
When the toxicosis goes away. At what stage does toxicosis begin in pregnant women and when does it end? What to do if you have toxicosis


If you feel sick to the point of vomiting, you feel sick from smells or the mere mention of some foods, and the pregnancy test shows two lines - you have started early toxicosis of pregnancy.

There are also rare forms of early toxicosis: dermatoses of pregnancy, tetany, osteomalacia, acute yellow liver atrophy, bronchial asthma of pregnant women.

Mostly, women suffer from toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. Most often, symptoms of early toxicosis appear at 5-6 weeks, sometimes already on the days of a missed period, and in some cases even earlier - starting from the first week of conception.

Some women claim that they feel nauseous and even vomit the very next day after unprotected intercourse. But experts view such claims with skepticism. “Toxicosis” in such cases most likely has other causes that are completely unrelated to pregnancy: for example, poisoning or malaise due to changes in blood pressure. A psychological factor cannot be ruled out: the girl begins to worry, worry, and emotionally experiences “signs” of pregnancy.

Toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy is most often observed. But much more dangerous late toxicoses also occur. Toxicosis is also called gestosis, but the term “gestosis of pregnant women” is more often used to refer to late toxicosis.

Toxicosis during pregnancy is a physiological phenomenon and does not require treatment (unlike gestosis). But if you feel very bad, vomiting is repeated frequently and weight loss is observed, then you need to seek help from a gynecologist.

The absolute norm is also the absence of any toxicosis and even the slightest hint of it. The idea that a pregnant woman must vomit is wrong.

Everything is very individual: from the manifestations of toxicosis to its

What week does toxicosis begin?

It is not always the case that a woman learns that pregnancy has begun by the manifestations of an unknown toxicosis. Not everyone experiences its symptoms. Thus, according to a survey of pregnant women, approximately 50% of all women carrying a child experience toxicosis.

Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to confuse the symptoms and manifestations of this phenomenon with anything else, expectant mothers often ask the gynecologist what week toxicosis begins in order to at least mentally prepare for it.

It must be said right away that this phenomenon does not have a strict time frame. So, sometimes, the first signs of toxicosis in expectant mothers may appear as early as 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, sometimes a woman does not even know about her interesting situation, and the signs that appear (nausea, dizziness, vomiting) are often mistaken for symptoms of food poisoning, for example.

If we talk about what week toxicosis appears most often, then this is the 7-8th week of pregnancy. In general, manifestations of early toxicosis are observed until the 12th week of pregnancy. At the same time, women note the appearance of:

A distinctive feature of this phenomenon remains the fact that most often the symptoms are observed at approximately the same time. So, most often, expectant mothers feel sick in the morning.

Having figured out from what week toxicosis begins to make itself felt, it is necessary to talk about how long it lasts. It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. After all, some pregnant women suffer from its manifestations throughout the entire pregnancy. However, most often, by 13-14 weeks the symptoms of this phenomenon fade away somewhat and no longer bother the woman so much.

There is also such a thing as late toxicosis, which usually begins when the pregnancy period exceeds 20 weeks. It is dangerous because it can lead to:

Beginning of toxicosis

Toxicosis is quite common during pregnancy. But it cannot be argued that it is an obligatory sign of fetal development. Most often, this condition appears as a result of poor nutrition, pathologies of the internal organs of the expectant mother and other unfavorable factors. Therefore, when toxicosis begins, you should not take it for granted, but rather consult a doctor for advice.

When signs of intoxication occur

It is impossible to give a definite answer as to when toxicosis begins. In most cases, it appears at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. However, its early signs may appear within a few days (5-7) after conception, when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine mucosa.

It is also impossible to say exactly how long toxicosis lasts, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the mother’s body.

But often its symptoms disappear by the end of the first trimester (13-14 weeks). Separately, it is worth highlighting toxicosis in the last 2-3 months of pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of pathology in the woman’s cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. It can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the expectant mother, and also cause the death of the fetus.

Main features

But at the same time, there are no signs of dehydration, disorders of the cardiovascular system, nervous phenomena, there are no sudden surges in pressure, and overall health can be considered satisfactory.

Relief can come from changing your diet, getting enough sleep, rest, walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. You must use folk remedies during this period with caution, since even a “harmless” herbal tincture can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

The third degree of severity in some cases may serve as an indication for interruption of pregnancy.

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Toxicosis during pregnancy

What is toxicosis?

Toxicosis is a fairly common condition in pregnant women, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It occurs due to poisoning by toxins and other harmful substances formed in a pregnant woman during the development of the fetus.

It can also lead to a variety of symptoms, with the most persistent being disorders of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and metabolism. As long as toxicosis during pregnancy lasts, the symptoms continue to appear.

The second is vomiting up to 10 times and weight loss can be 3-4 kg over a two-week period, which can lead to low blood pressure;

The third is prolonged and frequent bouts of vomiting, up to 25 times a day, significant weight loss is observed - over 10 kg, the temperature rises and the pulse quickens.

Many women try to determine the absence or, conversely, the presence of pregnancy, and begin to listen to their body and its every change. Not every woman knows exactly when toxicosis can begin during pregnancy. Doctors set the following time frames:

Early toxicosis can begin in the first days of pregnancy or at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. And toxicosis ends early on at 13-14 weeks, but everything can end earlier, each case is individual.

Manifestations of late toxicosis begin in the very last trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes in the middle of the second trimester, which is much more dangerous for the fetus and mother.

Early toxicosis during pregnancy is a woman’s health disorder associated with the adaptation of her body to bearing a fetus.

6 out of 10 women experience toxicosis in the early stages, but gynecologists do not always consider this condition a disease that necessarily requires treatment. Early toxicosis of pregnancy still has no clearly established causes, and there are no ways to prevent it. The absence of early toxicosis also does not indicate any pathology; some women do not experience it at all.

Causes of early toxicosis

The causes of early toxicosis during pregnancy have not yet been fully studied; several theories are trying to explain it, but all researchers agree on only one thing: it is the presence of the fetus in the uterus that causes the symptoms of early pregnancy. Removal of the fertilized egg leads to immediate cessation of complaints.

Most likely, the causes of early toxicosis in pregnant women are caused by neuro-reflex shifts at the level of the diencephalic region of the brain, discoordination of the processes of excitation and inhibition in which occurs due to a violation of neuro-reflex impulses due to the embryo developing in the uterus and the rapidly progressing ingrowth of chorionic villi into the endometrium.

It is known that after the formation of the placenta by 11-13 weeks, the unpleasant first symptoms of pregnancy subside, and the condition of the pregnant woman returns to normal.

Signs of early toxicosis

Toxicosis in early pregnancy, the treatment of which requires drug intervention, should pose a threat to the woman’s health.

Signs of pregnancy in the early stages in the form of gastroenterological discomfort must be distinguished from real early toxicosis during pregnancy, which is a serious functional disorder of the nervous system that occurs in response to the presence of a fertilized egg.

How does early toxicosis manifest?

Early toxicosis in pregnant women can have a wide variety of symptoms, but nausea and heartburn are the leading manifestations in the vast majority of women. In the early stages, vomiting, dizziness and nausea during pregnancy are the most common forms of toxicosis, drooling is quite common, and other, rare signs of early toxicosis, such as dermatosis, itching, osteomalacia or bronchial asthma, are much less common.

Vomiting during pregnancy affects 6 out of 10 women, but only 10% of them are treated. Doctors consider heartburn and nausea only as natural symptoms during pregnancy, and the pregnant woman is given only recommendations on diet and nutrition.

Vomiting is graded according to severity; there are three in total. The timing of when nausea during pregnancy, vomiting, and other signs of early toxicosis appears is important; the earlier, the more severe the course of vomiting becomes.

1 degree of severity
Vomiting and nausea occur after eating, up to 5 times a day; a pregnant woman can lose up to 3 kg of body weight. Despite general poor health and loss of appetite, her condition remains relatively satisfactory. The skin remains moist, pulse and blood pressure are within normal limits. How to deal with early toxicosis during pregnancy with such manifestations - of course, without drugs. Obstetricians do not treat this; you need to try to survive the troubles of the first trimester, using only folk remedies for early toxicosis.

2nd degree of severity
Severe nausea during pregnancy occurs already in the first days and quickly develops into vomiting, which occurs regardless of food intake, up to 10 times a day. There may be a slight fever, acetone is found in the urine of half of the pregnant women, the pressure decreases, the pulse accelerates to 100 per minute, the general condition of the woman is severely disturbed, many have thoughts of terminating the pregnancy, it is so difficult to bear. Starting from the second degree of severity, toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is subject to drug treatment.

3 degree of severity
This is already a life-threatening condition for a pregnant woman, excessive vomiting. It repeats up to 25 times a day, and can even be triggered by movement. The pregnant woman does not want to move, lies down all the time, cannot sleep, food and water cannot be retained, vomiting occurs immediately, and loss of up to 10 kg of body weight is possible. The skin and tongue become dry, the temperature rises, the pulse reaches 120 per minute, and the blood pressure is low. Acetone is found in the urine of all women, there is often protein, hemoglobin is increased, and there are changes in the biochemical blood test.

When does early toxicosis begin and end?

Early toxicosis begins in most cases already from the 5-6th week of pregnancy; some not very happy women may feel the first symptoms even before the delay of menstruation. This earliest toxicosis is associated with a woman’s high sensitivity to pregnancy hormones and subsequently proceeds very hard.

The timing when early toxicosis ends depends on the severity of its course and the type of pregnancy you have, singleton or multiple. In a singleton pregnancy, early toxicosis lasts up to 11-12 weeks, and in a multiple pregnancy it goes away by 14-16 weeks of pregnancy.

Treatment of early toxicosis

With mild degrees of nausea and vomiting, treatment of early toxicosis of pregnancy is carried out on an outpatient basis; with moderate and even more severe degrees, hospitalization may be required. It often happens that the very fact of excluding a pregnant woman from a stressful environment at home and at work already leads to an improvement in her condition.

Nutrition in the treatment of early toxicosis in pregnant women is of great importance; proper consumption of food in itself can reduce nausea during pregnancy. You need to eat in small portions, every 2 hours, lying down, food should be chilled, mineral water, alkaline and non-carbonated, is recommended.

Toxicosis in the early stages, treatment

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the fetus is vulnerable, and many drugs can negatively affect its development, this limits the range of drugs used. Of course, you cannot prescribe anything to yourself without consulting a doctor; how to alleviate early toxicosis should be decided only with his help.

The most frequently prescribed drugs:

Cerucal (metoclopromide)
refers to an anemetic, it is prescribed in extreme cases, with uncontrollable vomiting of pregnant women due to its ability to increase the tone of the uterus and thereby provoke miscarriages. In general, this drug is prohibited in the first trimester, and only in exceptional cases can it be prescribed to you.

Torekan, has a similar effect to cerucal and is also prescribed for health reasons.

Hofitol, is a herbal remedy that is an artichoke extract. The drug has an antioxidant effect and improves liver function, which can significantly eliminate nausea during pregnancy.

B vitamins. During pregnancy, the need for B vitamins increases by 40%; they are an active participant in many metabolic processes in the mother’s body and are needed by the developing fetus. If they are deficient, nausea in the early stages of pregnancy is more pronounced, and their administration reduces the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. However, the use of injectable forms increases the risk of developing an allergy to these drugs.

Droperidol, a drug that acts directly on the mother’s nervous system, can only be used when absolutely necessary. Although no teratogenic effect on the fetus has been identified, this medicine is still classified as one that is prescribed only when the benefit to the mother is higher than the risks to the fetus.

Diphenhydramine, pipolfen. These medications are usually prescribed for allergic reactions, however, due to their sedative, calming effect and normalization of the immune system, they help with nausea during pregnancy. It must be warned that these drugs should also not be prescribed to everyone, and are indicated in the first trimester only if the obvious benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Herbal infusions and herbal infusions. Herbs for early toxicosis help to safely relieve nausea during pregnancy, and can be used independently by the expectant mother, even if she is simply worried about nausea and heartburn during pregnancy. However, what to do in case of early toxicosis, specifically what herbs to drink, also needs to be agreed with your doctor, since many of them are dangerous during pregnancy, we wrote about this.

Splenin, is a drug that is made from the spleens of cattle. Nausea during pregnancy when treated with splenin is reduced by normalizing nitrogen metabolism and improving liver function.

Polyphepan, is an adsorbent that collects toxins in the stomach and intestines. Everything would be fine, but at the same time, necessary, useful substances are removed.

As you can see, any drug treatment, all pills for nausea during pregnancy, injections have a negative side and carry a certain risk. This means you need to try to do without them. Only herbs are relatively safe and help fight early toxicosis without risk.

Often, all treatment in a hospital is limited to infusions of glucose and ascorbic acid, and this is correct, although it does not allow to completely get rid of early toxicosis.

And most importantly, don’t forget that early nausea during pregnancy is more likely an indicator that everything is fine and going according to plan. Your pregnancy is progressing and you will soon become a mother. By 11-13 weeks you will be enjoying your condition, and you just need to try to survive what is happening now.

Toxicosis during pregnancy is a fairly common diagnosis for expectant mothers. It is accompanied by vomiting. The point is toxins produced during fetal development, resulting in intoxication of the body.

After conceiving a baby, the mother’s body begins a global change in its usual work, because now it needs to supply not one organism, but two, with useful substances, microelements and oxygen. Following this, the hormonal background also changes.

The following symptoms of toxicosis are distinguished:

  • Increased salivation.
  • Nausea.
  • Weight loss.
  • Changes in taste buds.
  • Irritability.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Weakness.
  • Vomit.

Toxicosis manifests itself regardless of the gender of the child, as many believe.

Toxicosis during early pregnancy, types

  • Staphylococcal - you need to consult a doctor. It is activated by enterotoxigenic strains.
  • Evening - the body is susceptible to toxicosis without taking the required amount of food, after a busy day. In the evenings, this condition interferes with rest. The best way to combat it is fruit drinks and evening walks.
  • Toxicosis in early pregnancy. Treatment can be prescribed in the form of herbal preparations. In general, doctors recommend surviving this period without the use of medications. If toxicosis really torments the expectant mother, you can try using traditional methods.
  • Late toxicosis is excluded during the normal course of pregnancy, but such situations do occur. This can cause gestosis. This complication is characterized by the presence of protein in the urine, large weight gain, and increased blood pressure. With such symptoms, a woman is usually hospitalized.
  • Toxicosis before delay. This could also happen. Some women experience signs of toxicosis from the first days of conception.

Causes of toxicosis during pregnancy

It is impossible to name the exact causes of toxicosis, but experts highlight some of them:

  • Changes in the hormonal system. Radical hormonal changes that occur from the first minute of conception can affect the well-being of the pregnant woman. A usually calm girl can become whiny, and her sense of smell also increases, which provokes nausea. The first months are the most difficult, because the body considers the fetus to be a foreign body and tries to get rid of it. How long does toxicosis last? Most of its manifestations disappear by the end of the first trimester, when hormone levels stabilize.
  • Development of the placenta. It has been established that toxicosis is especially debilitating for expectant mothers during the formation of the placenta - up to 13 weeks. Further, it is able to perform its functions - retain toxic substances.
  • Defensive reaction. The body tries to protect the mother and fetus, because first of all, nausea is caused by tobacco smoke, coffee, and the smell of alcohol. In addition, food with toxins also causes a gag reflex.
  • Chronic diseases. Diseases that are not fully treated lead to a decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother. This can cause toxicosis. What to do? You need to be examined for infections, and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment at the stage of pregnancy planning. It would be useful to take vitamin complexes.
  • Psychological changes. Due to overwhelming emotions and stress, toxicosis can also begin - lack of sleep, shock - everything leads to nausea.
  • Age criteria. Late (after 30 years) pregnancy is considered dangerous. It is in this category of pregnant women that toxicosis develops more strongly, but there are exceptions.
  • Genetic background. Scientists say that the hereditary factor is of no small importance. If the mother of a pregnant woman suffered from severe toxicosis, then the probability of her developing it is almost 100%.
  • Multiple pregnancy. In mothers expecting not one, but several babies, toxicosis develops more often than in mothers expecting one child. The good news is that after suffering early toxicosis, there is almost no threat of miscarriage.

Pregnant women who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat properly are less susceptible to toxicosis.

Why is there no toxicosis during pregnancy?

Now it is so natural that a pregnant woman should vomit that the absence of this is considered something bad. No need to worry; lack of nausea is not a bad sign. On the contrary, this suggests that the body easily and quickly adapted to new conditions.
Pregnancy without toxicosis is much more pleasant for mommy. Feeling good makes it possible to enjoy the anticipation of a new life. In addition, there is no threat of termination of pregnancy due to severe toxicosis.

At what stage of pregnancy does toxicosis begin?

Doctors identify the following framework:

  • Toxicosis in early pregnancy begins in the first days of the delay. Ends at the end of the first trimester.
  • Late toxicosis during pregnancy begins in the second half or towards the end. He is considered dangerous.

“How long does toxicosis last during pregnancy?” - a common question. In general, it is impossible to name specific periods of toxicosis during pregnancy. It's individual.

Degrees of toxicosis

  • The first is characterized by the urge to vomit up to 5 times a day; slight weight loss (up to 3 kg) may be observed.
  • The second is that vomiting can be repeated up to 10 times a day, weight loss is from 4 to 6 kg. This may cause low blood pressure.
  • Third - frequent attacks of vomiting, up to 25 times a day, significant weight loss, and there may also be an increase in temperature.

Toxicosis during pregnancy, how to deal with it?

Toxicosis during pregnancy. What to do?

  • During attacks of nausea, you can make sweet mint tea, this will normalize blood glucose levels.
  • In the morning, before getting up, it is better to eat a piece of dried fruit. Many people say that after this the nausea goes away.
  • You need to decide on drinks that specifically do not cause nausea in you and drink them.
  • You can eat lemon or orange in small pieces.
  • You should adhere to the principles of a healthy diet - exclude fried, spicy foods, replace them with steamed dishes. Try not to overload your stomach - eat more raw vegetables.
  • You need to eat in small portions, have snacks - an apple, crackers.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating, wait a while.

Treatment of toxicosis

There are many known methods to combat toxicosis, but you need to know that not all are safe for the unborn baby.

  • Drug treatment. There are many drugs to combat toxicosis, but only No-shpu and Valerian can be considered harmless. Although, the use of serious drugs is sometimes necessary - in cases where there is a threat of miscarriage due to severe toxicosis.
  • Immunocytotherapy. The principle of the method is the introduction of the husband's lymphocytes to the expectant mother. But before this, the spouse must be examined for infections.
  • Homeopathic treatment. This method is considered relatively safe. Overdose or side effects are excluded from the drugs used; in addition to the mother, they can also treat the child’s body.
  • Aromatherapy. During exacerbations of toxicosis, it is recommended to spread the aroma of peppermint throughout the room.

In addition to these methods, there are others - electrosleep, acupuncture, hypnosis, herbal medicine and others.

In any case, it is worth remembering that toxicosis during pregnancy is temporary, and the baby will always be with you. It's worth it! Good luck to all!

No matter how desired pregnancy may be, it can be overshadowed by toxicosis (preeclampsia). This condition is characterized by attacks of nausea and vomiting, weakness, darkening of the eyes and sometimes loss of consciousness. It may go away in a couple of weeks, or it may last for months.

Sometimes nausea can be so frequent and severe that it becomes problematic for the expectant mother to even take pills, for example, Duphaston or Magne B6, which are prescribed to many pregnant women.

During Soviet times, there was a practice of terminating a pregnancy if a woman vomited continuously for a long period of time. Nowadays, such methods of getting rid of toxicosis, fortunately, are no longer used, and studying the issue of the origin of gestosis and inventing new methods of combating it helps many expectant mothers survive this period more easily.

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Causes of toxicosis during pregnancy

The question of the reasons for the development of toxicosis has not yet been fully studied. But doctors have every reason to believe that its manifestation and intensity directly depend on the amount of toxins in a woman’s body.

However, there are other versions of the appearance of nausea and vomiting in the first weeks of pregnancy, so it makes sense to list them as possible culprits of preeclampsia:

  • The mother's body's reaction to hormonal imbalance. However, this theory cannot answer two questions: 1) why does the reaction occur only in the first weeks, if hormonal changes occur in the female body throughout pregnancy? 2) Why don’t all women undergo such a reaction, because everyone experiences hormonal disruption to the same extent?
  • Psychological rejection of the new position, subconscious reluctance to become a mother. But this version also has contradictions, because then it is completely unclear why severe toxicosis occurs in women who consciously planned pregnancy and in whom conception occurred only after serious efforts.

There is a popular belief that by the presence and intensity of toxicosis during pregnancy, one can determine who will be: a boy or a girl. But doctors are skeptical about this theory of the occurrence of nausea in the early stages.

When does toxicosis begin?

There are women who say that nausea and vomiting began from the first days of conception. This is, of course, impossible. In the first week after fertilization, the level of hCG is still so low that it cannot cause such severe intoxication in the body.

Usually, expectant mothers begin to feel the first signs of gestosis at 3–4 weeks from conception. It starts differently for everyone. Some people experience a feeling of nausea, which after a few days develops into vomiting.

For some, intoxication of the body is immediately expressed in the appearance of vomiting, which becomes more intense over time. No matter what week early toxicosis begins during pregnancy, should alert, if from the first day it manifested itself in the form of frequent uncontrollable vomiting.

When does it end?

The end of gestosis, even in the same woman during different pregnancies, can occur at different times. The most common pattern observed is: the more intense the manifestations of vomiting, the longer the toxicosis lasts.

So, in women who only experienced a feeling of nausea and could eat more or less normally, gestosis lasts about 3 to 4 weeks and disappears without a trace. The situation is different for those expectant mothers who were forced to spend whole days in the toilet and did not have the opportunity to eat normally.

In such cases, toxicosis is prolonged and begins to gradually recede only by 12 weeks. In severe cases, toxicosis can completely end only at 15–16 weeks.

Signs of toxicosis:

  • Nausea, which is more intense in the morning and subsides in the evening.
  • Vomiting that begins immediately upon waking and disappears almost completely during sleep.
  • Reaction to odors.
  • Dizziness and weakness. Often this condition occurs when a woman is in a stuffy room or remains in a stationary position for a long time.
  • Aversion to certain types of food.

Severity of toxicosis

Each body can react differently to pregnancy. Some people experience only mild nausea in the morning, while others are admitted to the hospital due to incessant vomiting. Gynecologists distinguish three degrees of severity of toxicosis:

I degree

Preeclampsia is mild, with nausea, a reaction to certain odors and vomiting, which occurs no more than 5 times a day. The general condition of the pregnant woman can be assessed as satisfactory. The woman can eat food and drink water.

II degree

A woman has an aversion to many types of food; a large number of smells invariably make her feel nauseous. Traveling in transport is complicated by vomiting, but vomiting itself, on average, occurs no more than 10 times per day. A pregnant woman can consume food and water with some difficulty.

III degree

The woman's condition begins to cause concern among doctors. The patient experiences attacks of nausea even at the mere sight of any food. Vomiting occurs up to 25 times a day. A pregnant woman cannot eat; breaks in food can last up to two days.

It becomes impossible to even drink water, which can lead to a life-threatening condition - dehydration. The patient experiences relief only when she lies down.

If toxicosis becomes protracted, then after 4–5 weeks it becomes difficult for a woman to move long distances on her own.

Why is severe gestosis dangerous?

If toxicosis in the first trimester becomes painful and deprives the expectant mother of the opportunity to eat and drink enough water, then doctors must take emergency measures to stabilize her condition. Severe gestosis leads to the following negative consequences:

  1. Loss of body weight. With grade III toxicosis, a woman can lose up to 10 kg of weight in 3 months.
  2. Decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  3. Increased uterine tone. Frequent gagging causes excessive tension in the abdominal muscles. The result is an effect similar to an abdominal pump. This tones the uterus and creates a threat of miscarriage.
  4. Danger of dehydration. The water is odorless and its appearance does not disgust a pregnant woman. However, liquid entering the stomach still provokes vomiting.
  5. The appearance of vitamin deficiency. Due to the impossibility of normal food consumption, the body cannot replenish its reserves of vitamins and minerals.

How to deal with toxicosis in the early stages, what to do?

When signs of toxicosis appear during early pregnancy, the question invariably arises: how to deal with it? The gynecologist can give recommendations to consume certain foods, prescribe treatment, or place the woman in a hospital.

Changing your daily diet

If gestosis manifests itself only in attacks of nausea and rare cases of vomiting, then the doctor will recommend including in the daily diet foods that will be easily digested by the intestines: yoghurt, kefir, vegetables, fruits.

Sometimes the pregnant woman herself determines what type of food helps her cope with the feeling of nausea. So, many people save themselves with mints, lemons, oranges, apple juice, pickled cucumbers, and sauerkraut.

Taking medications

In this case, medications are designed to cleanse the woman’s body of waste and toxins, as well as replenish the water-salt balance, which undergoes significant changes with constant vomiting.

For this purpose, the gynecologist prescribes Enterosgel and Regidron (less commonly, Cerucal). Within a few days of taking these drugs, grade II toxicosis disappears.

  • True, the taste of both Enterosgel and Regidron is such that their use can provoke a gag reflex.

Hospital treatment

In case of severe toxicosis, when dehydration becomes life-threatening for a pregnant woman, it is important to be admitted to a hospital, where the patient will be prescribed intravenous drips with glucose and other drugs that replenish the lack of fluid and nutrients in the body.

Typically, such measures do not help stop vomiting. A woman can still not leave the toilet for hours, it’s just that now her body is forced to feed and be saturated with enough fluid.


Since the causes of toxicosis are not reliably known, it is difficult to judge measures to prevent it. It is also difficult to predict whether carrying a child will be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, or whether the expectant mother will be lucky enough to have a pregnancy without toxicosis.

Until now, scientists have not been able to prove that morning sickness is guaranteed to be cured by preliminary vitamin therapy or a visit to a psychologist, so today gestosis is treated symptomatically and is not prevented in any way.

Toxicosis is a fairly common condition in pregnant women, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It occurs due to poisoning by toxins and other harmful substances formed in a pregnant woman during the development of the fetus.

It can also lead to a variety of symptoms, with the most persistent being disorders of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and metabolism. As long as toxicosis during pregnancy lasts, the symptoms continue to appear.

There are several degrees of toxicosis:

  • First, the urge to vomit is observed infrequently, up to 5 times. Weight loss is insignificant up to 3 kg.
  • The second is vomiting up to 10 times and weight loss can be 3-4 kg over a two-week period, which can lead to low blood pressure.
  • The third is prolonged and frequent bouts of vomiting, up to 25 times a day, significant weight loss is observed - over 10 kg, the temperature rises and the pulse quickens.

When does toxicosis begin in pregnant women?

Many women try to determine the absence or, conversely, presence of pregnancy and begin to listen to their body, to its every change. Not every woman knows exactly when toxicosis can begin during pregnancy. Doctors set the following time frames:

  • Early toxicosis can begin in the first days of pregnancy or at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. And toxicosis ends early on at 13-14 weeks, but everything can end earlier, each case is individual.
  • Manifestations of late toxicosis begin in the very last trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes in the middle of the second trimester, which is much more dangerous for the fetus and mother.

Signs of toxicosis in pregnant women

As soon as a child is conceived, the body of the expectant mother begins to adjust the rhythm of work for two: the mother herself and the baby. From what at first a woman begins to experience discomfort called toxicosis. You can find out how to deal with it on the forum, where every mother shares her secret.

First of all, a woman experiences irritability, increased salivation, loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, drowsiness, changes in taste buds, vomiting and weight loss. Very rarely, with early toxicosis, one can observe the development of dermatoses, asthma, osteomalacia - softening of bone substance, tetany - spasmodic manifestations of skeletal muscles. Signs of severe toxicosis appear regardless of whether the mother is expecting a boy or a girl. Symptoms of toxicosis can also be observed during frozen pregnancy, which can be distinguished by the absence of fetal movement and heartbeat.

The most dangerous and unpleasant signs of toxicosis, both in the first trimester and in the third.

Gag reflex in pregnant women

Vomiting is one of the most striking manifestations of toxicosis in late and early pregnancy. Most often, vomiting is active for 20 weeks and the earlier it starts, the more severe it is. There are several degrees of severity of the gag reflex in a pregnant woman:

  1. Mild nausea and a small amount of vomiting, which occurs no more than 5 times a day, usually after meals. The woman’s condition is unchanged, weight loss is about 3 kg, but no more.
  2. Vomiting increases up to 10 times a day, regardless of food intake, and weight loss in 2 weeks can already reach 3 kg or more. A pregnant woman’s well-being deteriorates significantly: weakness occurs, the pulse rate increases, and blood pressure decreases.
  3. There is excessive vomiting, which can reach up to 25 times a day. Such a fleeting process leads to dehydration and sudden weight loss (more than 10 kg). The temperature rises, bad breath appears, the pulse quickens, the blood pressure drops and the woman becomes lethargic. In some cases, kidney function may be impaired, and with prolonged vomiting, which already becomes life-threatening for the mother, doctors recommend artificial termination of pregnancy.

Dermatous rashes

This is the most unpleasant manifestation of toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy, in the form of diffuse itching of the skin, it can also reach the genitals. This leads to irritability, sleep disturbances and depression.

Dangerous development of tetany and osteomalacia

Progressive development occurs due to disturbances in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body of the expectant mother. Osteomalacia causes softening of bone tissue, which can lead to bone fractures. Tetany is dangerous due to cramps in the muscles of the upper extremities; it is very rarely observed in the lower extremities and on the face.

Why is there no toxicosis

Women are so accustomed to the idea that toxicosis is a normal course of pregnancy that its absence has begun to evoke fear and apprehension. Don't worry, such suspicions are completely unfounded and not dangerous. Quite the opposite - this means that the expectant mother is absolutely healthy. If there is no toxicosis, this is normal. The body easily adjusted to the new rhythm of work, coping well with the loads, it adapted to the new state without nausea, vomiting or disruption of its general systems.

The advantages of a “toxic-free” pregnancy are obvious:

  • there is no threat of miscarriage, subsequently severe toxicosis;
  • timely replenishment of vitamins to the developing fetus, which improves its development, without any pathologies;
  • excellent mood and well-being, allows you to enjoy the unique state of the body.

Types of toxicosis

During pregnancy, there are several types of toxicosis:

  • Staphylococcal toxicosis – activated by enterotoxigenic strains, which, when multiplied, can release a heat-resistant exotoxin into food products. Urgent consultation with a doctor, examination and further treatment are necessary.
  • Evening toxicosis – after an exhausting and stressful day and without taking enough food, the body becomes exhausted and succumbs to the attack of toxicosis. Toxicosis in the evenings makes it difficult to fall asleep and rest in peace. Evening walks, freshly prepared juice or a fruit drink made from fresh sour berries have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy – This is approximately the period from 1 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors recommend calmly experiencing the symptoms of toxicosis in the first trimester. If the symptoms intensify, then specialists can prescribe safe, mild herbal remedies, which will significantly alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman and reduce intoxication. But it’s worth noting that while mommy is taking the prescribed medications, she feels great, but when you stop taking these medications, the signs of toxicosis immediately resume. To reduce toxicosis during pregnancy, you can resort to folk remedies, which will be safer for the baby.
  • Late toxicosis – with normal development of pregnancy, re-occurrence of toxicosis in the second trimester is excluded. But there are cases when late toxicosis causes attacks of vomiting and nausea; if the symptoms intensify, a complication called gestosis occurs. It is manifested by swelling, the presence of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure and weight gain of up to 400 grams per week. The more toxicosis progresses in late pregnancy, the more difficult and dangerous it is for the health of a pregnant woman. But a mother who regularly visits a doctor will be notified about gestosis in time and hospitalized in time. Treatment is prescribed individually, it all depends on the specific situation and the degree of symptoms.
  • Toxicosis before delay – did you start feeling nauseous immediately after conception? This is not a sign that you are already pregnant. Toxicosis can begin 7-10 days after the development of the fertilized egg. But nausea and vomiting may not always occur; on the contrary, many women begin to experience a voracious appetite.

Causes of toxicosis during pregnancy

Why toxicosis occurs during pregnancy still remains a mystery and an unstudied phenomenon. It is impossible to say with absolute certainty what causes the symptoms of toxicosis in the early and late stages.

But still, doctors identify several causes of toxicosis in pregnant women:

  1. Changes in the hormonal system. From the first hours of fertilization of the egg in the uterine cavity, a woman experiences dramatic hormonal changes. The composition of hormones changes dramatically, which is reflected in the behavior, health and well-being of the pregnant woman. Against the background of these changes, she becomes irritable, touchy and whiny, nausea is provoked, and her sense of smell is heightened. In the first months, the embryo is considered a foreign body for the mother’s body, which it would like to get rid of, which also affects the well-being of the expectant mother. But when does toxicosis end in pregnant women? After some time, the level of hormones stabilizes, and the mother’s body calmly accepts the embryo, and the fight against toxicosis will stop by the second trimester.
  2. Development of the placenta. The likelihood of this theory is quite logical. It was found that toxicosis debilitates the female body in the first trimester, up to approximately 13-14 weeks. The sudden disappearance of toxicosis is due to the fact that the placenta is already completing its formation. And now the performance of many functions becomes her responsibility, this includes the retention of toxic substances. Until the process of placental development is completed, the pregnant woman’s body itself protects itself from possible intoxication by vomiting.
  3. Defensive reaction. The expectant mother's refusal of many foods and late toxicosis during pregnancy is nothing more than a natural act of protection. Mommy experiences nausea primarily due to cigarette smoke, coffee-containing drinks, fish, meat and eggs. They may be hazardous to health due to the pathogenic microorganisms they contain. The gag reflex and nausea protect the fetus and maternal body from harmful and dangerous substances; in this case, toxicosis in pregnant women is biologically necessary. In addition to the toxins and poison contained in the food consumed, insulin produced after each meal has a negative effect on the development and growth of the embryo.
  4. Chronic infections and diseases. Infections and diseases that are not completely cured lead to a weakening of the pregnant mother’s immunity. This can provoke toxicosis in the first trimester and what should you do then? It is necessary to include a full complex of vitamins at the planning stage, as well as contact a specialist and undergo a full examination. After which, undergo a course of treatment, especially for infections.
  5. Psychological changes. Severe toxicosis in the 3rd trimester can begin due to the psychological and emotional state of the mother. Nervous experiences, stress, lack of sleep, emotional shock and irritability are the causes of severe toxicosis, leading to nausea and vomiting. According to doctors, late toxicosis develops in women who become pregnant unexpectedly and unplanned. Moreover, many women prepare themselves in advance for the fact that all pregnant women have severe toxicosis in the first trimester or in the later stages. And the principle of how self-hypnosis works is known to everyone. According to scientists, with the onset of pregnancy, the nervous system undergoes great changes, and the centers of the brain that are responsible for the functioning of the sense of smell and the gastrointestinal tract are currently activated.
  6. Age criteria. Pregnancy that occurs after 30–35 years of age is considered dangerous, especially if this is the first conception or there have been multiple abortions before. The development of toxicosis can be much stronger and more risky. Experts say that the younger the expectant mother, the easier she tolerates possible symptoms of toxicosis. But this is not in all cases; there are exceptions.
  7. Genetic background. The occurrence of toxicosis in the second trimester due to heredity has a greater chance of its development. In the event that someone from the previous generation suffered from toxicosis at 16 weeks or any other period, there is a 70% chance that this problem will not bypass you. The risk of increased symptoms increases if a woman had toxicosis in a previous pregnancy.
  8. Multiple pregnancy. There will certainly be more joy from such news, but there will also be more difficulties in pregnancy. For example, toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy in a mother with twins manifests itself much more often and more progressively than in a woman with a singleton pregnancy. But pregnant women who have suffered early toxicosis are practically not in danger of miscarriage, which is important.

We can also say with confidence that a healthy woman is less susceptible to toxicosis during pregnancy than a mother with chronic diseases, infections and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

At what week does toxicosis go away?

All cases associated with toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy and subsequent trimesters are individual, so no one can accurately answer the question: “When will toxicosis end?” Some mothers experience a slight sign of nausea, but others are forced to spend weeks in the hospital in order to overcome toxicosis. The same factor applies to the duration, because in pregnant women toxicosis is observed in different trimesters, but in most cases toxicosis goes away on its own at 14 weeks.

Signs of toxicosis may continue until the placenta is formed, and this process ends at approximately 12 or 14 weeks. After which the calm course of pregnancy in the second trimester begins. Toxicosis may resume again in the third trimester, then it has a completely different term - gestosis.

There are cases when the expectant mother begins to experience toxicosis in the last trimester, which is much more dangerous than toxicosis in early pregnancy. If there are signs of late toxicosis, you should immediately consult a specialist.

How to reduce toxicosis during pregnancy?

What exactly helps against toxicosis and how to alleviate its symptoms can only be determined by the pregnant woman herself; each has its own method of combating toxicosis. The main symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy appear in the morning, because the level of glucose in the blood is low at this time. If you adhere to the tips listed below, the activity of toxicosis may subside.

How to avoid toxicosis during pregnancy:

  • Before getting out of bed, you should eat a small piece of bread, cookies or, best of all, dried fruit. Make mint tea, add a slice of lemon and a small amount of sugar to it, which normalizes blood glucose levels. All these methods will help relieve the symptoms of toxicosis in the early stages or in the last trimester, there is no difference.
  • You can suck on a slice of lemon or orange; sour fruits usually smooth out the symptoms of nausea. But for many, on the contrary, toxicosis intensifies, so you need to listen to your body and check all methods gradually.
  • You need to drink only those drinks and juices that are right for you: herbal tea, chilled drinks, plain water, vegetable broth.
  • Instead of drinks containing a large amount of dyes, you can eat fruits with a high liquid content - melon, watermelon, grapes and ginger are the best option for toxicosis. Sometimes you can treat yourself to a serving of ice cream.
  • Heavy, spicy and fried foods should be replaced with steamed dishes. Also, light foods in the form of dairy products, fruits and raw vegetables are less overwhelming to the stomach and are much healthier.
  • It is necessary to divide meals into several servings and eat smaller amounts of food, but more often. During the day, you can include crackers, a banana or an apple so that your stomach is not empty. The fight against toxicosis will not be in vain if you do not allow vomiting and nausea to become a habitual manifestation of your body.
  • It is not recommended to go to bed immediately after eating. It's worth waiting a few hours before falling asleep or just lying down.
  • A proven grandmother’s recipe for toxicosis during pregnancy is a spoonful of honey at the beginning of the first symptoms of toxicosis.

Nutrition for toxicosis in pregnant women

So how can you correctly create a diet for a future mother with toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy? The erroneous opinion of many is to limit yourself in food; the less we eat, the less nausea and vomiting. First, it is in the initial months that the embryo needs various microelements and vitamins. Secondly, even the shortest diet, which is aimed at consuming only one product, can soon cause an allergic reaction in both mother and fetus.

Therefore, it is important to prepare a balanced diet during this period:

  • From the very beginning of toxicosis, it is necessary to exclude exactly those foods that cause nausea. These most often include dairy products.
  • And what products are necessary, despite the progression of nausea and vomiting? To replenish minerals - sodium and chlorine - table salt is recommended, but in moderation. Therefore, salted fish and cucumbers will even be useful during this period, but do not forget about moderation, especially for women with chronic kidney diseases.
  • The menu for toxicosis in late pregnancy is significantly different. First of all, it is important to remember the enemy of the last trimester of pregnancy – salt. Therefore, refrain from taking herring and cucumbers, as this can cause fluid retention in the body. And add less salt to all dishes.

The best prevention for late toxicosis is moderate food intake. The most unloved foods for the body during this period are smoked meats, pickles and marinades. Therefore, it is very important to monitor a healthy and nutritious diet before late toxicosis begins.

Protein plays an important role in late toxicosis, and a lack of protein leads to a decrease in its level in the blood. Therefore, it is recommended to add boiled fish, cottage cheese and boiled lean meat to a healthy diet.

Treatment of toxicosis

There are many remedies for toxicosis, some only reduce symptoms, while others fight it. But it is worth taking into account that not all medications for toxicosis are safe and effective.

  • Treatment of toxicosis using medication. In the fight against toxicosis, among the wide range of drugs used, only valerian, nosh-pa and microelements are considered harmless. But in some situations, the use of more serious drugs is simply necessary for the health of the mother and child; if left untreated, a miscarriage may occur. Drug treatment of early and late toxicosis should be comprehensive and include various drugs: enterosgel, Essentiale, Cerucal and many others.
  • Immunocytotherapy is a modern invasive treatment method. The principle of its operation is as follows: a pregnant woman’s lymphocytes are injected into the skin of her forearm. Relief from toxicosis symptoms occurs within 24 hours. This method of treatment requires a thorough examination of the father for the presence of infections. It is important to know that immunocytotherapy can be dangerous, as it increases the risk of contracting hepatitis and other infections.
  • Homeopathic method of treatment. This type of fight against toxicosis is considered the safest and most effective. Homeopathy allows you to select individual medications that can treat not only the female body, but also the child’s body. Side effects and overdose are excluded, and the drugs used do not cause addiction.
  • Aromatherapy It has been used since ancient times and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman. For example, during a morning exacerbation of toxicosis, you can drop a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil on a handkerchief and place it next to you. If you do this procedure several nights in a row, the result will not take long to arrive.

You can carry ginger oil with you and at the moment when an attack of nausea worsens, you need to drop ginger oil on your palms, rub it well and bring your palms to your nose, and take a deep breath. You can also perform steam inhalations, they reduce the urge to vomit.

For preventive purposes, every morning it is necessary to rub the oil solution into the umbilical area: one drop of ginger is added to a dessert spoon of vegetable oil.

In addition to the above methods of treating toxicosis, herbal medicine is also used, and some prefer unusual methods: acupuncture, hypnosis, electrosleep and others.

You should not prepare yourself for the fact that manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy will not be missed. Tell yourself more often: “Everything will be fine, both with me and with the child”!

Article verification: Lada Sergeeva,
practicing gynecologist

Useful video about toxicosis during pregnancy
