
Rules and principles of brainstorming. Brainstorming - what is it? An operational method for solving a problem. How many people are participating


Conducting brainstorming. Receptions. Efficiency. Practical recommendations. brainstorming online (10+)

Brainstorming - a method to overcome impasses

The brainstorming method is based on the fact that a person often thinks associatively. During the brainstorming process, participants express their associations and ideas. The expressed ideas cause associations in other participants. Those, in turn, express ideas. This process can lead to really valuable ideas and suggestions. I had to participate and conduct several brainstorming sessions. The effectiveness of this process varies. Sometimes it turns out to solve a complex problem, sometimes time is wasted. In any case, if the task is important, and the process of solving it has reached a dead end, then it makes sense to try brainstorming - we lose nothing, except for some amount of working time.

Stages of brainstorming

Any brainstorming consists of several stages. All of them are required to get the desired result. If you neglect at least one of them, most likely, brainstorming will turn into a waste of time.

Preparation. Clear statement of purpose. Bringing the goal in a form understandable to all to all participants. This can be done at the beginning of the assault, or some time before the participants can think about the issue.

Generation of ideas. Participants express their ideas. All ideas are recorded in the minutes. In addition, it is useful to keep an audio recording of this stage. At this stage, it is important to ensure:

  • Involvement of all participants, so that everyone makes suggestions.
  • Order. So that all proposals are expressed in turn, clearly, in an understandable form suitable for entering into the minutes.

If the brainstorming is carried out face-to-face, then the duration of the idea generation stage should be determined as 1-2 hours, this is optimal for the participants to get involved, but not yet become obsessed. In virtual brainstorming, idea generation can take days or weeks. There are ongoing online brainstorming sessions where ideas are received and processed continuously.

In one of our rocket and space research institutes, a special magazine was opened, divided by topic. All employees wrote down their thoughts and ideas there. This magazine was regularly reviewed for valuable suggestions. The mechanism has shown its effectiveness. Here is such an antediluvian continuously operating online brainstorming.

Treatment. The brainstorming facilitator makes a list of ideas expressed in a readable way.

constriction. Selection of the most interesting ideas.

Discussion of selected ideas.

Two approaches to narrowing

The assault can occur in several scenarios.

First option. collective contraction. In this option, the choice of the most interesting ideas is carried out by voting of all participants. Usually used if all participants are experts in the area under discussion. Everyone also participates in the discussion of the selected ideas. Second option. The narrowing is carried out by experts. This option is used when the expert group is at an impasse. A variety of employees can participate in brainstorming, even without the necessary special knowledge. Their ideas and associations, although they cannot give a solution, can lead experts to the necessary thoughts. Brainstorming is designed to sketch out ideas for the expert group on where to go next. Experts decide what to do with the received ideas. Their task is to find ways out of the impasse in the information received. The discussion of the selected ideas takes place within the expert group.

Basic Rule

At the idea generation stage, proposals are not discussed. You can express any sentences that come to mind, including those caused by associations with previous sentences or additions to previous sentences. But it is impossible to criticize and discuss the proposals made.

Note! Brainstorming (including virtual) must necessarily have a leader or leaders, those who organize it, notify participants, conduct it, collect ideas, and keep minutes. Like any business, brainstorming succeeds if there is a person personally responsible for its implementation.

Don't overuse brainstorming. They are useful occasionally, in difficult situations, in conditions when specific steps are taken as a result of them, and goals are achieved. If you constantly carry out assaults and do not use their results in any way, they will turn into absorbers of working time.

Conduct online brainstorming

Conduct online brainstorming. Many brainstorming experts argue that the process is effective only when the participants are in person. From my own experience, I can say that often virtual brainstorming sessions (such as a forum where a question is formulated, and participants contribute their own ideas and remarks) turn out to be even more effective than real ones. There are several reasons for this. Firstly participants have some time to consider their proposals. Some people think much better sitting at a computer than in the company of colleagues. Secondly, all ideas and proposals by definition remain recorded. Third, the participants do not interfere with each other, do not interrupt, do not distract, and at the same time, the idea of ​​each immediately becomes the property of all. Fourth, virtual brainstorming usually requires far fewer resources for its organization. Fifth, virtual brainstorming results are much easier to process.

But everything that has been said about the effectiveness of virtual brainstorming is true if the rules of the storm are followed in the virtual, in particular, there is no discussion of proposals.

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As a tool for virtual brainstorming, I recommend the sococo virtual office. It is easy to gather people there for it and watch them. There is a personal and group chat for expressing ideas without disturbing the speaker. And there are several screens for displaying images and documents on the topic.
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The brainstorming method (brainstorm, brainstorming) is one of the most effective methods in the absence of fresh and unhackneyed solutions. It helps to find original ideas and use the resource of the team to the maximum.

The essence of brainstorming (brainstorming) is a creative dispute between specialists regarding a specific problem. Personal contact and consideration of the problem from different points of view helps to find fresh ideas. Traditionally, two groups of specialists are needed to apply the method. The first group puts forward ideas, the second analyzes them. Also common is the method of applying the method, in which both the presentation of ideas and their analysis are carried out by the same group.

Fundamental Rules of the Brainstorming Method

One of the main principles of using the brainstorming method is the principle of diversity of involved experts. Differences between involved participants allows you to bring those very different points of view on the problem, which are necessary to find a solution. Brainstorming in its "pure form" involves the involvement of people from different professions. However, in large companies, employees of the same department (department / division) are usually involved in the attack, who are engaged in different areas of work. Good results are also shown by the involvement of 1-2 members of the group, who are absolutely not oriented in the issue under consideration (they have only a general idea).
Studies have shown that the effectiveness of the method is significantly reduced if there is one strongest member in the group, which dominates. The authority of the leader directly affects the position of other members of the group and reduces the number of abstracts received.
General rules for brainstorming:
  • supporting the expressed thoughts of other group members
  • generating as many ideas as possible
  • headline writing
  • illustration
  • big thinking
  • slow decision making
The principle of writing headlines provides for the expression of the concept in a maximum of 6 words. This makes it possible to make thought "concentrated", easily applied. Illustrating ideas helps to express their essence (sometimes a drawing does a better job than words). Please note that illustrating and writing titles is not mandatory for all solutions.

Stages of brainstorming

There are two main stages of brainstorming:

  • generation of ideas
  • practical analysis
The main task of the first stage is to collect as many options for solving the problem as possible. All ideas are displayed on special cards (records are taken directly by the participants or a special member of the group). At the second stage, the cards are sorted and analyzed by the group. Also, during the presentation of ideas, an audio recording can be made, which in the second stage is listened to and analyzed. The result of brainstorming is the transfer of ideas to responsible employees for their implementation.
Important. The result of the brainstorming should necessarily be embodied in the so-called prototype. Delaying the creation of a prototype can lead to the loss of relevance of the received ideas.

Examples of good brainstorming

The use of brainstorming depends directly on the size of the group that needs to hold a meeting and the ultimate goal. The group must necessarily include specialists who are familiar with the technique of holding such a meeting.
If we talk about the brainstorming method, an example of its correct application may look like this in stages:

  • formation of a problem (task/need to find a solution)
  • formation of lists of group members
  • distribution of the short content of the meeting and the task set to all participants (distribution of the "brief")
  • preparation of consumables (chalk, board, sheets of paper, stickers)
  • appointment of a leader
  • appointment of a secretary (if the method of fixing ideas is chosen by the secretary)
  • determination of the duration of the first stage
  • formulation of the problem
  • fixing ideas
  • transfer of ideas to the second group for processing
  • highlighting the best ideas
  • formation of a "prototype"
Such a rough plan helps the participants to be ready for the meeting (and, therefore, more effective) and make it as effective as possible. The moderator (leader) of the meeting is obliged to delicately supervise the process. In practice, a situation is possible in which employees who are lower in rank or position do not express thoughts in the presence of the director. In this case, the moderator should carefully involve all participants.

How to choose questions for discussion: are templates needed?

Brainstorming questions should be formed by its organizer before the start. An indicative list must be sent to the participants of the meeting in advance (for preparation). However, it must be remembered that the essence of technology is in the free flow of thoughts. Therefore, the plan and questions should be approximate.

Excursion to the method of reverse brainstorming

Reverse brainstorming involves the process of identifying flaws in a process or item. Reverse brainstorming provides an answer not to the question “What to do?”, but to the question “What should not be done?”. The application of this technology is as effective as a conventional brainstorm.

How to Brainstorm a Video

Video tutorials on brainstorming meetings can be found on many educational resources. Of particular interest to fans of this technique are examples induced by Google employees. Some business coaches consider brainstorming to be ineffective due to the possible drift of thoughts in a different direction. However, to find a solution in a complex situation, the technique can be quite effective.

The development of the company's innovation strategy and the implementation of local innovation projects are associated with regular management research and problems that arise at almost every stage of these processes. Decision-making from the position of problem-oriented thinking requires management to involve special forms of teamwork. Brainstorming (MS) is one of the most effective means of creative group activity, which is very suitable for innovation.

The emergence and development of the method

Like any popular technique, the practice of brainstorming or brainstorming has acquired a number of legends and myths. One of these stories says that even in the days of the ancient Norman Vikings, there was a tradition to gather with the whole team in the center of the boat in order to quickly find a way out of a critical situation and express their ideas in a circle. Each of the warriors, starting with the youngest and ending with the leader, in turn shouted out a vision of the decision, and the helmsman summed up and made a choice. It seems that such a "bicycle was invented" in every generation and in every nation, because its rules fit into the logic of ordinary common sense in managing people.

With the development of management as a scientific methodology, many management tools began to be assigned to the authors in modified interpretations. This was especially evident in the American scientific creativity of the last century. The brainstorming method is a vivid metaphorical name for a tool for the collective activation of creative thinking, which the journalist, writer and manager Alex Osborne introduced into the business culture of the West in the 40s and 50s. The name of the technique "brainstorming" (Brainstorming), became popular first in America, then in Europe. By the way, this method of collective generation of ideas was widely used in research institutes, design bureaus of the USSR, but it was more often called the brainstorming method.

The rules of brainstorming in the Soviet years were somewhat different from modern ones. However, the pace of life in scientific institutions, especially during the period of stagnation, was lower. By the will of fate, in the 80s, I attended one of these events held at the design bureau of the branch institute in the field of mechanical engineering. Two competing departments worked on related design tasks. In one of the key projects, a technical problem arose that the development team could not cope with. At the Technical Council of the Design Bureau, it was proposed to hold a combined seminar on the topic “Increasing the speed of development of the L node while improving the quality of the output parameters of the M unit”. Brainstorming was chosen as the form of the seminar.

It must be admitted that the best leaders of the Soviet formation were well versed in the intricacies of managerial psychology and even sometimes pedagogy. And it was the socio-psychological patterns of business communications that played (and still play) a key role in increasing creativity at meetings. At that moment, the ISU was appointed to brainstorm on a problematic topic. He gave priority attention to the goals and objectives of the event. After their successful formulation, the composition of the seminar participants was carefully discussed and selected with the head of the personnel department.

The methodology of the event involved the formation of two groups: the generation of ideas and their selection. The first included experienced and young designers, technologists from both departments (numbering - 10 participants), the second was appointed by order of three members of the scientific and technical council and two deputy heads of the institute. At the appointed time, members of the generation group were invited to the seminar. A report was made by one of the leading designers on the course of the R&D and the difficulties that arose. Then the GIP took the floor. Very accessible and calm, he stated that now the colleagues have to express their thoughts on what solution will speed up the design without losing the quality of the product. Any kind of criticism was tabooed.

At the next stage, a discussion began without criticism, which lasted one hour. They spoke at random, all expressed ideas were recorded by the secretary. They appointed a five-minute smoke break, during which the discussion became more acute, the activity of informal leaders of the team increased, and a dispute arose. Gradually, the discussion moved to the design room. The ISU gently but firmly guided the speakers, recalling the key issue, purpose and objectives of the workshop. So another 30 minutes of brainstorming passed. In total, about 40 proposals were generated, they were placed on the leader's table in an anonymous list. The ISU summed up the workshop and thanked those present for their participation.

A day later, the idea evaluation group met. The brainstorming continued into a new phase, much calmer than the previous phase. The members of the group came already prepared with notes in the margins of the lists provided to them in advance. One of the deputy directors made a proposal on the criteria for selecting ideas, and the controversy first revolved around this issue. When it was settled, the discussion and voting proceeded quickly and productively. What caught your attention at that moment? There was a feeling that the procedure was lengthy and too slow, but the result was very good, and the solution was effective.

Principles and rules of brainstorming

Over the past decades, not only the system has changed in Russia, but also the managerial culture. The pace of business events has skyrocketed, national productivity has declined, business culture has become far more diverse. Communication technologies have developed significantly, but the quality of contacts has also deteriorated. The responsibility of those who solve problems has become, in principle, lower, creativity has shifted to the area of ​​personal interests to the detriment of the interests of the case. Therefore, there is a feeling that the quality of the solutions developed in the 70-80s was higher not only in our country, but also in the West. However, there is one interesting “BUT”: the sophistication and effectiveness of such a method as brainstorming has become almost flawless!

The reason lies in the general complication of doing business, an increase in the number of risk factors, in the globalization of activities and the openness of the economy. This trend is objective and inevitable, especially in the face of an innovative challenge and multiple intensification of competition in international markets. Brainstorming is widespread in management, but its potential is far from being exhausted in the innovation-type economy, since problem areas are only becoming more numerous. Forecasting and setting an innovative task, assessment, ranking and risk management, research and development, functional transitions to commercialization and process cycles - all this only increases the number of application of the method.

For the purposes of the topic under consideration, we will agree to understand a discussion as a public discussion of a problem related to innovation, which allows or prohibits a dispute between participants based on the argumentation of the stated thesis-judgment. The rules of brainstorming allow a discussion form in which the dispute is reduced to nothing, since in a dispute it is very difficult not to fall into criticism when opposing, which is unacceptable for this technique. Criticism is a key stupor of creativity in collective creative activity.

The goal of brainstorming is to get a non-trivial result of solving a problem by separating the stages of generating and selecting ideas. The task of the first stage is to obtain the maximum number of proposals without their filtering and critical analysis for "wildness", absurdity, inadequacy, impracticability, etc. The result of the screening phase is ideas that have been formulated and are ready to move on to the planning phase. The principles of organizing and conducting brainstorming are as follows.

  1. Changing the usual environment, the offsite nature of the event for the purposes of performance.
  2. The principle of a special energy (psycho-emotional) mood of the presenter and participants.
  3. Search for the interactive effect of "cross-pollination", when previous speeches encourage a new expression of position.
  4. Seeking ideas, not making plans.
  5. The principle of priority of quantity over the quality of ideas.
  6. The principle of rejection of subjective evaluation at the stage of generating ideas.
  7. The principle of suppressing polemics on the part of opponents of any type.
  8. The principle of focusing on the problem and topic of discussion.
  9. The principle of equidistance of the leader from the participants in both groups.

The rules for brainstorming at the stage of generating ideas are as follows:

  • imposing a taboo on criticism of sentences in any form (verbal and non-verbal);
  • creating internal states and a special atmosphere with a little positive attitude;
  • the rule of arrangement of participants in a circle with a common visual contact;
  • the facilitator and assistant stay together near the board or flipchart;
  • protecting the event from organizational failures, ensuring its smoothness;
  • encouragement of expressed judgments and ideas, especially of the nature of insight, fantasy and creativity, expressed in a short form;
  • holding a stage with the support of freedom of association and creativity;
  • limitation of the time regulation to 1 astronomical hour;
  • the rule for completing the assault on a positive attitude and on the rise;
  • announcement of a break in case of a decrease in the activity of participants.

Method application algorithm

The idea generation stage is based on the rules described in the previous section. But before this stage, there are still a lot of tasks that the task manager and the moderator appointed responsible for the meeting must complete. The main stages of brainstorming are preceded by a large preparatory work of the so-called zero stage, its sequence consists of actions:

  • formulating the key problem that the brainstorm is designed to solve;
  • setting goals for the generating group meeting;
  • selection and selection of a candidate for the role of the moderator of the meeting;
  • setting and accepting the task of brainstorming;
  • correction of the task in the course of its development at the stage of selecting ideas;
  • selection of participants in the idea generation group;
  • selection of analysts in the group for evaluating and formalizing ideas;
  • selection of participants in the group for generating counters (for individual modifications of the method);
  • preparation of premises, equipment, boards, accessories;
  • appointment of the secretary of the meeting and the distribution of roles among the participants;
  • preparation of the scenario of the event (in some cases);
  • psychological mood of the leader for the meeting.

The first step is generating ideas. The place and time of the main meeting is important, since it requires the creation of a special atmosphere for the event and a special mood of the participants for work so that nothing distracts them from immersing themselves in the creative process. The brainstorming method most often describes in detail exactly the generation stage, which does not fully reflect the essence of the technique. This stage is much easier to carry out in a geographically isolated place, for example, in a separately rented conference room away from the company's office. The order of its execution in the full version consists of the following steps.

  1. Introduction of participants (if necessary). The facilitator outlines the problem, purpose, objectives of the event. Sometimes one of the participants of the event speaks on the problem with a short report for better orientation of those present.
  2. "Warming up" event that increases the psychoemotional activity of participants (microtraining, psychoheuristic stimulation technique). Performed by an engaged HR or a specialized trainer.
  3. Circular idea generation with brief logging on a whiteboard or flipchart.

When conducting brainstorming, a change of several stages naturally takes place: “warming up”, moments of exhaustion of creativity, bursts, fading of creative potential, the final stage of generation. Brainstorming at this stage must be given a smooth ride, the "ragged mode" of the meeting should not be allowed. Many inexperienced hosts are in a hurry, artificially speeding up the pace of the event, this is a mistake. The best results are achieved with a measured course of events and a calm discussion of ideas.

The second stage of the event is carried out by another group of expert analysts and follows the task of analyzing the selection of valuable ideas from the list developed by the generation group. The main stages of this stage are presented in the diagram below.

Stages of the stage of examination of the developed ideas at the entrance to the brainstorming

Classification of types of brainstorming

The technique we are considering gradually develops and undergoes modifications over time, and at present the number of varieties of the method is quite large. This is due to attempts to level the shortcomings present in it and enhance the advantages. Its main advantage is accessibility and high involving power, which is manifested in most cases of a competent approach to technology. The main pros and cons of the method are listed in a separate table below.

(click to enlarge)

What are the types of brainstorming? The most widespread is the traditional or classical method. Its distinguishing features are quick collection, short duration, combining the stages of generating and selecting ideas into one session. In recent years, the following types of brainstorming have also been developed.

  1. Reverse MSH. Most suitable for innovation in the field of product innovation and the development of new types of products. It uses the technique of defect analysis, which first reveals the most complete list of product flaws and the technical and marketing ideas embedded in it. It also identifies those potential problems with the product that are already ideologically embedded in it. All this serves as a serious basis for the creative generation of breakthrough innovative solutions.
  2. Shadow MSH. Idea generators are divided into two subgroups instead of one. The first of them operates under conditions of direct (classical) brain attack. The second subgroup overtly or covertly observes the progress of the meeting of the active subgroup, and each "shadow" participant silently writes down their ideas that arise under the influence of the observed discussion.
  3. Combined brainstorming. This brainstorming method involves a combination or repetition of the classic brainstorming or the two previous methods. For example, an activity can be done as a double forward brainstorm or a reverse forward brainstorm. In the first case, the meeting is repeated after a significant break (2-3 days), which significantly activates the creativity of the generator participants. In the second case, the reverse mechanism launches the identification of all shortcomings and problems; in the direct SM, it is much easier to solve them through the found antipodal ideas.
  4. An individual MS, in contrast to a collective event, involves self-assessment of the ideas put forward. However, evaluation activities are carried out after a while - after a week or more.
  5. Other methods that complement the variety of brainstorming tools. These include: Shuttle MN, Brainwriting, Whiteboard Brainstorming, Solo Brainstorming, Visual MN, and Japanese Style Brainstorming. This list does not exhaust the complete list of modifications of the method.

In essence, the method considered in this article is a universal tool for finding critical places and finding solutions for management research in innovative projects, forecasting, identification and factor analysis of risks. In addition, it is one of the most useful project practice tools in general when a PM needs to quickly and productively mobilize a team for an original solution to a situation. When mastering the method, I recommend starting its application with the classical (direct) form. As you achieve success in the basic modification, you can boldly resort to the use of developed methods, which, of course, will bring new, more significant effects.

Brainstorming preparation

  1. Form a group of idea generators (usually 5-10 people). These should be creative people with a mobile, active mind.
  2. Form an expert group, which will analyze all the ideas put forward and select the best ones. In practice, it is not uncommon for generators themselves to act as experts once they have completed their ideas. In advertising agencies, the creative director acts as an expert.
  3. A day or two before the assault, send participants a notice of the assault with a brief description of the topic and task (brief). Perhaps someone will come with ready-made ideas.
  4. Prepare everything you need to write down ideas and showcase the list. Options:
    • Blackboard and chalk
    • Sheets of paper on tablets and felt-tip pens
    • colorful stickers
    • Laptop with projector
  5. Appoint a brainstorming leader. In most cases, the host is known from the beginning, and he organizes brainstorming.
  6. Choose one or two secretaries who will record all ideas.
  7. Set the duration of the first stage. Usually about an hour, in creative agencies, of course, longer. After all, generating ideas is their main job.

    Participants should be aware that time is limited and they need to come up with as many ideas as possible in a tight time frame. It activates, forces to give all the best. Accurate timing is the same prerequisite for the participants in the assault, as the length of the distance for runners.

  8. Set a task. What exactly do you need to get as a result of brainstorming? Write down the task so that it is always in sight. The task statement and useful information are also contained in the brief, which was distributed in printed form.

    Participants should clearly understand why they are here and what problem they are going to solve. Brainstorming welcomes the turmoil of ideas, but not the turmoil of tasks.

At a minimum, each idea should be tested with a short questionnaire like:

  • Legal solution?
  • Is the idea feasible until June 10th?
  • Are the estimated costs reasonable?
  • How will this idea, if implemented, fail?

When there is a brief, the general criterion is: idea according to the brief or not according to the brief? The decisive word in the evaluation of ideas belongs to the creative director.

Develop ideas. Group them into trends. Try to "marry" the elements of different hypotheses. Sometimes the best ideas come from combining two less powerful proposals. Creativity excels not only in creating new ideas, but also in working with existing ones.

Use morphological method: do not be too lazy to draw a table like a football championship table, where each team, .. - that is, the idea - has to “play” with each.

Tag your list ideas:

  • ++ very good, original idea
  • + not a bad idea
  • 0 failed to find construct

Discard apparently banal, dead-end, unproductive ideas.

It is believed that only 10-15% of ideas are acceptable, but among them there are very original ones. It is valuable if the "surviving" ideas line up in a logical chain - an advertising campaign.

Brainstorming leader:

  1. The facilitator (facilitator, moderator) gives the floor to the idea generators one by one so that they do not all shout at the same time. Make sure that all participants in the assault have an equal opportunity to speak. The facilitator can contribute his ideas on an equal basis with everyone else.
  2. Correct but decisive suppresses criticism ideas, which almost always arises involuntarily, especially at first.

    Typical phrases of idea killers (killers of ideas), and how to respond to them:

    • - Nothing will come of it. “Of course, if you don’t develop this idea, nothing will come of it.”
    • - It doesn't work - "But it's a good idea, isn't it?"
    • - It's too much - "So what?"
    • - The client will never approve it - "What if he approves?"
    • - Well, what's original about it? - "The fact that no one has suggested this before."
    • - Anyone can come up with such - "Exactly!"
  3. The facilitator ensures the continuity of the presentation of ideas. He by all means does not allow the suppression of "bad" ideas, removes the fear of the participants "to blurt out something wrong."

    The benevolence of the facilitator stimulates the birth of new ideas among group members. But he should not praise even apparently successful hypotheses too much, so as not to violate the equality of the participants in the assault.

  4. The leader follows the rules. Reminds you how much time is left until the end of the session. Tactfully stops the creator, who expresses his idea for more than half a minute. Brainstorming is an intense, fast-paced creative process.

The art of the brainstorming leader lies in the ability to liberate the thinking of the members of the creative group, inspire them to freely express themselves.

Brainstorming management techniques

To "warm up" the generators:

  1. An extraneous, but burning topic is thrown in. For example, beer, what is it? - Cold! - Light! - White! - Our everything! The host sets as an example the most original epithets.
  2. The presenter has 300 rubles at the ready and he begins to give out a piece of gold for any remark of the participant. This trick is for warm up only! In an assault, encouraging ideas with bonuses is harmful.
  3. Idea generators are given badges on which they write pseudonyms invented right there - the names of historical figures, movie characters, the names of plants. Then everyone takes turns turning to each other on "you" with any question. Just to create an atmosphere of "one circle", where there are no seniors, no juniors, no bosses, no subordinates, no experienced, no beginners. There are "other" people who can say any nonsense, because it is not Sidorov who puts forward "such a stupid" idea, but "Archimedes". The very choice of pseudonyms is a fun procedure that creates a creative mood.
  4. Before the attack, the host motivates the creators. Emphasizes how important it is to lose the nose of competitors and win the tender. Expresses the hope that, perhaps today, the group will find an advertising idea that will take the Golden Lion at Cannes.

To activate the generation process (according to Michael Michalko, Judit Rich and others):

  1. "national" decisions. How would an English lord solve the problem? Offer an elegant French solution, a wasteful American one. What would a hot spanish macho say? How would the industrious Chinese solve the problem?
  2. empathy method. Empathy - getting used to, imagining oneself in the place of another. The participant in the assault must say to himself: "I am the object in question." So, for example, if an advertisement for beer is invented, the creator says: “I am beer. I'm on the shelf in the store. I am cold, golden, transparent, hoppy. What can I do to get that guy over there to pay attention to me? What happens if I suddenly start to slowly turn around? Or call?
  3. Direct analogy. The advertised object is compared with a similar object in nature, technology, etc. For example, to increase the visibility of the label, you can consider the color of flowers, butterflies.
  4. symbolic analogy. The essence of the problem or its possible solutions are proposed to be formulated in the form of metaphors, for example, for beer - "a breath of pure coolness", "keeper of the tradition", "message in a bottle from nature itself". A beautiful metaphor can lead to a beautiful idea.
  5. Fantastic analogy. The participants in the assault formulate the main unremovable obstacle that hinders the solution of the problem, and then - for a while - "cancel" it! Allow the existence of eternally fresh beer, the disappearance of gravity, the intervention of fabulous gnomes.
  6. In the skin of the consumer. The facilitator appoints participants as representatives of the target audience, for example, in the case of beer, football fans. When the point of view on the object changes, new solutions come.
  7. Be simple. Participants keep their ideas as simple as possible and express them in a minimum number of words. Fewer words - more visible essence.
  8. Be like children. Explore the problem the way a child would. Ask obvious questions. Find answers that would satisfy the child.
  9. Forward to the future! Think about what will be, not about what is today. Don't limit yourself to reality. Imagine the future!
  10. What do the figures suggest? Choose a shape, such as a triangle, and try to make a connection between it and your task. The same - with three-dimensional figures (ball, cube, pyramid...), spectrum colors, numbers and other semantically rich objects.
  11. Wisdom of the greats. Refer to collections of aphorisms. Aphorisms are better to take those that contain keywords on your topic.
  12. Associations. The generators name the first word that came to their mind when the topic of the assault was announced. Or the "Association Dictionary" is used. Let associations develop freely.
  13. The opposite method. Great insights can come when, instead of thinking about how to do something, you try to decide how not to do it.
  14. Draw an idea. The facilitator asks the participants to draw the following sentence in the form of a picture. And let everyone try to interpret what is drawn.
  15. Interpret me!“How did you understand the words of N.?”, - the presenter asks one, the other. Then N. asks: “How well have we stated your idea?” Often, interpretations develop the original idea well, which the author also recognizes.
  16. Chest on the embrasure. If the level of ideas has decreased and only banal, practical proposals without a “zest” began to come in, the leader himself begins to introduce eccentric ideas. Or offers 5-10 minutes to generate only fantastic ideas.
  17. Active pause. Having heard a valuable, promising, from his point of view, statement, the presenter announces: “Let's be silent for 3-4 minutes, and then everyone will express their attitude to what has just been said.” In silence, intensive individual work takes place, usually developing the expressed idea.
  18. Useful from time to time group self reflection i.e., rethinking the ways participants interact. Questions: How do we work? What's stopping us? What works well? etc. Often, the group itself finds ways to improve interaction.
  19. The truth is in the legs. Participants spend part of the brainstorming standing up. It shakes, does not allow the generators to lean back and soar thoughts in areas not related to the issue under discussion. Or the generators measure the audience in steps, because some people think better in motion.
  20. Revive the thing. An inanimate object can become more inspiring if you imagine it as a person or animal. Give it some personality. How will he behave? What will his voice be like? Where will he live?
  21. Think globally. Rise above the object of assault. What are the most common trends and concepts associated with your topic? Is it possible to benefit from them for your task?
  22. Method of control questions. Includes a number of the above methods. Gives a new direction to the thoughts of the participants, allows you to skip the period of "looping" on the circle of similar ideas. Control questions “warm up” the generation, serve as a “hook”, with the help of which ideas are extracted.
  23. Stop, car! The facilitator takes a break and lists similar ideas from among those put forward, thereby making it clear that this direction is well developed and it is desirable to search in new ways.

Any facilitator's "trick" that guides creativity without limiting it is good. However, creativity is such a natural, spontaneous process that sometimes the leader's task is to simply not interfere with it.

Imagination sessions should be happy hours. Brainstorming is when we think freely and productively in an environment of comfort and pleasure.

Varieties of brainstorming

individual brainstorming

All roles - generator, secretary, presenter, evaluator of ideas - are taken on by one person. Fixation on paper, computer, voice recorder. Evaluation of ideas postponed.

Creative techniques of the "stormtrooper"-loner:

  • When reading the text, pick out arbitrary words. Does the meaning of a random word suggest a new idea? Any text is suitable, even a phone book, but lexically rich is better. The head of the BrandAid agency, Valentin Pertsiya, when he came up with brand names, flipped through thick dictionaries. According to him, if you keep the task in mind, hundreds of associations are collected in two days of such immersion.
  • It is even more efficient to generate ideas based on images in magazines and photo stocks on the Internet. After all, the pictures themselves are detailed and ambiguous.
  • Develop the found images using the control questions method, one of its compact versions.

reverse brainstorming

Its goal is to maximize identify the shortcomings of the advertised object. Generators in the brainstorming mode make a list of existing or potential defects, limitations, contradictions of an object or idea. The negative aspects of the object or idea are exacerbated to the extreme. After such hard testing, the search for ways to eliminate deficiencies is on.

Brainstorming with evaluating ideas

Introduction to the critique of ideas. The phases of "dreamer" and "realist" alternate flexibly multiple times. Used to solve urgent tasks. High requirements for participants: qualifications, self-discipline, ability to use the brainstorming technique.

  • Idea generation (can happen individually and in advance)
  • Familiarization of the group with the ideas, comments of the authors
  • Selection of several (3-5) best options, fixing their advantages and disadvantages
  • Discussing every idea with mini assaults
  • Narrowing the list of best options, ranking ideas

Disadvantages: load capacity, conflict. Advantage: more targeted search, reduced risk of slipping past a strong solution.

brain siege

It has been proved that even without explicit criticism, when submitting ideas, the mechanism of “hidden criticism” operates, namely: often a new proposal (which can then be considered unsuccessful) “hammers” a previously expressed good idea. To remedy this shortcoming, it was proposed "brain siege" in which every idea put forward must be developed to the limit. Brain siege increases the time spent searching for ideas, although it promises more mature results.

Method "635"

Six people come up with three ideas in five minutes. Then the sheets with their opinions are moved, for example, clockwise. In the next five minutes, each participant must familiarize himself with all the proposals of his neighbor and detail them. This is done until everyone has worked on all the ideas of the group. In half an hour, 18 elaborate proposals are ready. Discussion, improvement and selection of the best options follow.

Statements follow a hierarchy. The first to introduce his idea is the "junga", the last - the "captain". Disadvantage: You can't come up with a new idea after your turn.

Brainstorm online

Online brainstorming is based on multi-user Internet services: forum, chat, blog, ICQ, Skype. The “fear of evaluation” is eliminated, since idea generators can be anonymous. You can attract extra-specialists from anywhere in the world (or strain the best minds of an advertising holding without tearing them off their seats). True, the disturbing psychological atmosphere of a joint search is lost.

Know-how of brainstorming

  1. Don't become a slave to numbers that dictate how many people "should" be in a group. We know of successful assaults with a stream of students - more than a hundred goals. True, a pedagogical goal was also pursued: to show the method in action.

    On the other hand, in creative agencies they often "storm" in pairs made up of a copywriter and a designer. Legal model - individual brainstorming.

    The classic composition is a small group, i.e. about seven people. This is a “critical mass of participants”, it is convenient to work with such a group.

  2. Where assaults are organized regularly, the generator group consists of a permanent core and temporary members. The core of creative people develops gradually when solving various problems by brainstorming.
  3. Sometimes it is useful to include “outsiders” in the group of generators, such as: employees of related departments and other companies, a doctor, a cook, a driver, a courier. This way you attract carriers of unconventional ideas. A mixed group of participants of different ages and genders works best.
  4. Include beautiful, smart, charming women in the generator group. Women are very practical and original thinkers, in addition, they greatly stimulate the intellectual activity of men.
  5. At the time of the assault, the participants remove their official powers. The leader, if he "storms" with the team, should not sit at the head of the table.
  6. Create a comfortable environment. Choose a room as neutral as possible (not the director's office) and not noisy. It is better to sit down so that everyone can see each other. Advise:
    • Carry out an assault by candlelight
    • Conduct an assault at night, after 24:00 :-)
    • Before the assault, all participants should take 30 grams of good cognac :-))
  7. Stock up on coffee, tea, bagels. It has been found that citrus fruits, especially grapefruit, stimulate the brain. The smell of grapefruit is recommended to be inhaled before brainstorming.
  8. In order to completely immerse yourself in the generation process, it is worth turning off mobile phones for the duration of the assault, forbid anyone to disturb the participants.
  9. Some advise to give the background soft, but not soothing, but peppy music. This liberates the participants, dynamizes the work.
  10. Before the assault, the host introduces the newcomers. Gives them a compliment. Introduces beginners to the rules of brainstorming.
  11. Starting the assault, the leader introduces the group to ready-made solutions to a similar problem. For example, it shows the best commercials of competitors made for a similar product.
  12. It is good to have a sample of the advertised product, not just a photo. It's great if you can turn the sample in your hands, try the beer, smell the toilet water, steer the Hummer ... :-)
  13. It is often recommended to record the entire assault on a tape recorder or video camera. However, in practice, rarely anyone gets around to deciphering the records, since it is devilishly time consuming. Let yourself be comforted by the knowledge that an explosive idea will not be lost anyway!
  14. Sometimes it is useful for generators to leaf through illustrated magazines during an assault in order to draw associative ideas from drawings and photographs.
  15. Put in a box - a "nonsense suitcase" - a variety of items: pencils, tin soldiers, chess pieces, a ball of thread, funny drawings - everything that is found in the office. When inviting participants to storm, ask them to bring different items for the suitcase of nonsense. When new ideas are needed, get out of the box what comes to hand, make connections between a random item and a task.
  16. Flip through magazines, newspapers. Draw parallels between news headlines and the problem.
  17. In diversity, novelty is born. Participants venture out of the room for 15-30 minutes in order to find outside to bring new ideas to the group.
  18. The involved person continues to think about the task even after the assault. A list of ideas is distributed to participants so that they can add to it with suggestions that arose after the session.
  19. It is helpful to re-brainstorm the next day. It is noticed that the quality of the ideas proposed by the creators on the second day is higher than on the first.
  20. Between assaults, talk to your friends or family members. Listen to what they have to say. Let them guide you in a new direction.
  21. The worst thing a host can do is turn an assault into a "I won, you lost" game. Cases are described when the presenter rewarded participants for the best ideas. People began to be afraid of "intercepting" their good idea and generally stopped expressing them.
  22. The facilitator and at the stage of analysis carefully preserves the atmosphere of cooperation. He precedes constructive criticism with the words: “What I like most about this idea is ... Wouldn’t it be better if ...?”

Do's and Don'ts of Brainstorming

Brainstorming is effective:

  • When solving problems that do not have an unambiguous solution, and problems where solutions are required non-traditional. These are all the tasks for creating an advertising creative.
  • When you need to quickly find a way out of a critical situation.
  • Wherever you need to get a lot of ideas in a short time. The brainstorming technique is universal.

The imperfection of the method lies in the fact that the search for ideas is random, at random. You will never run out of ideas. But there is no guarantee that among your solutions will be truly excellent.

Brainstorming is an effective help in generating ideas. But it does not replace the entire creative process.