
Do what brings you pleasure. Why not? I don't know what brings me pleasure What brings me pleasure


The big book of attracting money Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

Wealth Secret No. 24 Your strength is what brings you pleasure! Choose activities you like, and the money will find you!

Wealth Mystery No. 24

Your strength is what brings you pleasure! Choose activities you like, and the money will find you!

Doing something for the sake of money is the biggest mistake in life. Do only what you are passionate about, and if you are good at it, the money will come by itself.

Greer Garson

Tell me, what do you like to do?

What brings you joy, warms your soul? What business are you willing to devote your free time to?

Maybe you like to knit, or draw, or garden, or grow flowers, or take photographs, or write poetry, or...

How many people - so many hobbies. And if you listen to yourself, there will probably be more than one thing that you do willingly, with joy and pleasure.

Unfortunately, many of us have an ingrained belief that money can only be earned through hard work. And all sorts of interesting activities and hobbies are perceived as something frivolous. And in vain! Because what you really enjoy doing can become the gold mine of your life!

The source of your prosperity lies in your area of ​​interest!

In order not to be unfounded, I will give several examples. And not canonical examples from the lives of famous people. The heroes of my stories are young and inexperienced. All they have is an interest in life and faith in their own strength. How much it costs is up to you to judge!

English schoolboy Fraser Doherty was interested in cooking. Most of all, he and his friends liked jam according to their grandmother’s signature recipe. Friends and neighbors loved the jam so much that Fraser received many orders. Ordered - done: at the age of 14, the young man opened a mini-production of jam in his own home. The flow of orders increased, and Doherty had to rent a local culinary factory for a few hours a week. At 16, Fraser even dropped out of school to work full time. Soon large chains of well-known supermarkets signed contracts with Fraser - and “grandmother’s jams” began to be sold throughout Britain! Now Fraser Doherty's company is valued at two million dollars. Not too bad for a novice cook!

Another English schoolgirl, Ashley Qualls, also created her own website at the age of 14. Her hobby was drawing, and the site was conceived as a portfolio with paintings and graphics created by the girl. In addition to the website, she has posted samples of her work and advice for aspiring designers on Myspace. Ashley's site now has over 7 million monthly visitors and is valued at over a million dollars!

Two American teenagers, Katherine and Dave Cook, decided to launch an interactive version of popular school albums on the Internet. Almost all students in American schools have such albums: they contain school photographs, notes from wall newspapers, certificates of gratitude... When this bright idea came to the young entrepreneurs, Katherine was 15 years old, and her brother was 17. And as a result, one of the America's most popular social sites!

Here are great examples of how you can make money doing something that interests you. As you can see, the guys had neither initial capital nor work experience - only sincere interest and open-mindedness of thinking!

So what stops you from realizing your plans?!

Do you like to draw? Now there are many courses that will allow you to hone your skills. And then everything depends only on your personal aspirations and preferences: you can draw portraits, do graphic design, create postcards... Your desire and ability to draw can be very useful to other people, and bring you not only joy and pleasure, but also a worthy reward!

Do you like to take photographs? Do you have a large photo archive? If you wish, you can find many sites where you can offer your works for sale. Perhaps potential buyers and customers are waiting for your photos!

In general, if you have the desire and aspiration, then you can use your hobbies to benefit yourself and those around you! And who knows what “frivolous” earnings will grow into over time!..

This text is an introductory piece. From the book The Big Book of Raising Money author Pravdina Natalia Borisovna

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From the author's book

Choose activities you like! Doing something for the sake of money is the biggest mistake in life. Do only what you are passionate about, and if you are good at it, the money will come by itself. Greer Garson Tell me, what do you like to do? What brings you joy, warms you

There are many aphorisms about the fact that there is only one life, and you should live it in such a way that in old age you will not regret anything. Do you know how to get joy from life? In fact, everything is simple: live according to your conscience, think positively and learn to enjoy simple things.

Happiness is simple

To the question of what joy is, each person will answer in his own way. For some it is the smile of a loved one, and for others it is the taste of vanilla ice cream. There is no such thing as universal. The formula for searching for it is to find things, events and people that bring pleasure to you. Try writing a list of personal reasons to be happy right now. Add any points that come to your mind. These can be specific people, special places, or If you want to learn how to get joy from life, don’t be embarrassed by your addiction to some special foods or aromas.

Avoid Negativity

Having found all the good things in your life, don’t be lazy to figure out the bad ones too. What makes you upset and worried most often? If it's all about the little things, finding a solution is not so difficult. Get rid of faulty appliances or things that simply irritate you for one reason or another. The same should be done if a specific person acts as an irritant. Minimize communication with a colleague or acquaintance who does not respect you, insults you without reason, or belittles your dignity. There are other situations - communication does not carry direct negativity, but it is after meeting with a specific person that you feel depressed and disappointed. You should also meet with such friends as rarely as possible. Do you want to know how to get joy from life every day? So here’s the first tip: minimize all kinds of negative stimuli and try to intelligently try to avoid situations that can ruin your mood.

Happiness is within each of us

A famous saying goes: “The pessimist’s glass is half empty, the optimist’s glass is half full.” Indeed, a lot depends on perception. Did you have to get up early? Hurry up, lift your head from the pillow, a cup of delicious coffee and a new day full of various events awaits you. Simple joys are available to us in any situation and at any moment in life. When it rains outside, you can sit gloomily at home and curse the weather for ruining all your plans, or admire the pattern of drops on the windows. Learn to see beauty in simple things and enjoy the little things. It is also useful to reward yourself with something pleasant for personal victories or to console yourself after not the most successful events. Rewards don’t have to be financial - it’s nice, of course, to buy some new things if you’ve completed your weekly work quota in one day. But believe me, an unplanned walk, a favorite dish for lunch or a decision to go to bed early is no worse.

Making a wish map

Take whatman paper or a note board and attach images of something that will bring you joy to the chosen base. It is advisable to maintain approximately the same ratio of material and intangible. It’s very simple: knowing specifically what you want, and seeing it before your eyes every day, makes it easier to get what you want. Be sure to gradually add new joys, and make it a rule to fulfill at least one of your existing desires once a week. To comply with this condition, you need to add to your happiness map, in addition to global goals, also minor ones - those that you can fulfill in the near future. Meeting with a friend, going to a new cafe or relaxing on the weekend outside the city. Such simple joys are the foundation of a happy life.

We invite happiness into your life

There are times when you feel tired and unhappy more and more often, and everything becomes more difficult. To improve your morale in such situations, eating delicious ice cream or buying a new one is not enough; a way to get rid of the first signs of depression is to go on a trip. If this is not possible, try rearranging your home and changing something about yourself. You've been dreaming of a new hairstyle for a long time - now is the time to make this dream come true. Try a less drastic change, for example, buy clothes of an unusual style and style, or do new makeup. Psychologists often advise people who are dissatisfied with their own lives to get a pet. If you want to live your life with dignity and have joy, you definitely need to take care of someone. However, not all people can afford to keep a pet. An alternative option is to try growing an indoor flower. Get a small shoot and watch it day after day.

Family or loneliness?

According to many philosophers and sages, the main thing is happiness, the joy of life - If you are already married, try to build a respectful and trusting relationship with your partner. Singles should devote enough time to communicating with parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives. However, do not forget that everything should be done only at your own request. You shouldn’t get married just because “it’s supposed to be that way.” Many people say that children are the joy of life. Believe them, but do not decide to take such a step as having a child if you feel that you are not ready or do not want a baby right now. There are also directly opposite situations - all that is needed for happiness is a child, but material wealth or housing problems prevent you from thinking about having a baby. And this is a serious reason to think about everything again and, perhaps, decide to make your dream come true. Love problems require a thoughtful solution. Remember, it is easy to destroy a relationship or submit to circumstances that interfere with your union, but finding your love and spiritually close person again is not at all easy.

Find your place in life

It’s good when the main joy in a person’s life and the source of financial well-being is one type of activity. Work takes a significant place in the life of any person, and if it does not bring positive emotions, it is not so easy. The best advice for people who are unsettled in their professional life is to try to figure out what the reason is. You may not like the type of activity itself, the manager or team, or the principles of work organization in a particular company. Once the main problems have been identified, solutions should be considered. You can always change your job or even get a new profession. Do you want to become happier? Find something you like. Hobbies can be anything - sports, handicrafts, board games. Make acquaintances with like-minded people or join a thematic club. You will definitely enjoy such productive and useful leisure time.

Every day is special and the happiest

We have collected all the most popular and effective advice from psychologists on the topic: “How to get joy from life?” If you want to become happy and find harmony, do not be afraid to try new things and gradually eliminate from your life what upsets and irritates you. Get all the available joys of life and don’t think about what others will think of you. If right now you feel like dancing and laughing or running barefoot through puddles, do just that. Remember: we live only once and it would be a sin not to use all the ways to get joy today.

You can dream of living life for pleasure only at a very young age, when it seems that everyday life is boring, and work is nothing more than a routine. Perhaps this is what happens if work as a part of life does not bring pleasure, and you fulfill your duties through force. How to enjoy life and have fun without wasting it?

Getting healthy and harmful pleasures from life

To figure out how to enjoy life, first of all, it is worth understanding the difference between pleasures that bring benefits and pleasures that bring harm.

The simple pleasures of life that are beneficial are those that are associated with an increase in the vitality of the individual, with an increase in his productivity, depth of thinking and contributing to the development of fullness of feelings.

For example, a person is engaged in creativity, writes books, draws pictures, or devotes himself entirely to some other activity that brings him a feeling of satisfaction, a sense of his own usefulness and at the same time being in demand. The results of his activities, into which he puts his whole soul, turn out to be necessary for other people and are in demand. That is, a person gets things done and enjoys everyday life. This is the highest degree of pleasure that brings benefit. It is easier to feel this state while doing what you love than to express it in words, despite the fact that words are the most powerful drug in the world.

And what pleasures of life can be harmful? Some people find pleasure in alcoholic drinks. It does not take a great sage to understand that the abuse of the “green serpent” is harmful.

If you think that you can enjoy life by being idle, then know that this leads to conservation of a person’s abilities, his inferiority and discord with the world, and above all with himself. No medicine will help such people. As Seneca wrote:

  • Medicines will not help where what was considered a vice becomes a custom.

To live life with pleasure, but exclusively in idleness, is extremely short-sighted. Idleness as such only exploits a person and is a devourer of his time, and time is the only “thing” that cannot be returned, whereas any material wealth can be returned.

Everyday work as the main pleasure in life

If we talk about what main pleasures in a person’s life are put at the forefront, then we can safely give first place to work. Of course, if it brings not only benefits, but also moral satisfaction.

Work under certain conditions can be the greatest pleasure for a person, his happiness. But work cannot be fun. Even if you work in show business, you need to take your work seriously. As the pirate Silver from Stevenson's novel "Treasure Island" said: "Business is business."

Everyone, probably, sooner or later asks the question: how to live life with pleasure and, in general, how should you approach life?

You can’t take your life too frivolously or too seriously. There are set goals, and you need to be able to achieve them, conquer the planned peaks. On the way to the top, many difficulties await us. If a person has an inner core, then overcoming difficulties necessarily makes him stronger, more stable and does not allow him to “bend under the changing world.”

A person for whom work does not bring pleasure in life, the appearance of difficulties forces him to look for workarounds, which, by and large, cannot even be called paths: rather, they are “paths” that lead him away from the intended goal.

If we hypothetically imagine a person walking along a wide road, sometimes going up, sometimes going down, with many obstacles, but at the end of the road or a given direction, a long-awaited goal awaits him as the crown of his labors and expectations.

Only with daily work will the pleasure from life be complete. After all, the wide road (work) is intersected by many small paths (entertainment that lead us away from the goal). It is much easier not to overcome difficulties that arise at one time or another, but to turn, for example, to the left and watch TV (and everything in a row: TV series, soap operas, football, endless news, all kinds of shows, etc.) or turn to the right, that is drink alcohol or play cards (schedule a bullet for four hours), and so on. There are a lot of temptations, or small paths, and not just a lot, there are a countless number of them, a whole horde. Remember a simple but brutal truth:

  • Abuse of temptations such as alcohol, drugs, gambling and the like can send you ahead of time “ad patres” (to your forefathers, that is, to the next world).

Life is enjoyable only if you are creative

We think and console ourselves with the fact that by having fun we are distracted from our problems. To enjoy life, people often plunge into idleness. Entertainment is perceived as a cure for difficulties, and in this a person sees his happiness. But this is exactly the same happiness as the happiness of a man dying of thirst in the desert who sees a mirage in the form of an oasis. And happiness in the form of entertainment inevitably turns into misfortune after a while, since it quietly kills our time, and therefore, us. Having fun beyond measure, we kill our “I” unnoticed, then the soul breaks and screams in the void, no one understands or hears us, and now we no longer think about ourselves, about our broad road, about the difficulties that need to be overcome, to get to the goal. At the same time, unresolved issues accumulate like a snowball and turn into insoluble problems, and then “abyssus abyssum invocat”, or “abyss calls to abyss”, also this saying can be understood as “like entails like”, or “one disaster entails is another disaster." And when such a person reaches the bottom, even the “advocatus diaboli”, who is also the “devil’s advocate”, will not be able to help him, that is, the defender of a hopeless cause in which the person defending him does not believe.

It is much more pleasant and correct to use a creative approach to life, to find entertainment in your business, on your broad road, getting to know yourself and steadily moving towards your goal. Entertainment and entertainment are different. If they contribute to your development (for example, traveling to explore the world; playing chess, which develops memory and scale of thinking; reading educational books; studying foreign languages, etc.), then these are reasonable, useful entertainments. If entertainment becomes an end in itself, brings every minute pleasure and does not contribute to the improvement of your inner world, then you need to treat it with caution, in other words, try to limit it to a minimum.

Almost every Homo sapiens sets itself a specific task, much more important than just breathing, eating, drinking and eking out a miserable existence. Take a creative approach to life and you will definitely stand out among your peers!

So, once setting off during a storm, Caesar said that he did not need to stay alive, but it was absolutely necessary to get to the appointed place. And Pliny bequeathed to humanity the following alternative:

  • Either do something worth writing about, or write something worth reading. As for those who do neither one nor the other, I believe that their life and death are similar, because people pass over both in silence.

It is better to do something that you yourself will enjoy. Theodore Roosevelt’s statement about the benefits of the cause:

  • It is much better to dare to do great things in order to achieve a brilliant triumph, even at the cost of trial and error, than to be equal to those poor in spirit people who never experience either great joy or great suffering, because they live in the gray twilight and know no victory. , no defeats.