
Airsoft. What a beginner needs to know. Everything a beginner needs to know about airsoft weapons - laws, and general questions What kind of game is this

Breast cancer

It is not at all difficult to understand who airsoft players are - these are players who play airsoft. However, there are some peculiarities here. On the court, an airsoft player turns into a real fighter. Thanks to equipment, weapons, camouflage and special equipment that are as close as possible to the real thing, airsoft allows you to feel not like a simple player, but a real soldier. In this article we will talk about who airsoft players are and what they are like, and also consider what distinctive features real strikers have.

If you look around, airsoft players may be among us. In appearance, these are ordinary people - salespeople, journalists, engineers, doctors, students, as well as people of other professions and specialties who live ordinary lives on weekdays, and on weekends or free time turn into avid players with weapons and airsoft balls spilling out of their pockets . Initially, it may seem that this game is only for real, harsh and brutal men. Of course, such individuals also occur and, as a rule, make up the majority of all participants. However, besides them, fragile girls who also know how to “kill” opponents also play airsoft.

Many people ask the question: why do people become strikers? Why do they go from their normal, quiet life into airsoft and voluntarily carry heavy weapons, run through the forest in the rain, get scratches and bruises, spend a lot of money on uniforms and weapons, and also endure enormous moral and physical stress? The reasons that motivate people to play airsoft are varied. Some people relieve stress in this way, others experience extreme sports, and some get the opportunity to immerse themselves in a military atmosphere and feel the whole atmosphere of battle. In any case, each player will have his own reason that brought him to airsoft.

A variety of airsoft players

Within each airsoft formation there is a peculiar caste division:

    scumbags are players who have cheap Chinese weapons to shoot with. As a rule, they do not worry about the authenticity of their appearance and strict adherence to the rules;

    Pokemon are more adequate participants who attach inappropriate or non-existent accessory models to their weapons;

    modelers are players whose weapons and camouflage match the appearance of the specific army they are modeling;

    The elite are airsoft players who play games according to a certain scenario, and also train in the forest and indoors.

In general, participants in the airsoft community are divided into the following categories:

    Game organizers.

    Experienced players (commanders).

    Ordinary (from Pokemon to modellers).

    Sellers of equipment and weapons.

    Mechanics who do tuning and repairs.

Often, professional “demolitionists” from the pyrotechnics association, who deal with special effects, are invited to games. At the same time, all safety regulations are strictly observed.

What distinctive features do airsoft players have?

Airsoft players are a fairly resilient and strong people, who are characterized by the presence of certain skills and abilities:

    the ability to build fortifications well. Using durable and lightweight material, airsoft players build entire fortifications that many cannot take. However, this does not mean that they are bad attack aircraft. Only strikers can take fortifications built by strikers;

    good equipment. The presence of special equipment, uniforms and additional accessories makes players real fighters;

    a real airsoft player can easily control any military equipment. This can be learned on the latest computer simulators;

    All airsoft players know how to provide first aid. They carry a first aid kit in their pouches and know how to use it;

    availability of high tactical training;

    ability to work with communication equipment. In this case, airsoft players are divided into telekinesis, channel and frequency players.

As you can see, airsoft players are strong and powerful players who are distinguished by developed fortitude, endurance and dexterity. Any adult can become an airsoft player. It is physical training, airsoft gear and equipment that will help you become a worthy opponent on the battlefield, feel like a real warrior and get a charge of incredible emotions.

Airsoft guns

There is a wide range of issues that will always be discussed in airsoft. New players can find almost any information online that they can use to help them in their new hobby. I present a list of 20 things you need to know about airsoft.

1. Don’t be afraid to ask a question or ask for help from experts/veterans

But try to search the forums first, as you can find most of the technical answers there.

2. We are not soldiers

We only imitate and pretend to be such during the game. We will never be like them. And when you meet every real soldier, you must treat him with respect. After all, we imitate them.

3. Be physically fit

When the balls start flying and your adrenaline levels rise, you will find yourself in a state of hyperventilation, especially if you are wearing a mask and a lot of equipment. Know your body's physical limitations and don't be embarrassed to ask for help when needed.

4. You are using an airsoft replica

As much as you'd like to hit a target at a long distance, remember, you're shooting plastic balls with limited capabilities. You will never be able to achieve the performance of a real firearm. Tuning the drive will improve these indicators, but still this will not solve the issue of hitting the head at a long distance. Despite the fact that, even with the most expensive and sophisticated tunes, there is a ceiling above which it is not realistic to jump.

5. There are speed limits...

But this does not mean that you need to achieve maximum speed. There are no problems using a drive that produces 110 meters per second on a range with a limit of 130 m/s.

6. Frags are not the only target in airsoft

Defeating players in airsoft is fun, but don't let it be the main goal. If you try games in style MilSim, then the number of your shootouts will be much less than in regular Sunday games. There may be games where you don't hit anyone at all or even fire a single shot. Don't let this stop you from enjoying airsoft. Have fun with other things too, airsoft has plenty of them.

7. Snipers don't just sit around all day

They do much more than I originally thought they should do. And don’t think that this is the most interesting and cool thing in airsoft. This is a very specific activity. Try running as a stormtrooper first and you will understand who you want to play next. Great efforts are required, both psychological and physical, to implement this specialization, but this will be discussed in a separate article.

8. Try before you buy

Try to borrow from friends to play before you make a purchase or even take it to a game. Many people buy something that is not entirely convenient for him and/or his playing style. (For example, knee pads. They turned out to be an inconvenient attribute for me and are lying around idle). After all, it’s not so easy to sell something expensive and unnecessary later.

9. Familiarize yourself with the basic rules and regulations

Most airsoft games follow the same rules, but there are differences and nuances in the games, especially with specific scenarios. First of all, you need to know well, and if necessary, also study the rules of a particular game/project.

10. This is your replica weapon, so know it

Know how to place the battery in the drive, how to fill the gas into the pistol magazine, how to set it up, etc. This is so that someone else doesn't do it for you every game day. Study your line thoroughly, and if necessary, help other beginners with advice 😉

11. The same goes for sights and optics.

Know how to target your drive or spring. You can ask someone to teach you how to do it, but in the end, you have to know how to do it yourself.

12. Don’t rush to shop in stores

Research what you want to watch and what things you need. Read reviews before you buy anything. Think carefully before purchasing equipment, especially if you want to model any unit.

13. Don't overdo it

There is no need to label your teammates if they don't perform certain tasks, no matter how serious your hobby is, after all, it's just a game. Not everyone can be a tough special forces soldier.

14. Take responsibility for your actions

If the guy is close and you have a sniper rifle that does 200 meters per second, is it safe to shoot him? Does he have a vest? Does he have facial protection? Think before you shoot. In such cases, be sure of the consequences that may arise.

15. Do your best to follow command instructions.

They are there to guide you. They were chosen for a reason. If you disagree with the current course of action, voice your grievances respectfully. There are many different personalities in our community and there will always be disagreements. Treat everyone with respect.

16. Your opponents are not real enemies.

They are just like you - they came to enjoy the game. Treat them with respect, even if they did something wrong. There will never be an excuse for rudeness. There are appropriate channels and methods for reporting incidents.

17. Local teams and/or new game organizers, listen to your players

You may have great ideas that you and your team like, but not the majority do. Learn to adapt to their needs so that everyone has a good playing time. You are not the God of polygons, games and scenarios. You are simply the instrument that brings these people together to have a great time.

Airsoft guns- This is one of the most important, if not the most important part of the equipment. The main idea and meaning of airsoft is to perform some task that involves shooting at the enemy. This applies to any scenario games, but it often happens that during Sunday training there is no main task at all; more precisely, it is to simply shoot the entire enemy team.

A significant share of success in this event depends on what exactly you are equipped and armed with. Unconditional physical training and the presence of combat skills also play an important role, but if we consider the situation when a fighter of the “blue” team, armed with a cheap Chinese spring “noname” pistol, faces a fighter of the “red” team, who is armed with an mediocre AEG pistol - machine gun from the Chinese, then the situation will most likely turn out in favor of the Reds. Here, as they say, “you can’t throw hats at a tank,” and the blue fighter will be sent to the dead very, very often.

However, there is no limit to perfection, and the same player of the “red” team, armed with an ordinary Chinese submachine gun, will most likely end up dead just like the blue one, if he meets a fighter of the “green” team, who is armed with a tuned long-range airsoft machine gun.

The effectiveness of airsoft weapons is a complex and quite voluminous issue; it consists of a huge number of factors, both objective and purely subjective. We will try to cover this very issue of airsoft weapons in a series of articles on the site

Correctness of the term "Airsoft weapon"

There are many laws in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and one of these laws, called “On Weapons,” gives a very unique interpretation of what is actually considered a weapon. According to this law, a product that fires a projectile with an energy of more than 3 Joules can be considered a weapon.

Here it should be noted that such a level of energy is more than prohibitive for airsoft! Even if you have an idea to achieve such an indicator, through complex modifications to bring an airsoft model of some rifle, you will encounter two problems. Firstly, it will cost you a huge amount of money - for a similar amount you can buy a real firearm, and not the cheapest one. Secondly, such a sample will simply not be allowed into airsoft games - it simply will not pass the timing, and will be prohibited due to strict safety regulations.

In general, in airsoft, the energy of a projectile is much less than those same 3 joules, so airsoft weapons are called “weapons” very, very conditionally. Airsoft weapons most often have a fairly strong resemblance to real firearms, but according to the law “On Weapons” already mentioned above, airsoft machine guns, machine guns, rifles, pistols, and indeed any other classes will be considered “Structurally Similar Products to Weapons” (KSSOI) . Although airsoft players call their favorite “Kalash” and “emka” weapons, this is only for convenience - any airsoft weapon is a “KSSOI”. In this article we will not change airsoft traditions for the sake of tediousness and strict adherence to terms, so we will still call airsoft pneumatics a weapon.

The buzzword Airsoft and soft pneumatics

Regardless of size and class, all airsoft weapons have a common feature, namely, they use a pneumatic method of throwing a projectile. Thanks to the energy of the compressed gas, be it air, CO2, or some other mixture, the projectile leaves the barrel. By the way, small plastic balls are used as projectiles in airsoft. In most cases, these airsoft balls have a diameter of 6mm, with a slight tolerance of +/- tenths. The “rounder” the ball, and the closer its diameter to the coveted 6mm, the better. By the way, sometimes there are airsoft weapons that use 8mm balls for shooting, but these are exotic, very, very rare. The second important parameter of an airsoft ball is weight - in stores you can find packages with balls weighing from 0.15 grams for the weakest models of airsoft weapons, and up to balls weighing 0.43 grams, which are used in modernized airsoft sniper rifles.

As we have already noted above, the energy of a ball in airsoft is much less than 3 J. Perhaps some readers have already encountered in their lives air pistols and rifles that shoot iron bullets or balls. So the energy of airsoft weapons is lower than that of similar pneumatics. To make it more convenient to distinguish one from the other, the term Airsoft was coined. The word Airsoft was coined abroad, and literally translates as “air” - air and “soft” - soft. The name turned out to be quite successful, our airsoft players adopted it, the term has taken root well and is used everywhere. As a result, pneumatics were unofficially divided into airsoft Airsoft and everything else, although the term “soft pneumatics” and even more so airsoft never existed in the law.

Airsoft weapon classes - spring, drive, gas blowback and all all all

Whatever class an airsoft weapon belongs to, based on its operating principle, two main directions can be distinguished.

The first option is when the working fluid is air. A spring-loaded piston is used to compress it, essentially the same as a conventional pump.

The second option is when liquefied gas under pressure is used to push the ball out. when released, it changes from a liquid to a gaseous state, as it expands and pushes the ball out.

Next, about the classification of airsoft weapons, directly based on the principle of operation. There are three types of airsoft guns. In general, three types of weapons are used in airsoft; just a few words about each of these types:

Electrically driven (drive, AEG) airsoft weapons

Electrically driven (drive, AEG) airsoft weapons. The most widespread type of weapon, most airsoft machines operate using an electric drive circuit. When you pull the trigger, the electric motor begins to cock the piston against spring tension. At the end point, the gear releases the piston and the spring comes into action.

The more powerful the spring, the more powerful the motor and stronger gears are needed - and the more powerful the shot will be.

Spring (spring) airball weapons

Spring (spring) airball weapons- the simplest, and at the same time one of the most reliable types. Simplicity also affects the price, and this type of airsoft weapon is considered one of the cheapest. Many of you have encountered pring weapons when, as a child, you came across Chinese pistols - this is precisely the principle on which they worked.

Gas-cylinder (blowbacks, non-blowbacks) airsoft weapons

Gas-cylinder (blowbacks, non-blowbacks) airsoft weapons- these are gas pistols, rifles and machine guns. When you pull the trigger, gas from the canister enters the chamber, which pushes the ball out. This type has both pros and cons - more details in the following parts of the article.

This concludes the first part of our “airsoft guns for a beginner” series. in the following parts we will talk in detail about each type of airsoft weapon, tell you how it works, and give advice to a beginner on what is best to buy at the beginning - stay tuned!

P.S. also in a series of articles for beginners

In this section you will find all the useful articles about airsoft equipment, reviews of machine guns, links to video reviews of the workshop and much more.

Have you decided to start playing? Find out what the minimum kit for playing airsoft should be. What should you buy and what should you pay attention to? This article will answer all your questions.

How to decide on your main purchase? How to choose an airsoft machine? What types of airsoft guns are there and which one is best for you? Find out how to choose a drive from a sea of ​​makes and models.

Airsoft balls

Airsoft balls are widely represented on the market and it is easy to get lost in the variety of manufacturers, weights and properties. Learn the intricacies of choosing airsoft ammunition.

Airsoft rules

Not everyone wants to read long texts that boringly describe how to behave correctly. However, in airsoft, strict adherence to the rules of the game is everyone’s responsibility. Study them thoroughly to avoid getting into awkward situations.

Where can I buy

Have you decided to buy? Find out more about Airsoft Planet and make sure that buying from us is safe and profitable!

Basics of Playing Airsoft Safely

The article will be of interest to beginners and will tell you about the rules of safe play.

What is Airsoft?

Airsoft is a military-tactical team game. This is how almost all editions of the Russian airsoft rules begin. Abroad, this hobby is called “airsoft” (literally - compressed air). Everyone is looking for something different in airsoft, but two things are primary – active recreation in the lap of nature and adrenaline. After all, in essence, this is an adult game of “war”, but on a qualitatively different level, because sometimes it is difficult to distinguish an airsoft game from military exercises.

Anyone can play airsoft. To do this, it is enough to reach the age of majority and acquire the minimum required to play.

Who plays Airsoft?

Airsoft can be played alone, but the main unit in the game is a team. The team has its own charter, the same uniform and team patch. The team can recreate the image of real-life units, or simply limit themselves to the same uniform.

There are both teams with serious discipline and constant training, and teams of friends who are not aimed at constantly improving applied skills, but simply get together for active recreation.

What does it look like?

Airsoft games are most often held on the territory of former military units, abandoned factories and pioneer camps, or simply in suitable rough terrain. The ideal airsoft range includes woods, hills and buildings. In such terrain there is wide scope for various tactical actions and maneuvers, for organizing ambushes and implementing a wide variety of scenarios.

Sometimes large airsoft games are held that can attract up to 2000 players. In such games, unit management is fully demonstrated, and various military equipment is widely used. For example, tanks, armored personnel carriers, trucks, and even aviation (helicopters and airplanes) may be involved.

Airsoft is very diverse and multifaceted, and everyone finds something of their own in it. A lone sniper, a silent fighter of a sabotage group, a squad machine gunner, an infantry company commander... the list goes on for a long time. Any airsoft player can try on each of these roles, so... maybe it’s worth a try?

Airsoft guns

There is a wide range of issues that will always be discussed in airsoft. New players can find almost any information online that they can use to help them in their new hobby. I present a list of 20 things you need to know about airsoft.

1. Don’t be afraid to ask a question or ask for help from experts/veterans

But try to search the forums first, as you can find most of the technical answers there.

2. We are not soldiers

We only imitate and pretend to be such during the game. We will never be like them. And when you meet every real soldier, you must treat him with respect. After all, we imitate them.

3. Be physically fit

When the balls start flying and your adrenaline levels rise, you will find yourself in a state of hyperventilation, especially if you are wearing a mask and a lot of equipment. Know your body's physical limitations and don't be embarrassed to ask for help when needed.

4. You are using an airsoft replica

As much as you'd like to hit a target at a long distance, remember, you're shooting plastic balls with limited capabilities. You will never be able to achieve the performance of a real firearm. Tuning the drive will improve these indicators, but still this will not solve the issue of hitting the head at a long distance. Despite the fact that, even with the most expensive and sophisticated tunes, there is a ceiling above which it is not realistic to jump.

5. There are speed limits...

But this does not mean that you need to achieve maximum speed. There are no problems using a drive that produces 110 meters per second on a range with a limit of 130 m/s.

6. Frags are not the only target in airsoft

Defeating players in airsoft is fun, but don't let it be the main goal. If you try games in style MilSim, then the number of your shootouts will be much less than in regular Sunday games. There may be games where you don't hit anyone at all or even fire a single shot. Don't let this stop you from enjoying airsoft. Have fun with other things too, airsoft has plenty of them.

7. Snipers don't just sit around all day

They do much more than I originally thought they should do. And don’t think that this is the most interesting and cool thing in airsoft. This is a very specific activity. Try running as a stormtrooper first and you will understand who you want to play next. Great efforts are required, both psychological and physical, to implement this specialization, but this will be discussed in a separate article.

8. Try before you buy

Try to borrow from friends to play before you make a purchase or even take it to a game. Many people buy something that is not entirely convenient for him and/or his playing style. (For example, knee pads. They turned out to be an inconvenient attribute for me and are lying around idle). After all, it’s not so easy to sell something expensive and unnecessary later.

9. Familiarize yourself with the basic rules and regulations

Most airsoft games follow the same rules, but there are differences and nuances in the games, especially with specific scenarios. First of all, you need to know well, and if necessary, also study the rules of a particular game/project.

10. This is your replica weapon, so know it

Know how to place the battery in the drive, how to fill the gas into the pistol magazine, how to set it up, etc. This is so that someone else doesn't do it for you every game day. Study your line thoroughly, and if necessary, help other beginners with advice 😉

11. The same goes for sights and optics.

Know how to target your drive or spring. You can ask someone to teach you how to do it, but in the end, you have to know how to do it yourself.

12. Don’t rush to shop in stores

Research what you want to watch and what things you need. Read reviews before you buy anything. Think carefully before purchasing equipment, especially if you want to model any unit.

13. Don't overdo it

There is no need to label your teammates if they don't perform certain tasks, no matter how serious your hobby is, after all, it's just a game. Not everyone can be a tough special forces soldier.

14. Take responsibility for your actions

If the guy is close and you have a sniper rifle that does 200 meters per second, is it safe to shoot him? Does he have a vest? Does he have facial protection? Think before you shoot. In such cases, be sure of the consequences that may arise.

15. Do your best to follow command instructions.

They are there to guide you. They were chosen for a reason. If you disagree with the current course of action, voice your grievances respectfully. There are many different personalities in our community and there will always be disagreements. Treat everyone with respect.

16. Your opponents are not real enemies.

They are just like you - they came to enjoy the game. Treat them with respect, even if they did something wrong. There will never be an excuse for rudeness. There are appropriate channels and methods for reporting incidents.

17. Local teams and/or new game organizers, listen to your players

You may have great ideas that you and your team like, but not the majority do. Learn to adapt to their needs so that everyone has a good playing time. You are not the God of polygons, games and scenarios. You are simply the instrument that brings these people together to have a great time.