
Dukan diet full version. “I don’t know how to lose weight” Pierre Dukan. The undoubted advantages of the Dukan method include

Pathologies of the uterus

The Dukan Diet is the No. 1 diet in the world! And Dr. Pierre Dukan is the most popular French nutritionist!
The following people lost weight using this method: Karl Lagerfeld, Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz and Gisele Bundchen.

There is no bad food. There are dishes that are cooked incorrectly! Believe me, even lettuce and celery can bring maximum pleasure if they are seasoned with a delicious low-calorie sauce. Why starve yourself with diets if you can develop the habit of eating right, while giving up only a minimum set of unhealthy foods? Naturally, mayonnaise and soda will be banned, but no one has canceled meat, fish and chocolate. Don't believe me? Pierre Dukan, the author of the most famous diet all over the world, in the book “350 Recipes of the Dukan Diet” offers the reader the most “delicious” and healthy recipes that will prove that a diet menu can bring gastronomic pleasure.

On KnigoPoisk you can download “350 recipes for the Dukan diet” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt, doc and rtf – by Pierre Dukan.

What is this book about?

There is a stereotype that the diet menu is tasteless. Fried and salty foods are not allowed. Gastronomic repressions concern spicy and peppery, strong tea and coffee. Most people who decide to go on a diet have to radically change their eating habits, introducing healthy foods and properly prepared foods into their diet (boiled and baked dishes, raw food diet). Not every person in pursuit of a toned figure is ready to endure such torment. And so the dream remains a dream, and the same harmful products appear in the refrigerator.

Pierre Dukan in his book “350 Recipes for the Dukan Diet” breaks age-old stereotypes and proves that while on a diet you can eat even more varied and tastier than before. The author of a collection of healthy recipes is convinced that food should bring joy and not disgust. Therefore, he developed more than 300 healthy and “tasty” recipes. They will easily help a person get rid of excess weight and instill the habit of eating right.

What does this book teach?

In the book “350 Recipes for the Dukan Diet,” Pierre Dukan teaches how to eat properly while on a diet, instilling the habit of eating only healthy and wholesome foods throughout your life.

Under the cover of this collection of recipes you will find not only instructions for preparing dishes. The manual contains useful recommendations from the author of one of the most popular systems in the world for losing excess weight.

Mr. Dukan knows how to motivate and direct to achieve results. His recipes are not complicated. Products for their preparation can be bought at any supermarket. Stop living at the mercy of fatty and fried foods, making excuses that other food is tasteless!

Who is this book for?

This book will change your understanding of low-calorie nutrition. It will find application in every home. People on a diet will especially appreciate the usefulness and practicality of the guide.

You can buy the book “350 Dukan Diet Recipes” or download it to your ipad, iphone, android and kindle on the website without registration. You will also find reviews and reviews of the book.

DOWNLOAD THE BOOK “350 Dukan Diet Recipes” for FREE

The book “350 Dukan Diet Recipes” presents a wide variety of recipes for every taste. The diet developed by Pierre Dukan is known throughout the world. Many famous personalities have lost weight with its help.

Everyone would like to lose weight while still eating delicious food. The process of losing weight can be very long, and therefore people cannot stand it, forced to constantly eat monotonous, bland food. Then breakdowns occur, and all the work goes down the drain. Pierre Dukan is of the opinion that food should bring pleasant sensations. Therefore, he developed a lot of recipes that will allow you to eat not only healthy, but also tasty.

The book first offers a brief description of the weight loss technique in all four stages. Since this process is very serious, you need to approach it accordingly. The author offers a list of permitted products, taking into account the stage at which the reader is. The following are dishes that contain only protein or protein with vegetables. Dukan also offers a lot of sauce recipes that will please even the most picky people.

Each recipe contains information about preparation time, cooking time, list of ingredients and a detailed description of the cooking process. Here you can see both simpler and more complex recipes for dishes from meat, fish, seafood and eggs, recipes with vegetables that will enrich the body with important microelements and fiber. It is noteworthy that this book contains recipes for pizza, sandwiches, nuggets and dumplings, which are usually considered taboo. There are even dozens of recipes for baking and desserts that people who are losing weight dream of.

Products used for cooking are available in almost any store. Everyone will be able to choose something suitable and useful for themselves. With this book you don’t have to be afraid of breakdowns, because you’ll never want to give up delicious food!

On our website you can download the book “350 recipes for the Dukan Diet” by Dukan Pierre for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Pierre Dukan

350 Dukan diet recipes

LES RECETTES DUKAN Mon régime en 350 recettes

The editors thank Elena Alexandrova and her daughter Olga for their active participation in the creation of the book

© Editions Flammarion, 2007

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2013

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I would like to thank Roland Chautard, one of the best chefs in Paris. In exchange for 30 lost kilograms after independently reading the book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” he offered his professional interpretation of my recipes, which he endowed with grace and ingenuity, and gave followers of the diet the opportunity to lose weight surrounded by exquisite French gastronomy.

Special thanks to Gael Boulet, a chef-in-training with Alain Ducasse, for his valuable advice on the art of creating flavor music with simple arrangements, replacing the taste of fatty foods with the wonderful aromas of healthy dishes.

From the publisher

Dear readers!

Each of us on the long path to slimness faces all sorts of difficulties and dangers, especially in moments when we feel tired from the monotony of our diet and our weight remains at the same level. It is no secret that the ability to vary taste sensations and dishes plays a significant role in the effectiveness of the diet and the prevention of breakdowns. But not every diet can boast an abundance of flavors.


Dr. Dukan's new book will help you follow a diet with ease: you will be able to prepare simple and varied dishes and you will not even have time to think that you are already tired of something. Every day you will enjoy your meals and at the same time lose unnecessary pounds.

This edition contains not only recipes suitable for each stage of the Dukan Diet, but also additional information not included in the first book. For example, here you will find list of acceptable products, which allow you to further diversify your diet menu. With these extra ingredients you can even make desserts, starting with the Alternate step. Recipes containing such products are accompanied by the phrase .


Each recipe contains the following information: preparation and cooking time, cooling time (if required, indicated by a snowflake), ingredients and a description of the cooking process.

Additionally, we have clarified which stage this recipe is suitable for, this is marked with circles with the stage number:

1 – stage “Attack”;

2 – stage “Alternation”;

3 – stage “Fixation”;

4 – stage “Stabilization”.

In addition, here you will find information about whether this dish is allowed to be consumed in the third and fourth stages on Protein Thursday. Next to the recipe there are plates with numbers showing the number of servings received.


Some of the recipes provided were provided by our Russian readers who have already lost weight on the Dukan diet and were happy to help everyone who is just at the beginning of their journey. We thank them for providing the recipes and photographs and admire their ability to turn routine dishes into culinary masterpieces. Indeed, among the dishes they provided were not just stewed meat with vegetables, but even Russian dumplings! Thanks to such active readers, we finally believed that the Dukan method is not just a diet, but a complete nutrition system that allows you to lose weight and stay healthy, enjoying every meal.

Our heartfelt wish is for you to reach your healthy weight, and we sincerely hope that the recipes in this book will help you achieve this. Believe in yourself, cook and be good!

Sincerely, the team of the publishing house "Eksmo"


Let my diet be yours

As I submitted the manuscript for I Can't Lose Weight to the publisher, I was well aware that I had just completed my life's work. I knew that I was presenting to my patients and future readers a new method of combating excess weight, created by me as a result of thirty years of daily medical practice.

My entry into dietetics drew the ire of my colleagues—ardent advocates and promoters of low-calorie diets, Lilliputian portions, and calorie counting. I suggested a diet based on proteins and allowing eat as much as you want, without the burdensome weighing of portions and calculating their calorie content. At that time I was very young, susceptible to criticism and could easily lose heart at the slightest failure. However, the effectiveness and simplicity of my method, its full compliance with the psychology of people suffering from excess weight, instilled confidence that I was on the right path and added strength to me for further work.

Being a naturally curious, inventive and creative person, I used these qualities to conduct research into the area I was very familiar with: people's attitudes towards their own weight. I spent years developing the concept of my diet and it was only through daily contact with patients and a tireless search for new ingredients that I was able to improve it.


Thus, a nutritional method arose, which today I can with full conviction call my own development.

The response this diet received, its spread and popularity, the numerous expressions of sympathy and constant support from readers - all this filled my life with meaning. Whatever my ambitions and hopes while writing the book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” I could not even imagine that it would be read by such a huge number of readers, it would be translated into many languages ​​and published even in such distant and exotic countries as Korea, Thailand and Bulgaria.

My method does not owe its popularity to the media: almost no one advertised the book. It was sold only because thinner readers and participants in online forums recommended it to each other. Recently, it has even been recommended by my fellow doctors. I began to accept that there was something in it that was beyond my understanding, some happy link that allowed the reader to receive the same compassion, energy and understanding that they feel in personal contact with a nutritionist. Since the book “I Can’t Lose Weight” fell into the hands of readers, I have received a huge number of letters of gratitude and evidence of the effectiveness of the diet. Among them were critical comments and advice on improving the methodology. In these letters, I am first of all advised to enrich the methodology with a set of physical exercises and new recipes for dishes. I wrote this book to satisfy the second wish. But don’t worry, I will also respond immediately to your first request!

For this publication, which contains recipes for dishes compatible with the method I developed, I took advantage of the unusual ingenuity of my patients. I cannot mention here everyone who has contributed to the refinement and additions to the recipes, but I always try to preserve the name of the recipe given by its creator.


I don't know how to lose weight Pierre Dukan

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Title: I can't lose weight
Author: Pierre Dukan
Year: 2008
Genre: Medicine, Health, Self-improvement, Foreign applied and popular science literature, Foreign educational literature

About the book “I Can’t Lose Weight” by Pierre Dukan

The famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan is the author of the bestseller “I Can’t Lose Weight,” which contains a detailed step-by-step method of saying goodbye to extra pounds forever. Thanks to the popular Dukan diet, fifteen million obese people have returned to their former slimness.

Pierre Dukan, on the pages of his treatise “I Can’t Lose Weight,” suggests giving up excess weight forever and consolidating the results obtained by following the simple and understandable recommendations of a nutritionist, repeated from page to page and deeply embedded in the subconscious of someone losing weight. From the first line, the doctor warns that the process will be long and you shouldn’t expect quick results, but the melted kilograms will be lost forever.

The Dukan diet is divided into four stages, through which a person who wants to gain slimness must go. At the first stage “Attack” the patient can eat any amount of protein products. At the same time, the person losing weight will experience the greatest and fastest weight loss. The list of products consists of 72 items, so a person can easily cope with the hunger that usually plagues during diets.

The second stage, “Alternation,” adds twenty-eight new foods to the diet, including vegetables. The third stage, “Consolidation,” again expands the menu and is a transitional step to normal nutrition. The last stage “Stabilization” guarantees weight stabilization and returns the patient to a normal lifestyle. After completing the four stages of the method, a person’s eating behavior changes completely and a clear understanding of proper nutrition is built.

In addition to restrictions on food intake, Pierre Ducan gives recommendations on how to combat physical inactivity, describes which muscle groups work during habitual physical exercises and how movements in general affect the body. The author claims that simply giving up the elevator in favor of walking up the stairs will help you get rid of excess weight faster and more effectively and strengthen your heart. In addition to the list of products, the book contains detailed recipes for dishes that are recommended to be prepared for proper nutrition during each stage of the method.

The main rule of the treatise is “to lose weight, you need to eat.” Thanks to this motto and simple rules described on the pages of “I Can’t Lose Weight,” fat people quickly lose extra pounds and consolidate the results achieved. Thousands of people who have experienced Pierre Dukan's method confirm the effectiveness of the diet and the ease of its implementation.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “I Can’t Lose Weight” by Pierre Dukan in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “I Can’t Lose Weight” by Pierre Dukan

Allowed are tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, spinach, asparagus, leeks, green beans, cabbage, mushrooms, celery, dill, all types of lettuce, endive (chicory), eggplant, zucchini, peppers and even carrots and beets (provided do not consume the latter at every meal).

Introduce oat bran into your diet - the only product in the world that promotes weight loss, provided that the product is properly crushed and sifted in a special way, which gives it medicinal properties and distinguishes it from classic bran used in cooking.


Stage “Stabilization” - maintaining the achieved weight: protein Thursday, refusal of the elevator, 3 tablespoons of oat bran per day throughout life.

The “Attack” phase, which involves consuming pure protein, allows for rapid weight loss and is in fact as good as the results achieved through fasting or using protein powder, but without the disadvantages of both methods.
“Alternation” stage - this stage of the diet involves alternating protein with vegetables and allows you to quickly and at one time achieve the desired weight.
The “Consolidation” stage is the stage of consolidating the results obtained, designed to prevent the yo-yo effect, when the body strives to regain quickly lost kilograms. This is a stage of increased vulnerability, the duration of which is calculated using the formula: 10 days to consolidate each kilogram lost during the two previous stages.

In fact, in practice it turned out that these are people with temporary or persistent dissatisfaction, forcing them to eat heartily and a lot in order to neutralize it at any cost.

Summary. Memo for the final stage “Stabilization”
1) Give yourself one protein Thursday a week, choosing foods that contain the maximum amount of protein as they will give the best results.
2) Continue drinking 1.5 liters of water per day.
3) Don't use the elevator and remember to walk 20 minutes a day.
4) Eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran in any form daily.

Goal: weight loss of less than 10 kg
For these less ambitious goals, the best duration for the attack phase is 3 days, after which you can safely move on to the next phase.

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The Dukan diet has remained one of the most popular in the world for many years. Over the course of several years, hundreds of thousands of people who want to lose weight have already tried this diet and were satisfied with the results obtained.

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The diet consists of four phases: “Attack”, “Alternation” or “Cruise”, “Consolidation” and “Stabilization”. The duration of the diet depends on how many kilograms you want to lose. Phase "Stabilization" lasts as long as possible and becomes a way of life for someone losing weight. Thanks to the phases "Consolidation" and "Stabilization" the weight will remain at the level you need, and you will not gain back the lost kilograms. Read below for the rules to follow throughout the diet.

4 phases of Dr. Dukan's diet


Phase 1 of the Dukan diet "Attack". Table

“Attack” - the first phase of the famous Dukan diet which continues from 3 to 10 days, depending on the weight you want to lose. We will tell you which products you can and cannot eat during the “Attack” phase.

Below is table, which allows you to calculate the weight of the person losing weight and the number of days needed to complete this phase. Based on the table, you can see that the more weight you need to lose during the diet, the more days this phase will last.

Weight you need to lose Attack Duration
5 kg 2 days
10 kg 3 days
15 kg 4 days
20 kg 5 days
25 kg 7 days
30 kg 7 days
40 kg 9 days
50 kg 10 days

During the "Attack" you can quickly see good results, which will be an incentive for further weight loss. On average, those who lose weight lose weight per week about 4 kg (from 2kg to 6 kg). Add to your daily diet 1.5 spoons of oat bran.

What can you eat during the "Attack":

  • Poultry meat without fat and skin (chicken, turkey, quail);
  • Lean veal, rabbit;
  • Lean ham;
  • Chicken by-products (liver, kidneys);
  • Veal and beef tongue (front part);
  • Fish and seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid);
  • Cancers;
  • Chicken eggs (no more than 2 yolks per day, unlimited egg whites);
  • Crab sticks (no more than 8 pieces per day);
  • Low-fat dairy products (milk, kefir, granular and liquid cottage cheese, soy cheese “Tofu”).

Eat low-fat dairy products

Sample Dukan diet menu during the “Attack” phase for every day and recipes with photos you will find at this link. And at this link you will find recipes for simple desserts for “Attack”.


Phase 2 of the Dukan Diet “Alternation” or “Cruise”

This phase continues until the weight begins to suit you, which means it can last for quite a long time. The amount of oat bran increases to 2 tablespoons per day. During this period, protein days begin to alternate protein-vegetable. That is Day 1 of the diet is purely protein, the second day is protein-vegetable.. This helps make the diet more varied, as well as supply the body with useful minerals and substances from vegetables. Scheme of protein and protein-vegetable days may be different. It could be scheme 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, but it is worth noting that scheme 1/1- the most gentle. see the link.

The following vegetables are prohibited:

  • Corn;
  • Potato;
  • Peas;
  • Regular beans;
  • Beans, lentils;
  • Olives/olives.

You can eat the rest of the vegetables no limits.

During this phase you should also not eat:

  • avocado;
  • pasta;
  • cereals

For this phase, look here.


Phase 3 of the Dukan Diet "Consolidation"

During the previous two stages you have reached your desired weight. Now begins the longest stage of the diet - "Pinning". On For every kilogram lost there are 10 days of “Consolidation”. For example, if you lost 15 kg during the first two stages, then the “Consolidation” phase will last 150 days. At this stage you need eat 2.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day. One day a week must stay clean protein. During this phase, the menu expands to include many products.

At this stage you are allowed to eat:

  • Pork and bacon;
  • Lamb;
  • Whole grain bread (100 g per day);
  • One fruit per day (apple, orange, grapefruit, apricot, peach, plum, slice of watermelon or melon, small bowl of berries). Bananas, grapes, cherries, and figs are still excluded from the menu;
  • 40 g of hard cheese with a fat content not exceeding 40%;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

During the "Consolidation" stage, you can eat some types of fruits

The main difference between the previous stages is the introduction of two unusual meals. You will be able to afford starchy foods, and also arrange "belly festival". However, these meals should be administered according to special rules. First, calculate the total number of days in this period. For example, in the first two stages you lost 8 kilograms, then “Consolidation” phase will take you 80 days. Divide the number of days of the phase in half.

1 During first forty days you can afford once a week one serving of starchy foods And 1 time per week arrange for yourself "belly festival", which many call a “feast”. Feast - one meal, during which you can afford any food from the common table. You can treat yourself to ice cream or desserts, pastries or sweets. However, the amount eaten should not exceed the usual serving sizes.

In the first half of the “Consolidation” phase, organize a “Belly Feast” for yourself once a week.

2 During second phase period(second forty days) you can arrange 2 “belly feasts” per week and eat 2 servings of starchy foods. However, these dishes should be small. Do not repeat these meals in a row.

  • Potatoes (mashed or baked potatoes);
  • Buckwheat;
  • Pasta;
  • Beans, peas, beans and other types of legumes;
  • Lentils.

At this stage, you can allow yourself a few slices of whole grain bread a day.

Do not season these dishes with butter. Cook instead dressing from stewed vegetables: tomatoes and onions.


4th phase of the Dukan diet "Stabilization"

At this stage of the diet, you gradually return to your normal lifestyle. However, do not immediately jump on all those foods that you denied yourself during the diet, since the likelihood of excess weight returning is quite high.

  1. Try to introduce new products gradually and little by little. Moderation in food, which has become your wonderful habit while dieting, will help you stay slim for many years.
  2. Keep eating oat bran 3 tablespoons per day. They should become your constant companion throughout your life.
  3. One day a week still remains protein. This phase can continue throughout your life. During this period, you will no longer lose excess weight, but with the right approach, you will not gain it either.
  4. Carry on drink enough water per day and exercise.

During the Dukan diet, you must adhere to several rules.

1 You will need to eat some oat bran every day. You can add them to food, e.g. to low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt or soup. You can read more about what oat bran is.