
What to read at 3-4 years old. What to read to a child at three years old? Suitable Age for Learning to Read


Good afternoon, dear mums and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers. How to teach a child to read at 3 years old and why is it needed? Is not it too early? Parents and specialists in child psychology and development have been divided into 2 camps for several decades.

The former argue that early development of toddlers and learning to read before the age of 5 is good and good for little boys and girls. The second say that childhood was created for unrestrained fun and heavy loads are not the place here. Both are right, but let's look at the situation from both sides.

Is it bad that the toddler will be able to read, count and perform some other completely natural activities before going to kindergarten or school? Of course not! And second, is it necessary to "deprive a child of childhood" in order to teach a child to read at the age of 3? After all, you can organize everything in a playful, accessible and fun way!

We already wrote about, there is experience, there are such kids!

So let's take a look at why teaching a young child to read and how to do it to keep everyone having fun and easy. Check out which ones will make your task very easy.

Everyone knows that with early age the brain develops very actively in children. A particularly important period is the age of up to three years. This does not mean that after the age of three the baby learns worse, but it means that you can use the most favorable period when the baby grasps everything literally on the fly.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits of early reading.

  1. Learning to read at an early age is a good foundation for all subsequent development. This is a contribution to the intellectual potential that will serve the little man in his entire subsequent life. Children who actively strained their brain during the period of its growth and development are distinguished by a flexible and lively mind in adulthood, and no one will take this away from them.
  2. Learning to read early is an opportunity to have a good time with your parents, is fun and rewarding.
  3. For a child, learning the alphabet and reading at an early age is a real discovery. Children are very curious and are happy to discover new facets of this world. Therefore, the learning process itself will bring the kid many interesting moments and satisfy the need for knowledge.
  4. Children who early learned to read and count grow more independent and self-confident, as they can occupy themselves. Confidence is achieved due to the fact that the toddler realizes its potential and succeeds in the learning process, without much effort.
  5. At an early age, kids remember better - as mentioned above, they grasp all the information on the fly, so learning to read is faster and easier.
  6. In addition, early reading develops the imagination, forming the right foundation for creativity, which will continue to develop at an active pace.

How to teach a child to read at 3 years old?

There are many methods for teaching early reading, but not all of them are universal, because you need to find an individual approach to each crumb. We will not consider any step-by-step instructions, but just give universal tips highlighted from the recommendations of psychologists and educators who know the features child development under the age of three.

So, consider 10 tips that will help you easily and without tears teach your child to read at 3 years old.

  1. Use the first half of the day - scientists have proven that during this period of time, children's minds are more open to new information. Plan a few simple activities in the morning, prepare everything in advance for this, and find the right materials.
  2. You should not force your daughter or son to do anything - if the baby is not interested in the activity, there is no point in carrying it out. The child simply will not concentrate on what is not interesting to him. Fortunately, parents today have everything to keep their toddler interested - there is a huge range of attractive educational materials on sale. There are a great many master classes on the Internet on how to do what you need to learn to read with your own hands. Use everything that is available to you, and you can interest the baby.
  3. Since children under the age of three receive most of the information through their hands, it is necessary to prepare appropriate materials. There are many options - these can be do-it-yourself soft letters from felt, purchased alphabet on magnets, fan-alphabet, cubes with pictures. You can read a detailed article about this.
  4. Use creativity in the learning process. Let the baby not only learn letters, but also create them with his own hands. For example, he draws with pencils and felt-tip pens, or using finger paints. You can take plasticine or make a soft, colored modeling dough and create learned numbers from these materials.
  5. Do not overload the kid - if you see that he is tired, distracted or naughty, stop the lesson and reschedule the training to the next day. Everything that is done should be done for pleasure - only in this way will success be guaranteed.
  6. Raise your child's interest in knowledge. The easiest way to do this is to keep teaching materials, books and everything that is used for classes out of the reach of an unintelligent person and only get it for the duration of the class. This will activate curiosity and interest. If the materials are always at hand with the child, it will be difficult to interest him during classes.
  7. How to teach a child to read at 3 years old? It is not at all necessary to learn the letters in the order in which they are presented in the alphabet. Instead, learn the letters from which you can make up simple and understandable words for your baby that he uses in his daily life. For example, having learned the letters "M" and "A" you will be able to compose and write the word "mother", and then consolidate this knowledge in everyday life. Leave for later those letters that the baby is not yet able to pronounce - "p", "l", or others.
  8. Reward your daughter or son for every smallest success - this will be an additional motivation for your daughter or son and can fuel his interest and thirst for knowledge. Praise for a baby is a driving force and a boost of energy. But, praise for real achievements, not just for the sake. The fool must understand in which situations he is successful, and in which he still needs to make efforts. Inappropriate praise builds unhealthy self-esteem and addiction in children.
  9. Learn short songs and rhymes about each letter to reinforce what you have learned. Children are very fond of memorizing and repeating rhymed works, and this additionally develops their memory.
  10. Use the available video materials so that, in their free time from learning, the child can consolidate his knowledge, while not straining his brain too much. Despite the fact that many conservative specialists oppose the use of video in the teaching process, its effectiveness cannot be denied. Considering the fact that the current generation of geeks lives in a completely different era, even in schools early development today this method of presenting information is used.

Let's make a conclusion

As you can see, early education does not always "deprive a child of childhood." Learning to read with your parents is much more fun than it might seem at first glance. In addition, early learning is a good investment in the future and will help him to maximize his mental and creative potential!

Happiness and good luck to everyone!

How do we choose books for 3-4 year olds?

At this age, we wanted to move from individual poems and plots to detailed stories with continuation, which can be read for many days in a row. Short stories, poems and little tales, of course, also continue to be very relevant. Many kids love repetitions and it's good if someone in the family is able to read the same thing over and over again. For example, this is difficult for me - as a rule, I prefer reading new books and watching new films over repetitions, especially since now there is a lot of interesting things. So we share this function in the family. I read "for growth" or something new, grandmother or dad, who generally do it less often, take what the child drags from the shelf - this, as a rule, has already been read. Here we decided to collect some of our favorite lists for different ages. This division is arbitrary, because children at 3-4 years old, as well as at 5-6 years old, and 7-9 years old are very different. They are distinguished by both attention and impressionability. Yes, and the presence of seniors or younger brothers and sisters - some 3-year-olds (like it or not) are forced to follow the elders. On the other hand, if it is not necessary, then it will not take it. And reading to kids should always be a joy and never a compulsion. But every reading family has a category of "favorite" in every age. It is just over her that we are interested in meditating. At the moment, we have just begun to form our list, it is replenishing, so come back here - it will be replenished.

Fairy tales. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

I am now unlikely to be understood by those who believe that books should be exclusively by age, it is necessary to start at 1.5-2 years old with Chukovsky, Marshak and Barto, and continue at 3-4 years old by Petson and Findus. And grow to Pushnik by middle school age. Late. But we have been reading a lot in recent years. Different, including excellent, for different ages. And I think that we should start reading Pushkin earlier. While all channels are open. It can be one and a half or two years, or it can be in the womb - it is important what the mother reads while she is pregnant. He is spiritualized. He's humorous. He always has more meanings than literally said. And poems are easier for children to perceive. Poems are older than prose. And fairy tales in verse are the most ancient verses. Children do not care, but we are pleased. I'm just kidding. Because they care. Our favorites: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his glorious and mighty hero, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Swan Princess" and "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes". Pushkin carries within himself more, carries the secret codes of language and culture. The illustrations to it are important, but I will not recommend them here. But for those who are lost, I will give one piece of advice. If you forgot how to understand Pushkin, watch Mikhail Kazinnik's videos about Pushkin, they are on YouTube. Kazinnik talks about "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", about "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda", for example. In an accessible form and with great humor, it reveals some of their implications. For example, how "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" tells about the enormous and incomprehensible love of an old man, because it is easy to love a beautiful, young and generous, but try to love a terrible, old and greedy one. And about the fact that priest and Balda are the most ingenious linguistic game that opposes the letter "O" to the letter "A". “Once upon a time there was a pop, a bored forehead. I went to the bazaar to SEE WHAT GOODS. Balda goes to meet him, not knowing where to go. " Knowing this, you read and see the opposition of sounds throughout the text. In general, you will find such meanings there that you will want to reread these tales and look for different interpretations of their symbolism. Another tip - Efremov's video "The Secret Code of Pushkin""about the poetry" Ruslan and Lyudmila. "With an older child (about 5 years old) I watch these videos together, and then we reread Pushkin. I want to get to the ability to see the fundamental symbols of our culture in the text and subtext and interpret them.

Vitaly Bianchi. Fairy tales. Stories

I am writing about Bianchi's fairy tales and stories and immediately understand how conditional the age ranges of this list are. It was interesting for me to read Bianki myself. And it will be quite adequate to re-read it a couple of times during the childhood of each of my children. His tales and stories are especially interesting in context: we have a lot of time and stories from the life of nature are beautifully inscribed in our world. An ant that fought off its own and is in a hurry. Sparrows looking for a place for their nest. A mouse that the children put on a leaf and sent to swim, but after that he got lost and searched for a home for a long, long time. The squirrel who defeated the fox. All this revives and spiritualizes the world around us. Our daughter had many, many questions at that time. She liked to ask not "why", like many other children, but "why". But this "why" was no easier. Why does the moon shine in the sky? Why does the wind blow so hard it makes a hurricane? Why do birds sing? I lacked knowledge of biology to answer all these questions correctly. Bianchi was very helpful. I went further and ordered at once a good edition of "Lesnaya Gazeta" - Bianca's stories, combined by month. But they turned out to be difficult and we saved them for a later age.

Encyclopedias and atlases about animals and the world around them

At the same time, we bought several encyclopedias and atlases: about wild and domestic animals, about fish and sea animals, insects and the microcosm, about man, the Earth as such. Later, to expand the surrounding world - Solar system, universe, stars. Even later (closer to 5 years) - about the history of civilizations and geographical discoveries (we just have to read them). A large children's map of the world with animals drawn on different continents was hung on the wall. And they began to go to the zoo more often. We have not read any of this in a row. The daughter either leafed through and looked at the pictures, and then chose some animal to guess and poked her finger at it. I do not cite here the authors and editions of these books - now there are a great many of them, everyone chooses to their liking. Our set is not perfect. It's hard to find a balance. The books are either primitively organized and too simple (disposable), or very difficult for a child, they are just right to prepare for college. I want the middle: to be cognitively difficult, but accessible. To have a system, categorization is desirable not by outward signs, but for the essential and important, even if this system is not yet clear to the child, he will feel it. According to the simplified altlas, it becomes too boring to study with a child after the first reading, the child loses interest in too complex ones. But I remember my childhood. There weren't a lot of books then. For example, there was an encyclopedia in general, and I was fascinated looking at a colored insert with mushrooms, trying to learn what is edible and what is poisonous. I looked at it many times during my childhood. Therefore, I decided: let something be difficult, let it be in abundance, let it be on the shelf. But when there is interest, we will take the atlas off the shelf and look at animals, stars, human, plant or fish subsystems together. So sometimes we look, the child has a lot of interest in something. Whether it is possible to intensify and regulate this interest with the help of books - who knows. Some children are more interested in nature, some in technology. These encyclopedias and atlases on their shelves are devoted to technology (trains, airplanes, cars, airports, buildings or other interiors of the artificial world). It seems to me that at this age a child can pick up almost everything and we ourselves direct him with unpretentious encouragement and our own interest. So this reading and lookout set can be very diverse.

Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything. Alan Alexander Milne

This book was once presented to me for my birthday by a friend-classmate, when we studied at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, with the words that the Owl is an intelligent bird, she even knows how to write "Tuesday" so that everyone would understand that this is not "Saturday." He considered this book a brilliant gallery of human characters and a brilliant model of conflict management. And he quoted to the point (and out of place) various situations from the life of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. Then, of course, I read it with pleasure. And she even called her cocker spaniel Tiger, because she adored this particular hero of this whole story. Since then, the book has stood on my shelf among other (psychological) books and waited in the wings. And she waited. Now she lives in our country house and we reread her every summer. My daughter really likes her, so I personally read it to her at the age of three and at four. But from time to time I caught someone from the family (dad or grandmother) on the fact that they also read her daughter exactly. It's not that we didn't have enough children's books at our dacha - there are more than enough of them. It's just that either the daughter herself is dragging this book from the shelf, or the adults want to read it, and the daughter does not argue. Sometimes two adults read stories to her from different places in this book in parallel. Of course, for many of us " Winnie the Pooh"- this is primarily a cartoon in Leonov's voice acting. And this is also true. But we still started with a book, and watched the cartoon later. The images of Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Donkey and Owl from the Soviet cartoon are absolutely wonderful and easily replace the images of other illustrators, even if you see them later.But the stories of the book are more detailed and varied, so the text perfectly expands the cartoon.In the end, this is a book about growing up - Christopher Robin goes to school and grows up, and his beloved bear remains a child forever.

Dad, mom, grandmother, eight kids and a truck (to be continued). Anne-Katrina Westly

Great book. A 4-year-old child can understand it, but if you did not read it at 4, you can safely read it at 5 or 6, or even later. When we read it, it was with great pleasure that we quoted to all our families - both dad and grandmother - we wanted to recommend it for independent reading, even to adults. With this book, I have enjoyed seeing my daughter spontaneously learn to retell. Because the stories are humorous and you want to retell them at dinner as anecdotes. They are 100% kind and correct. In a simple form, a story about a large family presents mom and dad as they should be. Alive and kind. This book is psychotherapeutic for parents of a family where there are at least two kids. Because in it, dad is dad, mom is mom, children are children, and grandmother is grandmother. Everything is in its place and do not think that it is simple: to act "correctly" in everyday life, to build an interconnected system and hierarchy in the family, where everyone is loved and everyone has their place. In the family, something is constantly happening and the reaction of the parents to this is adequate. For example, two middle sisters lose a baby in the forest. The whole family carefully searches for him and finds him. Question: "Have the sisters been allowed to watch the baby after that?" Answer: "Yes, they did, because after that they looked after him more carefully than everyone else." The stories are not trivial, whether it's about a kid dismantled alarm clock, a stolen and returned truck, a seaside vacation, buying a cuckoo clock, or organizing children's party... These are stories with fantasy, after which the soul is lighter and there is a desire to read something else from this Norwegian writer. And yet, if you like this family, then Anna-Katrina Westly has many sequels about her: "Dad, Mom, Grandmother and Eight Children in the Woods", "Anton's Little Gift", "Dad, Mom, Grandmother and Eight Children in Denmark "," Morten, Grandma and the Whirlwind "- we managed to find these and other sequels in the public domain on the Internet, so we did not stop at the main book of the series. The sequels are great too.

Mechanical Santa Claus (and other stories about Petson and Findus). Sven Nordqvist

I think Sven Nordqvist is an excellent illustrator and an average writer, the stories are pretty, but not inspired by God. For me personally, these stories are boring, although my daughter likes them. She especially laughs at the antics of the kitten, which personifies a child in them (old Petson personifies an adult). These stories are very popular with many of our friends and in general they are quite popular. But the price of books bites (they are usually collected in series, because children are drawn into it), so it is preferable to "inherit them", because the child will grow out of them rather quickly. V in electronic format we found only "Mechanical Santa Claus", although we searched superficially so far. What is wonderful about these books is the detailed pictures that the child looks at with great pleasure. Each chicken on them is drawn with humor, not to mention the house and the main characters.

Fairy tales. Rudyard Kipling

I am placing Nordqvist next to Kipling on purpose. This is a story about different scales, the shallow river water is difficult to compare with the Mariana Trench, although nature needs both. There are books for 3-4 years, the potential of which is 3-4 years, well, a maximum of 5 or 6. It is fashionable now to collect for children an expensive series of books, like Petson and Findus: on "Ozone" you will find dozens of reviews on them. And then there is Kipling, whose fairy tales can be downloaded in any free library (although we personally found and bought a book with good pictures). And when you read his fairy tales, which the average child at 3.5 years old will understand, you understand that you can reread and listen to them. Compare translations, although we like the common Chukovsky-Marshak translation. Compare illustrations, we like many. When I read "The cat that walked by itself" (in some versions of "The cat that walked by itself"), I physically felt aesthetic pleasure. Well translated Kipling lets you enjoy the style. His stories are parables. Adult stories hurt and touch to the core, leaving a mark for half your life. Children's stories create the feeling of a song. Of course, to varying degrees, eating is easier - eating is more difficult. But there is Mowgli and The Jungle Book, there is Rikki Tikki Tavi. Like the swell of the ocean that turns into big waves. This is poetry, even if it is in prose. And this is life itself.

Aloshka. Georgy Ball, Galina Demykina

A good book about overcoming children's fears. A boy lives with his mother, aunt Vera and grandmother. And his dad is far away - he works in distant Ladoga. And since mom is always at work, and grandmother often goes to the grocery store, the boy is often left alone with the angry and strict aunt Vera. Women personify key subpersonalities: the grandmother is good and kind, she understands everything and is always on the side of the boy, she is a sorceress, but weak. Aunt Vera is angry, unhappy, always dissatisfied, strong. She is against noise, play, joy, actually against childhood. She scares the boy with a wolf and a bear and has "hearing glasses" so she hears everything that happens in the house. That which in psychoanalysis is called "Super Ego". Mom is good, but also weak, influenced and often not. Dad is strong, kind and beloved, he is a protector, but he is almost never there. In this world you have to grow. And the child copes: he has Aloshka, a little man who lives on the phone. Alloshka is a real child's unconscious. He plays, makes noise, is not afraid of anything, runs alone on the street and carries out the orders of everyone and everything. He switches easily and fixes everything. To neutralize Aunt Vera, he playfully arranges her personal life: he agrees to retire Ivan Ivanovich, a good fellow from the third floor. In the presentation here, all this household magic seems completely impenetrable. But this is not the case. The book is therapeutic, it just helps a lonely child to "grow" through all this, to keep the game and joy in a world where adults are too old. And, of course, wait for dad.

Astrid Lindgren. Lotta from Gorlastaya street. Children from Gorlasta Street

3-4 years is a good time to start reading Lindgren. In my childhood I had only read to the holes "Kid and Carlson". With my daughter, for many reasons, I prefer to start with other books, let "Karlson" be read by herself, when he grows up, he will not go anywhere from her. For example, there are great stories about Lotta. Another name is "Children from Buzoterov Street". These are stories about the relationship of brother to sisters. A series of books about a family with three children, of which Lotta is the youngest. In different stories she is from 3 to 5 years old. At first, the two elders troll her in every possible way, but she remains exceptionally resistant to this. Then she grows up and surprises everyone. He leaves to live with a neighbor, because he cannot say “sorry” to my mother for cutting the hated prickly sweater into pieces, for example. Written with humor, I laughed to tears. Of all the books of Lindgren Lott, I am closer to others - less pranks, more deep humor, understandable to adults. The book is psychotherapeutic for parents: about forgiveness and the preservation of dignity, about a strong character, about accepting children's imaginations. When the kids play in the prison and the supplies are lowered through the roof to the bridle-Lotte, I relaxed at the expense of some strange games with my little ones.

Russian folk tales. Fairy tales of small peoples. Fairy tales of the peoples of the world

We started to read folk tales with simple tales about animals and everyday tales. We attribute fairy tales to a slightly later age - 5-6 years. With some exceptions, after all, Pushkin's fairy tales are just magical, but we started reading them early because of the language and in the cultural archetypes transmitted by these fairy tales, so that we could "write in the subcortex." Yes and fairy tales like "Morozko", with a plot reflecting the period of the first female initiation, we also read and staged early. Russian folk tales are, of course, one of the most read and beloved. The first fairy tales like "Masha and the Bear", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip", "Winter Animals" we read long before the age of 3, although we continued to reread at this age, at the same age we watched them in puppetry theaters. It's just that 3-4 years is the age when these tales can and should be played out in the game. Therefore, we acquired a home kit of animals for the main characters of Russian folk tales - a hare, a wolf, a fox, a rooster, a dog, a bear, a hedgehog, a squirrel, a mouse, a frog, a horse, a cow and some others - a kind of prototypes of national characters hidden in them. And, of course, toy family members (woman, man, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter) and the attributes of their world (tree, house, stove) to play in home theater their main plots. Another direction for the expansion of Russian fairy tales in 3-4 years has become for us the fairy tales of small peoples. It was very interesting for me to observe how the stories of fairy tales with different attributes are repeated, turning, for example, in the case of the peoples of the north, into seals, walruses, sockeye salmon, deer and the like. Of course, we selected books based on illustrations, because at this age the child loves to look at pictures and they largely shape the world of his imagination. We liked, for example, the illustrator Nikolai Kochergin, in his version we selected several series of books of fairy tales for our home library.


  1. Pavlova Elena Love for reading for life.
  2. Elena Pavlova. What to read to a child 5-6 years old? Our list of favorite books to read together
  3. Elena Pavlova. What to read to a child at the age of 7-10? List of piggy bank books for shared reading.

Individual consultations

Children can read the book dozens of times in a row, and they will listen to it with pleasure. But even the most beloved of them sometimes just get bored. And then the parents ask themselves the question: "What books should children 3-4 years old read?" Of course, all babies are different. Some of them like books about animals more, others already at this age are happy to get acquainted with children's encyclopedias. There are also kids who prefer to just look at pictures. However, there is a list of books for children 3-4 years old, which contains works loved by everyone, without any exception.

How do kids perceive reading?

What will be the list of books for children 3-4 years old depends on the following:

How often does the baby spend time with mom and dad;
- how useful are joint activities with parents for the child;
- how much mothers and fathers were able to instill in their child a love of reading and books.

The situations in this case are very different. The degree of readiness of the baby for reading together can also be different. It is important for parents not to draw analogies between their children and other children. After all, for example, a neighbor's boy of the same age can already listen to "Buratino" with pleasure, and their child may not even be interested in "The Turnip". It is always worth remembering that the pace of development in children is different, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, this does not mean at all that moms and dads should just wait until their child himself wants to listen to books. It is necessary to deal with the baby, starting with funny fairy tales and short poems... The main goal in this case should not be to impose a certain amount of works. The child needs to instill an interest in reading.

Does the kid need books?

Today, in the age of rapid development of technology, many parents ask themselves the question: "Why should a child read?" Of course, in almost every modern family there is a TV set and a computer that "give out" educational programs. However, all this simply cannot be compared to a book read by a parent.

And there are several reasons for this:

1. Educational... When reading a book, parents focus the baby's attention on those moments that are important for the upbringing of their child.

2.Communication with loved ones. During the reading, the formation of the attitude of the little person to the surrounding world takes place. In addition, at the same time, he learns to communicate with other people.

3. The formation of the emotional sphere. In the process of reading, the baby has a certain reaction to the intonations that appear in the parent's voice. It helps to build a sense of empathy and nobility in the child. He begins to perceive the world at a higher sensory level.

4. Development of literate speech, imagination, as well as broadening one's horizons.

What list of books can be made for children 3-4 years old? Experts say that every child is different. That is why all children perceive books differently. However, psychologists give parents a few useful tips to make reading together more productive and enjoyable:

1. When reading books, it is important to pay special attention to gestures, facial expressions and intonations. Indeed, at this age, children do not so much need the stories written by the authors as the experiences and actions of the characters. At the same time, kids learn to respond correctly to emerging life situations.

2. Clearly highlight positive and negative characters in the tale, as well as the good and bad deeds they do. Children of this age divide the whole world into black and white. Reading fairy tales by parents will allow the kid to learn how to behave correctly and understand life.

3. Poems are an important element of the developmental process. They contribute to the formation of speech and the expansion of the vocabulary of children.

How can a list of books be made for children 3-4 years old? Parents should keep in mind that not all the literature on the store shelves will suit the baby. When choosing a book, it is worth paying attention to whether it carries a moral load and whether it has an instructive subtext. But it is best to opt for works that have already been tested over the years and are remarkably proven. Consider the rating of books for children 3-4 years old, it will include the following:

    "Once upon a time, there were…".

    "7 best fairy tales for kids" by K. Chukovsky.

    "A kitten named Woof and other fairy tales", M. Plyatskovsky, G. Oster.

    "Alenushka's Tales" by D. Mamin-Sibiryak and some other works.

"Once upon a time ..." - a collection of Russian folk tales

The list in which they are for children 3-4 years old begins with him. This is a colorful wonderful book that children will surely like. The collection, in addition to the fifteen folk tales most beloved by children, includes nursery rhymes and folk riddles, tongue twisters and songs.

Thanks to reading this book, the child learns the world around him faster. The relationship between the fairytale heroes of Russian folklore helps him in this. At the same time, the baby's world becomes more colorful and understandable, fairer and kinder.

"Fairy Tales for Kids" by V. Bianchi

Very often the best books for children 3-4 years old are those that talk about animals. That is why many kids like the tales and stories of V. Bianchi. They are not only interesting, but also very informative. When reading this book, the child receives a lot interesting information about animals and about nature. He begins to name lake, field and forest dwellers by name. In addition, the fairy tales written by Bianchi teach kids to be kind, as well as to be friends and come to the rescue in difficult situation... After listening to them, kids begin to be more attentive and careful with animals and plants.

Book of fairy tales by the author V. Suteev

It is hardly possible to find such a person who would not be familiar with this unique collection. The entire volume of the book is divided into 3 sections:

1. V. Suteev as an artist and author. This includes his fairy tales and fairy tales-pictures, written and illustrated by him.
2. According to the scripts written by V. Suteev.
3. Illustrations by V. Suteev to the tales of M. Plyatskovsky, K. Chukovsky and I. Kipnis.

Those who set as their goal to purchase books for the development of children 3-4 years old should certainly include the works of Vladimir Suteev in the list of literature. His stories are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. They are funny, bright and at the same time very instructive. The fairy tales of this real children's wizard are written in an accessible and simple language. Even toddlers understand the moral inherent in the works.

"7 best fairy tales for kids" by K. Chukovsky

The name of the author alone speaks volumes. Indeed, many of his books are very suitable for reading to children 3-4 years old. This edition contains the most famous fairy tales written by the author, whose works have been read to more than one younger generation. The book has a large format. It is colorful and well-designed. It contains entertaining and vivid illustrations. Little readers will definitely like Korney Chukovsky's book.

"A kitten named Woof and other fairy tales", M. Plyatskovsky, G. Oster

What books for children 3-4 years old will be especially interesting for them? Those whose main characters are the heroes of their favorite cartoons. For example, a kitten called Woof. Many kids love this cartoon and will be happy to hear about it.

The book combines tales of two authors at once. The first of them is about a little kitten called Woof, written by G. Oster. The second tale is by M. Plyatskovsky with illustrations by V. Suteev. The drawings in the book do not look like those created in the cartoon. However, children love a selection of these tales.

"Alenushka's Tales" by D. Mamin-Sibiryak

This book for the little ones will not only be interesting, but also instructive for the little ones. In the fairy-tale stories of D. Mamin-Sibiryak, toys, animals and plants come to life and begin to merrily communicate with each other. Children like such funny characters as Ruff Ershovich, Shaggy Misha, Komar Komarovich, Sparrow Vorobeich and many others.

These fantastic heroes take the kids to their wonderful world, while teaching them such good human qualities as justice and hard work, friendly relations and virtue. In addition, the characters in "Alenushka's Tales" help children to get information about nature, as well as to observe the events taking place in life.

"The locomotive from Romashkovo", G. Tsyferov

This tale belongs to the classics of children's literature. In it, the guys get to know the little steam locomotive, which carried its passengers to the Romashkovo station. He was unusual, as he was always and everywhere late, every time giving the boss a word that it was the last time. On the way between the stations, the locomotive could stop to admire the foal, listen to the singing of a nightingale, enjoy the smell of the grove, or watch the sunset. Passengers, at first indignant at the delay on the way, also began to admire nature. As a result, the locomotive brought them to Romashkovo 3 days later. But no one scolded him. Adult uncles and aunts thanked for the trip. At the same time, they said that if it were not for the Engine, then it would be possible to be late for the whole spring, summer, and even for life.

The author shows with his tale that many people are constantly in a hurry. They run to work and home after it, not paying any attention to the beauty that surrounds them. Toddlers begin to understand that they need to enjoy life, in which you can find a lot of good things, even in bad weather.

In addition to this tale, other works of the writer can be found in the book. These are short but very kind stories that contain many instructive moments. Listening to them can give kids some thought, and will also help in mastering such a still unfamiliar, but interesting world for them.

The fairy tales included in this well-designed and colorful book will teach children to be kind and also to believe that they themselves can work miracles. Kids begin to understand what to think before doing anything, make friends and have a good rest.

The letters in this book are large and the stories are short. That is why "The Little Engine from Romashkovo" is useful for a child for independent reading.

"School of the Seven Dwarfs"

Parents strive to purchase educational books for children 3-4 years old. Their need for kids has been confirmed by many teachers. They believe that it is necessary to deal with children from a very early age, which will contribute to their development. That is why various educational toys and, of course, books are very popular today. On store shelves, parents can find a lot of literature in this direction. However, it is not so easy to find good educational books for children 3-4 years old.

The series of textbooks "The Seven Dwarfs" is very popular with parents and teachers. It consists of 7 sets, each of which is intended for one year of a preschooler's life. When developing the series, modern educational standards were taken into account, which allows children to receive comprehensive knowledge appropriate to their age. The manual contains many color illustrations, inserts with stickers and cards, assignments for toddlers, as well as recommendations for adults.

The books "School of the Seven Dwarfs" for children of three and four years old are devoted to different topics... But at the same time, each of them is aimed at developing a certain skill and ability, as well as the personal quality of the child. The study of the material presented in the manual allows preschoolers to increase their vocabulary, reveal the creative potential of the individual and get to know the world around them better.

"Wonderful Stickers"

This whole series of books, published by the "Mosaic Synthesis" publishing house, helps a child of three and four years old to carry out tasks in a playful way. After all, it can be very difficult for young children to answer the questions posed in the way it is customary at school.

Wonderful Stickers are great educational books for kids 3-4 years old. They contain funny illustrations, which come with reusable stickers. Decorating the proposed drawings becomes not only interesting, but also useful for the kid. The child gets to know the letters and learns to read. In addition, his imagination develops, fine motor skills fingers, as well as coordination of movements. These books help the kid to quickly learn about the world around him, have a positive effect on intellectual and speech development, teach him how to find solutions and make them.

"Primer" by N. S. Zhukova

This is another educational book that deserves the attention of parents and educators. After all, adults understand that the time is not far off when the baby grows up and goes to school. Already at the age of three or four, he needs to gradually begin to prepare for such an important stage in his life. And this will help "Primer", written by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, speech therapist with more than thirty years of experience, Nadezhda Sergeevna Zhukova.

This is a well-known and popular textbook, familiar to several generations of children. When writing it, the author perfectly combined her methodology with measures to prevent the occurrence of writing errors in children.
The book does not contain moments of the game. In it, nothing distracts the attention of children from classes. The manual is designed not only for the study of letters, but also for the quick teaching of preschool children to read. At the bottom of the pages for parents and educators, guidelines are given to make the lesson more effective.

Yulsen, 24.02.05 22:26

Girls, what do you read to children at this age?
I haven't bought anything for a long time ... And for some reason it seems to me that we have everything and is still relevant - Marshak, Chukovsky, Usachev, Barto (I like her, no matter what), Tokmakova, Uspensky, Mikhalkov, Mayakovsky. Russian and foreign fairy tales ... In the sense that such books as Dunno for 3 years is still too early ... Or not? ...

What else can you advise.

Catherine, 24.02.05 23:02

Julia, since we were three years old Vika read for the night - The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio "(A. Tolstoy), Winnie the Pooh, everything, everything, everything (A. Milne, B. Zakhoder), Mowgli (R. Kipling), Kid and Carlson (A. Lindgren), fairy tales and stories of Suteev ... well, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, of course.
read in small portions - she liked it like (something more, something less)
..but she still hasn't read Dunno - she needs to make up for lost time

You can give any books to try - and it will be clear whether they are interesting to her or else let them wait ... children are different for everyone, and they have different tastes

Yulsen, 25.02.05 01:03

Yes, Katya, I forgot to mention Suteev, I also read him to Liza, she loves ... I'll have to try Carlson, Pinocchio and Winnie the Pooh ...

Murochka, 25.02.05 09:44

Julia, Winnie the Pooh is our favorite knuckle from 2 years old, oh, you haven't read it yet. You can buy different ones, the simplest ones are a retelling of our cartoons (2 stories about honey and a rabbit hole), a full version, a translation of the entire Milnovskaya book, there are more words and stories. Recently, a good series of Disney books came out, the publishing house, unfortunately, I don’t remember, there for our age you can see Winnie the Pooh and "Tales for the little ones", sort of like a retelling of stories, but not sloppy written. Look, you can find such.
Not long ago we bought a book about a mole, maybe you remember this cartoon was without words, now we read it right out, big pictures, there seems to be little text, but not two sentences. In this series, there is also the admonition of Rex and Lelik, Bolik, I want to buy them now.
We also have a favorite book about rules. road traffic... She is in verse, the child is already all about sidewalks, pedestrians, etc. learned.

I won't say more offhand, I often buy new books, because my child has such a trait that we read for a while, then we get bored with it and we never return to these books.

Leila, 25.02.05 21:53

I read to Ruslana all the same that Catherine we still love Chukovsky, Marshak, Blaginin, Uspensky. Recently, before going to bed, we have been reading the Tales of the Nations of the World. And today Ruslan brought Blok's poems, I tell him, you are not interested in listening to this, he really wanted me to read this particular volume to him and we still read a few poems

Yulsen, 25.02.05 23:18

Murochka, well, they did not read it, because I myself read it at school age for the first time, like Buratino Tolstoy, and Nosov's books. Although I understand, everything has shifted right now, and you can safely start reading this very Winnie the Pooh right now. I want to go to the bookstore tomorrow, buy her something ... I honestly don't like Disney fairy tales, I won't read them to her. She wants to, then she herself can read on someone's thread, but I really don't like all this ... Tales of Andersen, Perrault, etc. adapted for children. we have, all this is a passed stage, and to be honest, I regret that I read them to her ... It would be better if I read them in the original version ...
I tried to read Pushkina about six months ago, it didn't work. In addition to the entry of the famous "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (Green oak near the sea), the child did not perceive anything.

Darling, 25.02.05 23:32

When we came to visit my grandmother - she read Yaska "The Adventures of Buratino" in full version from a book without pictures. Two chapters before bed are five pages of bare text. And every time the child asked to read a "torn book". He was two and a half then.

And now he "got sick" with pirates, so I'm seriously thinking in the same mode to read Stevenson's "Treasure Island" to him .... Well, if he doesn't understand something, I'll explain ...

Nelumbo nelumbo, 28.02.05 02:32

When I was 4 years old, they read "Robinson Crusoe" - not because I was engaged in "early development", but just like that. I liked it. Any classics for youth can be started to "feed" a child from infancy - then he will reread it if he wants. You can also read Darella, Bianki, Prishvina, Tolstoy - read short stories or even choose excerpts from large works yourself.

Among the children's books "our dad" found an anthology of sorted (morning-afternoon-evening; spring-summer-autumn) excerpts from all sorts of classics with descriptions of the weather, landscapes - a guide for schoolchildren to write sleeping pills about the seasons and so on. I have always skipped these descriptions in books. And then the child wanted me to read to her. It turned out that she liked it, she asked for more. Perhaps because I tried to read such "boring texts" as expressively as possible, "howl with the blizzard" - that's what the child liked.

cherishing, 03.03.05 01:19

Suteev and "The Big Book of Songs for Children" - the hit of the season
Also "The Snow Queen", "Do Not Know", Pushkin

MarinaS, 03.03.05 06:26

And now he "got sick" with pirates, so I'm seriously thinking in the same mode to read Stevenson's "Treasure Island" to him .... Well, if he doesn't understand something, I'll explain ...

There is no worse - to explain

it is better to read without interruption and hope that there is something useful in the resulting vinaigrette, and translating into "understandable language" is terribly tedious

Nelumbo nelumbo, 03.03.05 07:41

MarinaS Without explaining, you run the risk of getting complete nonsense in the bright future too. I do not know in what languages ​​you read to your child, but in your (and our) multilingual environment, you need to delve into every word. If the child builds logical connections incorrectly, errors in grammar will join this (there will be cases when you cannot say for sure where the grammar of the native or aboriginal language resists, and where the child's logic is broken), and errors at the vocabulary level (all the nuances , when which of the synonyms is used) - then there will be delirium.
If you are ready to climb up the wall from questions, ask your husband or someone from the household and friends to answer children's questions so that the child has a clear idea of ​​the subject, and you do not spoil your nerves and do not look like a "mother who does not understand the child."

Katya K, 03.03.05 07:57

Our Sasha is 3.5, she adores the Wizard of the Emerald City (Wolves), and all of his following books from this series: Urfin Deuce and his wooden soldiers, the Fire God of the Marranos, Seven Underground Kings, etc. First we watched all these cartoons , watched for about 3 months, starting from about 2.5 years old, then started reading books, she likes it so much that it was with the help of these books that Sasha learned to read, however, these books themselves are in our gift editions, and there fairly large print.
We also read many other books - The Snow Queen, Winnie the Pooh, Pinocchio, Carlson, we love them, but our main love is Ellie, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and other heroes.

Solange, 03.03.05 10:02

Our Sasha is 3.5, she adores the Wizard of the Emerald City (Wolves),
Wow! I remember Volkova's primary school read.

Lenka22, 03.03.05 12:16

There is a good site with a whole section for kids, where all the books are divided by topic and by age. I always find something there ...
I advise those who are too lazy to run around libraries!

MarinaS, 03.03.05 15:43

it’s not a misunderstanding of words, but a misunderstanding of situations in outdated psychology - to explain "about pirates" I had to take a whole series of books from the library, but I teach children a slightly different behavior, then ..., well, words, of course, long descriptions and philosophizing - that's all they advise Winnie the Pooh, and I myself fall asleep over him

Darling, 03.03.05 18:44

no worse - explain
I also have a habit - to ask the child, what did he understand - in the end it turns out that he did not understand anything, a discussion ensues filled with "deep meaning", or rather complete nonsense
it is better to read without interruption and hope that there is something useful in the resulting vinaigrette, and translating into "understandable language" is terribly tedious

This is a strange kind of approach ... I don't have to ask the child to understand what exactly he understood and what did not ... we just clarify the details along the way and that's it.

Well, Winnie the Pooh - some fall asleep, while others love from childhood .... so what?
We have a very beautiful book about Winnie the Pooh, it's even great to watch it ... and there are rhymes there

Nelumbo nelumbo, 03.03.05 21:39

It’s not a misunderstanding of words, but a misunderstanding of situations in obsolete psychology. To explain "about pirates" I had to take a whole series of books from the library, but I teach children a slightly different behavior
The fact that you borrow books from the library is great, not all parents do it! (I love the libraries here so much!) But it’s too much to think that Stevenson will teach children about antisocial behavior.
Recently I took a book in the library with a title like Ten Tips for Effective Families - let's leave the idea of ​​"effective families" alone - I am quoting only a survey of high school teachers in the 1950s and 1990s: "What do you think is the main problem in the ward classes?" In 50, it was: petty theft, cheating, bickering with teachers, chatting in class. 1990: firearms, rape, teenage pregnancy ... This is exactly the generation that grows up in an era of political correctness, instructive classroom conversations and unobtrusive attention social workers... I AM not I want to say that by abandoning the topic of pirates in literature, we got an explosion of crime among young people. These things are not related to each other. It is simply naive to believe that children, when they become adolescents, for the sake of the notorious "socialization", will not watch and read what their peers from less "picky" families read, and will not fall under the influence of sloppy films about gangsters and prostitutes, who There are plenty of films in the West. One might think that from the mass media, children do not learn about wars, terrorist attacks, maniacs? Isn't it better to "get sick" with pirates at a tender age, when the parents (the main authority) can explain everything, give their moral assessment?

MarinaS, 03.03.05 22:23

The fact that you borrow books from the library is great, not all parents do it! (I love the libraries here so much!) But it’s too much to think that Stevenson will teach children about antisocial behavior.

This is not the point - the children simply do not understand what it is about.
I don’t know how to explain this to you - the only thing that comes to mind, but it’s probably hard to imagine: suppose you have lived in Japan all your life and they tell you about how people live in Russia - I assure you, you will not understand the meaning yet will not "visit"

In addition, we are not talking about teenagers here, but about three-five-year-olds - will you read them about teenage pregnancy and drugs? although I sincerely admit the fact that my children do not watch the news - not because I somehow deliberately limit them - I myself do not watch

LIK, 04.03.05 15:07

Nelumbo nelumbo, 05.03.05 06:29

Besides, we are not talking about teenagers here, but about three-five-year-olds - will you read them about teenage pregnancy and drugs?
Maybe I am writing incomprehensibly, but where do such conclusions come from ?! I’m just saying: okay, we will abandon classical works that describe things that are unacceptable from the point of view of modernity - and that, from this, children will become more humane and obedient when they grow up? Yes, they won't. Evil will leave literature - it will not leave life. On the contrary, it will be reborn even more ugly.
I will not read to my daughter about teenage pregnancy and drugs at 4 years old - I read and translate her book Made with Love, because she had already picked up in the garden and announced to me that a stuffed penguin toy is, literally, "my baby, was born from a pussy"... A year and a half ago, in Europe, they stumbled upon a drug injecting right on the embankment of one of the famous rivers - they walked there, simply not knowing that "decent people" do not walk along this embankment. She also took out syringes from our post-Soviet sandboxes with wild eyes, the little one saw it and probably remembered it. So the first bells have already rang out in our cozy world of plush hares. Nobody asked me if I wanted this. Nobody wants that. If I still forget about the classics in the general cesspool, then what kind of beggar will my child grow up to be ?! I don't even like zoos, and I even consider hunting as a mockery of nature - so I don’t read to my child all those works where hunting is mentioned: Tolstoy, Dufo, Prishvin?
In general, of course, I can hardly imagine that such small children can listen to such books and even with interest.
Maybe we turned it down very "cleverly", but I, as I stuff "crazy", and do not hesitate to take books for younger age, if they like small ones, or I notice that she does not know how to express some things correctly - they took a series about smell-touch, Tana Hoban's album about geometric shapes, etc. If I don't do this, then there is very little chance that someone else will give my daughter all these books - both simple and complex.

Lenusik, 14.04.05 06:33

Maybe we turned it over very "abstrusely", but as I stuff it "cleverly", I am not ashamed to take books for a younger age, if they like small ones

Another thing is that Max himself is no longer very fond of many "small" things. For example, Suteev was very fond of in his time, and now he literally knows him by heart. Word by word. The same story with Marshak and Chukovsky, as well as Russian folk tales (except for large ones, such as the frog princess). In general, I began to feel very evenly about poetry.

Lenusik, 19.04.05 06:40

Grandma bought a book by Vasily Livanov "Santa Claus and Summer". There are many other stories. Max loved it. But not all. It's just a hit about Santa Claus.
And I have a question: is this the same Lebanon that Sherlock Holmes? The picture is very similar. But I didn’t know that he is also a children's writer.

Darling, 19.04.05 10:15

In fact, he wrote the script for "The Bremen Town Musicians", and for other cartoons too ... So apparently he is the most ...

Irina, 19.04.05 15:06

good fairy tales and stories for children by L. Tolstoy.
Oster also: "He got caught, who bit", "He got caught", "A garland of babies", "How the Gosling got lost"

Irina, 02.05.05 08:44

Irina, 16.05.05 18:45

I am glad that I bought "Buratino" with magnificent illustrations by Leonid Vladimirsky Ast-Astrel Publishing House. Also "Gnome Gnome and Raisin" by Agnet Balint

Irina, 16.05.05 18:47

and also "Miracles in the Garden" by Margarita Straste. The child likes it. Ruzhena, thank you

Lenusik, 16.05.05 20:02

"About the little pig Plyukha" I. Rumyantsev, I. Ballod. We have been reading quite successfully since last year.

Daisy, 19.05.05 19:11

My plans for the purchase of books (what his son was interested in in filmstrips or short retellings):
1. Little Baba Yaga.

Absolutely at random I bought a collection of NePomnyuKogo, a German storyteller, there are 3 collections of fairy tales: About Little Baba Yaga, about Little Ghost and about Little Goblin, or something, I don’t remember exactly, they haven’t reached it yet.
Wonderful fairy tales! Arishka really likes it!
Another of the latest hits - About Pencil and Samodelkin. Nothing extra, just for this age.
In Nosov's work, you can also selectively read for 3-4-year-olds, for example, "Cucumbers", "Patch" - very instructive!
But the "Business of Crocodile Genes", about which they wrote above ... sad. Dad bought us a thick collection "About Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka", so we got to half, everything was fine, and then this very business started - bullshit.

Lenusik, 19.05.05 23:56

Daisy, thanks for the advice. And then I was looking at a book about a pencil and a homemade product, but I did not dare. We have accumulated a lot of unnecessary things.
But Nosov Why selectively? All his stories are so interesting and instructive. Our first, somewhere around 2.4, was dreamers. He listened with his mouth open. Well, here is my mother's merit. I played everything colorfully in the roles.

Daisy, 20.05.05 15:44

Lenusik, some of Nosov's stories are still difficult for a 3-year-old to understand. Although, of course, children are different. I myself feel what things will go with Arishka, and what she will not quite understand yet.
If there is a bunch of other literature just for this age, then I save part of Nosov for later.

Lenusik, 20.05.05 17:42

Well, yes, there is a bunch of literature, but somehow Nosov is in our favor: now we read Dunno and his friends. That's why I recommend it. But the truth is yours: all children are different. And we also adore a series of stories about Misha and Kolya: Mishka's porridge, Bengal lights, Druzhok, Telephone (this is generally our favorite), etc.
And so, despite the huge number of books in general, and in our country in particular, the question "What to read" still often arises.

Darling, 20.05.05 17:58

Since the section is still "from 3 to 7" - girls, tell me, but the myths Ancient Greece How old would you be to read? With mom's comments and explanations, of course, maybe even in parallel with watching Soviet cartoons ...

And then I have such a tempting little book, my hands are stretching out, but it seems to me that for ours now it is too magical, with all sorts of miracles, their transformations, and the plots of the florid ...

Lenusik, 21.05.05 11:42

Darling, I'm a mummy wrong (in the sense that I don't follow the rules very much), so my advice may not come in handy.
I always focus on Max. If he likes - we read, no - then no. At one time he was very carried away by all kinds of evil spirits: Baba Yaga did not leave her tongue. His grandmother gave him a book about mythological heroes. Something like an encyclopedia, where all the mythological heroes of the world are told. Well, everyone is drawn. I adapted the text for him at the very least. He looked at this outrage for several days and forgot safely. I also thought about the myths of Ancient Greece, but since I do not have such a book, so far only plans for the future. But you can still try.

Daisy, 21.05.05 20:15

Nelumbo nelumbo, 21.05.05 21:07

At the age of four, my father read (adapting, as I understand it) that episode from "The Odyssey" when Odysseus sailed past the sirens,
he covered his companions with wax, and ordered himself to be tied to the mast, and
Do not plug your ears in order to sit in a chair - that is, sorry, and siren
listen, and do not dip into oblivion with them.And also that episode when
Circe turned them into pigs - and morale added there, like he is
knows how to artistically do what, they say, do not drink figs it is not clear what
it is not clear with whom. The Odyssey was a pre-war edition, from his own
childhood, a book that my late grandmother still carried with her to

Simha nahes, 02.06.05 21:35

girls, and somebody reads Gianni Rodari to children ?!
or do you not accept it because of ideological considerations ?!)) I just recently remembered this forgotten by me, but once beloved author. first read a couple of poems to my son - What do the crafts smell like, Terza, Seconda, Prima, and then read with him Planet of Christmas trees and Traveling the Blue Arrow... THE CHILD IS FULLY DELIGHTED !! and I was very pleased to re-read. It seemed to me that there was nothing so terribly ideological there, they should not have branded the writer. a lot of good, kind ideas. how do you read it ?!

Lenusik, 02.06.05 23:30

We read Chippolino. But about the Planet of the Christmas trees and the Blue Arrow Journey, thanks for the idea. Oh, you can't remember all the books.

Anuta, 03.06.05 14:41

My daughter liked "Little Baba Yaga". In my favorite "Doctor Aibolit" (in prose), "Buratino", a series of books about Funtik the pig, all kinds of fairy tales about princesses and generally different fairy girls (Cinderella, Thumbelina, sleeping beauty), fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, I really liked a book of some Soviet writers from Ukraine, apparently, because the action there takes place in Kiev "Katrusya is already big" - there is about a girl about the same age as Olya, I read to her, skipping all the ideological moments about the pioneers, Komsomol members, communists and damned bourgeoisie. Now we are reading "Three stories about Malysh and Karlson", listening with interest. We read books from the series about Prostokvashino and Domovoenka Kuzka, but here cartoons are still in the first place, and in Kuzka she loves the girl Natasha most of all.

Lenusik, 16.06.05 13:12

And I have a direct frustration here: it finally came to Winnie_ the Pooh. And I specially bought a large colorful book. And so I finish reading it, and I feel something is missing. I took out my old black and white one - it is: 8 chapters are missing. No, well, how is it possible: and it is not written anywhere on the book that the selected chapters, etc. They just printed half a book, and that's it. Is it really necessary to go to the bookstore now with the original source, so as not to cheat and slip short retelling or an abbreviated version. The same story with Chippolino: we have some kind of scanty, albeit bright one.
I’m not talking about Grimm, Andersen, etc. You buy the Snow Queen, for example. The author is listed correctly, and all that. And it turns out that this is some kind of short retelling.

bistrinka, 23.06.05 23:05

Mamin-Sibiryak has wonderful "Alenushkin's Tales". He loves the fields. Began Nosov, so far only the story "Shura at Grandfather."

Alenushka's fairy tales - super
Zhitkov likes "what I saw."
about Prostokvashino - my grandmother got it from us, she reads something to Katya, but I don't like acid rain in buttermilk or Gena's crocodile in the army

Lenusik, 26.06.05 17:44

bistrinka, I've already written here more than once about my epic with Zhitkov. What kind of book do you have? Where did you buy. I never found the full version.

bistrinka, 26.06.05 21:50

Lenusik, I am also looking for a complete version. and so - small books like favorites. but I really want it in full.

Irina, 27.06.05 04:07

Bianki also - "Forest Cubs", "Mouse Peak", "Teremok", "How the Ant was in a hurry home"

Lenusik, 27.06.05 14:54

bistrinka, we also have separate chapters in a book. And so I downloaded the full version from the Internet and printed it out. We read it, but of course, without the pictures, he was not very interested. But they mastered everything. Cool thing, although about collective farms, state farms, a lot of pioneers

Irina, 21.07.05 15:53

Sergey Kozlov has very good fairy tales: Hedgehog in the fog, Tryam, hello !, In a sweet carrot forest, Amazing barrel, Sunny bunny How a lion cub and a turtle sang a song

bistrinka, 22.07.05 02:50

quite by accident I remembered a fairy tale that I simply adored as a child. I found it in electronic form. I will print now.
fox adventure in the air
there is still about him at sea and the search engine gave out new adventures, but I have not watched them yet

Irina, 18.08.05 15:06

people, I very, very much recommend to everyone A. Shibaev's books with poems about the Russian language, words, grammar. I found my mother's book, 82 years old. It was my favorite! "Friends joined hands." In general, for everyone who speaks Russian and for those who want to teach a child correct Russian, I very, very much advise. I saw it was reprinted recently

Foil, 21.08.05 19:32

A series of books about the brownie Kuzya (G. Aleksandrov) and about Karandash and Samodelkin (V. Druzhkov and Y. Postnikov), Dunno (N. Nosov).

Irina, 29.08.05 19:05

Alena, have you already read the myths of Ancient Greece? I think how to be with the gods there. Now we are reading from Paul "The Amazing Travels of the Little Hedgehog", written by the monk Lazar. (What illustrations are there! A miracle!). The theme of the Lord is quite clear there. And then suddenly some gods will not, the child, of course, will digest as it should, most likely. Moreover, we will read the myths later. but still, if he asks questions, what to say, I don’t know

Lenusik, 30.08.05 10:34

And our grandmother gave us "Bible stories". And you know it didn't go somehow. It's a pity. But there really is a lot that is difficult for a child to learn or understand.
And I myself bought Bianki. Irina, Thank you. Although I bought it after Max saw the cartoon about Pik the mouse.
We read, and I remembered Yulsen: my Lisa will definitely not listen about some evil wooden soldiers. About nature and animals to my personal child - the very thing.
Here it seems about nature and about animals, but everything is described so realistically that where is there for Volkov with his evil soldiers. Max likes it, but I have a frost on my skin.

Irina, 30.08.05 14:07

Yeah, the Bible stories are too early. I once created a topic in Early Development about the first acquaintance with Christianity. They wrote very well about all children's Bibles.

And Bianchi is a pretty flayer writer.

RoseBud, 31.08.05 04:34

Simha nahes,

Planet of Christmas Trees and the Blue Arrow Journey.

I loved it !!! did you buy books here ???

I adore Zhitkov too!

Darling, 31.08.05 13:45

We have postponed the Greek myths for now. Those. I put off reading until better times, and when I take this book, I look at the pictures - I answer questions. Medusa-Gorgon especially impressed him - they killed her! I asked a hundred times how and why.
Finally we got to the Pushkin Museum (which is the Pushkin Museum) - that's where Athena sunk into the soul of a child! (although he fled from there with the words "never again, never for anything!") Firstly, there is a lot of Athens there - this is good, secondly - everything is like a knight: a helmet, a shield - in short, what you need. By the way, at home, in a free retelling of his impressions to the Pope, he boldly called her a sorceress. We thought and agreed - of course, the Greek gods are more likely to be wizards than Gods.

Rosalia, 31.08.05 13:48

My advice is not to get carried away with newfangled books for children! New authors are chasing originality and circulation, often at the expense of content that does not reflect normal human relations. It is important for a child to learn how to communicate with people NORMALLY, to comprehend what kindness and mutual assistance are. Don't make your child heroes SKELETONS! I recommend starting reading with the following books:
Recommended books for children
Review of magazines for children

Irina, 31.08.05 14:10

Don't worry, there are just those gathered here who don't make skeletons heroes, and I would sift through the list of books on your link

Frolova, 31.08.05 16:23

Irina, why is Bianchi a knacker writer? As a child, I remember reading, and did not experience any negative emotions ...

Nelumbo nelumbo, 02.09.05 02:11

Darling, I also agree to present the ancient Greek gods as wizards. But I read a little about the Chinese Monkey King. He is Sun Wukong. A magician, sly, positive but vain bully. Trickster, in a word. The character, as for me, is prettier than any Spiderman. There is an episode about how the Monkey King finally got into trouble and got everyone with his pride, and he was sent to Buddha to influence the monkey. Buddha showed Sun Wukong that no matter how he demonstrated his fantastic abilities, he is everywhere - in the hand of the Buddha. (After that, the Monkey King trembled and promised to be good) I read this without any comments, there were also illustrations above the roof - a mixture of Chinese New Year's popular print and Buddhist icons. Nothing, the child took it without any questions, where it put the Buddha, I do not know. Now he fantasizes about heavenly feasts - they are arranged by heavenly maidens. Naturally, she is attracted to everyone. female images- from Cinderella to the Bride Mouse (also a Chinese fairy tale).

I also discovered the fantasy "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C. S. Lewis - here in the libraries there is a retelling for children with great illustrations in the spirit of socialist realism. There are fauns, and talking beavers, and Santa Claus aka Father Christmas. The children liked Lev Aslan, she agreed to watch the lion at the zoo only under the pretext that Aslan in the book was not dangerous. It means that I did not know about these works at all. My husband heard - he was surprised how I read this to a child - it's a lump, not a book. And he admitted that as a student he took it from a friend to read it. As for me, this is children's literature, people over 14 are forgivable to read this only immediately after the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Lumberjack Zerbino - we have an audio fairy tale, nothing, he demands to put it on, he doesn't really understand the line with the Minister, but since there is a princess in the fairy tale, the fairy tale goes with a bang.

Lenusik, 02.09.05 11:41

Irina, why is Bianchi a knacker writer? As a child, I remember reading, and did not experience any negative emotions ...

Can I answer, since Irina is silent. The fact is that Bianchi writes about nature very realistically. This is great, since the works are almost scientific, albeit literary. For example, about Pik the mouse. The life of a vole mouse is described remarkably, no need to take an encyclopedia. But in nature there is a lot of cruelty with the so-called. people, albeit completely natural. For example, scenes where "the feet of a frog disappeared into the mouth of a snake" or where an owl threw Pike into its hollow on the corpses of other mice are her reserves. By the way, my son also does not experience any negative emotions. Firstly, because it is described as something natural, and secondly, because I do not focus on it. Children, they look at such things much easier than we think. That is why I am not afraid to read either about evil soldiers or about the "cruelty" of nature. And solid "bunnies - pussies, mice" in a sweet-pink wrapper is also not good. IMHO.
I finally got a book about the Mummies. My opinion is a bit early. No, we read quite a lot, but I see that Max gets tired of such long descriptions and almost no pictures. But I liked it so much myself. Throw away all the adult books and sit down at Tove Janson. Somehow this book did not flicker in my childhood.

Irina, 02.09.05 14:21

Oh ... "called himself a load ..." okay, let's sift it. Only when will there be more time, okay?

Oberton Publishing House has released three books with audio discs. Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen. I have only bought the first one so far. There are illustrations by John Tanniel, which the author himself ordered.
And the other two with illustrations by Boris Diodorov, for which the Danish queen presented him with some kind of prize.
On the disc, Alice, by the way, is voiced by Renata Litvinova

Frolova, 02.09.05 15:14

oh ... "called himself a load ..." okay, let's sift it. Only when will there be more time, okay?
Irina, it doesn't burn to me! How will there be free time, maybe then ...

sorry, I don’t know your name. We communicate so much in topics, I don’t know the name
Du, I already tried to change the nickname to something more suitable, but the option that I asked the Observer is already on the forum. We need to think of something else.
And in life my name is Natalya.

Irina, 04.09.05 01:22

in general, Polina rejected "Alice" at first. She only said to put the disc on. So, while eating a melon, we listened to half a disc. In the evening she asked me to read "about Aliska". This afternoon and at night we also continued to read and listen to the disc again. Falling asleep, the child said that he would also become big, "like Aliska", he would be able to look at the mushroom and see the blue caterpillar

Irina, 07.09.05 03:27

I'm crazy about this production. Especially when the Quasi Turtle sings songs in the style of the early "Black Coffee"

Frolova, 08.09.05 16:30

And no one is going to the All-Russian Exhibition Center for a book fair, or has someone already been there? Maybe there is something new and interesting ...
They say that prices are low there.

Ariella, 19.10.05 05:22

yes ... Now your intellectuals are growing ...
We have one classic for children. It's time to get formed. I'll go to the fair, otherwise my child will have to read "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" before retirement.
Are the books of Bianchi, Nosov, Gianni Rodari now being republished in general? Something I have not seen here.

Lenusik, 19.10.05 14:56

Nosov is full. The only drawback is the lack of vivid illustrations in most of the books. And this is at a fairly normal price. But I found a series where stories are illustrated very well. well. But we read Dunno in black and white. There is also a series of books where Nosov's stories in tonkig editions are one story per book. There och. bright illustrations. Plus there are chapters from dunno. Good too.
radari are less common. Bianchi is a lot of different things. I found a wonderful edition of three of his tales. We are still hating, tk. one mouse rush for an hour of reading pulls somewhere.

Frolova, 19.10.05 15:04

Are the books of Bianchi, Nosov, Gianni Rodari now being republished in general? Something I have not seen here.
Reprinted. I saw Nosov, Binky, and Rodari. True, there are different editions. I saw Bianchi in a terrible performance - as if it was printed on toilet paper of inferior quality.

Ariella, 19.10.05 16:06

girls, and for how long do you, on average, read? Sometimes my tongue doesn’t turn right, I’m so tired of reading aloud. But this is a must!

Darling, 19.10.05 18:58

Nelumbo nelumbo,
C. S. Lewis is Clive Staples Lewis? I didn’t know that he had such things ..... At one time, "Balamut's letters" made a stunning impression on me, an amazing book ...

Darling, 19.10.05 19:05

Ariella, we read, probably, about 20 minutes at a time ... Or one or two chapters.

I don’t remember if they remembered here - "Uncle Remus's fairy tales" - a super thing! It reads well in any state - even with expression and in roles, even in a semi-faint ... when I get tired, it happens that I myself do not understand what I am reading, and the child is all in the book ...

Darling, 19.10.05 20:03

"About Piglet Splash":

Pencil and Samodelkin:

Lenusik, 22.10.05 12:13

So, I can say for what we have. I don’t know the rest of the publications. Maybe someone else will tell you.
Bisset we have "Frog in the Mirror" for 74 rubles. I am happy: not a lot and not a little. Exactly enough to get acquainted with creativity. I personally like the illustrations. Well, yes, it's a matter of taste. In general, I like this particular series.
We have a lot of books from it.

Our "Winnie the Pooh" on the third page of your link. But it is not available either. And thank God, because they just "forgot" to include several chapters.
And just right above our other Winnie the Pooh:

A. Milne, B. Zakhoder
Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all
Hardcover (2003)
Rating: Rating: 5
Cost 233, 5th from top on 3rd page. I saw this. I kind of liked it. At least complete.

Livanov We have "Santa Claus and Summer". The one that is not in stock and immediately after the 147 rubles cost We are happy. True, there are many illustrations, but some of them are dark, not bright in general. I think you can find better.

I didn't look for our Pinocchio, but there is definitely nothing decent on the first page. IMHO.

Darling, 22.10.05 18:04

Pinocchio in classic children's version"few text - many pictures" was done by Leonid Vladimirsky. He also illustrated "the wizard of the Emerald City" and all the sequel .... Very nice.

Although now I saw on Ozone and his own plot fantasies on the theme of these heroes - "Pinocchio in the Emerald City" here

Lisa, 22.10.05 18:33

Irina, and you mentioned the book "The Amazing Adventures of a Little Hedgehog" above. Where can I buy this book?

Do you have a favorite bookstore in Moscow to send my mom to?

Nelumbo nelumbo, 24.10.05 05:37

Lisa, I cannot advise the publishing house, see above.
Darling, special thanks for the link, I found there an essay by Fr. Yakov Krotov - that's how he got it!

Ariella, 31.10.05 04:16

Girls, what do you think about Seton-Thompson? I remember that I loved as a child. Does anyone have it? Which publishing house?

Irina, 31.10.05 04:22

Marina, I buy books at the fair on Tulskaya, in the rows of books. And I bought a book about a hedgehog in the bookstore of the Danilov Monastery

» Added later
and where, where is there according to the link of the essay of Father Yakov Krotov?

Nelumbo nelumbo, 31.10.05 10:05

Yuliko, 31.10.05 14:50

Thank you girls, we bought some books, we are very satisfied ... I already do not go to stores without a pre-drawn list ...
My daughter and I were "wooling" the library (mine still), and found a thin little book: "Forest Plakunchik" by Timofey Belozerov, Publishing House: Children's Literature, 1979.

Lena walked through the forest,
Stumbled, fell
And to grandfather Plakunchik
I was on a visit.
Squeaked cheerfully
By the door of the hut ...
In the corner on a tub
Dope frog.
Flowed behind the stove
Cricket voice
From a crack of a dry log.
On the bench
Gray-haired old man as a harrier
Lena saw through her tears.
-What wilderness you are
Rolled, whirligig! -
Plakunchik told her not strictly.
Well, come in
Kohl came to cry,
Why are you standing at the door?
Lena path -
Mushrooms and cloudberries.
Into a brooding spruce forest
I turned off the path …….

Well, this is what I remember .... Maybe who knows, saw something of this author?

Prosto katrin, 11.11.05 21:47

Nelumbo nelumbo, when I read "The Chronicles of Narnia" to my own before going to bed, they fell asleep instantly and without question, apparently did not understand anything, but they were quickly rocked

Nelumbo nelumbo, 12.11.05 00:44

Prosto katrin, will grow up still. You've probably read a long book.

Ariella, 12.11.05 23:51

I bought a book here that is very successful, in my opinion. "The best book for reading" published by "Eksmo" 2005. Sections in it "Russian writers for children", "Poems and stories about nature", "About everything in the world." I really liked that a lot of classical Russian authors are represented. For me, this is convenient, we are unlikely to have complete collected works, I take into account that we live abroad, and so the child will at least get acquainted with classical poems and stories.
The quality is good, I'm happy with the drawings.
And about Seton-Thompson, no one will advise?

OLYA, 23.11.05 22:35

And we cannot live without the Bremen Town Musicians for 2 weeks already!
And even bought the cartoon !!

Prosto katrin, 23.11.05 22:49

Nelumbo nelumbo, yes, big

And we bought the "Complete Reader for Preschool Children" in 2 volumes. There are also different sections Ariella, plus all the questions at the end of stories in and fairy tales. It is recommended for reading in kindergarten since we don’t go to kindergarten, it suited us very well

Anabella, 25.11.05 05:01

We have a lot of books, I'm a bibliomaniac and bibliophist, so three rows of book polos from floor to ceiling and shelves in the bedezh - and I still buy.
With children's books, however, for some time now I have a stupor. I began to meticulously separate - where is what morality, whether it is necessary to read it at all. And somewhere my son starts asking me questions, and I understand that the book needs to be removed.
For example, with the beloved grandmothers Dedeyo stepa - there are disagreements. Try to explain why the woman flopped on the ice to rinse the laundry. And we ask Pushkin through a word - the vocabulary is already completely incomprehensible. Therefore, "Fedorino Gore" was eliminated. I consider fairy tales like "Morozko" sadistic. And the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" teaches only laziness. And the cruelty with which the daddy-tsar put his daughter into the barrel is also frightening.
And recently my son asked me why my mother sent Little Red Riding Hood alone through the forest where wolves are found. Didn't she love her daughter? And then he said that Kr.Sapochki had sore eyes, since she could not distinguish between the grandmother and the wolf.
Tales of Carloson or Pippi Long Stocking- generally strange, I think. In my childhood, Carlosnon only caused disgust with his behavior. And so I came to the conclusion that not all old classic fairy tales are very good.
alas, with modern books now too tight.

AlenaT, 25.11.05 10:05

Girls, temka
We do not have. I saw it in the store, I wanted to buy it, but the publication is terrible - on newsprint

I remember Calson was puzzling to me as a child.However, I would read it to a child, you can discuss everything and the educational moment will also be about Pippi. Maybe your Herman is still too small for them?

Lenusik, 25.11.05 12:50

Oh well, the topic of fairy tales has been raised more than once. And not in one topic. I personally don't see anything wrong with Emela or Little Red Riding Hood. A child will grow up to be a lazy person, if the example of the parents is appropriate, or he will be very much taken care of. And by no means because of a fairy tale. IMHO.
I don’t understand what can cause confusion in Carlson or Pippi? No, well, specifically? As a child, I just adored Lingren. For the humor, for the interestingness of the plot. If you are talking about morality, then it is there, although not pronounced. But I don't like imposed morality in children's books. And children, by the way, also feel it and oppose moral teachings.
But this is my IMHO. I also adored Emil from Lenneberg. This is the kind of boy I wanted, but I’m just a rip-off myself, and correct well-bred children are not about me. I think that a child should be naughty and mischievous. IMHO.
"Fox Mickey's diary" did not go with us. But the truth is I tried it a year ago. Maybe it was just early. I really like it myself, it's funny.

AlenaT, 25.11.05 20:29

Lenusik I felt sorry for the Kid when Carlson was setting him up And the bewilderment was caused by how, for all that, Baby Carlson adored

Lenusik, 26.11.05 00:52

No, well, it was SO fun with him. And he did not supply out of malice, and the Kid understood this and played along. This is a kind indulgence for a friend's shortcomings. IMHO.

Nelumbo nelumbo, 26.11.05 03:08

AlenaT, so I want people to read here and think of something like that at home, look for sponsors, so that the library has a simple play corner from which it is impossible to drag the ugrushka (either "stationary" or they have chips sewn into them, like in books).

Lenusik, 27.11.05 00:37

Nelumbo nelumbo, I don’t know how in Moscow, but in the provinces, you just cannot get off with toys and a corner: there are no books. All books are donations of unreadable books from home libraries and old funds that modern children will not be interested in (my son can count on fingers the books that he agrees to listen to from my library with my husband. Because they are not colorful). Sad but true

Daisy, 12.12.05 06:01

Yuliko, I recently discovered the book "Forest Plakunchik" at my parents, with the inscription on the cover "To dear Ritochka on her 6th birthday" ... how I adored her as a child ...
There is also "Ogorodny grow up" and "Dvorovichok". All three fairy-tale verses are very kind and beautiful. My daughter now also listens with pleasure.
By the way, Timofey Belozerov is an Omsk poet from my hometown.
Here's something about him.
"Collections of the 60s:" Ogorodny Grow up "(1962)," Taiga traffic light "(1962)," Nuts "(1968) include new genres focused on folklore tradition: tongue twisters, counting rhymes, fables. more imbued with an endless desire to join its eternal secrets, to comprehend the inner purposefulness of all that exists.
Thus, by the beginning of the 70s, the genre-thematic range was determined in which the originality of the artistic world of T. Belozerov was most fully reflected.
And it is no coincidence that the true rise of T. Belozerov's poetry falls precisely in the 70s, when one after another the collections "Among Green and Blue" (1970), "Pantry of the Wind" (1972), "Winter-Winter" (1974), "Lark" (1978), prosaic miniatures "Mosquito bun" (1973), "Sweet cranberry" (1983). In numerous responses to these books, critics, as if by agreement, wrote that the poet had mastered some poetic secret, that a reader of any age fell under the spell of his poetry. "

Girls, I here once wrote about three fairy tales by Otfried Preusler - "Little Baba Yaga", "Little Ghost" and "Little Water One". I really like them ... we reread them for the third time. And then I looked for something else by the same author, came across stories about the Robber Hotzenplotz. Has anyone read it? Isn't it too early for 4 years old? And it seems to me that this is for older children.
Arishka and I also love Sasha Cherny's poem about the dwarf Skrut.

- Who lives under the ceiling?
- Dwarf.
- Does he have a beard?
- Yes.
- And the shirt front and the vest?
- Not.
- How does he get up in the morning?
- Myself.
- Who runs along the rooftops with him?
- Mouse.
- Who drinks coffee with him in the morning?
- Cat.
- How long has he been living there?
- Year.
- Well, what is his name?
- Twist.
- Is he naughty? Yes?
- Never.

Often we "play" it by roles just like that.
Who has read anything else interesting by the same author? What do you advise?

Lenusik, 13.12.05 22:44

Daisy, oh, and our grandmother on the DR just gave us about the little ghost and the water one. I didn't find Baba Yaga (but we have a retelling). I have not read it yet, but now I will definitely try, since such reviews. Thanks!

Nika, 14.01.06 11:31

Wonderful temka
I began to read to Vlade "Proboscis nicknamed the Elephant" by Iko Marana (Estonian writer). I like the way it is written - the style is child-friendly. And Vlada is surprisingly listening. I highly recommend it to moms. I myself read this book in elementary school. I saw its full version on the Internet - you can search for the same book as ours.
We plan to start reading Nosov and Tolstoy's Golden Key. Let's see how it goes. Vlad categorically refuses most of the tales - not interesting

AlenaT, 16.01.06 13:46

Nelumbo nelumbo sorry, I did not understand why there is a play corner in the library and why toys are carried from there. I understood that the library is in Saturday school, but why toys? Tell me, please, interesting.

I finally bought Anya in Wonderland on Ozon. Nabokov's free translation and even with parallel English. I am immensely happy. I have already read it to my child.
Now we are reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by R. Dahl (this idea came to me because of the film - the film has not been seen). I liked it as a child, but I read, of course, not at 5.5 years old. So I don’t know how it’s going to go. From the beginning, the child is delighted.

Talikoshka, 17.01.06 06:42

Nika, found in the Internet "Elephant", began to read - Danka is delighted!
Thanks! And I had never heard of him before.
I want to print and make a book, there are even pictures there.

Nelumbo nelumbo, 17.01.06 07:03

AlenaT, right now, the computer is loaded on the most I don't want, I will later look for photos of the play corners in the children's sections of the libraries. In all the countries where we have lived, children's sections are not furnished in the same way as adults. There are low chairs, tables, poufs, pillows to sit on, there are large toys on which you can sit like on poufs. There may be all sorts of toys. Our local library has a small wooden "locker" with glove puppets - puppet show... There is an imposing dragon-pouf; a table with a toy railroad and a table-"box" with toys (ie toys are under a plexiglass fixed lid, they can be seen, but cannot be removed), which move with magnets when magnets (they are attached) are moved under the table top. A plaque with pimples hangs on the wall according to the Lego principle, plastic squares with letters are attached there. There is no theater or tables with toys in the central library, there are laces and an alphabet on the wall. Children play there, and when they want, they come to their parents, they read to them. While the children are playing, parents can read something of their own. This is very a good place to hide in bad weather.
She described, remembered that not everything was filmed. You need to shoot, hang here.
And in the parish we have just a simple library, like an adult, and I read books in a group, not in a library.

Nelumbo nelumbo, 21.01.06 01:04

Here is one of the photographic cards. Library next to the house.

AlenaT, 23.01.06 15:52

Nelumbo nelumbo thanks for the answer! How interesting! Maybe if our libraries had such corners, we would have more people go there. True, our library assortment also suffers - there are almost no new products. And I thought - here comes a child to the library, and there are toys, something to distract him

Anna Khrustaleva, 31.01.06 02:32

On our book counters, perhaps, there has never been such a variety of children's literature as it is now. Here you can find Russian classics, foreign ones, fairy tales, adventures, and fantasy! Parents who are serious about parenting naturally try to read more to them: fiction has a huge impact on the soul of the child ... ""

Irina, 31.01.06 17:40

I saw such a book today, such a book ... stunned, what a beauty Ukrainian author, artist and publishing house. Ivan Malkovich "Liza and her dreams." Illustrations by Evgenia Gapchinskaya. 300 rubles. Great, great book

A fabulous and informative story about a girl who, with the help of wings invented by Leonardo da Vinci, visited the workshops of the greatest masters of world painting - from Botticelli to Dali.

The author of the illustrations is Evgeniya Gapchinskaya, one of the most popular Ukrainian painters, a graduate of the Kharkov Art Institute, an intern at the Nuremberg Academy of Painting. Her works are presented in museums in European countries and in private collections of many famous connoisseurs and artists: from Luciano Pavarotti to ...
"Liza and Her Dreams" is the artist's debut in a children's book.


Irina, 31.01.06 23:29

I was a little upset when I bought Dunno in Stone City. It turned out that it was some kind of Igor Nosov. And his books are on the same shelf with Nikolai Nosov. Such a blizzard ... and the syllable is completely Nenosov. It was a shame. It seems that Nosov's heirs were suing him for the Dunno brand. Or maybe this is his descendant of some kind ... in any case, unpleasant

Frolova, 01.02.06 00:28

I saw such a book today, such a book ... stunned, what a beauty Ukrainian author, artist and publishing house. Ivan Malkovich "Liza and her dreams." Illustrations by Evgenia Gapchinskaya. 300 rubles. Great, great book
Irina, the same publishing house has another cool book "The Snow Queen". Incidentally, at the book fair at the All-Russian Exhibition Center (which was in the fall), these books could be for 80 rubles. buy.

Irina, 01.02.06 04:19

and ... is it with illustrations by V.Yerko? I see it in stores. I will also buy it. In general, a very interesting publishing house is this Ukrainian A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-GA. I looked through some of their books. Everything is so worthy and with good taste. They some new, I have not heard before

Darling, 03.02.06 04:49

We have this publishing house "fairy tales of foggy Albion". There is a knight who looks like Putin.
Very beautiful books. But I didn’t buy the "snow queen" - for me this is too much ...

And this "Liza" is just wonderful.
But the price is somewhere around 300 ... isn't it expensive?

Irina, 03.02.06 04:53

yes, it’s clear that it’s expensive, Alain. But I’ll still buy

Irina, 18.02.06 02:31

Alain, and I liked the illustrations for the Snow Queen so much ... this is how it is Bruegel

Yuliko, 21.02.06 18:19

We were presented with a very successful book, called "The Tales of Santa Claus", the series "The World of a Fairy Tale", Profizdat "
“In thin. the book is decorated with works of lacquer miniature painting of the Fedoskino folk craft "
Pay attention ... I might like it ... mine is delighted with her ..

Yuliko, 21.02.06 18:29

Daisy We are often in the "gnome" game ... a wonderful rhyme, especially if the whims begin.

Nelumbo nelumbo, 22.02.06 05:05

QUOTE (Irina @ 17 Feb 2006, 19:37)

illustrations for the Snow Queen ... this is how it is Bruegel

IMHO, inspired, in part, by Bruegel's work, in terms of attention to detail, but too far from him.

Dear, 17.03.06 13:23

I read Temki, went to the bookstore yesterday. I bought a collection of Nosov's stories "Mishkina's porridge", but for some reason I did not find there all the stories that I remember from childhood. Then I'll have to look for and buy the missing ones. I also bought small books of stories and fairy tales by Zhitkov and Bianki. Now Dragunsky and Mamin-Sibiryak are next.

In general, she adores Winnie the Pooh, I reread it for the third time - I read it to him a little before bedtime.

natashkin, 17.03.06 13:51

Dear, there are also collections of "Fantasy" and "Entertainers". Unfortunately, some of the stories overlap. I have a small "Mishkina porridge" and "Zateyniki" - a large format. In my experience, a child does not always understand humor. This is for kids 5-6 years old rather. Mine is almost 5 and started laughing at them quite recently. I used to laugh while watching me grunt. "Deniskin's stories" do not go at all, he listens to them diligently, but he himself will never choose this book for reading.
As for "Winnie the Pooh" - he can listen just endlessly, 3-4 times have already been re-read. It seems to me that in the same vein, Tove Janson's "Wizard's Hat" (about the Moomins), I listened with great pleasure. But "Magic Winter" did not work.

Daisy, 18.03.06 03:57

We started "Mummey-Trolls", namely - "Comet", in my opinion, that's what it is called.
Something is somehow complicated for 4 years ... In principle, my daughter likes it, but she understands little of what she has read.
At the same time we read "Pippi Longstocking" - this is the thing! And this age is perfect!

AlenaT, 18.03.06 10:35

QUOTE (natashkin @ 17 Mar 2006, 17:59)

Dear, there are also collections of "Fantasy" and "Entertainers". Unfortunately, some of the stories overlap. I have a small "Mishkina porridge" and "Zateyniki" - a large format. In my experience, a child does not always understand humor. This is for kids 5-6 years old rather. Mine is almost 5 and started laughing at them quite recently.

Mine, too, still does not understand a lot. And he liked the mummy trolls - both the comet and winter.

We recently finished R. Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Giant Glass Elevator and James and the Giant Peach.

Now we are reading "Little Ghost and Other Tales" by Otfried Preusler. Here in Temka I read about him, as a child I somehow missed it (I remember only cool cartoons and about the Witch, like there was a movie, I really liked it). Thank you, girls, fairy tales are wonderful, kind, easy to understand.

The child said that the next item on the program would be Mary Poppins.

Ariella, 19.03.06 16:53

Girls, but on TV a children's film is shown # The Adventures of Karik (or whatever it is # and get it #. How children, having drunk potions, became Lilliputians and their adventures began in this huge mite. I remember reading this book as a child and loved it very much. wrote it?
and how exactly is it called, does anyone remember?

Foil, 19.03.06 20:55

Ian Larry "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali".

Ariella, 19.03.06 22:46

Thanks! I wonder if it is being republished now?

Lenusik, 20.03.06 00:45

Can anyone "point" to "Emil from Lenniberge"? Have you ever seen it for sale? And other Lingren books interest me. I loved her very much in childhood, and now only Carlson and Pippi come across.
I made a list here in order to bribe, at the same time I handed out to grandmothers so that they would not buy any nonsense. But I feel that I will have to replenish it again And they also say that the children have nothing to read now

Ariella, 20.03.06 00:54

Did Lindgren write about a family with 8 children? I remember reading this as a child! there they had a small apartment, and later they moved into the house, and a green van. Family relations and friendship between brothers and sisters were well described there.

» Added later
I read about Emil, a cool thing, you have to look.

rosen, 20.03.06 06:58

Ariella, Anna-Katrina Westly "Dad, Mom, 8 Children and a Truck". Cool book, I've heard a lot about it, but I read it quite recently. (I fell into childhood - I read children's books).

Foil, 20.03.06 11:55

QUOTE (Ariella @ 19 Mar 2006, 6:54 pm)


My pleasure. Yes, it is being republished. We have a book from 2001.

Foil, 20.03.06 12:01

QUOTE (Lenusik @ 19 Mar 2006, 20:53)

Can anyone "point" to "Emil from Lenniberge"? Have you ever seen it for sale?

I think I saw it. In the "Biblio-Globus" on the Lubyanka. Series in brown binding with gold embossing, Astrid Lindgren " Complete collection essays "in 10 volumes. Books are sold separately. I think there are also book fairs (on Tulskaya, for example). You can also see it in the Novy Knizhny chain of stores, in the House of Books on Novy Arbat.

Dear, 21.03.06 21:08

natashkin, we have, on the contrary, "Mishkina's porridge" of a large format and thick, but there are too many stories, two times. On the first day he made me re-read the story of the same name - I liked it, but naturally does not understand humor

It seems to me that it will not work about Moomins, but you can try, somewhere there is a book, mine is still mine. By the way, I didn’t like them in my childhood.

AlenaT, 21.03.06 22:29

QUOTE (Ariella @ Mar 20, 2006 05:02 am)

Did Lindgren write about a family with 8 children? I remember reading this as a child! there they had a small apartment, and later they moved into the house, and a green van. Family relations and friendship between brothers and sisters were well described there.

Ahhh, how I loved this book as a child. Egor read excerpts in some kind of children's anthology (ugh, disgusting, some pieces from there, then from here it would be better if they printed less, but completely). Is she Anna-Katrina Westly on sale now?

I also liked Emil as a child. Like Peppy. I also need to write a list to my grandmothers

Funny, I remembered in connection with Emil. I had girlfriends in childhood, their mother worked as a teacher and loved to read. I have collected a cool library of children's literature for the girls (and it was difficult in the distant 80s). So, they did not read anything at all, the only user was me. Lindgren was presented in full.

natashkin, 23.03.06 20:40

I got the impression that Moomins are similar in terms of concepts and style of presentation to Winnie the Pooh!
It just seems to me?

AlenaT, 26.03.06 17:19

natashkin in my opinion, it seems Have you read the Moomins?

Ariella, 04.04.06 03:07

And I also remember that in my childhood I adored a book, with an atlas about the human body, that again 2 children found a magic book in the attic, on the first page there was an open human mouth and they got into this mouth and began a journey through the human body, rode on erythrosites etc. Cool thing!
And today I bought Russian fairy tales about animals, as well as Carlson with drawings, as in our cartoon. Satisfied. They began to read Carlson - the child likes it!

Nelumbo nelumbo, 04.04.06 08:14

Ariella, yes, a child of our production.

Ariella, 05.04.06 00:21

Nelumbo nelumbo,

RoseBud, 05.04.06 01:07


And I also remember that in my childhood I adored a book, with an atlas about the human body, that again 2 children found a magic book in the attic, on the first page there was an open human mouth and they got into this mouth and began a journey through the human body, rode on erythrosites etc. Cool thing!

This book was one of the most beloved, it was not in vain that I applied to a doctor.

Nelumbo nelumbo, 05.04.06 05:32

Ariella, in a whisper: "Spasipa!"

Ariella, 05.04.06 05:37

RoseBud, so what was the name of the book?
Nelumbo nelumbo,
Loud PLEASE! And even louder Show yourself still!

RoseBud, 05.04.06 07:12


I don’t remember she stayed in Kiev.

Ariella, 07.04.06 17:25

ABYDNA! I bought a primer for my child, N.S. Zhukova. The child makes me read: Ma-ma we-la Mi-lu. She likes it, and I start talking like a robot: Ma-we have two daughters: Na-o-mi and O-da-me.
And Carlson is somehow not very good with us ... I don’t know why. She doesn't have the patience to listen chapter by chapter at night. What to do? Read on the page ??? Other serious books won't work like that at all, or what ???

Nelumbo nelumbo, 10.04.06 21:16

Here, on the weekend with my daughter Ivan Malkovich processed "Liza and her dreams". The book is not ours, it was left there, where it was processed. The overall impression is pazitiff. The illustrations could have been done with a more confident hand (although I know where this style comes from: it’s the Europeans that are now illustrated by children's books, and in the New World the style is somewhat different), but the book is humane and to the very best of the knowledge. I highly recommend it!

» Added later
Ariella do not strain. Read as much as the public perceives. Maybe she gets tired in the evening - then you can read during the day.

Ariella, 17.04.06 03:26

Nelumbo nelumbo,
thanks, calmed down!
I bought the children Blaginin: the poems are kind, light, but a little, hmm, rustic. But how I love the classic: # Let's sit in silence #. Happy with the purchase.
I also bought # Russian folk tales about animals #, in the normal way, with good pictures. I'm also happy.
Children like everything.

Aku-Aku, 24.05.06 23:30

People, we were here once about Zhitkov "What have I seen" the conversation was. I found the text and illustrations at Moshkov's, where they are in a separate file. I put all the illusions in the right places (killed two days). So now I have the full text. We have already opened it, pinned the holes, sewed it in a binder and are reading. The drawings are black and white, but mine like it.

I can try to send, although the file weighs a lot. Right now, I'll try to hang it here

RoseBud, 25.05.06 16:51


We were here once about Zhitkov "What I saw"

How I loved this book

Aku-Aku, 25.05.06 19:43

Rosebud, yeah, despite the fact that now someone there is certainly some kind of ideological " not that"will see, a wonderful book. Indeed, an encyclopedia of children's life.

I’ll be glad if it’s useful to anyone, it’s being published so barbarously now. They cut not only pieces, but even individual sentences and paragraphs in chapters.

RoseBud, 25.05.06 21:21

I don’t want to look for anything there - a beautifully written book. I generally love Zhitkov - he wrote simply, in an accessible way, "tasty".

» Added later
Thank you very much, I printed it out with mine.

marinaki, 01.06.06 00:05

girls, can I have a question? my goat is not yet 3, but she loves to listen to books. we have a lot of things, the package will come with new books, the question is. at what age does a child stop paying more attention to the content than to the picture? When will it be possible to switch to more meaningful books? otherwise we have Carlson, Vinnie and Prostokvashino going ..

Talikoshka, 01.06.06 01:22

at what age does a child stop paying more attention to the content than to the picture?
marinaki, as I understand it, you wanted to ask - when starts? I think about two.
I looked - your daughter is not only missing three, but also two just recently turned. And rightly so, Carlson and yogurt are coming - early, early!
If you believe Chukovsky (and I believe unconditionally), a child from two to five is characterized by tremendous verse receptivity and giftedness. IMHO, you shouldn't waste this time, on the contrary, you should use it to the fullest. And read as many good poetry as possible. And first of all, those that "presuppose" illustrations are good for a small child, tk. so far he thinks mostly in images, and not in words. For example, the very beginning of "Cockroach" (counting the number of possible illustrations):

Bears rode a bicycle (1),
And behind them the cat - backwards (2),
And behind him are mosquitoes on balloon (3)
And behind them crayfish on a lame dog (4)
Wolves on a mare (5), lions in a car (6),
Bunnies in a tram (7), a toad on a broom (8).

Or "Moidodyr":
The blanket flew away (1), the sheet flew away (2),
And the pillow, like a frog, galloped away from me (3), etc.

So it’s just very important that the book is well illustrated.
In general, I, probably, has boringly stated (it is better to read "From two to five"), but it seems to me that it is correct.

marinaki, 01.06.06 12:44

Talikoshka, but my Lenka just doesn't like Chukovsky .. only Fyodor, The Stolen Sun and the Moidodyr-Aibolit (which she listens to and tells herself without a book). she loves to listen to my fairy tales and poems, but if the picture does not occupy at least half of the page, there is no point in starting to read, she starts scrolling to the picture. those. so far we have text + necessarily a picture. so I wanted to ask when the ratio is not 50-50, but at least 70-30 (text-picture). sorties that I ship
but in general with us now from the Russians only Marshak is going with a bang, but he has already been read to the holes and we know both Lena and I by heart the whole book. the rest is Greek (and I don’t want to read Greek books to her, we’ve got a dad for that). so I'm worried I even tried to translate and "read" her Greek books in Russian, but she understands what is written there in Greek and demands to read and not translate

Talikoshka, 01.06.06 16:21

marinaki, I brought Chukovsky not as a guide to action, but as an example of "illustrative" poetry. Of course, if you don’t like it, then you don’t need to impose. There are many good nursery rhymes besides him. But the fact that a child at this age considers pictures to be mandatory is normal and good. In my opinion, you should not rush things. My daughter is 3.6, but she is very interested in pictures, in the middle of a line she can get distracted and start looking at the illustration, commenting on it in detail. I do not interrupt because I don’t think this is bad.

Anchovy, 14.06.06 06:24

When will it be possible to switch to more meaningful books? otherwise we have Carlson, Vinnie and Prostokvashino going ..

Marinaki, it's very individual, children are different. My 3.5, we have already read Prostokvashino and Winnie the Pooh several times. Now we read the Wizard of the Emerald City. In Prostokvashino, by the way, there are quite a few pictures in the edition that we read. There are many more pictures in the poems of Junna Moritz.

lucia, 14.06.06 09:34

We had an old primer lying around at our dacha, the one by which we were still studying and Mishka liked it very much and he is already trying to read from it. I, inspired by this business, was in a bookstore yesterday and bought books for Mishka for 1000 rubles. I went straight to the section for first-graders and bought: Natural history (textbook + exercise book), art for grade 1, history for grade 1, a poster for all types of transport, books with stickers about different breeds of dogs and about different cars, etc. At first I carefully studied all these books: they are all with many pictures and with different interesting tasks: paint, cut, craft, etc. So let's do it. In general, the time of fairy tales is fading into the background. And I also liked the map of our country, which shows in detail what peoples live, what animals, etc. Buy next time.

marinaki, 14.06.06 23:45

girls, books came, but there is such a normal Winnie the Pooh, but there are no stories on which cartoons were shot (Soviet) in the book. Crocodile Gena in the modern version, with a cell phone, terrible text and no less terrible pictures, Prostokvashino is also a continuation that I did not like at all. in general, I was very upset only the little brownie Kuzya we liked and the collection of textbooks of Entin's songs.

Lelya, 15.06.06 21:05

marinaki, it's a shame, of course, if there is no way to look through the book, there is always a chance of getting something like that ...

Nelumbo nelumbo, 16.06.06 20:29

marinaki Winnie from the Soviet cartoon is very different from the original Milnovsky hero. In general, the speech in the book is a bit like Telepuzovskaya, with all these bearish sighs.
And the newest creations of Ouspensky are an ubiquitous slipper! You need to mock children like that!

marinaki, 16.06.06 23:50

Nelumbo nelumbo, very disappointing for Ouspensky. and in general for just such a "felling of attendants" on children's literature. I was especially impressed by a piece from Prostokvashino, where Matroskin and Sharik are swearing, they say who will call whom (a tiger, a lion and other animals) to kill an opponent, and then Uncle Fedov comes and says, “and my dad has a soooo belt and he’s like will ask "I liked Vinnie. it is just in the style of our Greek Tirvizas. it's just that my daughter was really looking forward to exactly those stories, but they were not in the book.

Anchovy, 17.06.06 07:32

marinaki, and who sent you books? Grandparents or did you order on the Internet?

Darling, 17.06.06 12:25

The already mentioned Ukrainian publishing house A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA made just such a book

I have a child for a few days stuck in her head over heels just

marinaki, 19.06.06 11:44

Anch, my mom sent. but she always distinguished the good from the stupid

Darling, very interesting book !!! how beautiful !!!

lucia, 20.06.06 08:34

Darling. Yes, indeed, the design is excellent.

By the way, I tested the purchased books for grade 1 on Mishka, he liked them very much, and the most important thing is that at least some kind of control is carried out over the textbooks, otherwise now everyone publishes whoever is not lazy, such nonsense sometimes, especially numerous alphabets with rhymes of self-taught poets.

TYTTA, 01.08.06 13:06

TYTTA, 01.08.06 13:13

Speaking of books. Recently I was horrified. Grandma wanted to give a book, bought it and cries. I was led to the fact that in the content there are many fairy tales and all known and loved from childhood. She opened it and began to read. Retelling for the degenerates. From original text the plot set out in primitive language remained. AND EVERYTHING! Well, at least they took the book back to the store, otherwise it's a pity 250 rubles.
Now I, before buying a book, look at what they write.

Ru, 01.08.06 23:22

Maybe they already wrote here, but Miron just fell in love with the books of Sven Nordqvist, about Petson and Findus
And what kind of illustrations are there
And after all, this is immediately obvious - the author wrote so that there was something to draw for (not badly written, but SO drawn)

Anna, 02.08.06 13:13

Literally on last week I saw these books in the store, it's a pity the money had already been spent on the trail by that time. I will definitely buy it. The illustrations are awesome, the paper is excellent. I take it this is a series of stories? How many of them are there?

And I want to recommend to everyone the book by Irina and Leonid Tyukhyaevs "Zoki and Bada"
An absolutely charming book, with humor, will appeal to both children and adults

Ru, 02.08.06 14:50

Anh, yes, this is a series, in a book about one story - only 5 or 6 pieces (but this is with us, you, maybe more) - Fox hunt, Birthday cake, about Christmas, about a hike, about a stranger in the garden ( I haven't bought this one yet, I'm stretching someone's pleasure))))

Ru, 02.08.06 14:57

Natinka, 08.08.06 14:36

And of course he reads and rereads our fairy tales, one of Vovk's favorite books in the thirty kingdom.

Irina, 08.08.06 16:41

Sven Nordqvist is really very good. This Petson is glorious, such a mitok. We must buy the whole series.
Reading Astrid Lindgren with Polina "The Adventures of Emil from Lönneberg", "The Kid and Carlson", "Pippi Longstocking"

Desert Rose, 08.08.06 22:04

At 3-4 years old, my daughter "got hooked" on Uspensky, she really liked these books, now she reads Volkov's series "The Wizard of the Emerald City", etc., although some descriptions there are tightened up and I read them to her to quickly

In principle, Yaroslav learned to read at the age of 3, 5, and now he also constantly reads something himself, but new books, magazines, etc. we read aloud to him. I read somewhere, in my opinion, in "My Child" that a child under 7 - 8 still needs to read aloud, because his perception is such that he is not yet fully able to read himself and at the same time be aware, comprehend what he has read, these "mechanisms" have not yet been debugged.

Natinka, 09.08.06 09:24

Does your daughter read these books herself?
In principle, Yaroslav learned to read St. 3, 5 years, and now he also constantly reads something himself, but new books, magazines, etc. we read aloud to him. I read somewhere, in my opinion, in "My Child" that a child under 7 - 8 still needs to read aloud, because his perception is such that he is not yet fully able to read himself and at the same time be aware, comprehend what he has read, these "mechanisms" have not yet been debugged.

Samara, 16.08.06 15:56

And I bought "Buratino" edited by Vladimirsky, by the way, someone gave a link here, there was a whole list of recommended literature. Disappointed. The text is mercilessly distorted, as it is now called, adapted. Reading is disgusting. There are no chapters as such, so it is inconvenient to read, you cannot read the whole book in one evening. But there are a lot of pictures. The child likes it, but I don’t. I do not like such castrated works.

Darling, 28.08.06 19:23

Samara rather it is not edited by Vladimirsky, but illustrations by Vladimirsky. This is a renowned artist, and this edition really has all the content in pictures. This is still a long-standing Soviet version of Buratino.

Interested. The Bustard Publishing House has released (is releasing?) A gorgeous series "Fairy Tales from Around the World"
First I bought "Two Greedy Bear Cubs. Tales of Eastern Europe" And then it turned out that the series is much larger!
More bought
The Golden King: German Folk Tales
Three Oranges: Italian Folk Tales
Magic Brush: Japanese, Chinese, Korean Folk Tales
English folk tales. Jack is the conqueror of the Giants

Not disappointed in anything. The illustrations are good, the publication is pleasant, the fairy tales are interesting from the point of view of geographical science, again - it's easier for a child to explain about Japan, or Italy ... In short, we read with pleasure.

I looked at the prices on the Internet - in "bookbirds" for 111 rubles.

Desert Rose, 29.08.06 00:12

And I don't even know how I started ... But he loves very much, that's what is gratifying!
Your daughter is great too!

taanmaka, 11.09.06 00:18

I read Temka, interesting ideas I had enough, thanks, I made myself a whole list of books that I need to buy.
Girls, by the way, I somehow caught my eye in some Russian-language newspaper with an article with a list of children's literature, like - the best, or must have (I don't remember exactly, lost). But I remember that of ours there was only one author - Lydia Charskaya.
I remember from the list "Muff, shoe and moss beard", E. Seton-Thompson "Stories about animals".

AlenaT, 11.09.06 06:19

Winnie the Pooh is normal, but the stories behind the cartoons (Soviet) are not in the book.
How strange. The book and the cartoons, of course, are different (ours just amazingly selected all the very best), but in the book that we have, all these stories are

I read about your books and DR Yegor remembered the last one. They gave me some good books (both content and illustrations), but I ordered Lindgren, Dunno in the Sunny City and Bazhov, and gave Hottabych, Tom Soeir and Chippolino

"Mufta, Polbootinka and Mokhovaya Beard" was recently read. The child liked it, but did not become a favorite.

But with great mutual pleasure they read Bazhova and Bianki

Desert Rose, Natinka, our kids are the same age. Egor learned to read at 4.5. He reads himself sometimes, to himself, mostly magazines, in general, not a fan of independent reading, but I'm not in a hurry. Reading at night has been sacred for a long time. We've already read a lot of everything. I wander here on Temko, looking for something else to read.

I saw some books about the adventures of an ancient boy. Unfortunately, I did not remember the name and the author. Nobody read it?

» Added later
taanmaka Charskaya seems to have written about the life of young ladies at the end of the 19th - beginning of the past century. "Siberian girl", "Some kind of princess there" (I beg your pardon, I don't remember) - cool ladies, dorms, school quarrels and intrigues. Somehow, at the age of 15, I read it, I did not like it. Maybe she has something else.

Nelumbo nelumbo, 17.09.06 12:38

QUOTE (AlenaT @ 11 Sep 2006, 04:19)

I saw some books about the adventures of an ancient boy. Unfortunately, I did not remember the name and the author. Nobody read it?

How old is it? Maybe these are the books of Paola Utevskaya? She wrote a lot of historical things for children. She has an interesting book on the development of writing, but this is at least for younger students: the book contains a lot of text and few illustrations. I look at my daughter, she can perceive more complex things, but everything needs to be in pictures (we take the Aglitsky, or rather, it is international, DK publishing house for teenagers - everything is OK).

AlenaT, 19.09.06 03:53

Nelumbo nelumbo, in my opinion, not Utevskaya. The Stone Age is there, sort of. I'll try to stop by the other day to see more precisely, maybe I'll buy one for trial.

AlenaT, 20.09.06 05:10

Here I bought yesterday - Luciano Malmusi "Neanderthal boy at school and at home." All the other books about him have apparently been sorted out. We started reading yesterday. The beginning seems to be nothing. Speech from the perspective of a Neanderthal boy, the way of life of Neanderthals is described, apparently, close to real. I don’t know how it will go further.

The child liked the description of the boy's dad:
"Dad Big Hand very beautiful. A real Neanderthal - when he came to other camps, everyone did not take their eyes off him. Fat as a musk ox, hunchback as a buffalo; the back is round, and the arms are so long that they raked on the ground. And the face is so expressive! There was almost no forehead, and the brow ridges protruded so much that when it rained, he did not even close his eyes. Mouth to ears, huge, with thick lips; and his nose - oh, his nose was the most beautiful in the world: wide, flattened, hairy. "

The author of The Snail and the Whale is Donaldson. He has absolutely charming tales in poetry about Gruffalo. We now have Gruffalo - a favorite character

Yuliko, 09.10.06 15:34

Darling bought one, but weighty ... we read ...

Aku-Aku, Yesterday, 18:33

People, and I experienced such a severe disappointment from the "Snow Queen" A-Ba-Ba-Ga-La-Ma-Gi. With difficulty I got it here in Russian (they sell it in Ukrainian), and there is a cut, mutilated text, not just pieces (paragraphs) were cut out, but individual phrases from sentences. Terrible bloopers and flaws in translation (I wouldn't be surprised if they translated back from Ukrainian). In one place (when The Snow Queen Kaya carried) something like "hung over them a big month, some kind of there (I don't remember) and a big one." From this "big" I almost threw my skates out of grief twice. Somewhere else in the text - just a typo. And we only read this to the old sorceress. I looked at the whole book from all sides - in general, nowhere does it say that the translation is abridged.

I get sick, just get sick from these things. We also bought "The Little Mermaid" and "The Snow Queen" with illustrations by Diodorov and a CD. There, at least, it is admitted that "The Snow Queen" is printed in an abridged form. The translation is said to be the same Hansen as in the case of A-ba-ba-ha-la-ma-gi, but the text is significantly different. Month only once "big" and otherwise decent. But again, the pieces are cut out. It is cruel and incomprehensible why.

I no longer have the strength to look at all this. After all, a well-promoted publication, and Diodorov, in turn, received prizes for his illustrations from the hands of someone there (the Danish queen?), Why not publish the book normally?

At an early age, parents make great efforts to develop and educate their child. Is it worth running in front of the locomotive and making the baby read and count? To force is definitely not worth it. Discourage the desire to learn for life. But, if you approach this issue competently, with knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, you can try to teach a child to read even at 3-4 years old. Forward?!

How to teach a child to read at three years old: where to start

  • Homework should be done in an unobtrusive and entertaining way, remember that playing at this age is all about!
  • Pay attention to the level of development of oral speech.

Are you sure the baby is ready to learn to read and write? If the active vocabulary of the baby is weak, learning can turn into psychological torture for all participants in the process.

  • The ability to navigate in space is of no small importance.

The child should be able to show the main directions (top, bottom, left, right).

  • Draw your baby's attention to books as often as possible.

Your initial task is to get the child interested. Reading should be a welcome activity. Gradually, drawing your baby into the world of literature, you will form a desire to learn.

  • Explore possible ways training tailored to the individual characteristics of your child.

Analyze the experience of other mothers, study the literature.

Doman's Global Reading Method: Advantages and Disadvantages

Glen Doman's technique is one of effective ways, which will help teach a child of three years to read in whole words. You can start classes from six months. Sounds attractive? Do not hurry. Assess the pros and cons, and your willingness to systematically devote time to homeschooling.


· Classes are held without the involvement of specialists;
· You can start practicing from a very early age;
· The manual can be made by hand;
· development logical thinking, memory;
· Accumulation of vocabulary on the main lexical topics.


· The child does not master the traditional reading technique;
· The technique does not work on children over three years old.

What is the essence of the whole word reading method

The essence of G. Doman's technique is that the child mechanically memorizes the whole word.

  • To get started, you need cards 10 by 30 cm in size with words printed in red (this way we attract the attention of the crumbs).
  • When reading with whole words becomes familiar to the baby, you can switch to smaller cards with black letters.

Learning to read words: how is the training going?

  • An adult demonstrates the card for several seconds and reads out the inscription.

Start learning with simple words that the kid is used to hearing every day. Offer the first five cards.

  • When all the words are voiced and shown, we take a break for half an hour.
  • We repeat the procedure.

Do three of these sessions on the first day.

  • The next day, show the previously studied cards, show them in the same way three times.
  • We add five new words.
  • On the third day, plus five more.

On the sixth day, the principle of action changes. Your task is to remove one card at a time with a previously learned word.

If you decide to seriously engage in teaching reading to a three-year-old child, we recommend that you purchase a manual in which the cards are distributed according to the main lexical topics.

You can glue the word boards on the corresponding items. For example, attach a card with the word "door" to the door. In this simple way, you can teach a three-year-old child to read.

Work on the phrase: learning colors, learning verbs

  • When your toddler can confidently read 50 words, you can add verbs.
  • The next stage is work on phrases.

The author of the technique suggests entering the names of the colors. To do this, make cards by choosing the appropriate font color. After the child has mastered the proposed task, you can safely proceed to reading the phrases.

Reading sentences: from simple to complex

  • The next step is to read the sentences.

Do not hurry. It is important that the baby understands the previously learned words well. Phrases must be associated with everyday life child, with his daily routine, favorite toys and loved ones. Start with a few words, gradually spreading the sentence.

Important! Go from simple to complex. Don't overload your baby with information. Praise the baby for the slightest achievement and in no case scold. This is the only way you can teach a three-year-old child to read.

Learning to read at age 3: pitfalls

Psychologists and educators often criticize the above technique. Why?

Subsequently, many toddlers have difficulty learning traditional synthetic reading.

Do not rush to conduct experiments on your own child, consult with specialists who are engaged in early development.

Doman's technique is more often used when working with children with hearing impairments and with non-speaking children. However, the choice is yours. We are sure that your friends and acquaintances will be very surprised when you show them a little reading genius.

A good old primer, or How to teach a child to read at 3-4 years old

Why reinvent the wheel? If you think your child is ready to learn to read, refer to the good old primer. Bookstores have a variety of tutorial options.

Pay attention to Zhukova's Primer. The book has proven itself well and is very popular among parents and teachers.

  • In addition to the ABC book, purchase the Living Alphabet manual.

Place the poster with "talking" letters on the wall at the level of the baby's eyes.

  • Play with the letters in any way you can.

Have you learned the letter A today? Offer the crumb to put it out of beans or pasta. Look for the letter in your child's room with your child. To consolidate the learned letter, use everything that comes to hand. Tights? The letter L. And if you put a sock in the middle? Letter A. Informative and fun.

  • The more associations and examples, the more faster baby will remember letters.

"P" is very similar to a doorway. What does a wall mirror look like? Yes, it's the letter O!

  • Play with words.

Invite your baby to name all the objects in the apartment that begin with a certain sound. This is the initial stage of training in sound analysis.

  • Cubes with letters, magnetic alphabet, stencils, footprints in the snow - all this will help you teach a child to read at three years old.

Learn by playing.
Your task is to form a persistent stereotype: it is easy and very interesting to read.

There are many early development techniques. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Your task is not only to teach your child to read. It is important to interest the kid, demonstrate the fascination of this process, instill a love of reading. We are sure there are experienced parents among you. Tell us in the comments how to teach a child to read at 3-4 years old.