
Calorie persimmon kinglet. How many calories in persimmon and its properties How many calories in persimmon 100 grams


Any fruit is very useful and recommended for use by almost all people, with a few exceptions. Persimmon is a very sweet fruit, common in various countries around the world. There are varieties with strong astringent properties and with their complete absence.

In ancient times, this fruit was considered a real luxury, and now almost every second person can afford to buy this healthy tasty product. The most famous varieties are: kinglet, bull's heart, victoria and chocolate. They are all different from each other in consistency, viscosity and sweetness.

The approximate weight of one persimmon varies from 100 to 500 grams, and the size does not mean that the largest is the most delicious. It is clear that due to the presence of sweetness, persimmon is quite high in calories, however, in some varieties with a minimum sugar content, the calorie content is much less.

How many calories are in persimmon beetles?

So, the calorie content of the kinglet variety is no more than 50 kcal, and in Victoria there are already more than 65 of them. The average fruit has a weight of 200 grams, so it’s enough just to calculate how many calories are in it.

Knowing the mass of the fruit, it is easy to find out how many calories are in the persimmon kinglet: the calorie content of one persimmon kinglet is 106 kcal. This is a great snack, satiating well and allowing you not to feel hungry for a long time, although it would seem that this is just one fruit.

This is a good option for an afternoon snack or even a late dinner, because one persimmon is definitely acceptable even with a diet.

Composition of persimmon

Persimmon is a fairly light product, but with a lot of sugar. Almost 90% in it are carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose and other fruit sugars), 10% are proteins and there is no fat at all.

It is due to such an interesting composition that persimmon seems very sweet and tasty to us, and this is great, because sucrose can improve brain activity and increase concentration at work. It also speeds up the flow of blood to the brain, which helps when working with a large amount of information.

Persimmon must be eaten by children, especially at a young age, as these are the very healthy sugars that stimulate development and do no harm even with large consumption.

Persimmon is also served in dried form, however, due to sugaring, the product will be more high-calorie and less useful due to processing and loss of some useful substances.

China is considered its homeland, from which various varieties of this fruit have already gone.

Persimmon for weight loss

It is still better for girls who monitor their weight to eat persimmons in the morning, before noon, since the foods eaten in the morning are best absorbed by the body due to energy costs, and a large amount of sugar with a slow metabolism by the evening will be quite problematic for digestion .

That is why it is recommended not to eat persimmon at night, but for people who do not care about weight or do not threaten them with excess, you can use this fruit at any time you wish, since in any case, persimmon is a very healthy and tonic fruit containing such important components like copper, iron and manganese, as well as vitamin A and potassium.

The most popular type is the kinglet, the calorie content of which does not go beyond the normal, and the composition includes all the nutrients. The taste most often retains a slight viscosity, however, in the presence of a small amount of sugar, this is almost not noticeable.

Persimmon is very useful in any of its varieties, regardless of the amount of sugar and nutritional value, as its vitamins can improve skin condition, calm nerves and support the immune health of the body.

Who is contraindicated persimmon?

Its harm will only be for people with diabetes, but this is easy to explain, because persimmon contains a lot of healthy sugars.

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Persimmon is a well-known seasonal fruit, which is liked by its unusual taste and attractive color. Previously, only limited varieties of persimmons were known - a traditional variety that gave a certain viscosity in the mouth. Despite these characteristics of varieties, people willingly consumed this fruit, regardless of cost. But today new interesting varieties have become known, where, for example, the “kinglet” is isolated - this persimmon variety does not require high financial costs, but it is much tastier and does not knit.

However, it is also more interesting to study persimmon calories per 100 grams product, since a certain sweetness is due to the high sugar content. The presented product does not belong to the diet, so knowing the energy value is extremely necessary for those who monitor their diet. Next, the number of calories in persimmon per 100 grams, depending on the variety, as well as the benefits and harms of the fruit, will be considered in detail.

Here are the following useful features of the product:

  • The pulp contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the saturation of the human body.
  • To fully satisfy your hunger, you can eat 2-3 persimmons and forget about the unpleasant sensation for several hours. It is this factor that makes persimmon a suitable product for a fasting day.
  • The pulp and peel contain a large amount of magnesium, which makes persimmon useful in preventing the development of cancer.
  • Persimmon has a high glycemic index, so people with diabetes need to consume it in small quantities. Everything is explained by the content of fructose and glucose in the amount of 15% of the total composition of the pulp.
  • Persimmon helps to get rid of anemia because it contains a lot of iron.

Additionally, we can highlight the prevention of visual impairment, increased immunity due to the content of a large amount of iodine, strengthening nails and hair due to the content of vitamin A.

About harm

It is mandatory to study how persimmon is dangerous to human health.

The calorie content of the fruit is not as important as the following warning factors:

  • It is necessary to exclude persimmons from the diet if a person suffers from constant constipation or undergoes rehabilitation after surgery.
  • Completely exclude persimmons of all varieties during an exacerbation of chronic pathology of the urinary system.
  • It is forbidden to use persimmon in large quantities for diabetics, because it contains a lot of simple carbohydrates.

It is necessary to choose a persimmon carefully and not to use an unripe product. This can cause intestinal obstruction, provoke inflammation of the gastric mucosa or an allergic reaction. You can not drink persimmon with water or milk - this can cause diarrhea. Children are not allowed to give fruit until they are 3 years old.

About the composition

Before analyzing the question of how many calories are in 1 persimmon, it is necessary to consider the chemical composition of the product, which will help determine the consumption rate in the future.

The composition of the fruit is presented in the table:

The glycemic index, which determines how much the blood sugar level will increase from eating the product, persimmon has an average of only 50. But this does not mean that you can eat the product in unlimited quantities.

About calories

It is necessary to consider the main question, how many kcal are in persimmon "Korolek" and its other varieties.

Here you can highlight the following features of the calorie content, depending on the variety:

  • For 100 grams of product, on average, there are from 53 to 67 calories. Calorie content may vary, due to the sugar content of the fruit. Ripe persimmon contains a lot of sugar, but it is forbidden to eat unripe fruits.
  • In the variety "Korolek" - the most famous in Russia - there are only 50 calories per 100 grams of the product. The presented fruit variety is recommended for weight loss and fasting days.
  • The sharon or apple variety contains only 60 calories per 100 grams of the product. This variety acts as a hybrid of the Chinese variety of persimmon and the Russian apple. As a result of the content of a large amount of carbohydrates, it is allowed to eat a weight loss product only in the morning.
  • "Bull's heart" is 62 calories per 100 grams of product. Surprisingly, if you eat a persimmon of the presented variety in the morning, you can recharge yourself with energy for the whole day and prevent hunger.
  • "Chocolate" - 56 calories per 100 grams of persimmon. It tastes great here, and the pulp of the fruit is presented in the form of a chocolate shade.
  • "Spanish" - 62 calories per 100 grams. It is rare in Russia, but when you purchase it, you can not only spend a fasting day for weight loss, but also keep on such a diet for 2-3 days to lose weight.
  • Honey - the variety is very sweet, so there are about 75 calories per 100 grams. Not recommended for weight loss.

The following table of calorie content of various persimmon varieties is presented, which will help you choose the best variety for yourself.

persimmon dishes

The presented fruit can not be consumed in its pure form, but interesting dishes can be prepared from it - desserts and other varieties.

The following recipes are given as an example:

  • Smoothies with the addition of banana and persimmon - you need to mix a pack of fat-free cottage cheese, add one banana, persimmon. Makes 3 full servings.
  • Cheesecake - it is enough to cook any shortbread dough, and cook jelly from the fruit. To do this, the pulp is completely crushed, cleaned of pulp and chopped peel, boiled over a fire for 5 minutes with the addition of gelatin. Pour into a mold on shortcrust pastry and let the dessert harden.
  • Salad with shrimp and greens - the fruit is cut into small cubes, a lot of greens and boiled shrimp are added. Pour in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Blue cheese salad - it is recommended to use the Spanish variety and mix with cheese, after cutting the products into small cubes. Fill with vegetable oil.

Dishes based on the presented fruit are very peculiar, but they can interestingly complement the familiar and already bored family diet. Calorie content must be taken into account not only for weight loss, but also for maintaining proper nutrition to prevent its gain. So, a high calorie content indicates a large amount of sugar in the pulp, so it is better to refuse such varieties.

One of the most famous and beloved varieties of persimmon is the "kinglet" or "black apple," chocolate pudding ". She has several names, as well as shapes: spherical or flattened, but always with an invariably sweet taste and a slightly chocolate color. Nutritionists recommend eating this fruit a little unripe: this way you can relieve the symptoms of fever and lower blood pressure.

Persimmon contains nutritional components that help with heart disease, edema, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, it is recommended to include it in the diet of people who are prone to fullness, because the calorie content of persimmon beetles per 100 g is only 53 kcal. Due to such a low energy value, the berry is very often used for a fasting diet, while it should be borne in mind that the calorie content of persimmon beetles can reach 300 kcal.

As a rule, the weight of the fetus can range from 100 to 200 g, and hence the calorie content of 1 pc. persimmon beetles will be from 53 to 106 kcal.

If you want to lose some weight, then a delicious persimmon fasting diet should be done weekly. Despite the fact that the fruit is not very high-calorie, but at the same time, persimmon has sufficient nutritional value, and such a diet will be easy to maintain.

Why is one of the persimmon varieties called chocolate? What is a sharon? When it is necessary and not to eat persimmon and how high in calories it is, read on.

Persimmon is an edible fruit of a tree of the genus Diospyros, belongs to the family of Ebony trees. Her homeland is China.

It is light yellow, orange, dark red-orange in color, its dimensions in diameter can vary from 1.5 to 9 cm, and its weight can be from 80 to 500 grams.

persimmon varieties

  1. Japanese- differs in rather large size, tart on taste. From China, it spread to East Asia and Japan. It is the most common type.
  2. Sharon is a hybrid of apple and Japanese persimmon. It is very tasty and less viscous. Sharon's skin is thin and shiny, and there are no seeds at all. It differs from other types of persimmon in the firmer pulp that it "received" from an apple. It tastes like apricot, quince and apple. Berries ripen in October and may not lose their taste for a long time. It is also noteworthy that the more it is in the cold and frost, the sweeter it becomes.
  3. Caucasian- tastes like dates and grows throughout the post-Soviet space. The fruits are small, astringent and tart in taste.
  4. Chocolate (Korolok)- got its name because of the color of the fruit. Unripe fruits are green, and mature ones are brown. The flesh of the kinglets has a pleasant aroma, sweetness and creamy structure.
There is another interesting fact: if this fruit comes from a female flower, then the kinglet is the fruit of a male flower. If the fruits of the kinglet are removed hard and unripe and put in a warm place, protected from the sun, then in a few days they will already be brown and become much softer.

Composition of persimmon

Persimmon fruits contain antioxidants, sucrose, glucose, citric and malic acids, provitamin A, a large number of trace elements: iron, copper, calcium, potassium and manganese. It also contains a lot of beta-carotenes and magnesium.

persimmon calories per 100 g is 53 kcal:

  • Proteins - 0.5 g
  • Fats - 0.0 g
  • Carbohydrates - 16.8 g

Useful properties of persimmon

  1. Are you tense, unable to calm down and increase your efficiency? Then eat some orange fruits! All this thanks to antioxidants, which, moreover, are directed against free radicals in the human body.
  2. "Orange fruit" is an excellent dietary product and at the same time perfectly satisfies hunger.
  3. If you have a sore throat, then you can gargle it with freshly squeezed juice of a ripe fruit, diluted with warm boiled water. As a result of several rinses, the symptoms of colds will be eliminated.
  4. In diseases of the kidneys, the use of persimmons is recommended, as it is a diuretic and is able to remove salts from the body.
  5. Thanks to provitamin A, this fruit helps maintain vision.
  6. With anemia, when there is not enough iron in the body, persimmon will also have a beneficial effect. It is not only indicated for use in iron deficiency anemia, but also recommended for malnutrition, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
  7. There are useful properties for people suffering from hypertension, as it normalizes blood pressure.
  8. This fruit is useful for lung diseases: pneumonia and chronic bronchitis.
  9. The juicy pulp of the fruit is an excellent bactericidal and astringent. Therefore, in folk medicine, it is used to heal wounds. To do this, the peeled fruit is applied directly to the wound or burn.
Persimmon in cosmetology: effective anti-aging masks are learned from it, which have a tonic effect, narrow pores and are a prophylactic against the appearance of acne and blackheads.

In the countries of the East, molasses, dried fruits and even cider, wine and beer are made from it. And in Japan, unripe persimmon is used to make the famous vodka - sake.

The beginning of winter is invariably associated with snow, temperature changes and, of course, sweet persimmons, which appear on sale. This fruit is so loved in Russian families that the variety of recipes with its participation is growing every year.

In China, in the historical homeland, it is called the "berry of the Gods." Persimmon is not a vegetable or fruit, but a berry! It is the fruit of a tree of the genus Diospyros, belonging to the class of fleshy berries. It turns out, berry and fruit, two in one.

All over the world, not only the fruits are valued, but also the ebony persimmon tree itself, which. Furniture and expensive musical instruments are made from wood.

In this article, you will learn what persimmons are good and bad for, and how to use them correctly.

How many calories in persimmon

This sweet orange beauty is high in sugar and has a high glycemic index. At the same time, persimmon is low and can be used in a diet. In order not to gain a couple of extra pounds, it is important to consider the entire daily diet and combination with other products. A well-balanced diet is the key to a beautiful and healthy body.


The calorie content of persimmon varies and depends on the variety and degree of ripeness of the berries. There are more than 500 varieties, of which Korolek and Sharon are considered the most popular in Russia.
On average, 100 grams contains 53 to 67 calories. And the calorie content of one whole fruit ranges from 75 to 130 kcal.

In dried persimmon

It is made by natural drying of fresh fruits and tastes similar to dates. Dried fruits retain their valuable beneficial properties in full. The calorie content of such a treat is high and equal to 274 kcal per 100 grams.

People with diabetes should use dried berries with caution or completely eliminate them from the diet. High calorie content, carbohydrates and a high glycemic index can trigger a spike in sugar levels.

But hypertensive patients, on the contrary, should add it to their usual diet. Due to the increased amount of potassium in the composition, the vessels receive enhanced nutrition and become more elastic.

in frozen fruit

Quick freezing is one way to get rid of the astringent taste of the fleshy fruit. Frozen fruit pulp is not inferior in usefulness. Therefore, this method can be used to store berries for future use. At sub-zero temperatures, the tannin substance, which imparts viscosity, is destroyed. After defrosting, the fruit becomes sweeter, but does not hold its shape well and resembles puree in consistency. Calorie content after freezing does not change significantly and is about 60 kcal per 100 grams of product.

In persimmon jam

Persimmon is an excellent product for preservation and is used to prepare sweet preparations. Jam made from ripe pulp with added sugar is a real carbohydrate bomb. Of course, velvety taste and extreme sweetness make this product a real culinary masterpiece. But the calorie content of such jam is estimated at 305 kcal per 100 grams. The product is completely contraindicated for diabetics and overweight people.

In canned persimmon

Delicious berries are preserved by quick freezing. Whole fruits or slices are frozen in sugar syrup and packaged. As in the case of jam, you should not abuse such an overly sweet delicacy.

There is a hot preservation method, which involves the destruction of most vitamins and trace elements at high temperatures.
Both methods retain the delicate taste and aroma of the fruit, and slightly increase the calorie content. 100 grams of canned product contains about 85 kcal.

In persimmon juice

You can diversify your diet with natural juice obtained by pressing fresh persimmons. This method fully preserves all the vitamins, minerals and beneficial properties of the original product. The calorie content of the juice "berries of the Gods" reaches 48 kcal per 100 ml.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Much of the unique properties of this sweet berry depends on what vitamins the persimmon contains. The pulp of the fruit is rich in nutrients, organic carbohydrates and fiber. You can’t immediately count how much iodine is in persimmon, potassium and other essential minerals. All components of the juicy orange fruit are perfectly combined with each other and bring tangible benefits to the body.

For example, the high iodine content in persimmon helps prevent thyroid disease. Potassium helps repair and maintain muscles. Beta-carotene strengthens eyesight and slows down the aging process. And due to the high content of antioxidants, persimmon is also called the berry of longevity.

With a detailed analysis of the composition, it becomes clear what the energy value of persimmon is made up of.

100 grams of fresh fruit contains:

  • 0.5 grams of proteins,
  • 0.4 grams of fat,
  • 17 grams of carbohydrates
  • 81.5 grams of water.

The high sugar content of persimmons makes them an excellent energy snack.

The benefits of persimmon for a woman's body

In Greek culture, this sweet fruit is referred to as "divine fire." Perhaps this is due to the anti-aging and anti-aging effect. The berry is like fire, stimulates metabolic processes, softens blood vessels and nourishes the heart. But not only this expresses the benefits of persimmon for a woman's body.

  • Trace elements potassium and magnesium, in combination with beta-carotene, protect the body from cancer.
  • Vitamin C, copper and manganese are involved in the formation of enzymes to destroy free radicals.
  • A large amount of vitamin C improves immunity, helps the body fight viruses and microbes, and protects the oral mucosa from inflammation.
  • B vitamins restore the functioning of the nervous system, improve mood and activate mental activity.
  • Iron contributes to the elimination of anemia and is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, increases the level of hemoglobin.
  • Potassium protects a woman's body from a possible stroke during menopause.
  • Sodium provides nutrition to the muscles and makes the joints more elastic.
  • Pectin helps cleanse the intestines, removes toxins and starts the proper functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Tannins, which give the fruit its viscosity, help to strengthen the stool in case of diarrhea and intestinal disorders. And leaves or a decoction of dried fruits are used for hemorrhoids.
  • In terms of antioxidant content, the berry with orange pulp is not inferior to green tea.

The healing properties of persimmon are expressed in the ability to remove excess fluid from the body. The berry allows you to fight edema without fear of “washing out” the necessary potassium from the body. Diuretic action prevents the development of urolithiasis.

During colds and coughs, it is recommended to use persimmons to facilitate the release of sputum and cleanse the lungs. It also normalizes cholesterol levels and has the ability to lower blood pressure, which is important when you can not take medication.

Evaluated not only in terms of nutrition. Berries are often used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. This simple mask gives an amazing refreshing effect. It is enough to apply the pulp on the face and rinse with water after 10 minutes. The elasticity and silkiness of the skin after such a mask is guaranteed.

Pregnant women can and should enrich their diet with this healthy fruit. In any trimester, this will help increase immunity, prevent anemia and enrich the body of the mother and the unborn baby with essential vitamins and minerals. It also normalizes metabolic processes caused by hormonal changes and replenishes calcium reserves.

What is useful persimmon for men

Like many fruits, the benefits of persimmon for a man's body are quite high. First of all, persimmon for men is a powerful prevention of prostate adenoma. It prevents the growth of prostate tissue and contributes to the preservation of sexual activity for many years. A nice addition to this is a good potency, increased blood flow to the genitals and prolongation of sexual contact with a partner.

The obvious benefit of persimmon for the human body, and in particular for men, is the ability to reduce the craving for smoking. Beta-carotene tones the body of a smoker, improves mood and distracts from an obsessive bad habit.

Contraindications for the use of persimmon

However, not only benefit, but also harm lies in this sweet fruit.
Firstly, it is recommended to consume persimmons only as a separate meal. Tannins bind proteins and can lead to the formation of phytobezoars - foreign bodies that are not digested and are tightly fixed in the intestines or stomach.

Unripe fruits contain more tannins and can cause serious damage to health. For the same reason, you should not eat berries on an empty stomach. According to some reports, persimmon, eaten on an empty stomach, has a laxative effect. Although it is still better to stick to traditional ways to eliminate constipation.

The formation of bezoars is possible in people with gastritis, pancreatitis and diseases of the pancreas. Therefore, you should be careful about eating fruit if there are similar pathologies of the digestive organs.

The harm of persimmon for the body of diabetics is quite high. The berry has a high glycemic index, and a large amount of sugar can cause a jump in blood sugar, which will lead to the release of insulin. The pancreatic hormone utilizes excess sugar in its simplest form - fat. Therefore, the berry is contraindicated for people who are obese or losing weight.

Due to the diuretic effect, the fruit should be completely excluded from the diet for gout and during an exacerbation of diseases of the urinary system.

Hypotonic patients should also not get carried away with berries, because. it can lower blood pressure, which can lead to weakness and loss of consciousness.

An active effect on the gastrointestinal tract gives its limitations for the use of berries in the postoperative periods, in the presence of abdominal adhesions and during constipation.

It is worth remembering that any product has its own daily allowance and certain consumption rules. If you do not follow the compatibility of products and neglect the state of health, persimmon can harm. In other cases, it is a tasty and healthy product with a proven therapeutic and preventive effect.