
Cleansing and losing weight with a fasting day on cottage cheese. Arrange cottage cheese fasting days for weight loss Fasting day on cottage cheese menu


Trying to get rid of extra pounds, we try one diet after another, but still wait for the cherished hour when we finally get the opportunity to taste our forbidden favorite dish. Thus, all the lost kilograms are soon returned, often in even greater quantities. To avoid this effect, you need to adjust your diet by excluding harmful foods from the menu, and form the habit of having a fasting day on cottage cheese at least once every 10 days.

A cottage cheese fasting day will benefit the body only if you follow the basic rules. First of all, the body must be prepared for unloading on cottage cheese. Try to make dinner the night before as light as possible; you should also not overeat during the day, and completely eliminate alcohol. The next day, you do not need to eat more than usual, and on fasting days, drink at least 2 liters of water.

On the day of fasting days on kefir and cottage cheese, the number of calories consumed should not exceed 1400, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. It is important that fasting days on cottage cheese become a permanent habit for you; success depends on the regularity of fasting. Unloading the body has its contraindications.

People who have recently suffered a serious illness, suffer from diabetes and have stomach problems should refrain from such days with a light diet. During pregnancy and during feeding, unloading is not contraindicated, but it should be done only after consultation with your doctor.

For pregnant

Excess weight during pregnancy increases the already enormous load on the lower back and leads to an increase in the amount of edema. Pregnant women can spend a day with dietary restrictions once a week. Throughout the day you should only consume cottage cheese and tea. Divide the entire calorie intake into 5-6 meals. By the end of the day, you will notice lightness throughout your body and a decrease in swelling. Doctors recommend unloading after the 7th month of pregnancy and only after consultation with a specialist.

Classic fasting day

Fasting days on cottage cheese help keep us in shape, enriching our body with calcium and various vitamins. It is recommended to do it once a week, like all days with a light diet.

The classic version is the strictest, where during the day you can only eat curd products and drink water. You can choose the cottage cheese product of any fat content you like. If you have low-fat or low-fat, you can eat twice as much. The same principle of fractional nutrition applies. You need to eat at least 5 times a day.

An approximate menu for the day is 1 kg of cottage cheese, which must be divided into several meals throughout the day.
Do not add anything, including honey, jam, kefir or yogurt. If it’s hard for you to endure one day, eating one curd product, there are several more diet options for days of deloading the body, which allow other products.

On kefir and cottage cheese

Kefir - curd fasting day is not much different from the classic one; 500 ml of kefir is added to the standard menu, which you can drink at any time during the day. Don't forget about water, which you can and should drink. A fasting day on cottage cheese and kefir gives good results even after you try to adhere to such a diet for the first time. If you follow all the rules, properly prepare for unloading and complete it, you will get rid of excess weight and improve your digestion.

On cottage cheese and fruits

You can add fruit to the unloading menu. Cottage cheese - an apple fasting day will help the body get more fiber; a fasting day on bananas and cottage cheese is no less effective and healthy, but is much easier to tolerate due to the rather high calorie content of bananas. The choice of fruits is not limited to a few types; you can choose from a fairly large list of recommended fruits that have a negative calorie content. You can eat as much fruit as you want, but no more than 1.5 kilograms per day. Usually it is quite difficult to exceed this norm, because the less we eat in a day, the fewer portions we need to get enough.

  • apricot
  • orange
  • grapefruit
  • mandarin
  • plum
  • apple

With cottage cheese and green tea

A fasting day with green tea and cottage cheese is similar to a classic cottage cheese fast, but green tea is added to the menu. You need to drink it after every meal, that is, about 5-6 cups a day. Green tea improves blood circulation and vascular function, normalizes cholesterol levels. Green tea contains a considerable amount of caffeine, so it should be brewed weakly.

Fasting days will give maximum results if done regularly. Those who took weekly fasting as a rule finally got off the ground and began to gradually lose weight; some achieved an improvement in their figure during and after pregnancy. Everyone for whom weekly unloading of the body has become a habit notes that the stomach began to work better, the body was cleansed, and heaviness and discomfort disappeared.

Those who are losing weight are eternal seekers of truth in the form of the optimal way to lose excess weight. Most people who want to lose weight already know the cherished formula: proper nutrition and physical activity. But what to do if you can’t eat right every day? There is an exit. Fasting days.

One of the effective ways to get your body in shape is to fast on cottage cheese. Reviews about this method say that you won’t have to wait long for the effect. If you systematically follow the rules of “unloading”, you can lose up to 4-5 kilograms in a month. The figure is not very impressive, but if you consider that minimal effort needs to be spent, the method seems even more attractive.

What is a fasting day

In simple words, fasting day is a day, during which the human digestive system rests from heavy and unhealthy food. To carry out this procedure, one or two products are selected, which can either be combined or alternated. The only strict condition is the absence of ingredients not included in the one-day diet.

A popular combination for fasting days is cottage cheese and apples. Fruits are often replaced with tea, however, not everyone who wants to lose weight is ready to cope with such a task, because sometimes eating one product all day seems unbearable.

Those who regularly practice unloading claim that the results come almost instantly. After the first daily “session,” there is lightness in the intestines, clarity of thoughts and a surge of strength. This is how your body thanks you for giving it a day off.

Subsequent unloadings are even more pleasing. With regular exercise, body weight begins to decrease. The fat layer melts, while the muscles remain in the same composition.

It is important not to try to lose more weight by doing fasting days too often. It is recommended to take such a “digestive day off” no more than once or twice a week.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is the optimal product for fasting days. Its nutritional value is about 150 kcal/100g, provided that the fat content does not exceed 9%. Another advantage of fermented milk product is its high protein content.

Protein is a building material for the body. Therefore, by eating cottage cheese on a fasting day, we saturate the body with protein, preventing a decrease in muscle mass. The loss of kilograms in this case occurs due to the breakdown of fat reserves.

Cottage cheese contains a minimal amount of carbohydrates, which undoubtedly contributes to the efficiency of unloading. With a lack of energy “fuel”, which is carbohydrates, the body draws energy from the same fat deposits.

The “magic” of the fermented milk product does not end there. Cottage cheese contains a whole range of useful components: vitamin A, groups B and PP, as well as ascorbic acid, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. Thanks to this composition, unloading will not make the body “starve” from a lack of vitamins.

Product benefits

Low fat cottage cheese useful for the body at any age. Properties of fermented milk treats:

  • Normalization of digestion: cottage cheese restores order in the intestines quickly and carefully;
  • Acceleration of metabolism. Metabolism acquires a clear rhythm, which is important for those losing weight;
  • Elimination of slag deposits from the kidneys and liver;
  • Mild diuretic effect;
  • Positive effect on appearance: hair, nails and skin are nourished with calcium, of which there is more than enough in cottage cheese;
  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels.

Features of choice

To unload, you need to choose a product that will bring maximum benefit. Needless to say, food should be fresh?

In addition to the expiration date, You need to check the ingredients before purchasing. It should not contain starch. Many manufacturers make the mistake of using starch to create a uniform consistency. If this ingredient is not indicated on the package, it would be a good idea to check for its absence at home. To do this, place a drop of iodine on a piece of cottage cheese. If the product turns blue, then there is an unwanted “guest” in it. This mixture is still suitable for preparing dishes, but you should not organize diet days with this food.

The color of the product purchased must be white. A minimum amount of cream shade is allowed. If you see yellow cottage cheese, avoid the display case - the fat in the composition has begun to deteriorate.

When buying a fermented milk treat, pay attention on the amount of water in the package. By adding moisture, the manufacturer is trying to sell you less of the product by replacing some of it with whey.

Cottage cheese and apples

An excellent option for a dietary day is a fasting day on cottage cheese and apples. Such company will allow you to feel full throughout the day and at the same time actively lose excess weight.

The menu includes the following products:

  • 160 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Apples - 5−6 pieces;
  • It is allowed to drink unsweetened green tea, and also add cinnamon to the diet as an aromatic additive;
  • If you can’t do without sweets, add a teaspoon of honey to the menu.

Sample menu for a fasting day “cottage cheese + apples”:

Apples belong to the category of foods with so-called negative calories. This means that it takes more energy to digest the fruit than the body receives from the product itself. Based on this fact, we can conclude that eating apples not only does not interfere with weight loss, but also promotes it.

Trying to speed up the process, Don't eat too much of the fruit of Eve. A heavy apple menu can lead to indigestion.

The role of honey in a fasting day is life-saving. It can be difficult for an unprepared body to endure an entire day on almost nothing but proteins. Without carbohydrate replenishment, blood sugar levels drop sharply, which can cause a person to feel weak, apathetic and dizzy. A common result of low glucose levels is a bad mood. In order not to fall into depression during unloading, do not deny yourself a small spoon of natural honey.

Cottage cheese and tea

Option for more prepared people - fasting day on cottage cheese and green tea. This type of relief is suitable for those who do not have kidney problems. Cottage cheese makes the excretory system work harder, and green tea enhances this effect.

The fasting day diet consists of tea and cottage cheese, which can be combined in one meal. The amount of fermented milk ingredient should not exceed 500 g per day. You can drink tea in unlimited quantities.

You can use not only a green drink, but also herbal options. Melissa, chamomile and rose hips are allowed. Sugar should not be added to the cup. If you do not like unsweetened tea, then divide a teaspoon of honey into several doses and add the product to the drink. Remember that honey can only be poured into warm tea, but not into hot tea.

There is no clear sequence in meals. You can consume a small amount of curd any time you feel hungry. It is optimal if this happens every 2 hours. The last meal should not be taken later than three hours before bedtime.

Such unloading is beneficial for the body. If you do not feel weak throughout the day, then you can carry out similar dietary days twice a week.

Cottage cheese and other products

If you spend fasting days for weight loss on cottage cheese too often, you will quickly notice how the monotonous menu gets boring. The body no longer wants to accept boring apples and turns its nose up at green tea. To maintain the regime, alternate combinations: let fermented milk be accompanied by fruit one day, and another time lean on yogurt or berries. It all depends on your preferences. The main thing is that the food is light, not too high in calories and combined with cottage cheese.

An ideal combination for adding variety: kefir-curd fasting day.

Liquid value

Drinking enough fluids- the key to success not only during fasting days, but also with any method of weight loss. Only by receiving nutritious moisture is the body ready to part with the fat deposits that it has saved for a rainy day. And all because the fat layer consists of a large amount of water. Receiving H2O in sufficient quantities, the body does not feel the need to accumulate it, so fat deposits are not deposited, but gradually melt away.

Precautionary measures

Even the healthiest product can be harmful if used incorrectly. Cottage cheese should not be consumed in huge quantities, trying to speed up the result. The recommended amount of product is about 200 g per day, which is approximately equal to one package if you prefer to buy food in the supermarket.

When carrying out a fasting day, the amount of cottage cheese consumed, as a rule, exceeds the norm, therefore, at the end of the “digestive weekend”, the fermented milk product should be abandoned for the next few days.


People should not resort to unloading with cottage cheese. who have the following problems:

  • Kidney failure. An excess of protein leads to increased stress on the genitourinary system;
  • Individual intolerance to the product or its components;
  • If you are obese, you should not eat cottage cheese that is too fatty, as it will not lower cholesterol levels, but will increase them;
  • People prone to digestive disorders need to carefully monitor the expiration date of the product. Choose only fresh ingredients.

Unloading during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for one-day fasting. Give your digestive system a break will be useful at any stage of gestation.

Before carrying out such a diet day, consult your doctor to clarify the list of permitted foods. Consultation with a doctor is mandatory, because each individual pregnancy is a unique story, so there is no universal advice for all expectant mothers.

After a series of holidays, I don’t want to look in the mirror or step on the scale. To bring the body back into its previous shape and lose the accumulated pounds, various detox programs are used to cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid. One of its most gentle and delicious options is a fasting day on cottage cheese, which any woman can afford. The main product is publicly available, inexpensive, and easy to digest, so losing weight with its help will be a pleasure!

Mechanism of weight loss

A properly organized and fully sustained cottage cheese fasting day works real wonders for the body. In just 24 hours, it activates a lot of processes that promote weight loss:

  • organs are enriched with protein and calcium, which are active participants in metabolism;
  • Due to this, metabolism is noticeably accelerated, which is very important for losing weight;
  • hunger is satisfied;
  • additional energy is released, so there is no syndrome of fatigue and drowsiness;
  • muscle mass is preserved;
  • the nervous system is brought to a state of rest, so you are not in a bad mood.

A carbohydrate-free fasting day on cottage cheese (if you do not use additional products) allows you to get good results - losses can amount to up to 1 kg of weight.

Helpful advice. If you use homemade cottage cheese as part of a one-day fasting program, the results will be even more impressive. After all, it is much healthier than store-bought.

Possible harm

Promoting intensive weight loss, cottage cheese fasting days cause the body to experience serious stress. In certain situations, this can result in negative health consequences. Therefore, before losing weight this way, read the list of contraindications and possible side effects.


  • Allergy to protein, dairy products;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • lactation;
  • liver or kidney pathologies;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • digestive problems;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Side effects

  • Allergic reactions: skin rashes, difficulty breathing, swelling, itching;
  • stomach ache;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence.

If your sugar has risen, it means you made one of the mistakes: you either ate too much of the main product, or you chose too high a percentage of fat in it. For diabetes mellitus, it is better to consume exclusively low-fat mass. In such a situation, you should not test your body anymore. Eat something dietary, and next time choose cottage cheese more carefully.

With the world - one by one. Cottage cheese is a universal product that goes well with nuts, herbs, fruits, honey and other goodies. Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, ate it with ketchup.

To get the most out of a fasting day, try to adhere to certain rules. They were compiled by specialists and taking into account the experience of those who have already experienced such a hunger strike.

  1. Try to make this day a day off or on vacation. This way you can more clearly adhere to your chosen nutrition plan.
  2. Daily water consumption should be 2 liters.
  3. If possible, prepare cottage cheese at home so that it does not contain industrial impurities that reduce its benefits.
  4. Cottage cheese must be low-fat.
  5. Do not use salt, sugar or other spices to enhance the taste.
  6. Walking in the fresh air will lift your spirits and have a beneficial effect on brain activity.
  7. Avoid intense workouts. To maintain physical activity, walk more; light morning exercise is also allowed.
  8. Classic scheme: the daily volume of cottage cheese is 300 g, which are distributed evenly (100 or 50 g each) into 3 or 6 meals.
  9. Allowed drinks: (enhances the protein focus), (has a diuretic effect).

The day before, try to exclude all harmful foods from your diet (fried, fatty, salty, smoked, etc.), minimize the size of portions, drink more water. This will allow the body to at least slightly prepare for the upcoming stress - this way it will adapt faster and start all the processes necessary for losing weight. It is recommended to follow the same principles of healthy eating the next day after the fasting program. The right way out is a guarantee of maintaining the achieved result.

This is interesting. Cottage cheese is an ideal protein product for complete nutrition of bodybuilders.


If the classic scheme of a fasting day on cottage cheese alone does not suit you for some reason, you can always find another option for yourself. Additional products should not cause allergies and should be low in calories.

  • With kefir

You can arrange a full-fledged protein fasting day on cottage cheese and kefir, which complement each other perfectly. You can combine them in one dish, you can cook from them, you can eat them separately. This doesn't matter much. If both products are low-fat, the body will have to spend all its energy digesting protein, which is difficult and takes a long time to digest.

If you are preparing a cottage cheese-kefir cocktail, you can drink it only three times, and the rest of the time, suppress your hunger with small portions of kefir.

The result is minus 0.8 kg.

  • With eggs

Another option is with cottage cheese and eggs, or rather, with egg whites. The principle of losing weight is the same as with kefir. However, the pattern of food consumption will be slightly different:

- breakfast, lunch, dinner: 100 grams of low-fat curd mass;

- before breakfast, for lunch, afternoon snack, before bed: 1 boiled protein.

It is better not to include the yolk in this program, as it is high in calories.

Losses can be up to 1 kg.

  • With milk

You cannot bypass another option for a protein unloading program - losing weight on cottage cheese with milk (it should also be low-fat or 1%). These products are best used to prepare a satisfying and healthy protein shake. You can drink it three times a day. And if in the intervals between these meals there is unbearable hunger, you are allowed to drink milk.

Recipe: beat 50 grams of the main product and 200 ml of milk in a blender. To enhance the taste, you can sprinkle or put a sprig of mint on top.

The excellent taste of the drink, its nutritional value and the result of minus 1 kg are the main reasons that this express weight loss program is the most popular of all curds.

  • With fruits

You can easily and quickly lose weight in just 1 day by eating cottage cheese and fruits. The main thing is that the latter are not sweet and low-calorie. In this program for cleansing the body, they act as sources of plant fiber. Instead of being actively absorbed into the blood, when it enters the intestines, it swells under the influence of moisture (therefore, after eating fruit, you must drink a glass of any liquid). It undergoes long-term digestion and is then simply excreted from the body, taking with it waste products, toxins and excess fluid.

Daily dosage: 300 g of cottage cheese and 500 g of any fruit, divided into several meals (combining them with each other or eating them separately).

The result is a loss of 0.5-1 kg.

  • With bananas

A fasting day on cottage cheese and bananas raises understandable doubts among many. These fruits are considered one of the most high-calorie and sweetest. Often, together with grapes, they are included in the list of prohibited foods for weight loss. And yet there is such a program to cleanse the body. The main thing here is not to overdo it with portions. To lose unnecessary kilograms, limit yourself to 2-3 bananas and 300 grams of curd diet mass. Increasing these dosages does not guarantee achievement of the desired result.

  • With apples

A very tasty short-term hunger strike is made with cottage cheese and apples. These products go well together, are low in calories and allow you to thoroughly cleanse the body, from the circulatory system to the liver. There will be no residues or excess liquid left after them.

If you have willpower, limit yourself to 300 grams of curd dietary paste and 3. If you want to eat, increase the amount of fruit.

You can prepare a delicious cottage cheese-apple cocktail with cinnamon and also include it in your diet (but not more than 600 ml).

Losses can be about 0.8 kg.

  • With green tea

If you want to enhance the cleansing effect, knowing that your body is polluted, lose weight on cottage cheese and green tea. You can add mint and honey (a little) to the latter so that the drink also acquires fat-burning properties. At main meals, 300 grams of curd product is eaten, and for lunch and afternoon snack you can drink a cup of tea.

Results - up to minus 1 kg.

  • With cucumbers

As part of fasting days, completely unusual products are sometimes combined - for example, experts advise losing weight on cottage cheese and. These vegetables prevent dehydration of the body, have a slight diuretic effect, and satisfy hunger quite well. It is better to consume them separately: alternate every 2 hours with 100 grams of curd diet mass and 2 small fresh cucumbers.

Losses will be small - 500-800 grams.

All protein unloading programs are well tolerated. They do not cause such unbearable hunger as other versions of such hunger strikes. And cottage cheese is even better because it is a hard product that needs to be chewed - this prolongs the moment of pleasure during its absorption, unlike drinks. So, if you want to lose a couple of unnecessary pounds after a series of holidays, be sure to use this unique product. Just 1 day - and you can again admire your reflection in the mirror without any complexes and step on the scale without fear.

Without much effort, you can lose a few extra pounds in literally a week or two, without even resorting to physical activity. Cottage cheese, described in detail in this article, will make your body beautiful and your weight ideal!

Details about the benefits of products

How healthy do you think foods such as apples, cottage cheese and kefir are? Many will say that these products are healthy foods that cleanse the body well. But these are not all useful properties.

Kefir has a very positive effect on digestion, helps to better digest heavy foods, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to recover during and after many illnesses, increases acidity, has antiseptic properties, and helps absorb elements such as calcium, vitamin D and iron. Thus, we can conclude that kefir not only promotes, but also restores order in the body and cleanses it!

If we talk about cottage cheese, then there are many benefits here too. It speeds up metabolism, saturates the body with a large amount, therefore, strengthens muscles and promotes fat burning, contains few calories, is easily but long absorbed by the body, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Apples are an incredibly healthy fruit. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E and P, as well as beta-carotene, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and many others. At the same time, not only the pulp is useful in apples, but also the peel and even the seeds (they contain fatty oils and iodine, which is very beneficial for the body).

What do you think now, is this useful? Note that nutritionists recommend such unloading even during pregnancy. It will benefit both the expectant mother and the baby.

Cottage cheese apple fasting day for weight loss

To unload, 300 - 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese will be enough for you. You can take not a completely low-fat product, but, for example, 1% cottage cheese. You will also need a few apples: 3-4 medium-sized ones will be enough.

So, the menu can be made as follows:

  • 9:00 – breakfast – 100 grams of cottage cheese and green tea without sugar
  • 11:00 – second breakfast – 1 apple
  • 13:00 – lunch – 100 grams of cottage cheese and unsweetened green tea
  • 15:00 – afternoon snack – another apple
  • 17:00 – dinner – 100 grams of cottage cheese and unsweetened green tea
  • 19:00 – late dinner – 1 apple

At night you can drink another mug without sugar.

If you don’t really like the taste of cottage cheese without additives, then you can chop one apple into cubes and add it to the cottage cheese. True, then meals need to be structured a little differently, for example:

  • Breakfast – 100 grams of cottage cheese and one chopped apple + green tea
  • Lunch: 100 grams of cottage cheese with chopped apple + green tea without sugar
  • Afternoon snack: 100 grams of cottage cheese
  • Dinner: 2 apples

Please note that minor changes are acceptable. If you want more cottage cheese, you can eat 100-200 grams more. It's not critical. The same goes for fruits.

Apple kefir fasting day

To carry out this unloading, you will need 1 liter of low-fat, for example, 1% and such a number of apples, after which you will feel full. About 4-6 apples for the whole day.

The results of losing weight on these two fasting days are quite good. You will lose approximately 700–800 grams of weight with one unload. Considering that you don't need to do any physical exercise, this is a pretty good result.

Also don't forget to drink 1.5 liters of water a day!

Such a day makes it possible to lose from 500 grams to a kilogram of excess weight in one day. Taking into account that there will be no harm to health.

Cottage cheese is an excellent “warrior” on the battlefield with extra pounds. But every warrior needs an assistant. And this assistant is the one who decided to take this brave and correct step - to cleanse his body of everything unnecessary.

Such a healthy product as cottage cheese will not only diversify your menu, but will also become your classic product for a long time.

Benefits of cottage cheese

  • The benefit of the product is to stabilize the functioning of the central nervous system, relieve stress, and improve psycho-emotional balance.
  • The product helps to better tolerate various problems that cause nervousness.
  • This will be an indispensable help for those wishing to lose excess weight. But, in this case, it is necessary to use the product without any additives. And only low-fat. If this condition is met, a loss of three to four kilograms per month is guaranteed.

Harm from cottage cheese

  • The theoretical harm of the product is a harmful effect on kidney function. But this is possible provided that you eat it every day in huge quantities. Since no one does this, possible harm is practically excluded. Doctors recommend consuming no more than 100 grams per day, and no more than 3 times a week.
  • Excessive consumption may increase blood cholesterol levels. But the percentage of such a result is negligible, and those who are predisposed to this need to listen to the recommendations of doctors.

Calorie content

The calorie content of the product is low: low-fat - 78 kcal per 100 grams, low-fat - 121 kcal, semi-fat and fat already exceed the boundaries of 150 kcal per 100 g.

The composition of the product is rich in amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, vitamins A and E. What the body does not receive, cottage cheese is quite capable of restoring.

How to prepare for a fasting day?

The exception includes alcoholic and carbonated drinks. It is recommended to replace your evening meal with a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Rules for holding a fasting day

The next day, after fasting, in the morning you need to drink a glass of kefir and follow the chosen diet. Meals should occur in 5-6 stages. Water consumption regimen: 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water.

It is allowed to drink a decoction of dried fruits and herbal tea, but all drinks should not contain sugar. It is advisable to exclude overload, nervous shock and other negative emotions during this period. For this type of diet, it is better to use a product with a minimum fat content - it brings more benefits than low-fat.

Pros of a fasting day

Cottage cheese unloading gives the body a day off - it rests from everything unnecessary, and the figure takes leisurely steps towards the desired slimness. Unlike other unloading options, this one is painless - tasty and satisfying, what else is needed.

Fasting day options

On cottage cheese and kefir

Task: per day you need to consume approximately 300 g of a product with minimal fat content or low-fat. The maximum amount of kefir is up to 800 milliliters. The amount of liquid is not limited.

The daily norm of the main product is divided into six parts:

On cottage cheese and apples

A more gentle option than the previous one. Not recommended for pregnant women and people with high acidity. You can also add buckwheat to the menu, which is an indispensable product for weight loss.

With cottage cheese and green tea

On low-fat cottage cheese

The most stringent unloading option.

On cottage cheese and bananas

Unloading in this version is quite gentle. Banana is a filling fruit. For a day of such unloading you can lose from 500 grams to 1 kg of weight.

With cottage cheese and milk

Milk and curd unloading is more liberal. It allows optional inclusion of third-party components, in addition to the main ones. You can also replace milk with tomato juice.

On cottage cheese and pumpkin

An excellent carbohydrate-protein duet that enhances the unloading effect.

On cottage cheese, apple and kefir

Another type of gentle body clearing, weight balancing and general health improvement. Additions in the form of dried fruits, honey or berries are allowed.

On cottage cheese and eggs

A very interesting unloading option. Especially for those who find it difficult to stick to only cottage cheese and fruits.

On cottage cheese and watermelon

Unloading option for the summer, when watermelons are easiest to buy.

  • Breakfast: watermelon - 300 g, cottage cheese - 200 g.
  • Snack: berries - 500 g, cottage cheese - 200 g.
  • Dinner: watermelon - 500 g, cottage cheese - 200 g.
  • Afternoon snack: berries - 600 g.
  • Dinner: watermelon - 600 g.

With cottage cheese and sour cream

Unloading involves drinking only regular drinking water.

On cottage cheese with honey

The good thing about the daily layout is that the portions of the product consumed are the same everywhere - it’s difficult to mix something up. You just need to divide the workpiece into five parts.

On cottage cheese and fruits

An option for those who find it difficult to withstand severe food restrictions.

On cottage cheese and berries

In this option, you can use a handful of steamed dried fruits instead of any fresh berries.

  • Breakfast:
  • Snack: low-fat product - 120 g, fresh berries - 40 g.
  • Dinner: low-fat product - 120 g, fresh berries - 40 g, rosehip decoction - 250 g (still water, tea without sugar).
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat product - 120 g, fresh berries - 40 g, rosehip decoction - 250 g (still water, tea without sugar).
  • Dinner: low-fat product - 120 g, fresh berries - 40 g, rosehip decoction - 250 g (still water, tea without sugar).
  • Before bedtime: Rosehip decoction - 250 g.

On cottage cheese during pregnancy

  • Breakfast:
  • Dinner: cottage cheese - 100 g, fresh berries - 200 g and drinking filtered liquid - 250 g.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese - 100 g, fresh berries - 200 g and drinking filtered liquid - 250 g.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese - 100 g, fresh berries - 200 g and drinking filtered liquid - 250 g.


  • during lactation;
  • for viral diseases;
  • with pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

During pregnancy, before arranging unloading, it is imperative to consult with your personal doctor.

What does the diet promise?

The diet promises nothing. She offers to follow the right path, and speaks only of what will happen if you firmly and strictly follow it. Then there will be a tangible result. The body will be cleansed of toxins, metabolism will improve, the general condition will stabilize and negative processes will stop.

Unloading can seriously move the scales in the desired and desired direction. In an effort to be beautiful and desirable, you need to sacrifice something - the same patience. And knowing that this sacrifice is harmless and will not harm the body will add moral strength.

The secret of this tasty and very enjoyable diet is in your hands. If you can walk along this difficult path, you will find yourself at the height you were striving for. If you can’t, your time won’t be wasted anyway. How much benefit will there still be? If you start something, you need to go to the end, and not stop halfway.