
Explore the world of stones. Journey to the world of stone Extra-curricular activity in geography. Developed by Kalimullina R. Z. Other minerals and rocks


To study the life of our planet, one has to travel a lot, endure difficulties, hardships; this requires courage, strong will, endurance.

Knowledge is even more necessary - the most diverse: about atoms and planets, about living organisms and natural waters, about minerals and the activities of mankind.

And you also need to love the stone, an amazing creation of nature. It is not endowed with life, but nevertheless it is born, grows, fights for existence, has its relatives, companions and enemies in the underworld ... Not endowed with life in our everyday sense, a stone lives in its own way, unusually and unusually compared to animals or plants.

The life of stones takes place mainly in the depths of the earth, at the bottom of the seas, in caves, in the fiery vents of volcanoes ... It is not easy to know it. However, to those who learn to penetrate the hidden bowels of the planet with thought, a wonderful world opens up. He said it well:« It is a great thing to reach into the depths of the earthly mind, where nature forbids hands and eyes to reach, to wander with thoughts in the underworld, to penetrate with reasoning through narrow clefts and bring darkened things and deeds to sunny clarity in eternal night.».

He fully possessed such an excellent ability to “bring to sunny clarity” the secrets of the underworld.

For scientific and popular science books, this is very difficult to achieve because of the constant variability, the constant movement of scientific thought. New facts are found out, new ideas appear, and the old works lose their novelty, become hopelessly old.

And so "Entertaining Mineralogy", which appeared in 1928, was reprinted a dozen times.Millions of copies of the book have been published, and the demand for it is still great.

And now the book is read with interest and strikes with an abundance of interesting and deep thoughts.

The same applies to his other popular books "Entertaining Geochemistry", "Journeys for the Stone", "Memories of the Stone". But they do not look outdated at all, and getting to know them brings a lot of pleasure and benefit.

“I became a passionate lover of mineralogy when I was only six years old. Every summer we spent in the Crimea, and as a boy I crawled along the rocks near the Simferopol highway, near the house in which we lived. transparent as water, very hard and unyielding, which I hardly picked out of hard rock with a penknife.Even now I remember how we children especially admired rock crystal in crystals, transparent, as if polished "precious stones" that we carefully wrapped in cotton wool and called "talyanchiki". We ourselves found these pebbles polished by nature in the rock, and when the elders doubted that we found them ourselves, and thought that these pebbles were polished by a human hand, we proudly objected to them. "
In the summer of 1912 he worked in the Southern Urals in the area of ​​Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk. About these regions, as is customary among geologists, he collected a lot of information in advance. Not only about the local minerals and geological conditions, but also about the history of the development and study of natural resources.
He spent many hours in the Ilmen forests, moving from mine to mine. I talked with old-timers, miners of stones - miners. For a long time, sometimes until night, he sat on the dumps, studying the crystals of topaz, quartz, amazonite, mica. He stubbornly unraveled the beautiful and mysterious "scripts of nature." He noted the features of the Ural minerals. He was intensely thinking through possible options for the formation of such minerals and their combinations.

“For a long time I dreamed of looking at a mountain made of a magnet and visiting our new metallurgical giant -. Finally, there was time, and early in the morning in Sverdlovsk I climb into the cabin of a small plane. We are flying south along the Ural chains, now diving under the clouds, then gently and quietly rising above the sea of ​​clouds, from which in places black islands of the heights of the main chain are visible. Soon we will have Chelyabinsk with a beautiful view of its construction, then to the right the notches of Aleksandrovskaya Sopka, Yurma, and again everything is shrouded in furiously rushing clouds.
We slowly rise from the ledge to the ledge of Mount Atach, the main peak, and already from a distance I see the famous faces of Mount Magnitnaya sparkling like metal. Here, pure magnetic iron ore comes to the very surface of the earth, and it is mined by open pits.
Soon you will enter the realm of solid magnetite; do not take a watch with you: their thin steel hands will become magnetized and the watch will no longer show the time correctly. In some places, polar-magnetic blocks strung clusters of pieces and dust particles of iron ore; to other, more strongly magnetized pieces, you can hang carnations, even your little penknife."
Today, the protection of nature is of great importance. A hundred years ago, when I began to deal with these problems, they were unexpected even for many scientists. It seemed that it was necessary to conquer nature, to master its wealth faster, regardless of losses, and above all to use the most valuable resources. It will take, they say, several years, or even decades, the country will flourish and get stronger, people will begin to live richly, then it will be permissible to deal with such secondary issues as nature protection.
In 1920, when the civil war had not yet ended and the country's economy was in critical condition, on the initiative of A.E. Fersman, the mining department submitted to the Soviet government a project to create the world's first mineralogical reserve in the South Urals. It would seem that the project is completely untimely. However, it was considered by the government and signed by V. I. Lenin on May 14, 1920. warmly welcomed the establishment
"Probably, the reader has heard about reserves in which endangered animals or plants are protected. This is how bison are protected in our Caucasian reserve, in the Askania-Nova reserve - the remains of virgin feather grass steppe, in the vicinity of Voronezh - the remains of oak forests, etc. But why to organize a reserve for stones? It turns out that they also need to be protected in the same way as bison and oaks. Unfortunately, in these cases, the reserve often comes to the rescue too late. We have such a reserve in the South Urals in the famous Ilmensky mountains, near the Miass station . Which of the lovers of stone has not heard of the Ilmensky mountains? Any mineralogy textbook speaks of them, listing the rarest minerals or noting the beauty of the pale blue Amazonian stone. Who among the mineralogists does not dream of visiting this mineralogical "paradise", the only one on earth in terms of the richness, diversity and originality of its fossil resources?"

"I will try to tell you in the most detail about its sights. The Amber Room is the only work in the world made of amber from the beginning of the 18th century. The Amber Room is a real miracle. You are amazed not only by the value of the material, skillful carving and elegance of forms, but also by the beautiful, sometimes dark, sometimes light, but always warm tone of amber, which gives the whole room an inexpressible beauty. All the walls of the hall are entirely lined with mosaics; uneven in shape and size pieces of polished amber of almost uniform yellowish-brown color. The walls are divided into fields by carved relief frames made of amber, the middle of which is occupied by four Roman mosaic landscapes with allegorical images of the four human feelings. These mosaic pictures of colored stones were inserted under Elizabeth in relief amber frames. What a lot of work required the creation of this one-of-a-kind work!
Girls reading books will be able to get to know their "diamond best friends" better:

“Here are necklaces of beautifully cut diamonds sparkling - like drops of water, clean, with variegated tints, slightly cold stones of hot India, desert Africa and tropical thickets of Brazil. I imagine the deposits of South Africa - huge tubes going into unknown depths filled with dark rock. Thousands of wagons on steel ropes lifted from the depths the rock mined by the slave labor of Kaffirs; large fields, through which the breed was transported on trolleys. Then huge factories, big vats of complex washing machines - and here is a sparkling gem on trembling canvases smeared with lard. And around - the southern, tropical sun, black figures of exhausted workers, smart houses of diamond companies. On large tables covered with tablecloths, whole heaps of sparkling stones, laid out in many hundreds of varieties, separately large clean crystals for cutting, separately stones dyed yellow, pink or green, and, finally, stones for cutting glass, board, doubles and other."
For lovers of other jewels:

"Each stone in a jewelry showcase tells its own story, and a whole book would not be enough to tell everything. But if you ever stop at a jewelry showcase in a museum, remember what was written on these pages, and among knick-knacks and toys of the past, look for traces of distant centuries, those deepest phenomena of nature that I spoke about. With this past gone forever, do not forget about the future of the precious stone. Not in the generous wealth of luxury and colors, not in the passion for rarity, do we see a huge future of solid, indestructible, indelible It is not for nothing that on a good watch we often read a small inscription through a magnifying glass: fifteen rubies; this means that the small axis of the watch rotates on even smaller ruby ​​coasters, which time does not defeat, for they themselves invariably and stubbornly measure it.
Alexander Evgenievich asks his readers insidious questions: “Is it possible to eat stones? How do minerals grow? Is it possible to determine the age of a stone? Are all stones equally hard? Can all stones be broken with a hammer, or can some of them be cut with scissors? different seasons? Does it live like an annual plant, or is it more like a perennial conifer? Maybe, like a bird, it changes its colorful outfit, or, like a snake, sheds its skin every year?" And he certainly answers them.

"I really want to captivate you into this world, I want you to become interested in mountains and quarries, mines and mines, so that you begin to collect collections of minerals, so that you want to go with us from the city, further away, to the river, to its high to rocky shores, to mountain tops or rocky seashores, where stone is broken, sand is mined, or ore is exploding. There we shall find something to do everywhere; and in dead rocks, sands, and stones, we will learn to read the great laws of nature, according to which the universe is built" .
Looking at mountain peaks, taiga open spaces, boulders or beautiful crystals, being in our right mind, we are unlikely to complain about their “obsoleteness” or routine. Each natural phenomenon is fraught with an abyss of problems, food for the mind and feelings. It depends only on ourselves what we will be able to draw from this bottomless treasury: either the most superficial, ordinary, grayish impressions, or deep experiences, ideas, images.
So in creativity, this feature of “works of nature” is manifested - at least in part. If we resort to the usual image, we can say: the works are multifaceted and reflect the life of nature with great fullness and multicolor.

Purpose and objectives: To study the stones that surround us To study the stones that surround us To learn as much as possible about the stones; Learn as much as you can about stones; Gather a collection of rocks and minerals; Gather a collection of rocks and minerals; Compile a description of the rocks and minerals of the collection; Compile a description of the rocks and minerals of the collection; Conduct experiments. Conduct experiments.

Research methodology: Studying the literature on this topic; Studying the literature on the topic; Excursions in native spaces; Excursions in native spaces; Gathering a collection of stones; Gathering a collection of stones; Drawing up a description of the collection; Drawing up a description of the collection; Photographing interesting objects; Photographing interesting objects; Create a presentation and speech Create a presentation and speech

Opal Opal is a symbol of fidelity and guarantee. Colour: Pure opal is colorless, but is almost always more or less "milky" and opaque, or colored in various dull tones by iron oxide and other impurities. The main advantage of opal is the ability to emit successively different rays under the action of sunlight, to cause a varied play of colors. Three types of opal are known: black opal, which has a very dark blue color with "flashes" of other colors; orange-red fire opal and white opal. Black opal is very expensive dollars for 2 g. The largest opals are found in Australia. Back

Jewelry stones (precious stones) I order diamond, emerald, ruby, blue sapphire II order alexandrite, orange, violet and green sapphires, noble black opal, noble jade III order demantoid, spinel, noble white and fiery opals, aquamarine, topaz, rhodolite , tourmaline IV order chrysolite, zircon, yellow, green and pink beryls, kunzite, turquoise, amethyst, pyrope, almandine, moon and sun stones, chrysoprase, citrine. Back

Jewelry and ornamental stones I order lapis lazuli, jadeite, jade, malachite, amber, colorless and smoky rock crystal, charoite II order agate, amazonite, rhodonite, hematite-bloodstone, iridescent obsidian, common opal, opaque ionizing feldspars Back

Emerald (smaragd) is the most valuable and best studied variety of beryl; used in jewelry since antiquity. The name comes from lat. smaragdus, Greek (c) maragdos "green". The Russian name presumably comes from the Arabic-Persian "emerald". Emerald (smaragd) is the most valuable and best studied variety of beryl; used in jewelry since antiquity. The name comes from lat. smaragdus, Greek (c) maragdos "green". The Russian name presumably comes from the Arabic-Persian "emerald". Colour: light to dark green; grassy green; sometimes yellowish green. Colour: light to dark green; grassy green; sometimes yellowish green. Luster: glassy. Luster: glassy. Hardness: 7.5 8.0 on the Mohs scale. Hardness: 7.5 8.0 on the Mohs scale. Density: 2.69 2.78 g/cm3 Density: 2.69 2.78 g/cm3 Cleavage: absent; fracture uneven to conchoidal; fragile; numerous inclusions weaken the coherence of the material. Cleavage: absent; fracture uneven to conchoidal; fragile; numerous inclusions weaken the coherence of the material. Emerald Back

Alexandrite Alexandrite is famous for changing its color under different lighting conditions: during the day, its color range varies from dark blue to emerald green, and under artificial lighting, alexandrite becomes purple-red. Alexandrite is a very hard mineral with high light refraction and an exceptional variety of colors. Its composition is (BeAl2)O4 dialuminum-beryllium tetroxide. The mineral was named in 1842 in honor of Tsar Alexander II, then still the prince-heir, since the time of the first discovery of the mineral coincided with the year of the age of majority of the prince (1834). Back

Spinel A mineral with the formula MgAl2O4 is a spinel. Its transparent varieties are called noble spinel and are used in jewelry. The mineral with the formula MgAl2O4 is spinel. Its transparent varieties are called noble spinel and are used in jewelry. The most valuable stones are considered to be ruby-red and deep pink bali-ruby. The word "bali" probably comes from "Balaskus", the Latin name for Badakhshan, a province of Afghanistan that has long been famous for precious stones. The most valuable stones are considered to be ruby-red and deep pink bali-ruby. The word "bali" probably comes from "Balaskus", the Latin name for Badakhshan, a province of Afghanistan that has long been famous for precious stones. Back

Amethyst Amethyst is a stone that protects against intoxication. Colour: Varies from almost colorless pale purple, bluish purple to purple, dark purple, almost black. Under the influence of sunlight, amethyst gradually loses its purple color and becomes discolored. When heated to a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius, it completely loses its beautiful purple color. Mineral: Fine-grained translucent quartzite with inclusions of mica or other minerals that give the stone a shimmering sheen with golden, red, green "sparks". Back

Malachite Malachite mascot of children. Color: light green, bright green, emerald green, turquoise, dark green. Mineral: hydrous copper carbonate. Name origin: Named from the Greek "milk with" "soft". According to another version, malachite got its name from the Greek word "malche", which means "grass". Correspondence to the sign of the Zodiac: Libra. It is recommended to purchase on the twenty-seventh day of the lunar month. Back

Gagat Gagat is an ornamental stone, known from the Neolithic: rounded pieces of jet, processed with flint tools, were found at Stone Age sites. This is a black fossil coal with a bright resinous sheen of a velvety hue. Hardness 2.5-4. Well polished and easy to process. Other names for jet: black amber, gesher. This stone was named after the city or river Gages in ancient Lycia (Asia Minor). Back

Municipal educational budgetary institution "Krasnousovskaya sosh"
Pyadysheva Larisa Vitalievna teacher

Theme: "Journey to the world of stone."
Purpose: the formation of ideas of children of senior preschool age about minerals, through experimental and experimental activities.
Teaching tasks: to introduce children to the variety of stones, to teach them to identify and name their properties: in shape, size, color, strength, solubility, to consolidate the children's idea that stones are a component of inanimate nature.
Developing tasks: - to develop sensory sensation: the ability to examine stones with different senses; - cognitive abilities - memory, attention, logical thinking, speech, cognitive activity, interest through the process of experimentation; - to promote the ability of children to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions. Educational tasks: to cultivate love for nature, respect for its wealth, interest in stones, a desire to admire them.
Integration of educational areas: cognition, (communication, socialization, safety, reading fiction, work, health, music).
Vocabulary work: minerals, jeweler,
Preliminary work: examining stones, illustrations, viewing a presentation, talking about stones and their use in human life, reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by P. P. Bazhov “The Malachite Box”, examining illustrations for fairy tales, conducting experiments.
Materials and equipment: the teacher has 3 tables: 1 - minerals, rocks, 2 - products of their metal (aluminum, iron, copper), 3 - jewelry boxes. Lemon, scheme of properties of stones, recording of music. For each child: a magnifying glass, stones: peat, coal, granite, limestone, chalk, lime, 2 jars of sand, straws, 2 glasses of water, wet wipes. Activity:
The muffled music of the guests and H.M.G. in the hall, the children come in.
(H.M.G.) - Hello children, my name is the Mistress of the copper mountain. I came to visit you, let's greet each other:
Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"
"Good morning!" - sun and birds
"Good morning!" - smiling faces.
Now smile at each other
Give your guests a smile.
And I came to visit you not empty-handed, but with gifts. Look, what a magical chest, and inside, something lies. Would you like to know what is there?
H.M.G.: - Now you will take turns putting your hands into the chest and try to identify the object by touch, but the agreement is not yet to name what is inside. Okay.
The children take turns feeling the object. After H.M.G. refers to some children…. “What do you think is inside the magic chest?”, “How did you guess about it?”
Conclusion: there are stones inside the chest, they are uneven, hard.
After the children say that they are stones, H.M.G. opens the chest. Look how many different stones are here. Do you know how all these stones are called in one word.
Children - Minerals (frontal work).
H.M.G. – Today we will talk about minerals, find out where and how they are mined and how they are useful. We will learn how to make stories about stones, having learned something new, we will hang out a card. I invite you all to come with me (to the table 1 stones, rocks).
Planet Earth has existed for billions of years. Nature during this time has created a huge variety of treasures in its depths. Some treasures lie on the surface of the Earth, others are hidden underground for several kilometers. Some minerals are formed now, others were formed many millions of years ago.
In the distant, distant past, trees were 100 - 200 meters high, there were huge animals and insects. Over time, these giant plants died, died off, rotted, and peat was formed from the remains of plants.
Experience No. 1 "Defining the form"
H.M.G. - Please take magnifying glasses, look at the pebble under the number 1 - this is peat. Tell me what color, soft or hard.
H.M.G. - Peat is used as fuel and fertilizer. Now try to break off (pinch off). It turned out, peat is a loose stone. Repeat - Vanya, Veronica, repeat all together: "Peat is a loose stone." Look closely at the stones and tell me what shape they are?
Conclusion: We have learned that peat is dark brown in color, it is used as fuel and fertilizer, peat is loose, polygonal in shape.
You and I are posting a card that will indicate the shape of the stones:

Experience No. 2 "Hard-soft"
Guess the riddle:
H.M.G. -He is black, shiny, a real helper to people.
He brings warmth to the houses, from him it is light in the houses,
Helps to melt steel, make paints and enamels.
- What do you think, what stone is spoken about in the riddle?
Children: Coal.
H.M.G. That's right, it's coal. Plants that lived on Earth many millions of years ago left us deposits of this stone. Take the stone under the number 2, examine it.
Tanya, Veronica - what is the name of this stone - (individual work).
And where does a person use coal?
Children: heat stoves, fireplaces.
H.M.G - We also learned from the riddle that coal is used to make paint and plastic. Where is coal mined?
Children: Coal is mined in mines.
H.M.G - What is the name of the profession of the people who mine it?
Children: - Miners.
H.M.G. - Take the stone in your hand and squeeze it tightly, in your hand. Has the stone changed its shape?
Children: - No
H.M.G. - What does it mean?
Children: - The stone is hard.
Conclusion: coal is mined by miners, it is black with a sheen, it is used for heating rooms, for obtaining paint and plastic, it is solid.
We hang out the card: hard - soft (brick - pillow).

Experience No. 3 "" Determination of color "
H.M.G - Take the pebbles under the number 3, this is GRANITE. It is born in the depths of the Earth at t - 650-750 C., magnifiers, look at the stone and tell me what it is?
Children: -Solid, pink, with dark dots, rough, sharp corners.
Kh.M.G Pasha, Vika - what is the name of the stone that you have in your hands. Lera - what is he?
H.M.G. - Who can tell me where it is used?
Children: - Construction of monuments, embankments, stairs.
Conclusion: granite is hard, of different colors.
We hang a card on the easel: denoting color - pencils.

Experience number 4 "Heavy - light"
H.M.G. - Guess the riddle: The kids really need it,
He's on the paths in the yard
He's at the construction site and on the beach
It's even melted into glass.
Children: - Sand
H.M.G- Take pebble number 3, as it is called. That's right, granite. Under the influence of temperature, water, wind, granite is destroyed, SAND and CLAY are formed. Tell us what kind of sand, where is it used in human life?
Children: ……..
H.M.G. -You have 2 cans of sand on your tables, both covered with lids. Tubes are lowered through the hole in the lids. Consider them, tell me how they differ?
Children: In the first jar, the sand is dry, in the second, it is wet.
H.M.G. - Lower the tube on the side of the jar and blow into the jar where there is dry sand. Watching what's going on?
Children: sand crumbles in different directions under the influence of air, then settles.
H.M.G. Now try blowing into a tube where there is wet sand. What do you see? Why doesn't the sand crumble? Now, take both jars in your hands, imagine that the hands are scales. Determine in which jar the sand is light, in which it is heavy.
Conclusion: sand is a loose rock, consists of small grains, grains, round shape, is used for children to play in the sandbox, at a construction site, for making bricks, glass. We also know that dry sand is light and crumbly, while wet sand is heavy and viscous.
H.M.G. - Well done. We attach a card that means: heavy - light.

H.M.G. - And also interesting stones are formed in the sea. Let's take a trip there.
Physical education: My hands are waves, the wind drives them forward
My hands are the wings of seagulls, the sky calls them to itself
My hands are fish in the sea, swimming back and forth
My hands are crabs, they fled in all directions.
Let's go down to the bottom of the sea, where the corals are like branches.
Shells live there, they protect their pearls.
H.M.G. Let's find out what kind of stones are formed in the water. Look at the stone under the number 4, this light gray stone is called LIMESTONE. It is formed from the remains of tiny and large marine animals and their debris. Take a magnifying glass, examine it. Limestone is used in construction, making sculptures. When limestone is processed, lime is obtained, you have it under the number 5. Consider and tell me where lime is used?
Children: - when whitewashing the walls in the room, tree trunks.
H.M.G. Well done. Please guess one more riddle: The white pebble has melted,
Left footprints on the board.
Children: Mel.
H.M.G. - Chalk is made from limestone. Where is chalk used?
Experience No. 5 "Dissolves - does not dissolve"
H.M.G. - Do you think chalk and lime dissolve in water or not.
H.M.G. Let's experiment again with lime and chalk. Let's put the pebbles in the water and see what happens.
Conclusion: Limestone sizzles, bubbles appear, steam, the glass is hot - it has dissolved. Mel - no.
H.M.G. -Now I will tell you one secret, chalk is very afraid of lemon juice, look what will happen to him. Mel hisses like he's angry - he doesn't like lemon juice.
Conclusion: lime - dissolved in water, chalk did not dissolve in water.
H.M.G. - Well done. We hang out a card that indicates whether the stones dissolve or do not dissolve.
Experience number 6 "Alive - not alive"
H.M.G. Guys, look carefully and tell me, are the stones alive or not alive?
Conclusion: stones are not alive. We hang out a card denoting: living - not living

H.M.G. Now come with me. On table number 2, there are objects made of iron, aluminum. Look and tell me, do you recognize these items?
H.M.G. - Indeed, we use these items every day, but what are they made of?
Children: - From iron
H.M.G. - Iron ore is also mined underground, taken to the plant and smelted at very high t in blast furnaces and the metals aluminum and iron are obtained. Geologists find all minerals (individual and frontal work with a new word is carried out). What other items are made of iron?
And now I want to invite you to look at my jewelry. I love and protect my wealth very much. Children, accompanied by quiet music, go to table number 3 and examine the decorations.
H.M.G. I see Vika and Veronica have earrings, Sasha has a chain, your loved ones also have jewelry. They are also made of metal. What metal are the jewelry made of?
Children: - gold, silver.
H.M.G. Gold and silver are minerals, they are soft metals, so you can make such beautiful and small things out of them. They were made by jewelers. Repeat Tanya, Pasha, (individual work).
H.M.G. - There are many minerals in the bowels of our Earth, but we all know that they are formed over a long period of time. The deposits will someday run out, so they must be mined wisely, carefully and protected.
The music is playing, H.M.G. invites the children to return to the easel where the cards are hung out:
Physical education:
On the track, on the track
We jump on the right foot
And along the same path
We jump on the left foot
Let's run along the path
Let's run to the lawn
On the lawn, on the lawn
We jump like bunnies
Let's get some rest
And let's go quietly.
H.M.G. - Guys, today we learned so much interesting things about different stones, what are they called?
Children: - minerals
H.M.G. – why are they called that?
Children: - they are useful, you can build houses, roads from them,
H.M.G. During the experiments, we hung out cards, now with their help you can write a story about any stone that you really liked.
Children: Pasha, Veronika, Dinara - choose one of the pebbles and tell everything about it according to the scheme.
H.M.G. - I was very interested with you, but it's time for me to my possessions.
And I want to give you a box, for you there are also sweet jewelry (sweetie - sea pebbles).

In this article, we invite you to take a break and try to look into beautiful world of natural stone , with the help of a description of visits to interesting, in my opinion, places located in our area. There will be some personal perception and attempts at self-expression, so please do not judge strictly. In general, the specifics of the work, of course, leaves a certain imprint on the sphere of interests in life, so when on the next day off, a decision was made about an interesting pastime and, with the help of the Internet, a mysterious was discovered - " Iskitim abandoned marble quarry ", I immediately wanted to visit it! Which was implemented. In my opinion, the description of the road to it posted on the net is rather confusing, therefore, I will try to give my own. Altai highway to Barnaul, we pass Iskitim, the last exit from it to the highway ( speed limit 50), turn right, bridge, climb up, and turn left. Almost immediately opposite the gas station (on the right), turn left from the highway, then straight through the railway crossing and at the fork (triangle sign), turn right. Next , a little straight, and the first paved turn is to the left, we go straight, we pass (on the left) a lime processing plant, up, and right on the rise, there will be a triple fork near the active natural stone quarry.If you come to the edge of the quarry, the view will be such:

Our road is the most left, from it, turn left again, a little down and on the rise, we run into a closed barrier, then walk uphill, past the fence, water intake buildings (on the left). A little on the descent, on the right, a rolled road track will appear, going into the forest, along the marble quarry, we go along it, and we run into the quarry itself, view from above:

The shape of the quarry is in the form of an inverted letter "T", the whole of it can be bypassed along the perimeter, as well as go down. What we have done! And here is the photo report:

Fossil natural stone it was cut in blocks and went up, therefore, samples of natural stones with traces of various mechanical processing are everywhere. Here are just some of the inhabitants of this "stone reserve:

Interesting travels!

Alla Kosheleva
Summary of the lesson "These amazing stones"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 28 "Herringbone".

st. Mira 99-A Bryansk region, Klintsy, 243145

tel. eight- (48336) 5-09-78,

OGRN 1023201342328, TIN/KPP 3203005426/324101001

Organized educational cognitive research activity

on this topic: "These amazing stones» .


Kosheleva A.V.

Organized educational, cognitive and research activities for topic:

"These amazing stones» .

Senior group.

Educational area: "Cognitive Development".

Target: Introduce children to properties stones, expand the idea of ​​using stones person in the process of cognitive-experimental activity.

Educational tasks:

1. Introduce children to properties stones through elementary experimentation.

2. To form elementary ideas in children of senior preschool age

about diversity stones, the ability to examine them and name the properties and use the conventions to draw up a diagram.

3. Expand knowledge about how and for what a person uses stones by applying presentation "Peace stones» (use of ICT) and game techniques for the presentation of educational material.

4. Activate and enrich the vocabulary with words denoting properties stones: hard, light, durable, heavy, multi-colored.

5. Develop cognitive activity in the process of getting to know the properties stones, the ability to formulate conclusions, express their point of view, encourage children to complete answers.

6. Cultivate cooperation skills, the ability to work independently and work together.

Encourage respect for natural resources.

7. Update the forms of pedagogical partnership in the process of working with preschoolers.

Integration of educational regions: "Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic".

Equipment and materials: "box of feelings", sets stones for every table, wooden blocks, modeling dough, glasses of water, gravel, napkins, a large stone, a hammer, a diagram-helper, an interactive whiteboard, a collection of products from stone, caps of bachelors, phonogram "Mage dropout", presentation "Peace stones» .

Organization of children: subgroup.

I Introduction to the topic: educator.

The teacher invites the children to the hall, greet all the guests.

caregiver:- Guys, I know that you are very inquisitive, quick-witted and smart children, so it's interesting for me to play with you. I have a box and there is something in it. You would like to know what's in it. I need an assistant. How do we determine who will help me? (Counting)

Maybe one of you knows an interesting rhyme?

You are welcome, (Kolya) count and choose a leader for the game.

The game "Box of Feelings".

You will all stand where it is convenient for you, I suggest that the presenter put his hand into the box to find the object that lies there by touch, but he does not tell us about the object, we ourselves will ask leading questions to guess.


Is it alive? Is it fluffy (heavy, soft, cold?

Have you guessed what's in the box yet?

Then I will help you, guess the riddle.

It burns with fire in mom's earrings.

In the dust on the road lies unnecessary.

He changes form, he changes color,

And in construction it is good for a thousand years.

He may be small

lie in the palm.

Heavy, big

do not lift one.

Who, children, guessed my riddle?

Who recognized this item by signs?

That's right, this is a stone ... we show the children ...

Guys studying stones takes place in the laboratory, do you want to go there?

II The main part of the OOD. Educator.

Music sounds. The curtain opens. At the desktop Scientist-Educator 2.

Comes out to the kids.

Hello my young thinkers. Do you want to try yourself as a scientist?

Then put on your bachelor's hat and take your seats, today we will study properties stones.

Pay attention to the tray with stones, take the stone you like in your hand, touch it, examine it.

-stones same or different?

Than your stones guys are different?. (they are big and small)

What colour you have stones?.

Or maybe a different color, what do you think? (gray, red, blue, brown, green.)

How to describe property in one word stone- have different colors (multicolored)

To make it easier to remember properties stones we will fill in the scheme-hint (points to the blackboard).

What do you think, in our scheme, you can conditionally display the first property stone(rainbow because it has different colors). Invite the child to insert this sign into the table.

What can you tell about your stone? (Stone show all-children's answers)

Right, stones are different because.... children's answers (it is big, heavy, multi-colored, rough, has sharp edges and blunt, smooth ....) they have different colors, sizes, shapes.

-Answer me a question: If we squeeze a stone in one hand and dough in the other, what will happen?. (children's answers)

Let's test our assumptions, take any stone in one hand and play dough in the other, squeeze hard and see what happens?

Why did the dough change its shape? The dough is soft and plastic.

What's up with happened like a stone?. That's right, nothing, the stone has not changed its shape, it is solid.

Guys, here we have learned another property stones - Hardness.

go (Sabina) think and find the card that can help us mark the property of hardness on the diagram (hard as a nail).True, this picture means hardness.

Let's continue talking about stones...

What do you think will happen with stone and a wooden block, if we lower them into the water? (Listen to the full answers of the children).

Why do you think so (children's reasoning)

I suggest you see for yourself, with the help of experience, whether you are right or not. Move the experimental plate towards you and lower the stone and the block of wood into it at the same time.

What happened?. (answers the wooden block did not sink, it floats on the surface, and the stone sank to the bottom.)

Why didn't the wooden block sink? (it's light).

Why did the stone sink? (The stone sank because it was heavy)

How can we formulate this property stone....

-(Ivan).... will find us the following symbol.

How did you determine that "Weight"(Achieve complete and detailed answers).

It is true that a stone is not a feather - it will not be carried away by the wind, stones sink in water.

But there are huge mountains that consist of stones.

You could be like a mountain (yeah (children become a pyramid)


There is a mountain old woman (raise arms straight up, joining palms)

Top of the sky. (pull up on tiptoe)

Her wind blows (fan themselves with hands)

The rain pours on her (shake hands alternately)

It is worth the mountain suffers, loses pebbles. (put palms on cheeks and shake head)

And every day and every night

(children run away)

And every day and every night (teacher touches some children who should run away)

Rolling, rolling stones away. (children run away)

Pebbles rolled and since then

Nothing left of this mountain (children point to an empty place).

Come to me and find the biggest stone on my table.

Do you think it is strong or fragile?.

How can we check? (try: stand on a stone, hit a stone on a stone)

Let's try to hit stone with a hammer...

Who wants to try (give the opportunity to try it, those who did not check the strength stone)

What can be the conclusion? (stones are strong, it does not crumble, does not break)

Yes. The stone is intact!

go (Stepan) choose the last picture for the diagram.

Explain why you chose the castle? (he's durable)

Yes, the lock allows you to securely close the doors.

What do you think, can a stone be a helper to a person? (children's answers about using stone)

I want to show you, and you will help me tell where a person can use stones, walk and position yourself in front of the screen in a comfortable chair or on the floor.

Slide 2 - stones are found underground, on its surface and in water bodies.

Slide 3 - In ancient times, man used stones as tools and for hunting.

slide 4 - later stones began to decorate clothes.

Slide 5 - The stones served as decoration, a talisman and just a toy.

Slide 6 - From stones made and are now making items for the interior of the house.

Slide 7 - use stones in the construction of roads, for sidewalks, stairs and platforms, it is not replaceable

Slide 8 - It is widely used by summer residents in personal plots, creating such beauty.

Slide 9 - Stone is indispensable in the construction of monuments. Do you recognize this monument? Yes, this is a monument to the Heroes of the Fatherland.

Slide 10 - In the construction of fountains.

Slide 11 - Few people know that salt is also a stone. It is underground and mined. There are entire salt mountains in the world.

Slide 12 - Wow! There is edible stones.

Slide 13 - stones nowadays they are even being treated!

Slide 14 - And more stones can be collected in collections, bringing from travel!

Slide 15 - stones beautiful unusual and interesting.

I will show you my collection of jewelry from stones. (collection display).

Did you enjoy visiting me?

As a keepsake, I give you a hint scheme, it will not be difficult for you to tell about what you learned today about stones.

Today I say goodbye and I will wait for you to visit again (walks off to music) the curtain closes.

III The final part of the OOD.

Teacher 1 comes out.

Here are my guys! You don't want to tell me anything?

What do you have in your hands?

Who can tell you what you learned today?

What interesting thing happened to you?

Tell me about the diagram, what does it mean?

summed up classes with differentiated results.