
Make a bullfinch with your own hands from cotton pads. "Bullfinches" - cotton wool crafts. We make a bullfinch from cotton in a step-by-step lesson for beginners


Application in the senior group using cotton pads "Bullfinches"

Makarov Stas, 5 years old, MBDOU Pychassky kindergarten No. 2
Supervisor: Chukmareva Maria Nikolaevna, educator, MBDOU Pychassky kindergarten No. 2, p. Pychas, Udmurtia
Target: creating an image of a bullfinch from cotton pads and colored paper
Tasks: continue to learn how to carefully stick parts, use glue and a brush; fix the names of geometric shapes; to develop in children creative abilities, a sense of beauty, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and richness of the world around them: to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, love for wildlife and a desire to take care of birds.
Purpose: the composition can be used as a gift, for decorating the interior of an office or a children's room.

On a snowy pine -
Kingdom of beauty!
On a snowy pine -
Birds are like flowers!
The breast is bright red,
Light back.
Played with colors
Old pine!
Like fragments of dawn
Here on the branches are bullfinches.
(E. Grudanov)
In kindergarten for children's questions "Why do bullfinches have red breasts?" educators often use a fascinating tale about these amazing beautiful birds in their story.

It was summer, smart birds that did not fly to warm lands for the winter were making food supplies. And the bullfinch fluttered nonchalantly from branch to branch, sang songs to the sun and did nothing. When winter came, in order to survive, he had no choice but to eat only mountain ash. Due to the large number of red berries consumed, the breast turned red. Or maybe out of shame, for the fact that, as they say, “I sang the red summer, I didn’t have time to look back ...”

But the people know another legend about a bird with a red breast. A long time ago, when Christianity was just established in Russia, the dates of the holidays and all sorts of rules of conduct on holidays were determined. On the Annunciation, which is celebrated on April 7, a strict ban on any work was introduced. (If someone does not know, then the Annunciation is a holiday when an angel brought the Virgin Mary the good news that she was destined to give birth to the Son of God). The Slavs believed that from late autumn until the Annunciation, the earth sleeps, and on the feast God wakes it up, blesses all the plants, and it is impossible to interfere with it, that is, no work is allowed to be done. But the stupid cuckoo did not listen and one day decided to make a nest for a holiday. Then God punished her - deprived her of her nest forever. The cuckoo thought and thought and decided to throw eggs into the bullfinch's nest. Naturally, the bullfinch objected. He got into a fight with a male cuckoo and ended up coming out victorious. But since then, a distinct stain has been reddening on his chest - traces of the blood of the defeated husband of the cuckoo. And the cuckoo herself forever remained a widow. And he continues to toss eggs to anyone.

However, biologists do not believe in fairy tales and legends. And they say that the maximum number of melanin cells, which are responsible for the color of feathers, is concentrated in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe breast of bullfinches. And the food consumed by the bullfinch contains a large amount of carotenoids, which are natural dyes.

For work, we need the following materials:
- blue cardboard
- colored paper;
- red gouache;
- brush;
- cotton pads;
- a black marker;
- scissors;
- PVA glue.

Cut out two green strips 15 cm long and 5 cm wide.

We bend in half.

With a simple pencil, draw a line along which we then cut the bent strips.

On rounded strips, without unbending them, we cut the strips without reaching the fold line.

Glue the finished branches to the cardboard. Glue is applied in the middle of the blanks. Stripes - slightly fluff the needles, lifting the stripes.

Next, glue cotton pads on the branches - this will be the body of the bullfinch.

According to the templates, we cut out 2 black circles, 2 large triangles, cut out 2 small triangles from yellow paper.

We bend the black circles in half and cut into 2 parts.

We glue the finished parts on cotton pads. We glue half of the circle on a cotton pad - this is the head. Glue the large triangle in place of the tail. Now you can glue the wings, which we glue on top of the tail.
It remains to stick the beak and eyes. We make out the eyes with a black felt-tip pen.

Let's get down to the most interesting activity that children really like to do. We paint the bird’s breast with red gouache; for this, the paint brush should be applied, and not strokes should be applied, since the cotton pad will begin to crumple from moisture.

Here are such elegant bullfinches turned out!

Guliyeva Arzu

Master Class: « Bullfinches» Author: Guliyeva Arzu Nariman kyzy, teacher of MBDOU ds №14 "Brook" g. o. Balashikha, Moscow region

Children love to do things with their own hands. With children of primary school age and senior preschool age, you can make from cotton wool bullfinch. Such under the tree can be used as a gift, interior decoration, for theatrical activities.

Target: the development of creative abilities in children of primary school age and senior preschool age.


PVA glue;


We breed PVA glue (2) and water (1) . Tear off a piece palm-sized cotton. We form the body, head and tail. We dip the hand in a mixture of glue and water, quickly coat the carcass on all sides. BUT that she would only get wet from above. WHAT WOULD NOT WET EVERYTHING! Hand smooth the body. We tighten the thread between the tail and the body. We put the workpiece on the lid from under plastic bottles. The tail can be cut at your discretion, but only after complete drying. If, after drying, the back or head is not even, you can spread it with glue and apply a piece cotton wool. A dry bird can be held by the tail and painted (it dried up and will not fall off). We paint over the back with gray paint, draw a “hat”, wings and tail with black, paint the breast with red, bright paint. When the paint dries, draw the beak and eyes with white gouache. You can use beads for the eyes.

Like these ones I got bullfinches!

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IMG]/upload/blogs/detsad-260054-1478422393.jpg You will need: newspaper, cotton wool (or small cotton balls, PVA glue, wide adhesive tape,.

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3D application on the theme Winter

Master class "Bullfinches"

Work completed: Znachkova Margarita, pupil of the Center for Children's Creativity in Surazh, Bryansk Region.
Age: 8 years
Supervisor: Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD Center for Children's Creativity, Surazh, Bryansk Region.
Purpose of the product: the panel is not difficult to manufacture, but very positive. It can be used as a gift, to decorate the interior of an office or a children's room.
Target: make a panel using various materials.
- improve the skills of working with different materials and the ability to combine different materials in one product;
- develop creativity, imagination;
- Cultivate accuracy and independence.

And in the winter he will find shelter:
He is not afraid of a cold,
With the first snow right there!

Who does not know the handsome bullfinches?!
Their red breast, like a drop of blood, indicates that they are brave birds. In ancient Russia, there was a belief that bullfinches saved travelers who got lost in the endless snowy fields. Bullfinches showed them the way to residential buildings.

There is a sign that the bullfinch chirps to warm, clear and sunny weather.

Necessary materials and equipment:
- Velvet paper or remnants of velor in red, black and gray
- Foam polyethylene (packaging)
- Styrofoam
- Cardboard blue or light blue
- Branches of any shrub
- Wooden frame without glass
- Pencil
- Glue "Titan"
- Scissors

Our panel is made of various materials, almost all of them are junk. If you do not have just such materials, I will tell you how they can be easily replaced and not spoil the appearance of the product.

Work sequence
So, let's begin!
Let's prepare the base for our composition first! Take the cardboard blue or blue. If there is no cardboard, you can draw a winter sky with paints on white paper or cover the substrate with a cloth, but this will be more laborious.

From polyethylene foam, which remains from the packaging of various goods, we cut out snow-covered hills of arbitrary shape (depending on the size of the pieces available). It can be replaced with synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. Glue the hills to the base. We start gluing from the horizon, that is, from the middle of the sheet to the bottom of the picture. The main thing is not to allow gaps in the background.

From thinner polyethylene foam, we cut out Christmas trees according to the patterns.

We glue them in the background of the picture.

The basis for the panel is ready. We put it in a frame without glass.

We glue branches of any shrub to the foreground.

Let's start making snowmen. To do this, you can use velvet paper or pieces of fabric, such as velor or velvet, only they must first be glued to the paper and dried.
So, we circle the templates from the wrong side of the material and cut it out.

We connect the details of the bullfinch with glue. Cut out an eye from paper and glue it to the bird. If it is very difficult to cut such a small circle, you can draw it with a stroke corrector or white gouache. Draw a pupil with a black felt-tip pen.

It remains only to glue our bullfinches to the branches. Their number in the picture can be any, depending on your desire.

Let's add a snowball from the foam.
That's it! Creative success to all!

The bullfinch is a beautiful winter bird that adorns the snow-covered branches of trees and delights the eyes of people. Of course, the crafts of this bird belong to the winter season. This article will present master classes for making bullfinches quickly and simply with your own hands.

We make a beautiful bullfinch from felt with our own hands in a step-by-step MK

For a festive home decoration, a Christmas tree or a souvenir for loved ones, bullfinches made at home with warmth and love from fabric, such as felt, are perfect.

In order to sew a bullfinch, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • black, white, gray and red felt;
  • a pair of black beads (small size);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • burgundy ribbon or lace.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a pattern for the future felt bullfinch, which will consist of four different parts, namely the upper part of the craft, the tummy and two parts of the wing.

Now you need to sew the red parts of the pattern to the black ones. Thus, we get two sides of the body of the future felt bullfinch. We sew the two resulting parts, while leaving a small hole in the belly area in order to further fill the toy with padding polyester. After it is filled, we sew up the tummy with red threads. Next, we sew the white and gray parts of the wings, we also fill these parts of the toy with padding polyester and carefully sew up the holes. We sew the wings to the body of the bullfinch. You need to make eyes. We make them from white felt and beads. At the final stage, you need to sew a ribbon or lace to the toy.

The bullfinch is ready and can decorate your home. It took quite a bit of materials, time and, of course, love.

We make a bullfinch from cotton in a step-by-step lesson for beginners

In order to make a bullfinch from cotton wool using the papier-mâché technique, you will need the following materials:

  • cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • wire;
  • acrylic paints;
  • newspaper;
  • toilet paper.

First you need to form a ball with a diameter of 7-10 cm, we make it from a newspaper. To make the surface of the ball smoother and even on top of the newspaper, we wrap it with toilet paper. Next, you need to take the wire and make a loop out of it, fix it on the resulting ball.

Let's prepare the cotton. It needs to be stratified into wide thin plates and well lubricated on both sides with PVA glue. We wrap the ball with the resulting smeared cotton details, straighten the layers and make sure that there are no uncovered places left, 3-4 layers of cotton wool will be enough. We form wings, tail and beak from the remaining cotton wool smeared with glue.

We dry cotton bullfinches for a day and paint the resulting birds with acrylic paints. If desired, you can add glitter or sprinkle with artificial snow, and it will not be superfluous to cover the craft with varnish for durability.

A paper bullfinch can be made using the quilling technique. The product will be very beautiful and original.

Necessary materials:

  • quilling paper (in a set 5 cm);
  • quilling tool;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • paper - A4 (white).

We twist a strip of black paper into a “roll”, remove it from the winding tool and let it straighten out a little, fasten the free edge with glue, shape it into a triangle with our fingers - the beak of the future bullfinch is ready.

We begin to make details for the bird's head. We twist the "roll" of black color, give the details the shape of a crescent. The next "roll" should be in the form of a drop. Next, fold the new strip in half and twist the ends in one direction on each side, form drops with your fingers. We fix everything with glue. We make the next part of the head in the same way, only we give it an oval shape. The last part will be a leaf-shaped detail. We glue all the details to a white sheet, forming the head of a bullfinch.

From the details in the form of a crescent and a leaf, we form the body of a bird and also glue it to the sheet. The wings are made of black and white paper. For a red belly, details in the form of a curl, a drop and a leaf are suitable. Glue to the abdomen on sheet A4. The tail of the bullfinch is three pieces of white color in the form of leaves.

Optionally, you can make a branch on which the bullfinch will be located. Green paper must be formed into 20-30 round "rolls", shaped into leaves and fastened together. Arrange the leaves so that the bullfinch sits on them. That's all, the quilling bullfinch is ready.

Yarn can be used to make many different toys. Usually, when creating such products, they use a crochet or knitting needles. But in order to make a bird out of yarn, it is not at all necessary to comprehend the science of knitting. We offer you a very easy way to create a toy that does not take much time.

To create a bullfinch from threads you will need:

  • threads (black, gray, red);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • cardboard;
  • beads (2 pieces);
  • seed.

A piece of cardboard measuring 9 by 12 cm is wrapped 50-55 times in length with black threads. On one side, cut the threads. We make 45-50 turns along the width of the cardboard with red threads and cut them. We also do it with gray threads. Now we make the body of the bullfinch with black and red threads, applying red threads across the black ones. We connect the black threads, and push the red ones back.

It remains to attach the eyes - beads and a seed - a beak.

We will analyze in detail cross-stitch in several techniques

For cross stitch bullfinch you will need:

  • canvas;
  • threads;
  • hoop;
  • needle;
  • PVA glue;
  • felt-tip pen.

To begin with, we prepare the canvas by lubricating its edges with PVA glue. We divide the fabric into squares 10 by 10, for ease of work, you can select them with a simple pencil. We embroider the bullfinch according to the scheme in one or three threads. Different thread thicknesses will help highlight the largest parts of the embroidery or add volume where needed. Be sure to embroider the background in one thread.

Embroidery should start from the darkest color. It is necessary to monitor the accuracy of the wrong side, so that when framing the work, unwanted knots do not stand out and do not spoil the entire appearance of the embroidery.

It is important to determine your level of complexity and choose embroidery in relation to it, so that the picture turns out to be correct and beautiful.

Video on the topic of the article

In conclusion, after the listed options for making bullfinches, it would be appropriate to offer a video selection that will help you become more familiar with the different methods and techniques for making these crafts. Happy viewing.

Bullfinches are very bright, elegant and, of course, winter birds. I'll tell you how pretty quickly (not counting the drying time) you can make New Year's bullfinches for the Christmas tree using the cotton papier-mâché technique.

You will need:

PVA glue;


Toilet paper;

Acrylic paints.

From the newspaper we crumple dense balls with a diameter of 7-10 cm.

To soften the contours, we crush toilet paper on top.

From any side we make a dent with a finger (we form the line of the head)


We twist a loop of wire and fix it on our ball by twisting the free ends of the wire under the dent.

We prepare cotton wool. We stratify it into thin, but rather wide plates.

We generously coat each of them with PVA glue on both sides.

Just wrap our ball and smooth the layer. If there are uncovered places left, cover with the next layer, starting from them.

Three layers is enough.

Add details - tail, wings and beak. We coat a thin plate on both sides and fold it several times, giving the desired shape (tail and wing). Before lubricating the wing plates, it is necessary to select two plates of the same size in advance. For the beak, just a small lump is enough.

Well, the birds are ready, it took quite a bit of time.

I put a New Year's cap on one of the birds.

We leave to dry for about a day.

It remains only to paint the birds with acrylic paints or a mixture of gouache and PVA. Here is a simple scheme. Paint the loops in the color of the surface from which they come out.

Or sprinkle snow from semolina on PVA glue, and arrange a nest for them in the interior during the holidays