
Starting work in kindergarten. Advice for a new preschool teacher. The story of Cinderella

Pathologies of the uterus

0 "To help a beginning teacher" textbook for students

Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk

OGOBU SPO "Irkutsk Regional College of Pedagogical Education"

Teacher, practice manager

Leskova Victoria Ivanovna

Published by decision of the scientific and methodological council


To help a beginning teacher: textbook / comp. IN AND. Leskova; resp. ed. T.K. Nikerova. – Irkutsk: OGOBU SPO “IRKPO”, 2015. – 29 p.

The book is intended for students during educational and teaching practice. It offers questions and tasks for analyzing the pedagogical process and the activities of the teacher, and also reveals the main approaches to planning and organizing activities with children.


O.I. Shchemeleva, methodologist for pedagogical practice of OGOBU SPO "IRKPO" , S.V. Volkova, head of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, kindergarten No. 77

Dear students!

You are beginning the most interesting type of teaching activity - teaching practice in a preschool educational institution; it occupies a special place in your professional training. Pedagogical practice will allow you to enter the world of professionals and gain the necessary experience of professional actions:

the ability to apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge in educational work with preschool children;

Ability to plan, prepare and implement the educational process in a preschool educational institution;

Carry out pedagogical diagnostics;

Conduct a psychological analysis of the child’s individuality;

Organize psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the child’s predictive abilities;

Ability to use modern innovative technologies in educational interaction with a child, etc.

Questions for the analysis of different types of activities of children in preschool institutions (domestic, play, educational, labor), material for monitoring children and the direct pedagogical activities of the teacher will help you enter the world of professionals. A package of diagnostic methods, tables of recommendations for drawing up a plan for working with children in a preschool educational institution for conducting special moments will help you competently approach planning work in a preschool educational institution and building pedagogical interaction with children.

We wish you success in this interesting and important work!

Information about parents and other family members);

Mental development of the child (features of thinking, memory, speech);

sensory development (color, shape, size);

Subject activity;

Game activity;

Observation of regime processes in the afternoon.

  1. Raising children:

What techniques does the teacher use when raising children?

2. Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea:

How does the teacher organize the children's duty? does it help in preparing for afternoon tea? does he pay attention to the table setting?

Did the children sit down to have lunch exactly according to the schedule?

What does the teacher pay attention to during afternoon tea?

What interesting techniques does he use?

How long did the afternoon snack last, did it correspond to the schedule? (reasons why the afternoon tea did not end on time).

1. In a group:

How does the teacher organize the children’s activities after afternoon tea?

What are the children doing?

  1. Preparing for dinner, dinner.
  2. Preparing for the walk, walk:

Does the time you go out for a walk correspond to the established schedule?

Are there any conditions for dressing children? What are they?

How long did it take to get dressed?

What does the teacher pay attention to when dressing?

What techniques does he use?

What activities were organized with the children during the walk?

What materials did the children have at their disposal?

Did the children have fun during the walk?

Was the teacher active in guiding the children?

What interesting points can you note?

Psychophysical development of a preschooler

Studying the conditions created in kindergarten to protect the child’s nervous system from stress and overload

Observe and analyze the pedagogical conditions created in preschool educational institutions for the protection and promotion of the health of children in various age groups.

Memo to students

The optimal time for sleep is the time of decline in biological activity: from 21-21.5 to 7-8 hours; from 13-13.5 to 15-16 hours.

The optimal time for mental activity is the time when mental performance rises: 9-11 hours; 16-18 hours

The optimal time for physical activity is the time for increasing physical performance: 7-10 hours; 11-13 h; 17-19 hours

The optimal time for the first breakfast is an hour after waking up, and the last dinner is 1-1.5 hours before. before sleep.

The optimal frequency of meals is 4-5 times, the intervals between them are no less than 3 hours and no more than 4 hours. The optimal duration of physical activity is no less than 60% and no more than 80% of waking time (for children three to four years old this is from 3 hours 36 minutes to 4 hours 48 minutes in each waking period).

The optimal duration of physical activity is no less than 60% and no more than 80% of the waking time (for children three to four years old this is from 3 hours 36 minutes to 4 hours 48 minutes in each period of wakefulness).

The optimal time for a walk is the time of day when adverse natural factors (humidity, temperature, solar radiation, etc.) are minimally expressed.

The daily routine and the daily routine built on its basis are a flexible, dynamic design. In each kindergarten, the daily routine can be adjusted in accordance with climate changes, the time of year, the level of skills, the organization of children, and the consistency in the work of group staff.

Observation of morning exercises and physical education classes in different age groups

Questions for analyzing morning exercises

  1. What place does morning exercises have in your daily routine?
  2. Have hygienic conditions been created: clothing, shoes, room ventilation, wet cleaning, teacher’s uniform.
  3. How long did it take to prepare for gymnastics?
  4. Is the selection of exercises appropriate for this age group? How many exercises were taken, the number of their repetitions?
  5. In what cases did the teacher explain and in what cases did he show the exercises?
  6. In what cases did the teacher explain clearly enough whether he showed the exercises to the children correctly?
  7. What is the quality of children's exercise performance? Did the teacher notice that the exercises were not being performed correctly, and how did he react to this?
  8. What techniques did the teacher use to ensure that the exercises were performed correctly?
  9. Are benefits provided? Which ones? How long did it take to distribute benefits?
  10. What kind of accompaniment did the teacher use during gymnastics? How did it end? Did the teacher monitor your breathing and what special exercises did you do?

Analysis of physical education classes

  1. Preparing the teacher for the lesson, having a plan-note, developing methodological instructions, having a graphic image, moving the teacher during the lesson, preparing the place, shoes and clothing for the teacher and children.

2.Organization of the lesson. Timely start and end of the lesson, distribution of time for individual parts of the lesson, methods of placing children in the lesson.

Conducting a lesson. Correspondence of teaching methods to the age of children and the stage of training, the pace of physical exercises, density, solving problems of developing physical qualities, solving health problems, methods of cultivating mental processes (memory, thinking, imagination, attention) and positive emotions.

Children’s behavior and well-being, discipline, relationships, attention, activity, quality of physical exercise.

Are the basic movements and set of exercises successfully selected for children in this group? Does this comply with the recommendations of the “Program”. Material used by the teacher in work (its availability, hygienic requirements, size). How did the teacher organize the children’s work on sports equipment, was there insurance for the children, did the teacher keep all the children in sight?

How did the teacher give commands, orders, directions? Which exercises were you more successful in and which were not? How did you analyze the lesson?

Goal: to form in students an idea of ​​​​creating optimal conditions for children’s physical activity, to develop the desire to implement the results of psychological and pedagogical research in their work.

When discussing each of the organized physical education activities you viewed, note:

How are hygienic conditions observed when carrying out work on

physical education;

What equipment is used and how pedagogically justified it is;

What is the structure of various forms of work on physical development;

Make a conclusion about the features of the methodology for conducting physical education activities in each age group;

How differentiation and individualization of training is ensured;

Is the biological need of children for movement fully taken into account;

How does a teacher create an optimal psychological climate for each child;

How is the teacher’s creativity and individuality manifested?


Practical work with its surprises often complicates the work of novice educators, instills self-doubt in their abilities, and leads to disappointment.

Only a loving person should be a teacher.

This love, first of all, must be manifested in respect for the child’s personality, his feelings and experiences.

Such a teacher will kindly and friendly greet a child who comes to the group, will fairly sort out conflicts, listen patiently to the child, show his interest in his affairs, and will experience what happened with him.

However, this does not mean that the teacher should not be demanding and strict where necessary, but severity must be combined with fairness.

Children will understand the fairness of the teacher’s behavior, and his authority will be deservedly asserted.

Love for children manifests itself in great patience.

A child, entering life, makes discoveries for himself every day, masters knowledge, skills, and abilities. Praise your child for the slightest successes, and the child will be grateful to you in his own way.

Where should a novice teacher start?

I would like to advise you to visit a group before going to work, get to know the second teacher, assistant teacher, children, listen to a colleague’s story about the individual characteristics of each child, see where the equipment and manuals are stored, where walks are held, get acquainted with the work plan and documentation of the group.

Such preliminary preparation will help the novice teacher feel more confident when he comes to work for the first time in the group.

It is very important to constantly monitor your appearance. It’s nice for children, parents, colleagues and everyone around to see teacher neatly combed, modestly, but tastefully dressed.

Children admire you, your appearance brings them joy.

Kids always notice a beautiful brooch and a beautifully tied scarf, but at the same time worn-out slippers and a shaggy hairstyle. And what the kids don’t notice, the elders will definitely notice.

Children love and are proud of their teacher, and you must earn their love. The first step to this is your appearance.

The teacher's desk should be in ideal order- nothing extra, just a notebook with a plan, an attendance register, a schedule for ventilation of the room, material for the lesson.

Pedagogically, the material should be stored in pedagogical cabinets.

In younger groups, maintain this order yourself; in older groups, gradually involve children in this work. They will help you with pleasure.

The uniform and constant demands of both educators develop in children a useful habit of order, which is necessary in later life.

The teacher bears full responsibility for implementing the daily routine. In order for the day to go smoothly, it is necessary to think through the entire course of work the day before and prepare for classes.

From the very first days, try to establish contact with your replacement. If the shift worker is an experienced teacher, it is advisable to observe how she spends her morning hours, classes, walks, and organizes meals.

Try to make uniform demands on children while maintaining order in the group during classes. When handing over a shift to another teacher, tell us about how the working day went, what difficulties arose, how the children behaved and what the mood of the group was.

It is of great importance for a beginning teacher to find his place in the group while working.

Being among children and constantly observing their activities, you prevent a conflict or quarrel in time. Children should feel in you not only a strict teacher, but also a cheerful, kind participant in their undertakings.

When starting to work with children, learn to address them without shouting, calmly, sometimes persistently and demandingly, and sometimes affectionately and playfully.

Try to establish a calm, business-like atmosphere in the group. The teacher must resolve conflicts between children calmly, tactfully and fairly.

If the teacher is attentive to the behavior of children and observant, then the occurrence of conflicts can be prevented.

Methodological associations and teacher councils are the most important training events; when attending them, take notes on everything that is said and discussed at them.

The teacher should always work closely with the parents. But there are fathers and mothers who are late to bring their child to kindergarten on time, do little with him at home, and do not adhere to the schedule on weekends.

Such parents have to give advice. But they listen to the advice of a teacher who enjoys authority, loves children and works conscientiously and honestly.

Comments can be made tactfully, demandingly and achieve the desired results.

Some teachers, when meeting with parents, complain about children. But before you complain, think through your complaint carefully.

Pay attention to how and in what form the child meets his parents in the evening..

Both older and younger preschoolers should greet their parents joyfully, their appearance, mood, smile - everything should indicate that the child is happy with you, that you are honestly fulfilling your duties, working creatively, conscientiously.

Eva Norina
Advice for a novice teacher

Educator Kindergarten is a rather labor-intensive, but at the same time interesting profession. A person who chooses it must understand that he will not receive the fruits of his professional activity immediately, but only after many years, when mischievous girls and boys grow into adults who achieve some success in their lives.


Novice teacher this is not always a young person; often there are people of more mature age who have decided to retrain from their main specialty into a specialty teacher.

Surely, every beginner will agree with the opinion of A. S. Makarenko, who said that no matter how well a student graduates from an educational institution, no matter what talent and abilities for the profession he possesses, if he does not learn from more experienced colleagues, he will never will become a real specialist.

A person who decides to devote his work to children will have to spend years of study, undergo an internship, defend his thesis, and, finally, get a job in a preschool institution.

What difficulties may lie in wait? novice teacher?

Job teacher consists not only in direct contact with children and their parents, but also in close cooperation with other kindergarten workers. It often turns out that "the youth" can't find a common language with "advanced workers". The team always has teachers are more experienced, it’s worth learning from them and novice teacher.

They should not be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions; they should understand and support the newcomer, since they themselves passed this test not so long ago. Adviсe more experienced teachers are invaluable for a beginner. Because they will help the inexperienced teacher avoid many professional mistakes. Listening to them councils, you will show that you respect their teaching experience, and they enjoy your authority.

To work successfully with children, you need to gain their trust and authority. Moreover, this conquest must be carried out from the first minutes of stay novice teacher with children. If you do not have a trusting relationship with your children, then you will have problems with the issue of discipline, which is the main condition for successful and productive work with children.

Where to start? Of course, from the beginning, introduce yourself to the children, tell them something about yourself, get them interested in your personality. Be sure to show interest in each child so that the children understand that you care about them.


When working with children, you should be guided by the following: principles:

To achieve self-respect, you must show it to others. Each child is already an individual who demands respect.

You need to be honest with children and obligatory. Words teacher should never diverge from actions. Children will not respect a person who does not believe in what he says.

In preschool age, the main activity of children is play; use this to achieve success. Contact teacher with children should be based on play. Real teacher uses play in all areas of children's activities: on a walk, during class, when they wash themselves or go to bed, etc.

No matter what difficulties you may encounter beginner When working with children, a teacher should not despair and "hang your head", because for your efforts you will definitely be rewarded with the happy sparkle of your eyes and the radiant smiles of your pupils.

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How great and wonderful it is when on our professional path we meet people about whom we can say “Teacher with a capital T.” In that.

Walk structure:


2. Outdoor games: 2-3 games of high mobility, 2-3 games of low and medium mobility, games of children’s choice, didactic games.

3.Individual work with children on the development of movements and physical qualities.

4.Children's work on the site.

5.Independent play activity.

The sequence of structural components of a walk may vary depending on the type of previous activity. If the children were in an activity that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at the beginning of the walk it is advisable to conduct outdoor games, jogging, and then observations. If there was a physical education or music lesson before the walk, the walk begins with observation or quiet play. Each of the required components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background of independent activity.


A large part of the walks is devoted to observations (pre-planned) of natural phenomena and social life. Observations can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual children.

IN younger age Observations should take no more than 7-10 minutes and be bright and interesting. IN older age observations should last between 15 and 20 minutes. They should be carried out daily, but each time children should be offered different objects to consider.

Objects of observation can be:

  • Wildlife: plants and animals;
  • Inanimate nature: seasonal changes and various natural phenomena (rain, snow, flowing streams);
  • Adult labor. Observations of the work of adults (janitor, driver, builder, etc.) are organized 1-2 times a quarter.

Types of observation:

  • Short-term observations are organized to form information about the properties and qualities of an object or phenomenon (children learn to distinguish shape, color, size, spatial arrangement of parts and the nature of the surface, and when familiarizing themselves with animals, characteristic movements, sounds made, etc.
  • Long-term observations are organized to accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, and seasonal changes in nature. Children compare the observed state of the object with what was before.

When organizing observations, the teacher must always follow this sequence:

1. facts are established;

2. connections are formed between parts of the object;

3. children’s ideas are accumulating;

4. comparisons are made;

5. conclusions are drawn and connections are made between the observation being carried out now and those carried out earlier.

The surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity to organize interesting and varied observations.

Outdoor games

The leading place during the walk is given to games, mainly active ones. They develop basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, and develop moral qualities.

The choice of game depends on the time of year, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start your walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, and jumping. Fun and exciting games help children cope better with cold weather. In damp, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), sedentary games that do not require a lot of space should be organized.

Games with jumping, running, throwing, and balance exercises should also be carried out on warm spring, summer days and early autumn.

During walks, plotless folk games with objects, such as grandmothers, ring throws, skittles, can be widely used, and in older groups - elements of sports games: volleyball, basketball, gorodki, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey. In hot weather, water games are held.

Time for outdoor games and physical exercises during the morning walk:
in younger groups - 6 - 10 minutes,
on average - 10-15 minutes,
in senior and preparatory classes - 20-25 minutes.
On an evening walk:
in junior and middle groups - 10-15 minutes,
in senior and preparatory classes - 12-15 minutes.

Every month, learn 2-3 outdoor games (repeat for a month and reinforce 3-4 times a year)

INyounger age Games with text (imitation of the teacher’s actions) are recommended.

In the middle group The teacher distributes roles among the children (the role of the driver is performed by a child who can cope with this task).

In the senior and preparatory group Relay races, sports games, and games with elements of competition are held.

Outdoor games end with walking or low-mobility play, which gradually reduces physical activity.

Children are not allowed to walk for long periods of time without moving. . Children with reduced mobility and low initiative require special attention and should be involved in outdoor games.

During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with kids:
for some he organizes a ball game,
throwing at a target,
for others - an exercise in balance,
for others - jumping from tree stumps, stepping over trees, running down hills.

Games with a high level of movement intensity should not be played at the end of the morning walk before leaving the site, as children in this case become overexcited, which negatively affects the nature of daytime sleep, increases the duration of falling asleep, and may cause a decrease in appetite.

In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in basic movements, the walk also includes sports entertainment (exercises) . In the summer it’s cycling, hopscotch, in the winter it’s sledding, ice skating, sliding on ice paths, and skiing.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys and equipment. Before entering the room, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, carefully fold and put things in lockers. They change their shoes, put their suit and hair in order and go to the group.

Conducting a parent meeting

Ten secrets when holding a parent meeting

A parent meeting is a necessary attribute of preschool life. How to make it interesting and productive? They can be especially useful for a novice teacher.

1. To hold a parent-teacher meeting, choose the most favorable day and hour and try to ensure that neither you nor the parents of your students have any important activities, interesting TV shows, etc. planned for this time.

2. Determine the one most important problem affecting the students in your group, and build a conversation with parents around it.

3. Pay particular attention to the placement of parents at the meeting. For example, you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can clearly see and hear each other.

4. Prepare business cards with the parents' names, especially if they don't know each other well yet.

5. Together with your parents, come up with rules for meeting participants. For example: it is necessary to remove outer clothing; Silence is not allowed when discussing a problem; when rejecting a proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter proposal; call each other by first name and patronymic or only by first name, etc.

6. Protect the time of people invited to the meeting. To this end, establish regulations and strictly monitor their compliance.

7. During the meeting, use games and group forms of organizing parent interaction.

8. A cup of tea can help make communication at a meeting relaxed and frank.

9. When discussing problematic issues, rely on the life and pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, on the opinion of members of the parent committee.

10. Strive to ensure that concrete decisions are made at the meeting.

Rules of conduct for a teacher at a parent meeting

One of the main and most common forms with all parents is the parent meeting.

Parent meetings can be;

· organizational;

· current or thematic;

· final;

· general garden and group.

A parent meeting is naturally considered to be no less complex a “genre” than holding an educational activity. Here, two parties involved in the general educational process meet - teachers and parents - in order to listen to each other and discuss the main problems of the third, most important party - children.

1. The teacher needs to relieve his own stress and anxiety before meeting with parents.

2. Using speech, intonation, gestures and other means, let your parents feel your respect and attention to them.

3. Try to understand your parents; correctly identify the problems that most concern them. Convince them that the kindergarten and family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.

4. You should talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that parents of all pupils - both successful and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child.

5. The result of your joint work at the parent meeting should be the confidence of parents that in raising their children they can always count on your support and help.

Rules for working with children with behavioral characteristics

Rules for working with anxious children

1. Avoid competitions and any type of work that involves speed.

2. Do not compare your child with others.

3. Trust your child, be honest with him and accept him for who he is.

4. Use physical contact and relaxation exercises more often.

5. Help increase your child’s self-esteem by praising him more often, but so that he knows why.

6. Address your child by name more often.

7. Demonstrate examples of confident behavior, be an example to your child in everything.

8. Do not make excessive demands on your child. If a child has difficulty in any academic subject, it is better to once again help him and provide support, and if he achieves even the slightest success, do not forget to praise.

9. Be consistent in raising your child. Do not prohibit without any reason what was previously allowed.

10. Try to make fewer comments to your child.

11. Use punishment only as a last resort. Don't humiliate your child by punishing him.

12. When communicating with a child, do not undermine the authority of other significant adults.

13. Be patient, as instant results are difficult to achieve.

14. If the child’s fears do not go away and are obsessive in nature, seek the help of a specialist.

Rules for working with hyperactive children

1. Work with a hyperactive child individually, with the main attention being paid to distractibility and poor organization of activities.

2. If possible, ignore the challenging behavior of a child with attention deficit disorder and encourage his good behavior.

3. During lessons, it is advisable to limit distractions to a minimum. This can be facilitated, in particular, by the optimal choice of a seat at a desk for a hyperactive child in the center of the class opposite the blackboard.

4. Provide the child with the opportunity to quickly seek help from the teacher in cases of difficulty.

5. Construct training sessions according to a clearly planned, stereotypical schedule.

6. Teach a hyperactive student to use a diary or calendar.

7. Write the tasks offered during the lesson on the board.

8. Only one task is given for a certain period of time.

9. Dose the student to complete a large task, offer it in the form of successive parts and periodically monitor the progress of work on each part, making the necessary adjustments.

10. During the school day, provide opportunities for motor “release”: physical labor, sports exercises.

Rules for working with aggressive children

1. When presenting your demands to your child, take into account not your desires, but his capabilities.

2. Nip the conflict in the bud by directing the child’s interest in a different direction.

3. Teach your child how to communicate properly with peers and adults.

4. Expand your child's horizons.

5. Include the child in joint activities, emphasizing his importance in the task being performed.

6. Ignore mild manifestations of a child’s aggressiveness, do not focus the attention of others on it.

7. Establish a strict ban on the child’s aggressive actions. Try to understand the reasons for the child’s protest and resistance and eliminate them.

8. Include aggressive actions in the context of the game and give them a new socially acceptable and emotionally charged meaning.

You need to fight aggression:

1. Patience;

2. Explanation: Explain to your child why his behavior is wrong, but be as brief as possible.

3. Distraction. Try to offer your child something more attractive than what he is trying to do.

4. Slowness. Do not rush to punish the child, wait until the action is repeated.

5. Awards. If you praise your child for good behavior, instead of considering it normal, then this alone will awaken in him the desire to hear your praise again.

A kindergarten teacher is a rather labor-intensive, but at the same time interesting profession. A person who chooses it must understand that he will not receive the fruits of his professional activity immediately, but only after many years, when mischievous girls and boys grow into adults who achieve some success in their lives.


A beginning teacher is not always a young person; there are often people of more mature age who have decided to retrain from their main specialty into the specialty of a teacher.

Surely, every newcomer will agree with the opinion of A.S. Makarenko, who said that no matter how well a student graduates from an educational institution, no matter what talent and abilities for the profession he possesses, if he does not learn from more experienced colleagues, he will never will become a real specialist.

A person who decides to devote his work to children will have to spend years of study, undergo an internship, defend his thesis, and, finally, get a job in a preschool institution.

What difficulties can lie in wait for a novice teacher?

The work of a teacher consists not only of direct contact with children and their parents, but also of close cooperation with other kindergarten workers. It often happens that “youth” cannot find a common language with “advanced leaders”. There are always more experienced teachers in the team; even a novice teacher should learn from them.

They should not be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions; they should understand and support the newcomer, since they themselves passed this test not so long ago. Advice from more experienced teachers is priceless for a beginner. Since they will help an inexperienced teacher avoid many professional mistakes. By listening to their advice, you will show that you respect their teaching experience and they have authority over you.

To work successfully with children, you need to gain their trust and authority. Moreover, this conquest must be carried out from the first minutes of a novice teacher’s stay with children. If you do not have a trusting relationship with your children, then you will have problems with the issue of discipline, which is the main condition for successful and productive work with children.

Where to start? Of course, from the beginning, introduce yourself to the children, tell them something about yourself, get them interested in your personality. Be sure to show interest in each child so that the children understand that you care about them.


When working with children, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • To achieve self-respect, you must show it to others. Each child is already an individual who demands respect.
  • You need to be honest with children and obligatory. The words of the teacher should never diverge from the actions. Children will not respect a person who does not believe in what he says.
  • In preschool age, the main activity of children is play; use this to achieve success. Contact between the teacher and children should be based on play. A real teacher uses play in all areas of children's activities: while walking, during classes, when they wash themselves or go to bed, etc.

No matter what difficulties a novice teacher may have to face when working with children, you should not despair and hang your head, because for your efforts you will certainly be rewarded with the happy sparkle of your eyes and the radiant smiles of your students.