
One breast is soft, the other is pouring. What if the left breast is larger than the right? Causes of breast asymmetry. "Dangerous" breastfeeding

Pathology of the uterus

It is considered normal when both mammary glands are approximately the same size and developed proportionally. If the left breast is larger than the right, it does not look very nice, and may also indicate certain violations.

Many women would like to know why the left breast is bigger than the right one. In fact, the problem of uneven development of the mammary glands is quite common. Just the degree of its severity may be different. If the defect is not very noticeable, the fair sex does not pay much attention to it. Some women do not even know that they have one breast larger than the other. You can only see the difference if you take a closer look at yourself in the mirror.

Sometimes the difference is very noticeable, this can be called a serious problem, especially when one mammary gland is 1-2 sizes larger than the other. What are the reasons for this phenomenon?

Breast growth begins in girls during adolescence and ends by the age of 17-18. During this period, the mammary glands actively develop, but this does not always happen evenly. If at this stage a slight difference is noticeable, there is no need to sound the alarm. By the end of puberty, the size of both mammary glands should be equal. If a teenage girl or her mother is worried about something or the difference in the development of the left and right breasts is significant, you should definitely consult a gynecologist or mammologist.

There can be several reasons for the uneven development of the mammary glands. The most common is hormonal disorders. The development of secondary sexual characteristics occurs under the influence of hormones, but sometimes the body fails, resulting in asymmetry. It is for this reason that breasts may not develop correctly in young girls.

The left breast may be larger than the right if the woman has been injured. Unfortunately, the glandular tissue is very sensitive to external influences. Sometimes the cause of a slight asymmetry can even be wearing a bra that is too tight. It seems surprising to many women, but tight underwear can lead to a number of violations. And improper formation of the mammary glands is far from the worst thing on this list.

With the wrong choice of a bra, one or both breasts can be squeezed, resulting in mastopathy or even a benign tumor. The cause for the occurrence of this disease can also be hormonal failure, severe stress, lack of pregnancy in women over 30 years old. With mastopathy, breast tissues become denser, nodules can form in the chest. Visually, this may well lead to an increase in the size of the breast.

Hormonal failure occurs during pregnancy. During this period, the breast becomes heavier, increases in size. Sometimes it is after childbirth that women notice that one mammary gland becomes slightly larger than the other.

Breastfeeding can have a strong influence on bust size. It is at the end of the lactation period that many women begin to notice that the left breast has become much larger than the right one, or vice versa. After childbirth, milk is produced in the mammary glands. This is a natural process. The breast during this period is poured and significantly increases in size. If you feed your baby correctly, there should be no problems with the shape of the bust. You need to remember one very simple rule - the more the baby is applied to the breast, the more milk begins to be produced. It is very important to alternate the mammary glands when feeding. If a mother gives her child the left breast, next time she should give the right. Some women do not follow this rule. Sometimes they do not consider it significant, and sometimes they even prefer to feed lying on the same side. All this leads to the fact that more milk is produced in one mammary gland. Accordingly, gradually its size increases. At the end of the lactation period, the difference can be very noticeable. In this case, the differences will concern not only the size, but also the shape of the breast. The breast that has been used more than the other for feeding is much more likely to sag. This is especially true if the woman is not wearing a special bra.

If the left breast suddenly became larger than the right one, and the woman did not notice this before and there are no serious reasons for the development of asymmetry, you should immediately consult a doctor. Unfortunately, an increase in the size of the breast can occur due to the development of a benign or malignant tumor. The appearance of pain in the chest or focal reddening of the skin, a burning sensation should alert.

Only a doctor can understand the causes of asymmetry. Do not self-diagnose yourself. If the formation of a defect can be detected in a timely manner, certain attempts can be made to stop this process. For example, mastopathy and other diseases are treated and after complex therapy, surgery, the size of both mammary glands can become approximately the same.

When nothing can be done, you can try to visually hide the flaw by wearing special underwear. For example, push-up bras are always equipped with special tabs that visually increase the volume of the breast. You can pull the tabs out of the left cup, so that the chest will look symmetrical. In some cases, when the asymmetry is strongly expressed, you can try to order a bra in a special atelier. Some lingerie companies make bodices with different cup sizes.

If a woman wants to get rid of this problem once and for all, you can consult a mammologist or a plastic surgeon. Currently, breast augmentation or reduction surgery is very popular. They are offered by many specialized clinics. Do not be afraid of plastic surgery, if the difference in the size of the mammary glands interferes with life, instills certain complexes. When the defect is very pronounced, this is the only way to correct the situation. The doctor will correct not only the size, but also the shape of the mammary glands, while adding self-confidence and irresistibility to the fair sex.

Surgery is prohibited if the girl has not reached the age of 18, or is breastfeeding the baby. There are other restrictions, but it is best to discuss them directly with your doctor.

If the left breast is much larger than the right, it can even adversely affect health. The load on the spine in this case will not be uniform, so the development of curvature and the appearance of other problems with the musculoskeletal system is possible. To prevent the appearance of a defect, you need to carefully monitor your health, follow all the recommendations of specialists.

If the left breast is larger than the right, it is necessary to understand the cause of this defect. When the difference is not too noticeable, you can correct it with the help of a good selection of underwear. In other cases, surgery may be needed.

The basis of the bust is fat deposits attached to the muscles. Because of this feature, pumping up the chest will not work. Classes in the gym will give the chest tightness and height. For a visual increase, you need to adjust the body weight. In the photo and video, after adjusting body weight, the result is noticeable. In this case, the chest will look larger.

When answering the question why the shape of the bust has deteriorated or one breast has become a little larger than the other, it is worth noting that the décolleté area needs care. Care for the décolleté area begins at the age of 18. The need for care, from this age, is due to a change in body weight and size of the mammary gland during the menstrual cycle.

The bust needs special care during childbearing. Cosmetics should not be used during breastfeeding. At this time, it is worth using only the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the bust after 40 years. During this period, active hormonal processes occur in the woman's body, so the breast needs to be nourished from the outside. Only in this way can it be kept in excellent shape for a longer time.

Why is there a problem?

The reasons why one breast is larger than the other have been studied by experts.

The reasons are divided into:

  • congenital nature;
  • acquired character.

The cause of congenital asymmetry of the bust are various factors. For example, the development of the mammary glands occurs unevenly during puberty. The process of gland development stabilizes by the age of 20, and the difference becomes insignificant. If the growth process has not stopped by this time, then the situation is likely to worsen.

Thinking about why one breast is slightly larger than the other, it is worth highlighting the prerequisites for the occurrence of acquired bust deformity:

  1. Mechanical damage.
  2. Injuries to the mammary gland, acquired at any age, adversely affect its condition.

  3. Tumor development.
  4. This problem involves taking quick action. Lack of treatment of the tumor leads to adverse consequences.

  5. Pregnancy.
  6. An asymmetric increase in the bust during pregnancy is due to the influence of hormones on the female body.

  7. Breast-feeding.

Improper expression of milk and non-compliance with the rules of feeding leads to the appearance of asymmetry.

The effect of pregnancy and breastfeeding on the state of the bust

Answering the question why one breast became a little larger than the other when carrying a child, it is worth noting that the state of the mammary glands is affected not by the fact of bearing a child, but by the mechanism of lactation. With different stimulation of the mammary glands, an unbalanced accumulation of milk occurs. This fact acts as one of the reasons for the size asymmetry.

When breastfeeding, asymmetry is caused by such factors:

  • Improper expression of milk.
  • Feeding predominantly with one breast.
  • Suppression of lactation of one breast.
  • Postponed chest injuries.
  • Cracks in the nipples.

Why does asymmetry occur?

  • Improper breastfeeding.

If the child prefers one breast more, then the process of lactation in the second decreases. In this case, you need to correct the size by accustoming the child to the second breast. Differences in the shape of the nipple do not affect the learning process. When choosing the right position for feeding, the baby will suckle correctly on the other breast. Thus, the lactation process will be stimulated.

  • Unbalanced pumping.

If you pump milk incorrectly from one breast, you will be able to express more milk than from the second. Consultation with a specialist will help normalize the pumping process. The doctor will draw up a reduction program without causing damage to the bust. When developing the program, the size of the bust and the volume of milk produced by one breast are taken into account. If you follow the program, the size of the bust will return to normal.

  • Surgical intervention (suppression of lactation).

During the operation on the bust, problems with lactation may subsequently be observed. This problem is quite serious and no specialist will give a 100% guarantee of equalizing the bust in size. The only way to normalize the size is to increase the stimulation of the bust.

Non-standard opinion

Why one breast has become a little larger than the other is a rather complicated question. Among experts, there is a non-standard opinion about what affects the occurrence of an anomaly in the size of the bust. According to doctors, one breast may be smaller in size due to the influence of irritants or stressful situations on the body.

The words of scientists are confirmed by research. According to studies, people suffering from nervousness are more likely to develop stagnation in the gallbladder and liver. In addition, experts have found that the chest muscles are the first to suffer from the effects of stress. Which leads to malnutrition of the mammary glands and the passage of the metabolic process in the tissues. Accordingly, the growth of one of them slows down or stops.

However, an anomaly in the size of the bust, when one part is larger than the other, caused by such a phenomenon, can be corrected by eliminating the factor that caused its development.

To normalize the size of the bust, you need to determine the reason that led to the formation of the difference.

malignant neoplasm

A woman is being examined to exclude the development of a malignant tumor. If the tumor is not detected, then another reason is established that caused the asymmetry. When the development of the tumor is confirmed, the woman is sent for examination to a mammologist and gynecologist. To make a diagnosis, a tissue sample will be taken for a biopsy. Based on the results of the study, an individual treatment regimen is developed.


When carrying a child and feeding to normalize the size, you must follow the rules of breastfeeding.

Basic Rules:

  • Bust hygiene.
  • Alternate feeding.
  • Complete emptying of the breast before moving on to the next.

After the end of breastfeeding, physical exercises will restore the shape of the bust.

Physical exercises at home can improve the shape of the bust. Exercise with an iron hoop strengthens the muscles of the bust, which contributes to its tightening. The exercise is performed while standing. The hoop is clamped between the hands. The pressure on the hoop is applied evenly from 2 sides. Another exercise to strengthen the muscles of the bust is performed with dumbbells. The exercise is called the bench press. For its implementation, you need 2 dumbbells, weighing up to 3 kilograms. If there are no dumbbells, they can be replaced with water bottles of the appropriate volume. The exercise is performed lying on your back. Hands are taken away from the bust up and smoothly return back.

Mechanical damage

Correction of the asymmetry of the bust, when one part is larger than the other, which has arisen due to trauma or congenital features, involves plastic surgery. Such a measure of influence is also implied in the correction of breast asymmetry that has arisen after pregnancy. The advantage of the operation is not only to adjust the size, but also to increase the bust. Breast augmentation is another name for breast arthroplasty. Such surgical intervention is aimed at increasing the size of the bust and normalizing the shape.

A wide range of sizes and shapes of breast implants ensures perfect symmetry during the operation. To correct the consequences of breastfeeding, breast lift surgery is used. The operation normalizes the shape and increases the elasticity of the bust, which is lost during pregnancy.

But it is worth considering that the surgical intervention has a number of contraindications:

  • Mastopathy.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Allergic reactions to drugs.

In addition, the operation, when one part of the breast is larger than the other, is not performed by athletes and those women whose work is associated with blows.

Another method for correcting congenital asymmetry in the size of the mammary glands is the introduction of fillers. This correction method is suitable for almost all women, but it has a significant drawback. The effect of the procedure lasts 12 months. The procedure itself involves the introduction of the filler under the skin with a syringe.

Prevention measures

Compliance with preventive measures will prevent the development of bust asymmetry.

Basic preventive measures:

  • Balanced breastfeeding.
  • Alternating breasts during night feeding.
  • Timely visit to the doctor.
  • Avoidance of stagnant processes.
  • Expression of the same volume of milk.

Summing up, we can say that there are quite a few reasons for the occurrence of anomalies in the size of the breast.

Experts distinguish between congenital and acquired causes. As a rule, a congenital defect can be corrected only through surgery, and acquired through proper breast care and exercise.

Asymmetry of the mammary glands occurs in 80% of all women, although not all of them are clearly expressed. What can lead to uneven breast development, and is it possible to somehow correct this deficiency?


The onset of breast growth in girls is often uneven. It even happens that one breast is already increasing to the first size, while the second one does not even begin to develop.

In this case, you just have to wait. If the size of the glands does not equalize within six months, you will need to contact a gynecologist or mammologist. But, often, by the age of 16-18, asymmetry in girls completely disappears.


All expectant mothers experience hormonal surges that accompany the preparation of the glands for lactation. Already in the second trimester, the breasts usually begin to increase and gradually accumulate colostrum. At the same time, the growth of the glands in a pregnant woman does not always occur evenly, which means that significant or slight asymmetry may occur.

If during pregnancy a woman notices that one breast is larger than the other, just in case, she should be examined by a mammologist to rule out any deviations. And do not be upset because of the asymmetry you see: quite often the glands return to the same size with the start of breastfeeding or after it is completed.

Breastfeeding a child and the period after feeding

Due to her inexperience, a young mother herself can provoke the appearance of different sizes of the left and right breasts during breastfeeding (breastfeeding), offering the baby the same nipple. In no case should this be done, since this can not only cause asymmetry, but also the development of mastitis or stop lactation in one gland.

Breastfeeding women should remember that with breastfeeding, you need to apply the baby evenly to both nipples. If it is impossible to do this for various reasons, milk must be expressed from the second breast.

Injuries in the chest area

Injuries to the glands or chest can also affect breast growth, especially if the injury occurred in childhood. Due to physical damage, the glands can develop unevenly, one of them can drop significantly in relation to the second. In addition, there may be differences in the shape of the nipples and areolas.

If the left breast has become larger than the right (or vice versa) due to a recent injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Anomalies of development

Congenital causes of abnormal breast development in women (and sometimes in men) include the following anomalies:

Poland syndrome

A developmental disorder in which the pectoralis minor and/or pectoralis major may be absent, the ribs may be deformed or completely absent, and the mammary gland or nipple may be absent. A similar syndrome usually affects only one half of the body (often the right). The diagnosis is established at an early age.

Unilateral amastia

Congenital pathology, partially similar to Poland's syndrome. However, with amastia, a girl is born into the world with a normally developed chest, although she completely lacks one mammary gland and nipple. Amastia can be either unilateral or bilateral. With unilateral women, the ability to breastfeed is usually preserved.

Unilateral hypoplasia (micromastia)

A condition in which one breast remains small while the other breast develops normally, as well as the reproductive system and reproductive organs. The smaller mammary gland looks disproportionate to the rest of the body.

Asymmetric hypomastia or hypermastia

In this case, either underdevelopment (hypomastia) or excessive development (hypermastia) of one of the glands is observed. That is, with a normal appearance and shape, as well as the presence of a well-formed nipple and areola, the breast either does not reach the minimum volume (200 cm³), or significantly exceeds it (in this case, hypertrophy of all tissues occurs).

tubular breast

An anomaly in which the area of ​​the base of one breast is reduced. As a result, there is a lack of tissue, the gland may descend, in rare cases, an alveolar hernia appears. The tubular breast has an elongated unattractive shape.


Some diseases can also lead to a situation where one breast has become larger than the other:


Inflammation of the tissues of the glands of the breast provoked by bacteria, in which a woman feels severe pain. Usually mastitis is accompanied by swelling and hardening of the breast, her skin becomes red. Against the background of the disease, chills, fever are observed.

Left untreated, mastitis can lead to the accumulation of pus in the gland, abscesses, sepsis, and even death. After treatment of mastitis, a woman automatically falls into the risk group for developing mastopathy and cancer.


A pathological change that has a fibrocystic character. Its development can provoke hormonal failure, problems with the reproductive system.

With mastopathy, a woman can feel small granular formations in her chest, which are often painful and slightly change the size of the glands. Sometimes blood comes out of the nipples.

Seals with mastopathy are not malignant formations, but can degenerate into such. After treatment, there is a high probability of recurrence.


These are pathological hollow formations filled with fluid. They are formed in the channels of the milk ducts one by one or in groups, at the initial stage they may not signal themselves in any way. Over time, a woman begins to feel pain and burning (mainly before and during menstruation).

Cysts cannot become cancerous, but they increase the likelihood of developing one, and can also become inflamed and accumulate pus. Usually develop as a result of dysfunctions of the reproductive system. With large cysts, the size of the breast increases significantly.


A type of cyst that contains a milky fluid. As long as the halococele remains small, a woman may not be aware of its presence. If such a cyst begins to grow, the gland will also increase and deform.

When infected, the general body temperature may increase, nausea may occur. Removed by treatment or surgery.

Benign or malignant neoplasms

Any neoplasm in the breast can cause it to enlarge. However, a tumor can be noticed not only by changes in the size of the glands, but also by painful sensations, menstrual irregularities.

breast abscess

This is a secondary disease that can develop due to the development of mastitis or cysts. An abscess is an inflammatory purulent formation characterized by rapid and acute development.

Usually accompanied by high fever, intense (sometimes unbearable) pain, redness and severe swelling of the chest, purulent discharge from the nipple, as well as general symptoms of intoxication (nausea, dizziness, vomiting). Treatment requires surgery.

Fat necrosis

The necrosis of fatty tissues of the mammary gland, in place of which scar tissue is formed. As a result, painful formations of a dense structure appear in and around the chest, which significantly deform its appearance: the skin on this formation acquires a pale color and can be retracted. The problem requires surgical treatment.

In what cases can asymmetry be considered a variant of the norm?

Breast asymmetry is observed in many women, but it does not necessarily require any treatment.

The following options are normal:

  • asymmetry is almost invisible visually (the difference in size is not even 20%);
  • breasts of different sizes are observed in a girl during puberty;
  • the left or right breast has increased during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • despite the asymmetry, the girl has no painful sensations; neoplasms are not palpated during palpation of the glands.

Situations go beyond the norm when, in addition to resizing:

  • the chest becomes painful, red,
  • dense formations are probed in it,
  • blood or pus oozes from the nipples,
  • breast size does not return to normal after breastfeeding.

What to do with different sizes of glands?

First of all, don't panic. If the asymmetry is mild, that is, the differences can be seen only after a detailed study and measurement of the glands, and there are no other alarming symptoms, then nothing needs to be done. If the left breast is larger than the right (or vice versa) by about one size or more, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

The main purpose of such a visit is health diagnostics, aimed at studying the causes of breast deformity. If diseases are not detected, you can discuss with your doctor how to eliminate the asymmetry.

In what cases should you urgently see a doctor?

You should visit a mammologist as soon as possible if, in addition to the presence of a difference in the size of the glands, there are:

  • soreness;
  • seals;
  • redness;
  • an increase in chest temperature and / or general body temperature;
  • deterioration in general well-being (decreased activity, loss of appetite, nausea, frequent dizziness, menstrual irregularities).

The doctor will perform an examination and diagnosis, on the basis of which he will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Keep in mind that delaying a visit to the doctor is extremely dangerous, since changes in breast size can provoke deadly diseases (for example, cancer).

Can breast asymmetry be corrected?

In the absence of diseases, you can resort to a banal correction with the help of disguise. To do this, a woman can simply put a soft liner in one cup of her bra.

If different breasts bring strong psychological discomfort to its owner, you can resort to plastic surgery methods:

  1. Lipofilling. A procedure that involves the transplantation of subcutaneous fat in a girl or woman into a smaller breast. Lipofilling allows you to increase the bust by only 1 size, and also requires correction within 2 years.
  2. Decrease. In this case, part of the fatty tissue is taken from the larger breast. Such a procedure requires a tightening of the reduced gland, otherwise it will look unaesthetic after the operation.
  3. Installation of an implant. Silicone implants can be used to enlarge smaller breasts by 1-2 sizes. Such plastic surgery is quite expensive and requires high professionalism of the doctor and the quality of implants.

The method of surgical correction of the size of the female bust is selected individually, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the woman and her state of health.

Video: causes of breast asymmetry and ways to correct it

Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms in women of childbearing age. After the onset of menopause, women are less likely to encounter a problem when their breasts get sick.

Pain may occur in both breasts or in only one of them. The nature of the pain can be constant or paroxysmal, the strength of pain can also be different. Below are the main causes of pain in the left or right breast.

Pain in the left chest area is quite common. What are the causes of pain, why does pain occur in the left mammary gland?

breast cancer

When pain occurs in the chest area, many women immediately begin to panic, thinking that this is a symptom of cancer. However, in most cases this is not the case. If, in addition to pain, there are no other symptoms, there are no seals in the mammary gland, and bloody discharge does not appear from the nipples, then there is no reason for concern, this is not cancer. Why? The thing is that pain usually appears in the last stages of cancer, when all of the above symptoms are already fully manifested.

It is a completely different matter if a woman’s nipples hurt when you press them, with palpation you can feel seals in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland, and nearby lymph nodes increase. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary examinations.


Most often, pain in the left gland in women occurs as a result of mastopathy. This disease was recorded in almost 80% of women. The course of mastopathy is characterized by the growth of glandular and connective tissue, followed by the formation of foci of seals. It is because of the pathological proliferation of tissues that pain occurs.

The exact cause of mastopathy has not been established to date. It is only known that the disease develops against the background of a violation of hormonal metabolism in the body, when an increased production of hormones such as prolactin and estrogens begins.

The reason why mastopathy develops may be the passage of a long course of treatment with hormonal drugs, diseases of the internal secretion organs, pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system, and so on.

Mastopathy can be diffuse and nodular. The first can be cured with the help of conservative treatment; with nodular mastopathy, they usually resort to surgical intervention.


A disease, the course of which is characterized by the formation of a cavity filled with fluid in the mammary gland, is called a cyst. The causes of cysts are usually associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body, as well as mechanical damage to the mammary gland. If the cyst is small, then conservative treatment is possible, if it is large, then a puncture is indicated (a puncture is made and the contents of the cyst are pumped out).


A benign neoplasm with clear contours is called a fibroadenoma. Growing, this tumor blocks the milk ducts, which causes pain.

Treatment of fibroadenoma is surgical. The excised tumor is sent for histological examination to completely exclude the possibility of cancer.

If left untreated, fibroadenoma can lead to cancer.

Other reasons

Sharp pain in the area of ​​the left mammary gland may appear as a result of a spasm of the pectoral muscle. In addition, if a person goes in for sports, then he can simply pull the pectoral muscle, which also causes pain over the next few days.

Breast pain can result from taking certain hormonal drugs (for example, oral contraceptives, drugs for the treatment of thyroid pathologies, and so on). Most often, both mammary glands hurt, but in some cases only one of them hurts.

Breast pain often occurs during pregnancy. This is normal, the body is undergoing hormonal changes and preparation for breastfeeding.

After the completion of these processes, the pain usually disappears. If the pain becomes too strong, or only one breast begins to hurt, you should consult a doctor.

During breastfeeding, pain in one of the glands may be a symptom of milk stagnation (lactostasis).

It should be remembered that on the left side of the chest is the heart, and below the stomach, spleen and pancreas. Therefore, the cause of pain in the chest can be diseases of these organs.

Why does my right breast hurt?

Most often, the causes of pain in the right breast are diseases of the organs located in this area.


If the right chest hurts with a deep breath, then it is quite possible that we are talking about right-sided pneumonia. The right bronchus in people is wider and shorter than the left, which creates the prerequisites for its infection and the development of bronchitis first, and then pneumonia.

Other respiratory diseases

If pains are observed in the right chest area, and when inhaling, a cough with sputum begins, then this may be a symptom of diseases such as tuberculosis, pleurisy, bronchitis, or lung cancer.

Intercostal neuralgia

Severe pain in the right breast may result from intercostal neuralgia. With this disease, the receptors of the intercostal nerves begin to respond to sudden movements, stress, weight lifting, hypothermia, and so on. The pain appears first in the right breast, and then spreads to the entire chest.


With deformation of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae and the development of spondylosis, dull pains are observed in the right chest.

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder

Pain under the right breast can occur as a result of diseases such as hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis.


Why does pain occur in the right breast with mastopathy? The fact is that the course of this disease is characterized by the growth of glandular tissue, the appearance of fibrous seals and cysts that compress the tissues and nerve endings of the chest, causing pain. If the seal is easily palpable and large, then surgical removal of the neoplasm is indicated.


A benign neoplasm that appears as a result of the growth of connective tissue in the mammary gland is called fibroadenoma. This tumor of a woman is often found during self-examination of the breast (it looks like one or more dense mobile nodules, when pressed, pain occurs).

Why is this tumor formed? The main reason is a violation of hormonal metabolism in the body. Treatment of fibroadenoma is surgical. The removed tumor is sent for histology to rule out breast cancer.

Mastitis or lactostasis

During the lactation period, milk stasis (lactostasis) may occur, one of the complications of which is inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis). The course of both diseases is accompanied by severe pain in the affected chest. In rare cases, mastitis can occur in men as a complication of gynecomastia.

Therapy of mastitis includes taking antibacterial drugs, if a purulent abscess forms, its opening is shown.

breast cancer

Pain in the right breast can be a sign of advanced cancer. It is known that in the early stages of cancer is asymptomatic, which greatly complicates its diagnosis.

A cause for concern is if, in addition to chest pain, symptoms such as the formation of a fixed seal in the mammary gland, an increase in nearby lymph nodes, a change in the shape of the breast and nipple, discharge of various colors and textures that are not associated with lactation are observed. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately make an appointment with your doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to note that pain in the right or left breast can be not only symptoms of breast diseases, but also signs of such pathological conditions as osteochondrosis, diseases of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system, intercostal neuralgia and a number of others.

Therefore, if chest pains appear that do not go away within a few days, it is urgent to visit a doctor who will establish the true causes of the pain and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The mammary glands, like any other organs of the human body, are not exactly the same in size. If the difference is small, it is considered normal and does not require medical intervention. When one breast is one or two sizes larger than the other, such a violation negatively affects the woman's psyche and requires examination. But such an anomaly happens quite rarely, and most often the asymmetry of the mammary glands is associated with the lactation period and disappears after its completion.

Types of asymmetry

Women of any age face a difference in the size of the mammary glands. Often their asymmetry is invisible to others, and the girl herself does not pay attention to it. But with a noticeable difference in volume, direction of the nipples and the diameter of the halo, serious complexes can develop, leading to deep psychological problems.

In medicine, there are many cases where one breast is noticeably different from the other. This feature can be congenital or acquired.

Symmetry character Causes Explanation
CongenitalAsymmetry depends on the hormonal development of a young girl. Occurs when her body is faced with various disorders and diseasesIt is necessary to pay attention to important female hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen. These hormones are responsible for the proper growth of the mammary glands. Estrogen regulates the proper development of the cell structure. Progesterone is responsible for the required number of alveoli, milk ducts and milk itself
AcquiredAsymmetry occurs due to injuries, abortions, sharp fluctuations in weight, past diseases and diseases of the mammary glands themselves. This type includes changes in the shape and size of the breast during pregnancy and lactation.During pregnancy and lactation, there is a sharp release of hormones. The mechanical effect on the chest also affects its abnormal growth and formation. Injury in the chest area increases the risk of breast asymmetry

Existthree degrees of asymmetry:

  • light: imperceptible;
  • medium: one mammary gland is one third larger than the other;
  • severe: when the second half is larger than the first or much lower than it.

Asymmetry is subdividedfor the following types:

  • underdevelopment of only one breast;
  • different degree of sagging;
  • different nipples and pigmentation;
  • bilateral asymmetric hyperplasia;
  • unilateral underdevelopment of the chest and muscles.

How to fix the size difference yourself?

If the asymmetry is small, it can be corrected with simple measures:

  1. 1. Perform physical exercises aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscles. By giving them a tone, you can achieve the necessary pull-up.
  2. 2. Wear a corrective bra. It is an addition to exercise.
  3. 3. Do a vacuum massage that helps improve blood circulation in the chest area.

A slight difference in size is easy to fix visually by applying little tricks, such as:

  • push-ap bra;
  • jacket or dress with polka dots;
  • clothes with diagonal stripes and scars on the fabric;
  • print, checkerboard and other patterns on clothes;
  • collar in the form of a collar;
  • neckerchief and shawl collar.

All these clothing additions and graphic coloring mask the problem.

If one breast is significantly larger than the other, resort to surgical methods, which are the most effective way to eliminate this problem. But he has many contraindications, including the age of up to 25 years.

Pregnancy and lactation

Breast asymmetry during pregnancy and lactation is due to the anatomical structure and hormones.

The female breast contains a large number of alveoli, which are formed by glands that secrete breast milk. The fluid is excreted through the ducts into the lactiferous sinuses. They store milk. Connective and adipose tissue passes between the ducts and alveoli, which is responsible for the size of the female bust.

Reasons why there is a difference in breast size during pregnancy and lactation:

  • improper preparation for the feeding process;
  • incorrect feeding;
  • cracks in the nipples;
  • development of diseases of the mammary glands (mastitis, mastopathy).

When pregnancy occurs, changes in the hormonal background and the growth of glandular tissue occur.. Because of this, the mammary glands swell, increasing in size. Often at this time, the left breast becomes larger than the right (or vice versa). This should not be cause for concern, as it is a temporary condition and usually disappears after breastfeeding ends.

During lactation, the following factors have a difference in size:

  1. 1. One breast produces more milk than the other.
  2. 2. The baby does not grasp the nipple correctly.
  3. 3. Milk remains in the breast because the baby does not suck it out completely.
  4. 4. Pumping is wrong and uneven.

With breastfeeding, you should not worry that the difference in size will remain forever. And even more so stop the period of natural feeding. After the end of lactation, the asymmetry will disappear or will be noticeable only to the woman herself. Physical exercises will come to her aid, which will tighten the muscles and give them a tone.

Measures to eliminate asymmetry during lactation

So that the mammary glands are not of different sizes, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist:

  1. 1. Feed the baby from two breasts for the same duration.
  2. 2. Express the remaining milk.
  3. 3. Maintain nipple hygiene by treating them with anti-inflammatory ointment so as not to infect.

If a nursing woman has noticeably more milk in one breast, the following measures should be taken:

  1. 1. Start feeding on the smaller breast and then on the one with more milk.
  2. 2. If the baby falls asleep while sucking on the breast, give him one in which there is less nutrient fluid.
  3. 3. When feeding at night, do not use a large size.
  4. 4. When there is discomfort in the larger breast, briefly attach the baby to it until he sucks out the milk that bothers the mother.

All of these measures will necessarily lead to more milk in the smaller mammary gland and equalize the difference in breast size.

menopause period

All changes in the mammary glands that occur at the age of 43-48 years (the period of the onset of menopause) should be of concern. First of all, the woman examines them herself, and then turns to the mammologist. Not only asymmetry and a difference in size can alert, but also tissue compaction, changes in the shape of contours and halos around the nipples. All this signals serious diseases that cannot be left untreated.

Sometimes there is flabbiness of the skin and uneven sagging, they are corrected with the help of plastic surgery. But plastic surgery at this age is resorted to in exceptional cases. Since it is not the shape of the breast that is important, but its health. And during menopause, a woman's breasts are one of the vulnerable organs.

It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography twice a year to monitor the condition of the breast. Especially if asymmetric sagging and a difference in size are noticeable.