
How to do eye makeup in anime style: step-by-step master class with photos. What is anime makeup? Japanese anime eye makeup


From adolescence, girls begin to actively use cosmetics, more often in order to appear more mature and attract the attention of the opposite sex. Sometimes discreet daytime makeup is replaced by an extraordinary bright coloring that makes the young beauty stand out from the crowd. Anime-style makeup has been gaining incredible popularity among young people in recent years. It is also possible to create it at home. However, is it always appropriate?

Characteristics of Anime Makeup

It's almost impossible not to recognize anime makeup. Even if a person is far from the world of modern animation and computer games, a “doll” face will definitely attract the attention of others.

This type of make-up is not everyday. This option can be ideal for a costume party or a themed event, for example, Halloween, New Year, or increasingly popular cosplays.

However, in some cases, young people deliberately experiment and create the image of a cartoon character in order to attract attention to their own person. On the one hand, such an appearance is unlikely to go unnoticed. On the other hand, the image of a cult character created by a young person is perceived ambiguously by the surrounding masses of people. In most cases, for many it is more of an entertainment than a familiar daily appearance.

Be that as it may, this direction of makeup has taken shape and is developing. Its characteristic features are the following.

  • Huge, shaped eyes, often of an unnaturally bright color, imitation of an Asian eye shape.
  • Perfectly even skin tone. Girls with anime makeup should look flawless; it is for this reason that their skin condition simply must correspond to the prevailing stereotype. Smooth, velvety, with a porcelain tint. Any flaw or unevenness requires careful correction with appropriate means. By the way, the recommended age limits for this type of make-up - 17-25 years - are also associated with the condition of the facial skin.
  • Flawlessly straight eyebrows of medium thickness in a color that is as close as possible to the natural color of the strands. Anime characters have no other alternative for the shape and color of eyebrows. Another feature: increased distance between the eyebrows. This can be achieved by plucking eyebrows or using special compounds to disguise them.
  • Long lush eyelashes. If a girl has them, all she needs to do is apply mascara to them and, if necessary, tighten them with special curling irons. False eyelashes are a great alternative.
  • Small lips, shaped like a tiny cute bow. This shape can be achieved in the following way: paint over the natural shape of the lips with white lipstick, then draw a new one with a contour pencil. The color of the contour pencil and lipstick should match. It is advisable to use matte lip cosmetics.

The makeup of anime characters must be complemented with a hairstyle in a color that matches the look. Cosplay participants must wear carefully selected costumes (without such clothing, the image of the chosen hero will not be complete).

How to create anime makeup yourself

Finding information on how to do anime makeup yourself is not difficult. Experienced professionals share useful information with their subscribers and everyone interested in networks. Before you start doing anime-style makeup step by step, it’s worth understanding how anime eye makeup is done.

Imitation of the Asian eye shape is a fundamental point of this type of makeup. It is performed using shades of beige and white colors. Apply them to the upper and lower eyelids, respectively. White shadows help to visually enlarge the eyes.

To create a slanted eye shape, you need to correctly highlight the eyelids using eyeliner or a cosmetic pencil. The upper eyelid is brought as close as possible to the eyelash line. At the inner corner of the eye the line goes down, at the outer corner it is raised up in the form of a neat arrow. The lower eyelid is drawn with a rounded line, which is carefully drawn beyond the outer border of the eye.

Step-by-step instructions for performing anime-style makeup are as follows.

  1. It is necessary to cleanse and moisturize your facial skin. Then it’s worth masking all visible flaws. To do this, use a foundation that is evenly distributed over the face, touching the hairline. The final layer is light and transparent powder.
  2. Work on the cheekbones and nose. We visually reduce the size of the nose using bronzing powder for this purpose. It must be applied to the area of ​​the wings of the nose. Apply and blend the powder along the line from ear to nose.
  3. Create slanted eyes.
  4. Shape and draw eyebrows.
  5. Paint over the eyelashes, paying special attention to those located at the outer edge of the eye.
  6. Apply lip makeup.

The video clips below demonstrate step-by-step execution of anime makeup.

With the development and popularization of the anime genre, not only Japanese girls began to want to be like the heroines of this genre. Big eyes, neat nose, small lips - the ideal girl, from an anime point of view. Therefore, this article will contain up-to-date information on how to do anime makeup, as well as tips and tricks.

Some girls believe that by enlarging their eyes as much as possible, they will be able to realize the desired image and do high-quality anime-style makeup. Despite the simple basis - “big eyes, neat nose, small mouth” - there are important nuances, without which it will not be possible to create a full-fledged anime makeup.

The nuances of anime-style makeup:

  • Porcelain skin. Anime heroines are girls with impeccable appearance, the basis for which is healthy velvety skin. If the condition of the skin leaves much to be desired, it is worth putting it in order (special care products will help).
  • Big eyes. Anime makeup will not work if you do not become the owner of such eyes. A pencil and eyeliner will help you achieve the desired effect. The painstaking work in anime-style eye makeup is directly related to their visual enlargement. Some even use colored lenses for anime makeup.
  • Well-groomed eyebrows. Large eyes will also draw attention to the eyebrows. And the whole effect of such unusual anime makeup will be lost if they are not well-groomed enough.
  • Small lips. For some, plump, sensual lips are the standard of beauty, but for the Japanese, the ideal is neat, “bow” lips. Therefore, if you happen to be the lucky owner of plump lips, then for anime makeup you will need to correct them with powder and concealer.

Important! If you have beautiful long, fluffy, thick eyelashes, then you still shouldn’t do anime makeup without false eyelashes.

Anime makeup is a very unusual type of makeup. It cannot be classified as evening or holiday, so you need to be careful with it. Its great advantage is that you don’t have to limit your imagination. To give it a touch of liveliness and freshness, makeup artists recommend applying blush in light shades, which will add tenderness.

The color palette of anime makeup shadows is the most diverse. These can be pearlescent, emerald, golden shades, bright yellow or fuchsia. It all depends on how much you are not afraid of the increased attention of others to the heroine you want to portray.

Photos of interesting images and makeup in anime style:

Instructions for implementation

When you are already familiar with the basic principles, you can start creating an anime image. Below you can learn step-by-step instructions on how to do anime-style makeup:

1) This makeup is based on well-groomed skin, so it is necessary that it appears “porcelain”. During the preparation stage, the skin should be cleansed and moisturized.

2) Now arm yourself with concealer and start masking all minor imperfections. Next, you need to evenly distribute the foundation over your entire face, even slightly touching the hairline. Don't forget about exposed skin - everything should be the same tone!

3) The final stage in preparing your facial skin for anime makeup will be applying powder - light or transparent.

4) Now you need to create the correct face shape, in accordance with the anime. Work will be carried out on the cheekbones and nose. You need to take a dark shade of bronzing powder and apply it in the area of ​​the wings of the nose. This will help visually reduce it. Next, you should draw the brush along the line from the ear to the nose. Blend the powder thoroughly to create smooth transitions.

5) In anime eye makeup, the most difficult thing to do step by step is creating a shape that is close to Asian. To achieve the “oriental” effect, a line is drawn with a pencil as close as possible to the eyelash growth line of the upper eyelid to the middle, then it is “raised” a little, and then drawn as at the very beginning. Next, you should take some light eyeshadow and apply it to the entire area of ​​the eyelid.

A white pencil is applied to the lower eyelid for an additional enlargement effect. Using liquid eyeliner, you should once again follow the drawn line, but then move it beyond the outer corner of the eye and draw the lower one below the mucous membrane. So you draw a new border. The finishing touch is the application of dark shadows to the crease between the moving and fixed eyelids.

6) Eyebrows need to be given a neat appearance. Eyebrows should be drawn in with a pencil. You can take colored shadows if needed for the look.

7) When working with eyelashes, the main task is to achieve a doll-like effect. Apply two layers of black mascara to the upper and lower eyelashes, especially carefully those located at the outer edge of the eye, then add false eyelashes to your eyelashes - they will give a “doll-like” look.

8) And small lips complete the step-by-step anime makeup. To visually reduce them, you need to apply powder or foundation on them. Lipstick and glitter in pink or peach shades are applied to the very central part.

Video: step-by-step implementation of anime makeup.

If you have a naturally light skin tone, you still need to choose a tone 1-2 lighter than your color to create the effect of a “doll” face. To work with eyebrows, you should use a sharp pencil, because they need to be given a clear geometric shape.

Step by step photos of anime makeup:

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

It happens that you look at some “cosplayers” and cannot distinguish them from an anime character, but looking at others you understand that the person is still learning.

What mistakes in anime makeup always show a beginner?

  1. Ignoring the principle of “perfect skin”. Insufficiently well-groomed skin will make you look like an ineptly and provocatively made-up lady.
  2. Anime makeup in overly bright colors.
  3. Avoid false eyelashes. Alternatively, try adding extra lashes with eyeliner.
  4. Incorrectly drawn eye line. After all, the eyes attract all the attention in anime makeup. Don’t forget that you need to raise it in the middle of the eyelid, and then lower it again, and not move it up all the time!
  5. Pay attention to your eyebrows. Even if your eyes are perfectly shaped and your eyebrows are unkempt, you won’t be able to create the desired effect.

Video: step-by-step execution of eye makeup in anime style.

Anime makeup is usually used for cosplay, but if you wanted to try on the image of your favorite heroine or surprise everyone at a party, then why not? A suitable hairstyle and clothes will complement the anime look. Knowing all the basic nuances of this technique, you can feel like the heroine of an anime series and surprise those around you.

In contact with

Anime makeup looks attractive and very feminine. Unfortunately, not everyone can successfully use its tricks, since it is not suitable for every type of appearance. The perfect base for anime makeup: white, smooth skin, big blue eyes and beautiful hair. If you have these advantages, you can be sure that your appearance will be truly chic.

Making makeup for an anime heroine

If you are a modern fashionista, your cosmetic bag will have everything you need to create good anime makeup. From this arsenal of tools you will need:

  • Wide palette of shadows
  • Black eyeliner or eyeliner
  • White, soft eyeliner
  • False eyelashes
  • Black mascara with volume effect
  • Several types of lipstick
  • Foundation and powder
  • Corrector
  • Tassels
  • Eyebrow pencil

Next, you have to understand the basics of anime makeup and learn how to apply it. First of all, you have to figure out the color scheme. If you want to create a classic anime look, arm yourself with all shades of pink and blue. You can achieve a truly expressive, bright look with the help of colored contact lenses, but this is not a condition, but only a suggestion.

How to apply anime makeup?

First of all, deal with the skin. It is important to achieve the most even, ideal, fresh tone. No errors in the form of pimples or dark circles under the eyes are allowed. It is best to thoroughly cleanse your skin before an important event to which you plan to go as an anime character and always use nourishing products and creams. If there are minor errors on it, they need to be hidden with the help of concealer or corrector. At the same time, watch the amount of foundation; there should not be too much of it and do not layer it under any circumstances. It is best to mix the product with day cream and apply it to the face, and be sure to apply a light layer of powder on top.

The eyes deserve special attention - they are the main focus of anime makeup. It is very important to highlight them beautifully with a black pencil or eyeliner. It is quite difficult to learn how to draw beautiful arrows, but with a little practice you can achieve special elegance. They should carefully follow the growth of the eyelashes, slightly extend behind the eyelid and be sure to bend upward. Women with large eyes can safely draw an arrow at the bottom as well. You can choose shadows to match your eye color or use the classic palette of anime characters - purple or blue shades.

Lipstick should make your lips plump, sensual and soft. This can be achieved by using a hot pink color and adding a little glitter on top.

Step by step guide

If you decide to do this amazing makeup and go to conquer the world, we advise you to follow our instructions.

Many girls in childhood, when watching cartoons, wanted to be a little like their heroines. Cartoon dolls have won the hearts of many thanks to their appearance. They had huge eyes with lush eyelashes, a tiny neat nose and bow-shaped lips. You can recreate a doll-like appearance on your face using special makeup. To perform anime makeup, you need to study its characteristic features. You can look at girls with this makeup in photos on the Internet. Moreover, some of them use it daily.

Anime Makeup Features

First of all, you need an Asian eye shape. And if the girl has a different cut, then you will have to try very hard to create at least a little similar one. This type of makeup requires perfectly smooth skin. Eyebrows should be neat and evenly shaped. In addition to the fact that the eyes should have a certain shape, they should be painted quite brightly. Eyelashes need extra volume. And the last thing that distinguishes this type of makeup is the small lips.

To create such an unusual make-up you will have to spend more than one hour of time, so using it in everyday life is difficult. It is best to appear in this image at a themed holiday. Despite the fact that it looks interesting, not all girls can decide on such a transformation.

What will you need?

To create the desired look, you need to have a set of shadows with different shades, pencils for the contour of the eyes and lips of different shades, black eyeliner, if desired, you can use false eyelashes, black mascara with super volume, different shades of lipstick, various makeup brushes, foundation , powder and, of course, eyebrow pencil.

Anime makeup step by step

Before you draw huge eyes, you should achieve a porcelain face. To do this, you need to carefully remove all existing imperfections on the skin using a concealer and cover everything with foundation on top. It is better to use a brush for application, as this will ensure an even application. As for color, it is better to choose a shade lighter than the skin. After this, you need to fix the result with powder.

Now you can begin to reduce the size of your nose and work on your cheekbones. Powder with a bronzer effect is best suited for this. It is applied to the area under the cheekbones from the ear and shaded well. It is necessary to achieve an imperceptible transition and create a shadow on the face. The nose is reduced using the same product, only you need to apply it to the side parts and again shade everything well. The makeup should not show any clear lines.

Eyebrows should be shaped using shadows or a pencil, imitating hairs. But at the same time they must have an even and clear shape, and also be located far from each other. You shouldn't pluck out extra hairs just for one evening in this look. It is enough to simply disguise it with foundation. The thickness of the eyebrows should be average.

Now the most important detail is eye makeup. You need to get an Asian cut. To do this, light shadows, acting as a base, are applied to the entire eyelid. It is necessary to apply white shadows under the lower eyelid, which will open the eyes.

You can line your eyes with eyeliner or pencil. The top line should be clear and run across the entire eyelid, continuing beyond the outer edge of the eyes, and directed upward. The lower eyelid should be placed below the lash line, which ensures large eyes and gives the eyes a slight slant. Moreover, if there are no white shadows, then in this case you can use light beige or nude ones. Both lines connect outside the edge of the eyes.

Then on the upper eyelid you should apply a line dividing the upper eyelid with dark shadows and shade with other dark shadows. A white stripe should be drawn under the line on the outside of the eyes and finally connected with the brown tone of the shadows. All transitions must be hidden.

This eye makeup can be made even more interesting if you use colored shadows and apply them to the entire upper eyelid down to the temples.

Eyelashes should be painted with mascara in several layers. If natural eyelashes are not enough, you can use false eyelashes. The main thing is to get doll eyes.

Lips should be covered with foundation to remove their own contour. Then use a pencil to draw new outlines of a smaller size and cover with lipstick of the selected tone.

If desired, you can cover your cheekbones with a light shade of blush, which will look great against a pale face.

It's a good idea to use rhinestones or glitter to create an image.

Using a similar set of cosmetics, you can perform light daytime makeup. To do this, you need to replace the dark tones of the shadows with lighter ones. The lower part of the eyelid, as well as its inner side, should be painted over with a white pencil.

For a more believable image, you need the appropriate outfit and hairstyle. Hair should either be straightened or pulled into a ponytail. You can color individual strands of hair with colored crayons, this will give you a very doll-like look. And yet, such makeup should not be used every day, so as not to look stupid and funny.

Video on the topic of the article

The fashion for anime has gained popularity not only in Asia, but also in Europe and Russia. Few people now do not know what it is. The popularity of cosplay, the worship of gyaru, constant meetings of lovers of Japanese culture and massive comic book sessions only fuel interest in this style. Fashion and makeup were not spared.

What it is?

Anime style and makeup techniques look quite extreme. However, by trying on such images for yourself, you can very easily hone the art of makeup. You will know how to make truly gigantic eyes, how to achieve a perfectly even complexion, how to make a “doll” alluring mouth, and so on.

Yes, such makeup is only suitable for specific events or photo shoots, and not for everyday life, but sometimes you really want to believe in a fairy tale, so why not! Immerse yourself in Asian makeup culture from the basics.

Style Features

The following distinctive features of the style can be distinguished:

  • Large eyes, often unnatural colors. How to achieve this effect will be described below.
  • Even complexion.
  • Ideal eyebrow shape.
  • Very thick and long eyelashes - both lower and upper.
  • Plump cheeks with an unnatural blush that may start from the lower border of the eye.
  • Cute “doll mouth”.
  • The edge of the transition of the nose to the cheekbones is practically invisible, no shadows or contouring.
  • Lots of sparkles and sequins.
  • Bright colors of all shades of the rainbow.

The modern look of the anime artist is becoming very close to hand-drawn characters. Costumes, wigs and colored lenses complement the look very well, but you can start with the face.

The wonders of Japanese makeup at home

Of course, it’s best to start getting acquainted with video tutorials. If you don’t know who you can be inspired by, then here are two names of real masters of transformation - Valeria Lukyanova (Amatue) And Anastasia Shpagina. There are a huge number of images that came out from under their light hand - there will definitely be enough for you to be inspired.

Most likely, you won’t get your makeup right the first time (or even the second). Stock up on patience, materials and micellar water to quickly correct smudged lines and excess strokes.

How to do it?

Not everyone knows how to do all this yourself. It’s worth going through the basic techniques step by step.

So, let's turn into a geisha. Agree, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear about such an image is incredibly smooth white skin, like a porcelain doll. In the old days, it took Japanese women several hours to create such beauty. Now the task is greatly simplified (thanks to the many decorative cosmetics).

It is recommended to proceed step by step. We base everything with white powder or the lightest shade of foundation that you can find. To create a very smooth surface, you will need to first apply a primer. Work through this “primer” carefully so that your face really looks smooth, almost perfect.

After covering with the base, you can move on to white makeup. If you use the baking technique in everyday life, powder designed to highlight individual areas will help you apply your makeup faster.

Don't forget to paint not only your face, but also your neck. Most likely, it will be open to the eye, and the difference between the tones of the natural color and the painted area will seem comical.

When the overall tone is completed, you can tackle the eyebrows. Of course they should be black as coals. Leave fashionable wide and angular eyebrows. The classic geisha makeup shape is much shorter and thicker. Eyebrows are drawn slightly rounded, without angular creases and clearly drawn hairs. One solid thick line.

Having completed work on the eyebrows, you can move on to the eyes. The most important element is the contour line at the top of the eye. The pencil, eyeliner or shadow should be very black, and the line itself should be incredibly smooth and clear. You will have to draw with smooth movements, from the nose to the temples. The line should go towards thickening.

A similar story also happens in the lower part of the eye, only the eyeliner tone should be a little lighter. When both lines are ready, connect the far corner of the eye in the manner of the Banana technique, achieving an Asian cut.

The final touch to this look will be the lips. Small but bright - like a bow on the head of a young schoolgirl. The edges can be whitened and shaped to look like lips pursed for a kiss. Lipstick color varies from scarlet to pale pink.

If you have previously used red eyeshadow to further decorate your look, it would be logical to use this shade in the lip area.

Another complementary color that can brighten up your eyes is yellow. A warm tone can be added to the corner of the eye or on top of a black liner on the upper eyelid.

This traditional makeup look is not very difficult to replicate. Some specific aspects (for example, correcting the shape of the eyes) are easily transferred into an everyday look. The following types of makeup, inspired by Asian culture, can hardly be used in the everyday life of a Russian woman, but trying to recreate them is very interesting.

How to make big eyes with makeup?

Eyes are the mirrors of the soul. In anime style, these mirrors are so large that you could find out all the ins and outs through them. It is around the eyes that the beauty of the image is built, and it is worth starting with them.

You need to decide what minimum set of tools you can use to recreate such a cute and strange image. You will need:

  • eye base;
  • white shadows;
  • white eyeliner (preferably waterproof);
  • taupe eyeliner (to create a shadow effect);
  • black eyeliner;
  • false eyelashes.

As additional “tricks” for the image, you can use rhinestones, sparkles, any shades of shadows and colored lenses. If you want really big and unusual eyes, contacts are exactly what you need.


The first thing to do is apply primer to your eyes. It will allow the white pigment, which is very necessary for a deceptive visual effect, to appear in all its glory. Apply primer not only to the upper eyelid, but also to the area where so-called bags often form.

Then remember the Nike logo. Under the eye you will need to draw a shape resembling this tick with white shadows. By drawing this outline, you indicate the lower border of the drawn eye.

Also fill the upper eyelid with white, covering the area above your natural crease. The white color should end almost at the eyebrow.

Carefully draw the waterline of the eye with a waterproof white pencil so that the waterline and the tick of white shadows appear as one.

Then put the white aside and take the black eyeliner. Draw a neat arrow from the middle of the eye, which is directed downwards. Its bottom edge should follow the shape of the white checkmark drawn earlier. This will visually expand the boundaries of your eye.

Once you've finished with the bottom edge, move on to the top. Now that you have an outline outlining the recreated eye sockets, you can draw a nice arrow pointing upward. Start drawing from the bridge of your nose. Gently pull the corner up and make the arrow bold enough. You will have to paint in several layers. You can correct unevenness using the same white waterproof pencil or foundation. It is better to use a brush for this, not your fingers. Having created a beautiful wave, proceed to drawing additional highlights and contours.

In the place where the brow bone protrudes the most, draw a straight line. To begin with, this can be done with the pencil that you left for creating shadows, but then you will need to tint it with eyeliner. Fill in the space between the black arrow and this line with white. Parallel to the first line, draw another one, a little closer to the nose, and you need to make it so that it slightly follows the curve of your eyebrow.

Once you've drawn the two lines in black, start adding shadow. Take a taupe pencil and start with the very bottom line that forms the drawn eye.

Completely duplicate the silhouette with a pencil - just below the black outline. Perform similar actions regarding the two drawn stripes on the eyebrows.

Important: if the shadow of the top stripe is drawn from the inside, then the line following it is drawn from the outside.

Then paint the corner of the eye, located closer to the nose, with a brown pencil. Start a little from the inside and bring the small arrow out. Then use black eyeliner again: at the very edge of the water line, draw a small triangle.

Then it's just a matter of false eyelashes. You can easily leave the top row as your own, just cover your hairs with mascara for thickness and color. But on the line below you will need to stick a number of artificial ones. The technology is the same as always, only the mounting location changes.