
Board games from China. Open community on system constellations. Photo of the board game Family Tree


Table game Family Tree will invite you to do an entertaining genealogy and compile your family tree. gaming family. Introduce free characters to each other, introduce their children, grow your family tree and prosper!

Who wants to buy the board game Family Tree

Family Tree is a board game that will help you do your genealogy with just a deck of cards. This is a calm measured desktop, which is also very interesting. It is perfect for a quiet family circle and will provide an opportunity to compete, whose family is larger!


The game box, in addition to the rules, includes two stacks of cards and a handful of chips. All cards should be thoroughly mixed and distributed to each participant in five pieces. And then lay out the archive of another five cards next to the deck.


Players take turns moving, and a turn consists of three phases.

At the beginning, the player draws one card from the archive, putting a replacement for it, or simply on top of the deck. Then he can take one action.


You can lay out a couple, that is, a card of a man and a woman, and between them a meeting card. You can add a child to a married couple. You can add a mother or both parents card to a character, along with an encounter card.

  • A lone character can play a pair along with an encounter card. Or pick up a marriageable bride from another player. For this he will receive one chip.
  • You can lay out a new pair separately from the main family. With the help of an encounter card, you can form a pair between characters different families one player, thus linking them into one.
  • Finally, you can lay out an event card for your character.


At the end of the turn, the player draws up to five cards from the archive or deck, or discards the excess and passes the move to the neighbor on the left.

Of course, all characters must match each other in age. To make it easier, the year of birth is indicated on all cards.

On the cards of men there is a hint about the years of birth of suitable brides. And women have years of birth of children.

It will be much more interesting to play if, when laying out each card, the participants tell a short story about the persons participating in it.


The game will end when there are no cards left in the deck. When counting, players count only their largest family.

One character in each generation of the longest and continuous chain of transmission of the surname of such a family will be the main heir. For such characters, the player receives two points. And all other characters, event cards and chips will bring one at a time.

Photo of the board game Family Tree

How far can you trace your lineage? Do you know who your great-grandparents were, what events of the turbulent twentieth century affected them? Of course, in our time, knowing your origins will not help you ascend the throne, but there are many other advantages to studying family history. The educational board game "Family Tree" will help to arouse interest in one's own ancestors, get acquainted with the life of different generations of Russian people.

The rules offer a choice of two game modes: "Dynasties" And "Big Family Tree". The basis of the game in both versions is the same - using character cards, lay out on the table genealogical tree simple Russian family. Each card has short info about a person: name and profession, year of birth, portrait. The characters cover more than a century of Russian history - the eldest was born in 1901, the youngest - in 2012 - and all possible social strata, from janitors to programmers and from clergy to scientists. In order to link together these various destinies, it is necessary to establish between them family relationships- marriage or parental. When adding another relative to the family tree, the player must choose a suitable place for him. For example, a new character can become a child of an existing married couple - for this, he must match his mother's age. And in order to create a new unit of society, not only the bride and groom of about the same age will be required, but also a special meeting card that will tell you under what circumstances the young people met: for example, they knew each other from school or met by chance in the library. It is therefore recommended to write a brief history this acquaintance. In addition, there are event cards in the game: winning a chess tournament, an interview for television, receiving a medal, which can be “issued” to the characters. Events not only bring additional victory points, but also give the game an additional atmosphere, connecting the history of an individual family with the history of the whole country.

"Dynasties" is the main and more serious version of the game. In it, each player makes his own family tree, and cards can be transferred from one participant to another (for example, if one family has a marriageable bride, and another has a suitable groom). The purpose of "Dynasties" is not only to gather as many relatives in your family as possible, but also to build the longest possible line of transmission of the surname. In this mode, the game supports up to 4 players.

Big Family Tree can be played with at least ten people. The principles of creating a pedigree remain the same, but the goal is completely different - to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible, laying them out in a common family tree. This version of the rules makes the game easier, faster and more dynamic.

The board game "Family Tree" was created as part of the children's educational project "Mosaicum". It continues the educational series of "Correct Games", started by the popular game "Evolution".

The set includes:
- 105 cards (including 66 character cards, 24 encounter cards, 15 event cards),
- 10 chips,
- box "lid-bottom",
- rules of the game.

Number of players: from 2 to 10 people.
Game duration: 30 - 90 min.
Package dimensions: 20 cm x 20 cm x 5 cm.
Packing: color box.

Hello colleagues.

I haven't posted in this community for a long time. But now there is a reason.
The fact is that I have been associated with the production of board games in Russia for several years.
To make it clearer - one of the most famous board games is Monopoly, which, I think, most of you have heard of.
But board games are about much more than just hawking the streets. And their range and focus in our country are now greatly expanding.
And so a game was brought to our publishing house, which I really wanted to release because of its subject matter.

So meet - board game "Family Tree".

From the name it is clear that the board game "Family Tree" is dedicated to genealogy. With the help of character cards, players are invited to build a pedigree of an ordinary Russian family - from great-grandparents born before the revolution to our contemporaries.

The main rule that must be observed in this case is age. For example, spouses should be about the same age: the wife can be older than her husband by a maximum of 2 years, and the husband of the wife by 9 years. A similar situation with children: the childbearing age in women usually lasts from 18 to 42 years. Each character card has their year of birth, and with the help of simple arithmetic calculations, you can pick up married couples, children and parents. Well, for simplicity, we indicated on each map suitable years birth for children and spouses.

In addition to characters, the game has meeting and event cards. Meetings are needed to form married couples: to add a husband and wife to the family tree, you also need to lay out a meeting card and tell how these characters met on it. Events, however, show the participation of relatives in the ups and downs of Russian history: they are placed on characters suitable for their age and bring additional victory points.

You can play Family Tree according to two types of rules: Dynasties (no more than 4 players) or Big Family Tree (up to 10 players). In Dynasties, each player creates their own family tree, and the winner is determined by the sum of points. In the "Big Family Tree" there is one pedigree for everyone, and the one who first uses all his cards wins.

The educational element of "Family Tree" is not only mental counting and inventing dating stories. On the character maps, we tried to create typical images of our compatriots of different generations and professions: priests, soldiers, scientists, artists. Their names and portraits, similar to cards from a family photo album, embodied life, fashion, habits of different periods of the 20th century. The game is designed to arouse interest in their ancestors, to illustrate the connection of the individual past of each family with Russian history. At the same time, we tried to make it interesting and accessible to the widest possible audience. In our humble opinion, we succeeded.

It seems to me, as a person who is closely familiar with constellation topics, who has an IKSR diploma in family constellations, that this game can be a good start for introducing children or their parents to the concept of genealogy and family history. As noted by my colleagues - THIS IS NOT THERAPY. I emphasize this in particular.

It's just a board game!

But its subject matter is very closely related to the concepts that we operate with when working in constellations. For all the characters in the game strictly correspond to their time.
And during the game you involuntarily touch the history of our country over the past 100 years.

You can buy the game in our company store.
Delivery by courier in Moscow or by mail in Russia.