
Do alcohol and diet go together? How does alcohol affect a person’s weight loss and body weight? The effect of alcohol on weight

Pathologies of the uterus

When deciding to go on a diet, people still look for loopholes in order to somehow “sweeten” their hungry life. For some, cheat meals and refeeds become such a consolation. Others are starting to find out whether weight loss and alcohol, which helps you relax and gives you a good mood, are compatible. Let's try to figure out whether Pliny the Elder was right when he said that truth is in wine (In vino veritas).

Let's define the problem

We often hear: “Alcohol helps you lose weight.” This is a myth that arose because people addicted to it are never fat. But if we’re talking about their appearance, then it’s worth describing it further: lack of body weight, swollen bluish face, tremors of the limbs, a lost look, there’s no need to talk about hygiene. If you use alcoholics as an example, look at the whole picture.

When wondering whether you can drink alcohol while losing weight, first answer yourself, how important is this for you? Why can't we do without it?

It’s one thing when someone who is struggling with excess weight and planning to go to a celebration that they cannot miss is trying to solve this problem. It is important to him what alcoholic drinks and in what quantities are allowed. Another if the issue of constant alcohol consumption during a diet is being addressed. Can't you live without him? Is it your only source of pleasure, relaxation and high spirits? If this is the case, then such an addiction will not lead to anything good for several reasons.

Reason one. Of course, you are not an alcoholic, but there is a predisposition to this. To prove the opposite not in words, but in deeds, give up alcoholic drinks for the duration of your weight loss. It's so simple!

Reason two. Wine usually covers some psychological problems. This means that the level of cortisol in the body is increased. And this significantly interferes with weight loss. For reference: alcohol during nervous experiences does not reduce the production of the stress hormone, so the latter calmly continues to form visceral fat while you “calm down” in this way.

Reason three. Constant libations have a negative impact on the functioning of all organs and systems. And now attention: by the word “regular” narcologists consider not only daily alcohol consumption, but also weekly.

Reason four. Sports and alcohol are 100% incompatible. And without sports, losing weight is impossible, or at least very difficult.

So, when wondering whether it is possible to combine alcohol with weight loss, first answer yourself honestly why this is so important and whether, in addition to excess weight, you also have an addiction.

How are alcohol and excess weight related?

Doctors and nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion that alcohol has a direct effect on excess weight. Or rather, it contributes to the gain of unnecessary kilograms. Moreover, this applies to both one-time use and constant use. Why is this happening?

  1. Alcohol is a source of empty calories that do not provide the body with beneficial nutrients. Moreover, it contains much more calories than proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. The energy it delivers to the body is used first. While this is happening, the lipolysis process is slowed down. And all the high-calorie snacks go towards the formation of new fat deposits.
  3. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person does not think about how much he has eaten. Appetite is extremely difficult to control. Moreover, in 90% of cases, high-calorie and unhealthy foods are used as snacks.
  4. The negative effect of alcoholic drinks on digestion, liver and kidneys leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and this is one of the main factors in gaining excess weight.
  5. Alcohol is difficult to remove from the body. On average, it takes about 10 hours. This is how long it will take you to gain weight, even if you don’t eat anything.

And another important factor why alcohol contributes to excess weight gain. Everyone knows the harm it has on health:

  • decreased performance;
  • development of diabetes;
  • mental defects, addiction formation;
  • hypertension;
  • amyotrophy;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and other organs.

So, many of these consequences lead to weight gain. For example, diabetes, liver disease and hypertension are constant companions of overweight people. Decreased performance will not allow you to play sports, and depletion of muscle fibers will prevent you from becoming the owner of a beautiful figure.

Why you shouldn't drink alcohol when losing weight

We found out that alcohol definitely contributes to excess weight gain under normal conditions. But how will it affect the body during weight loss?

The fight against extra pounds involves an energy deficit. To create it, the first thing you need to do is to reduce your daily caloric intake (it is different for everyone, you can calculate it by). Under such conditions, any amount of alcohol consumed:

  • quickly absorbed into the blood - a person instantly becomes drunk, losing control over his own behavior, including eating;
  • increases intoxication of the body, which already suffers from ketoacidosis (an excess of ketone bodies produced during fasting);
  • stops the fat burning process, slows down metabolism - thereby slowing down weight loss;
  • impairs kidney function - increases swelling;
  • negatively affects the liver and gastrointestinal tract, preventing the body from cleansing waste and toxins.

If we take into account that in conditions of reduced caloric intake the body is already working at its limit, and alcohol only worsens the functioning of organs, we can conclude that losing weight is incompatible with it.

But that is not all. To create an energy deficit, you need to burn as many calories as possible, that is, exercise. However, alcohol always relaxes, reduces performance and endurance, so training is simply impossible on the days of drinking it. But what if you drink after them or on rest days? This is also not an option, and here's why.

During training, muscle fibers tear; without this process, their growth is impossible. This is a necessary injury that requires rest days in the program, appropriate protein nutrition and control of soreness. Alcohol reduces protein synthesis in the body several times and inhibits the process of muscle recovery after training, increasing muscle damage.

It becomes clear why you should not drink alcohol when losing weight: it slows down this process and interferes with the formation of muscle mass. But there is plenty of harm to health from it. Therefore, any hunger strike combined with alcoholic beverages leads to serious complications.

Special cases

In men

Men should not drink alcoholic beverages while losing weight, because they all reduce the level of testosterone, the main hormone in their body, by 2-3 times. And the point here is not even a weakening of potency and libido, but the fact that testosterone is one of the most powerful fat burners and anabolic steroids.

Alcohol in the male body suppresses testosterone production. The processes of fat burning and muscle formation are suspended, metabolism slows down (you can read about its role in losing weight in). There can be no talk of any weight loss under such conditions.

In addition, the euphoria and high spirits that drinking alcohol gives is noted at the subconscious level; it is a psychological effect. From a physiological point of view, no surge of strength is felt. On the contrary, in a relaxed state, when all parts of the body become weak and uncontrollable, sports are excluded. This means that workouts will be missed, the program will fail, and instead of muscles and abs, fat folds will appear on the stomach again.

Among women

How does alcohol affect women's weight loss? It reduces the production of female hormones by replacing progesterone with testosterone. Many people incorrectly interpret this information, thinking something like this: “Elevated progesterone leads to excess weight, which means lower progesterone eliminates this problem. And testosterone will pump up your muscles and make your figure beautiful. This means that you can and even need to drink alcoholic beverages.” In fact, such hormonal disorders in the female body lead to an excessive increase in muscle mass, sudden weight gain, difficulty losing weight, as well as other dangerous consequences:

  • amenorrhea, infertility;
  • male pattern baldness;
  • skin rashes;
  • increased growth of body hair;
  • depression, aggression;
  • lowering the timbre of the voice;
  • reduction in breast volume, enlargement of the abdomen.

You need to understand that one or two glasses of wine a week with the right snack will not turn a woman into a man, as described here. But regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, inflated portions or indulgences in the form of high-calorie snacks will upset hormonal levels and slow down the weight loss process.

The most important advice to anyone who is focused on proper, quick and effective weight loss is to eliminate alcohol from the diet. But let's look at different options.

Losing weight with alcohol

What alcohol can you drink while losing weight and how to do it:

  1. Drink dry red wine. In small quantities, it is beneficial for blood vessels (resolves atherosclerotic plaques), and contains a minimum of sugars.
  2. If you can't spend the weekend without beer, choose the lowest-calorie varieties.
  3. Avoid high-calorie liqueurs.
  4. Snack only on healthy foods that fit within your diet (fruits, cheeses).
  5. During such libations, drink as much water or natural juices as possible (you can take recipes). They will enhance the feeling of satiety and will not allow you to go beyond the limit of excess.

Losing weight without alcohol

If you used to regularly drink alcohol, but after losing weight you decided to eliminate them from your diet completely, this may be accompanied by some problems. Firstly, you will need to find an alternative: shopping, fishing, chatting with friends, hiking. Be sure to do something you enjoy and that will lower your cortisol levels, which for most people go through the roof at the end of the work week. Secondly, after giving up alcohol, appetite usually becomes simply uncontrollable. This body requires a replacement for those empty calories that it previously received. That’s why you crave sweets, fast food and snacks. You need to pull yourself together and drown out such attacks of hunger with a handful of nuts (you’ll find out which ones are the least high in calories) or dried fruits.


The question of how compatible diet pills and alcohol deserves special consideration. If this is a regular dietary supplement, most of them do not prohibit alcoholic beverages during use. On the other hand, as practice shows, the instructions for dietary supplements do not specify real contraindications and side effects. And it is unknown how their exotic composition will react to the breakdown products of ethanol. So be careful with them.

It’s another matter if, in the fight against obesity, the endocrinologist prescribed medications (Metformin, Orlistat, Liraglutide, Fluoxetine). They relate not only to metabolic, but also to psychotropic drugs. In this regard, their combination with alcoholic beverages is impossible in any form. If you take such medications, giving up alcohol is your only option.

Alcohol diets

There are weight loss techniques that allow you to drink alcohol while dieting, despite all of the above. Whether you stick to them or not is up to you to decide. But we don't recommend it.

Option 1. Drankorexia

An extreme method of losing weight, which is also called an alcohol diet. It is suggested to drown out attacks of hunger with dry red wine. The only snacks allowed are grapes. The period of fasting is not limited. Due to a lack of calories, weight actually decreases quickly. However, along with it, health also deteriorates: edema appears, the liver fails, intoxication begins, alcoholism develops, and death is possible.

Option 2. Wine and cheese diet

Duration: 5 days. Result: minus 5 kg. Difficulty - maximum. Main products: low-fat varieties of hard cheese, dry red wine. Additionally, fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed. The point is to sharply reduce the daily calorie intake (up to 1,000 kcal or less).

Sample menu for 1 day:

Option 3. Protein diet with wine

Duration: 3 days. Result: minus 3 kg. Difficulty - high. Main products: meat, eggs, dry red wine.

Sample menu for 1 day:

Option 4. Model diet (one of its varieties)

Duration: 12 days. Result: minus 10 kg. Difficulty - maximum. The base is dry red wine. Additional permitted foods: all healthy and low-fat (as with any traditional diet). Daily calorie content: 800-1000 kcal. The point is to refuse dinner. Or rather, its replacement with an alcoholic drink.

Sample menu for 1 day:

To follow such diets, you need to set aside vacation time and weekends for them, since no employer will understand your “good” intentions to lose weight with wine.

There are also a number of contraindications for their implementation:

  • alcoholism;
  • ulcer;
  • age under 18 years;
  • chronic diseases;
  • decreased immunity;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • gout, osteoporosis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • pancreatitis;
  • migraine;
  • depression;
  • pressure surges.

If your plans are to lose weight without harming your health, it is better to give up alcohol altogether. If for some reason you cannot do without it, limit yourself to dry red wine (1-2 glasses per week). Anything else will be fraught not only with excess weight gain, but also with serious complications. And I would like to remind you of the continuation of the famous phrase of Pliny the Elder, which many do not even know about: “Truth is in wine, and health is in water” (In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas).

To give you a clearer idea of ​​how alcohol can ruin your weight loss process, we suggest looking at the calorie content of some alcoholic beverages. Please note that in the table it is given for 100 ml, and in a glass - 250 ml, in beer glasses and mugs - 300, 400 and even 500 ml. This data will also be useful for those who are going to a celebration with a feast. They will allow you to choose the appropriate type and variety with the lowest calorie content, so as not to fall off your diet.

Excessive addiction to alcohol negatively affects all organs, which has long been proven. But alcohol can also affect your figure. We will discuss further how alcohol and excess weight are interconnected.

Most diets aimed at weight loss prohibit the consumption of alcohol. They are based on the principles of proper nutrition with the obligatory accounting of calories consumed per day. Such nutrition programs are very effective in the fight against obesity, because they involve eating food that is practically free of fats and carbohydrates, but rich in essential elements. Thanks to the reduced caloric intake of food consumed, the body begins to draw the missing energy from fat deposits, dissolving them.

This approach to diet, in addition to weight loss, has a lot of additional positive effects:

  • Toxic substances are removed from the body;
  • material exchange processes are accelerated;
  • The result of losing weight is long-lasting, if only the diet consists of a sufficient amount of useful microelements and does not contain toxic substances such as alcohol, etc.

If, while on a diet, you drink alcohol, then it is difficult for a person to fight the temptation to eat something forbidden, and he breaks down. As a result, the diet turns out to be useless and everything has to start all over again. But alcohol is dangerous not only for those who are struggling to lose weight, but also for ordinary people, since it is one of the main factors causing the formation of extra pounds. Alcohol disrupts metabolism, which provokes the formation of fat deposits.

Alcohol diets

Today, diets that deliberately involve drinking alcohol are gaining some popularity. One of these is the wine diet, which allows you to drink only wine and eat certain foods. In general, you need to drink a bottle of wine per day, drinking it in small portions of 50 ml and eating tomatoes, green apples, cucumbers and cottage cheese according to the time and special scheme.

Alcohol negatively affects the weight of both men and women because it inhibits fat burning processes in the body.

The authors of this diet believe that wine for weight loss, when consumed correctly, can be extremely beneficial. Such a dietary program, in their opinion, cleanses the body of toxic compounds and toxins and helps restore metabolic processes. The authors of the diet assure that it safely gets rid of five kilograms in five days. Many people believe in such nonsense with hope, without thinking about the consequences at all.

Experts do not recommend resorting to such methods of losing weight, arguing that they are more like drunkenness. Losing weight with beer is also impossible. This drink has a diuretic effect, so your weight will decrease somewhat. But after some time, the body will regain the lost fluid and the weight will return to its previous levels. Therefore, there is nothing useful in such dietary rations, it is completely harmful. Therefore, complete weight loss from alcohol is impossible.

The effect of alcohol on the weight of men and women

Alcohol negatively affects the weight of both men and women, as it inhibits fat burning processes in the body. Even a couple of glasses of wine with dinner every day over time can lead to extra pounds, and if the habit is not given up, then to obesity.

When a woman drinks alcohol, her hormonal status changes, which immediately manifests itself in her appearance:

  • the figure suddenly begins to round;
  • the scale arrow shows more and more indicators every day;
  • folds begin to form on the body.

This is just the result of a hormonal imbalance caused by frequent drinking. An additional negative comes from the fact that alcohol increases appetite, forcing a woman to overeat. And this will inevitably lead to extra pounds. If a lady drinks a lot, then she stops paying attention to her lifestyle, appearance, nutrition and other aspects, as a result, she quickly gains weight, acquiring masculine forms.

In men, excessive drinking also often causes obesity. The concept of “beer belly” was not invented in vain, because lovers of an intoxicating drink often have such a mark on their body. This is due to the hormones contained in beer, which cause men to gain weight according to the female type, i.e. with an increase in hips, abdomen and breasts. Moreover, it is not even the fat that is deposited on the abdomen that is dangerous, but the fat that accumulates on the surface of the internal organs of this area, the so-called. visceral fat.

With a special love for other types of alcohol, excess weight will also not keep you waiting. The reason is testosterone, which makes men masculine and athletic. With alcohol abuse, the production of this hormone is seriously inhibited, the hormonal background changes, and instead of male forms, the body acquires swollen outlines on the buttocks and abdomen.

What experts say

Experts have been dealing with the problem of the effect of alcohol on weight for quite a long time. It turns out that the calories in alcohol, according to nutritionists, are quickly digestible substances, akin to useless carbohydrates from sweets, which are certainly deposited on the sides and stomach in the form of unpleasant folds. One gram of alcohol in the human body is converted into 7 kcal, so regular libations can lead to obesity. It turns out that the calorie content of alcohol is far from a myth.

Moreover, alcohol can provoke an exacerbation of appetite, and even a couple of glasses of beer can awaken a wild desire to eat, especially salty or spicy, which in itself is harmful to the figure. In fact, after drinking alcohol, a person loses control over his own appetite. Such overeating, especially if it happens quite often, can provoke serious problems such as diabetes, hypertension or tumor processes.

Narcologists also advise against getting carried away with alcoholic diets. Moreover, they warn that such nutrition programs can easily lead to the development of alcohol addiction, from which recovery is much more difficult than getting rid of accumulated fat reserves. Therefore, it is better to combat figure flaws with physical activity and proper nutrition.

Are you determined to get rid of excess weight, and in return gain lightness and good spirits?

This is a wonderful aspiration!

But is it difficult for you to lead a truly healthy lifestyle, do your old bad habits often get the better of you?

Do you find it difficult to resist a glass of champagne during the holidays or a cocktail at a party with friends?

Let's look at whether alcohol and weight loss are compatible, and also what effect drinking alcohol has on the weight of men and women and on their bodies in general.

The breakdown of alcohol in the body and its effect on weight loss

When taken with food, alcohol is the first in line to be broken down.

In the case when drinking alcohol becomes a frequent and constant occurrence, the body begins the process of restructuring the metabolism for alcohol, that is, its breakdown becomes a priority.

This is how alcohol addiction appears, which is not easy to overcome... But that’s a completely different story.

Returning to the topic of losing weight, I would like to note that it is determined by taking into account the calorie content of ethyl alcohol (chemical formula C 2 H 5 OH) in it.

1 gram of ethyl alcohol contains about 7 kcal, while 1 gram of carbohydrates (which are blamed for causing excess weight when consumed in excess) contains 4 kcal. Only fats, whose calorie content is 9 kcal per 1 gram, have more than this value.

But the problem is not so much in the calorie content, but in the nutritional value of alcohol.

It's simply NOT there!

Alcohol acts only as an energy boost for our body, but never as a nutritional and building material (this function is performed by proteins, fats and carbohydrates).

Therefore, alcoholic drinks are often called “empty calories.”

“And if alcohol has no nutritional value, then you can’t get better from it,” you may have thought.

But, alas, oh, everything works completely differently.

The energy that comes into the body with drinking alcohol requires immediate release. But those calories we need, obtained naturally from proteins, fats and carbohydrates, are postponed “for later”, that is, a certain reserve is created on the hips, stomach...

The following example can be given in numbers:

To perform some activity, the human body suddenly needed 500 kcal.

He could get this energy from food or take it from internal reserves (those swollen sides).

But then my hand reached out for a 200-gram glass of cognac (this is just an example). As a result, the body had to take energy not from the sides or even from the snack, but from the aforementioned cognac. And the appetizer that was served with alcohol went into reserve on those same sides.

So draw your conclusions, dear losing weight ladies and gentlemen!

Calorie content of alcohol or why you shouldn’t drink alcohol when losing weight

The human body obtains energy (calories) from food and drinks. And the volume and weight of the body directly depend on the energy value of the food consumed.

As can be seen from the table:

  • The calorie content of dry white wine per 100 g is 66 kcal, which means that in one glass of 200 g the calorie content of the drink will be 132 kcal.
  • The calorie content of dry red wine is a little higher - 67 kcal, that is, a glass with a capacity of 200 grams is 134 kcal.
  • in one glass of sweet champagne, with a capacity of 150 grams, there will be approximately 120 kcal.
  • Liqueurs have the highest calorie content, about 300 kcal per 100 g, due to the high content of fast carbohydrates in them (liqueurs have a sweet taste).
  • strong drinks such as vodka, cognac, gin, rum are also very high in calories.

Now remember what you usually drink alcohol with. It is unlikely that these will be low-calorie vegetables and fruits (they would not cause significant harm to the figure).

Depending on the alcoholic drink, these can be sandwiches with caviar, hard cheeses, cakes, chocolates, etc. In general, everything is quite filling and high in calories.

A dehydrated body is simply not capable of working effectively.

In addition, due to the loss of water, a person wants to quickly replenish its reserves. But its absorption in large quantities can lead to edema, which means an increase in body weight, that is, one can already judge the negative effect of alcohol on a person’s weight.

2. Alcohol contributes to the accumulation of fatty deposits.

As mentioned above, alcohol carries absolutely no nutritional value, but has a fairly high calorie content.

And since it is the calories from alcoholic drinks that the body burns first, the carbohydrates and fats that came in at the same time as alcohol are forced to go into reserve. That is, a certain number of fat cells will be added to the human body.

3. After drinking alcohol, body weight may increase due to overeating.

I think that everyone noticed the relaxing effect of alcohol on the body, and all the prohibitions and restrictions seemed completely unimportant.

Under the influence of alcohol, a person’s appetite increases, and he cannot control the amount of food he consumes; moreover, he is often drawn to “junk food.”

The reason for overeating is also the fact that ethyl alcohol has an inhibitory effect on the saturation center in the brain.

This means that when your stomach is full, you may not feel full for a long time. And the person will eat again and again...

4. Alcohol negatively affects the health and weight of men, as it reduces testosterone levels.

In addition to the fact that testosterone is the main male hormone, it also performs the function of building muscle fibers.

Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to a decrease in testosterone levels, which has a negative impact not only on lean body mass, but also on strength and speed of recovery after training.

In addition, in men, alcohol provokes an increase in the production of the female hormone estrogen, which promotes the accumulation of fat deposits.

5. Alcohol disrupts sleep and blocks the process of losing weight at night.

As it turned out as a result of scientific observations, alcohol almost completely blocks the REM sleep phase, which means it does not allow a person to fully rest and recover after a hard day.

And for people who want to lose excess weight, healthy and sound sleep is extremely important, since it is at this time that the body produces growth hormone, which affects the metabolic rate and weight loss.

6. Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages disrupts the functioning of the digestive organs.

Numerous clinical trials and experiments on volunteers confirm the negative effects of alcohol on the entire gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract):

  • Alcohol disrupts the intestinal microflora, causing many beneficial substances to simply not be absorbed.
  • Under the influence of alcohol, the pancreas suffers. It stops producing the required amount of enzymes for a complete digestion process.
  • The liver suffers the most when drinking alcohol, because it is the liver that concentrates on processing and removing alcohol from the body. And the processing of other substances that were received during meals fades into the background, which leads to excess weight gain in women and men.

Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities is a direct path to complete destruction of the liver, and therefore to death.

Professor Zhdanov talks about what alcohol is and what its effect on the human body is. After watching this video, giving up alcohol is inevitable!

Alcohol for weight loss: what is possible?

From the above facts, we can conclude that alcohol and weight loss are incompatible by definition.

But there are different cases in life when giving up alcohol is almost impossible.

And if you don’t yet have the willpower to give up alcohol, or are experiencing pressure from others that you cannot overcome, then, according to nutritionists, a glass of dry red wine will in no way appear on your sides and will not cause any particular harm body.

But still, do not forget that wine contains ethyl alcohol (7 kcal per 1 g). And how natural and high-quality is this drink in a particular case?

So be on the lookout!

And if you still drink alcohol while dieting and losing weight (this means a one-time intake during a feast, and not a regular one), then we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Be sure to eat before drinking alcohol. Alcohol on an empty stomach is prohibited!
  2. If you count calories, do not reduce the amount of food you eat by drinking alcohol. So drink very little.
  3. Drink more clean, still water to help your body remove ethyl alcohol from it faster and prevent dehydration.
  4. After drinking alcohol, take activated charcoal the next morning (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) to absorb toxins from the intestines. Also replenish your reserves of vitamins and microelements by drinking multivitamin preparations.
  5. You should not organize fasting days immediately after an alcoholic feast. Your routine and diet should return to normal. And unloading can be arranged in a few days, but this is not at all necessary.

From the article you learned how alcohol affects the weight of women and men, and whether it can be consumed while losing weight.

Now the choice is yours!

Be healthy and slim!

Forward to slimness!

Do you want to lose weight without dieting? Do you need help and moral support on your way to a healthy and slim body?

Then let's get acquainted :) My name is Daria Khimchenko and I am the author of the project and part-time certified nutritionist-nutritionist.

Write me a letter indicating your goals and the note “Forward to slimness” by e-mail [email protected]. And within 24 hours you will go on an exciting journey through the world of a bright and varied diet that will give you health, lightness and inner harmony.

Today we will look at the problem of drinking alcoholic beverages not from the point of view of morality, ethics and exacerbation of human addiction. We will study in detail the effect of alcohol on your figure.

What do nutritionists say?

Experts have been studying the impact of drinking alcohol on a person’s weight for decades. It was found that the calories in alcoholic drinks can be equated in their properties to the so-called empty or quickly digestible ones, which do not contain any nutrients and microelements. To the same useless carbohydrates contained in baked goods and sweets.

Someone might immediately object that the calories in alcoholic beverages are not comparable to the calorie content of culinary excesses. But that's not true. After all, when only 1 gram of alcohol is broken down in the human body, 7 kcal of energy is immediately formed. And this is far from the main reason that, if taken regularly, can lead to obesity.

Increased appetite

From the point of view of the problem of excess weight, one of the main dangers facing a drinker is an excessive increase in appetite while drinking alcohol. And it would be nice if this could be observed exclusively during the period of rare noisy feasts.

However, a glass or two of beer can also cause a serious desire to eat something salty and spicy. And if a person is not limited to two mugs, then, as a rule, the lion’s share of the contents of the refrigerator is used as a snack. In other words, when a person drinks alcohol, he completely loses control of his appetite.

Frequent uncontrolled overeating can cause and exacerbate the development of severe forms of hypertension, diabetes, and the occurrence of malignant tumors.

How does alcohol affect human internal organs?

It would seem, how can toxins entering the liver affect the problem of obesity? It turns out they can. The liver, which devotes too much energy to the fight to cleanse the body after regular alcohol consumption, ceases to function normally. As a result, metabolism deteriorates.

Yeast, the fermentation process of which provides the basis for alcoholic drinks, has a detrimental effect on the stomach. Frequent digestive tract disorders, as well as improper metabolism, also contribute to the accumulation of excess fat deposits in tissues.


In order not to be unfounded, we will dwell in more detail on the reactions caused by the intake of alcoholic products in the metabolic processes of the body. And first of all, we want to assure those who like to take “a little bit at a time” that this applies to them too. Because any, even the slightest, consumption of alcohol immediately leads to an increased release of insulin into the blood, which in turn leads to the gradual accumulation of subcutaneous fat. By the way, one cannot fail to mention the peculiarity of adipose tissue to accumulate on internal organs, which is fraught with health consequences.

After all, overnight the heart, kidneys or liver become fat and are not capable of normal life activity. The heavier work of the internal organs ultimately leads to fatty degeneration.

Alcohol and weight: calorie content of alcoholic beverages

If we consider the effect of various alcoholic beverages on excess weight, then the champion in the accumulation of subcutaneous fat is beer. Let's say a person is used to drinking one large glass of beer with a volume of 0.5 liters every day at dinner. At the same time, he does not experience any signs of intoxication, he does not lose control of himself, but after just a year the person will be surprised to notice that he has gained 15 kilograms. And the less healthy the internal organs are, the more excess weight is gained.

The highest calorie product among alcoholic beverages is Baileys liqueur, which contains 327 kcal of energy per 100 grams.

The average calorie content of beer (depending on the brand) is from 35 to 60 kcal. This means that by drinking just one bottle of beer, a person absorbs up to 300 kcal. Although, as a rule, cold drink lovers are not limited to one bottle. Hence the result in the form of a developing “beer belly.”

White table wine has the lowest calorie content from the wine range - 65 kcal per 100 g of product.

Nutritionists speak unflatteringly about various alcoholic cocktails that, in addition to the main ingredient, also contain auxiliary substances in the form of sugar and fat.


Psychologists say that it is much more beneficial for a person’s mental health to seek a release of emotions in various activities and communication with loved ones than in drinking alcohol. Therefore, before your body receives another portion of alcohol, think about whether you really need these illusory, short-term and unreal emotions?