roles.
6th place. Underwater weddings. Under the water. Muscovites Maya and Alexey, after painting in the registry office, went straight to the Red Sea, where they were to get married under water. The bride was in a sky-blue wedding dress, her head was adorned with an elegant crown. The groom in a white shirt with a bow tie - everything is as it should be. This event was remembered by the friends of Maya and Alexei, who also attended the ceremony, not only for their eccentricity, but also for their charming romanticism. They even kissed underwater.
7th place. Nudist wedding .. In 2003, on Valentine's Day, the largest naked wedding took place in history. 29 couples made their vows at the Australian resort Runaway, St Ann.
8th place. Everest summit wedding. Two Nepalese got married on the summit of Mount Everest, which set a world record.
9th place. Landfill wedding. The American couple decided to choose an unromantic garbage dump as the place of their marriage. The young people explained to the surprised guests such an original decision by the fact that it was there that they first met.
10th place. With the dolphin Sandy. 41-year-old Sharon Tandler, a millionaire from London, married the chosen one of her heart, 35-year-old Sandy, to whom she gave her last name. Sandy is a resident of Eilat, lives on the reef and spends all the time in the water because he is a dolphin. Sharon met him 15 years ago when she came to diving, and since then she has come several times a year to spend time with Sandy in the water. Finally, the millionaire turned to the reef management with an unusual request: to allow her to marry Sandy. The head of the reef got a taste of the idea. Hundreds of visitors witnessed the unusual action when Sharon, all in white, after the ceremony, right in her dress, went into the water to her husband. She does not consider herself a pervert and is now very happy.
Photos from weddings will be shown in Appendix 1.
Thus, there are a lot of options for a wedding celebration, from the most ordinary wedding in McDonald's to a "wedding in hell". Such a day, indeed, will become an unforgettable and unusual day in life, both for the newlyweds and their guests. More and more unusual wedding ceremonies are preferred to ordinary weddings, but still adherents of traditional weddings remain, and in the next paragraph, we will consider possible destinations abroad for various wedding ceremonies.
1.3 Possible destinations for weddings abroad
Many future spouses were faced with the problem of choice: to organize a gorgeous wedding or prefer a honeymoon somewhere in Venice. It all depends on the imagination of the spouses: a wedding ceremony in an Irish castle or Venetian palazzo, in a Gothic cathedral or a royal palace on the island of Bali, on the ocean coast or surrounded by majestic pyramids. It should be noted that the organization of such a wedding does not require any exorbitant means. It’s hard to believe, but in fact, such an exotic wedding can cost even less than a wedding at home. This wedding has its own merits and demerits. Consider the merits. There are so many places in the world that seem to be specially created for a wedding that it is just right to draw a special map of the world for the newlyweds.
The right to be called "the city of love", no doubt, belongs to Paris - here romance is in the air, from which the hearts of lovers first freeze, and then begin to beat twice as often. In Venice, the city of Casanova and Othello, the wedding can be played in the old palazzo Zenobio - the future spouses are brought to the palace on two gondolas, and the solemn ceremony is led by a noble lord in a doge's costume. In Verona, there is Juliet's house, in Prague - the famous Charles Bridge, which is also called the bridge for kissing, aristocratic Vienna - the cradle of the wedding waltz. In Cyprus and Greece, newlyweds can get married near the stone of Aphrodite, in Las Vegas - to arrange an unforgettable fun party, in Bali, you can hold a wedding ceremony in the royal palace, as well as visit the safari park and arrange an elephant trek. Newlyweds here don traditional Balinese outfits and the whole village is happy to participate in the celebration.
In Polynesia, future spouses are brought to the wedding site by canoe or carried in a palanquin, on the shoulders of warriors in full war paint, and the village headman presides over the ceremony. In Thailand, three Buddhist monks offer prayer for the happy life of newlyweds, and the newlyweds themselves must plant a Tree of Love on this solemn day. In Mauritius, the Seychelles and the Maldives, exotic underwater wedding ceremonies are very popular; on the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico), you can marry according to the ancient customs of the Mayan tribe; in South Africa, future spouses can take the oath of marital fidelity on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, next to whales and penguins. If desired, the newlyweds can go on a honeymoon trip around the world - each time, getting into new country, you will follow the national wedding customs.
The advantage of such a wedding abroad is also the fact that all the worries about organizing it are taken over by a travel agency, so such an undertaking may end up costing less than a "regular" wedding in Russia.
Overseas weddings also have their drawbacks, which can outweigh all the pros. First of all, the spouses will not have the opportunity to see a large number of guests at their exotic wedding. Even bringing witnesses to the Seychelles, for example, is already quite expensive.
It should also be noted that a wedding abroad has additional difficulties in terms of organization, this is primarily due to the preparation of the necessary documents. But if you wish, you can eliminate this problem: sign "unceremoniously" in any Russian registry office (if you do not take into account the filing of an application, the marriage procedure takes 15-20 minutes and costs very little), and then organize an official celebration abroad.
In addition, the newlyweds are unlikely to want to take everything they need for the wedding. This means that wedding dresses and shoes, a hairdresser and make-up artist, a limousine, a bouquet, a cake and other little things will need to be chosen abroad (as a rule, newlyweds take only rings with them on a trip, sometimes the bride's wedding dress and the groom's suit). Of course, a travel agency is in charge of such matters, but in the end the newlyweds have to agree with the decisions they make, taking them as fact. They will not have the opportunity to choose the bouquet they like or experiment with the hairstyle themselves - no rehearsals are provided in this case.
In addition, there is a problem with photographing and filming a wedding. But this is the most important thing, it will be the only reminder of the solemn event. It often happens that after a wonderful wedding, for example, in Venice or Cyprus, poorly taken photos and videos remain. The only solution is to have a familiar master of photography and video shooting with you, but it comes at a cost.
Marriages abroad can be formal or informal. When a marriage is officially concluded, the marriage certificate you receive will be valid both in Russia and in other countries. Such ceremonies, as a rule, are held in official institutions (town hall, city magistrate, city hall), but in some countries it is possible to order a ceremony "on the road" (in a palace, palazzo, in the hotel garden, on the shore, on a yacht, anywhere). Orthodox churches in any corner of the world allow you to arrange a wedding, which is also recognized as absolutely legal and in its power is no different from a wedding in your homeland.

With the advent of wedding tourism in scientific circles abroad, a lot of controversy arose as to which of the types of tourism it should be attributed to. Some argued that it is close to the youth type of tourism, others to event tourism, and still others to family tourism. The result of the dispute was the decision of the World Tourism Organization to declare honeymoon travel an independent type of tourism.

Unfortunately, in the Russian literature on the tourism business, in the various proposed classifications honeymoon travel is not presented as an independent type of tourism. Even the definition of "wedding tourism" is extremely difficult to find, not to mention what types of honeymoon travel exist today.

Only in the classification of types of tourism compiled on the basis of the materials of the Russian Trade and Economic Dictionary, presented on the tourist portal dedicated to tourism in Russia (, you can find the definition according to which wedding tourism - a type of tourism designed for newlyweds.

Based on the above, we can conclude that a wedding tour is a trip designed for newlyweds, taking place according to a certain wedding scenario at a certain time with a certain range of services (transportation, hotel accommodation, wedding ceremony - official or symbolic, transfer, meals), as well as with providing additional services at the request of customers. A wedding tour involves a completely individual approach. For each couple, a special route is developed, depending on their wishes, the hotel is carefully selected.

As you know, the main goals of tourism are: entertainment (attractive), recreational and educational. Travel for entertainment and recreation forms the basis of international tourist exchange. They account for about 70% of world tourism. They combine recreational, educational, amateur sports trips.

Depending on the type, honeymoon travel involves the achievement of all of the above goals.

However, wedding tourism has its own special goal - to create a new or strengthen an existing family.

It follows from this that wedding tourism is socially significant and has an important impact on the demographic situation in the country.

Wedding tourism can be classified according to different criteria:

ü according to funding sources honeymoon travel is a commercial type of tourism;

ü by age structure of participants - intended for both young people and people of middle and mature age;

ü wedding tourism uses all types of tourist resources: bathing-beach, medical, ecological, mountain, water and others;

ü honeymoon tourism can be called year-round, since depending on a particular season, you can choose the best country for the time of the year in which the honeymoon trip took place;

ü according to the duration, honeymoon trips can be classified as: short-term, medium-term and weekend itinerary (an average trip lasts from 2 to 14 days);

ü by the method of accommodation - mainly of the hotel type;

ü all types of vehicles can be used in honeymoon travel: automobile, air, railway, motor ship, with the involvement of exotic vehicles ( Balloon);

ü by the number of participants - it can be individual, designed only for a couple, and it can also be a group, if not only newlyweds, but also guests with relatives (for example, during a wedding) are sent on a wedding tour;

ü by the way of organization: organized, unorganized, etc.

All types and forms of wedding tourism are based on the key concept of honeymoon travel - an important component of any wedding ceremony. A honeymoon trip, or in other words, a honeymoon, without exaggeration, is the most memorable moment in family life. They are waiting for him, preparing for him, dreaming about him. After all, this is one of the most ancient wedding traditions.

Wedding tourism is a fairly new phenomenon on the Russian tourism market. The European and Western market for honeymoon travel began to develop especially actively since the mid-1970s, just in the post-war period, when barriers to movement of people were removed or reduced, and marriages, including international ones, began to be concluded in unusual places and ways. for example, skydiving, scuba diving, on board a yacht or plane, on islands or mountain peaks.

The history of the development of wedding tourism in Rossini is completely different. In times Soviet Union the concept of "tourism" had a slightly different meaning than in the modern world. There was no talk at all about special wedding tours. There were several ways to purchase the cherished vouchers: get them through the trade union of your organization, get them from an acquaintance, or buy them at a travel agency. However, such bureaus were few. Even hotel rooms could not be booked. And, of course, there was no question of any additional complex of services for newlyweds. In those distant times, there was no concept of "tour package" yet. But no one objected, because it was considered a great happiness to leave the country. The most luxurious honeymoon trip in those days was considered a trip to Bulgaria. In most cases, newlyweds-Komsomol members went to the domestic south - they went to sanatoriums and boarding houses, most often they went "savages": they rented housing, or even just settled in tents. Guaranteed on such a trip were breakfasts, lunches and dinners in the dining room, evening dances and excursions, at least - an ear on the fire, a morning shower in the sea or river and hiking tours to the sights.

Today the situation has changed radically. Now, perhaps, every second Russian knows who is a tour operator and who is a travel agent. The modern tourist market, like a smartly laid table, is full of all kinds of offers and temptations.

Today, honeymoon, like love, has no boundaries. Special tours are created for newlyweds, special hotel rooms are booked and an unusually romantic atmosphere is created. Now, thanks to the developed tourism industry, almost the whole world is open for newlyweds, and everything depends only on their desires and fantasies. They can say their vows in an old European castle, on a cliff with a stunning view of the volcano, during a colorful Buddhist ceremony or under the rustle of ocean waves on the seashore. The fairy tale begins at the plane's ladder in the home country, and then everything can develop according to the scenario agreed in advance with the tour operator. A plane for two, a suite with a jacuzzi and rose petals, a luxury limousine, a candlelit dinner on a yacht, a personal guide and so on.

Kizhentseva Yulia Sergeevna

Faculty of Service, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia,

Abstract: The article is devoted to a new type of tourist services - the organization of wedding tours. A detailed classification of wedding tours is given, the main characteristics of wedding tours are given.

Keywords: wedding, wedding tour, tourist product, honeymoon trip

Organization of wedding tours as new type of tourist service

Kizhentseva Yuliya Sergeevna

Faculty Service, Saint-Petersburg State University of economics, St. Petersburg, Russia

Keywords: wedding, wedding tour, tourist "s product, honeymoon trip

A bright event in a person's life is a wedding. It is for this reason that great attention has always been paid to such aspects of the wedding as weddings, wedding ceremonies and honeymoon travel. Over the centuries, each nation has developed certain wedding traditions that affect each person in one way or another.

In order to properly organize and conduct a wedding, in addition to a careful approach, a lot of effort and time is needed. As a rule, not only the future newlyweds themselves, but also their parents and witnesses are involved in the preparation of the celebration and the choice of the route of the honeymoon. This means the appearance of albeit pleasant, but laborious additional work. Not everyone is able to cope with it, since it is necessary to take into account various trifles, and an irresponsible approach to organizing such a level of celebration as a wedding is impossible.

Such factors as the place chosen for the celebration and the planned route of the honeymoon trip of the newlyweds have a great influence on the success of the wedding. For example, organizing and conducting wedding celebration not in the assembly hall of a local school, but in one of the ancient castles of France or on the beach of the Gulf of Mexico, it can give the event its due status, make it colorful and memorable.

More and more people are striving to make their weddings bright, memorable and original. This circumstance led to the emergence of a new type of tourist product in travel agencies - the organization of wedding tours, which have gained particular popularity in last years: qualified personnel is able to take into account the most varied wishes of customers, organize all events at a high level. Thus, the newlyweds had the opportunity to hold their own holiday, which will be remembered for a long time and about which later it will be possible with pleasure and pride to tell children, grandchildren and friends.

Previously, when wedding ceremonies were carried out only in the country of residence of the newlyweds, the wedding tour meant only a honeymoon trip. However, at present, a wedding ceremony is possible anywhere in the world without any problems. Thus, the difference between a wedding tour and a regular honeymoon trip is the place where the very act of marriage takes place, which is often carried out in the country where the newlyweds went.

The main difference between a wedding tour is, first of all, in the presence of an individual program, as well as in the harmonious adjustment of everything that happens to the wave of feelings of the newlyweds. For these reasons, wedding tours, as a rule, include accommodation in the best hotels, romantic dinners, organizing various cruises, and yacht trips. Newlyweds are greeted everywhere with pleasant little things: flowers and champagne, a fruit basket, a limousine for excursions, surprises and compliments, and breakfast must be served in the room. All this can be accompanied by photography or video filming.

The main condition for organizing wedding tours is the ability to fulfill all the wishes of the newlyweds. It is necessary to discuss in advance the desired atmosphere of the holiday, which can be crowded (for example, a carnival) or secluded, giving the newlyweds the opportunity to enjoy each other. It is also necessary to outline the theme of the wedding in advance - depending on this, hotels and places of rest will be selected, the interior will be decorated. Travel agencies currently provide ample opportunities: you can purchase a ready-made or organize an individual wedding tour. When choosing a wedding tour option, a professional helps, so the newlyweds are relieved of the need to puzzle over the problems associated with the organization of the tour, the solution of which is dealt with by the travel agency. These are the positive aspects of wedding tourism for consumers.

The duration of the wedding tour can be from 2-3 days to 2 weeks, and its cost depends on the country chosen by the newlyweds for the wedding, as well as on their individual wishes.

Classification of wedding tours:

1.By the form of organization- consisting (at the choice of the newlyweds) of such elements as a wedding ceremony, a wedding ceremony, a symbolic ceremony, a honeymoon trip. It is possible to organize only a honeymoon trip in the absence of a wedding ceremony, or to organize a honeymoon tour, which includes both a wedding ceremony and a honeymoon trip.

A wedding ceremony by its nature can be formal or informal (symbolic). In a number of countries, formal marriage is possible. Sometimes, if the newlyweds want to take part in rituals and traditions in the most unusual corners of the planet, an informal wedding ceremony is possible. However, according to statistics, most Russians prefer registering their relationship in Russia and honeymooning in other countries.

2.By type of tourism wedding tours can be:

Including only beach holidays. As a rule, this is a vacation abroad. There are a great many options for such tours, for example, a wedding ceremony in the Bahamas;

Urban. Most often it is excursion tours(for example, in European cities or in cities of Russia);

Including recreation in the mountains or at various mountain resorts;

Mixed, combining, for example, beach and sightseeing holidays;

Extreme. The venues for the wedding ceremony can be very diverse: on the top of a mountain, on the seabed, in the desert, in a parachute flight.

3.According to the duration of the trip:

Short-term (weekend); the duration of the rest is 2-3 days, most often the weekend;

Multi-day; the duration of the wedding tour is 3 days or more.

4.At the distance from the place of residence:

Foreign tours. When organizing such tours, it is supposed to provide additional services and legal support;

Domestic tours, which can be divided into suburban vacations (about 100 km, duration 1-2 days), local tours (up to 300 km in the territory of their region) and long-distance tours (a multi-day trip over long distances across the country).

So, the following differences can be distinguished between wedding and regular tours:

The presence or absence of a wedding or wedding ceremony during the tour (this element is optional);

Accommodation during the wedding tour is special rooms for newlyweds;

Special decoration of the newlyweds' room;

The wedding tour involves a special decoration of tables and cortege;

Conducting a photo session for the newlyweds;

As additional services, special excursion programs can be offered, organizing a bachelor or bachelorette party, renting or buying a wedding dress, wedding rings, bridal bouquet, preparation of a wedding cake, holding fireworks, launching doves, performing hair and makeup for the bride, organizing and conducting a festive dinner, providing a festive cortege, developing an entertainment program.

The formation of a wedding tour is carried out in the same way as any tourist product. A wedding tour (like a regular one) is a complex service package, consisting of several elements:

A set of components of material support, such as the necessary conditions for accommodation, stay and residence;

A set of maintenance components or service support.

The package may include meeting participants at the terminal and seeing them off, registering at the hotel, meals according to the regime chosen by the participant when ordering the tour, excursions and leisure activities, as well as transfers upon arrival and departure of tourists along agreed routes.

Unfortunately, the number of travel agencies organizing wedding tours is small in the Russian market. However, a diversified travel company must have at least one manager specializing in this area. If a wedding tour is conducted with the organization of a ceremony, then cooperation with companies such as wedding agencies, event agencies, catering companies and private wedding organizers offering their services will be important.

Thus, wedding tourism is one of the types of event tourism, which is a relatively young and interesting destination. Wedding tourism is aimed at potential newlyweds traveling for a wedding or honeymoon outside the area of ​​residence.


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