
Too much carbohydrates, fats and calories. Calculation of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates (kbju) for weight loss. Questions about losing weight and calorie counting methods


    Do you carefully control the caloric intake of your diet, eat right, but the weight just doesn’t want to fall? You are no exception. I have many friends who only get fatter every year. They get fat, despite the fact that they make a lot of effort to maintain the weight. Particularly indicative is one of my friends, who not only removes the skin from the chicken, eats zero-fat foods and does not dress her salad with oil. She even uses oil spray! (I didn't know it existed until she asked me to give her one for her birthday). This is a sprayer for applying oil to a frying pan so that, God forbid, you don’t pour more than two drops.

    When she visits me, I see how she looks with poorly concealed horror at my preparation of vegetable salads, where I pour olive oil with a generous hand. At the same time, she knows that I am a nutritionist. I eat a lot and enjoy it, but at the same time I am much slimmer and healthier than she is. Although, even in fitness, she is ahead of the rest, and I definitely can’t keep up with her. Zumba, step, exercise bike, strength training... She once tried to ask me how she should eat in order to lose weight, but the advice to add fats to her diet scared her so much that she doesn’t ask me about anything like that anymore. It's been two years now. True, her weight is growing and growing...

    Fats got a bad rap many years ago. At first there were people who claimed that a person, just like a machine, consumes energy from food and burns it. Then a man appeared who not only decided to denigrate fats, but came up with a theory (by the way, still not really confirmed) about the dangers of animal fats. In general, let's be honest, fats got a real hard time.

    If you find women's magazines even from five years ago, you will find that they are full of advice on how to reduce the calorie content of any dish. At the same time, the most “effective” tool in these tips is fat reduction. Skinless chicken and bluish, tasteless chicken breast, teaspoons of butter for a decent portion of food or just lemon juice instead of dressing - all this comes from there. And maybe it’s just me who is surprised, but, my dears, this approach is a thing of the past.

    But how difficult it is to convince people who have avoided fat for years. Just the other day I spoke with a client who claimed that she is not at all afraid of fats and does not avoid them. But when we began to select options for snacks and breakfasts for her, she carefully asked: “And if I eat 15 nuts for breakfast, does that mean that I can’t have nuts as a snack that day? After all, they are so high in calories.” Answer: it is possible and necessary. Let me explain why.

    Calories are different. I wrote about this in detail. Today let's compare fats with carbohydrates. For example, let's take a bun (any bun, even a healthy whole grain one) and nuts.

    Calorie parameter(I hate that word because it's confusing, but oh well...) So, the calories from the bun will be absorbed very quickly, and your body will have almost no work to do to get them. After all, why is bread so tasty? Because even if it is baked without adding sugar, the sugar molecules from it are broken down under the influence of saliva. That's why bread has such a sweet taste, and it's so hard to give it up.

    But if we take nuts, then in order to get calories from them, we need to expend a decent amount of energy. Therefore, if nuts, for example, contain 500 kilocalories, and we need 200 to break them down, then the calorie content is already reduced to 300. Do you see where I’m going with this?

    Exactly! Calories are different.

    Assimilation: the bun, rest assured, will completely break down and go towards covering energy costs. But at least 10% of the nuts will come out of you along with everything else. Or even more - it depends on your digestion and the quality of its work. Therefore, if you eat 30 grams of nuts, then a maximum of 23 grams will be absorbed. As a result, the calorie content of nuts in the sense of “eaten and burned” is rapidly decreasing.

    “Ha!,” you say. “They’re nuts!” But butter, for example, does not contain fiber and nothing will remain from it in the toilet. And its calorie content is absolutely crazy..." So let’s go further to dissect this myth about fats.

    For example, you need 100 kilocalories to cover your energy costs, and you decide to eat a bun or porridge. Calories from carbohydrates can only go to two places:

  1. Enters cells in the form of glucose
  2. They are stored as fat.

This is because glucose cannot be used for anything else. And if, for example, you have insulin resistance, then for this reason glucose cannot be completely absorbed by the cells. And if she didn’t go into the cages, then she has nowhere better to go than to settle on your sides and other slender curves of your body. And if the bun contained not exactly 100 kilocalories, but 125, then these extra 25 will settle on the sides of even the healthiest person, whose insulin works like a charm.

It's a completely different picture if you get your calories from fat. Even from regular oil. Fats, in principle, are absorbed longer and more difficult. It takes a lot of digestive enzymes and time to break them down. And if you lack enzymes or have low stomach acidity, it will be even more difficult for you to fully absorb them. That is, the likelihood of assimilation of fats and all their caloric content is generally in question.

In addition, the body needs fats for many other purposes: building cells, producing hormones, producing cholesterol (and we need it vitally!)... When our body receives something, it cares primarily about ensuring the most important processes in survival . And if the body needs (and it does) to produce hormones and protect cells, but it doesn’t have enough fat, then it won’t care about your fatigue or providing you with energy. It will first take care of the main thing - the construction of new cells and the production of hormones. And only then, everything that remains from the incoming fats will be used to provide energy.

That is why there is a high probability that if you received 100 kilocalories from fats, then you may not have enough energy from them at all. For example, you “ate” 100 kilocalories, but your body took 60 from you to build everything it needed there. In the end, you only have 40 left! That is, you have a calorie deficit. It is on this principle that a fatty diet is based, when a person almost completely eliminates carbohydrates (but not completely, as in the Kremlin diet or on the Dukan diet), but at the same time, the fat content of his diet is off the scale even to the eyes of a fat lover like me. I promise to write more about this diet in the near future.

Yes, it’s over, if you have too much of anything, be it fats, even carbohydrates, even protein, all of this will invariably be deposited in the form of fat reserves. But, as can be seen from the example, the likelihood of gaining weight from fats is several times less than from carbohydrate foods.

I'm not advocating that you give up carbohydrates completely. We also need them, and, above all, from the point of view of providing us with energy. But if you are still counting the nuts you eat during the day, give it up. Urgently. I hope I have convinced you, and now you will indignantly read women's magazines with advice on “how to pour less oil into your salad.”

Finally, I would like to note that all of the above applies to ALL fats, not just vegetable ones. Therefore, you should not be afraid of them.

Source - author's blog / ddietologist-nutritionist and certified specialist in Functional Medicine, Denmark

Over one year old

A new study by Australian scientists has proven the power of proteins not only in building muscle mass, but also in losing fat. Subjects who ate a low-protein diet (10% of their total calories) ate 12% more calories over four days than subjects who ate a slightly higher protein diet (15%). First, protein is filling, which helps control your appetite. Secondly, when consumed with carbohydrates, it slows down digestion, regulating blood sugar and insulin levels. Finally, protein, which is the building material of muscles, increases the amount of muscle mass, and with it the number of calories burned during training. “Proteins are building materials for the body. Immunoglobulins, which are responsible for all your body’s responses to viruses and infections, are also proteins. Thyroid hormones are also of protein nature. Is it necessary to mention once again the importance of this nutrient,” explains Elena Pavlova, general practitioner, nutritionist, expert on healthy nutrition and bearing a healthy child.

Many or few?

When it comes to “dosage,” the numbers in different dietary programs and nutrition systems can vary from 10 to 35% of the calorie intake. If we convert these numbers into grams, then the recommended norm is 0.8-1.5 g per kilogram (the last figure applies only to those who are actively involved in fitness on a regular basis).

If we calculate from the norm of a nutrient per kilogram of weight, then for a woman who regularly engages in strength training, the proportion of protein is approximately 1.2-1.5 g per kilogram of body weight. It is important to remember that calculations must be made for ideal body weight. That is, if you weigh 75 kg with a height of 165 cm, you calculate the amount of nutrients for a weight of 63-65 kg. In this case, you should eat 97-110 grams of protein per day. 100 g of meat is approximately 25-30 g of protein.

So far, experts do not have a consensus on whether it is necessary to combat protein deficiency in the population. Some nutritionists in their practice more often encounter the replacement of proteins with the same carbohydrates, others note a general imbalance in the diet in patients, recording normal protein intake.

However, the same study by Australian scientists showed that increasing the amount of protein in the diet to 25% of daily calories did not lead to any additional changes compared to the period when subjects consumed 15% of the nutrient. “All those who want to lose weight or build muscle mass are advised to increase the amount of proteins in their menu. But you need to do this if for some reason you do not reach your daily requirement,” notes Natalya Grigorieva. “When analyzing the diet of my patients, I am faced with the fact that almost everyone consumes half as much protein as they should! Hence the health problems that we treat symptomatically, rather than identifying and neutralizing the cause,” says Elena Pavlova.

If your diet is unbalanced, there is a large amount of protein and there is a lack of fats and carbohydrates for energy, your body will burn proteins as fuel. As a result, amino acids are formed that acidify the internal environment of the body. As you know, when the pH shifts to the acidic side, the metabolic rate decreases,” warns Natalya Grigorieva. An acidic environment in the body will lead to leaching of calcium from the bones. Muscles also tend to weaken in acidic environments, increasing the risk of injury.

When should you eat protein?

According to data published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who include protein in every meal show better results in weight loss and muscle definition than those who prefer to eat protein at one time. This is confirmed by a study by scientists from the University of Missouri, whose evidence base includes data from 24 studies on protein consumption. By eating 30 grams of protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner, participants in another experiment showed better results in gaining muscle mass than those who started the day with carbohydrates and got their entire protein intake at lunch or dinner.

According to Heather Leidy, Ph.D., assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Missouri, proper protein intake is just as important as portion control. “It's important to start the day with a breakfast that contains at least 30g of protein, which will help prevent unhealthy snacking by improving appetite control,” she explains.

Expert opinion.Natalya Grigorieva, beauty expert, nutritionist, managing partner of the Epilike and Premium Esetics clinic chain: “The acidifying effect of proteins (plant and animal) must be compensated for by products that give an alkaline reaction. These include those that contain many minerals. And this is everything that grows from the ground - any vegetables, root vegetables, herbs. In terms of volume, a serving of vegetables should be three times larger than a serving of protein products. We should not forget that approximately 55-60% are animal proteins, the rest are plant proteins. Animal proteins are considered more complete, since their amino acid composition is optimal.”

Require more

On the one hand, getting your protein intake is not difficult: servings of chicken breast the size of a deck of cards, a cup of quinoa and a glass of Greek yogurt will be enough to gain about 80 g. On the other hand, you need to monitor not only the amount of protein, but also fats and carbohydrates . And here, any excess of the norm is fraught with extra pounds. Therefore, protein shakes in your daily diet are an opportunity to balance your protein diet without the fear of going overboard with fats and carbohydrates. “In addition, it is very convenient, given the frantic pace of modern life,” says Boris Zimin. — If you don’t have time to have breakfast, you can make a cocktail and take it with you. This way you can easily get the required 25 g portion of complete protein.”

“You can get extra protein from shakes and supplements. The protein there is really pure and balanced,” says Natalya Grigorieva. “But it is important to remember that for the production of such cocktails they do not use whole proteins, but “cut” into small amino acid pieces. That is, in essence, you get protein in an easily accessible form with the cocktail - in the form of amino acid complexes. If you overuse such cocktails, the body will begin to “be lazy” - it is much easier to receive partially processed protein rather than break it down yourself. You can drink such cocktails once a day on the day of training, immediately after class.”

Today, each sports nutrition manufacturer offers its own line of similar products, and choosing the most effective one is very difficult. It is worth paying attention not only to the amount of protein, but also to the rest of the composition, because a truly high-quality product should contain only useful substances and, in addition, have high nutritional value. For example, soy protein isolate is rich in isoflavones, which improve hormonal balance. Look for globulin and glycomacropeptides, which are biologically active substances, in the products. Immunoglobulins strengthen the body's defenses, and glycomacropeptides control appetite; in addition, these substances regulate the acid-base balance and are excellent suppliers of energy.

Recently, pea protein isolate has been gaining popularity. “When you think about building muscle mass, peas probably don't come to mind. But it has many advantages, explains Cynthia Sass. — Pea protein is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), compounds that increase endurance during exercise. Moreover, the amount of BCAAs in pea protein is close to those found in milk and eggs, but unlike them, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions. Pea protein also contains arginine, an immune-boosting amino acid, and lysine, which helps the body absorb calcium.” While ¼ cup of dry peas contains about 10 grams of protein and 28 grams of carbohydrates, 1 serving of pea-based protein powder contains 28 grams of protein and no more than 1 gram.

To get a delicious, balanced drink based on soy or pea protein, dilute the powder with almond milk, add a spoonful of almond, coconut or peanut butter, a handful of frozen berries and spices - a pinch of cinnamon, cloves.

Meal plan

Our nutrition plan, combined with workouts, will help you burn fat effectively without losing muscle mass.


  • Frittata of 2 eggs with herbs (50 g) and bell pepper (50 g) and 30 g of cheese
  • 6 almond kernels
  • 1 small cup oatmeal

34 0 kcal, 15 g protein, 23 g carbohydrates,9 g fat


  • Yogurt with a guest of berries and 1 tbsp. granola
  • Whole wheat muffin or bun (80 g)

316 kcal, 6 g protein, 45 g carbohydrates, 4 g fat


  • 120 g grilled chicken breast
  • ½ cup brown rice, cooked in water
  • 1 cup steamed broccoli

263 kcal, 29 g protein, 34 g carbohydrates, 3 g fat


  • Protein shake and 1 scoop protein isolate, ½ banana and 1 tbsp. peanut butter
  • 1 apple

323 kcal, 29 g protein,32 g carbohydrates, 9 g fat


  • 150 g cod, grilled or baked in the oven
  • 1 wheat tortilla
  • 1 cup zucchini slices
  • Vegetable salad (2 cups mixed green leaves, 10 chopped almonds, ¼ cup cherry tomatoes, ¼ red onion, 2 tbsp balsamic dressing)

328 kcal, 32 g protein, 32 g carbohydrates, 9 g fat

In contact with

Formulas for calculating KBZHU for weight loss appear more and more often on the Internet. The worst thing is that people distributing these formulas understand little about the basics of adequate dietetics and sports nutrition.

Most often, these are bikini athletes (bikini fitness or FB), girls who, due to their youth, perseverance, and health under the guidance of a coach, reached the stage, and after that became fitness instructors.

Everything is fine, you can rejoice and be proud of their work and perseverance, but it’s not a task when such “pros” undertake to teach people to lose weight, not just to do health-improving fitness, but to lose weight. This is where the trash starts.

No knowledge or understanding of the basic rules of dietetics. The whole rule for losing weight for such pros comes down to the formula:

“Consumption is more than Income = Weight loss” and to the BZHU scheme: 30-35 / 10-15(20)/ 50(45)-60

And if Expense > Income is true, but not enough, then the nutrient distribution scheme cannot be criticized.


Of course, in this situation you can lose weight, BUT at what cost?

And now we’ll talk about the price.

For this we need WHO standards.

So, WHO tells us that in order to be healthy and active, we need to consume:

1g per kg of weight – Protein;

1.1g per kg of weight – Fat;

4g per kg of weight – Carbohydrates.

What fits into the BZHU scheme: 10-15%/30-35%/50 -60% and is comparable to the proposed weight loss scheme 30-35/10-15/50 -60, i.e. proteins began to perform an unusual energy function in place of fat.

Cool? - No!

Fat has distinct roles in the body. The most important: energy and plastic. The condition of the skin, hair, nails are all fats.

And if you look more broadly - VITAMINS.

With a diet containing only 10-15% fat, there will simply be a lack of fat-soluble vitamins!

Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K.

First signs vitamin deficiencyA- “night blindness”.

Vitamin deficiencyD :

— Depression and loss of strength;

— Problems with conception;

— Diabetes and obesity (Vitamin D helps reduce parathyroid hormone, which in the long term helps weight loss. It also increases the level of leptin, a hormone that controls the accumulation of fat and is responsible for the feeling of fullness);

- Muscle weakness;

— Osteoporosis (you not only need to carry “extra” weight, but also make your bones rotten)

VitaminE– has the strongest antioxidant effect. Prevents the formation of blood clots and prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. And why do we need this vitamin, right?

VitaminK— increases blood clotting, reduces capillary permeability and improves tissue regeneration. Is it also not necessary when losing weight? I doubt…

Now is the time to do the calculations. As they say, learning in numbers.

Initial data:

Let's take the most common case of first-degree obesity:

Woman: weight – 90 kg, height – 165 cm, age 30 years, BMI – 33.1 (first degree obesity).

Calorie content for weight maintenance is 2600 kcal according to the Mifflin-San Jeor formula and Kfa = 1.46. There is no sports.

Results for the 2600kcal and 30/10/60 regimen:

Protein: 780 kcal and 195 g per day; 2.2g per kg of weight – Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 260kcal and 29g per day; 0.3g per kg of weight – Doesn’t fit into any framework!!!

Carbohydrates: 1560 kcal and 390 g per day; 4.3g per kg of weight – More than the recommended amount!!!

The result for the 2600 kcal and 30/20/50 fat scheme looks better, but still not ideal:

Protein: 780 kcal and 195 g per day; 2.2g per kg of weight - Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 520kcal and 58g per day; 0.6g per kg of weight – Fats did not reach the minimum recommended standards!!!

Carbohydrates: 1300 kcal and 325 g per day; 3.6 g per kg of weight is the norm for weight loss, but the diet is for weight maintenance.

Now the same thing, but for moderate weight loss. Let's create a deficit of 500 kcal.

And consider the second scheme 2100 30/20/50, as less absurd compared to 30/10/60.

Protein: 630 kcal and 158 g per day; 1.8g per kg of weight – Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 420kcal and 47g per day; 0.5g per kg of weight – Fats did not reach the minimum recommended standards!!!

Carbohydrates: 1050 kcal and 263 g per day; 2.9 g per kg of weight is the norm for weight loss.

Now the girl has lost weight to 80 kg and now requires 2300 kcal to maintain weight and 1800 kcal to lose weight.

Calculation according to the 1800 kcal and 30/20/50 scheme

Protein: 540 kcal and 135 g per day; 1.5g per kg of weight – Excessive protein consumption!!!

Fats: 360kcal and 40g per day; 0.4g per kg of weight – Fats did not reach the minimum recommended standards!!!

Carbohydrates: 900 kcal and 225 g per day; 2.5 g per kg of weight is the norm for weight loss.

Proteins: 70-105g per day and accounts for 10-15% of daily calories.

Fats: 70-105g per day 30-35% of daily calories.

The results are obvious. A complete and blatant imbalance in nutrition.

And now the consequences of such a wonderful diet:

  1. Excessive protein intake leads to:

- increased load on the liver and kidneys, up to damage. The level of urea in the blood increases. Eating increased amounts of protein is not recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. And this often happens with obesity;

- increased load on the gastrointestinal tract;

- rotting of proteins in the large intestine (putrid dyspepsia);

  1. Unacceptably low fat intake leads to the destruction of cell membranes (plastic function).

(For an analogy, imagine that your apartment has no windows or doors. Whoever wants to come in, take what he wants, put what he wants, bring and take away. Do you like this state of affairs? The answer is obvious).

  1. Deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins.
  2. Dry skin, peeling, decreased resistance to infections.
  3. Low fat content can lead to menstrual dysfunction and impair reproductive ability.

And most importantly, they get fat not from fat, but from an inadequate supply of simple carbohydrates (sugars) and an imbalance in the diet.

And now a short excursion into the history of how the 30/20/50 scheme appeared

The classic norm of BZHU in grams is 1:1:4, which gives in calories 4:9:16, or in percentage 14:31:55. This is with normal nutrition for retention. “Weight Loss” reduces calorie content by 50% (Instead of the 2400 kcal set for retention, they eat 1200 kcal, nutritionists have the same opinion to please them), i.e. eat half of what they should. You can and should cut only at the expense of fats and carbohydrates; you cannot touch the proteins. That is, from 4:9:16 (in total 29) you need to subtract 14, of which in proportion from fats 5 and from carbohydrates 9. What remains is 4:4:7, which gives a percentage of 27:27:46. This is where 30:20:50 comes from - they also rounded it up, increased the proteins by 3%, who doesn’t know that proteins make you lose weight, reduced fats, because fats make you fat, and even added carbohydrates from fats - like vegetables useful for weight loss. This was roughly the train of thought, then most likely everything was forgotten, but the formula remained. That is, this formula “30:20:50” is only for a weight loss diet, in which the amount of fats and carbohydrates is reduced. And proteins increased sharply only in percentage terms, but in quantitative terms they remained practically the same.

That's the whole origin story of 30/20/50. Conclusion, this diet is only for 1200 kcal calories. And they stick it anywhere.

In general, distributing BZHU by percentage is a bad idea.

For a more correct calculation, it is necessary to start from the weight.

For private“weight loss”, the protein norm is 1g per kg of weight, and this is a constant.

Next comes a proportional reduction in fats and carbohydrates, i.e., if it is necessary to create a deficit of 400-500 kcal, then this is done at the expense of fats and carbohydrates. In this case, fats and carbohydrates are reduced proportionally. Also, do not forget to look at the boundary norms and, if during the calculation we go beyond them, then it is necessary to stop at these norms and recalculate the caloric intake.

Only then will the created calorie deficit not differ so sharply from the recommended norms and a strong imbalance in the BJU will not be created, and, as a result, weight loss will proceed without harm to health.

For those who have been working out in the gym for a long time and have introduced sports into their daily life, the calculation is based on other standards that have nothing to do with the recommendations of the WHO and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, but that’s another story.

Reading time: 13 minutes

Counting calories is a method of losing weight that traditionally raises many questions. We have a separate section on our website that explains in sufficient detail all the nuances of calorie counting and the correct method for calculating calories in foods.

Do you still have questions about the calorie counting method and its effectiveness for losing weight? Then we answer the most popular questions about losing weight using the method of calculating KBZHU, which will help you decide for yourself whether this method of losing excess weight is suitable for you.

Questions about losing weight and calorie counting methods

1. Is the calorie counting method effective? Will I lose weight?

Counting calories for weight loss is based on a simple principle: consume less food than the body requires for energy. When calories coming in are less than calories going out, the body begins to break down fat cells.. This process is achieved by cutting the daily calorie intake or, in other words, calorie deficit. By the calorie counting method, we assume a reasonable deficit of 15-20% of the daily calorie intake, as well as adherence to the norm of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

There are several reasons:

  • Versatility: Calorie counting is suitable for everyone.
  • Safety of the method: a small calorie deficit does not harm your health.
  • The method is gentle, so it is suitable for active people and sports lovers.
  • The body receives proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the right quantities, which minimizes the risk of developing diseases due to lack of nutrients.
  • There are no restrictions on products: you can even include your favorite dishes in the menu.
  • The method is very variable and flexible, which will help regulate nutrition during weight loss and plateau, during pregnancy, and during breastfeeding.

3. Is it possible to lose weight without counting calories?

Millions of people regularly lose weight. In different ways, and this is not just counting calories. We recommend calorie counting because it is a universal method that suits everyone. If this method is unacceptable/complicated/incomprehensible for you, then you can choose another method of losing weight.

4. Maybe you can recommend some effective diet?

Most low-calorie and mono diets have a lot of limitations and side effects, so we do not recommend experimenting with your body. If you have a proven diet that worked for you and gave results, you can use it.

5. Is it enough to just eat right (no flour, fatty foods, sweets) without counting calories?

Even if you eat “correctly,” you can go over your calorie intake, creating a surplus.. With a calorie surplus, the body will not consume fat, since it will have enough energy coming from outside. And it doesn’t matter at all what products you created a surplus with, useful or unhealthy.

There is also a flip side to the coin. Trying to eat healthy, many people cut their diet to a minimum and create an excessive calorie deficit. In this case, the body slows down its metabolism, so you will not only have difficulty losing weight, but you will also gain weight as soon as you relax a little in your diet.

This is why for effective weight loss it is so important to maintain balance and eat within a reasonable deficit. Of course, some people have a very flexible body, so even a small nutritional correction helps to lose weight and bring the body back to normal. But, alas, this does not always work. Most often you have to count calories in order to eat your quota without overeating.

8. Are there special sites for keeping food diaries with calculating calories and nutritional supplements?

12. What if I don’t have a kitchen scale?

To count calories, it is very advisable to have a kitchen scale. Although, of course, you can use measuring cups/spoons for weighing, calculate the weight of the product based on the data on the packaging, take the approximate weight of fruits/vegetables from ready-made tables, etc. But the accuracy of such measurements will be noticeably lower than when using kitchen scales. Of course, if you approach the process with the utmost care, the data obtained will be within the margin of error, but for the future it is still better to plan the purchase of kitchen scales.

Usually 2-3 months are enough to form your menu, adapt and roughly understand your daily diet. Therefore, as a rule, after a couple of months of regular calculations, further nutrition occurs “by inertia”. A return to KBZHU calculations usually occurs with significant changes in diet or changes in daily caloric intake. Once you reach your desired figure, you can increase your calorie intake by switching to weight maintenance meals.

14. I simply gave up sweets and lost 2 kg in a week, without even counting anything.

It’s true, it’s enough to remove sweets from your diet to lose 1.5-2 kg in a week or two. But it won't be fat loss. Carbohydrates retain water, so if you reduce your intake, your body will lose water. However, this is not getting rid of fat, it is simply changing the water balance. Therefore, do not rush to conclusions that to lose weight you only need to reduce your consumption of sweets.

15. Counting calories is generally not important; I already lost weight with regular fitness and a more or less normal diet.

It is very good that you achieved the desired result without additional calculations. But it is important to understand that each person has his own individual characteristics, different ages, different anamnesis, different genetics, different ideas about normal nutrition and different attitudes towards fitness. The rule “eat normally and exercise regularly” has many nuances.

In order to achieve normal nutrition, you often need to have some experience (and it’s good if this experience is not bitter, like, for example, starvation diets and various diet pills) . That is why clear criteria, such as KBJU values, are still necessary. At least for the first time as a guide.

16. What can you say about the container system from Autumn Calabres?